The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 12, 1894, Image 3

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    ; ; THE MASONS.'
In Touch
with the Times.
Our Furnishing Goods
Men's 9-oz. Blue Overalls, Riveted. ........50c
Youths' 9-oz. Blue Overalls, Riveted..:....45c
Boys' 9-oz. Blue Overalls, Riveted.;... ......40c
New Goods.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
ICutered the PostofBce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
ClutVbing List.
RegTilar Our
price price
Ckroiicle and K. I. Tribue $2.50 $1.75
ii Weekly Orcgoiiu ....... 3.00 2.00
" ud Americas Farmer ....... 2.00 1.75
. " ud IcClsre'i Iagaiine 3.00 2.25
" aid ne Detroit Free Presa .... 3.00 2.00
" aid Coaaepolitai laeaiiie 3.00 2.25
" aid Prairie Farmer, Ciieagt . . . 2.50 2.00
" ud 6!obe-Demotrat,-w)St.Louii 3.00 2.0Q
Local AdTertlslng;.
10 Genu K3I line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on tale at I. C. Nickehen's store.
Weather Forecast.
Weather forecast Monday fair; Tues
day rain or snow,' slightly cooler.
MAR. 12, 1894
A Record of Lesser Events for the
Thirty-one Days. '
The days are getting longer fast,
Beneath the sun's great lever;
But man, poor hardup man, alas.
Is just as short as ever.
Circuit court meets at Mord today.
Council meeting tonight.
The skies continue lowering, but little
moisture falls.
Messrs. Saltmarshe & Co. shipped
three cars of sheep to Portland today
from their stockyards.
The King's Daughters will meet to
morrow at 2 o'clock at the residence of
Mrs. D. M. French. . .
The school directors spent a part of
Sunday looking up a site for the new
school building in Thompson's addition.
The Wa,mic minstrels will give an en
tertainment and ball at Dufur March
30th, instead of the 16th, aa formerly an
nounced. '
A big battle at Bio will occur to
morrow. Forty-eight hours notice has
. been given of commencement of the
bombardment. It is expected this will
terminate the war.
Attorney Esteb is a candidate for
prosecuting attorney of Union, county
on the populist ticket. He has sobered
up since leaving The Dalles and is quite
Mr. Smith French
K from Mr. E. B... McFarland conveying
the sad intelligence that Gladys, the
latter's little girl, died this morning
from tonBilitis. The family will arrive
on the nopnSrain tomorrow and the
child will be buried in Sunset cemetery.
The central committee meeting at the
court house Saturday was very quietly
' done. No notice of it was published nor
posted and it was all over, and a report
kindly furnished by the secretary before
a reporter knew anything about it.
Perhaps our friends were afraid of the
". exuberance of their enthusiasm, which
. made the. state meeting so comical ' a
few weeks ago.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
-5- ijt i J
Store Closes at 7.30 P. M.
Concerning the School Fund.
Hon. W. W. Thayer, at a recent meet
ing of the Multnomah county school
board, submitted his opinion regarding
the right of the county treasurer to pay
state taxes out of the moneys in bis
hands realized from the first tax collec
tions, which will be applicable to the
action of our own county treasurer. The
opinion indicates that the county treas
urer cannot infringe upon any of the
special funds specified by law. After
reviewing all the sections of the statutes
referring to the collection of taxes and
and the duties of the county treasurer
regarding special funds, the school
fund in. particular, Judge Thayer con
cludes by saying that said fund must be
kept by the county treasurer intact,
subject only to apportionment by the
county superintendent, a9 provided by
subdivision 5, eection 2590, Hill's code.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wagerof Chicago
are guests at the Umatilla House.
Mr. J. C. Baldwin was a passenger on
the Regulator for Portland this morning.
Mrs. D. L. Cates of Cascade Locks is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayley returned
from their visit to San Francisco Satur
day evening..
A. A. Jaynes of Arlington is in the
city today. He is a candidate for prose
cuting attorney.
Mrs. Geo. Herbert and Mrs. Winnek
departed on this morning's boat for a
visit with Mrs Geo. P. Morgan at Cas
cade Locks.
Judge Bradshaw and Attorneys Ben
nett, Huntington, Story, W. H. Wilson
and Riddell left for Moro last night to
attend court.
Mr. Ernest Jensen has improved very
much since Saturday, and will soon be as
well as ever. This is pleasant news to
all who know this young man.
Mr. Fred W. Wilson has accepted the
position of purser on the . steamer Reg
ulator. Frtfkfl ia
make lots of friends with the traveling
In" The Db.11h. MamV. nth tn tv.
wife of H. J. Maier, a son.
DIED. . . ,
At 3-Mile, March 10th, Miss Jennie
Steele, of consumption, aged 25 years.
Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Steele. She possessed a
beautiful character and was univeisally
loved. -
In The Dalles, March 12th, John
Steis, about 67 years of age. He was
born in Lorraine, France, and has been
in Wasco county many years.
. The Great English Remedy. .
Promptly -and permanently
cures all forms of Xereous
Weaknets,Emissions, Sperm-
otorrhea, l-nypotency and aXL
effects of Abuse or Smxsses,
Been prescribed - over 85
ears In thousands of cases;
Before and After. theory Reliable and
druggist for Wood's Phosohodlnei If .he offers
some worthless medicine In place of this, leave his
dishonest store. Inclose prloe In letter, and
we will send by return mall. Price, one package,
J.; six, 5. One viil please, six mUloure. Pamph
let in plain sealed envelope, 8 cents postage.
Address The YV-ood Chemical Co..
131, Woodward avenue. Detroit Hioh.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly.
Mrs. Phillips has just built a new
green-house, much larger than her old
one, and has bought all of the pots and
plants of Mr. Varney, and is now well
prepared to furnish both cat flowers and
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish. .
Department !
New Goods,
The Democratic Central- Committee
Sleeting at the Court House.
' Pursuant to a call from the chairman,
the democratic county central com
mittee met at the court house in Dalles
City on March 10, 1894. There were
present C: Stewart of Falls precinct, F.
M. Jackson of Hood River; Jeff Mosier
of Mosier, E. Schutz of West Dalles, J.
H. Phirman of Trevitt, S. B. Adams of
Bigelow, Ben Wilson of -East Dalles, W.
Ward of Des Chutes, Aaron Frasier,
Dufur, by J. B. Condon, proxy, L. M.'
Woodside of Oak Grove, Ed M. Wingate
of Antelope, H. F. Woodcock Wamic,
E. Schutz chairman and J. H. Jackson
secretary . "
The meeting was called to order by
Chairman Schutz and after a few appro
priate remar.ks, the following business
was transacted :
It was recommended by the chair that
the apportionment for representation at
the county convention be onedelecate at.
large from each precinct, and one for
every forty votes-cast at the state and
county election of the vear 1892 for A. S.
Bennett for supreme judge, and one for
each fraction of forty above twenty. F.
M. Jackson of Hood River moved that
the representation be increased to one at
large aud one for each thirty votes cast
for A. S. Bennett and one for each frac
tion of thirty above fifteen J. B. Condon
moved to amend the motion of Mr.
Jackson and make the representation
one delegate at large and one for each
twenty votes cast for Bennett and one
for each fraction of twenty above ten.
Mr. Jackson accepted the amendment
and the motion so amended was put to
the house and carried by a vote of eight
to three. .
The apportionment fixed by the dem
ocratic central committee gives a repre
sentation of 88 votes, divided as follhws :
Falls 5' 8-Mile.......... 3
Hood River 10 Nansene 3
Baldwin 2 Dufur 4
Mosier : 2 Bake Oven. .'.!.! 2
West Dalles .7 Tygh 3
Trevitt 8 Oak Grove.;.... 3
Bigelow 11 - Wamic 4
East Dalles 8 Kingsley . 4
Columbia.. 3 Antelope..' 3
Des Chutes . . : . . 3
It was then moved and seconded that
the primaries be held in the different
precincts on March 31st, 1894, between
the hours of 12 and 7 o'clock p. m., ex
cept in Wamic precinct, and it was
agreed that Wamic hold its primary on
the 29th day of March. 1894, and that all
precinct elections be held as nearly as
possible in conformity to the laws of the
state governing general elections.
Upon' the recommendation of the
chair, the time fixed for holding the
county convention will be April 10th,
1894, and the convention will be held in
the court house in Dalles City at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day!
It was moved by F. M. Jackson and
seconded by J. H, Phirman that the
secretary of the committee be required
to furnish a copy of the minutes of this
meeting to the Hood River Glacier for
publication. The motion was -carried
by a unanimous vote.
It was moved and 'seconded that the
secretary be required to offer a copy of
the minutes of this meeting to each of
the county papers published in this
city for publication. The motion was
carried, and there being no further busi
ness, the meeting was adjourned with
out date.
J. H.Jackson, Secretary.
Haworth, printer, 118 Court St. tf
Brethren ahd ITltea or The Dalits and
Cascade Locks Visit Hood Kiver.
Last week the Masons of Hood River
extended an invitation to The Dalles
Masons andheir wives to visit them on
Saturday afternoon. The same invita
tion was sent to Cascade Locksi Not
withstanding the ' rain began , a steady
down-pour about the time of starting, a
goodly number of Masons some accom
panied by tlieir wives, boarded the cattle-train,
and were even more crowded
th an the cattle, but arrived in a happy
mood, after an hour and a half of in
tenee discomfort.
The Hood River Masons and ladies of
the Eastern Star vied with each ciuer
in the kindness of their reception.. Mrs.
Brosius, head of the Eastern Star Lodge,
and Mrs. E. L. Smith received and in
troduced . visiting ladies in an easy and
pleasing manner. Hon. E. L. Smith
and Mr. Morris, master of the lodge, re
ceived the gentlemen, and in an incredi
bly short time Dalles, Hood River and
.Locks people were chatting like old
friends (which many of them were).
In a few minutes the gentlemen were
escorted to the Masonic lodge to witness
the work of the third degree. Sixty
masons were assembled, a, fine, manly
company. After conferring the degree
they returned to the hotel, where the
ladies were being entertained in a
charming manner by their hostesses.
Almost immediately the order was
given, "Masons take their wives and
proceed to the dining room," where the
eye was greeted by a lovely sight long
tables, beautifully laid and fairly groan
ing with everything dainty and deli
cious. .The Eastern Star are adepts in
preparing a banquet, as . well as enter
taining visitors. Goodness and quan
tity tried to excel each other, and both
were nnlimited. , -
After the banquet the .Masons re
turned to the lodge room for the lecture,
and most interesting part of the cere
mony, and ' the ladies to the parlor,
where they spent the time pleasantly
with duplicate whist, music, (games and
conversation. Mrs. Lease came in as
a subject of criticism, but no one ex
pressed a desire to- join her lodge. Ore
gon ladies are above key-hole dis
coveries. "
Among those from the Locks we
noticed C. C. Hobart and D. L. Cates,
old-time Dalles friends.
. At about 10:15 "Train's here" was
shouted, and f uch a rush ! One of the
ladies put on an infant's hood instead
of her bonnet, and among the mixture
of babies and bonnets on the bed in the
dressing room it was not to be won
dered at. About the time The Dalles
ladies were ready to take leave, some
one reported it was only a freight going
down. Then pandemonium was let
loose. - The ladies from the Locks seized
the babies and the bonnets in the wild
est confusion, and the bonnets -were
short, not enough to . go around, and
umbrellas where were -all the um
brellas? At last everything was found '
and all were too happy, and took leave
like life-long friends. Thus has passed
an event long to be remembered , by
those participating, and all unite in
voting Hood River the jolliest place they
know. Visitor. '
Ladles Will find Relief
From theirheadache, costiveness, swim
ming in the head, colic, sour stomach, !
restlessness, etc., by taking Simmons
Liver Regulator. It is mild, safe and
pleasant. "
Alfalfa Seed, Clover Seed,
Red Top Seed,
Timothy Seed, Garden Seed,
Hungarian Grass Seed,
Orchard Grass Seed,
Millet Seed, .Seed Wheat,
' Seeds In linlk.
Seed. Rarley, Seed Potatoes,
Seed Corn, Seed. Oats.
- .AT-
Hay, Grail, Feed, Seed aid Grocery Store.
Negligee Shirts, TJnder
wear, Hosiery,
ffe;r(uar, J4agdl(err;ief5,
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c.
Eyery article mailed ii mail mures.
SI. Ilonywill.
We have a Complete. Assortment of Seeds, boW Timber and
Garden, at Wholesale Prices.
FS1? tesortmept Just Ieeeiu?d I
Buy your Garden Seeds of Joles, Collins & Co., and raise
. your own. Garden Truck. ' ; .
Successors to The Dalles Mercantile Co., 390 to 394 Second Str
The Bala
Winter Dry Goods
V , TO BE " ' .
Closed Out
Great Sacrifice.
We especially offer Great Bargains in , V '..' '
Dress Goods, Jackets, Underwear.
Blankets, Clothing, Boots '
' and Shoes.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on tha South Side .
-v'TTMl ' , j
Hew coLtUiviBifl hotei.
w-.-i- -., ..oso- ...-.w. I ?-
This large and popular House does the principal hotel business. '
and Is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations ol any
House in the city, and at the low rate of ;
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass ,Tcals, 25 Cei?ts.
Oloe for all Stage Lines learlnr The Dalles for all
olnts in Eastern Oregon and. Sastern Washington.
1 this Hotel. . t
Corner of Front and Union Sts. a tide in the affairs
leads on
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Ciii-Ool Si il
-m Mr' & Camels
Who are selling those poods
A.nd the Moat Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in
jgk. L Xa HE ;ia. S lE5 H. . :
JEr"Prataical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but th best brands of th
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. MasuryV Paints used in all ur work, and none but
the most Bkilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors." AH
orders promptly attended to.
w Paint Sho- coruor Third .u w uaiuukui. sit,, i tiv Jjalico Oregon
' ' - -
Shop on Third Street, next
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
of men which, taken, at its jftadd,
to fortune" .
ouc at greatly-reduced rates.
- rxiOX ST. ;
door west of Young & Kus3