' I Tun J! , APBIL 7tll. A . FULL LINE OP To the. Public. Royal' Worcester Corsets. rpn .- tecia. Your Choice of Our Stock for .Mi) t fishing Tackle -AND $I.OO $I.OO At this price you may purchase Corsets, the regular , price of which is from $1.25 to $2.50. THESE CORSETS ark ALL RIGHT But we want to close them out, as we are carryin another make for our regular stock. Garden Tools, ft "which " we are SEIlMQ CHEAP. S. ' Give us a call and be convinced. . tyya Maier & Benton. - V i : 1 . M : : , ; ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. r Come in and look over our assortment and be convinced that ve have the best general stock of Merchandise in Eastern.. Oregon, -which we bought at figures that defy competition, in our line of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and QUEENS WARE, BOOTS and SHOES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, HAY, GRAIN. FEED of all kinds. We solicit your patronage, and can guarantee that you will be pleased "with both goods and prices.. Yours for business, Joles, Collins & Go. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, ttntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as ttecona-cuLHS matter. Clubbing List. Begular Our price price .fkroiid.i4 5. I. Triltat. $2.50 $1.75 aid WefkW Omreaiaa 3.00 2.00 " aid Anerieai Firmer 2.00 1.75 " ni IeClure'i Iaguiae 3.00 2.25 " aid The Detroit Free Presa 3.00 2.00 " aad Caaiiopolitai lagaiiia'. . . . 3.00 2.25 ani Prairie Fanner, Chicaga . . . 2.50 2.00 " aid Glle-DeiMrat,Ci-w)Stlottia3.00 2.00 .ocal Advertising. 10 Coma per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents per use for eacn subsequent insertion. 8peoial rates for lonar time notices. , AH local notices received later than o'clock wtll appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may ob nana on saie at i. o. JSiclcelsen'i store. FRIDAY, - - - APR - 6, 1894 APRIL ANNOTATIONS. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle . Reporters. A ladies auxiliary tothe A. O. ' U. W is to be formed tomorrow evening. Word has arrived from Hood River that the K. of P. concert has been indef initely postponed. Messrs. Saltmarsbe & Co. will ship from their stockyards tonight seven cars of oattle and hogs to the Union Meat Co., Portland. Four city prisoners working at the city pound, escaped yesterday afternoon and fled to Rowena. The marshal followed them and brought them back. Mrs. LaBalister's new millinery store is attracting much attention. She will have eomething new to' show the ladies of The Dalles tomorrow. W. J. Peddicord edits a populist col umn in the Wasco News. Editor Arms worthy drily makes the- suggestion in the last issue that he take a bath. We look for a deluge in the next issue. Mr. Chas. F. Stephens, of "dry goods lame, tias been vrv busv the last few days disposing of an immense stock of new and salable spring goods, which are sure to appeal to the fancies of the ladies of Ihe Dalles and vicinity. The nssignea's sale of jewelers' goods irom w . trarretson's store will be re sumed Wednesday April llth at half past 1 p. m., and continued each day until every tmng is sold. Sale to be in tne building formerly occupied by Sam Klein on Washington street. The West Coast Trade says: New Whatcom stands a good show of getting a fruit and vegetable cannery in opera tion this season. J. C. Wyncoop and Elfeldt & Co., San Francisco can nerymen, have expressed an intention of visiting the city, and if the prospects are found favorable, which there seems little reason to doubt, they will take the mat ter in hand and put in the much-to-be-desired plant. "Guy," the general favorite, a "huge St. Bernard belonging to Judge Blake ley, was puzzled this morning. Mrs. Blakeley left on the boat and Guy was not permitted to go. He kept his eyes . fastened on his mistress as the boat pushed out in mid stream as long as he could see her. And as long as the boat was in sight he followed it with an in tent look, slowly wagging his tail and pondering. Was he reasoning, and what were his thoughts? A certain married lady had a birthday anniversary recently, upon which her husband presented her with a piano lamp. He was much flattered when she told him that she intended to give it his name, until he asked her reasons for so peculiar a proceeding. "Well," said she, "you know, dear, it has a good deal of brass about it, it is handsome to look at, requires a good deal of attention, is re markably brilliant,- is sometimes un steady on its legs, liable to explode when only half full, flares up occasion ally, it is always out at bedtime and is bound to smoke." DIED. Mr. S. S. Johns, abtrat 64!years of aee. died this morninc of an illnoaa rn. tracted, it is thought, by a lame anasr mire orspool of standing water adjacent to where he lived. The old gentleman was generally known to our citizens as the owner of a band of wild eeese. which ne tamea and in which he took ereat pride. - The pool of water is endanererinc t.h health of all who live in that vicinity, ana steps should be taken at once by the city to drain it and disinfect the nremisnn It can be drained with little trouble and expense, and is a .standing menace, which would be obviated before this if the lamented Dr. Rinehart, the deceased mayor, was yet alive. The last m-eat aim of his life was in battling against tnese proline causes of disease. THE MARKETS. A Slight Improvement to IS a Noted 'ine fruit Ontloolt Good Latest Quotations. C0ERESP0NDENCE. Neighborhood News Contributed by Lo cal Writers. Dante's Imaginings Correct. A correspondent of the Heppner Rec ora says: In regard to those pictures Mr. Damn- man has been exhibiting of hell, he was correct in saying he did not draw them They were drawn by a gentleman on Height Mile, who heard him eive a des. cription of hell after one of his trances, and having a. copy of Dante's Inferno. he took from the same two pictures that were similar to what Mr. Dampman had seen and showed them to him. Mr Dampman said there was something of a resemblance between them and what he had seen, and put them in his rocket Persons who .have been intimate with Mr. Dampman bince his conversion, affirm that he is not a deceiver, and that he has no intention of bringing anyone to lbrist other than by moral pnr suasion. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. George Young of Bake Oven is in town. - . Mr. L. J. Cooper was a passenger on mo etc timer ior i oruana today. - Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Phelps of Collins Landing arrived in the city last evening. MrS. frefl. f! HllrplfTT rfonurtoft f o short visit among relatives and friends i T i 1 . J . - . u x ui kiauu vuis morning. Jferer fails. No instance of a failure on record' when Simmons Liver Regulator hau been properly taken. It removes bilious secretions, cures dyspepsia, constipation and sick headache, strengthens ' thn kidneys and gently assists Nature. Poison the squirrels. Sure Shot at Snipes t Kinerely's. What Is the nan tn nnj In. s. . V - " ' ' wive niiiuriiln when you can have it for the same price at the California AVinehouse, in Thompson's addition, Itin I ) I ! OS Alan u Mi. In. - . 7 " r--- .'s ui u tit; peuiuis as very low rates. , Afik vonr riAalnr Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver Friday, April 6 Business of the week has exhibited a coloring of improvement All branches have felt the influence of settled weather and an improved eonrli tion of the roads. . Some few heavy ireigbt teams have arrived and loaded with merchandise for interior merchants and orders have been received from dealers in distant towns to be filled and dispatched with immediate shinmenfB Prices are steady on staples, with the exception of white beans,, which are quoted a shade higher. In dried fruits there is a disposition to advance auota. tiona on accounts of the reported loss of the fruit crop of the East and the misssissippi valley. The local market for provisions and produce continues quite stead v. Dealers report a fair supply of potatoes and an improved market quotation varying irom w to oo lor table use to 60 cents per sack for seed. The vegetable market is only fairly wen supplied. Cabbage are scarce at 26 cents per lb. Eggs are quotable at 8 to 10 cents per dozen. Owing to the low quotations the arrivals have fallen off considerably and an advance is antic ipated. The poultry market is auite slnfftrish and a decline of 50 cents per dozen is re ported since last week's report. The liveetock market continues stendv in tne lace fit a good reserve in siiht Stall-fed steers ar quoted at S52.35 to f J.oU, grass-fed at $2 to $2.25. and feeders at ?1.7o to J2 per 100 lbs. Mutton sheep are in fine demand at ifz to fii.O. Fat hogs are in unual demand at S3.75 per 1UO J b gross. The grain market continues HfelMH while Chicago and New York markets nave advanced somewhat and report a stronger tendency. Our Western marknta are not in a corresponding sympathy ana remain steady on former quotations GREAT Sit TlfcUTED CJITX ' MORO. The republican countv convention met here on the 24th and made the fol lowing nominations : Clerk S. S. Haves. - Sheriff Wm. Holder. Treasurer!. A. Thompson. Assessor C. C. Kuney. School Supt J. M. Morrison. Surveyor J. R. Belshe. Coroner Dr. C. R. Rollins. Commissioner R. P. Orr. Delegates to the state convention J. u. wncox, rank Pike and W. H. Moore. We predict that their ticket will make a clean sweep next June, as the nom inees are all good, substantial citizens. and well qualified for the place indicated. A resolution was adopted, favorine such change in the laws as would make taxes due and delinquent on Nov. 1. in stead of April 1st, as at present. The utmost harmony existed through out the meeting and the party is saining ground steadily. Another republican club was organized at Kent last week. making six in the county, and Btill the good work goes on. - Yank. DTJFTJR. Eich signs of spring begin to" tip The willow and the ash. ' And the boy of eighteen trims his lip, To start a fierce mustache. XX WILL BE MADE AT N. HARRIS MERCHANDISE STORE. xj COMMENCING APRIL 5, 1894,1 WE WILL GIVE- YOU Bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing. t Bargains in Dress G-oods. Bargains in Embroidery in Laces. Bargains in Boots and Shoes. , Bargains in Gents' Furnishing Goods. Bargains in Hats and Caps. Bargains in Gents' Neckwear. Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hose. Bargains in Ladies' Summer Underwear. -Bargains in Towels and Napkins. '. . We defy competition, as our prices are the lowest. " P. S. Heavy Copper Riveted . Overalls and Jumpers at 50c, nnri 9fl Wife TTi"tq p;0 S1 n N. HARRIS. COME AND SEE. Electric Kailroad Mall Sorvioe. In establi6hin!T an electric mail service Ottawa. C&n.. m a move which is likely to be followed Dy many other profrressive cities. The man cars are run on the nnlinnn. lines, and are found to ereatlw imr, the house to house delivery of mail, as v en oa me roi ippt ioti nr attana .v. .v.suv. llUlil lamp-post boxes. Each car is twentv leet long-, with vestibuled platforms uu ia omen Dy a tiiirtv horsp-Twr . , . - . . i - iuufcor. ine interior is nrnrMiul tv. the requisite facilities for 1 unloading- the pouches. No sorting- is "e car, so mat the usual plass windows are rliKrtf.'ncorl n.wi. Each car is fitted with a special alarm Kong-, wnicn gives a different sound irom tne bells on the passeng-er cars, and so makes Its atroroaoh knnnrn The service has turned out so well that it is proposed to extend its operations suuuroan aistncts. :. A Slouse tor u Companion.' One of the onnint. i-omom -r. me is tnat ol his Honolulu mouse. A smau, shelf hung- over the couch whereon' he used to 1 trying- to forgret his pain in "tooting' on his flag-eolet. Out on this shelf- the little mouse would venture, and soon became so tame as tn rlxliirlit in uuveiisis caresses, if it got no im mediate attention it would scratch on. the shelf and make a little whin -' song- to attract its friend, and after a time it actuallv uersuarlorl its to pay a aauy visit to the musician in us company. . Rev. Jenkins will preach here Satur day and Sunday nights. Johnston Eros, successfully dehorned and branded forty head of cattle one day last week. The democrats are lookine sour over the prospects of the comine election. and no wonder. . Gardening will soon be in etvle and as it is the berry patches are heme enlarged as well as fruit and shade trees beinsr planted. Stock are doing well, the crass beinz good for so early in the spring and is rapidly crowing under the influence of ola sol s genial smile. The city election occurred last Mon day, at which the following: ' were re elected : Mayor, A. J. Dnlur, jr. ; treas urer, C. P. Balch, and recorder, A. J Bnghatn. Mr. E. C. Warren starts soon with the S. B. waeon for a tour of Yakima, the bouncrand otber parts of Washington, where the will sell the famous S. B remedies. - farmers are booming the work and plows have been runnins for two weeks around Dufur. while on the ridire thev have hardly commenced on account of tne ground not being in good condition. Well, it is hard to compete with the Dnfurites in anything. What more shall I sav? There is no one married, no one born, no one moved away, no runaways, no one running for office and getting beaten, but notwith standing all this, Dufur is by no means dead like Mitchell, for Johnston Bros, sell not only "a spool of "thread," a "yard of print." but seem to be busv n they generally are, and the school is progressing, although somewhat thin nor! out by so many large boys leaving for spring work. INEZ. Great Price Reduction -IN- GENTS' YOUTHS' BOYS' CLOTHING -Good Boys' Suits from $2.00 up.. . ; SPEOIAIi VA-TiTJ":E3S I3sT ; Staple f papey Dry (Joods, Boots ct3txt3L Ginghams, Calicos, muslins and Overalls, at Cut Prices. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. rox Sale. ; A fine phaeton and single harness. nearly new. Inquire at this office. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. GEJWIJ1E ftiOSIflG OUT SME M. HONYWILL'S -NEW STOCK I o kty i?$, f u ri) islip, jla BOOTS AND SHOES, ETC. I'ixtui-.. forSale. Storn to Xm