en A FOOT-JTOZD for Consumption Si . what you are offer ing, if your blood yis impure. Con- sumption . is simply Qirnfnlnn rTl ("1 1- (i r 'tion, with a "slight I i j couch or colcL is n .j. . . f ''A v.' 'all that it needs L5: 1 if to develop it. W But iust a it 1 E if 1atptu3s nnon the 1.IK.J uioou. ior lis origin, I 1 so it depends upon Vf '. the "blood for its . 1 cure. The surest v remedy for Scrof- nla in every form, ' V ylf . t.Vi Ttvost effective blood-cleanser, flesh-ouilder, and strength - restorer that's known to medical science, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. For Consumption in all its earlier stage, and for Weak Lungs, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung affec tions, that is the only remedy so unfailing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn t bene tit or cure, you nave your money bade For a perfect and permanent cure of Catarrh, take Doctoi Sage's ' Catarrh Remedy. Its "proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head. Costs only 50 cents. ' Eatlfy, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and aU the train of erfls from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry.eto. PullBtrenerth! development and tons given to every organ and gortton of the body. Imple. nattrralmethoda. . ImmedlateJinprovement seen, FalLire impossible. 2,f references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. "The Regulator Line" The.Dalles, Portlana and Ateria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigut .and Passoip Line Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles aud Port land. Steamer Kegulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland Yamhilr at. dock) at o a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for xne Danes. . " PA88KNOKB KATIES. Oneway Sound trip . ! .'.$2.00 .3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, unit oe orougnt tnrougfi, with cut delay at Cascades! - CI - . . - . . . - ouipmeni8 ior 1'ortland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way lanuings. must oe delivered before o p. m. L.ive stock shipments eolicted Call on or address, w. Callaway, tieusral Agent. B. F. LAUGH LI N, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON SHERIFFS SALE. . y virtue of an execution and order of sole Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State - iur hbkou nny, upon a decree and Judgment made, rei dere-1 ami imiwi wum .eourtontheSihdayof Manh, lf94, in favor of the plaintiff; in a suit whereiu Louis Klineer -was plaintiff and A. M wery, Isaac Mowery, ZlZitL Z ' " "ery. mana Kraay, Catherine Williams, R. P. Gibonsand L.. Vander- JfJ; w I1 renuni, ana to nie airected and delivered, commanding me to lvy np.n and sell . the lands mentioned and described in said writ, and hereinafter descried, I did on the 15th .y J Mwh, 1K94, duly levy up n, and will sell at public unction to tuo highest bidder for cash In hand, on Monduy, the 16th day or April, 1894, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Conntv Court House in Dalles City.ln WHgc.Coui.ty, Oregon, .11 of the lands and premises described in said writ and heroin describwi s follows, to-trit: T be southwest quarter (6W of section twenty-six 2t), in township one li s- uth ot ranee fourteen (14 eat of Wiilam- tte meridian, con taining 16" ac es, mor- or leSK.f land, situated i i Wascoc unty, Or., tog- ther with the tenements, liereaiiaiiieiits and appurtenance thereunto be lonpinc ir in any wse app.-rtaining, or so much tot-reof as shuli lie snrtlc-ent t fatisfv the sum of flyj, wiih ir.te eit thereon at the rain of 8 per pnt per nnnum since the 6th day of M.rch, J8i4; V0 attorne 's fee and f40.1U cost in said nit, together with costs ot Mud wilt nd accru ing c st-of sal.-. -T.A.WARD, aich!7 14 HherifT of Wasco Conntv, Oregon. Jated ot Dalies-City, Or., March 15,' 1894. If V, i w w I I I If A. vmbb am THOUGHT HE WAS A WOMAN. Why Cardinal tavieerle Degao to Julti vate a I'ly-inc Beard. An interesting' story is told by the Kew York Tribune regarding; the rea sons which led the late Cardinal Lavi-g-erie to allow his great beard to gTOw, to which, it' has been said, much of his authority in' Africa was due. When the famous prelate arrived at Algiers to take up his duties as arch bishop he saw with regret that the faces of all the priests were 'covered with hair. 'At the reception of the clergy the cardinal showed his dis- -pleasure at this, and virtually ordered them to visit the barberat once. There was great excitement among the long- bearded priests, who disliked to sacri fice the facial ornaments, whijh were their chief pride. But Pater Girard, the popular superior' of the seminary in . Algiers and the possessor of the most 'lombard-like beard, calmed them by 'saying that he would persuade the cardinal to rescind his order. On the day following the prelate's arrival in Algiers Pater Girard accompanied him on his first official journey. As they arrived in a village inhabited exclu sively by native Africans, the oldest in habitants, who had long known the superior, came to pay their respects to the prince of the church. They looked with surprise on the freshly shaven face of the cardinal, and a lively con versation followed, accompanied by gestures illustrative of astonishment. ""What are they saying?" asked Car dinal Liavigerie, with impatience. ud, answerea -ater uirard, pre tending to be greatly embarrassed, "they are great children! You need pay no attention to their nonsensical talk." "Hut tell me, as I should like to. know," continued the cardinal, unable to suppress his interest and curiosity. "Well," came the reply, "they can not understand why a man shaves him self. JLhey think you are a woman, and a very beautiful one." It need hardly be added that the archbishop of Algiers allowed his priests to retain their long beards. In deed, a few months later the cardinal himself appeared with a great beard, which soon became known throughput the northern part. of Africa . ; A. Leader, Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine7 for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive maleria from the Bystem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. A Regiment of Noses. In the Russian army there is one par ticular regiment of infantry of the guards, formed, by Emperor 1'ar.l, the men of whom arc recruited, not o much with regard to their height or the color of their hair and complexions as to the shap of their noses. Em peror Paul had a typical-Kalmuk nose, of the most excruciatingly up-tilted pattern, and since then, out of com pliment to him, all the officers and men of this particular regiment have noses of the- same shape, the sight which they present on parade beinp somewhat startling. Ten days loss of time on account of sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any thing but pleasant for a man of a family to contemplate, whether he is a laborer, mechanic, merchant or pnblisher. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas,, was sick in bed for .ten days with the grip during its prevalence a year or two ago. Later in the season he had a second attack. He eays : "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with considersible suc cess, I think, only being in bed a little over two days'. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the useof theremedy." It should be borne in mind that the grip is much the same as a very severe cold and requires precisely the same treat ment. When you wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually give this remedy atrial. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 4 i . V He Feared Exaggeration. I heard an amusing story from a New York journalist the other day, says a writer in Gentlewoman. In his youth he had been combined editor and staff of a paper that provided news for one of the wildest and most lawless settlements in the Rockies. Mr. was sitting in his ofiice, and a wild looking person was shown in, who said: "Sir, I have" called to see you with re gard to a disturbance that took place at one of the bars last night. I had a row with a man last night, he riled me, and I got excited and shot him, and I regret to say that in the excitement of the moment I scalped him; so I've called on you, sir, to request that you wUJL see that no exaggerated report of this finds its way into your newspaper." ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old pnyslclan. Successfully used ,monfMy by .v thmuand of iM&ie. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. Beware of unprincipled drngsists vrho offer Inferior medicines la place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi tute, or Inclose 1 and 0 cents in postage In letter and ire will send, sealed, by return maiL Fullsealod particulars in plain envelope, to ladies, only, 2 stamps. Address I'onA Lily Company. ' Vo. arte-Block. K&at. Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly. Haworth the printer, at home 116 Court St., Feb. 1st. . - KAY. AGE. Aa OM Lady Who Uclieven In - - , ways Cheerful. Re lug Al A Sear old lady of eighty-three is she who is described by Kate Sanborn, in A Truthful Woman in Southern Cali fornia," as . "Grandma Wade." She says: ... 1 have known several interesting oe iOcnarians, out never one -1 Hat sur passed her in loveliness, wit and posi tive jollity. She still has her ardent admirers among men as well as wom en, and now and; then receives an earnest proposal from some lonely old follow. The last of these aged lovers, wnen reiusea ana relegated to the po sition of a brother, urged her to recon sider the matter and make it a subject of prayer. Hut she quietly said: "I'm not going" to bother the Lord with questions I can answer myself!" une airy wnen sne was cnoked. by a bread crumb at the table, she said to the frightened waiter, as soon as . she could regain her breath: "Never mind if that did go down the wrong way. A great many good things have gone down the right way this winter." ' She is invariably cheerful, and when she was parting with her son for the winter, site said: , ' "Well, John, I want to know before you go just what you have left me in your wilL" This little joke turned a tear into smile. ' Even when ill, she is so bright - and hopeful that a friend once exclaimed "Grandma, I do believe you would iaufrli if you were dying;-' . vi en, sam sne,. so many folks go to the Lord with a long, face,' I guess tie will.be glad to see me come to Him smiling'!" Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense ot smell ana completely deranee the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions irom reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten-fold to the good you carr possibly derive from tnem. ll ail's uatarrn (Jure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. contains ho mercury, and is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of" the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure tou get the genuine. It is taken internally, ana maae in xoieao, orno, ny . J Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Es? ooia dy aruesists. price 7&c. ner per Dome. . Cart JBefore the Horse. Putting the cart before the horse is no longer a .mere conception. In France it is now an accomplished fact. An inventor has gotten up a street car or an omnibus, not drawn, but driven with gearing from a treadmill attached to the rearof the vehicle and supported on wheels. The horse, therefore, rides while he works. ' Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised drutrcrist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery, for consumption, (jougns and Uolds, upon this condition. If vou are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Luner. Throat or t-nest trouDle. and will use this remedv as directed, giving it a fail trial, and ex perience no benefat, you may return the bottle and have vonr monev refunded. We could not fnake this offer did w-.e not Know tnat lir. K.me'8 New Diicoverv cuuiu uereneaon. it never airappoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly.'s. iii , .. . The Ouoen'B Maids. ' . The eight unmarrifed ladies who hold ofiices as the queen's - maids of honor are given the prefix of - "Honorable." and on marrying receive from the queen the gift of one thousand pounds. One or two maids of hopor may reside for a fortnight at a'time at Windsor, . or Osborne, but her . majesty seldom takes more than one to .Scotland. The dowry of a - maid of honor ha3 been given for at least one hundred and fifty years, but is. according to her majesty's pleasure, and in lTGJitwas refused to one lady, who engaged her self in marriage without the consent of her royal mistress The experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of German Valley, N. J., is well worth re membering. He . was troubled with chronic diarrhoea and doctored for five months and was treated by four .differ ent doctors without benefit. He then began using Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, of which one bottle effected a complete cure. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Queer Notion, But Good. Those in search of novel luncheon dainties should try the peanut sand wich, which had its origin in Boston. Be sure the peanuts are freshly roasted. Chop fine-and spread between lices of buttered bread cut very thin. - O. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyre Co., W. Va., appreciates a good tiing and does not hesitate to eayeo. Hewt-a almost prostrated with a cold - when K procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me prompt relief. I find it to be an invalu able remedy for coughs and colds." For eale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug? gists. . Notice. To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of Dalles City will receive sealed bids for the repairing of the city jail at the next regular meeting, to-wit: April 3d, 1894 at 7:30 o'clock p; m. Said repairs to be made in accordance with the plans and. specifications thereof heretofore prepared by C. J. Crandall. , No bid will be received unless ,. the same is accompanied by a good ' and proper -bond in " the sum of one hundred dollars, conditioned that the bidder will accept the contract incase this same is awarded to him. -The right to reject any and all tnds is herebv reserved. . Dated at Dalles City, Or., this 26th day of March, 1894. i . " - Douglas 8. Dcfub, Recorder of Dalles City. " BEAUTY IN - f - The Wnly Alternative. -James Payn tells an amusing story concerning a well-known clnb in Pall Mall. A imembar lost his. umbrella there and caused the following notice to be put up in tbe entrance hall: "The nobleman who took away an umbrella not . his own on such a date is -requested to return it."..' The house com mittee took umbrage at this statement and summoned the member who had composed it before them. "Why, sir. they said, "should you - have supposed that a nobleman had taken your um brella?" V'Well," he replied, "the first article in the club rules says that 'This club is composed of noblemen and gen tlemen, and since toe person who stole my umbrella could not have been a gentleman, he must have been a noble- Bneklsn'i Arinca Salve. - lhe best salve in tne world -for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt. rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents per box. For sale, dy Snipes & Kin ersly. . - . ' . ' Winter fuel. .". We still have a large supply of Hard Wood, including Oak, -Ash, Maple and Crab Apple, all dry and suitable for family use to be sold cheap. March, 1894. ' Jos. T. Peters, & Co. Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf ' Stockholders' Meeting;. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stock holders of the Dalles, Portland & Asto ria Navigation Company, held in the Chronicle hall on Saturday, the 7th day of AdHI. 1894. at the hnnr nf 9. nVlnoIr r. m., for the purpose of electing seven di- ness that may properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. Sam'i, L Bbooks, Secy. The Dalles, Feb. 28, 1894. 2-27-4t City Warrnts. All those holding city warrants of date prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid on presentation at myoffice. Interest on same ceases after this date. t ' I. I. Burgkt , City Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 1894. Hallfor People's Party County Conyention. Notice is herebv eiven that In (uwintAniv) with instructions of the State Executive corn itr of the People's Party of the State of Oregon, this call is issued to the vnt- rs of each ana every pre cinct in the county of Wasco, that th primaries of said party will b b-ld at the polling places in each precinct on Saturday, April 14, beginning at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing d- legates to the County Convent'ou, to be held at the court house in The Dalles, on Fri day, April 20, at 1 o'clock P. M. The object of the County Convention will be the nomination of a inll county tier et and to attend to all other business deemed necessary for the better orgnn izatiou of the naitv. The fnllnwinv la th. HutH of representation for each precinct, in accord ance W1U1 tne VOE Cast tor H. H Hi.lt for nn.i. -ucuuui citujr ab uie novemoer election t iay: 1J XTCVltt tasi uallta. . i 7 w est Dalles Mosier . 2 P--11 Baldwin 2 Eicrht Mile " iOiumDla. 3 Deschutes a Nansene. 8 Dufur 3 tey 4 xygn . . . : wauiie ' OmIi firnv. Bute Oven l Autel-ne. Hood hlver 12 All delegates to have credAntinla TrnTwi.v1v sisned. It is dorlrable that'ail precincts be fullv represented.- Byotderof ihe outitv Executive v-uuiiumtc. . juiirs w jiiriMi. . ha irmi.ii SETH MORtiAN, Secretory. S E E D S Alfalfa Seed, Clover Seed. It-d Top Seed, Timothy Seed, Garden Seed. Hungarian Gri Seed, , ' Orchard Grass Seed, millet Seed. - Seed Wheat, Seeds in Bulk, . Seed Barley, Seed Potatoes, Seed Curn, Seed Oats, AT . H, CROSS' Hij, Graia, Feed, Seed sad Gretery Store. E E E E D S E E D A. WesolO, the Boston Tailnr. East End Second Ht., The Dalles. C1HTC Miinc Tfi nontDi rm 2o ouiiu HiriuL iu unuLrr to sso. Pants from 85 to Sip. PnT-fMf fir tmava'rtta A . C: .-. I ..... o. " --- f3uu...uw.u. j.i ... p u.iu Duuiiuvr WANTED, IiADIFS to do writing at home faDltAmin I'lnA 1. C- I ... addressed stumped envelope for reply. MAREE ' A'At, uencral Manager, 324 Dearborn St., ?3J YO0 NEED ANY JOB PhlSTIVti, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE, GIVE THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR PATRONAGE AN D BE HAPPY. YOU WILL . GET THE BEST, AND " THE BEST 13 GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S INK AND BE PROSPEROUS. tuni uniu.it uwl iimrvrvi COPYRIGHTS- CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT For a SKlPi, and an honest opinion, write to i;iii.iN CO., who have had nearly fifty years' Whence in the patent business. Commnnlca SiS ricty confldentiaU A Handbook of SI i?r?lon ooneerninB Patents and how to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue Ot n-h leal and scientific books sent freaT i-r- I'atents taken thronph Mnnn A; Co. mMini speoial notice in the ci e n ti fi c A mefi AiTnd 1J?J? xoht. widely before the public wUh. fa.J?,tha, Inventor. This BPlendid paper. iSSed.wekl3r' eletrantly illustrated, has by far the iSS? "sultl of any sdentiflc work in the ni,ir..S3i?.,?.?ar' Sa'nP'e copies sent free. -, -;t ouiuuuwuuuuiy, -xj a year. utnRia tirui plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, w tb plans, enabline builders to show the MUMN & CO, MEW VOHSTSOI BE0ifi1?AT. Rheumatism .. Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Com plain ts9 Lame Back. &.c :-"5 -----i-a-rV. S3. SA3EH'S ELEG73.S With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY, latest Patents 1 Iiet Improvements t will ours without medicine all TTiiilnw reeuttingr from OTeraxatiou of brain nerve forces t excesses or indis. cretion. as nerrons debility, sleeplessness, lansruor rbenmotiam, kidney, liver and. bladder complaints, lame bock, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints general 111 health, etc. Tills electric Belt contains vtoMderftal ImpmemeBts over all others. Current is instantly telt by wearer or we forfeit 5, 000. CO, and will cure allot the above diseases or no pay. Tboa. tnds have been cured by this, marvelons Invention, after all other remedies failed, and we Rive hundreds of testimonials In this and every other state. - Our Fttmnul Imarowd XLECTRIC STJaPKIfsOBT, tho Greatest boon ever offered weak men, KRF.K uh all Bella. UealUtaaaTlMnaaBtravKtliGDABillTKEDlBfiOta VOOar Send for IllusM Pamphlet, mailed, asaled, tree . 8ANOEN ELECTRIC CO., Bio. 17 Kirs Street, JOKXaVAAJUI OJ1E. Removed to corner Third nnd Washington streets, Portland. Or. your jnTEjmoii Is called to the fact that Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, iassoBr. Cement and Bnildioa; Material of aU kinds. , Carries the ITlnest Line ef : Picture jnouliigs, To us found in the City. 72 ttlastilngton Street DT TI L Times makes It all the not I I L necessary to advertise. That Is V- what the most progressive of our business men think, and theaa ukia hna. iness men are the most prosperous at all times. If you wish to reach all the reople in this neigh borhood you can't do better than talk to them through the columns of the Dailt Chroniclk It has more than douhle tho cirr.nlntinn of nnw other paper, and advei Us ng in it pays big - Hagh P1RSTCLBSS 1 CAN BE Pi : U i.. C H RON I CLE OFF I C E Reasonably . Wlien tliejrain stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side : T TMC ...... .' ' - ' -. GOLkUjVlBlfl HOTEIi. - This large and popular Bouse does the principal hotel business, ' - and is prepared to furnish the Be- Accommodations of any -, House in the city, and at the low lute of , $i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Ccijts. OfSee for all Stage X.lnes leavlnc The Dalles for all , points In Kastera Oregon and Eastern Waihinirton. - . in this Hotel. . Oomer ot Front and Union Sta. 'TViere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its JtooA leads on to fot'tune." : The poet unquestionably had reference to the ciii-ui! a AT CRANDALL Who are selling those goods ' MICHELBACHv BRICK, Faitiriil D. Pipe W ;-Tii sepis Km MAINS Shop on Third T8 StDfiIli1eBfl.ilO!iS8. Having enlarged our Floral Garden and in . creased our already large collection of POTTED PMTS, lOSES, &c, We with to announce, in addition, to the public, that we have made a specialty of Pansy Plants and ' porget-Jile-Kots, WMca Wffl sell at EeasonaWe Prices. We als have a fine selection of Dahlia Bulbs, which for beauty are unexcelled. We are pre pared o furniBh on short notice Cut Flowers (or wedding parties, socials and funerals. . ' MRS. A. C. STU BLINO f!u SON. J; K FORD, EraiipJIst, : Of Des Koines, Iowa, writes under date ot . - , March 23, 1893: . S. B. Msd. Mfq. Co., Dufur, Oregon .Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I fori ml all well and anxiously awaiting. Oar little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well: . Both of the children like it. Your 8. B. Cough -Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one," with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Mbs. J. F. Fobs. .. - If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or' three, doees each week. i . Sold under a positive guarantee. 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. Rill I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat. j i ent business conducted for Modcratc Fees. - J ' Oun Omern fipMsrrr 11 piTrn-r rmcr 4 1 and we can secure patent in less time than those i remote from Washington. t t Send model, drawing or photo., with descrlp-S Itioo. We advise, if oaten table or not. free off cnargB. kjut ice not aue till patent is secured. 1 t a Piaputrr. "How to Obtain Patents." -with 4 Scost of same in the U. & and foreign countries j V scut ucc Auuxcss, c.A.srJow&co. 11V HAD AT THE Ruinous Rates. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. 1 1 G mil BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST. E: i I I m TAPPED TJISTDER PRESSpTRE.V Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' f Blacksmith Shop.