The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 14, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. VII.
NO. -98. 77
Jnflge Dunn's Orders to tne Union
Pacific Receiyers. .
The Leaders of Coxey's Army at Loggerheads-President
Dole Drawing
Dp a Constitution!.
,Omaha, April 13. Judge Dandy has
ordered the wages of Union Pacific em
ployes restored to the old rate. The
orders apply to employes whose wages
were cat last September. Where the
men receive less than (60 per month the
incrense is to date the 1st of last March.
The inf-rease of others will date from
April lt. '
The Industrial Army.
Addison, Pa., April 13. Coxey's
array today began its tramp over the
mountains. Many would desert but fear
the Winchesters of the mountaineers.
A clash of authority occurred between
Corey, Browne and Smith, who detest
each other. . Coxey has disappeared,
ostensibly in search of provision.
Bread for Kelley's Army.
Chjcyenne, April 13. The bakers have
been working all night to prepare for
Kelley's army. Members of the army
generally desire to go to Denver and
probably will do so. Trainmen pu
nounce the recruits orderly, having no
trouble on the trip. . The army is ex
pected at 3 p. in.
Praldent Dole la Busy Drawing; Up the
Kew Constitution.
San Francisco, April 13. The steamer
Monowai arrived today with Samoan ad
vises up to March 28 and Honolulu news
of April C.
' Quietness prevails at Honolulu.
President Dole is reported busy drawing
up the new constitution to be submitted
to the convention to be held in May.
The proposed convention is now the
main subject of discussion. The election
of delegates it to be held May 2, and the
registration of voters is now proceeding
Only 547, however, have yet taken the
oath necessary to qualify as e'ectors,
These are nearly all whites and Portu
guese. 1 he royalists are exerting every
influence to keep the natives from going
to the polls, arguing that the pro
visional government is not the gov
ernment of the Hawaiian people.
The new constitution as pro
posed by Dole will provide for
an executive council, as at present con
stituted, and a legislature to be formed
by appointment. The upper house or
senate will be composed of 24 members
appointed by the president, vice-president
and the executive council for two
years. .In the lower house 40 members
will be appointed by the executive coun-
cil and eenutors. When the executive
council, senators and assemblymen have
been agreed upon, they are to be called
together to promulgate a second consti
tution and to fix. the date of a general
election of government officials.
Another London Scandal.
London, April 13. A well-known in
structor of music, having the entree of
the most aristocratic society and a mem
ber of several prominent clubs, has fled
- the country as a result of exposure,
He taught music in an institution at
tended by the daughters of the best
families, and by casting a religious
glamor over his acts accomplished the
ruin of ten or a dozen young ladies,
The rules of the institution require three
ladies to be present when, instruction
was being given, but thiB was prevented
by two keeping guard so that the pro
feasor and the third lady could not be
interrupted. This caused the pupils to
intrigue with each other for their own
destruction. His wife was a consenting
party, having been persuaded, like the
girls, that the old sins were the rites of
a new religion, of which the professor
was the prophet. Several girls fled
with the professor.- . The names are
. kept from the public.
Sure Shot Squirrel Poison at Snipes &
Kinersly's. ;
To Bead For The Care.
It is said on good authority that an
expedition will leave Portland on or
about July 1, heading for the recently
discovered great cave situated in Joseph
ine county at the southern extremity of
this state. While no one as yet knows
the full extent of this "hole in the
ground," explorations have been made
far enough to dieclose the fact that the
famous Mammoth cave of Kentucky is
by far its inferior in every particular.
Another party is being organized at San
Francisco for the same purpose, that of
exploring the cave. The excursion
from the city of Portland will make the
trip on horseback, with pack animals,
visiting en route Three" Sisters, Diamond
Peak, Crater Lake, Mount Pike, Fort
Klamath and Klamath reservation.
The company will contain several East
ern tourists in addition to an artiet and
geologist. Ranch Bill, the scout, has
been secured to lead the expedition.
Mitchell spoke against the tariff bill
Friday. "
Of 109 members of the Rhode Island
legislature elected last week, 104 are re
JohruT. Davis, dry goods dealer, the
richest man in Missouri, is dead. He
leaves $25,000,000.
War has broken out between loyalists
and rebels in Samoa. Thirty have been
killed and 50 wounded so far.
News is ' received by. the Brazilian
minister at London that the insurgent
vessels were repulsed in the bay of Rio
Grande and escaped to sea.
The president has appointed a negro
politician, C. H. J.Taylor by name, to
be recorder of deeds for the District of
Columbia. It is worth $30,000 a year.
David Dudley Field died suddenly
Friday morning of pneumonia. Field
was 89 years old. His death occurred at
his residence at Grammecy park, Kew
York. ' .
They Thought a Red-Haired Paleface
Something of a Freak of Mature.
Twenty years ago the Indians in
Colorado knew but little of the white
man, and nothing1 hardly of his ways
or habits except from tradition.
Among the people who went to settle
in Colorado at " that time, says
Golden Days, was a man with very red
hair. He and his party were thrown
among the Indians,, who thought at
first that his hair-was painted, just as
they painted their own bodies and
An old chief came up to him one day
and looked at his hair very carefully
"Ugh!" said he.
And then, turning to the interpreter
who had the party in charge, ' he
wanted him to ask the man where he
got the kind of paint that would color,
and yet not be greasy or look dauby.
lie was tola tnat tne man s hair .was
not painted, but he would not
believe- it. He once more walked
up to the man and scrutinized
his locks, runnipg .his hand through
them and looking at his fingers.
The red-haired man became a little
nervous, and half fancied that the chief
was calculating how nice a- red scalp
would look hung to his belt. The in
terpreter, however, laughingly told the
man what the chief had said.
Two or three more of the Indians
then gathered around the party, and
they and the interpreter had a pow
wow. Finally the interpreter asked
the man if he would object to putting
water on his bair. ; . "
He saw that the Indians would not
believe but that it was painted, until
they saw that tho water would not
wash the color out. The man took
seme water, rubbed it on his hair and
then showed his hands to them. But
it took four or five days of wondering
-examination to convince them that he
had not found somepeculiar paint, and
got himself , up in a bright red suit of
James I. of England had a horror of
a naked sword, and could not look at
one without shuddering and turning
pale. It was caused by an antenatal
influence, the murder of Rizzio having
shortly preceded his birth.
Poison the squirrels. Sure Shot at
Snipes & Kinersly's.
Now ia the time to kill squir r els. Sur
Shot at Snipes & Kinersly's.
; Imperial bicycle, lightest and best to
date. See J. M, Huntington & Co. .
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
II f "J
1 QWs n rs$f rrs
"As old as
the hills" and
never excell-.
ed. "Tried
and proven "
ia the verdict ,
of millions.
Liver Regu-y-
lator ia the
'. rir T't'm only Liver
JL-00 and Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for t ta
c u r e. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely - veg
etable, act-"
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry ormadeintoa tea.
The King of liver Medicines. '
"I have used your Simmons Liver Regu
lator and can conscienclously say It Is the'
kinof all liver medicines, I consider It a
medicine chest In Itself. Geo. W. JACK-
BON, Tacoma, Washington. .
Hslb the Z Stamp- ia red. on wrapper.
1 na
Slug Three" at the California Mid
winter Exposition.
San Francisco, April 10, '93.
Editor Chronicle:
It is a very difficult thing for one who
is trying to "do" a city like San Fran
cisco in two or three weeks to find time
in which to write, especially when writ-
ng is out of their line. But when the
city has about "done" them, there is
nothing left to do but to take a few hours
"off" and in the meantime ecribble a
few lines for fear the threats made in
case a letter was not forthcoming may be
carried oat.
As to the trip down : So calm was
the ocean that but few of the many
passengers on board the Columbia have
any idea from that trip what rocking on
the billows really means, indeed I must
say it seemed so much like a trip down
the Columbia river that I was somewhat
disappointed, for when one has deter
mined to try all of the cures for seasick
ness which has been given by friends its
toobad to inies a good chance. We were
also very fortunate in having on board
as jolly a crowd as could be imagined,
among whom were the councilmen of
Omaha, Neb., twenty-two in number.
Then there were two professors of music
and one comedian among the passengers,
so you see we had concerts, dances, etc.,
but to me walkingor sitting on deck was
far ahead of sitting in music hall even
though we were highly entertained
Well, when we reached the city, we
were somewhat disappointed in not find
ing the mayor, down to meet us, but got
into a sort of a dry .goods box with
wheels on, where a man' charged us five
cents to let him punch holes in a piece
of cardboard, and were soon at a hotel
Now if any one from The Dalles is a
cftmin' down here, they'd better not
stay at a hotel, for in the one where we
stayed there-was a pipe which must
have connection with the lower regions,
for when you turn a little screw and put
a match to it it burns, and if you blow it
but you're liable to die of gastric fever,
and go to the other end of the pipe.
' Now San Francisco is a "right smart
little town," and compares very favora
bly Ith The Dalles, only they don't
have crushed rock on their streets. I'm
goin' to tell 'em about it. A good many
of the streets must have been built for
toboggan slides, they're all up and down
hill, and although the view of the bay
and golden gate is beautiful when once
at the. top, one is compelled to take a
car if they intend to go more than a few
blocks. The weather at present is all
that could be wished for, and one does
not need a wrap or overcoat except very
early in the morning or late at night.
The flowers here are wonderful,' and on
every corner may be seen large baskets
of violets, roses, lilacs and numerous
flowers for sale, which in Eastern Ore
gon are just leafing out ; but the fruit
trees are just blossoming. ,. .
We Bpent one day of last week in Oak
land, and it Is certainly a delightful
place in which to live. While there we
met several former Dallesites, among
them Mr. H. Glaaier and Mr. and Mrs.
T.J.Nichols. . - -
- You will no doubt be surprised that
we were in the city a number of days be
fore attending the fair. Not because, as
is commonly reported at is a
"mudwinter imposition," but because so
many other things have attracted, and
we knew the fair would keep. Of course
I suppose the opinion of a "hayseed,"
who has few opportunities of seeing any
Gome in
Dae Season
; OX"
Dress GoMs,
Specialty in
5 c per Yard.
Llama Cloth, Challis,
Sateen, Crepon,
Irish Lawn,
Pongee Silk, &c, &c.
Specialty in
5 c per Yard.
Largest and Latest Assortment in Dress Trimmings.
larger cities than Grand Dalles, and that
through a field glaes, or of mingling
with the outdide world generally, would
hardly be authority ; tut our party has
decided that our visit to a fev of the
buildings yeeterday ; indeed I may say
the art building, has .fully repaid ua for
coming, and some of our party may be
considered judges. ..The illumination in
the evening is grand, and a we .watched
the electric fountain playing and listened
to the fine band last night, we were
"glad we were livin'." The attendance
yesterday was not large, . but Sunday
there were 14,000 on the grounds. We
visited Golden Gate Park that day, and,
as is the case with everything else to be
seen, althongh to us it is worthy of a
good description, we are not competent
to attempt it. -
Tomorrow is Berkeley, day, as well as
rose day at the' exposition, and will no
doubt be one of the days, and we Intend
to make the most of it. When we have
seen more of the fair will be able to tell
more about it. However, if you ae not
sorry that you . insisted on our writing,
am afraid that some of our readers may
make you so by "stopping a paper"
which contains Buch nonsense. If . so,
charge it up to
...... v Slug Tbbek.
Go' to the Columbia Packing Co. 'a
Central Market 'for choice sugar cured
ham, at 12 cents a pound.
Ask your grocer for Columbia Packing
Co. '8 smoked meats and lard. Insist on
their prices and accept no substitute.
Boneless hams at 11 cents;- select
breakfast bacon at 12 cents per lb;
chice kettle leaf lard, 5-lb pails? 55 cents ;
10-1 b pails at $1 at the Columbia Pack
ing Co.'B Central Market.
There is no necessity for buying East
ern smoked meats and lard when you
can secure a better article of home pro
duction for less money. Call at the
Central Market and examine the Col
umbia Packing Co.'s meats and prices,
and be convinced.
Late News from Brasll.
Buenos Aykrs, April 13. Itis reported
here that the states of Bahia and Per
nambuco have revolted against Peixoto.
A Bio Grande do Sul dispatch Bays the
federal troops have completely routed
the insurgents in that state. -.
.' It will be an agreeable- surprise to
persons subject .' to attacks of - bilious
colic to learn that prompt relief may be
had by taking 'Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and-. Diarrhoea Remedy. In
many instances the attacks may be pre
vented by taking this remedy as soon as
the first symptoms of : the disease ap
pear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakely & Houghton.
Vor Sale. .
A fine phaeton and single barnecs,
nearly new. - Inquire at this office. '.
- Hawortb the printer, at. home 116
Court St., Feb. 1st.
for Infants and Chndrers- '
THIRTY yearn' observation of Castoria with the patfonagn of
v millions of persons, permit pa to speak of it without encasing. '
It is'nnqnestinnaply th host remedy for Infanta and Children
the world haa ever fcnown. ' Tt Is harmless. Children lifco it. It
gives them health. It will save their- lives. Tn It Mothers have.
eometTitng which is absolutely safe and practically perfect, mm a,
ohUd's medicine.
. Castoria destroys Torms.'
Castoria allays Fevorishnesg. - .
Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cnrd. i
Castoria cares Piarrhcea and ytnd Colic
Castoria relieves Teething Tronhlea.
Castor! onrcg Constipation and Flatulency. ' ,
Castoria neutralizes tho effects of carhonio acid gas or poisonous airy
Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotio property. '
Cantoria assimilates tho food, regnlatos tho stomach and howels, j
' ' ' giving hfalthy and patera! sleep. ' "! i
Castoria Is pnt Tip in one-sjge pottles owly. It is not sold in hnlfc.
2Dont allow any one to sell yort anything ele oa the plea or promise.
tWtit iaajnt as good" and "will answer every purpose.
- : Pee that yon ft C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fao-rimfls
fignatoro cf
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
This well-known Bnwery" is now- turning out the beet Beer and Porte
east of the Cascades.: The latest appliances for ihe manufacture of (food health
fu! Rfr haw htn jnrriMlui-ed, and on' y the' tirtt-clse article will be p acetl on
b-''n"!ft.A '" ' - ..-' " " ' . " ' '" ' . " -l; ' ' -:. '
'"'' Hand-Corded Coreetfv' Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, .
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. '
Where ?
T ! At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north-
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
j w.ill be fitted before being finished. ' Call at the fac
torv and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
. office, and our agent will call and secure your order.