The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1894, Image 3

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    Is This
the Best
VbuiT : Attention,
' and they deserve it.
If you buy anything of us and afterwards should ' -'"
find the article not as represented, bring it back and '
get your money. . , .
We Allow No Goods to be Misrepresented
That's the Way We
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kntered i
- the Postofnce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter. -
Clubbing List.
Regular On;
price price
. .a)2.50 $1.75
.. 3.00 2.00
'. 2.00 1.75
.. 3.00 2.25
. 3.00 2.00
.. 3.Q0 2.25
Chroiielt tad K. T. Tribue , .
" ai Wetklj Ortgoiiai : . .
". . ud Anerieas Farmer
. " aid IcClore'i laguiu. . . . .
" aid The Detroit FrwPreu'. ..
" , ui Coinopolitai lagaxii. . ,
" aid Prairie Farmer, Ckicag . .
2.50 2.00
aid Glole-Demoerat,Ci-w)St.loni 3.00 2.00
J.ooal Advertising.
10 Ceuui per line for flrst insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
Will appear the following day. ' t
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be' found on sale at T. C. Kickelsen's store.
MAR. 15, 1894
Weather Forecast.
Thursday and, Friday, rain,- with
slight ' temperature changes ; precipita
tion for 18 preceding hoars, .61 of an
A Record of Cesser Brents for the
Thirty-one Days.
House-cleininR time is near at hand,
When man will sadly roam
And realize as ne'er before
There is no place like home.
Mrs. L. Labalister of Seattle has
rented the ..Stacy Shown jewelry store
and will open a large millinery estab
lishment in a few days.
There- will be a business meeting of
. the Epworth League tomorrow (Friday)
evening at 7:30 o'clock. All members
requested to be present.
The Hood River Glacier says that since
so much territory 'has been subtracted
by the Cascade Forest Reserve, Cascade
county will no longer be an issue.
Not a word of news has yet been heard
from Ben McAtee. His disappearance
is as much a.mystery as if the earth had
swallowed him up. His friends believe,
however, he is still alive, and will some
day return.
Mr. E. E. Lytle is being spoken of by
sympathizing friends for recorder. The
reason of the sympathy' is because his
. salary is cut down and now he has plenty
of time to do his own work and the work
of the recorder, too,, and by both em
ployments his revenue will reach the
old figure.
Three workmen already have been dis
abled by having their foot crushed with
the iron rails. - One man lifts at one end
and two at the other of a 75ff-pound iron
rail, taking turn about, and as the single
workman is not quite as strong as San
dow, he cannot sustain the 425 pounds
weight long enough to keep it from fall
ing on his feet. The force ought to be
. increased one man. t
. Mays & " Crowe have ' refitted their
store in- a haudsome manner. The office
has been moved so that half of it is in
the warehouse. The safe has been inset
into the wall, and in like manner a con
venient set of drawers adjoining is quite
handy for files. . The office is quite
roomy, is supplied with every conven
ience ana is lighted by a large sky-light.
The changes add greatly to the attract-
ivenesa of the store.
If, after making your purchases' of us,
that, you can get the same articles, for a
elsewhere, come and tell us about it and we
you a rebate for the difference. ",
Do Business. . Is it the
If so, show your appreciation by becoming cus
tomers of ours. .
. - ...'.' V -
Store Closes at 7.30 P. M. . v.
Fred ' X.nsso Scalded to Death-
man FhUlips Killed.
Further particulars -of the Durkee
wreck, reported .yesterday, are learned
today. 'The wreck was caused by the
train running Into a cow. The fireman,
Fred Lusso, was scalded to death.- A
brakeman named Phillips was also
killed. .The engineer was injured, but
not fatally.
Lusso lived in La Grande, where he
owned ' a pretty home, besides- another
residence adjoining. He married one
of twin sisters in 1890, and leaves two
children. He was a member of the K.
of P., and was universally liked. Only
a few days ago he had written to a friend
in Mosier, saying that he Boon intended
to quit railroading and inquiring if land
could hot be secured there suitable for
a fruit farm.
Concerning the . brakeman nothing
can be learned. '.'.
Tremendous Slides and Washouts.
', The excess of rains have placed the
road-bed in a fearful condition below
this point. Washouts are frequent all
along the' mountain sides. The most
serious is that between Cascade Locks
and Eagle creek, where it is said a
mountain- is moving slowly toward the
river. ' It has already moved a foot and
made a curve of a straight piece of track
at its base. More trouble, also, is ex
pected at Reed's farm, as all indications
are to that end. It cannot be told when
a train will arrive from Portland. All
trains just now are annulled.
The Fruitgrowers' Association.
The Northwestern Fruitgrowers' Asso
ciation, embraces the states of Idaho,
Oregon and Washingtonand our north
ern neighbor, the province of British
Colombia. The object ot the association
is stated by Mr. Wilcox, president of the
Washington division, as of the greatest
benefit to the fruit industry in all ways
possible, and especially an aid to members
in marketing their products and obtain
ing the largest returns. The time has
come when nearly every industry must
consolidate and systemize itself or be
come overpowered, and the growing of
fruit is nq exception. -."'
"It is our purpose to open eommunica
tionwith wholesale fruit dealers in the
leading markets of the country, thus
forming a' connecting link and complet
ing a chain between the producer and
the. consumer, whereby we will be con
stantly informed of the condition of both
supply- and demand. We shall thus be
come ' possessed of information which
cannot but-be of inestimable value to
shippers of fruit and vegetables. . - .
"We alsd have reasonable assurance
that arrangements will be made with
the different railroads whereby local
branches of this association will receive
the benefit of carload rates, providing a
car be filled among the different societies
along one line of road."
. Anyone not already a member of this
association who can see anything in it
for them, should correspond with the
secretary, Mr. S. A. Clarke of Salem.
The membership fee is but one dollar
for each individual, and this amount
but feebly represents the benefits to be
-1 If VOll want nnv Virf1 rtf Mnlon utftilfl
grass 'seed or ,field, call at H. H. Camp
bell's,, where yon can get what yon
want at reasonable rates. Next door to
the poatoffice. - . , '
you find
less price
will give
Way You Like ?
Jackson Disaffected.
An exchange charges' the East Ore
gonian with attacking leading democrats,
to whieh it replies '.'Yes, it will con
tinue to attack them bo long as they
pose as democratic representatives and
at every opportunity vote to further des
poil the masses. Brice a democratic
leader? ' Bah! He is a democratic
parasite. Hill a democratic leader?
Bah ! He is a democratic spoilsman,
with no principle, but 'rewarding' his
henchmen and increasing his grip on
the. machine. Murphy a democratic
leader? Bah! He is a plutocratic
breweryman, who was given : the
gieat office of United States sen
ator because he freely supplied the
'sinews of war.' He is only a 'tool' of
Hill'B. Butler a democratic leader? Ia
he? What has he ever done for' the
cause? 'Nothing. Simply drew fat
salaries all his life and existed on the
generosity of the people. . Gorman a
democratic leader?- Then so is ' Boss
Crokeri ' Gorman is a trickster of the
moet ordinary kind. Bright and re
sourceful, we admit; but he is no more
a democrat than Captain Kidd,was a
Another. Solution of the Pending Ques-
- tlon of the Council.
The question of municipal ownership
of electric light plants is being agitated
throughout Connecticut cities just now
and there are many arguments in. favor
of cities owning and operating the elec
tric light plants with which their streets
and-public buildings are lighted. For
instance, The Dalles is paying about
$3,500 a year for lighting streets and
public buildings, which constitutes a
great share of the company's business
in this city. The city could operate
this ' plant and probably pay all ex
penses from outside patronage, securing
the arc lights free. The plan is ven
tured to the city. council as a paying
investment, if a proposition agreeable
to both parties could be made. This
would settle- the pending discussion
anent the lights in an agreeable man
ner. The writer does not know if the
plan is feasible at present, the charter
may be a fatal obstacle, but it is time
our charter was amended anyway.
Ex-Gov. Moody of Salem is in the
Mr. H. A. Pratt of Hood River ia in
town. .
We regret. to learn that Dr. Vander-
pool of Dufur is lyine dangerouslv ill
Dr. Logan was called to his . bedside
s .
Coyote Versus Kagle.,
While walking- the flats near Port
land, Ore., early one morning' a trav
eler witnessed an exciting1 fight be
tween an eagle and a coyote. The
eagle had. caught a rabbit, and the
coyote, appearing upon the scene
about that time, undertook to . take it
away. The man made up his mind at
once thai the . eagle would tear the
coyote to. pieces, but to "his-.surprise
the coyote g-ot away with the rabbit.
and so demoralized the eagle that the
kingly bird had all it could d,o to "-flop
leeoiy away. . .. .
City 'Warrnts.-
- All those holding city warrants of d ate
prior to September 1st', 1891, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Inte'rest
on same ceases after this 'date.
-; ' -' . I. I. BURGKT ,
'-- ' "'.''"' City Treasurer
Th Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 1894.
Fakirs In Tacoma -with a Smooth Con
fidence Scheme. .
A pair of very smooth fakirs have
been swindling Tacoma merchants in a
successful manner during the 'last few
months, and their operations were so
shrewdly conducted as - to give the im
pression that they will be heard from
again in the same role in other sections
of the Northwest. Two men came to
Tacoma in December and registered at
the Fife hotel under the names of Bald
win and. Willow of Chicago. Willow
presented himself at E. . J. McManus'
grocery store at Eighteenth - and J
streets, shortly afterward, and stated
that he was desirous of securing a busi
ness, for. a friend of bis who had $3,000
to invest. Next day Willow -brought'
the friend in and introduced him as
C. P. Byham,; who was pleased witK
the store and readily agreed, to pay
$1,700 for it, the cash to be forthcoming
with the arrival of his family from Chi
cago. The family : came, bnt . not. so
the coin, which .the Byhams explained
would be forwarded .from their bank
at the windy city, and telegrams
to that effect were shown Mr. Mc
Manns, who yielded up possession
of the building containing both stock
and residence with a portion of his fur
niture. Then commenced a series of
commercial transactions withtailors,
furniture dealers and, in fact, everyone'
who could be induced', to sell articles for'
half cash and half groceries, until the
family of five were well stocked up, and
the grocery store .had done a mighty
large business, but none of the caBh
promised ever materialized.', ' Finally
Mr. McManus began to suspect the true
state of affairs and commenced proceed
ings to .'regain possession' of his business.
He' succeeded, but found little but the
building left, the Byhams having gone
so far as to rob the house of the furni
ture, while a mysterious fire occurred
the night of their departure, doing
further damage amounting to over $500.
Taken all in all. Mr. McManus'. exper
ience with the sharpers was disastrous
in the extreme, and dealers Vould do
well to act with caution in putting too
implicit confidence in the promises of
strangers who approach them to purchase
their business. ' '.- ; '
When Baby, was sick, we gam her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. ..
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
That it navs to smooth all wrinkles
out before .beginning to iron.' -
That in the- matter of cooking- we
can have light-veight kettles of gran
ite or other ware instead of the old
back-breaking' iron ware. . ".
That some women still cling to the
idea that they cannot afford them, but
wear themselves out with lifting, and
pay the money to the doctors.
For Sale. . 1 '
" A good milch cow, gentle and easy
milker, also horse, buggy and harness,
good family horse and a fine roadster.
Address C. J. Coatsworth,
-lw - City.-
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Haworth the printer, at home 116
Court St., Feb. 1st. '
Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf
; Certainties are not always certain; but. here is
, one you can pin your faith and tie your dol- J V
lars to. We carry the largest, freshest stock. of
Groceries at the most reasonable prices of any-"
. where in The Dalles, Oregon. ;
and Musical Instrnments.
About Indian Tribes.
The following are the names of Indian
tribes that were In Oregon at the ciOBe
of 1893, says an exchange. The names
were revised by Major J. W. Powell. In
many cases the corrupt names have
come into' such general use that the re
viser deemed it impolitic . to change
them r ' Kalapuaya, KlaSama, Kukia
mute, Molded Neztucca, Rogue River,
Santiam, Shasta, Turn waters, TJmpqna,
Yamhill, Klamath, Modoc,' Walapape,
Tyhuskin band of Snakes (Shoshoni),
Alsiya, Coquette, Kusa, Skoton, Saiust
kai, Suislaw, Toottootna, Cayuse, 'Uma
tilla, Walla Walla, Wasco and Paiute.
Mothers, and especially nursing moth
ers,' need the strengthening support and
help that comes with Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It lessens the pains
and burdens of child-bearing, insures
healthy, vigorous offspring and pro
motes an abundant secretion of nourish
ment on the part of the mother. ' It is
an invigorating tonic,- made especially
for women, perfectly harmless in any
condition or the iemaie system, as it
regulates and promotes all the natural
functions and never conflicts, with them.
The "Prescription" builds up.strength-
ens, and cures. In alltbe chronic weak
nesses and disorders that afflict women,
it is - guaranteed to benefit or cure or the
money Is refunded.
For everv case of Catarrh which tbey
cannot cure, the proprietors of Dr.'
Kntrn'u pAtarrh Remndv airree to rjav
$500 in cash. You're cured by its mild,
soothing, cleansing, and healing proper
ties, or you're paid.
The man who will spend .the most
time in the harvest season talking
politics is generally the one who is of
the least account to himself, his neigh
bors ' or the government. American
Agriculturist.". ' "
Bncklen's , Arines oalTO.
The best salve in the world for: cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers,-salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. ' . . .
WASTED Pushing Canvassers of good ad
dress. Liberal salary and expenses paid
weekly; Permanent position. BROWN BROS.
CO., Nnrsjrymen, Portland, Oregon. . '
'4 lttwdawp
Ttie Balance
A. - Great
We especially offer
Dress .Goods, Jackets, Underwear,
Blankets, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes.
. Salt.
IK -
As exceedingly rare animal, a black-facedblack-cared
caribou, was recent
ly shot at Andover, Me. This caribou
was also unusually large, with big,,
branching horns. ' . v. '
The laughing jackass, when warning
his feathered mates that daybreak: is '
at hand, utters a cry like a troop of .
boys shouting, whooping and laughing
in a wild chorus. The night jay has a,
cry like one lamenting in distress. .
A Million Friends.
A friend in need ia a friend indeed
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,.
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
used this Great Cough Medicine, one '
trial will convince -you that it has
wonderful ' curative pow'ers "in.'' all
diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes A Kinersly'a
drug store-. . Large bottles 50c and $1.00.
Negligee Shirts,1 Under
wear, Hosiery,-
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c.
' . Every article marked in plain npres.
Great Bargains in