The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 09, 1894, Image 3

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    V fTnn-f TlnriniTTnrl
the Public.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
' Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
" price price
..$2.50 $1.75
3.00 2.00
.'. 2.00 1.75
.. 3.00 2.25
. . 3.00 2.00
.. 3.00 2.25
Ckreiicle aid K. T. Tribiie
" aid Weekly Orfjeaiaa .....
" aid Aaerini Farmer
" ud IcClnre'i lagaziie ....
aad Tie Detroit Free Presa . .
" ud Cwntpolitu Macaiiie. .
" aad Prairie Farmer, Ciieaga . ; . 2.50
" aad C!obe-DtB8crat,(8-)St.Ionis3.00
Local Advertising;.
10 Ceiits per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's ttore.
- APR 9, 1894
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
There's nothin' like the weddin'
Fer to make a feller learn :
Fer he thinks that she is his'n, .
But finds out that he is hcr'n.
The track baa been relaid as far as
Moaier with heavy rails.
The democratic county convention
meets in The Dalles tomorrow;
Peach trees are fairly in blossom. The
crop will be light this season.' There
will be a very heavy crop of the other
Circuit court meets today at Condon,
county seat of Gilliam county. Judge
Bradshaw and Prosecuting Attorney
Wilson left for the scene ot their labors
Saturday night. ' .
On the' 15th a regular passenger train
will run from Heppner to Portland,
passing through The Dalles about the
same time as the local. The mixed
train will then be discontinued.
As soon as practicable toe coming
summer another party of scientific men
will come from the East for the purpose
of more thoroughly prospecting the
wonderful richness of the John Day
fossil beds.
The book party will be given Thurs
day night at Chrysanthemum halL It
is desired that all who attend will rep
resent the title of some book, but the
rule is not compulsory. Admission,
with ice cream and cake, 25 cents.
The social to be given for the benefit
of the Woodmen of the World, Tuesday
night, April 10th, is postponed one
month by order of the committee.
W. H Young, Chairman.
Joles, Collins & Co. are running a free
feed yard for the accomodation of their
customers. ' daw
The assignee's sale of jewelers' goods
from W. E. Garretson's store will be re
sumed Wednesday April 11th at half
past 1 p. m., and continued each- day
until every thing is sold. Sale to be in
the building formerly occupied by Sam
Klein on Washington street.
v . For Sale.
A . fine phaeton and single harness,
nearly new. Inquire at thia office.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
" Cosily thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy !
tJie apparel oft proclaims the
Before selecting the manufacturer from -whom to purchase our finer Clothing
for Spring, we looked over many different lines, and after much study and careful
deliberation, finally chose the Suitings which we now present for your inspection.
The manufacturer from whom we purchased having also retail establishments in
New York, Chicago, St. Louis and other large 'Eastern cities, where they cater 10
the best retail, trade, most necessarily be in close touch with the times, and our
goods are therefore all that can be asked for as regards style, cut, fit and finish.
Make your selection trom our stock and you will be wearing suits similar in de
sign, cut by the same tailors, as the well-dressed men walking down Broadway,
Kew York City.
X.adies of If one
Fern Lodge No. 25, Ladies of Honor,
a ladies auxiliary to the A. O. U. W.,
was organized Saturday night with the
flourishing membership of 80. Follow
ing is the list of officrs :
Past Chief of Honor Mrs. Elizabeth
Joles. .
Chief of Honor Mrs. Mary S. Myers.
Lady of Honor Mrs. Mamie Brlggs.
Chief of Ceremonies Mrs. Annie
Financier Mrs. Jane Russell.
Receiver Mrs. Jane Willerton.
Recorder Mrs. Evelyn S. Eshelman.
Inside Watchman Mrs. Ollie Steph
ens. Lady Usher Mrs. Alice Runyon.
Outside Watchman Mr. J. H. Blake
ney. '
Trustees Mrs. Mary Nichols, Mrs.
Emma Doane, Mrs. J. H. Blakeney.
The order is purely a social one,'in
which the wives, mothers, - sisters or
daughters of Workmen may be members.
The lodge is apt to grow into the hun
dreds. -
Racing; News.
Some' good racing horses went below
on the Regulator this morning. "Anita"
goes to Witch Hazel farm and goes into
training, while "Joe Woods"goes to Port
land. At the fair groundu there is a number
of good horses in training. Mr. Wise
man has "Des Chutes," J. O. Mack has
"Nehalem," Andy Allen has two un
knowns, J. P. Mclnerny has "Rockland
Boy," and Thomas Allen has a new
horse belonging to Wm. Gilmore, of
which great things are predicted. He
will be named "Billy Gilmore,'? is a 5
y ear-old gelding, and has never been on
the turf. . , . "
The Agricultural College.
Special Correspondence.
The boys have been busy during the
past week clearing the baseball diamond
for the coming season.
The prize of five dolllars offered by
Mr. J. M. Nolan for the best written
advertisement about his new spring dry
goods stock, which was only open to the
O. A. C. male students was won by P.
Prof. Coote has just returned from
Newberg, where he has been attending
a horticultural meeting.
Mr. T. T. Swan, a graduate of the O.
A. .C. is visiting his old friends at this
The students dance which was post
poned from the 29th of March on ac
count of the death of Mr. Belknap, will
come off Friday night the 6th of April.
Prof. Coote has planted some shade
trees just outside of the foul line of the
base ball diamond which will . in the
near future invite many spectators to
the ball boys practice.
The sheverans for the officers of the
cadet companies of the O. A. C. have
been ordered by Lieut. Dentler at Cin
cinnati, Ohio.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Imperial bicycle, lightest and best to
date. See J. M. Huntington & Co.
Death of K. BI. Belknap.
Cobvalub. Arjril 5. 1894.
The stars and- stripes floating at half
mast from the flagstaff of the O. A. C.
last Thursday morning, announced the
death at 8 o'clock on the previous even
ing, of Edward M. Belknap, chief in
structor in the mechanical hall. His
death was not unexpected, as his disease
was consumption, and for more -than two
weeks he had been confined to his bed.
The funeral occurred on Friday after
noon, and in solemnity and attendance it
was in keeping with the dead man's re
cord as an honorable citizen duiing his
life in this community.
On account of his connection with the
college, the students were dismissed for
the day and the funeral services were
held in the college chape.l. Many potted
plants and flowers from the green house
were distributed about the stage, and at
2 o'clock friends and acquaintances
crowded the spacious room in such num
bers as to force the reflection that those
who knew him in life were not unmind
ful in death.
; The services were under the direction
of the Masonic fraternity, of which he
was a veteran and ardent member. The
sermon was" conducted by Rev. Herman
Gould of the IT. E. church, Mr. Bel
knap's pastor. Mr. Gould told many in
cidents indicating the purity and, in
tegrity of the character of the deceased,
whose words when told that death was
near at hand, , were simply "It's all
right." The services concluded, the 400
or 500 friends present passed the casket
and took a last look at the white face,
and out on the campus formed into a
funeral train. The, procession was
headed by the cadets, 120 in number,
and was nnder the direction of Lieut.
Dentler, grand marshal, and S. L. Hen
derson, aide. Then came the young lady
students, the faculty, the order of the
Eastern Star, and Corvallis lodge, A. F.
and"AM., with hearse,- pall bearers,
William Groves, J. C. Young, J. O.
Wilson, J.H.Wilson, J. F.Yates and
William Yates, and the bereaved family
and friends in carriagee. .
The interment occurred in Crystal
Lake cemetery nnder the beautiful ritea
of the Masonic order, conducted most
impressively by W. T. Peet. master
of Corvallis lodge. The deceased was
born in Canada, June 26th, 1849, and in
early childhood went with his parents
to Michigan, from whence he came tn
Coryallis late in the autumn of 1879.
Here, with his brother Stephen Belknap
and E. M. Kitson. he established the
Corvallis foundry in which he continued
until called to a place in the college,
about two years ago. December 2d, 1881,
in San Francisco he met and married
Miss Lizzie Hooper, of Michigan, who,
with two. young sons, and a daughter,
survive him.
Kotlce to Taxpayers.
The county, court, at an adjourned
meeting held on the 7th of April 1894,
alter taking legal advice, concluded to
have the tax roll returned 'and the same
was returned by me and thereupon the
the court delivered to me the delinquent
tax roll for 1893, and the same is now in
my hands for collection with the under
standing that no extra expense will be
imposed on those paying their taxes on
or before the 1st day of May 1894 ; . but
after that date I will proceed to collect
the same as by law provided by levy and
sale. : ' v
" ' ... T. A. Wakd,
: ' Sheriff.
Garden Tools,
Give us a call and be convinced.
Maier & Benton.
; Dr. Sutherland is in town.
Mr. M. J. Anderson of Dufur is in the
city. .
Mr. W. J. Aehby of-Antelope is in the
Mr. S. A Lester of Warm Springs is in
me city.
Hon. C M. Cartwright of Hay Creek,
viuu uuuuty, is m me city.
Messrs. W. A. Moore and J. D.Wilcox
are in the city today from Moro.
Mr. F. Reid returned Saturday from a
two weeks' visit with friends in Portland
Mr. Alvah Patterson, editor of the
iieppner Gazette, spent yesterday m the
city. -, -
Miss Dolly Glison of Henvner is in
the city visiting her cousin, Miss Jessie
Mr. Frank Pike of Moro, a delegate to
the state republican convention, is in
lown toaay.
Mrs. C. M. Cartwright 'was a pass
enger on me regulator tnis morning,
Also Mrs. D. M. French and Mrs. B. F.
Laughlin,. who go to Portland visiting
irienua. .
MeHSrn. Wm. TTIrwrl Mid T. T. TMV-
Cartney left on the steamer Regulator
this morning. These centlemen are del
egates to -the state convention from
Wasco county.
- - Grant County Items.
Canyon City News. -
High water took out the bridge across
the South Fork at Day ville, greatly in
conveniencing travel.
The remains of the mastodon recently
found down the river have been removed
to Joe Hodson's ranch and placed on ex
hibition. We are informed thatJBro.' J.
Luce will be appointed gauger and in
spector of same, as his measurments are
said to have been-very accurate. Several
more pieces have been unearthed, among
them one foot and some ribs.
Canyon City does not resemble in
every respect that city whose streets are
paved with pure gold, but while walking
through her streets one undoubtedly
treads on much precious metal. 'The
Lock wood boys panned out several
dollars last week from a piece of bedrock
in the street near their mother's resi
dence. . Young America as a miner ap
pears to be a success.
O. W. O. Hard man, Sheriff of Tyre
Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to say so. He was
almost prostrated with a cold when L
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. He says : "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton, ' drug
gists. - ,
If you want any kind of garden seeds,
grass seed or field, call at II. H. Camp
bell's, .where you can get what you
want at reasonable rates. Next door to
the postoffice.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
tub stilii jreeiiiise.
Having ' enlarged our Floral Garden and in
creased our already large collection of
We wish to announce, in addition, to the
public, that we have made a specialty of ,
Pansy Plants , and. Forget-JSe-Kots,
J Wticl We Will Sell at Reasonable Prices. ' '
We also have a fine selection of Dahll Rnlb
which for beauty are unexcelled. We are pre
pared to furniah on short notice Cut "Flowers
for wedding parlies, socials and funerals.
Come in and look over, our assortment
and Ids convinced that vre have the . best
general stock of Merchandise in Eastern
Oregon, -which -we bought at figures that
defy competition, in our line of DRY,
of all kinds. We solicit your patronage,
and can guarantee that you -will be
pleased -with both goods and prices.
Yours for business,
Bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing.
, Bargains in Dress Goods.
. Bargains in Embroidery in Laces.
. , Bargains in Boots and Shoes.
Bargains in G-ents' Furnishing Goods.
Bargains in Hats and Caps.
Bargains in Gents' Neckwear. : -Bargains
in Ladies' and Children's Hose.
Bargains in Ladies' Summer Underwear.
Bargains in Towels and Napkins.
"VVe defy competition, as our prices are the lowest.
P. S. Heavy Copper Riveted Overalls and Jumpers at 50c,
and 20. yds. of Fine Prints for $1 at all times. .
Great Price
-Good Boys Suits
Staple papey Dry Qoods,
ots .xxc3L Slxoes.
Ginghams, Calicos, ffiaslins
cMjsctuxroi for Sale.
Collins & Co.
from $2.00 up..
and Overalls, at Cat Prices.
, ;purr;isl7ir;$5, J4at5,
Store to Xiet.