ON TRIAL. "That's a good way to buy a medi ocine, bat it's a pretty hard condition under which to 'sell it. Perhapa you've noticed that the ordinary iit or miss, medicine doesn't at tempt it. The only medicine of its kind bo remarkable in its effects that it can be sold on this plan is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. As a blood-cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder, there's nothing like it known to medical science. In every disease where the fault is in the liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, In digestion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, and Scrofulous affections, it is guaranteed in every case to benefit or cure, or you have jour money back. ' To every sufferer from Catarrh, bo matter how bad the case or of how long standing, the proprietors o Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say this : " If we can t cure it, perfectly and permanently, we'll pay you $500 ash." Sold "by all druggists. in cash. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and an tbe train of ma from early erro rs or later exoesaea, ttae result of overwork, sickness, worry.etc FuuBtreng-th, derelopment and tons given to every organ and tortlon of the body. Imple. naturalmethods. Immediate Improvement seen. Fa ll;ire impossible. 2,010 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. "The Regulator Line" Ike Dalles, Portlanfl and AUeria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigat sna Pssssngsr Line Through Daily Trip9 (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for, The Dalles. ; . . PASSENGER HATES. One way Hound trip ..$2.00 .. 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with- out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be 'delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, , W. C. ALLAWAY, General A cent. B. F. LAUGH LIN. General Manager. - THE DALLES. OREGON SHERIFF'S SALE. By Tlrtne of an execution and order of sale -issued out of the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and entered by Bald court on the 5th day of March, 1894, In favor of the plaintiff, in a suit wherein Louis K linger was plaintiff and A. Mwery, Isaac Mowery, Joshua Mowmy, David Mowery. Maria Brady, Catherine Williams, R. F. Gibonsand U Vander poot w re defendants, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell all the lands mentioned and described in said -writ, and hereinafter described, I did on the 15th day of March, 1894, duly levy up n, and will sell at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash in Jumd, on Monday, the 16th day of April,-189'. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the . front door of the Countv Court House in Dalles City, In Wasco County, Oregon, nil of the lands and premises described In said writ and herein described as follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter 8W, of section twen ty-six 26), in township one.l; south ot range iourieen (14 east of Willamette meridian, con taining 160 aces, more or less of land, situated in Wascoc unty, Or., together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in any wise appertaining, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient t- satisfy the sum -of $494, with interest thereon at the rata of 8 per cent per annum since the 6th day of Murcb, 1894; $50 attornev 'g fee and $40.10 costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accru ing c- st- of sal". T. A. WARD, mehl7il4 HherifT of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Or., March 15, 1S94. - . UlND EITHER TONIC OR INTOXICANT. Peculiar Qualities of a Cactss Eaten by Prairie Indian Tribes. The bureau of ethnology has for warded to Johns Hopkins university for analysis a quantity of the hearts of a certain species of cactus native to the Indian territory. These arc eaten by the Kiowas and other south ern TJrairie tribes, producing an intox ication somewhat like that of hash eesh. Used in moderation, they are said by the Washington Star to be a most jpowerful tonic. Like the famous coca of Peru, they check waste and so stimulate bodily activity as to enable a man to work hard without j sleep for days together. , The Indians chew these cactus hearts and swallow them. They induce a condition of ex altation. While under their influence a man is lifted out of himself, as it were. He is wide awake, yet dream ing. The intellect is not clouded, but stimulated in a high degree. JThe most remarkable thing about this plant is th.vt its peculiar .effect is not followed by any reaction. On that account it might be ideally adapted for sprees. It immediately arrests the reaction which makes the toper so sad after A "jamboree." At the same time it is neither a narcotic nor an opiate. The southern prairie Indians, with whom the eating of the plant is a religion, regard it as a cure -or all diseases,espe cially for consumption. At their sacred festivals they remain for -days in the state of ecstasy described. Each man consumes the cactus hearts at the rate of about one an hour. The songs and ceremonies are of a dreary kind, ap propriate to the method of inspiration. Experts at Johns Hopkins university will obtain from the material fur nished the active principle of the plant. Thus it is expected that a new medicine, valuable, perhaps, for many remedial purposes, will be added' to the pharmacopeia. Dr. Carl Lumholtz has recently discovered that four -varieties of this cactus are known to the aborigines in northern Mexico. One giant kind is regarded by the Indians in that part of the country as their greatest medicine, being much more powerful than the plant employed by the Kiowas. They can drink any amount of corn beer, and this remedy will take away all ill effects. The name in use among them for this big sort of cactus is "hicurri." , Queer Clothes In Japan.- : In an article in Ilarpers Weekly 'on . loino, Japan, the writer has ever so many funny things to tell about the dressing of those natives who want to wear the dress of the Europeans and do not know how to -manage it. Some times, he says, one sees a man in Euro pean boots, a Japanese robe, a loose overcoat, an English hat, and holding a paper umbrella over his head! But once upon a time, at a ball at Kioto, this is what happened: "A very noble seignoir appeared, according to eti quette, in a black dress coat, waistcoat and trousers, but he clso wore-socks without shoes, and a waistcoat, cut verylow, left the hairy chest of the Daimio. exposed to view.; This great man knew nothing about shirts or patent-leather shoes, and thought he was in correct French get-up." I sup pose we do things just as funny with the queer things we bring back from our travels without knowing how to use them. Only, as we do not see our selves as others see us, we never know how f nnny we are. A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it -is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive materia from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each ' bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. So'd by Snipes & Kinersly. Push that . plow that pick. ' Wheat and buovant. handle and pwing ana Eilver are up Ten days loss of time on account of sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any thing but pleasant for a man of a family to contemplate, whether he is a laborer, mechanic, merchant or publisher. JaB. 0. Jones, publisher of -the Leader, Mexia, Texas, was sick in bed for ten days with the grip during its prevalence a year or two ago. Later in the season ho had a second attack. He says : "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with considerable suc cess, I think, only being in bed a little over two days. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of the remedy." It should be borne in mind that the grip is much the same as a very severe cold and requires precisely the same treat; merit. When you wish-to cure a cold quickly and effectually give this remedy a trial. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. A large bald eagle was captured alive last week by an Asotin hunter. wood's PiiospnomSli The Great English Remedr. Promptly and permanently cores an forma of XfervOtu Weaknas.Emittions, Sperm- otorrhea, Jmpotency and aM tffecUofJUnu or Xxmitft Been prescribed . over 85 ears In thousands of caseat druggist for Wood's Phosohodinet If ha offers soma worthless medicine in place of this, leave his dishonest ' store. Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one package. $l;slx,S5. One will please, aix wui cure. - Pamph let in plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage, address The Wood Chemical Co.. -131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, llioh. Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly. Haworth the printer, Court St., Feb. 1st. at home 116 HIS FIRST VOLUME. Young Poet Made His First Lit erary Capital. Mr. James Payn tells a story which be thinks is new of the manner in which a young poet made money" out of his first volume of poetry. The anecdote, it must be said, is much like one that is told of ' the late . J ames. Russell Lowell; but here it is in Mr. Payn's version: The youthful adventurer had his doubts whether the book would pay for itself, and when good-natured friends whose good nature, we may be sure, stopped on the wrong side of buying said: "You'll be half ruined," he was rather inclined to agree with them. ' ' At last, in fear and trembling, he wrote to the publisher to know the worst which he himself had calculat ed at about eighty pounds. "Let 'me know how many have gone off," he wrote in all modesty, "and wnat is the "oalance x owe you."'" , . The publisher wrote back: "Dear Sir: Your whole edition has gone off, leaving a balance of twenty pounds in your favor; check inclosed. The poet was in the seventh heaven, and yet not satisfied. He rushed to the publisher's to inquire who had bought the book friends, enemies, Mudie, or who? . - "My dear sir," said the publisher, 'I think you had better not ask." "Not ask? Why not? You wrote to say that the edition was all sold; it must have been sold to somebody." "Pardon me. I wrote that it had 'gone off;' so it had, the whole of it. There was a fire in the warehouse, and the contents were insured." ii- " - Oreat Fighters. King Lobengula, of the Matabele, a greater man than his people, bad the satisfaction of knowing that his men were no mean warriors and that he had trained them to go against, and stand it, too, almost anything but ma chine guns and repeating rifles con stantly emptied. British defenses in South African warfare are the laager, a fortification formed by throwing wagons into a circle. In one battle some of t he Matabele gallantly pressed up to within fifty yards of the British position, but having poor arms and be ing poor marksmen, they were no match for the well-armed whites. Within two hours and a half the Mata bele attacked the British laager three, times. In retreat the Matabele hung some of their wounded to trees and drowned others, it being their princi ple, apparently, .that the only good Matabele is a sound one. Beware of Ointments' for Catarrh, that Contain Mercury, As mercury will Burely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the raucous ' surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do.is ten-fold to the good you can poBsihly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of 'the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J Cbnney & Co. Testimonials free. EjSrooid by druggists,, price i 5c. per per bottle. , The revival is the foe of the dance and just now the battle is raging hot with the odds in favor of the revival. Christian Advocate. - Bncklen's Arinra naive. The best salve in tne world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns-, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaC' tion. or money refunded. .Price 25 cents per box. For sale or Snipes & Kin ersly Ovide Musin, violin virtuoso, is enter taining the people of Southern Oregon Guaranteed Care. We authorize our advertised druggis' to sell Dr. Ki lie's New Discovery f ir Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon tins condition. If you are ainu-ted will a Cough, Cold or anv Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fait trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the nottle and nave yonr money refunded. We could not make this offer did w not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It neverdisapnoints Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's. . i y Two banters, camped near the. Im naha, killed four bears last week. As. bear hides are worth all the way from $25 to $32 each." The experience of Geo. A. A pear, of German Valley, N, J., is well worth re membering. He was troubled witl chronic diarrhoea and doctored for five months and was treated by four differ ent doctors without benefit. He then began using Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, of which one bottle effected a complete cure. It i for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drag gists. - Notiee. To All Whom It Hay Concern : Notice- is hereby given that the com noon council of Dalles City will rewive sealed bids for the repairing of the city jail at the next regular meeting, to wit: April 3d, 1894, at 7:30 o cJocK p. m. Said repairs to be made in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof heretofore prepared by J. J. Uranoall. No bid will be received unless the same is accompanied by a good and proper bond in " the sum of one hundred dollars, conditioned that the bidder will accept the contract in case tne same is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is nereov reserved. Dated at Dalles City, Or., this .26th aay oi juarcn, i94. Douglas 8. Duvub, . Recorder of Dalles City. Poison the squirrels. ' Snipes & Kinersly's. Sure Shot at LIKE A BRAVE MAN. Death of one of Virginia's Most Fearless Pioneers. John Wcitzel was one of the boldest pioneers of est Virginia. "A man absointfly without fear," one of the chroniclers of those times calls him. The incnner of his death was worthy of that eulogy. In the pursuit of his occupation, that of hunter and survey or, he often undertook long journeys alone a reckless proceeding, when time and place are considered and was never accompanied by more than one or two friends. One day, while returning in a canoe with one companion from an efeui sion to Middle Island creek, he was hailed by a large party of Indians, and ordered to put ashore. Without mak ing any reply he headed the boat for the middle of the stream, and; with his companion, made every effort to es cape. The Indians fired on the instant, and one of the bullets struck Weitzel in the body. Seeing at once that the wound was mortal, he ordered the other man to lie down in tho canoe, and then, with renewed vigor, though his life was ebbing fast, ho pulled for the op posite shore. , The Indians fired another volley, but without effect, and before they could reload the boat was out of ranee. Weitzel expired soon after reaching the bank, and w,as buried -by his com panion.. His grave may still be seen, marked by a rough stone on which is traced in rude characters, "J.- W., 1787.", .' City Warrnti. . All those holding city Warrants of date prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest on same ceases after this date. I. I. Bubget, City Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., Jau. 8, 1894. SHERIFF'S SALE. Br virtue of aa execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and Judgment made, rendered and entered by said Court- on the 16th day of February, 1894, in favor of plaintiff, iu a suit wherein Maximilian Vogt and Fbilllpine Chapman were plaintiffs, and Augustus Bunnell, John R. Foster and Da vid Robertson, partners as Foster & Kobertson, and Mrs. D. E. trice were defendants, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy, upon and Bell all the lands mentioned and de scribed in said writ, and hereinafter described, I did on tbe 1st day of March, 1894, duly levy upon, and will sell at public auction to the highest Didder, tor cash in nana, on Saturday, the 31st day of March. 1894,- at 2 o'clock i" the afternoon ot Raid day, at the front aoor oi tne uounty uoun iiouse in uaiies City, in Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands and premises described in said writ, and herein described as follows, to-wit: The south half of those certain lots known as the Bickle lots in Trevitt's Addition to Dalles City, on the road from said city to tbe U. B. Gar rison as formerly travelled, and beinar the some property conveyed by Griffith E. Williams and wife to said A. Bunnell, by deed duly recorded at page 853 of Bonk "E" of deeds for Wasco county, Oregon, and which are particularly de scribe and bounded as follows, to-wit: Com mencing on the eaxt nne ot unerry street at a point on said line 170 feet southerly from a point on the outh line of Fourth street where the same is intersected by said east line of Liberty street; thence southerly along said east line of Liberty street 60 feet; thence easterly and at right angles with snid first line 104 feecr thence northei lv and parallel with said east line of Lib erty stret 60 feet;, thence westerly to the i-laee of beginning; said premises being in block '-U," irevitt s Addition in unne- city, w asoo county , Oregon, together with ihe tenements, heredita mentsand aDourtenances the i eon to belonging or in anywise appertaining; or so much thereof is snau oesumcieni to sausiy tne sum oi j.124.-u, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum since the 16th day of February, 1894; f 100 attorney's fee , and $37.20 costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs of sale. - T. A. WAKD, sheriff or Wasco Comity, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Or., March 2d, 1894. jnchSwdt A. WesoIO, the Rnst"n Tajlrtr. East End Second ft.. The Dalles. SUITS MADE TO ORDER mm J20 - to S50, - Pants frnm S3 to SIO Perfect fit guarnntc d. Spring and Summer myies now in btoca. rait far People's Party.Coniity Convention. Notice is hereby given thnt in accordance with instructions or tne btate executive --om lttee of the People's Party of the S'a-e of Oregon, this call is issued to the v..t rs of each ant every ire- cinet iu the county of Wtsco, that th primaries of said pnrty will b h Id at thepoMng places in each precinct on Sa-nrdny, April 14, beginning tit the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing d legates to the County Convent'on, to oe neia at tne court nouse in ine tiiiies, on r rl day, April 20, nt 1 o'clock P. M. The object of the Countv Convention will be the nomination of a lull county tic et and to attend to all other misiness aeemea iieceSHry tor tne better organ ization of the paity. Tbe following is the basix of representation for each precinct, in accord ance with the vot cast f..r 8. H. H. lt for presi dential elector at the November election, 1892: BIgelow 10 Trevitt :... 8 Eaat Dalits -7 Mosier 2 Baldwin N 2 Columbia. S Nansene. . . 3 King-ley... 4 Wamio 2 Bake Oven . 1 vt est Dalles 3 F lis.. 2 Eight Mile 1 Deschu'es Pufnr S Tygh 1 Oak Grove 2 Antel pe 8- nooa t lver vz All delegates to have credentials properly signed. It is durable thatall precincts be fully represented. By order of .he fouiuy Executive tomniikt, juiin rv r.i,nji, nairman. , SETU MORGAN, Secretary. wg; YOU NEED ANY JOB PhlNTINO, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE, GIVE THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY. YOU WILL . GET THE BEST, AND THE BEST 13 GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S INK AND BE PROSPEROUS. r CcMATS .TRADE WM COPYRIGHTS. Nr CAW X OBTAIN A PATENT For prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN te CO.. who hare had nearly fifty rear.' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A. Handbook of iiv lormation concerning; Patents and bow to ob. tain them sent free. Also a cat-alocue OX mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken throngh Mann tc Co. receive pedal notice in tbe fv:ientifie American, and tbos are brongbt widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tbe largest circulation of any scientific work in toe world. . S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, montbly. (150 a year. 8iDRle Copies, 25 cents. Every cumber contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show he latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNfi & CO, Mw Sous, 361 BuoauwaT. .68 : TfSUB - TO FIX D A RHEUESATBSSVl,' LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, :. KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER OCR! PL ASSETS, DYSPEPSIA, LAK3E-BACt:,wc. tar -i no ?ivnrsi'$ nrrvrinn pcit ft II.. UXIIWkill W sWLatatU 1 IIIU &J n-ft- 1 On 200 naare book "THKEJJ CI.A88ESOF MEN," sboaldba read by every yanna. mlddlo-atrea ana old man, sent seaiea, iiwj. xrr. bmbb-bico . uy mmm. as we bave restored thousands to robust health and visor, after all other treatments tailed, as can be hownby hundreds of cases throuebout this and other Statevwho would ftl&dly testify, aiidlroza man of whom, fre bare strong letters bearing testimony to their recoTery alber oaing our .Belt WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! Acuenii ncDii itv niPPn. baa Francisco, Cal., AuRust 14, 1892. f lr. A.T.Snden.Ior8lrs Before! oaed your belt I was troubled with lost visor, vital woeJc&eas, and almost a complete loss or power. X wouia get up wiul a very tired feeling, bonee aching, etc.; Since using your belt I hive had a new lease of 1UEh I now enjoy life better than 1 have for ten years past. I hare the ntmost cimndeaoe in yonr treatment. Von can pnb liah this statement, also have others write or call pa me. Truly youra. H. A- BO WEN. 26 and 28 Turk Bt. DM CI I MAT. CM AND LIMPNESS CURED. ,M landf Oregon, April 18 1892. Dr. A. T. Sanden, Dear 8ir-I sot one c.1 yonr belts hm trBi on tnr phnnmntiim. from which 1 euffored for several years. JTor the past six months I had not been able to work. Yonr belt has placed me in almost perfect health in the two weeks 1 have used. it. 1 can walk oomiortably, and feel like a new man generally. M. jg. uuQii-US, tToprietor international aoul NERVOUS DEBWMSPCOR. TYr. 4 . F pRnrlsm. TWwr Hir 1 ham been nains roar isieou-ie oeit ior general, nervous oeouity, ana to-aav faal better than 1 ham for five vaars. I have szaixuid in visor daily, and am strong in every paru . . Yours gratefully, CH AB. LUETKA. THE DR.SANDEN Is ft oomploto galranlc battery made into a belt so as to be easily worn durlnir work or atraet, aruS ft rives soothing, prolonged current-s which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit. V5OO0. It baa an Improved Klectrlo Haapeneoryf tbe greatost boon ever giveu wo&k methane. we warranii kwcots any ot tne above we&knesfea, ana to enlarge snrnnKCU itmos, or parts, or ;Tlorje Rcfuodou. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness In youn;, raiddie-ageUoroicl sien, mud will cure the worst cases in two or three month-. Address lo; iuli fiuf rmaUon. GAnDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 F.rstSf.. PG3TLASD, GEEGDU. Semoved to Corner Third and Washlneton Streets. ... . FIRSTCLHSS 0 1 CAN BE C H R O N I C Reasonably When the Train stops at THE fm JlEW COLtU JVlfelfl HOTEIi. - - ..oaoi' i. This large and popular Rouse does the principal bote! business, and la prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any . House In the city, and at the low rate of '"''.'- . . - . . .. $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass' Teals, 25 Ccits. Office tor all Stage Twines lesvlnc The Dalles for all points in K astern Oregon antl x. astern Wsthiiictaa, a this Hotel. ' Corner of Front and Union B ts. There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at itsJl&oA leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Cli-Oil Si 1 tk- at CRANDALL Who are selling those goods MlCHKliBACH. BRICK. D. BUNN Pipe Woi, TI11 Bepaiis aiid jjoofipg MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusa Blacksmith Shop. BB88S AI3D FAHJEQ. CUIUS KOH DR. SATfDUN'S El,ECTTltC BELT with Electro maiarnc hnspcs iinrv will cure without niptlii-inn v5'l all of the above troubres. Ttaospyb Irenes, Drains, Iah( manhood. :V7i;N er von anetfta fc.ccpleMtncs, roor Jieniorys an jt unmi von plu.intrt and general 111 healtfa the effects of abases, excesses, worry -or exposure, will find relief and prompt care in oar marvelous Invention, which requires bat a trial to convince tbe most skeptical. Iniftnorauce of ef fects yon may have unduly drained TOnriTfltflm of nnran forooonfl vitn lit v ,-' jr - NVb which Is electricity and thna caused your weakness or lek of force. ' If yon replace into yonr system the elements thus drained, which are re quired for vigorousstreneib, you will remove the cause and heultb, strength and vigor will follow at once. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee cure or rexana money LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. J". Portland Oregon, September 2R, ISO. tr. A. T. Sand en. Dear Sir : Years of exposure and hard work, combined with tho strain coming from tho jar of an engine, save mow severe case of lame back, . from which! suffered for seven years. I was o bad that I could-not bend my back. Vt as all doubled up with it. I bought one of your belts. It helped sna inide of two days, and loontinued to wear it far four months, being perfectly cared. That was two years no, and I am aa wet to-day as I ever was in my life. know yonr belt well, and I know lots of people who have been cored by it. Many others need it, and it they would try it they would find it the same as I did, tho best remedy in the world. Ism located her permanently, and will be glad to talk wxth aooozie what no innureaDour. V. EOBKRT B URRF.Ti. Tfogt near Hotel Portland. - LOST VITALITY AN D STRENGTH. . , Everett, V ash, June 18, 1S9S Tr-. A. T. Bande-, Dear Sirv-Since wearing loar bslt I have been greatly benefited. I feel my old en ergy fast returning; and after a month's use of tho belt I find myself twice as v gorous as before. My memory is now nearly perfect, and each day shows xor tne oecrr. x z ei mucn stronger tnft- rwrore using tne oeiu . Yours truly. HEM.Y bGHULXZ. ELECTRIC BELT " 1 y HAD AT THE a 3 ml i ll u m s LE O FF I C E Ruinous Rates. DALLES, get tff on the South Side AT THt . T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. m Fiiriiilnre k Carpi & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST.