The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 30, 1894, Image 4

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    r t i tTT' t i i
the ereat, eripins, old-fash
ioned pill. Not only when
you take it, but unpleasant,
from first to last, and it only
does av little temporary good.
i ne inmgs to ia.Kc us pic
are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel-
. lets. One of these at a dose
-will regulate the whole system
perfectly. They're tiny, sugar
coated . granules, scarcely
larger than mustard seeds.
They act in Nature's ' own
"way. No reaction afterward.
" Their help lasts and they do
permanent good.. Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious At
tacks, Sick or Bilious Head-
of the liverj stomach, ' and
bowels are s prevented, re
lieved, and cured. -
They're the cheapest, for
they're guaranteed to srive
satisfaction or money is re
turned. Nothing can be "just
as good." ,
' Easily, Quickly.'
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of evils
fromearly errors or later
excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness,
worry.etc Full strength,
development and tone
given to every organ and
gortlon of the body.
Imple.natnral methods.
seen. Failure impossible.
2,0)0 references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
RepMcan County ConyentioB.
A Republican Convention ior the County of
Wasco, State of Oregon, is called to meet in
.Dalles City, in said county, on Wednesday, April
-4th, 1893 at 10 o'clock A. St., for the purpose of
nominating: candidates for the following county
offices: One County Commissioner, County
Clerk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, County
Assessor, County School Superintendent, County
Coroner and County Surveyor; and also precinct
officers for the teveral precincts, and eight dele
Kates to the State Convention, and to tjansact
Kuch- other business as may properly come before
Buch convention. Ihe convent ion will consist
of 67 delegates ctaostn by the several precincts,
and the several precincts of the county w ill be
entitled to representation in said convention us
follows: , .
Bigelow 6 Trevitt' . .6
East Dalits 6 West Dalles o
Mower '2 FhIIb 4
t,.i ir..,.i r ; . . . . .. -j u'ao. u4 i. i
-Balvin "2 Eight Mile '.?".". !2
Columbitt... .- 2 Deschutes. 2
Kausene -.3 Dufur 4
. Xingi-ley... .. 8 Tygh ,.. 2
hiuiu . uuk uiuve 4
BakeOven.1 .2 Antelope ; 4
The same being one delegate at large from each
PTecinct and one delegate for every 25 votes, and
. one for every fraction over one-half of 25 votes
; east for the Republican l egislative ticket at the
election in June, 1S92.
iHrimaries to elect the delegates in each of the
several precincts will be held on March 2S, 1894.
In East Dalles rrecinct the polls will be located
at the Watco Warehouse, and Fmnk Laughlin,
F. Creieh ton and D H . Roberts will uct a indues
, at said el-ction ; in Bigelow Precinct the polls
will be located at the ollice of Wm. Michell, and
Chas. Cooper, C. J. Crandnll and Tom Joles will,
act as judges at said election; in Trevitt fiecinct
the polls will be located at the County Court
room in said precinct, and J. 8. Fish, C. E. Bay-
. ard and O. Li. 1 hillips will act as judges f said
election; in West Dalles Precinct the polls will
ne located at the City Mills, and J. W. Marquis,
T. A. Hudson and A. A. Urquhart will act as
judges at said election.. The polls in each of
aid four precincts will be kept open from 12
o'clock M. to 7 o'clock P. M. for the reception of
votes; the polls in each of the other precincts in
the county will be located at the usual place at
the hour ot 1 o'clock P. M., and will be conduct
d in the usual manner for holding primary
elections. B. 8. HUNTINGTON,
Chairman Republican County Committee.
Secretary Republican County Committee.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and
judgment made, rendered and entered by said
. court on the 5th day of March, 1894, in favor of
the plaintiff, in a suit wherein Louis KHnger
was plaintiff and A. Mnwery, Isaac Mowery,
Joshua Mowery, David Mowery, Maria Brady,
Catherine Williams, R. F. Oibons and L.. Vander
pool w-re defendants. end to me directed and
delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell
nil the lands mentioned and described in said
writ, and hereinafter described, I did on the 15th
day of March, 1894, duly levy up -n, and will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, on Monday,
the 16th. day of April, 1894. ' "
. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
front door of the County Court House in Ualles Wasco County, Oregon,' all of the lands
and premises described in said writ and herein
described as follows, to-wit:
The southwest quarter (SWJi of section twenty-six
-20), in township one il south ot range
fourteen (14i east of Willamette meridian, con
taining 160 acres, more or less of land, situated in
Wasco oounty, Or., together with the tenements,
: hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto, be-
jonging or in any wise appertaining, or so much
thereof as shall be sufficient to eatisfv the snm
of $494, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum since the 5th day of March,
1894; $50 attorney's fee and $40.10 costs in said
suit, together with costs of raid writ and accru
ing costs 01 sale. - TV A. WARD, -
xnchl7nl4 Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., March 15, 1894.
The Foil Wu Transported from a YJ.rm
. . " to a Cola Climate.
"I once saw," said a well known
Bostonian, "an imported farm, the
soil as well as the products being- abso
lutely foreigpn to the surrounding's.
This was in one of the coldest parts of
Manitoba, where I was entertained by a
family which had retained its love for
milder regions and crops. The bill of
fare was necessarily meager, but
some of the vegetables were so bright
and green that I coiild not help asking
how they were preserved so well. To
my surprise I learned that they were
cultivated in a garden patch or a min
iature farm, the soil of which had been
brought from milder regions so far as
to insure a fertility not found in the
region of ice. The vegetables them
selves had been grown from imported
seed, and, owing to the care and pro
tection they had had, they were a per
fect luxury. The expense of conveying
the soil in barrels such a long distance
would prevent any but comparatively
wealthy people Jrom trying the exper
iment, but my friends had made it a
hobby. The only other case of earth
importing that I have met with is that
done by the shah of Persist. The tra
ditions of his country prevent his tread
ing on foreign soil, and when he makes
a trip jn foreign nations his attendants
carry a supply of Persian soil, some of
which is placed in his shoes, a practice
which accounts for the great incon
venience walking always appears to be
to his majesty when abroad."
Congressional Burial Junkets Not Wholly
Barren of Mirth.
"Congressional funerals are not al
ways the lugubrious events that is
generally supposed," said Representa
tive McDowell, of Pennsylvania, ac
cording to the Washington Post, while
in a reflective mood, addressing a
group of his associates. "There have
been some funerals of this sort that
were quite lively. But while the last
sad rites over a departed colleague are
sometimes' enlivened with sundry in
cidents, into which - the festive .game
of poker enters as a prominent factor,
and the hours of weary travel are
playfully beguiled, with anecdotes and
champagne as a rule a strict decorum
is observed by all aboard when the last
friendly escort is .conveying the de
parted to his distant resting place.
There is a good deal of mawkish sen
timent expended in the case of some
deaths, and it sometimes happens that
the speaker inadvertently .selects a
funeral party whose members had no
really keen interest in the dead. Un
der such circumstances I suppose it is
natural that more levity than seems
proper should enter into the solemnity
of the occasion. . But in most cases con
gressional funerals are quite as respect
able as they should be." , ., ,
. : : " '.' .
' A Combative Deer. - "
A West Virginia hunter, with gun
and dog, while scouring the mountains
for game, heard his dog howling some
distance away in the woods. Arriving
at the spot, he found the hound injur
ious combat with a buck, lie fired,
but missed, and before he could reload,
the deer, had gored the dog and charged
him. The hunter nar owly escaped
the rush, and in return dealt a blow
with his gun, which did not appear to
hurt the deer a particle, but did break
the stock. Escape was impossible, and
the hunter had to fight with the barrel
of his rifle. Fortunately, he was both
powerful nnd active, and, although
onee knocked down, he managed to
deal three or four heavy blows, the
last of which stunned the deer, where
upon the hunter dispatched it with his'
knife. The buck was one of the finest
killed in that section for many years.
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he is a laborer,
mechanic, merchant or publisher. Jas.
"0. Jones, publisher of the Leader,
Mexia, Texas, was sick in bed for ten
days with the grip during its prevalence
a year or two ago. Later in the season
he had a second attack. He eay8:'In
the latter case I used. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with considersible suc
cess, I think, only being in bed a little
over two days. The second attack I am
satisfied would have been equally as bad
as the first but for the use of the remedy."
It should be borne in mind that the grip
is much (he same as a very severe cold
and requires precisely the . eame treat
ment. When you wish to- cure a cold
quickly and effectually give this remedy
a trial. 25 and 50 cent bottles for 'sale
by Blakeley& Houghton, druggists. v
. Tasso was miserably poor most of his
days. " His miseries finally drove him
The experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of
German Valley, N. J., is well worth re
membering. He was ' troubled with
chronic diarrhoea and doctored for five
months- and was treated by four differ
ent doctors without benefit. He then
began using Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, of which one
bottle effected a complete cure. It is
for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. - .. .
Galileo suffered imprisonment on
account of his devotion to science. His
old age was darkened by great pov
erty. ' ... v,; , , .-.
O. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyre
Co., W. Va,,; appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to say ,so. - He was
almost prostrated with a cold when-'Lf
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. ! He says: "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds.". For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. ,
Made ol Bushes and ilang on Poles in
v the AlarBhes.
'The water-fringed village of Grouw,
in . Friesland, ; north - Holland, is re
markable for two things cheese and
ducks. The- lakes which fringe the
village on three sides are thick' with
bulrushes and water grass, and afford
excellent cover " for . wild ducks and
other aquatic fowls. To promote the
comfort of the former and at the same
time facilitate the collection of their
eggs thevillagers construct nests made
of. plaited rushes, and hung on poles
driven into the soil or perched between
the. forks of trees. " Above each coterie
the owner of the nests fixes pieces of
colored ' cloth, " which ; enable him to
readily.' distinguish his nests from
those of his' neighbors.' Thes bits of
bunting arc useful also to the birds;
who invariably keep to their own
nests. The owner goes each : morning
in his boat to the nesting ground,
thrusts his arm. into the bottle-shaped
nests, aad collects their " contents ior
the market.
The Eastern Back Board. -
The buck board as seen in .north
eastern New York, where it is in gen
eral use, is a vastly different vehicle
from the buck board of the suburban
region. The latter is. a stanch-looking,
open vehielc, usually painted to re
semble polished oak, while the former
is of ten an unpainted . .wagon, with a
perilous sag in the middle, suggestive
to the stranger of the historic "one
horse shay" and its sudden dissolution.
A Leader.
.Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
ampng pure medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing ' nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
materia from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
money will be refunded. Price only 50c.
per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Flight of the Swift.
As to the speed with which the mi
gration flights, of birds are accom
plished, Canon Tristram, in the British
ish Association, quoted Herr Gatke as
maintaining that godwits and plovers
can fly at the rate of two hundred and
forty miles an hour. Dr. Jerdon had
stated .that the spine-tailed swift, roost
ing in Ceylon, would reach the Hima
layas, one thousand miles, before sun
set. In their ordinary flight the swift
was the only bird the .author ever
knew to outstrip an express train on
the Great Northern railway.
-Beware of Ointments .for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury, y
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should ' never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten-fold to
the good .you can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J-. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken' in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
XI"Sold by druggists, price 75c. per
per bottle. . - -.
XjA3p -Sq passdssod .guiaq jo miq pasna
-ou oqAv 'sairaouo stir jo saapueis aq
ifq psifouuu Svsi3 stjai eaxvaoog
suraod siTi jo mijon oxHsclt otnos noq-e
aSxsj. e m A'huuisuoosbai pan 'msiotitao
aopun .oaiissj. Ajoa s-bav nmaanBO
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to 'sell Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Cough's and Colds, upon
this condition. If you are afflicted with
a Cough, Cold or any Lung', Throat or.
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed, giving it a fail trial, and ex
perience no benefit, ou may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could be relied on. It'never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's.
Selden was once committed to prison
for his attacks on the divine right of
kings. .
Palestbixa lived in extreme poverty
most of his days, and finally died in
great want.
A recent discovery by an old
physician. Successful!! vea
'hill bit thousands of
todies. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis
covered. Beware of unprincipled drugsists who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi
tute, or Inclose tt and G cents an postage in letter
Bud we will send, sealed, by return lnaiL Fullsealed
particulars la plain envelope, to ladies only, 8
stamps. Address PonJ Lilly Company.
No. 3 Fisher Blocfc. T)tro!t. Ulcb, .
Sold In The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly.
To All Whom It May Concern: .w
Notice is hereby -given that the com
mon council of Dalles City will receive
sealed bids for' the repairing of the city
jail at the next regular meeting, to-wit:
April 3d, . 1894, at '7:30 o'clock p. m.
Said repairs to be made in accordance
with the plans and specifications thereof
heretofore prepared by G. J. Crandall.
; No bid will be' received "unless the
same is accompanied by a good and
proper bond in the sum of one hundred
dollars, conditioned that the bidder will
accept the contract . in case the eame is
awarded to him."
!The right to reject any and all bids is
herebv reserved. .
Dated at J)alles City, Or., this 26th
day of March, 1894.
Douglas S. Dcpuk, -i
- Recorder of Dalles City.
Stories Thai:
Are ' Fnnuy, Bu
Doubtful. ;
' The story is related of a bishop who
came to one of our state prisons and
was told: "No need of you here, sir.
We have eight preachers safely locked
up who are. brought out each Sabbath
to minister to their fellow-prisoners."
If this, appear a doubtful 'tale, it can
be varied with . the following- about a
young lady Sunday-school teacher who
has a class of rather bright boys, aver
aging between seven and ' nine years.
Recently she requested each pupil to
come on the following Sunday with
some passage of Scripture bearing up
on love. The lads heeded the request
and in turn recited their - verses bear
ing upon that popular subject, such as
"Love your enemies," Little children
love one another," etc. The teacher
said to the boy whose . turn came last:
rtVell,- Robbie. -what b your verse?"
Raising himself up, he . responded:
"Song fof Solomon, second chapter,
fifth verse: , 'Stay- me with flagons,
comfort me with apples, for I am
sick of love.1" . . '',-' . f .
..v ' : ') i j
-starvation in Kossia. ' "
. . .The peasantry in the northern region
of European Russia are in a pitifully
impoverished condition, which is daily
becoming - more acute. The region
most affected covers' an area of not
less than 375,000,000 acres. While the
imperial government .is formulating
plans for the commercial and indus
trial development of this region by the
building of railroad systems, the local
governors are appealing for assistance
to keep the people from actual, starva
tion. . The people have not'enough for
bread to last them through th winter.
They are four years in arrears with
their taxes and are hopelessly indebted
to the-crown for advances made during
Ericl Kiree tV lrc-'-Ti5np.
Hon. Alexander .H. Stephens.
"I occasionally use, when my con
dition requires it, Dr. Simmons Liver
Regulator, with good effect.
""Hon. Alex H. Stephens.'?
Stockholders' Meeting.
'Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual - meeting of the stock
holders of the Dalles, Portland & Asto
ria Navigation Company held in the
Chronicle hall on Saturday, the 7th day
of April, 1894, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.
m., for the purpose of electing seven di
rectors and transacting' any other busi
ness that may properly e before said
meeting. By order of the president.
Sam'i. L Brooks, Secy.
The Dalles, Feb. 28, 1894. . 2-27-4t
City Warrnts. '
All those holding city warrants of date
prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid
on presentation at my office. . Interest
on eame ceases after this date.
' . ' ' I. " I. Bueget ,
City Treasurer.
The Dalles, Or., Jau. 8, 1894.
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, PorM and Astoria
Navigation Co.
FrelQtLt and Passeip Uufi
Through TriAVeekly (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., . -
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
connecting at the Cascade Locks with
Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles
City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock)
At 6 a. m., ; -
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
connecting with Steamer Regulator for
The Dalles. c
One way
Round trip.
..... 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except c'ar. lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for , Portland received at
any time day or eight. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
o p. m. Live stock shipments solicted
Call on or address, -
' . W. C. ALLAWAY.
Genera Agent.
General Manager.
5K91Pt,BnsweI' and an honest opinion, write to
MUNN CO.. who have had nearly fifty years
experience in the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook ot In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain tbem sent tree. -Also a catalogue ot mg-hn-leal
and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken tbrooKb Munn te Co. reeeiva
special notice in the Scientific American, and
tbns are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. Tbis splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, baa by fax tbe
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. S3 a year. Samole copies sent free.
Building Edition, montbly. HiO a year, bincle
copies, i; cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
Rheumatism '
Lumbago, Sciatica, -
. Kidney Complaints.
Lame Back, &c.
With Electro-Magnetic SUSFENSORY
Win cure without medicine all Weakaaaa resulting- from
orer-taxatiou of brain nerve foroest excesses or indis
cretion, aa nervous debility, sleep leitsneas, languor,
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints',
lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints.
Wmeral ill health, etc. - This electric Belt containa
onderTnl Imprvrmeiita over cil otiiera. Current; fa
msiantiy reit oy wearer or
r we forfeit $S7Ooo,op2aud
diseases r no pay. Thou
will cure ail ot the above mneasea er no nav.
ZsJldn have been cured frv this tnarvalnnRlnvRntinrt
after all other remedies failed, and we Rive Jxiindreda
of testimonials in this and every other state.
Our Powwial Inarovcd ELECTHIC SUSPENSORY, the
frrtMtest boon ever offered weak men, PKKK with all
feelta. UulU and Yforoae Strength GUARANTY D tm CO tq
Send for Dlus'd Pamphlet, mailed. sealed, tree.
So. lrs Street. JOB,XaAJfc'ji OB.
Removed to corner Third and Washington
- streets, Portland, Or. .
Is called to the faot that
Dealer in 31as3, Lime, Plasm. Cement
and Building Material of all kinds
'..-' ' ' . '
. Carries tae Finest r.lne or .
- To be found in the City.
72 lllashington Street
Daily Evening Chronicle Is recognized
as essentially the home naner for the
es City folks' unifT? Thisis not a had
reputation. Some fiUlYlH 2,000 of our best
oi tizens watch the columns of this nn nPD
daily for the spiciest local news. It rnr tK
succeeds in gleaning the field, and hence grows
In popularity and importance. Take it awhile,
you wno don't; try some of its premium offers.
n fo
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the Sonth Side
''.'.'. ...... t the . . .
flEW COlitfJWBlfl HOTElt.
. . w;e.. . '' - . '
- This large and popular House doc the principal hotel business, ' , -
and is prepared to furuish tb Hest Accommodations of any '. ; .
- House in the city, and at the iow rate of ,.
$1.00 per Day. r pirst Qass reals, 25 Ceijts.
Office for all Stage Lines leavine'The Dalles for all
points In Eastern Oregon and Kastern Washington,
la this Hotel. ,
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
uTiere is a tide in the affairs of men -which, taken at its JiooA
; . , - .11111 1 1
leads on to fortune" '
" ---" " : : ..'.'.'-...'- : . 1.
The poet unquestionably had reference to the '
Who are selling those goods
Pips W01K, Tifl Bep airs aufl Hoofing
Shop on Third Street, next
TfiR Rtiifiiinn BrfiRnfiniiRR
, creased our already large collection of
tinTTFt) tTrHrJT; tftC,PC fin
. m. A "J 'rVAJVJ
We uish to announce, In addition, to the .
. public, that we have mndo a specialty of .
Pansv , Plants and Foraet-Me-Nots.-
st . s9
mcl We Will sell at-Reasonable Prices.- - 'v .-
We also have a fine selection of Dahlia Bulbs, .
which for beauty , are unexcelled. We are pre
pared to furnish on' short notice Cut Flowers
for wedding parlies, socials and funerals.- .-
J. F. EOBD, ETaspUst, . :
POf Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ot
March 23, 1B93: . ' -
S. B. Med. Mfo. Co. . ' t :. ' '.
' ; - Dufur, Oregon. .. . ' .-" ,
Qentlemen : - - - -' "-:
. On arriving borne last week, I ' fonndj '
all well and anxiously . awaiting. Onr
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
wno naa wasted - away to 38 pounce, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well '
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done ,
its work well. Both of the children like
it Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured .
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings 1
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are.
for the Spring's work, cleanse yotxr system vrittx '
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two ot .
thiWA HrMMMi Mfh vAalr . - " , , .... '
Sold under ft potive guarantee. v . . .
J 50 cents per botffe by all druggists "
(Caveats, and Trade-Marksobtained, and all Pat- i
tent business conducted tor moderate Fees.'
! Our Omn is Opmiitf U. s. pTrirr Omer
, and we can secure patent in less time than those t
remote from Washington. - ,- ' 2
Send model, drawing or photo;,ith descrip-J
.tion... We advise, if oaten table or not. free oi.
tcnarge. uuriee not auetiu patent is secured, i
I - A PiMMLff. "How to Obtam.Patents." with 4
icost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries j
Opp; Patent Office. Washington, O. C.
Rainoas. Rates.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Prppr.
out at greatly-reduced rates.
door west of Young & Kusa
?l I fUl 1 I II 1 II 1 1
W I ft til II F I I E V
iit 11 1 1 1 j i 11 rti:
. a . a . ai . m a . an
a- Ha.aHBn..BaaBBBBaa.B............BB..aBWBBBMBM,r