0 VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1894, NO. 9fa? VOL. VII. - i : : : : . " : ' i. i BATTLE STILL RAGING Grows War. in tie Cofce Regions Hotter. ELEVEN REPORTED KILLED TODAY Bodies of Ten Hungarians Found the Woods-A Decision of In terest to Oregon. in Coneixs ville , Pa., April 5. A battle between strikera and deputies ia reported t the Valley works. Twelve men were killed and many injured. The sheriff has notified the governor that he is unable to quell the disturb ance in the coke region. He is power less against 10,000 lawless strikers in posseesn of the region. Eight Dead Bodies Found. Union-town, Pa., April 5. The bodies of eight Hungarians were found in the the woods near Dawson today by boys going to school. All had bullet-holes .through the bodies. It is supposed they were shot yesterday afternoon by depu ties, during the attack on the bradford works. The Hill farm mines wer- over ran by 'strikers today and the workmen driven from the grounds. The works ore now closed down. All roads leading n the Moorwood and Alice mines are guarded, and the strikers cannot reach them except by way of the Mount Pleasant 'road, on which the famous battle of 1891 was fought and eeven strikers killed. A mob ia marching to Mount Pleasant. Yesterday's tragic events had a sober ing efiVct on the strikers, and a repeti tion of bloodletting is improbable. The bodies of two more strikers were found in the woods, making 10. The rioters at Scotdale are subdued by the arrest of President Davis. At 12:30 today Dis- Among the rules and regulations re ferred to wae one to the effect that no change would be made in the Tules or rate of wages without first giving the labor organization reasonable notice. Judge Caldwell then recites bow the re ceivers were in court last January to force a reduction of wages, when an agreement was reached as to rules, reg ulations and schedules relating . to train dispatchers and operators ; yet at a con ference held under the order of the cir cuit judges, the position assumed by the receivers in the petition was found un tenable, and was abandoned,, and rules and regulations governing telegraphers' wages were adopted. Judge Caldwell then says that when a court of equity takes upon itself the conducting of the business tha operators of the road be come employes of the court, and are subject to its orders. The court con tends that the receivers have not offered satisfactory proof showing the echedule to be unreasonable, and believes the re ceivers made the request ignorantly, as only one is a practical railroad man. The court desired an economical admin istration, but to do this wages must not be below a just compensation. The re commendation of the receivers to adopt their schedule cannot be accepted because - it was adopted without giving the men an opportunity to be beard, which is a violation of the .agree ment. Specific performances of contract to render personal service cannot be in- forced by injunction under pain or penal' ties, or by any other means. No in- junction ordered can make such inter ference anv more of contempt than the law makes it without such orders. After the decision was rendered the engineers adopted a resolution thanking Judge Caldwell for &is firmness OF NATIONAL INTEREST. Morton's Statement of the Visible Invisible Snpply of Wheat. Washington, April 4. The report the secretary of agriculture, in reply and trict Attorney Jeffreys laid information the resolution of Senator Pettigrew, call against Secretary Darby, of the associa tion, on a charge of murder. Darby was at the time attempting to get bail for Davis. In the Coke Region. Scottdale, Pa., April 5. The entire coke regron is greatly excited, and fears of more bloodshed and destruction of property are entertained. .Armed bodies of strikers are assembling to march on the works in operation. Workmen wish to continue, but are afraid. Sheriff ' Wilhelm is busv arresting men concerned in the riot in which Engineer Paddock was killed, and over 100 men have been arrested. It is reported the bodies of six men were found on the road over which the mob fled. Four hundred strikers started for Mount Pleasant this morning, but the region is well guarded. A mob of 600 is marching to Mount Braddock, and another 1,000 is going to Lemonte and Oliver. Or Interest to Oregon. . Washington, April 5. A long line of department rulings in - the - administra tion of school indemnity laws are re versed by a decision rendered yesterday by Secretary Smith on the application of the state of Oregon to select double mln- ' imum lands for lost single minimum lands. The decision holds that the selection of the double minimum lauds involved may and ought to be allowed to the school grant in lieu of single mini mum lands lost. UNION PACIFIC KMPJUOTKS. for Lard. That's the happy and healthy condition of thous ands of housekeepers who have been bright enough to try fiotiolene v THE ; : HEW SHORTENING. which is a pure, perfect and popular substitute for lard for all cooking purposes. The success of Cotto lene has called out worth less imitations with similar color and similar names. : Look out for these. "All that glitters is not gold," and all that's yellow is not COTTOLENE. There is but one valuable new shortening, and that is Cottolene. It is healthful, delicate and economical as a single trial will prove. At leading Grocers.; ' Watch the name. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. ft. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Bole Manufacturers, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON. THE FOLLARD CASE. the ing for the statement of the visible and invisible supply of wheat, was submitted to the senate today. The total supply March 1. 1893. was 610,000,000 bushels, Amount in farmers' hands March 1 1893, and the visible supply March 1 1894, amounted to 729,000,000 bushels which he gives as the total amount dis tributed and available for distribution The apparent discrepancy is 119,000,000 bushels, the supply on band March 1, 1894. was 190,000,000 bushels. The probable consumption from March 1 to July 1, 1894, he puts at 121,000,000 bushels, leaving 69,000,000 bushels available for export from March 1 to July 1, 1S94. - I Baker City Republicans. ' Baker City, Or., April 5. The re publican county convention was held in this city yesterday, and a full ticket nominated.' The platform favors the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, the abolition of the state railway commission, and favors the legislature passing a maximum freight and passenger law. It commends the stubborn resistance which their delegates have made to the Wilson bill ; favors a constitutional convention. The Fair "Plaintiff Again on Witness Stand. Washington; April 5. Judge Brad ley's admonition of the night before re duced the attendance at the Breckin ridge trial today to the thinnest audi ence yet gathered. The defense, made an unexpected move, calling Miss Pol lard to the stand and questioning her about the birth of her second child, which she said was born at noon Februrary 3, 1888, "I only held it in my arms two hours, according to a promise to him," she said. Mr. Butterworth began warning Miss Pollard to confine herself to answering questions. Mr. Wilson also admonished her.' She con tinned : "I gave it a little German name ; I pinned a note on the clothing so they could name it. I was reading Carlyle and I named it from a character of his, Diest Carlyle, a name as far as possible from that of Colonel Breckin ridge or my own." The second time she saw the child was the . 3d of May at Wright's undertaking establish ment before burial. Mrs. Parsons had looked after the funeral expenses. She supposed Colonel Breckinridge paid them. Miss Pollard was perfectly self- possessed while questioned about the child and spoke in a low, almost plain tive tone. LIKE. CUT PRICES Q MDIES' and GHlkDREH'S FlflE SHOES, OF THE WELL KNOWN D. M. Hough, C. P. Ford and Williams & Hoyt makes, Including the celebrated "TIIIMBY & BREUSTER" V CO RK SGIvB SHO ES. ' Former Price Ladies' Lace, Patent Tip, all sizes ......... .$6 00 ." Button " 5 50 x " " Cloth and Kid Top ....... . ..5 00 " " Patent Tip, Welt and Turn Soles . 4 50 . u " " . . " 4 25 " Waukenphast, Welt and Turn Soles. .. ,4 00 " Patent Tip, Turn Sole.:..... . - :- J 75 " Plain .Toe, Welt - 3 50 " Patent Tip and Plain ..... v- f 00 'Childs' Kid, Patent Tip, 5, to 1 .1 gj . .-- " . " 8 to 10i -- 175 . " 11 to 2 : 2 50 " Oxford , " 8 to 10i - 1 25 Misses' Oxford, Gen. Russ, 11 to 2 ... 1 Can furnish the above styles in widths from A to JiH.. Present Price $4 35 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 10 85 45 25 20 80 70 35 25 50 00 05 00 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. They Slave Won Their Fight Against Redaction of Wages. Omaha, April 3. Judge Caldwell's de cision in the Union Pacific wage sched ule case was rendered this morning. It is a complete victory for the employ- The courtroom was thronged with railroad men, who listened intently to the reading of the opinion, compris ing over 4,000 words. After stating the facts of the roads coming into the hands of the receivers, Judge Caldwell says - the relations of these men to the com pany "and the rate of wages was deter mined mainly by certain written rules, 'regulations and schedules which were the result of a free and voluntary, con ference between the managers of the railroad representatives and the men in different branches of the service, viz. : The Benefit of Advertising. Habsisbcbg, Pa., April 15. Miss Alice Lingst, of Sand Beach, Dauphin county, 'J6 years old, and weighing 333 pounds, started last night for Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to marry Harry Crather whom she never saw. Crather advertis- sed tor a wife - and the engagement re sulted. The Weakest Spot In your whole system, perhaps is the liver, it that doesn't do us worn oi purifying the blood, more troubles come from'it than vou can remember. Dr.. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery acts upon this weak spot as nothing else can. It rouses it up to healthy, natural action. By thoroughly purifying the blood, it reaches, builds up, and invigor ates every cart ot the system. ;f or diseases that depend on the liver or the blood dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness; every form of scrofula, even consumption (or lu.ng-scrolula' in itf earlier stages; and the most 'stubborn skin and scalp diseases, the ".Discovery" is the only remedy so unfailing and ef fective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, vou have your money back. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Governor Tillman Refused. Columbia, S. C, April 5. It is said Governor Tillman had a rather stormy interview with a delegation of promi nent citizens of Darlington yesterday. The story goes the delegation wanted the governor to withdraw the troops, saying they would be sponsors for peace. . The governor refused - and threatened to 'knock the devil out of Dargan," an ex congressman, one of the delegation. Arrests Made at Florence. Flobence, S. C, April 5. An order has been received from Governor Tillman directing the arrest of all citizens of this nlace who riartici Dated in taking the ttuns from the local armory last Friday The order embraces the best citizens of the town. They are surrendering quietly, and are reporting to the courthouse. Habeas corpus proceedings will be com menced. , When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castaria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, 53352 for 1 3 rui: Infants and Children. , ..... ic, " ' : THIRTY' years observation of Castoria. with the patronago of . millions of persons, permit M to apeak of it without guessing. It ia nnqnationaTly tho best remedy for Infanta and Children he world hoi vT toaown. It ia harmless! Children liho it. It frtrea them health. It will save their lives. - In it Mothers hay something which ia absolutely safe and practically perfect M ay WAKING Carious WHEN YOU Bat Power Many People Have, as Yet Unexplained. A discussion has been g'oing' on among fhe members of the English 'society for psychical research as to the exis tence and the nature of the power by which people manage to wake pre cisely at the hour at which- they have resolved to wake themselves the pre vious night. You may fix five minutes before the hour , in a house in which no clock strikes the quarter, or even in a house where there is no stnkmp dock with in a couple of miles, and yet not one person only, but a great many we might perhaps say the majority of persons past middle age can wake themselves at the right hour if on the previous night they go to bed with the resolve to do so strong1 in their minds. It is, the power which belongs to - all Go to the Columbia Packing Co.'s Central Market for choice sugar cured ham, at 12 cents a pound. y Ask your grocer for Columbia Packing Co.'s smoked meats and lard. Insist on their prices and accept no substitute. . Boneless hams at 11 cents; select breakfast bacon. at 12 cents per lb; chice kettle leaf lard, 5-lb pails, 55 cents ; 10-lb pails at $1 at the Columbia Pack ing Co.'s Central Market. There is no necessity for buying East ern smoked meats and lard when you can secure a better article of home pro- dnction for less money. Uall at the Central Market and examine the Col umbia Packing Co.'s meats and prices, and be convinced. If vou want any kind of garden seeds sorts of persons-r-not only persons who grass seed or field, call at tU i. Camp- have been in the habit of eettinff un bell's, where you can gex wnai you at given hours but to persons who have not. - " Most nurses have it, most servants, most laborers, most professional men. Yet it is very difficult to account for this phenomenon, for when you wake you have no distinct, nor, indeed, in distinct, recognition of the time. . ' " - ,Yon only know what time you ought to have been awake, but you are not in the least conscious that" this time has arrived, though when you look at your watch in a fright you find, as a matter of fact, that it has arrived, and only just arrived. - . The curious thing is that, though you can arrest, your own attention and wake at the required time, you never seem to have the least assurance that if is the right time without consulting" your watch. . , . If .you really do 'idivine'-' time you have no power of recognizing that you have "divined" it. You feel as if you had merely puessed it, and Very prob ably guessed wrong-; until your watch confirms the guess. want at reasonable rates. the poatofSce. Next door to hod's medicine. , . - t - Castoria destroys worms.--Castoria allay re-verishnesa. ' v Castoria prevents -yornlfing Sour Cnrd. Castoria enrea Piarrhoaa and Wind Colic . Castoria relieves Teething Tronblea. ... Castoria cures Constipation and riatnlency. " . - s. Castoria neutralizes the effects of carhonio acid gas or poisonous sM j Castoria does not contain morphine, optnm, or other narcotic property. . Cnstoria assimilates the food, regulate the stomach and bowels, sfiving hoqlthy ard ntvtnral sleep. n-B.oriq is pnt Tip in one-size bottles o-tly. It is not sold in hnlfc. . Don't allow anv one to soil yon wnyhing else en the plea or promise that it is"3nt as good" and " will answer evry purpose." Pee that yon rt C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. - ' The facsimile on every" h!!dreri Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Brown Leghorn hens, Early Rose seed potatoes, Xing Philip seed corn, and seed wheat, for sale at J. H. Cross' feed store. : " : Notice. c To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is nereDy given mat, ine com- mon council OI uaiiea vyiiy win rewire waled bids for the repairing of the city jail at the next regular meeting, to-wit : April 3d, 1894, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. said repairs V oe maue in aixuruauto with the plans and specifications thereot heretofore prepared Dy v. J. uranaan. . , No bid will be received unless the same is accompanied by a good and proper bond in the sum of one hundred dollars, conditioned that the bidder will accept the contract in case the same is awarded to him. . "' . The right to rejetit any and all bids is hereby reeerved. Dated at Dalles City, Or., this 26th day of March, 1894. . Douglas S. Dufch, Recorderof Dalles City. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREVERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. " This well-known Brewery is now tunning oat the besf Jieer and Porte eart of the Cascades. . The latest appliances or the manufacture of good health p.r hav Iwn nrro.liiiHol. and on 7 t.ht firit.-e!8 wrticle will he p ace" I on hr- (ii"""4' "..','.. -.. , . ' " .' ; - ' (What? v Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Miasea' Waists, Children's Waieta, Jshoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. J. iVVhere ? . At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. ; Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your order. -