The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 19, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. VII.
NO. 76.
General fficCoci Has Withdrawn .Ttem
From Denyer ta Fort Logan.
supreme' court hearing today
The Outcome of the Pollard-Breck'W'
ridge Trial Will ; Be a
Divorce Suit
Denver, March 18. General McCook
today withdrew the federal troops from
the city to 'Fort Logan. The proceed
ings against Mayor Van Horn and Police
Commissioners Rogers, Barnes and
Mall ins for contempt of court, in "having
violated the injunction issued by Judge
Graham on behalf of Martin and Orr,
will coinr? up' before Judge Glinn to
morrow morning, Judge Graham having
gone on a vacation.
A Suit for Divorce to Follow. '
Washington, March 17. The final
chapter of the Pollard-Brecklnridge
' trial, rumor says, will be a divorce suit.
The secret marriage of Mrs. Wing and
Representative Breckinridge t- '.- place
in New York . April 29th, is tbuvro by
the certificate of only a few days ago.
It was not until the following July that
the public marriage Was celebrated in
Louisiana. It was after the New York
ceremony that Breckinridge promised in
the presence of Chief of Police Moore- to
marry Miss Pollard. According to the
testimony Colonel Breckinridge contin
ued, his relations with Miss Pollard
three weeks after he was married to
Mrs. Wing. This revelation of unfaith
fulness and duplicity on the part of Col
onel Breckinridge, it is'. said, has keenly
affected his present wife, and it . is now
asserted that when the pending trial is
concluded a suit for divorce will follow.
Tbs Feeling. Against the Governor.
" Denver Colo., March 17. The feeling
against Governor Waite rnns very high,
and it is said the temper of the opposition
to him is such that the slightest pretext
would be the cause of a personal assault
on him. The propriety of having the
governor Beized as a lunatic was discus
sed by 'some, and at one time seriously
F. I.. Bennett of Kent undertook to
run through a burning straw stack ' last
week, but tripped and fell into the
fire. Luckily he did not inhale any of
the fire, but his face- and wrists were
pretty badly burned. '
. J; E. McKinney of Lone Rock has just
learned .that a silver mine at his old
home in North Carolina, in which he
owned a twelfth share, has been sold to
an English company for $29,000. A
brother and two sisters alw get a share
nearly $2,500 each. He expects his
brother out to Condon soon, and it is
very probable that they will invest their
5,000 in- some enterprise at Condon,
says the Globe. .
A few days ago, Superintendent Gard
ner of the Boys .& Girls' Aid Society,
received word from Justice McQuillan,
of Hillsboro, that one Myron Beard, liv
ing on a farm near Greenville, had been
brought before him and sentenced to a
. term in the county jail for abusing his
two little boys, one aged 2 years and the
: jxa oui as
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
i3 the verdict
o f .millions.
Liver Regu
lator , is . the
only Liver
and Kidney
medicine t o
which you
Can pin your
faith for a
c.u r.e . A
rmild laxa
tive, an d
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
- oa the Liver
and Kid-
!' ; neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
- The King of liver Medicines.
" 1 have used yourSimmons Liver Regu
lator and can consciencioufily say it is the.
kine or all liver medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack
son, Tacoma, Washington. . ,
Aaa the Z Strfnip jo red on -wrappers
other 4 years. The children were found
to'be covered with bruises and cuts
One of the eyes of the-2-year-old boy
was blosed and blackened, and the skin
had' been knocked of the right temple.
A large red handkerchief was tied around
the little fellow's head, and represented
a pitiful appearance. The elder child's
hair had been pulled out from the back
of his head. The case will be heard be
fore County Judge Crandall, at Hillsboro
On March 24. Mr. Gardner will be on
hand, and he thinks there is no doubt
that the permanent care of the little
ones will be awarded to the society.
De Gama and seventy officers boarded
a Portuguese warship and put to sea un
molested. 1 " i -
The amended tariff bill will be pre
sented to the senate Tuesday, but debate
on it will not begin till two weeks later.
The fine Union depot at Denver was
completely destroyed by fire yesterday
morning. ' - The loss is $500,000, fully in
The story was circulated at the state-
house that the request" for troops at
Cripple Creek was only a ruse 'to get
them away from Denver.
Secretary Carlisle has submitted to
congress an estimate for an additional
appropriation of $10,000 for.carrying out
the Chinese registration act.
The Cripple Creek (Colorado) miners
are striking for an .eight-hour day with
nine hours pay. They euccepsfully re
sisted the sheriff and posse, and now the
militia has been enlisted against tbem. .-
There will be no contest over the will
of Annie Prxley. Robert "A. Fulford,
her husband, has effected a settlement
with the mother and sisters of his late
wife, which, it is claimed, exceeds their
expectations. The mother of the actress,
it is said, will, receive $15,000 and an
allowance for the remainder of her life,
while the sisters. will receive $10,000 and
an allowance.
The disgraceful row between Governor
Waite and Messrs. Orr and Martin, of
the fire and police board, over the pos
session of their office, in which the state
militia and federal troops took a prom
inent part, will be settled in the courts.
The chief' executive has submitted the
controversy to the supreme court, aa hia
legal advisers have advised him' to' do
ever since the trouble began. ' A decision
is expected as early aa Tuesday
Miss Martha J. Fuller, a pretty sten
ographer and typewriter, 26 years of age,
who for the past three years has been
employed by "Mr. Mullen, a New York
lawyer, was Jound alone in the office,
dying from pistol shot 'wounds by J. T.
Magee, a lawyer in an adjoining room.
Blood was flowing from' two great holes
in either temple. . A revolver was lying
upon the desk which a few moments be
fore she had closed, preparatory to going
home. It is thought Magee killed her
himself, though he claims it was suicide,
It was later discovered she had refused
him in marriage. ' . - :
Houses are very cheap in Australia.
The horse' markets are glutted with
animals. offered, for which there is no
demand. Similar " reports come from
Great Britain. Indeed the. depression
in' the prices of horses seems to be
world wide.
A fixe stud of hackney horses has
been established at Buda-Posth, Hun
gary, by a wealthy gentleman named
VVahrmann. Among the foundation
animals are thirteen mares from the
renowned Brodkfield stud of Mr. Bur-
dett Coutts. .
The agricultural department of India
Has adopted what is there spoken of
as "a new idea," and which consists
in publishing for general distribution
monographs, similar to the farmers'
bulletins of the United States depart
ment of agriculture. - ' .
Farmers in all the parts of Europe
which suffered from drought last year
find it difficult to provide forage, to
keep their live stock through -the win
ter. In France and Germany, twigs of
trees and vines are made to contribute
to the subsistence of cattle and sheep,
. United States Commercial Agent
Smith reports that the Rhine vintage
of 189.3 was a full ' one-half crop. This
is. a gratifying amount, as a three-
fourths vintage is a rarity ' and a full
vintage remarkably scarce. It is ex
pec ted on all sides that the Rhine wine
of 1893 will be nne in quality.
Deserving Praise
We desire to say to pur citizens,' thai
for : years we' have been- selling . Dri
King's New. Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New- J,ife Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate- to
guarantee them, everv time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase - price, if
satisfactory results do not iollow their
use. There remedies have won their
ereat popularity purely On their merits,
Snipes & Kinerelys druggists. . '
Egyptian Names Are Falthfally Repro
duced la the ISible.
A correspondent of the .Manchester..
Guardian writes: - . Perhaps hardly any
taie ei ancient times iias.eome down
to us so rwell accredited as to its main:
facts as the story of the sojourn of the
Israelites in Egypt, their wanderings"
in the desert, and the slow and painful .
evolution among- them of a higher form
of religious faith, and yet, if we are to
believe Profs. B. Stade ("Geschichte
des Volkes Israel") and E. Meyer
("Geschichte des alten Aegrptens"),
the Israelites never were in Egypt, at
all. "All that we read of their history
in Exodus," says Prof. Stade, "is a myth
decked out as history." A defender,
however, has arisen for the old story
in far Japan, whence Prof.- L. Riess
sends a paper to the Preussihc Jalir
bucher (December) discussing at some
length Profs. Stade and Meyer's argu
ments, and giving his own attempt at
a rationalistic version' of the Bible
story. He dismissed as untenable their
argument from the silence of . the
Egyptian records (why, he pertinent-
ly asks should the Egyptians have
sought, to preserve- the memory ot
events so little creditable to them
selves?), and rejects as unscientific
their attempt to emasculate ' into
the mere' passing wandering of some
small nomad tribe that migration and
regeneration of a whole nation which
has left lasting traces on the history,;
of the world. The. accretions of a later
date may be distinguished from the
small bits of genuine tradition that are ;
all that have come down to us by their
very appropriateness, by their aptitude
to enforce the tendencies of the age in
which the tradition took definite liter
ary form; thus the. miraculous element
in the story of the Exodus would grow
naturally out of the desire for religious
edification, the omission of other men
tion of other tribes than their own
from "the growing' national exclusive-
ness. Hut where-we find details erven
which are opposed to the tendencies of
the later time, such as the Midianites,
later on Israel's '. bitterest enemies,
figuring now as their main helpers in
a spiritual as well as material sense,
or the forefathers of the two great
tribes, Ephraim and Manaseh, spring
ing from an Egyptian mother, there
we may surely draw conclusions favor
able to the genuiness of the tradition
of which they form part. No explana '
tion can account so simply for th
faithful reproduction in the Bible nar
rative of Egyptian names and circum
stances as Xhat of the memories left bj'
a lengthy sojourn in the country.
Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
has just left the Russian army, to wear
his uniform again only in case of war.
He is an exile without a home, for the
famous villa of Prangins, at the foot
of the, Alps, near Lake Leman, is for
ever closed. His one ambition was to
become a great soldier; the privilege,
was denied him in France and he went
to Russia. Now he lays down sword
and intends to travel. I.
To the Public.
I have been in office two terms for
which I am grateful to the voters Ot this
county, and am ready to step -down and
out Whenever they say so, but through
any misunderstanding, I desire, there
fore, to make the following statements
First, I have never pledged myself to
anyone that I would not be a candidate
for school superintendent again.
Second,: I have not been, am not now,
and do noWintend to ' be, a candidate for
county clerk before the republican county
Third, I am a candidate for the nom
ination of county school superintendent
before the coming ' republican county
conv.ent.ion, subject to the decision' of the
convention. . Troy Shelley.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury, ,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
ot Emeu and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. -. Such ' articles
should never be used except on -pre
scriptions Irom reputable physicians, as
the damage- they ' will do is ten-fold to
the good vou can possibly derive from
them... Hall's Catarrh Cure., manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken in
ternally; acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally,
ana roaae in xoieao, umo, by jj . J
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
CS7Sold by druggists, price 75c. per
per Dome.
Haworth the printer, at home 116
Court St., Feb. 1st.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S." Gov't Report.
Gents' Fine Footwear.
If you desire a Shoe that has Style,. Perfect Fitting and Wear
ing Qualities combined with a Suitable Price, give us a call. .
A. M.
Distinguished Visitors.
Oregon will "be visited .by some polit
ical orators of widespread fame this
spring. The gospel of high protection
will be preached by Governor William
McKinley of Ohio, author of the tariff
policy which the present administration
and majority' in congress is endeavoring
to annihilate. Governor McKinley will
arrive here some time in May, and ar
rangements for his tour' of the state are
now being made by the republican state
committee. Hon.' Henry Watterson,
editor of the Courier-Journal, is booked to
lecture in Portland April 26th on ''Money
and Morals," and the local democracy is
preparing to meet him with open arms.
It is doubtful that his contract will per
mit him to deliver a partisan address,
but bis lecture will draw a packed house
just the same. The populist managers
have booked Ignatius Donnelly, Chair
man Taubeneck and United States Sen
ator Stewart to stump the state for Pen
noyer and Pierce. Entertainment as
well as enlightenment is in store for the
voters of Oregon. Oregonian.
The Good Templars.
The regular weekly meeting .of Dalies
Lodge, No. 2, was held at the K. of P.
hall on .Saturday, March 17th, and a
very en joyable time f was had. Four
new members were initiated, after which
a short literary and musical . program
was excellently rendered by members of
the lodge. .This ia one of the pleasant
features of our lodge, and is worth men
tioning At each meeting the .commit
tee on entertainment have the. program
prepared,, which consists of readings,
recitations and music. Our lodge is in
creasing in membership, and we have a
class of members Becond to none in the
state. 'Anyone desiring to unite with
us will please inform any member of the
lodge. Come and lend a helping hand
for the good of the cause. ; V - ' ;
, . - y . - . : " A Mihbes.
O. W. O. Hardman,' Sheriff -of Tyrel
Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing
and does pot hesitate to. say so. He was
almost prostrated with a cold when he
procured a .bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. C He says : "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton, ' drug
gists. ;.',,j-.;-: , ' .-. .
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
: for Infants
BSjSI KIRTY years' observation
' H ' million of persona, permit
It is Trnqnostionaoly the
the world has ever known.
: gtves them health. It will save
tething which is ahsolntely
Alld's medicine.
Castoria destroys Worms. .
' Castorla allays reveriahnesa. .
s - - : ;' "
Castoria prevents yonil-ting Sour CnrdU ' "
- Castoria onres Diarrhoea, and Wind Colio.
" Castoria' relieves Teething Trophies. " . 1
,' Castoria enres Constipation and Tlatnlency.
Castoria neutralizes the effects of oarhonio acid gas or poisonous axitV
Castorja does not contain morphine, opinm. or other, narcotic property.'
Castoria ossjmilates - tho food, regnlatti the stomach and Dowels,
: giving healthy and natural sleep." . .
Castoria is put np in rne-sizo hottles oply. It is not sold in.bnlfc.
Don't allow a jay one to sell yon anything eIro on tko plea or promise
- that it ls"jnt as giwi" and" will answwr every pnrpois."
See that yu rt O-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Tlia fao-cknilo
iggatrire rf
G5is?dre?a Cry for
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best bwr nnd Pone
ept of thi.Caoule8. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health""
fu-B-Hr:hv intrinpd. .and on the nrst-clase articlf will be p'arijd on
Where ?
and Children. s
of Castoria with the patronage of J
bi to speak of it without eroeaslng.'
test remedy for Infanta and Children
It is harmless' Children like it. It
their lives..' In it Mothers hay
safe and practically perfect a j
. ii on every
Pitcher's Castoria.
Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses', Waists, Children's Waists,
. Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
At the Pacific Corset Com pany 's Factory, north
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished." Call at the fac
tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent wili call and secure your order.