The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 14, 1894, Image 3

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    Seeds!- Seeds!
vve nave a complete Assortment of Seeds,, both Timber and
.Garden, at-Wholesale Prices.
1 with the Times. i
Our Furnishing Goods Department
g Men's 9-oz. Blue Overalls, Riveted :...50c S
S Youths' 9-oz. Blue Overalls, Riveted.......45c v
K Boys' 9-oz. Blue Overalls, Riveted. .. ......40c g
2 N ew Goods. New Goods, s
3 Store Closes at 7.30P. M. &
I ; i ?ssgvssnri PEASE & MAYS. I
The Dalles Caily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-ciass matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Carotids ul I. Y. Tribute. . .
" d'etklj Ortgosiai
" tad Americas Fanner
" ud leClnre'i Iagaiine.
" and The Detroit Free Press .
" ud CttBopolitai laguine,
. .$2.50 $1.75
.. 3.00 2.00
" aid Prairie Farmer, Ckieago .
ud Globe-Democrat,(i-w)St. Louis 3.00
JLocal Advertising.
10 Cents por line for first iusenlon, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
MAR. 14, 1894
Weather Forecast. .
Weather forecast Wednesday .fair;
Thursday rain or snow, slight tempera
ture changes.
A Record of Lealrr Events for the
Thirty-one Days. '
W oodman, chop that tree!
Spare not a single twig ;
Its switches have caused me
To dance full many a jig. -
' The cause of the delay of the local
train yesterday was a washout this side
of Rowena.
The circuit court at .Moro indicted two
men named Douglas for house-breaking.
There will be one civil case for trial.
The marshal gives, public notice of his
intention to strictly enforce the- ordi
nance relating to cows and dogs, and the
pound will probably soon resemble a
menagerie. '
Mr. Saltmarshe dislocated his arm
yesterday, by falling, while chasing a
dog. Luckily a bystander knew what
to do and he pulled the bones in place
again. This morning, barring a sore
ness, he is as well as ever. .
Last Saturday night a large deer came
down from the mountains into the city
limits, and undoubtedly his introduc
tion toalectric lights and things that
are vain changed his deersbip's coarse
to the fields of snow again.
A report is current that Stacy Shown
was instantly killed by being thrown
from a horse and breaking his neck, at
Seattle. It is quite positive the report
is an error, since no news of such "a na
ture has passed over the wires.
Mr. C. J. Crandall left for Hood River
this morning. Hood River is to have a
fine school building erected this year,
and Mr. Crandall, who is the architect
for this county, has gone down to that
thriving- little city to look over the
plans, etc.
Some small-minded and criminally
disposed parties have been stealing the
timbers used for railings on the Des
Chutes bridge. Mr. J. E. Harris be
lieves he knows who the guilty parties
are, and will have them indicted unless
they return the Stolen property.
Workmen on the brewery hill yester
day unearthed the bones of an infant
child, which at some time past had been.
laid rn the rocks, secure from probable'
discovery. Only a few -partly' decom
posed rags accompanied the remains.
It is thought it was formerly a pappoose.
No. 1 has not yet arrived, nor .can it
arrive before tomorrow at least. The
cause of the delay is a heavy washout in
Idaho. The train has not passed the
washout yet. There is also a disastrous
freight wreck reported this side of Hunt
ington, but this will be cleared up before
the train reaches it.
Now that the Union street cut is about
finished why cannot the sidewalk be put
in place on the east side, that pedestrians
can get along without stumbling over
rocks, mbbish and through the mud.
It Occurs to US that this rnnlrl Via a f
once, and in bo doing accommodate the
people .going and coming off the bluff
Neighborhood News Contributed by X.o-
cal Writers.
We are having high winds and very
disagreeable weather.-
The enow has all left us, going off
with a heavy rain, causing high waters
and much mud.
Sheep shearing crowds are already
organizing for the , spring shearing but
expect a fail in price of wages.
Although a great many sold their hogs
from this locality on foot last fall still
we have eight or ten tons of bacon cured
here which will be put on the market in
the spring.
Stock all look fine, a large number
having wintered on the range without
any care. ' Even hogs have come through
the. winter without, having been fed a
grain of wheat and look well. This fact
accounts for the prosperity of the farmers
of this locality, notwithstanding they
seem to be so far from market.
I see by your last paper that the
sheriff intends to try and force collection
of taxes. This, it seems, is a verv un
wise act,. as there is not enough money
in the county outside of The Dalles
even if it was distributed among the
farmers" to pay their taxes, and to sell
our property under the hammer means
ruination tf ainy, and the question
arises, whd,ia3 the money to bid in
these tax sales that will do it? "As I un
derstand the law, a person has one year
to redeem his property and the - pur
chaser would only be loaning out his
money until that time. If there is not
enough money with the county- treasurer
to pay off the outstanding warrants, the
holders 'or them are compelled to wait
until there is money to pay them with,
and if we are compelled to wait on .the
county, why not the county wait on as
until we have- had a chance and oppor
tunity to raise it in the spring. This
will not injure anyone and help all to
ride over- the hard times which none of
us could help. If there is no other way
we bad better run our present sheriff for
a second term. ' " "'-'
Reporter 9.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. '
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Mexiryin fiilvni. Cfrtv-A TJKaT.
- . - . wku ouova uw
A Good Thins; to Hug, If it Is Only a
. . rHaajtom.
Wamic. Or.. Mar. 12. 1894.
In these hard times made harder
still by the tax-eatherer's vellnw mia
sives, bearing on their face a message
wnictj "doth provoke grief and conster
nation" the taxpayer is forced to think.
and to think of ways to lessen the tax
and, it 'twere possible, to avoid it al
While in this mood ye writer dropped
on to a scheme, which, with patience
and fair management,, promises this
long-wished-for result. This little, in
nocent, newly-formed and unchristenerl
child of my brain I lay unwashed, as he
is, Detore you. Here he is :
Suppose that the county of Wasco, as
a county, should at some convenient
time issue 8 per cent . bonds for the
amount of $200,000, and with the pro
ceeds construct an electric railroad from
The Dalles to White River Falls, dis
tance 35 miles.. Look at the map of
Oregon and you will see that the trade
will be very great. All of the wheat,
hogs, wool, beef cattle, etc., for a vast
inland region will be tapped.- It costs
only about one-half as much per mile to
build and equip electric roads as if. does
to . build the old-fashioned steam cower
roads. The careful economist, who cares
to study the question, will conclude
that this electric road will earn enough
in ten years to pay off the bonds, inter-
Olf cn1 oil Tl.. C .-5 J... .
...... ,. aua aaci earnings- can ue
used to pay the expenses of the county
government and to pay each citizen's
state tax.. .
This is a pleasing hope ; perhaps only
an liiusive pbantom of hope. Let's hug
it a while, anyway. F. S. G.
A Reply.
Having noticed in Tuesday's- Chroni
cle that -one of the city councilmen". a
Mr. Butts, wished to have the fir
warden censured for not havincr an out
side stove tire. runnincr ont of the mnt
of a China house adjoining the Columbia
hotel, properly fixed. I wish to n
that James Benton.-of Maier & Benton.
took down the old pipe which rah along
side or. tne Hotel, within eight inches
of the building, and which was verv
dangerous, replaced it with a new pipe,
put on an angle, and it now stands out
from the hotel about three feet and has
a hood on the pipe properly wired, etc.
xnis wort was done by my orders, and
I consider the work Dronerlv done and
quite safe. I did not report my orders
to the council, as I considered it un
necessary ; but, in obedience to their
orders, will have the work done as they
request. J. s. Fish, Warden.
, - -' '
Arrangements Completed.
Mr. J. H. Thatcher returned tr Port
land today, havine'comnleted nrrftnora.
ments for a telephonic exchange in The
Dalles. ' The Dalles will start in with
an initial membership of thirtv-nva a'nrl
others may join at iany' time. The
(jHhohiclb nas ordered an instrument
and will thus be amonsr the first of the
offices placed. 'Printed- cards 'will be
furnished each 6ffice or call,' desig
nated by number. The line isxnehtnrl
to "be in working order by .the first of
the month, and work will be 'soon ' Via.
gun stringing the wires. The uniform
rate will be $2 a month. .
Independent Workers Again. 1 '
. Monday evening the I. O. G. T. oeonle
again met at Fraternity hall. Chair
man H. H. Learned called the meeting
to order and the secretary made the re
port that there were' now forty-one
names on the armlication for a new
charter; and the whole amount of the
charter lee was in the hands of the treas
urer. The secretary was instructed to
send list of names and the charter fee to
the G. C. T. The following committees
were then appointed : Committee on
invitations, E. H. Merrill, C. H. Brown,
D. C. -Wagle. Committee, on refresh
ments, Mrs. E. Joles, Mrs. C. Frazier,
Mrs. M. Learned. Committee on music,
Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. C. E.
Dufur." Then the young Deorjle snent a
pleasant evening, some in social conver
sation, and others in a little hop.
- Know Nothing.
Attornev H. H. Riddell retnrnnrl frnm
Moro this morning.
Mr. 'and Mrs. J. H. T&flfe of f!nliln n
in the city today shopping.
Geo. R. Drake is Ivinor rlancrprnnoW
sick at Mr. Jas. Ferguson's.
Mr. J. H. Kolman, a merchant of
Heppner, is in the city today.
Mr. C. J. Coats worth will start on a
trip to Southern California next week.
Mr. A. Bettinsren was a " tiaRHBnwr for
f ortiana tnis morning on the Regulator,
Deputy , Sheriff Phirman h&s gone on
a short run to the Cascade Locks today.
Mr. T. L. Roberts was an outzoine
passenger this mornlnsr on the steamer
Mr. J. C T.nnlre-ir nrriuorl ?t, Vo n;tn
yesterday from Warm Springs, and this
ujuruing jeit ror .roruana.
Mr. T). T,. Caten nf CnarnAea-ia in fho
city. Jble reports everybody busy at the
lucKs auu iub coniraccors pusnmg- tnings
iivciy on tae canal.
A letter receiver! in tha ritv a rla'v
bo ago irom tne Jttev. uronsgeest states
that he will flnfah Vldifinff frinnrla in
Europe and return home the first week
: a :i
In this citv. March 14th. to the wife
ot J as. Ferguson, a son.. '
Heal Estate. '
J. W-. Condon y assignee for- P. T.
Sharp, , to Mrs. Grace Coatsworth, 471
acres in sections 12 and 13, township 1
north, range 13 east, W. M. ; $13.
John M. Davis to Eliza Davis, 120
acrea in section 25, township 4 south,
range 14 east, W. M. ; $300.
Bioklen'i Annea salve.
The best salve in the world for . cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter) chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all' skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect 'satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin-
ersly. -
'. For Sale. .
A cood milch cow. centle and easv
milker, also horse, haesrv and harness.
good family horse and a fine roadster.
lw : . ..City.
City Warrau.
All those holding city warrants of date
prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
on same ceases after this date. '
I. I. Btjbget,
' --r- City-Treasurer.
Thi Dalles, Or.Jan. 8, 1894. "
If you wish to see a fine assortment of
oranges, lemons and bananas just call
and see the display at H. H. Campbell's,
next door to the postoffice
P Fr?59 tesortmept just leeeiu(?dl
Buy your Garden Seeds of
your own Warden Truck.
successors to The Dalles Mercantile Co., 390 to 394 Second St.
and Musical
Kven at
Time When There Is
Plethora of It. ,
Mr. A. M. Kelsay returned this morn
ing from Antelope, and gives the-most
encouraging news from that precinct,
even at a time when encouraging news
is. somewhat at a discount by reason of
the supply. He states that there is but
one democrat left at Antelope and he is
at ' the mourner's bench. The most
prominent neophyte is Mr. A. Keating,
a democratic patriarch of Virginia for
long years. At a recent mass meeting
he recounted his long connection with
the party, and said that. 'or the few remaining-
years of his life he proposed to
work with the people among' whom he
was situated and in the country where
he gained his - livlihood, and would
henceforth vote with them. The
old gentleman was greeted with a
storm of applause. Among the
most prominent young republican:
workers is Bro. E. M. Shutt, of the
Herald, who is running a 'sprightly
country newspaper at Antelope, which
is eagerjy looked for on publication day
each week. .The republican club just
organized at Antelope begins with a
membership of 62, which will be in
creased to 100 before it is two weeks old.
Mr. C. V. Lane .was elected president,
Wilbur" Bolton vice president, E. M.
Shntt secretary, Frank Irving treasurer,
and E. C. Dickinson sergeant-at-arms.
Mothers, and especially nursing moth
ers, need the strengthening support and
help that comes with Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It lessens the pains
and burdens of child-bearing, insures
healthy, vigorous, offspring and pro
motes an abundant secretion of nourish
ment on the part of the mother. It is
an invigorating tonic, made especially
for women, perfectly harmless in. any
condition of the female system, as it
regulates and promotes all the natural
functions and never conflicts with them.
Th "Proor-l-irtirn" Kr.;iaw u
ens, and cures. . In all the chronic weak
nesses ana aisoraers mat afflict women,
it is guaranteed to benefit or cure or the
money is refunded. . - .
For every case of Catarrh which they
cannot nnre. the nrnnrtotnra T-
Sacre's Catarrh Remerlv atrroa t .-n
$500 in cash. You're cured by its mild,
soothing, cleansing, and healing proper-
1 ' ok .
-G -L O S IE
A Great
. We especially offer
Dress Goods, Jackets, IJricieiiwea.rv
Blankets, Clotriing, Boots ' '
' and Shoes; - -' .
Joles, Collins fe Co.", and raise
:. : DE1XBR IN ' . ". .'" ' , .
A RKACTiON on the RenAriRt. nnosfiui
has set in in -Norway, and the separ
atist party, who want the union be
tween Norway - and Sweden ' repealed,
is Idsing- ground- in the country dis
tricts. The rural populations are, it is ;
said, beginning- to realize that the'
union is a source of strength to Nor-'
way, and while they can see what they
would lose by. separation the ad van-
tag-es to be gained are not clearly p
parent, -----
. . A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed-
ana nor, less man one million nennln
have found just such a friend in Dir..
Kirte'B New Discovery for Consnmntinn
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
nsea tnis threat Uough- Medicine, one
trial will convince you ' that it has
wonderful curative . Towers in all
diseases of Throat," Cheet and Lungs.
.bach bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money - will be refunded. '
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly'a
drugstore. Large bottles 50c and $1.00.
Negligee Shirts, ': Under
wear, Hosiery,
' ; , ' - TOWELS, '".
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &e.
Erery article martei U plaii flunres.
oun :
Dry Goods
X) O TJ" T.
Great Bargains in