1 use Mi. JOLES, COLLINS & CO. WANT ... "' Voair : Attention, s' and they deserve it. 7 Yoa can't have quality without '' price. .'. Sometimes you get price without quality ; but it isn't so here. Every dollar you bring to- us gets you One. Hundred Cents' wort,h of G6od Goods. 2fo body does more than that ; ' or if they do, the Sheriff stops it pretty soon. We carry If you buy anything of us and afterwards should find the article not as represented, bring it back and get your money. ; . DEAD We Allow No Goods to be TO EFFECT SALES. . . v . . " ... If, after making your purchases of us, you find --. that you can get the same articles for a less price ' ' elsewhere; come and tell us about it and we will give you a rebate for the difference. That's the Way We Do Business. Is it the Way You Like ? If so, show your, appreciation by becoming cus tomers of ouis. , . - -'.'," Store Closes at 7.30 P. M. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntered a the Poatoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. . Clubbing List: ' Regular Our price price . . ,$2.50 $1.75 ... 3.00 2.00 ... 2.00 1.75 ... 3.00 2.25 .:. 3.00 2.00 Ckroiiele aii K. T. Trioue. . ". aid Wteklj Oregoiiai' , . . . . " ni Americii Farmer . . " aii leClm'i Iagiiiii... V and The Detroit Free Ttta . " ui CMHopolitai Iaeaiiie. ... 3.00 2.25 ... 2:50 2.00 ni Prairie Fanner, Clicaga aid Globe-Democrat,i-v)St.Lnii 3.00 2.00 Local Advertising. 10 Ccuva per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on sale at I. C Nichelsen's store. SATURDAY, - MAR. 17, 1894 MARS' MONTH. A Record of Lesser Erenti Thirty-one Days. for the Hail, gentle soring ! . Softly now the hills respire Stars and sun serenely shine, While the poet strings his lyre, And the liar Strings his line. ' CoL Sinnott. The river is a foot deep over the dock and rising. The railroad is again in shape between here and Portland and soon through trains will arrive from the east. Our window is adorned with a large boquet'pf wild flowers, of numerous va . rieties, which our young friends have gathered from the hills adjoining the ' city. ' The Irish people have many friends and well-wishers, judging from the green badges, numerously worn today by citi zens of American descent, as well as the plethoric German and even their ancient enemy, the Briton. : aoia nis wool today to toe Joslyn Bros., in this city, for 7 cents pet pound. How is this for the Wilson bill and pro tection? It's free wool with a ven geance. Mr. Hal French has a. very realistic advertisement of the Lion insurance company in his show window. The face of a lion is shown behind iron bars in a frame, giving the dreadful appearance of his majesty, the king of beasts, as often seen 'in the menagerie. . How much weight is there in a name? That depends on its length, if we are to take the scales for it, shown in Snipes & Kinersly's window. . By writing your name on one Of two pieces of paper of equal weight, the delicately attuned scales will register, the weight of the name, the . paper bearing the name descending. But this is a little too fine for ordinary uses. ' A very handsome design was carried in the populist "procession' today. Any. 'one is at liberty to interpret it as best he can. All we can endeavor to do is to describe it, aseven after 'an explana tion, we failed to grasp its meaning. - A gold piece is represented at the top and . underneath a fish carrying in its mouth a piece of silver. Under the fish is rep resented A. mOntMAlr n ,3 .... ... . " whole the words "Jot to Be Demons-' PEASE & MAYS. l tized." What connection the fish has with the rebus is beyond us, but -we are somewhat - rusty on our "Arabian Nights." The Populists. There are not many of them in Wasco county, judging from the parade after dinner and the convention later at the courthouse. The first event consisted of our genial friend, Seth Morgan, and about a dozen followers tramping along Main street With a picturesque card board meaning perhaps Something, no one knows what, the leader whistling "Yankee Doodle." At the convention there were- a score or thirty in attend ance. The meeting was qniet and or derly, presided over by Al. Reese. The Omaha platform- was read in a mild voice by the secretary, difficult to hear at a distance of twenty feet. - Some one in the audience then read the Ore gon City platform in better voice, and then Mr. Curran, an imported populist from Portland, read a set of resolutions framed by himself and others. These had a very calamitous tone, and were very bitter against the old parties, cal culated to make a poor devil tif a repub lican or democrat feel that he had been very important in a diabolical way by wrenching money from the populists and throwing it to the birds. Mr. Cur ran then made a speech, at the invita tion of the chair. ' His howl was for more money and he read excerpts from Hume, more or less foreign to the case.. Other speakers occupied the attention of the house, and were feebly cheered. Don't Know TVbat They Want. The DODulist Tlatform certninlv will be a grevious disappointment to the populists of the state. It mnfli. Via rtr-rtrtf to them how little they know what they want. They are a thoroughly discon tented and querulous sort of people, sat isfied with nothinz that exists, t.alkincr large and wide about the. vils and aDUses 01 society and government ; but when they come to make a statemnnt rf what they think is really the matter, wnat tney actually want, how they would reform political society . and re generate the state, their performance is amusingly barren, jejune, inane. The prophecy was thunder ; the- result is Bmaii Deer. uregonian. . Last of Eartta. On Sundav last Mr. and TH' v.. 7 McFarland, of Holiday's addition, had the misfortune to loan girls by death. Their numerous friends tnrougnout the state offer their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents in their sad affliction.. On Tuesday last the little one's body was taken to The Dalles for Interment, the former home of Mr. McFarland. Although the "Little White Hearse" has gone a "glimmering Dy," carrying the tiny soul to its hom on high, the bright smile of the little one is dearly remembered by those who knew her, and papa and mamma well know that there has been added one more bright jewel to the crown eternal whose light will welcome them on o'er life s turbulent seas. Portland Chron--icle. ' .' - ' '" -:. City Warnita. . All those holding city warrants of date prior to September 1st. 1891. will be naid on presentation at my office. Interest on same ceases after this date. ' I. I. BCBGET , ' - City Treasurer. Ths Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 1894. Misrepresented g ARMORY HALL. A Eoomj ' Building Soon -to Be Fitted up Dy J. 8. dsn. An opera 'house is something The Dalles has sadly needed ever since the nre, anq it is a pleasure to state that the want is to be supplied. Mr. Jud. Fish has leased the Baldwin property- for two Tears, a room v ntnre building, across the street west from the umauua nouse, ana proposes to fit it up in morougn style lor. tne use of the Third regiment, and to be thereafter, styled Armory hall. Not onlv is it salted to theatrical performances, but by reason or. a portable stage, easily removed, it will make a fine dancin? hall. or tor enter. tainments of any public nature what ever. - This hall is 50x100 feet and by means of foldinsr doom on MAh si'Ho " - - annexes can be used which will seat 100 more. The front of the building is par-" titioned squarely off for other purposes. A hallway is to occupy the center space, on the left an officers' room, and on the right a ladies and gents' room equal in size. There will be nothing to obstruct the vision in the main hall no pillars or posts or stationary object of any kind. The roof will be firmly held, by a series of trusses, so as to sustain its ' own weight. The fioor will be laid upon a new woodwork foundation to be built underneath, and will furnish the spring which gives zest to a waltz, without the danger attendant upon floors in brick buildings that are imperfectly costructed. The Armorv hall, when . cnrnnlntAr - 1 1 will furnish an incentive to our home talent to continue their occasional, plays which have always delighted our people. We have talent of a high order, but they have yielded' to . the discouragement of an inadequate opera house, since the Vogt block was desolated by fire. Mr. Baker's Lecture. The Eueene Guard savs the Wtnro delivered at Villard hall last evening by jouu. iyaeu .Baser, ot Portland, was well attended. His snbiect wan rf!Bar and the Rise of Roman Imperialism," ana ms discourse especially interesting to the students of history. .His theme was VThe eternal law of compensation made apparent in the history of nations." He carefully , reviewed the history of Rome .from the time -of . the patrician fathers to the supremacy of Csesar. The vivid statements of . cause and effect in the several changes of the social and political scale suggested lessons ap plicable to. some existing conditions in our American republic today. ' Mr. Baker has an impressive delivery and those who missed the lecture last even ing lost a rare treat. We regret that space does not allow us to give a com prehensive synopsis. -x ' ' Mr. Baker will deliver the same tec tore in this city on Tuesday evening at the court house. Mr. Thompson drew a large audience, and as 'Mr. Baker'a sub ject is an interesting one, purpeople will miss a good thing if " they fail to hear him. . ' " ' " ' I ' r ; ' . , , " for County Treasurer. 4 hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election as 'county treasurer, subject to the action of the republican county convention, dwtf 1 ' ' William: Michkll, ', . .. Notice. , " '- - I hereby, announce myself as a candi date for the.office df countv clerk." Rn. ject- to the decision of the republican county convention.- ' I. I. BUEGST. Steel Ranges ! Kvery Range Warranted. Nails, Garden T00I9, Spray Pumps, Spraying Material Bab- . , bit Lye, Building Hardware, '.' Tinware, Graniteware, Ac, &c. Our stock of . GROCERIES is very complete. All orders promptly attended to. Garden and Field Seeds a specialty. Maier & Benton, GBOCEBIES and HAEDWABE. Good G-oods. Low Prices. Plea "Like Tour .Mother Hake." TJsed to It is not in the power of human genius to make a pie "like your mother used to make." Take . all. the cooks in Queen Victoria's kitchen, and give them the finest flour, and the freshest eggs, and the richest butter and milk, and rare fruits ripened in the sunshine, and spices from Arabia, And every delicious ingredient of a .royal pie, then bribe them with a coronet apiece and a pen aion of 2000 year, and after all they will not be able to make "pies like your pother 1 used to ; make." The feat is physiologically and psychologically im possible, because nobody but your own mother ever can or ever could give to the elements of a pie that ethereal flavor and that spiritual potency which -makes it, for you at least, a memory of home forever. Unless all' their ingredients are mixed with her love, touched by her own hands and seasoned with, her own spirit, there are no "pies like your moiner usea to. mate." .Boston Trans cript. PERSONAL MENTION. W. J. Peddicord of Moro is in the city today. - . Mr. Frank Hampton of Eueene arrived in the city last night. Mr. A. D. Bolton of Bovd cave Thi Chroniclb office a pleasant call today. Mr. Louie Fritz returned last niirht to the city to make it his future residence. THE CHURCHES. Services at the Christian church as usual Preaching by the pastor at H o'clock a. m. and .7:30 p. m... Morning subject, "Walking with God;" evening, Stranded Vessels, or , Safety in Ship wreck." .Sunday school immediately after the morning sermon.' Methodist Episcopal church Preach ing by the pastor at 11 a., m." and 7 ;30 p. m.: Sunday school After the morning service ; Junior League at 5 p. m. ; Ep worth League at 6 :30 p. m., subject. The Herdsman Prophet," Amos i :1 ; xix 1-15; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. All are cordially invited.. v , The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets. Sunday ser vices aa usual. At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. worship, and a sermon by the'pastor, W. C. Curtis. . Sunday school im mediately after the' ' morning service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. in. Topic, Taming the tongue, (James iil : 2-12). All persons not worshipping else where are cordially invited. - Assassination by Bomb. Vaillant, who' hurled a bomb in the chamber of deputies in Paris recently, paid only thirteen cents for the can ister that contained the explosive, says the New York World. There are other deadly missiles which the anarchists nave learned to make, and the ordinary cane or umbrella "will conceal them. The plan is to -take the cane or um brella into the theater, store or stock exchange and lay it upon the floor or counter.-, The setting of it up in its natural position will, cause it to ex plode with fatal result. . ' The head of the cane holds t'wo glass vessels, oblong in shape, and each filled with an explosive liquid harmless in it self so long as it is kept away from the others. The cane is carried- by the an archist in perfect safety by being held horizontally. But . when lifted up and placed against the wall the fluid in the upper bottle runs into .the lower and the explosion takes place. Certainties are not "always certain; but here is one you can pin your faith and'tie your dol lars to. We carry the largest, freshest stock of Groceries at the most reasonable prices of any where in The Dalles; Oregon. . . 1300FCS, JEWELRY, WHTCHES and Musical MASTER ON BOARD. A. Russian Admiral Who Was Running . . His Own Shin. . If all the stories of Icings and em perors .are . to be believed, the infer ence must be that they respect no one so . much ' as the man who -.has the courage of his own opinions. Admiral Oreig- joined the Russian na-vy when a boy, and rose to the command of the Black Sea fleet, which "the czar re viewed from time to time. r . One fine day his. majesty expressed a wish to enjoy a cruise in the flag-ship. The admiral accordingly set-sail, and all went well until a "sudden tempest broke, to the great discomfort of the imperial party. ' - The emperor entreated the admiral to put back, but the wind was. con trary and the admiral could attempt nothing of the sort. The emperor then succumbed utterly to seasickness, and peremptorily ordered a return. : - -- "I acknowledge that his majesty is ruler of all the Russias," said the ad miral,, "but I am master on board. - You may tell -his majesty that his commands cannot be obeyed." '- " - ; The ship was actually driven within sight of the Asiatic coast, but only when- the storm abated could hia anin. cratic majesty's orders be obeyed. ' yJa nnainir mmselT Ra.f on land h czar beg-ged the admiral's pardon for his imDatieno.fi. .and nrpsnntiH him nntn the usual gold snuff-box, set with dia monds and suitably inscribed. The Wives of Two Koted Painters. " Titian's greatest misery was his wife, who was a domineering,' dictatorial woman who insisted that he should render an acpount to her of every item of his expenditures. The wretched man. who was verv -wlt.hu- ran c nfjn put to the sorest straits to buy a" glass 01 wine wnnont letting ms wife know anything- about the t.ranKiptirm . Tim-i,. hem, the Dutch painter,, had a scolding wiie. me was lazy, ana she was thrifty and insisted that he should keep at work. His studio was over the kitchen, and from time to time Frau Berghem pounded the ceiling, with a pole she kept for thnt purpose, and Berghem responded stamping to assure her that .he was awake and attending to business. ' . - Hawprth, printer, 116 Court St. . tf . Afllr Tniir dAftlAr frr Variran . fila Stove Polish. Poison the squirrels. Sure Shot at Snipes & Kinersly's. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.- -OF TO .C L O S IE AT reat We especially, offer Our VVT nter Dress Goods, j ackets, Underwear, Blankets,. Clothing, Boots and. Shoes. .' ' : TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. CALL FOR --. Iiime, Sulphurv Salt. CIIXIB M r r ; . Instruments. O. W. O.Hardman, Sheriff of , Tjrel f-'-yjMV,app.w.Iatea a good thing , and does not hesitate to say so. ' He was almost prostrated with a cold, when he procured bottle of Chamberlain's Cougji Remedy. ;.He says: "It gave ma prompt'reiief.. J find it-fo be an in vain-' able remedy for coughs and colds.". ,Fo sale by'Blakeley & Houghton, drug- " gists. ''--" -- !--.", .- . ' tub StoMUig (ireeig) UxJs- Having, enlarged our Floral Garden t and in creased our already large collection ol POTTEp PMflTS, -tfiSES, &c, We wish to announce, in addition, to the public, that we have made n specialty of Pansy Plants ' and Forget-fffe-Sots, Wile! Ve Will Sell at Eeasonable Prices.- We alsa have a .fine selection of Dahlia Bulbs, which for beautv are unexcelled. u nrna. pared to furnish on sbort notice Cut Flowers for wedding parties, socials and funerals. , MRS. A. C. STUBLING & SON. ei7 .5 CLOTHING, Negligee Shirts, Under . wear, Hosiery, ffecftua r, jiderlefs. '. TOWEIjJ Boots, Shoes, Rubbers. &cM - Eyery article marlcel in plain nmres. ' . Honywill. Honyivill; -IMPORTER OP - 1 Mm Doy5 Balance s BE X) O TJ T Sacrifice. Great Bargains in Dry