The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. VII.
A foian flm Tortnrea Her Hns-
A ' Heartless Scoundrel ia Paterson,
N. J.-'Three Pacific Railroad
. Bills.
Liverpool, April 2. Margaret Wal
ber, aged 53 years., was executed today
at Walton jail. Mrs. Walber, in No
vember last, murdered her husband.
She confined him in a garret.- When
the room was entered Walber was found
dead, the apartment resembling a
shambles. The prisoner admitted strik
ing her husband over .the head, with a
heavy chsvin.
Heartless Scoundrel.
Patebson, N. J., April 2 John Mar
tin, a well to-do contractor, betrayed'
Annie Van Dora, of Passaic, and
promised marriage. After a child was
born, Martin's cousin, John Duncan, of
Brooklyn, offered to marry the p'rl un
der an assumed name. The yil was
drugged, taken to a minister . and the
program me carried out. Martin lived
with Annie several months, quarreled,
and then told her the truth and deserted
her. Martin has been arrested for con
- spiracy, and released on $1 ,000 bail.
Paclfloj Railroad Bills.
Washington, April 2. Three bills are
now being considered looking to the col
lection of $100,000,000 indebtedness of
the Central and Union Pacific railroad
companies to the government.' Two of
them are now before the house com
mittee on Pacific railways. One was in
troduced by Gearyj another by Brown
and a third by Boatner. The Geary bill
provides for. the foreclosure of the gov
ernment's mortgage on the two roads,
and the appointment of a committee on
the part of the government to manage
' the roads, and Geary says his desire is to
' make the men who have grown rich out
of the railroads pay the government
' what' they honestly owe. From what
can be learned the Brown bill is not
likely to be agreed upon, but after it and
Geary's bill have been . thoroughly dis
cussed a new measure will be reported,
embodying the features of one or the
other. The Boatner bill also provides
for judic'al procedure to compel the com
panies to make restitution to the gov
ernment. - -
Got. Tillman Endorsed.
Washington, April 1. Governor Till
man's view of South Carolina's difficult
ies is undoubtedly reflected by Senator
' John Irby, who, in 1890, was sent to the
senate from South Carolina to succeed
General Wade Hampton on the same
popuhstic tidal wave that parried Mr,
Tillman into the gubernatorial chair,
Discussing the situation. Senator Irby
gave expression to his opinions as fol
"The public do not understand the
true reason of all this trouble in South
Carolina. It is a mere pretense and
fraud on the part of certain citizens in
Darlington that it is an honest revolt
against their private rights and homes,
The dispensary law of the state forbids
the sale of liquor other than is author'
ized by it, and persons have no right to
prostitute their homes bv making bar
rooms out of them and then crying out
against what they term an invasion of
their private, rights." ,
The Democrats and Populists Were
Used for a Slop.
Cincinnati, April 1. The count from
' the election at the 126 Cincinnati pre-
cincts was completed at 1 o'clock to''
night. The whole number of .. votes
polled was 58,290, out of a registration of
, 71,000. - Five tickets were in the field,
the head of the tickets, the ' candidates
for mayor, receiving votes as follows :
Hon. J. A. Caldwell, rep...-. 26,664
Theodore Hortsman, citizen's. ...19,912
Isaac J. Miller, dem. ... . v . . .11,714
tjaiaweirs plurality... .6,752
Every republican was elected. -.,'
Returns from municipal elections
Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. '
throughout the state show republican
gains in many instances over McKinley's
last vote, notably in smaller places. At
Columbus last April, the democratic
candidate was elected by 200.
Returns from municipal elections
throughout. Michigan show almost uni
versal republican successes. ' j
In Helena, Mont., republicans elect
their entire ticket with the exception of
city treasurer and two aldermen.
Dea Moines' republicans elected the
entire city ticket. . '
A straight republican ticket was elected
in Yankton,. N. D., and for the first
time in' many years the same party
carried Wahpeton, N. D.
Gen. McCook of Denver thinks Coxey 's
movement is dangerous. - '
Charles DeLesseps' name has been re
moved from the French legion of honor.
'Professor Brown-Sequard, inventor of
the supposed elixir of life, died in, Paris
Monday. , '
There is rioting - and destruction of
property going on in the Pennsylvania
coke regions. . "
Le Caron, the spy, employed by the
government to spy upon ' Irishmen in
America, is dead. .
.Governor Northen has appointed Pat
rick Walsh, editor of the Augusta Chron
icle, senator to succeed Colquitt. -
The Breckinridge case has occupied
the attention of the Washington circuit
court for three weeks, to the exclusion
of other cases equally important from a
financial point. It promises to hold the
boards for two weeks more.
'General" Hamilton, commander of
the Colorado division of Coxey 's com
monweal army, was arraigned in Denver
for stealing a suit of clothes and other
articles from Mrs. Kennedy, a boarding-
house keeper. Hamilton claimed the
case was .one of persecution because of
unreciprocated affections.
About 30 Polish members of the
American Protective Association broke
down the doors of the Catholic school,
on Sixteenth avenue, Milwaukee, with
axes and hatchets, where a meeting
was being, held to "counteract their
influence. In the row which followed
Frank, Phillips was fatally injured and
seven others cut and stabbed.
Commander Fry of the industrial army.
avows the movement is just starting;
that in. less than 30 days 400,000 men
will be in Washington for a common
purpose. They mean to be peaceable in
their actions, and demand government
employment, the stoppage of immigra
tion for 10 years and the prevention of
aliens owning land in the United States
It is their serious and orderly demeanor
that appeals to the people. . It must be
conceded the movement is growing.
The first xegular sermon ever given
in Harvard by a Catholic priest was de
livered in Appleton chapel Sunday
night. Father Peter1 J. O'Callaban de
livered a most powerful and impressive
sermon before a crowded congiegation.
The occasion was a memorable one, be
ing the first really cordial recognition
Harvard has ever given a Catholic priest,
though there have been informal ad
dresses before. His text was "Thy tea
timonies are becoming exceedingly
credible." "nationalism in Faith" was
the subject of the sermon.
' v
Xilst of Patents.
Granted to Oregon and Washington
inventors this week, reported by C. A.
Snow & Co., solicitors of American and
foreign patents, opp. TJ. S. patent office,
Washington, D. C. -
. . D. K. Bill, Hillsboro, Oregon, horse
collar and hame; G. JB. Pulley, Cleone,
Oregon, stump extractor; C. B. Hostel,
Jacksonville, Oregon, truss.-.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Obegonian
is $1.50.' Any one subscribing for The
Chronicle and paying for one year, in
advance can get both The Chronicle
and Weekly Oregonian for $2 .00. All
old subscribers paving their subscrip
tions for one year in advance will be en
titled to the same offer.
. . Poison the squirrels.
Snipes & Kinersly's.
Sure .Shot at
. Haworth, printer, 116 Court St.- tf
me mi is ana
.11 N
ed. "Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
o f. millions.
Liver. Regu-4
lator is the
only 'Liver
and Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
c u r e . A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys!. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder '
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines. '
' 1 have nsed your Simmons Liver Regu
lator and can conscientiously say it Is the
king of all liver medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack
SOS, lacoma, Washington.
ilaa Uie Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
The Democratic Party Badly split Up-
Political Motes.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, March 30, 1894.
If Mr. Cleveland can enjoy the predic
ament into which his disposition of the
Bland coinage bill has thrown the dem
ocrats in congress, he must be a pecu
liarly constituted individual. In their
present demoralization many democrats
are saying things which they will regret
when they have had time for their cooler
second thoughts, and cool-headed repub
licans will wait to see what the nature of
those second thoughts will be before
counting upon the otter disruption of
the democratic .party. The democrats
are not worse divided upon the silver
question than they have been u pon
other -national Questions. Every na
tional platform the" party has had for
many years has been so constructed that
it could be interpreted to mean whatever
was desired by any of the numerous fac
tions of the party. 'When the democratic
party was out of power it never had any.
difficulty in uniting upon one thing an
an attempt to get into power. And
they will make a" desperate at
tempt, not withstanding their differ
ences of opinion, to unite for the purpose
of retaining the power they have. Sen
ator Brice recently declared that he-- was
a democrat for the same reason he has
red hair he can't. help it. i It's the
same with the average democrat.
Mrs: J. Ellen Foster is here in charge
of a delegation of the female mill-workers
of New England who have come to
protest against the passage of the tariff
bill. They are" representatives of the
Woman's Republican Association of the
United States. They say that the bill in
its present shape means starvation for
the mill hands of New England.
Members of Coxey's army may draw
their own conclusions as to the Wash
ington welcome they will get, from the
fate of seven men claiming to belong to
the advance guard of that body, who
were arrested this week while, asleep in
an empty freight car, charged with ya-
grancy, and sentenced to thirty daya
each in the work-house by the judge of
the police court.
The cheekiest American ever born
isn't in it with Mr. Theophllus H. Da
vies, guardian of that young woman who
calls herself Princess Kaiulani, heir- to
the Hawaiian throne. Mr.. Davies is
again in Washington, he says lor the
purpose of demanding the intentions of
the administration towards Hawaii. . It
will be remembered that he brought his
ward to Washington early in the present
administration and that by means of ju
dicious "taffy" from, the alleged Princess
to Mrs. C. he was enabled to get the ear
of Mr. Cleveland.- It"" is generally ' be
lieved that the misrepresentations of this
man Davies were largely responsible for
the ridiculous. policy afterwards adopted
towards Hawaii by Mr. Cleveland. Af
ter the miserable failure of that policy
and the mqrtificatiom it has caused the
administration one would suppose that
Washington woujd "be about the last
place that Davies would wish to be, but
here he is as big as life and as full of
misrepresentations as ever.- After much
persistency Davies succeeded in getting a
short interview with Secretary Gresbam,
but he has not succeeded in getting be
pond the . private secretary's office , at
the White House. Davies is not a na-
MIMES' aiid
D. -M. Hough, s C. P. . Ford and Williams & Hoyt makes,
Including the celebrated "TRIMBY & BRKUSTEll" .
Ladies' Lace, Patent Tip, all sizes
" Button " "
" Cloth and Kid Top
" " Patent Tip, Welt arid Turn Soles
" Waukenphast, Welt and Turn Soles
". Patent Tip, Turn Sole
" Plain Toe, Welt ............ !.-..................'.,
" Patent Tip and Plain
Childs' Kid, Patent Tip, 5 to 1
", " " ... 8 to 10:..:.:.
'" : " : " 11 to 2
Oxford .'V' - 8 to 10........ -
Misses' Oxford, Gen, Russ, 11 to 2
. Can furnish the above styles in widths from A
A. M.
tive of Hawaii, but is one of the English
men who have grown rich through the
ownership of sugar plantations there and
the manipulation of commercial favors
granted by the late royal government,
and has no shadow of a right to recogni
tion by this government.
The house judiciary committee has
practically decided against the proposi
tion to amend the constitution so as to
acknowledge the supreme authority of
God therein, by voting to lay the reso
lution providing . for the change on the
, Mr. Cleveland has given the cuckoos
from states which are to hold democratic
conventions this year a gigantic task, in
demanding of them that his administra
tion shall be endorsed by those conven
tions. In some of the states Alabama
and Missouri, for instance this will be
somewhat difficult, as tte democratic
senators from those states 'are openly
opposed to the administration and will
use their power to prevent the adoption
of such a resolution.. In Missouri the
administration men have already decided
to do what the Cleveland men so bitterly
abused Senator Hill for doing in New
York In 1892 hold a snap convention,
on May lpth. - Republicans feel a deep
interest in this fight, as they regard
Missouri as rightfully belonging in the
republican column,, anyway, and the
split that may result will help along the
good cause.
Humors to the effect that the demo
cratic break-up which is now threatened
will include the retirement of two ' or
more members of i the cabinet are being
discussed in inner democratic circles
with much freedom, but. it is extremely
doubtful whether any member of the
cabinet will willingly retire, and it is not
believed that Mr. Cleveland has asked
any of them to get out he much prefers
that they should stay in, for the present
at least. . Cas. .
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she ching to Castori.
When she had Children, she gare them Castorla.
v Por County Clerk.
I hereby, announce myself as a candi
date for the office of county clerk, sub
ject to the decision of the republican
county convention:
. r I. I. Bcrgkt. '
, ; . Por County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a. candi
date for re-election as county treasurer,
. - . . i ' t . i .
suojees to ine acuuu ui me repuDiicau
countv convention.
William Michell. .
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish. . s-
for Infants
BtpiusiHrRTY years' observation of Castoria with- the patronago of
4 M millions of persons, permit na to speak of It without guessing.'
- : ' It ia pnqupntioTi&'bly the best remedy for Jnfanta ttnd Children
'the world has ever known. It la harmless. Chlldron like ft. It
gjru them health. It will save their lives. Tn It Mothers hay
aome thing which ia absolutely safe and pra otloally perfect. aa
child's medicine. . ',;:'."" " ' ,
f Castoria destroya "Worms. -
Castoria allays reverishness. - f
Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Curd. '
v . Castoria cum Diarrhoea and "Wind CoUo. -'
Castoria relieves Teething; Trophies. t
, Castoria. cures Constipation and riatolency. -Cn
storia neutralizes the effects of carhonto acid gas or poisonous afcw ' ,
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulation the stomach and howela,
giving healthy and natural sleep. -
C storia is pnt up in one-aise bottles cnly. It is not sold in built. :.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything' else on the plea or Ttromise
. that it is "jnit as good" and " will answer every pnrpose.".
See that t C-A-S-T-O-K-I-A. . .
The fao-simile
signature ft
Children Cry for
This well-hnown Brewery is now .turninij out -. the best Ueer and Portet
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for .the manufacture of jrixxi bWlth
ful Hr havt Iti iotrruhnL kml on the rirot-claMi article will be placet 1 oo
b mr. . - -t" ' ''."; ''"V '. r '.-'-"..; c . " . . . . -.. :..
Where ?.
Former Price '.
Present Price .
. $4 35
4 10.
3 85
'. 3 45
3 25
3 20
2 70
2 .35
1 25
1 50
2 00
1 05
2 00
. ......
to EE.
.:. $6 .oo
... 5
... 4
... 4
... 4
... 3
.... 3
... 3
... 1
. . 1
.... 2
.... 1
r5- E?
and Children.
.i on every'
. TirrapTr.
Pitcher's Castorla.
h 1
Hand-Corded Corsets,1 Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
At the PacificCorsetCompany's Factory, north
past of the Pair firnnnda. Tt desired frh onrment
will be fitted before being: finished. Call at the fac
tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, aud our agent will call and secure your order.