The Most Stubbohjst Skin and Scalp Diseases, the worst forms of Scrofula, all blood -taints and poisons of every name ana nature, are utterly rooted out by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- For every disease by a torpid liver or blood, it is the only so certain and effec- covery. caused AN EXPENSIVE LIGHT. What It Cost an Inveterate Smoker to Ignite Hia Cigar. Inveterate Bmokersv acknowledge that the habit is a most expensive one, but it is seldom that a light for a cigar costs a smoker a fortune, as in the story told by the author of "Glances Back Through Seventy Years." He was an inveterate smoker, having con tracted "a diseased habit of puffing away at a cigar every moment he was not eatintr or sleerjlne." - He smoked only the very best brands, and in those careless days spent, as he says, more for cigars than it afterward cost him to live. "Well, one afternoon a day or two before 'Palmer's Life' was publisnea, j. had been to a prize cattle show at Chelmsford, and then to dinner with the Royal Agricultural society; and on arriving in town by the last train, as I was walking homeward, my cigar un fnrfnimtnlu went out and. much to my tive that it Can be guaranteed, annoyance, I discovered I had no fuses aDOut me. ine fitrecuN tw, vw serted, so there was nobody from whom a light could be obtained. 'On descending Ludgate hill l no ticed that the glass of the gas lamp uerched hurh against the wall just within Belle Sauvage yard was broken. There being a slanting ledge at the lower part of this wall I placed my foot on it and, springing up, succeeded in lighting a paper spill which 1 had im provised, but in my rapid descent one of my feet unluckily caught the edge of the curb aDd I dislocated my ankle and broke the small bone of my leg , 'Quick as thought I wrenched the ankle into its place again, but it was not so easy to unite two pieces of frac tured bone, so I hopped to a neighbor ing post and there awaited the pro tecting peeler's periodic round. 'He came at last and charitably put me into a caD, ana accompanied me MEXICAN HANDICRAFT. impure remedy If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money, back. Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and Swellings, and every kindred ailment, are completely and permanently cured by it. To every 6ufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the case or of how long standing, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say this : "If we can't cure it, perfectly, and permanently, we'll pay you $500 in cash." Sold by all druggists. uMil C2EQ Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry. etc Full strength, iderelopment and tone - given to every organ and tortlon of the body. Imnl. natural methods. Immediate Improvement aeon. Fnilare Impossible. 2,01)0 references. Book, explanation and proofs ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. "The Regulator Lino" The Dalles, Portland anl Aitoria Navigation Co. . THROUGH Freiym ena Pcssenosr Liae Through Daily Trips (SuiiilayB ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locke with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect injr with Steamer Regulator for Th Dalles. . Wonderful Skill In Fashioning Genoa Into ' Carton Shapes. ' It is recorded of the Mexican lapidary to whom was intrusted the fashioning1 of the exquisite weddin?-gif t of Cortez to his wife in 1529 that be was a work man "unusually gifted with a delicate .sure touch, wonderful skill and unpar alleled ingenuity." .. The first of the five, famous emeralds forming the ring1 was in the form of a rose; the second, that of a horn; the third was like unto a fish with eyes of gold; the fourth was like a little bell, with a fine pearl for the tongue.' On the rim of this tiny bell was inscribed, in Latin: "Blessed is he who created thee." " The fifth emerald, the one of greatest value, was fashioned like a lit tle cup, with a foot of gold, and four delicate gold chains were attached to a large pearl as a button. 1 ne edge of this cup was of gold, on which rwas engraved, in Latin: ''Interna tos mu lieruru non surrexit major" Among those born of woman none greater has arisen. ' It is recorded that for just one of these precious gems the almost fabu lous sum of forty thousand ducats was offered, and declined by Cortez. . The sole relic (that can be identified) now in existence of the incredible wealth of ancient Mexico is a gold gob let with the sides rudely repousse, with the representation of a human head, upon one side in full face, on the other in profile, and on the third the back. This wonderful piece of ancient handicraft seems to be of pure gold. It was brought from Mexico and pur chased at Cadiz by Edward Carl, of Ox ford. It is stated that it was once the prop erty of Montezuma. This goblet stands four and a half inches in height; its diameter of lip measure 3 three and a Quarter inches. home. I was carried upstairs, a sur-t Its jht is said to be a little over five a. a a.1 T 1 1 geon was sens lor anu iue ui ukcu iuuu ounces. was set. ' Then I was put to bed. ana told I should have to remain there a month or more. "It was while I was fretting under this involuntary confinement that my partner in 'Palmer's Life' paid me a sympathetic visit ana Dougnt me oui of the speculation for a mere song, i without of course saying a word to me of the phenomenal success our jomt venture had already met with. "Owing to this circumstance I have ' always reckoned that the going out of mv cisrar cost me about fifteen hun dred pounds, which actuaries tell me would,-with compound interest added, have amounted to some six thousand pounds at this date. A sum sufficient, I fancy, to buy up all the 'partagas lm- i periales superfinos' in the world." I How Nmvajos Produce Dye. The Navajos produce the brilliant red. of their blankets from bayeta, a bright scarlet cloth made in eastern cities and raveled by the Indians for the yarn. Their gray is the natural color of some of their sheep; so are their white and' black. They produce a deep yellow from the alder boiled in water and afterward mixed -with im pure native alum. A dull red is pro duced' fiom alder bark. Black is also obtained from the aromatic sumac, yellow ochre and the gum of a species of pine. ' The last dye is essentially an ink. Most of these dyes are produced by elaborate and laborious processes, but the Kavajos also use dyed wools made in eastern mills. Guaranteed Cure. . We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's Kw Discovery fjr Coii8umption,Congh8 and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fait trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the hot tie and have your money refunded. W-e could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King s .New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly'e. CHINESE PUNISHMENTS. A Horrible Phase of Justice Among the I Mongolians." . In December, 1891, I was in Canton. One afternoon I visited the principal law court. Two prisoners in. chains were introduced one an old man, too infirm to walk, the other a youth, tol erably vigorous, but abject and forlorn in demeanor. The presiding mandarin appeared, sat down and sipped hia tea. while an official pattered out a long- oration, presumably an indictment, for the prisoners proceeded, as I un- i Afrtcai'. to mead "not guilty." What followed, savs a .writes in the Specta tor, was this: The old man was held nr. not held down while two stolid Chinamen - flogged him with ' .long. rtliant . canes above the knees. The vouth was divested of his chains. which were then piled up in front of him: Upon these he was compelled to kneel. While his feet, hands and pig tail were all attached by a cord to a post behind him and tightly secured. The cries of the victims and the com plete composure of the spectators were alike discrustingf. I said as much to my guide, whom I generally regarded as an amiable being. His reply was: "This very interesting. I never seen this before," though I have no doubt he had. The explanation of the dread ful scene excuse there could be none was that, by the law of China, no man can be executed until he has confessed his guilt. These two individuals had been convicted beyond doubt of hein ous crimes, but they refused to confess. The alternative before them was exe cution or death by torture, and appar entlv thev preferred the latter. The ceremony I witnessed was to be re peated de die in diem until either life or resolution gave way. How the end came, of course, I never knew. Two of Queen Victoria's Fads. Queen Victoria's conservative fond ness for the things she is used to is shown in the fact that the little ivory paper knife with which to this day she cuts the pages of her new books was in her possession when she was a little princess. The cabins of the royal yacht are still .brightened with the same old-fashioned rosebud chintz which her dead husband liked. . The queen has a particular love for fresh air and sits in' rooms so cold that" no American woman could endure them. A' fortnight ago she had her summer garden tent taken out of its winter quarters and sat in it in the garden for two hours or more for several consecu tive days, signing official documents. Beware of '.ilntmeum fur Catarrh tbat Contain Merearj, As mercury will eurely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange- the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfacea. Such article? should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable phypicianp, as the damage they will do is ten-fold t the good vou can poseitly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J.Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and is taken in- ternallv. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces if the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, uino, ny Chenev & Co. Testimonials free. - JCSild by druggists, price 5c. per per Dottle. fsSSBNOBB KATKS. One way Sound trip . 3.W Every tree has "reserve buds," which develop at the point where a limb has been cut off. The orange grows wild all over trop ical Asia, and is everywhere regarded as indigenous. A L.eacler. SinCe its first introduction, electric All freight, except Car lots, bitters has gained rapidly in popular Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.. vrill de brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received ai any time day or night. ShipmetitP fo way landings must lie delivered tiefort- 6 p.m. Live stock shipments eolicted. Vail on or address,- B. F. W. C. ALLAWAY, - Oeiieral Agent. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the- best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, li ver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive materia from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. .Price only oUo. per bottle.- So'd by Snipes & Kinersly, . -x; PLANT CURIOSITIES. erty that i lars a year. WOOD'S ijLiOfciEOII?ri3. The Great English Remedy. ' Promptly and permanently cores all forms of nervous Weakness-Emissions, Sperm- atorrliea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses. Eecn prescribed over 85 earsln thousands of cases; V""'" "'" est vu-a-idM known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosohodines if be offers some worthless medicine in place of this, leave bis dishonest store. Inclose price in letter, and wo will send by return mall. Price, one package, 61; six, 5. One miU please, six wUl oure. Pamph let In plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Address The W-ood Chemical Co.. let Woodward avenue. Detroit, Mich. Bold In The Dalles by 8nines & Kluersly. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Optics, The Dalles, Or., ( ' March 10, 1894. i Notice is hereby (riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to. make final proof in support of hr claim, and that said proof will be made before the retri liter and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on April su, ltttH, viz. : ' Mary M. Gordon. . Hd. No. 3200. for the 8WW. Sec 32. Tn 4 8. R 13 E She nam eh the following witnesses to prove her -oonanunus resiaence upon, ana cultivation oi, aid land, vis.: Jamea Mm luro, Milt McClure, D. E. Karris, ntu tuacseroy, aii ox w apimua, it. ml4a2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register NOTICE -FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Land Onto, The Dalles, Or.,( Feb. 17. 1894. Notice is hereby eiven that the followine named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in snnport of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the KcjriKter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, Apm ita, issw, viz: Martin M. Waterman, nd. No 3733 for the NH rtK NWJ, and KEW MVW. -ec 27. Td IN. R 14 E. He nnmes the following witnesses to prove his -continuous residence upon and cultivation of amid . U. viz: K. Gilbert, Tne Dalles, O.; AlbriAllen, Boyd, jt.; h. uupln, A. M Alien, i ne Danes, or. Ieb24 . JOHN W. LKWlb.Retfisler. The bop grows wild in Europe from Norway to Italy. The "lour o'clocks" open regularly at four, rain or shine. The roots of a tree are often as ex tensive as its branches. Those who never read the advertise ments in their new papers miss more than they presume. Jonathan Kenison, of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been troubled with rbeumatiem in hia back, arms and shoulders read an item" in his paper about how a prominent German citizen of Fort Maddiaon had been cured. He procured the same medicine, and to use his own words : "It cured me rignt up. tie also Bays a neighbor and his wife were both sick in oea wun rneumatism. ineir boy waa over to my house and said they were so bad be had to do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured me, he got a bottle and it cured them up in a week. . 50 cent bottles for eale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. : - Our better halves gay they could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bkos., Leeds, Iowa. . . This ehws the esteem in which that remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there ia nothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take.- 50 cent bottles for eale by Blaknlv & .llonirhton, druggists AullCtt. To All Whom It Hay Concern: Notice ia hereby given that the com mon council of Dalles City will rec ive sealed bids for the repairing of the city jail at the next regular meeting, to-wit: April 3d, 1S94, at 7:3U o clock p. m. Said repairs to be made in accordance with the plans And specifications thereof heretofore prepared Dy J. J. uranaau. No bid will be received unless the same ia accompanied by a good and. proper bond in the sum of one hundred dollars, conditioned that the bidder will accept the contract in case the same ia awarded to him.. - " - The right to reject any and all bids ia hereby reserved. ' Dated at Dalles City, .Or., this 26th day of March, 1894. Douglas R. Dcfce, Recorder of Dalles City. rom S20 to 5U. East End Second M., Tbe IlaiLns, SUITS MADE TO ORDER 1'aiita 85 to SIO. Perfect fit eunmnte d. Si-rintr and Summer Stvlo now in stock. ew York Weekly Tribune -AND- 31. 75 Bocklen's Arinca salve. The best salve in tne world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin- eraly. NOTICE. To AU Whom It May Concern: . By order of the Common Council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d day of April, 1894, notice is hereby given that said City Council is about to pro ceed to order and makthe improvement of Eighth street in said city, as herein after stated, and that the cost of such iiiiDrovement will be levied upon the uropertv adiacent thereto, and eaul im provement will be made unless within! fourteen davs from the final publication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds of the property adixcent to said street I about to be improved shall file their re monstrance against' such improvement as bv charter provided. lhe improve ment contemplated and about to be made is as follows: To improve Eighth street in said city by building a sidewalk fix feet wide on the south side thereof from Pentland Ptreet to Court street. Said sidewalk i shall be built, constructed and erected in accordance with the provisions of an ordinance to define and establish the width and manner of building sidewalks in Dalles Citv. beine ordinance No. 270, which passed the Common Council of Dalles Citv May 10th, 1893. except as I otherwise hereinbefore specified. Dated this 9th day of April, 1894. - - DODGI-AS S. DOFUK, Recorder of Dalles City. t.33.1 Mrs. Nellie Grant Sabtoris is again tied down in England with her chil dren. Her fatber-iD-law left herprop-: a tilr !, Dnetnn Tailnr at realizes thirty thousand dol- - H . CdUlU, inn - Pallfor People's Party Connty Convention. Notice is herebv eiven thst in accordance with Jns'r.ietimib "f tlic tte Executive i ran ittee I of the People's Party of the S a e ol Oregon, this call is issued to the v--t- rs of each an-i every pre- I cinct in the county of Wsco, that tn primaries of said pnrty will D n. id ai tnepoi ing piuces in each precin-t on Ba'nrdiiy, April 11, beginning at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing d legates io the County Convent on, to be held at the court bonse in The D -lles, on Fri- dav, April '20, at 1 o clock r. M. 'rneonjectoi the (Ltnntv Convent!. n will be the nomination of a lull county tic- et and tn attend to nil other business oeemed necesiry ior ine oeuer organ ization of the pai ty. The following is the basis of representation for each precinct, in accord ance with the vet cast f-.r 8. H. H- It for prei dential elector at the November election, 1S92: - B-gelow 10 Trevitt 8 East Dalits Mosier. Baldwin Columbia Nanst-ne King ley 4 Wamic... 2 Bake Oven 1 Hood hiver West Dalles SI F lis 2 Eieht Mile...; 1 Oeschu es 3 I Dufur 8 Tveh..... 1 Oak Grove 2 Autel pe 2 ...12 Notice. - t Notice ia hereby given that the pay meut of the assessments for the Lincoln street sewer has been extended by the Common council if Dalles city, to "April 19th, 1884. All assespments not paid at that time will be placed in the City Marshal's bandp for colli-ction. Douglas S. Dofub, tlSth Eecorder of Dalles City. c tmtmmS CAVtAld.lMULMAKKSf v uur'rruunio. -r CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to Bl V 8 N & CO.. who have had nearly Of ty years' experience in the patent bosiness. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation eonoernina Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of """"h" ical and sclentiSo books sent free. jraients taken tnrongn Hunn s ca. receive fecial notice in tne Bclentmc Amertrnn. and ma are bromcht widelv before the irablic with out cost to the inventor. This SDlendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tba largest circulation or any scientific work in 1 world. S3 a vear. Samnle cnDies sent freA. Building Edition, monthly, clao a year. Btngle Conies. . . Rrarv mini fwr tvtTitjiiyi tiAnn. tif ul plates, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address a & CO, Hrw Yoke, aol Broadway. w fil Io) FIRST CLHSS 0) E1U It 1 it era. rvn CAN BE HAD AT THE C H RON IC L E OFFI C E Reasonably Rainoos Hates. When the Train stops at THi? DALLES, get eff on the Sooth Side T THE fiEW COMJVlBlfl HOTEIii This larrn and popular House does the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in the city, and at the low rate of Ji.po per Day. - first (Jass (Ieals, 25 Ccipts. OfBew for all Stage X.fnes leavlna; Tbe Dalles for all points in Kastera Oregon mad Kastern Wasbtngrts m. In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Bta. T. T. NICHOLAS, Prppr. All delegates to have credentials nronerly flened. It is d"lrable that'ali nrecincts be fully rc-ureseub-d. By order of .he t'onnty Executive CominilUe. , JOHN W El.TON, ' batrtnan. BETH MORGAN, Secretary. There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood . leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had referenoe to the "JYOO NKF.D ANY JOB PMNTINO, NO MAT TER, HOW MUCH OK HOW LITTLE, GIVE THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY. YOD WILL GET THE BEST, AND THE BEST 13 GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S INK AND BE PROSPEROUS. Clii-Oil Sain 11 e- -m Furim I Carpls at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRICK. . - - UNION ST. A D. BUNfsS Pipe WorK, Tm Eepalrs aufl poling MAINS TAPPED TJjNDER PRESSURE. , Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Kuse - Blacksmith Shop.