The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 31, 1894, Image 1

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    I ' v
: .
me Natives Breai Out in Ariel
' Reliellion. v ; .
Foreign Population Are . Anxiously
'. Awaiting a Warship Fatal
' ' Accident in Peoria, 111,
Accki-asd, New Zealand, March 30.
The Bteamsbip Alameda, from Samoa,
brings intelligence of a eerioua uprising
there. It appears Henry Ida., . the
American chief justice under the joint
protectorate exercised over the islands
by the United States, threat isruain ana
Germany, fined and" imprisoned- the
chiefs of the rival factions and compelled
them to work on the roads like ordinary
convict;?. This angered the natives, who
finally broke out in armed rebellion.
King M:lt3toa sided with the chief
. justice, and sent troops to put down the
insurrection. Several sharp encounters
followed, in which 30 were killed ana
50 wounded, the rebels being driven
into' the interior. It is claimed Malietoa's
troops indulged in all sorts of barbari
ties and atrocities, such as mutilating
prisoners, beheading the dead, s-'l out
raging the women. This so incensed
the natives that a general uprising
was threatened at .the . time the
Alameda left. The foreign population
are irreatlv . alarmed,' and - looking
anxiously for the appearance for a war
ship of one of the nations forming -the
protectorate. ".'
. Death In the Waters. ;..
Peoria, - 111., March 30. Workmen
were engaged this morning repairing
one of the larcre stand Dines, of the Peoria
Water Company, on the bluff, which
had been leaking. Without warning the
bottom of $he section burst and the steel
structure at once collapsed. A number
of school children were playing close by,
' and they, with five workmen, were
hurled a distance of half a block by the
force of the large amount of water in the
standpipe suddenly let loose. franK
Hogan, aged 14, is known to be instantly
. ; killed. Two of the workmen are also
missing and it 'is believed two others
lost their lives, while a dozen or
more were injured.. yThere" is' the
wildest excitement throughout the city-,
the work of rescue being carried on by
the police 'and. fire departments and the
ambulance corps. It is a difficult task
to remove' the debris, and may not. be
accomplished tonight.. Two houses were
completely wrecked by the force of the
water, half a dozen more pushed from
their foundations, and barns and other
structures smashed to kindling wood.' -
Bland Scores Cleveland.
Washington, March 30. Representa
tive Bland said today : A president in
sympathy with the purposes of the bill
would have signed it. College protessors
may criticise its language, but a man
who sprung from the people, like
Abraham Lincoln, and representing, not
the money power,-but tne, interests oi
the masses, would have signed the bill
although college professors might have
stigmatized him as a railsplitter.
Concerning the future of the silver
movement Mr, Bland said : "It is evi
dent that under the single gold stand
ard nothing can be done on the cur-
rf.n-ir nnpctinn -without consulting the
few people who own thegold of the
world. These people have dictated the
veto of this "bill. The fieht from now
on will be whether the people of this
country will control the currency Dy
permitting gold and silver to come to
the mints free and thus supply them-
eelves with : constitutional money, or
whether we are to be mere slaves of
the owners of gold in Lombard street
and Wall street. The day is last ap
nroaehine when the people's president
will sisrn a coinage bill. I intend to do
pvM-vt.hlner in mv power to present to
the president a free., coinage bill and let
him exercise his rules oi i.maiey Mur
ray on that."
Gang of Safeblowers Caught
fli.pviti.AND. O.. March ' 30. Early
this morning six men entered the Lake
Shore station at Olmstead Falls, bound
and trussed the operator, and attempted
to blow open the safe. Two farmers,"
hearing -the noise of the explosion, came
tn tha rflscne of the operator with guns.
Several shots were fired, and the robbers
took to their heels. An armed posse
tea a nniffclv organized and the fleeing
men pursued. They were overtaken
nearly six miles from $he scene of their
operations and ' captured after a oharp
fight. . Nine others were arrested at
Olmstead Falls-on suspicion
i. . . . .. . " r
Neighborhood New Contributed by I.o-
cal" Vrlter.
"Aa" old as
the hills" and
; never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
ia the verdict
of millionsl
Si mm o n s
Liver Regu-
lator is the
only Liver
and ; JS.idn.ey . :
medicine to
which y 6 u
can piayoiir
faith ifor a
c u r e . A
mild laxa
tive, ' . and
purely . veg
etable, act-,
ing directly,
on the Liver
and Kid-
"-. neysTryit.
- Sold- by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to bo taken dry or made into a teal
The King of JAver Medicines.
"1 have used your Simmons Liver ReRtt
lator and can conncienoiously say It is the
kinc of all 1 Iver medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest In Itself. Geo. W. JACK
- son, Tacoma, Washington. ,
Has the Z Stamp to Ted oa wnppeA
Cut. . Skinner - indn the 'Old Soldier
uiriitbl for Matrimony.
.United States Pension Agent Skin
nerhas discovered that there are many
Wn:-iiTicr into marriacre contracts with
veterans who have - passed the iree
score mark. In fact, the captain rather
c;,cti thsj t. thfi rmins women who
choose then do so because they have
performed brave service for their coun
try, and are now being'rewarded by a
TkU'etet of t.hihcrs. in the Pitts
burgh district, at least, though not
throughout, the country, indicates
4-l.n-t V. .1 -r'i TiTinn f rf npTlRinnfi Will f UT
tll.U VUV. 1 J " " v I ' "
-iraT-naVtl i R4nf to maiiv hand-
some widows for at least half a century
to come. The veterans win not. survive,
hut manv a vounff widow
arill m-in,-Ti t.ill their derjarture and
draw their pensions until they die of
old age, accoraing i to tne rnttsourgn.
Leader. - "
'' Awnt. Slrfnnp.r has iust completed
his report for the quarter, ending Jan
narv 4-. and also a reoort for the month
of January. The report for the quar-
shows that 44,595 pensioners were paia,
sH- rap&' heina- SS1.538.-
ins . Thpsft navments were all made
in-January, and. during that month 106
pensioners were .added to the. rolls,
while 134 died and nine widows were
dropped because of remarriage.
' ' This' makes a net increase of 23, and
Mr. Skinner says that it is ttue 10 tne
rt The hnshanrlsdie and then the wife
pets & "pension, sometimes' when her
HiiK'hiiTi'd riifl Tinh. - -
; -"There is no way of telling from the
records just how many cases of this
kind there are'" said Capt: Skinner,
'but the number must be very consid
erable and will cause the pension roll
to remain large for many-years' to
rtmA " - - ....
Continuing1, the genial agent described-a
case.of one of the ydung wid
ows from a neighboring town'.who he
had learned' was married on January 4,
probably immediately after getting
her quarter's pension.
She could have married at any, time
and drawn her pension down to the
day of her marriage. She evidently
wanted .the whole . amount, which
was $36, and delayed the happy day to
get it- She .would have had some dif
ficulty getting .her voucher certified
under a different name, and for a frac
tional amount of her quarter's pay, so
that it whs rirobablv on the whole
best to get married on pension day.
From the laughing manner in which
rjrt stJnnoi- told this Ktorv. it is evi
dent the - happy ex-rwidow would not
have' been ' grudged her little dowry
from Uncle Sam had" she announced
her intention to marry- immediately on
T7i n rr it.
If The captain did not say so, but it is
probable the government" will soive
the question of increase in the pension
rolls through young widows of old boI-
. - - r
the exaniple of the practical lady, who
got married on pension a ay.
; ' '- MITCHELL, r.
. .'. '
What have I to write this week? Js.o
notes, no comments, nothing is happen
ing and not likely to as long aa we nave
thia oppressively sultry weather, con
tinually threatening us with more rain
but never raining..' But it ia well that it
does not, for already the ground is soaked
to the bedrock and if it should rain more
farmers would certainly be compelled to
delav their seeding until some more
favorable year. . News? Well, there is
none, not even! Hamlet baa been heard
from for a week, although a dog waa
taken from Canyon City to chase him.
from bis hiding, still all is quiet seem
ingly. The town, well, I might look
from my window for an hour and might
not nee an individual not even a cat. but
if I did see either they wbuld have such
a lazy sveaeeer, it would be a misery to
look at them. I did see Mr. Oaks, of
the firm of Oaks & Wilson, out on the
store porch this morning. - He looked
-about him a few minutes as if he was
riifltrnnted ' thoronshlv diszusted 'with
himself, with the Wilson bill, the silver
question, in fact, with congress in gen
eral : discus ted with the primary meet
intra, held bv reriublicans and democrats
respectively, Monday and Saturday of
last week. Soon he gave a long-drawn
vawn and retired .behind counters and
desks for quiet meditation, certainly, for.
there is no business doing. Some days
he miirht sell a spool of thread, a yard
of print, and if he had it, bejnight pos-
... .. 1 . T CP 1
siDly sen a pouna 01 sugar or couoe, uuw
and then.
Mitchell, dear beloved Mitchell ! of
what do vou boast iust now?. Death, by
slow degrees? Perhaps,; formerly, you
boasted oj killing more men' than any
nlace of vour size, but for the last two
years that, record baa been broken, and
now there is nothing of which you' can
boast, unless it is mud - and tntn, Dut
even that Is' disappearing. A few days
more of our present weather ana your
mud will be eone and I judge from the
smoke' curling up. in many places in
town our filth and. trash are being con
sumed. ; .
Yes. I did see someone else a half
hour since, but he was going at such a
break-neck speed I could not judge ot
h5u sniri trial welfare, but suppose by ap
pearance bodily, he is well and from his
haste it must have been Dr. Houck nas
had a call that has stirred him out of
bis' languor, and driven his loneliness
away for a' time, for you know his- wife
haa gone to Portland to visit her mother
for a. month and the doctor ia all alone
With all the dullness there is a little
bit of briehtness everywhere. Our hills
are sulendid in their ereen coats and the
birch and willow are putting forth their
bloom that -whispers to us, "spring is
I might mention the birth of a son to
the wife of Eugene Gury. one day last
week, the date I do nofknow.
and perhaps something of importance
and interest may transpire that may be
my good fortune to record.
... , . JS. V. E.
; M. Hough, C P. Ford and Williams 8z Hoy t makes,
Including the celebrated "TRIMBY & BREUST1JK"
Ladies' Lace, Patent Tip, all sizes
Jiutton.- .-
tt f!lAth anfl Kid Tod .-
. . m. tit -1, i m C!l.
Patent lip, weii; anu ooica
.. A ........
Waukenphast, Welt and Turn Soles.;.
Patent-Tip, Turn Sole.. ;.:.:...'.-........
Plain Toe, Welt
". Patent TiD and Plain
. Ghilds' Kid, Patent Tip, 5 to 7
':" ' . - "' O TO AUJ.. -
" ' 11 tO 2' ...-V
nfnnl " 8 tO 10i.. . -
blisses' Oxford, Gen.' Rwss, 11 to l-.;,.-.
. - - Can furnish the above styles in widths from
Former Pries '. - Present Price
....$6. 00 : $4 35
5 .50 . 4 10
5 00 3 85 :
.... 4-50 ' 3 45
.... 4 25 - 3 25 :
. .. 4 00 : '3;20- .
3 75 2 80.
3 50 y'2 70. ;
...... 3 00 - 2 35 ;
1 50 1 25
1 75 . 1 50
..... 2 50 2 00
..... 1 25 1 05
2 25 2 00 :
A to EE.
The BaDtist church, Eev. O. D. Tay
lor, pastor, will hold ita regular eervice
tomorrow morning at 11 o'ciock. jrreacn
ing by the pastor; Sunday school will
follow the morning service. No evening
service. ; .
' Methodist Episcopal church Preach
ing by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p.
m.r Subject for morning sermon, uou,
the Soul's Kefuge anO Kest;; evening.
"The Tests of Spiritual rnilosopny.
EDworth Leaeue devotional meeting at
6:30 p. m., subject, "Malachi, The Last
of the Prophets," Mai. xiv : l-Ji. .
Services aa usual at the Christian
church. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m.
Subject "Constituents of a Strong
Church.'.' . Sunday echool immediately
f. .Ammnninn Prenfiliinff aliO at
WkCi wuiiuw"." - " U
7 :30 p. m. Subject, "Our Sins and Our
Savior." All . are cordially invitea to
attend each service. , "
for Infants and Children.; x l
HIK.TY yea-rm oTaserva-tlon of Cartoria with the patronag t
millions of peraoaa, permit pa to gpealc'of it without CP"tng
It ia nnqTietrHonaMy th Tct remedy for Infants and Children
tlie world has ever fcaowTi. It i htnnlesa? Children lihe it. It
gives them health. It wiU save their' lives." In it Mothers na-r
" Contributed.
fa song of politics,-
ecUon time is near, . .
- For County Cleric.
CaDt. J. M. Buschke is a candidate
for county clerk ' on ' the. republican
ticket. '' ' "
For County Clerk.
I hereby announce myself aa a candi-
AntA for the office of county clerk, sub
ject to the decision-of the republican
. . - " I. I. BCBGEt.
- "For County Treasurer. .
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election aa county treasurer,
subject to the actioa of " the republican
county convention. . '
" Ha worth the printer, at home 116
Court St., Feb. lst.
. A Sedentary Occupation,
Plenty of sitting down and not
owicn nnnht rr nave ur. ierce s rieaa-
nn- rJollatii tr trn with it. Thev
C 11 W A vllvV. . ' " O
absolutely ana permanently cure consii
notinn Oiia t.inv Biiirftr-cnated rjellet is
a corrective, a regulator, a gentle laxa-
b,VC X"CJ .v.--,
take and most natural remedy no re-
. i r. - 1 1 i , V " I I
action atterwara. oick neaaacue, uu-1
fi.a ViuaaoVio i nrli tTPotion . hilinnn At.
mua MfcvMvj.. 8- ' ' I
tacks, ana &ll s.tomacn ana powei ae-
rangements are preventeo, reiievea ana
curea. - .
A -'fvilH in the head" is auicklv cured
1 Tt CAa riat.rrh Ppmpv. fin in
catarrhal headache, and every trouble
mnoait Kt, ootoi-p)i Sri id ptitsirrh itnpH.
The proprietors offer4500 for any case
wuicn mey cannot cure.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Chrokicxe is $1.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly' Okegonian
ia 1 Sf). Anyone subscribing for The
Chronicle and paying for one year in
advance can eet both The Chronicle
and Weekly Ohkgojoax for $2 .00. All
old- subscribers ' paying their subscrin-
. ' . . i , t
tions lor one year in aavance. win db en
titled to the same offer. '.
inrl oil fhtk nrklitlniana
Are wif hing it was here. -.
Thev gatber on the corners
Jnst like a bond of sheep,
And when a lody can't get by
She feels absurdly cheap.
At almost any other time "
, The fair sex they can Bee,
But now they ore absorbed in thought,
And saying, "Won't you vole for. me?
They let the lady stand awhile
And fight the smoke away,
And with a half-forced Bmile
"They soy, "We'll surely win the dayi-.'
"If you will stand by me, my f net a,
Till election time is over.
We'll smoke th veiy best cigars ' .-
And almost live in clover. .
But if I'm not elected
r I'll think myself a dupe
And will settle down and be content
To live awhile on bdup.
The candidates are numerous ,
And some are very Sharp.
They stand and talk so long and loud
That you couldn't hear a harp.
They are all very Firm men,
A ud not one a growler, .
Unless it's one or two of them
Who complain at something Fouler.
Now I must close my lines,
Forit is getting dusky, ' -.
With my advice before you vote
To cast a vote for Buschke. .
With these my closing Unes
My poetry will end,
'Tia written for THE CHBOSICI.E
By an effeminate friend.
I have been asked to write inese una .
By one who knows me well,
"And you may publish them, 4
If my name you will not tell.j
-f . -' i
The nrize contest at - the soiree Satur
day night will be for the class only, but
all are invited to attena. ' v
something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as at
.ajhild's medicine. ' . ' -J- , ' '. '
Castoria destroys Worms, y. ' ,
- "' ' Castoria allays FeverisHness. , -. '.
. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. - ' '
. Castoria enres Piarrhtoa and Wind CoHc. . " ;
Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. '' -''-Castoria
enres Constipation and Flatulency, v -
Castoria uontrqlizos the effects of carhonio acid gas or poisonous sjfw y
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
CaaasgjmUates too food, regulate thoistomacli and powelsy
RivinR haltay and natrunl sleep. ; '. , ' -.'t
Cntoria is put T-.p in one-siae bottles QTily. It is Pgtsp?d in hnlk.
. Doa't Ijow aay oneJ slVyg OT Trmaiy? .
fratit i3"jnt as Bod" and " will ansvwr ejT Purpose "
' . '". foe that you gt C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. .
The fao-rimile
!ifynatirre rf
' li?3c2rera ry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
This well-known Brewery'is now turning' out the best Beer and Portet
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the-manufacture of good health
ful ReRrh,v been introduced, and on v thf firfit-claas article, will be placed oo
hf m'"' . '' ' . ' ' " ' ' ' - .
iWhat ?
' Hand-Corded Corsets, ; Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waiats, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
Where ?
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north-:
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac
tory and examine oar goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.