1SII To tH Public -.-.': -v-.;.,, 8 full . , . ? , J LUTE g& ALL GOODS MARKED IN HT PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Poatofflce at The Dalies, Oregon, as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Onr price price flruieU ul N.T. Trilne $2.50 $1.75 " i4 Wwklj Orfgoiui . .. 3.00 2.00 " ud laerieu Firmer 2.00 1.75 " ui leClsrai Iiguii 1. 3.00 2.25 " ui Tit Detroit free Presi ..... 3.00 2.00 " tU Coweptlitai lufiiii 3.00 2.25 " 1 Prairie Firmer, Ckiesge . . . 2.50 2.00 " ui 61le-Demotrit,(-w)8t.leiui 3.00 2.00 f.oeal Advertising:. 10 Cauu ytst line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on tale at I. C. Nickelsen's store. TUESDAY, APR. 10, 1894 APRIL ANNOTATIONS. Letrei From the Kotebook of Cnronlcle Reporters. That merchant to himself denies The profits he might realize, If In a policy unwise. He fails to freely advertise, The salmon fishing season opens today. Observe the new advertisment of C F. Stephens, top of second page. I. N. Bay has just patented a rock drilling and boring machine. Herman McDonald, the diphtheria patient, has recovered, -and the house has been fumigated. Horticultural meeting this evening at the Court house. Every fruit-grower should attend by all means. Gilliam county is ahead. Only ten divorce cases on the docket at this term of the circuit court in that county. It is reported that the Leonard bridge on John Day, was carried away by the recent high water in that stream. . The opera chairs for the new armory i and opera bouse came up on the Regula tor last evening. Mr. Fish is leaving nothing undone to make this institution the favorite pleasure attraction of the city. V To subscribers to The Dalles Tel-Ex - cnange lhe linemen are now ready to put in your telephones, and kindly ask that you have the place selected where you wish them put, so as not to detain them. ' , The salmon season opened last night at 12 o'clock. As far as is known, the law was fully complied with. There ports from the several wheels and other appliances for the catch, not a fish was caught, contrary to expectations. The fiver ia muddy and rising and that may account lor the failure. Copies of the Arlington Eecord are being distributed with a long account of the miraculous cure of a "drunken old soldier." Eats ! If he had kept his subject with him all the time, instead of those seven days he (the subject) per haps would not have made so many bad breaks. We would give a bit to hear the writer of that yarn read it to a Lexing ton congregation. That dodge is played out. Elder. Try something new. Lex ington Cor. in Gazette. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. " Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not express' din fancy; rich, not gaudy! For the apparel of t proclaims the man" Before selecting the manufacturer from -whom to purchase our finer Clothing for Spring, we looked over many different lines, and after much study and careful deliberation, finally chose the Suitings which we now present for your inspection. The manufacturer from whom we purchased having also retail establishments in New York, Chicago, St. Louis and other large Eastern cities, where they cater to the best retail trade, must necessarily be in close touch with the times, and our goods are therefore all that can be asked for as regards style, cut, fit and finish. Make your selection from onr stock and you will be wearing suits similar in de sign, cut by the same tailors, as the well-dressed men walking down Broadway, New York City. PEASE & MAYS. . FRUIT GROWERS. Meeting of Horticulturists at The Court Bouse Tonight. The programme for the afternoon was unavoidably postponed on account of the democratic convention. The following programme will be given this evening : Music. Band Address of Welcome Mayor Response Dr. Cardwell Music. Paper.. Mrs. A. P. Brooks Discussion. Music. Paper. Henry E. Dosch Discussion. Music. Paper Music Band Adjournment. Mr. S. A. Clark of Salem, secretary of the horticultural society, arrived last night, and the entire commission is ex pected to be in attendance tonight, com prising Dr. Cardwell of Portland, Mr. Morris of Southern Oregon, R. D. Allen and H. E. Dosch of the Willamette valley, James Hendershot of Eastern Oregon and E. Schanno of The Dalles. Dr. Blalock.of Walla "Walla and Major Wilson are also expected to be present. A Correction. Editor Chronicle: In yonr issue of the 7th, inst., in speaking of the extension of time for the payment of taxes, you say: "After consultation with the district attorney, and an opinion rendered by him, the court concluded that he could not legally extend the time for payment - of taxes without invalidating the roll." This is directly the reverse of the opinion I gave the court. I have said all along and say yet, that an extension wouM not invali date the roll ; that the law fixing the time for the return of the roll is direct ory, not mandatory, and a strict com pliance ' therewith is not required. While an order extending the time would be harmless, I think It would be without any binding force. In other words, it would amount to no more than a recom mendation to the sheriff to allow further time, and the sheriff might obey it or disregard it at his option. - This being the case, and the sheriff expressing a willingness not to make any additional expense, before May 1st, the court thought it advisable to issue the warrant at this time and eo ordered. W. H. "Wilson. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. .The Assignee's sale of jewelers' goods from W. E. Garretson's store will be re sumed .Wednesday April 11th at half past 1 p. m., and continued each day until every thing is sold. Sale to be in the building formerly, occupied by Sam Klein on Washington street. I For Sale. A fine phaeton and single harness, nearly new. Inquire at this office. City Wartnti. -. All those holding city warrants of date prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest on same ceases after this date. - ." , I. I. BVBGET , City Treasurer. Ths Dam.es, Or., Jan. 8, 1894. . Joles, Collins & Co. are rnnning a free feed yard for the accomodation of their customers. ' , daw Ifismngjaekie Hamlet. ' . (r AND COUNTY DEMOCRATS. Hon. J. B. Condon Chosen Chairman by Acclamation. Ten Delegates for the State Convention --Mr. I.. K. Morse of Hood River ' for Sheriff and Ed. Martin . for Clerk. The democratic county convention convened in the court house shortly after 10 o'clock. Mr. E. Schutz, chair man of the central committee, made a brief speech, in which he. said that as chairman of the central committee he had performed his labors as best he knew and it was for the convention to say if they were satisfied or not. Re ferring to purity of elections he said the last two democratic campaigns had got through with an expense of $200. Nominations for chairman being in order, Mr. J. B.' Condon was named. No other nominations were made and he was elected by acclamation. In like manner Mr. R. Hollingshead was chosen for secretary and Mr. D. L. Cates for assistant secretary. The following committees were ap pointed: Order of business J L Story, S F Blythe, M V Harrison, John Doyle and W I. Warren. ' Credentials S B Adams, Hugh Glenn, T J Sufert, T Glavey, L Klinger, A Dufur, Henry Maier. To district the county for state con vention Henry Pitman, W. T. Mc Clure, John Parker, John- Filloon, W H Van Bibber. Resolutions E Schutz, J P Mc- Inerny, R V Gibons, G T Prather, Ed Wagonblast. ' ' Adjourned till 1 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON. On reconvening at 1 o'clock, the com mittee on order of -business reported as follows: j The nomination first of clerk, the: sheriff, treasurer, commissioner.asseaaof, school superintendent, coroner, surveyor, delegates to state convention, ratifica tion of precinct officers, adoption of reso lutions, election of county central com mittee. The committee on districting the county for delegates to the state conven tion reported a total of 10 delegates for the county. ' ' The committee on credentials reported the following entitled to. sit in the" con vention: West Dalles A S Bennett, (prox. by H C Nielson) F Lempke, W H Van Bibber, H S Ward, Michael Doyle, Henry S Maier, John Singleton. : Trevitt Wm De Wolf (prox. by Thos. McCoy), F J Clark, H Glenn, Wm Van Bibber, jr., J L Story, James Brennan, J. P Mclherny, E C Phirman. Bigelow Wm McCrum, jr., Bert.Wil liams (prox. by G W Rowland),, Jack Harper, J.B Condon, S B Adams, R' V Gibons, Jack Donahue (prox. by Ben Wilson), ,W 2T Wiley (prox. by'jE Schutz), John ' Cates, Pat Fagan,: D C Ireland (proxV by J H Jackson). East "Dalles R ; E .Williams, . W A Cates, -.Wm Cummin gs, T J Seufert, John-Filloon,. Adam Kaufman (prox. by M Doyle), Wm Cashing John Blazer. Columbia Wm Shelly, A W Wilson prox. by Wm Shelly), August Deckert Wapinitia H M Derthick, H T Coram. Mosier Lark Lamb, Wm T.McClure. Dufur A J Dufur, jr., L J Klinger, H M Pitman, J Corcoran. I Garden Tools, V which 0 -vsre'' ' ? , . are' SEIililG CHEAP. Give us a call and be convinced. Maier & Benton. Kihgsley T W Glavey, M Callahan (prox. by M W Glavey,) Geo Friend, Jaa. Ward. Wamic H F Woodcock, James Zum- walt, I D Driver, John Zumwalt. Tygh John Hollingshead, E C Fitz- Patrick (prox. by J H Hollingshead), Dave Crabtree. Baldwin Joseph A Knox, David R Cooper. West Hood River S; F Blythe, Geo T Prathers Henry Prigge, John Parker, M V Harrison, Wm Mercer. East Hood R'iver C A Bell (prox by J E Hanna), V Winchel, Wm Jackson, S Copple, J E Hanna, S Copple, (prox to R A Copple) . Falls D L Cates, J H McDonough, K McKenzIe,' - (prox by H J Knightly, A J Knightly, T C Benson, (prox by A M Barrett). Nansene J O Warner, Polk Butler, J W Moore, (prox by Polk Butler). & Mile J R Doyle, Charles. Wagon blast, Harry Mahear. Des Chutes J B Havely, Jos Kelly, W L Ward. Bake Oven Tom Burgess, (prox by Wm Young), F S Flemming, (prox by WS Norman). Antelope W H Silvertooth, (prox by L O Porter), L O Porter, N W Wallace (prox by L O Porter). Then followed nomination for county officers. There was but one nomination tor clerk, Mr. Ed. Martin, and he. was nominated by acclamation. For sheriff Henry Phirman of The Dalles and L. E. Morse of Hood River were placed in nomination. Through out the counting of ballots there was al most an oppressive stillness, and the tie was maintained between the' two men almost to the close. Eighty-nine ballots were found, of which Phirman received 42, Morse 46, blank 1, and Morse was de clared the nominee of the convention. ' For county treasurer, R. E. Williams and Orion Kinersly were nominated. The result was Williams 48, Kinersly 40. . " . '. . For county commissioner the names of C. W. Magill, J. C. Wingfield and F. M. Jackson were named. The first bal lot resulted Magill 15, Jackson 35 and Wingfield 37. The second ballot gave Magill 19, Wingfield 37, Jackson 32. A third ballot resulted in Magill 8, Wing field 43, Jackson 35. Magill withdrew, and Wingfield was elected on the fourth ballot by a vote of 53 to 32. " . For assessor was presented the names or W. M. Pitman and W. T. McClure. The vote resulted in Pitman 63, Mc Clure 22. For superintendent F. S. Gordon and Aaron Frazer was nominated. The ballots gave Frazier a majority, vote 54 to 32. For coroner John Cates was chosen by acclamation. A recess was' then taken of thirty minutes. '.''.'.."'- The woman who works, and is tired, will find a special help in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Perfectly harm less in any condition of the female sys tem. It promotes all the natural func tions, and builds up, strengthens, regu lates and cures. : For every woman ap proaching confinement, nursing mothers, and every- weak, run-down, delicate woman, it is an invigorating, supporting tonic that's peculiarly adapted to their needs. ' But it's more than that, too. It's the only guaranteed remedy for all the func tional disturbances, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses of womanhood. In "female complaints" of every kind, periodical pains, bearing-down sensa tions, internal inflammation, and kin dred ailments, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Come in and look over our assortment and be convinced that we have the best general stock of Merchandise in Eastern Oregon, which we bought at figures that defy competition, in our line . of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and QTJEENS - WARE, BOOTS and SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, HAY, GRAIN. FEED of all kinds. We solicit your patronage, and can guarantee that you -will be pleased "with both goods and prices. ; Yours for business, Joles, GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE WILL, BE N. x3 COMMENCING -WE WILL HARRIS Bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing. . , Bargains in Dress G-oods. r Bargains in Embroidery in Laces. V Bargains in Boots and Shoes. . Bargains in Gents' Furnishing G-oods. 1 ' Bargains in Hats and Caps. Bargains in Gents' Neckwear. Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hose. Bargains in Ladies' Summer Underwear. Bargains in Towels and Napkins. ' ' We defy competition, as our prices are the lowest. P. S. Heavy Copper Riveted Overalls and Jumpers at 50c, and 20 yds. of Fine Prints for $1 at all times. GOME AND SEE: at Price GENTS' YOUTHS' BOYS' CLOTHING .Good Boys' Suits SPECIAL VALUES I3sT : Stapl e pai?ey Dry (joods, Boots - and. Shoes. Ginghams, Calicos, ffluslins TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. GEHDIp CLOSING OtlT SilM o M. HONYWILL'S NEW STOCK C BOOTS AND '' . .: ' ' , - . Fixture for Sale. Collins & Co. MADE AT APRIL 5, 1894,ix- GIVE YOTJ- N. HARRIS. -IN- GENTS VOI ITU C X BOYS' from $2.00 up. and Overalls, at Cut Prices. MERCHANDISE STORE Reduction op- SHOES, .ETC- . , . ; ' Store to JUet