The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 05, 1894, Image 4

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    TV WK
and especially nursing mothers, need
the strengthening support and help
that conies with Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It lessens the
puns and burdens of child-bearing,
insures healthy, vigorous offspring,
and promotes an abundant secretion
of nourishment on the part of the
mother. It is an invigorating tonic
made especially for women, per
fectly harmless in any condition
of the female system, as it regu
lates and promotes all the natural
functions and never conflicts with
i The . Prescription " builds up,
strengthens, and cures. In all the
chronic weaknesses and disorders
that afflict women, it is guarantied
to benefit or eure, or the money
is refunded.
For every case of Catarrh which
they cannot cure, the proprietors of
Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy agre
to pay $500 in cash. You're cured
by its mild, Boothing, cleansing, and
healing properties, or you're paid.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of arils
from early errors or later
excesses, toe results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Full strength,
development and tone
given to every organ and
portion of the body.
Simple, natural method a.
Immediate Improvement
seen. Failure Impossible.
2.0U0 reference!- Book.
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
"The Regulator Line"
He Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
FrBiGUt snti FEsssnger Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill St. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades. ,
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. . Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
Ueneral Agent.
General Bf&nagrer.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Wasco O unty, upon a decree nd
judgment made, rei dererl ana entered by fcaid
court on the 5th day of Marc h, 1894, in favor of
the plaintiff, in a suit whereiu Louis Klinger
was plaintiff and A. M .wery. Isaac Mowery,
Joshua Mow" y, David Mowery. M aria Brady,
Catherine Williams, R. F. Gibona and U Vander
pool w re defendants, and to me directed and
delivered, commanding me to levy upn and sell
all the lands mentioned and described in said
writ, and hereinafter descritied, I did on the 15th
day of Man, 1894, duly levy up n, and will sell
at public xuctlon to the highest bidder for cash in
- band, on Monday,
the 16th day of April, 1894,
mt 2 o'clock in the afternoon nf snid day, at the
front door of the Countv Court House in Dalles
. City, in Wssco County, Oregon, all of the lands
and premises described In said writ and herein
described as follows, to-wit:
The southwest quarter (6W!, of section twen
ty-six 20), in township onelj snuth ot ran pre
iuanwn ih twi ui niHm-iie meridian, con
taining 16" ho es, morvor less of land, situated in
"Wasco c -unty, Or., tog. ther with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or In any wise appertaining, or so much
thereof as shall be sufficient t-- tati&fv the sum
of 4U4, with inteiest tbereon at the rate of S per
uk jier milium since uie Din uuy or. aiircn,
MM; tiOdtlriraa 's fee and $40.10 cost-in said
auit, together with costs oi aid writ nd accru
ing c st of sal-. T.A.WARD,
sncbl7'14 sheriff of Wasco Countv, Oregon.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., March 15,' 1S94.
Ameriran Women Take tbe Lead. Fob
lowed by Their Sisters of Austria.
The women of North America have
the smallest hands in the world, and
next to them come the Austrian, Span
ish, French and Italian ladies. Those
of the fair Spaniard, according to the
New York Tribune, are often spoiled
by coarse fingers, rounded at the tips.
Russians have long, but beautifully
formed hands. The hands of English
women of rank are aristocratically
shaped, but they are long and some
times too dry. . The irench gTande
dame takes the best care of her hands
all the world over. - Germans are gen
erally endowed with large and flat
ones with enormous fingers. A typical
beautiful hand is that of Duchesse
de Mouchy (nee Anna Murat); it is
very small, delicately formed, with
taper fingers curved a little at the ex
tremities, and almond nails. The hand
of Vicomtesse de Galard is exquisite.
It recalls Canova's statues, of which
the hands are smaller and more aris
tocratic than those of the famous
Greek models. Two of the Austrian
archduchesses are noted for their
lovely hands, Archduchess Eliza
beth, . mother of Queen Christina
of Spain, and Archduchess - Maria
Theresa, sister-in-law of Emperor
Francis Joseph. Of fair Frenchwomen
who can boast of a charming hand the
duchesses of Ayen and Mouchy are
among the best known; also Princess
de la Tour d'Auvergne and Princess de
Wagram, ' Duchess de Luynes and
Princess de Poix, Mmes. Yturbe and de
Mieri, though Spaniards, have hands
as perfect as their feet, and Duchess
de Morny is anofher of the peninsular
beauties whose hands are good. A
charming specimen of the Russian
hand is that of Duchess de Sesto long,
but superbly made, while those of
Duchess de la Rouchefoucauld and of
Lady Randolph Churchill, nee Jerome,
afford illustrations of the lovely little
hand of the North American woman.
Most Parisiennes wear . 6 or G
gloves. These are not the smalles
sizes for a pretty hand, but are those
worn by mauy of the fairest of the sex,
nevertheless; for a tight glove is a por-
fect abomination. It makes the hand
look larger instead of smaller.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
ativescontaining nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
maleria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
money will be refunded. Price only 50c.
per bottle. . Sold by Snipes & Kinersly,
Millions of Brain Pictures.
It is computed by leading physiolo
gists that since one-third of a second
suffices to produce an impression on
the brain, a man who has lived to be
one hundred years old must have col
lected upon the folds of his brain mat
ter at least 9,407,280,000 impressions.
Or, again take off one-third for sleep,
and we still find not less than 6,811,
520,000 indentations memory's finger
marks on and in the brain. This
would give 3,155,700,000 separate wak
ing impressions to the man who lives
to be but fifty years old. - '
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he is a laborer,
mechanic, merchant or publisher. Jas.
0. Jones, publisher of the Leader,
Mexia, Texas, was sick in bed for ten
days with the grip during its prevalence
a year or two ago. Later in the season
he bad a second attack. He says: "In
the latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with considersible suc
cess, I think, only being in bed a little
over two days. The second attack I am
satisfied would have been equally as bad
as the first but for the use of the remedy."
It should be borne in mind that the grip
is much the same as a very severe cold
and requires precisely the same treat
ment. When you wish to cure a cold
quickly and effectually give this remedy
a trial. 25 and 50 cent bottles for 6ale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Alloys for Aluminum.
Pure aluminum is too pliable for
some of the uses to which it has been
proposed to devote it, but experiments
in alloying it will unquestionably in
crease the serviceability and applica
tions of that metal in time. Chromium,
the addition of which has such a good
effect in hardening steel, has lately
been tried abroad ' with alnmirnim
The result is gratifying, but the diffi -
culties of effecting the combination
are great. Wolfram, a mineral con
taining tungsten, iron and manganese,
has also been alloyed with aluminum,
and the product has lately been placed
on the market in England. This metal
is almost as light as pure aluminum,
but more ductile and harder. It can
be worked like mild steel.
- The Great English Remedy.
Promptly and w'""wiy
cores all forms of Serooum
I Weakness, Emisaiom, JSperar
otorrhea, Impotence and aB
effect of Abuse or K.Tvrmes.
Been prescribed over S5
ears in thousands of cases;
tforc on After. i
druggist for Wood's Phosohodlnei if he oilers
EOm& worthless medicine in place of this, leave his
dishonest store. Inclose price In letter, and
-we will send by return mail. Price, one package,
$l;slx,S&. On vrtll please, tlx vrfU our. Pamph
let in plain sealed envelope, S cents postage.
Address The Wood Chemical Co..
JS1 Woodward avenue, Detroit-Mien.
Sold in The Dalles by 8nipea Kinersly .
Haworth the printer, at home 116
Court St., Feb. 1st.
Supreme Court Diznitarles Less Austere
Than Might Be KxpoctedV
Sticklers for the nicest proprieties
find but one fault with the supreme
court of the United States, and that is
that Chief Justice - Fuller's hands are
too much in evidence there, says the
New York Sun. They are like the
pretty hands of the tavern hostess
whom poor Gerard .met in Charles
Eeade's . "Cloister and the Ilearth.'
Her hands were forever flying about
like excited white pigeons. The chief
justice's hands are also like the arms
of the angelic actress with whom Ar
thur Pendennis fell in love when he
was a boy. Iler arms were so continu
ally exposed, says Thackerav, that she
could only be seen through them, as it
were. Chief Justice Fuller's long,
nervous, thin, white hands are forever
pulling his long mustachios or hover
ing about his nose, and if anything
could upset the dignity of that nigh
court it would be those hands that
would do it. Our New York lawyers
find the court most interesting in its
contrast with bur own courts. The
other day a great light of the bar was
arguing a very serious case before the
almost full bench when Mr. Justice
Field interrupted him, calfed him by
his surname without taking the trouble
to prefix the word "Mister," and then
cracked a little joke with him in the
most free and easy way. It was as if
he had said: "See here, Tomkins, you
New Yorkers see clean streets when
there is a fresh fall of snow on them,
don't you?" There was absolutely
notning to criticise in such an inter
ruption, and yet no such thing would
occur in a high court in this state once
in twrenty years. .".
of Ointment for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surelv destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange tbe
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten-fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yon
get the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made m Toledo, Ohio, by J
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
,Cyoold by druggists, price 75c. per
per bottle.
Watery Meadows.
Mucn of the land classed as
"meadow" in the Adirondack region
is a curious swampy soil, covered with
vegetation that rises so as to hide the
underlying cold, dark water. One may
walk for miles upon such meadow, the
feet sinking into it as into a water
soaked sponge, and deer frequently
feed upon the grasses of the meadows
and seemingly enjoy in midsummer
the perpetual cool footbath of their
pasture. . , ' . '
Guaranteed Care.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Discovery fjr
Consumption, (Joughs and Uolds, upon
tins condition. If you are amioted with
a 'Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Uhest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed, giving it a fan trial, and ex
perience no beneht, you may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's.
A Wonderful Creature.
The polype is the most remarkable
creature on earth. If cut transverse
ly or longitudinally into several partf
each will become a perfect animal
Trembly turned them inside out ant
they ate and enjoyed themselves ar
mutih as ever. He slit two longitudi
nally, placed the halves together an
united them into two animals; he di
vided two transversely and createt
one with two heads; he pushed apt
down the throat of another, a-thirc
down the throat of the second and thu:
formed a creature with three heads.
The experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of
German Valley, N. J., is well worth re
membering. He was troubled with
chronic diarrhoea and doctored for five
months and was treated by four differ
ent doctors without benefit. He then
began using Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea'Remedy, of which one
bottle effected a complete cure. It is
for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. ' i
Tho Whale Story Explained.
A southern man says that Rev. Mr.
Jasper, of Richmond, who believes
that "the sun do move," is the author
of an original and unique explanation
of tbe story of Jonah and .the whale.
It is as follows: "Dat country war a.
I Bea snoah an' de hotels dey was named
1 afn de tin2 b de sea, Dah was de
Sailors' Rest, de Mariners' Retreat, de
Seafaring Man's Home, an' a lot ob
sich places, jest as yo' kin fin' 'em at
Norfolk now. Among dese places was
one called de Whale's Belly. Jonah
came along an' he didn't hab no scrip
in his purse. He stayed dar tree days,
and when de landlady found he didn't
hab any money she spewed him out.
It is gib to us to show how when we
don't treat a man right kase he's,
pore we may be kickin' an angel una
wars!"; O. W. O, Hardman, Sheriff of Tyre
Co., W. Va., appreciates a good iLing
and does not hesitate to say so. Hewus
almost prostrated with a cold when L
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. - He says : "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds." For
sale by , Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists.. . -:'.'- -. - .-.
Sure Shot Squirrel Poison at Snipes &
Now is the time to kill squirr ele.
Shot at Snipes & Kinersly's.
Rich Peasants. "
The richest peasants in Europe are
found in a province in Schleswig-Hol-
stein. These V lerlanders raise . early
vegetables for the great cities of north
ern Europe. They supply flowers to
the courts of St. Petersburg and Berlin.
Their costumes are one of the sacred
traditions of the country and not to bo
modified, come what may. The women
wear little caps with stiffly starched
bows of silk, over this a straw hat
which looks as if it were upside down.
Their skirts are short, the aprons full
plaited. The bodice is white with a
sort of Zouave jacket of bright colors.
The silver jewelry is the pride of their
lives. The men wear small clothes,
long waistcoats trimmed . with silver
buttons, a long jacket and a quite ordi
nary looking cap.
Hncklen's Anneav Sal re.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay '. required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. .
Winter fuel.
We etill have a large supply of Hard
Wood, inclnding Oak, Ash, Maple and
Crab Apple, all dry and . suitable : for
family use to be sold cheap. - -
March, 1894.
Jos. T. Petebs, & Co.
Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf .
Stockholders' Meeting;.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Dalles, Portland & Asto
ria Navigation Company held in .the
Chronicle hall on baturdav, the 7tb day
of April, 1894, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p.
m., for the purpose ot electing seven di
rectors and transacting any other busi
ness that may properly come before said
meeting, tsy order of the president.
Ssam'i. L Brooks, Secv.
The Dalles, Feb. 28, 1894. . 2-27-4t
City Warrntl. '
All those holding city warrants of date
prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
on same ceases after this date. '
I. I. Burget ,
City Treasurer.
Thb Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 1894.
CaJlfor People's Party County Convention.
Notice is hereby given that in accordance with
instructions oi cno btate executive t orn lttee
of the People's Party of the Siaie of Orecron. this
call is issued to the vnt rs of each ami every pre
cinct in the county of Wseo, that thn primaries
of said pxrey will 6 held at the poliimr places in
each precinrt on Baiurday, April 14, beginning
at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M ., for the purpose of
electing d legates to tbe County Convention, to
be held at the court house in The Dulles, on Fri
day, April 20, at 1 o'clock P. M. The object of
the County Convention will be the nomination
of a lull county and' to attend to all other
business aeemea necexsxry tor the better organ
ization of the pai ty. The following is the basin
oi representation tor eacn precmcr, in accord
ance with the vot- cast for 8. H. H-lt for pret
dential elector at the November election, 1SU2:
Blgelow 10 Trevitt 8
East Dalits. 7
v est Danes
Eieht Mile : .
Mosier. 2
Baldwin 2
Columbia. 3
Deschuxs 3
Dufur 3
Nanscne . 3
King ley 4
Wamic... 2
Bake Oven 1
Oak Grove
Aiitel ipe
Hood Kiver 12
All delegates to have credentials nronerly
filmed. It is desirable that all precincts be fully
represented. By order oi the rounty executive
committee. " .JOHN W KLTON, huirmuu
SETH MORGAN, Secretary.
Alfalfa Seed, Clover Seed.
Bd Top Seed,
Timothy Seed, Garden Seed
Han garian Gra a Seed,
Orchard Grass Seed,
Millet Seed, Seed Wheat,
Seeds in Balk,
Seed. Barley, Seed Potatoes,
Seed Corn, Seed Oats,
AT '
flay, Graii, feci, Sed and Greeerj 8tore.
A. WeSOlO, the Host Tailor
East End Second St., The Dalles.
OlIITC IlinC Tfl flDntD rrom 820
ouiio itiHut iu unucn t 5o.
Panta from S5 to SIO.
Perfect fit guaranteed. Spring and' Summer
styles now in stocic.
XT7 ANTED. LADIFS to do wrilin at borne,
Pay ( 15.00 to (25.00 per week. Send self
addressed stamped envelope for reply. M AREE
Ki in i A IKE, General Manager, 324 Dearborn Sc.
fKisiiMi, nit MAT
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MUNN fc CO.. who have had nearly fifty years'
experience m trie parent ousiness. vjommumca-
tlons strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation conoerninir Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ol T"ehwn
ical and aotentlBo books sent free.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive
special notice In tbe Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the pubho with
out cost to the Inventor. -This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. -
Building Edition, monthly, $150 a year. Single
copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
AlUM & CU. New York, atil Bboacwat.
v. Lumbago Sciatica
Kidney Complaints
Lam Back.&c
With Electro-Magnetic SlTSPENSORYi
Win cure without medicine all IVmiuuu resulting from
orcr-taxattou of brain nervo forces i excesses or indis
cretion, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor.
jiHicsii i ULcnis i uui. iranraTPDipnrA x
men max ism. Kidney, liver and bladder complaints,
lame bade, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints,
general ill health, eto. This electric Belt contains
noMtorfUl 1m nrai timia nvi jtll Arhara fni-ront ia
Instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit $5,000.00. and
will cure ail of the above diseases or no pay. Tuou
cnds have been cured by this marvelous invention
after all other remedies failed, and we give hundreds
Of testimonials in this and every other state.
Our Powarjal Ias-Di-orr-d KLECTKIO HYlKPKtf ABT - Out
retet boon ever offered weak men, FRKK with all
Belt. Healtfc aaa TlnraKi StreMtfc (WaiUHTKSD la AO t
90da fiend for DluaM Pamphlet, mailed .sealed, freo.
Removed to 'comer Third and Washington
streets, Portland. Or.
Is called to the faot that .
Dealer in Glau, lime.' Piaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
Carrie tiim Finest 1.1m sr-
To be found in the City.
72 CUasfaington Street
DT T I L Times makes it all the mor
I I L necessary to advertise. That is
J what the most progressive of our
business men think, and these same bus
nebs men are the most Drosneroua at all tlmea-
U you wish to reach all the reople in this neigh
borhood you con t do better than talk to them
tnrougn tne columns ot tne uaixt (Jhiokicu
It has more than donble the circulation oi an.
other paper, and adveitis ng in it pays big .
tS H P
it M
p nf
. When the Tram stops at THE DALLES, get ciT on the South Side
AT THE -' "
This large and popular House does th- principal hotel business
and is prepared Co furnish tho Accommodations of any
House in the city, and at the lo'.v rate of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cegts.
Office for all Stage Xilnes leaving Tbe Dalles for all
Eolnta In Kasterm Oregon and Kan tern Washington,
t this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Bta.
lThere is a tide in the affairs
leads on
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
ClDsiM-Qnt Sale dI
m Fmire I Camels
Who are selling those goods
Pipe foil tin Bepairs aufl Roofing
Shop'on Third Street, next door west of Young & KuW
Blacksmith Shop. ; . 7
tb stimiigyreeoBSB.
Having enlarged our Floral Garden and in
creased our already large collection oi
We wish to announce, in addition, to the
public, that we have made a siecialty of
Pansy Plants and foFget-Jle-Nots,
wnicl Ve Will Sell at Reasonable Prices. .
We also have a fine selection of Dahlia Bulbs,
which for beauty are unexcelled. We are pre
pared 'o furnish on short -notice Cut Flower
tor wedding parties, socials and funerals.
J. 1 FORD, Evaiplist,
Ol Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date erf
March-23, 1833:
S. B. Mid. Mfg. Co., : - ,
Dnfnr, Oregon.
Gentlemen; i "
On arriving home last week, 'I fonnd
all well and t anxiously awaiting. Oar '
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had jrasted away to 36 pounds, it
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed np. 8. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Ms, & Mks. J. F. Fobd. :
If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready
for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or
three doses each week.
Sold under a positive guarantee.
60 cents per bottle by all druggists.
! Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all PaU
i eat business conducted tor Moderate Fees.
! Otm Orncc rs Oppobitc U.S. PartHT Omct
1 and we can secure patent in less time than those
remote from Washington.
t Send model, drawing or photo., with descrlp
5 tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
I charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with
i sent free. Address, . i
Rrjmotis Rates.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
of men which, taken at its JiooA
to fortune"
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- - I7NT0N ST. . .
miwiirii i if ii Tfcsju;
nil IB
If n