TWO KINDS OF WOMEN need Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion those who want to be made strong, and those who want to be made welL :It builds tip, invigor ates, regulates, and cures. It's for young girls just entering ' womanhood ; for women who have reached the critical "change of life " ; for women expecting to be come mothers ; ' for mothers who are nursing and exhausted ; for every woman who is run-down, delicate, or overworked. For all the disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of . women, 44 Favorite Prescription " is the only remedy ' so unfailing that ' it can be fftiar anteed. " If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, the money will be returned. There's nothing likely to be just as good." Easily. Ontelclr. Psrmanentljr Restored. " WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and an the train of rrlla from early errors or later ezeeuei. tae results of overwork, sickness, worry. etc Fall strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Fall-are impossible. 2.000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Rheumatism, Lumbago. Sciatica Kidney Complaints. Lame Back, etc. D1. SEDER'S ELECTRIS BELT . - With Electro-Magnetlo SUSPENSORY. tct Patents! lict ImproTcment t Win cure without medicine all Weakness resnltiujfffroro brain iie-ve forces: excesses or India. ""cretion, as nervous debility , aleepiepnesS, languor, ,inimntlsra, kidney, liver and bladder complaints, -lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all femahs coropiainta. irf?twml til health, etc. ThU Wectrio Belt contains -Wewtorful lm irwnta over all others. Current ia iinstantly felt by wearer or xtq forfeit J 6,000. OO, anU v-jriii curouJtof the auove dii-eases or no pay. Thou :ind8 have been cured fcv this marvelous invention vfter all other remedies failed, and we (rive hunaredd of testimu:it.ilaln this and every other fitnte. Onr rovTn Iraprorrd ELECTRIC SUSPKSSORY. the frrMtcet tooa sver offered weak men, FRi'E with M Bell. UealUt and lrwtu Strength Gl'AItAN T EK D In CO ta 4MJ1a Hand for IHusM Pamphlet, niaUett, sealed, tree SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. tto. M Kirst Hta cet, J01iXAJ.X OAtE. ' Removed to corner Third nnd Washington streets, Portland, Or. WANTKD Pushing canvassers of good ad dress. Liberal salarv and expenses paid weekly; Permanent position. BROWN BROS. CO., Nurs .-rymen, Portland, Oregon. . J4 lOwdawp ' RepMcan County ConventioB. A Republican Convention for the County of - Wasco, State of Oregon. Is called to meet in " Dalles City, In eaid county, on Wednesday, April 4th, 1893. at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following county offices: One County Commissioner, County Clerk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, County Assessor, Countv School Superintendent, County Coroner and County Surveyor; and also precinct officers for the several precincts, and eight dele gates to the State Convention, and to tiansact such other business as may properly come before such con veil vion. The convention will consist of 67 delegates chosen by the several precincts, and the several preciucts of the county will be entftled to representation in said convention as follows: Bigelow 6 Trevitt 6 East Dalits.. 6 V est Dalles :..5 Mosier 2 Falls 4 East Hood Kivor 8 Baldwin 2 Columbia 2 Hansene S Kingsley 8 YVamic... 8 Bake Oven 2 West Hood Jiiver 4 Eight Mile 2 Deschutes ....2 Dufur.... 4 Tygh 2 Oak Grove 2 Autelope 4 The same being one delegate at large from each Tirecinct and one delegate for every 25 votes, and one for every fraction over one-half of 25 votes cast for the Republican legislative ticket at the election in June, 1892. - Primaries to elect the delegates in each of the several precincts will oe beia on Marcn 28, 1894. In East Dulles Precinct the polls will be located at the Wasco Warehouse, and Frank Lough lin, F. Creightnn and D. H. Roberts will act as judges at said election ; iu Bigelow Precinct the polls ' will be located ot the office of Win. Michell, and Chas. Cooper, C. J. Crandall and Tom Joles will act as judges at said election; in Trevitt Piecinct toe pons win te located at inemjouniy court room in said precinct, and J. S. Fish, C. E. Bay ard ad C 1m. Vhilllns will act as ludtres of ssid election; in West Dalles Precinct the polls will ! be located at the City Mills, and J. W. Marquis, T. A. Hudson and A. A. 'Jrauhart will act as judges at said election. The polls in each of said four precincts will be kept open from 12 o'clock M. to 7 o'clock P. M. for the reception of votes; the polls in each of the other precincts in the county will be located at the usual place at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., and will be conduct ed in the .usual manner for holding primary Elections. B. B. HUJ X LSKjt iujn, . Chairman Republican County Committee. JCDD 8. FISH, Secretary Republican County Committee. kYOXT NEED ANY JOB PRINTING, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OR "HOW LITTLE, GIVE THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY.' YOU WILL GET THE BEST, AND THE BEST 13 GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S INK AND BE PROSPEROUS. y WW .f - j. vV ' Wi ' VISITORS AT WASHINGTON. Bow Stranger. Poor Into the National Capital From Everywhere. The national capital is the Mecca of sight-seers and they flock in hundreds to this city at' all times of the year, says a writer in the Brooklyn Eagle. They come Bingly, in - couples and squads of from a dozen to a hundred. They are from all sections of the coun try and represent all classes of socie ty. . The spoony - nelvly , married conple, the well-to-do farmer who has harvested his crops and is enjoying' the fruits of his summer's labor, and ex cursionists from different parts of the country journey to Washington with the convening of each congress. They take in the old historical houses, gov ernment .buildings'. and monuments and visit the home of Washington and the Arlington cemetery. But by far the most interesting object to them is, the capitol building. Here' they de vote the most of their time and atten tion and roam at will through the ro tunda, statuary hall and into the gal leries of the house and senate. Their chief delight, however, is to go upon the floor of the senate and sit in the seats that were occupied by the illus trious Clay, We"bster, Benton . and oth er renowned orators long since num bered among the great majority, and to recline for a moment of bliss in the vice president's chair. A majority of these visitors seem possessed with a mania for collecting souvenirs, and are ever on the lookout for something to carry away as a memento. Not an ob ject that is portable escapes their dep redating hands; they clip tassels from the costly damask portieres; chip bits of marble from the walls and pillars; take knobs from doors, and one fiend s short time ago had the audacity to cut a piece as large as the crown of hat from the center of the twelve hun dred -dollar Smyrna rug that covers the floor of the marble room of the sen ate. Anything in the way of pens, pencils and even inkstands that fs found upon the desks of the senators is regarded as common property and as such are appropriated by the rapacious relic hunters. MASCULINE AFFECTATIONS. The Idiotic Stare, the Walking- Stick, Kven Inc Tie and Nonchalance. . It is said on excellent authority that the idiotic stare is still in favor among the exotic youth of swelldom, and any fashionable young man who : cannot learn how-to abstract' every atom of expression from, the countenance and look on vacancy with an expression of imbecility, cannot belong to the select coterie or hold rank in the inner cir cles. . There are" other important matters which must be carefully committed if one desires to be in the van of fashion. The first of these relates to the walk ing stick, and this involves perhaps the most serious responsibility. For the stick must be left at home when going to business, to' church, or' to make calls. The reason of the latter by-law is that in the language of the stick, to call upon a young lady while carrying a cane. Implies that the caller is on sufficiently intimate terms to look in on her casually any time. What finer subtlety than this is to be found in the intricacies of feminine etiquette! . Then there is a fixed and immutable law governing the carrying of the cane. The correct 6tyle is to hold it at an angle of forty-five degrees, with the ferrule uppermost" and forward. Of course, this is the sort of thing no man could possibly discover for himself, for the unsophisticated would naturally carry his stick with the point to the ground and in so doing stand revealed as unitiated in the supreme refinement of etiquette. ' No man with a. particle of self-respect would wear a made-up evening tie, and as some men find it quite im possible to learn to tie the bow them selves there has sprung up a new in- dustry for women. A young woman in London has taken up the unique call ing of going from-house to house tying the neckgear of distraught bachelors who cannot do it for themselves. The custom will probably be introduced on this side along with the other English quirks. Let no man in his conceit as sume that. .when Pandora opened her casket women monopolized all the vanity. Besides it isn't good form to be so critical. A nonchalant benevolence, superior and patronizing, is the latest mode, and it is not good form to be caustic or pessimistic any more. . An innocent little fellow, to whom intoxication .was an unknown evil, went out for a walk the other day and, as he was returning', saw before his own house a man whose curious lurches and staggering' compelled an explana tion' from an accompanying nurse, and seeing at that moment a younger brother running to meet him,$he waved him away into the hall door: ''Go back, Harold," he cried excitedly, "go back. You might get drunk!" - It Should Be In Every House . t J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- burg, Pa., eays be will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured bis wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy eicians bad done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin ersly'e. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00. . Winter Fnel. . We still bave a large supply of Hard Wood, including Oak, Ash, Maple and Crab , Apple, all dry and suitable for family use to be sold cheap.-. Febuary, 1894. Jos. T. Peters & Co. Ha worth the printer, at borne 116 Court St., Feb. 1st. ' iliWE YOU TRIED DOUSS AHD FAILED ' TO FIND A CDHH FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, ; KIDNEY, LIVER a n d BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-SACK, we. 1 "m,-:l Onr QOO ftflre book MTHHKE C Ij A S8ESOF M shouldbe read by every young, mlddle-ared and oid nan, sent sealed, free-Dr. Banden'o Electric Belt ia no experiment as we have restored thousands to robust health and vljror, after all other treatments failed, as can be shown by hundreds of oases throughout this and other States, who would gladly testify, andfrga many Of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Beit r WE UaAF Cm Dm THESE-WE CAN CURB YOU! rtu CDS I HERII itv riiBFn. ban Francisco, CaLu A. a gait 14, 1893. Dr. A. T. Sanden, Dear blr Before! used roar bslt I was troubled with lost visor, vital woaJtness, and almost a complete loss of power. I would oat up with a very tired feeling, bones aching, eto.; since using ronr belt 1 huve had a new lease of lif . X now enjoy life better than I have for ten years nasi. I have the utmost confidence in your treatment. You can pub- nan this statementtalso hsve others write or call on ma. Truly yonra, H. A. BO WEN, 26 and 28 Turk St. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENES8 CURED. . tor; land, Oregon, April 18 1HS2.. Dr. A. T. Sanden. Dear Sir? I got one cf vour belts two weeks ago for rheumatism from which 1 suffered for several years, for the past six months I had not been able to work. Your belt has placed me in almost perfect health in the two weeks I have used it. 1 can walk comlortablr, and feel like a new man generally. M. . HUQHES, Proprietor International HoteL NERVOU8 DEBILITY-LOSS OF VIGOR. Taooma. Vashn October 24, 1892. Dr. A. T. Sanaen, Dear Sir : 1 have been using your Eleotrio belt for general nervous debility, and to-dav feel better than i have for five rears. I have gained in vigor daily and am strong in everypart. -. . Yours gratefully. OH A 8. LUKTK A. THE DR. SANDEN we warrant it to cure anj of the above weaknesses, neiuoaea. - nev are irraaea in sxrenfrtn 10 meet ail staftes oz weakness in yonM, mmain nsaoruic men, and will oare the worst eases in two or three months. Address Xor Inll Information. , OANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St.. PORTUSO, OREGON. Removed to Corner of Third and Washington Streets, Portland, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., . Feb. 17, 1894. j Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, April 14th, 18M, viz: Martin SI. Waterman, Ha. No. 3733. for the "Si NW, 8E NW4, and NEii 8WJ4, Pec 27, Tp 1 N, R 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultivation of said land, viz: - R. Gilbert, The DnUew. Or.; Albert Allen, Boyd, Or.; H. Gilpin, A. M. Allen, The Dalles, or. feb24 v JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., ) . Feb. 15, 1894. ,' police is nereoy given innt me ionowmg named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register, and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Yt ednesday, April 7, 1894, viz; Mark C. Painter, Hd. No. 2547, for the NEJ4, Sec 32, Tp 1 S, R 13 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and. cultivation of said land. viz: W. H. H. Dufur, W. T. Vanderpool, John No lan and C P. Balch, all of Iuiur, or. John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office, tW Dalles, Or., ( Jan. 23, 1S94. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in Eupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on March 6, 1894, viz: . . II. i. 1-ltcher, Homestead No. 2553, for the SEi4 of Sec 26. Td. A 8., R. 13 E. He names the followinir witnesses to nrove his continuous residence anon and cultivation of said land, viz: - U. V. NVoodratr, c L. Morris, J. E. Wing and C. E- Hayward, all or Tygh Vallev. Or. 327m3 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. LOST. 1 Bay Horse, four white legs and white face, branded on right shoulder Weight, 850 lbs. 1 Bay Horse, small star In forehead, branded on left shoulder with J C over T. Weight, 850 or 90 lbs. Finder will be rewarded.' - 4d4w JOHN LOWE, Kingsley Or. ESTRA-Y NOTICE. Taken ut. at mv nlace on Three Mile Creek. one brindle steer, abo'lt four years old; mark crop and slit in each ear; two slits on brisket; branded large N on left side. Also one red and white sp tted cow. abuut four years old: mark, a hole in each ear; they have been torn out or slit- lea out; oranaea u on lert nip. Mne sieer nas been with my cattle going on two years; th" cow going en four months. R. U. BKOOKS. The Dalles, On, Feb. 5, 1894. , . feb24-2tw ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. ; Our Office is wposrre U. S. patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. , Send model, drawing or photo., rith descrip- ! tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ' charge. . Our fee not due till patent is secured. , a d. hdui rr "How to Obtain Patents." with ' 'cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries j sent free. Address, i.A.sraow&co.i OPf. Patent Omcc, Washington, D. C. cSJRADEMARKs C0PYiUGHTS.' CAN 1 ORT'TN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MVNNdeCO., wbo bave had nearly fifty years' experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictlv confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Ot ""'"Mn Ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mann s Co, receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with - ont cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 2.50 a year. Single copies, '25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure oontracla. Address AlUNN tt GO. NtW YOKE. 3il BROADWAY. . . DR. SANDEN'S E1ECTUIC BELT with Electro Mnsrnetic Snnpeo sory will care without medicine all of the above troubles. Those wbo miffer from Nervous Debility. Iiosnea, Drains, Xomt Manhood, Nervousness, (sleeplessness. roor iiiemoryi an r emaia v;om plaints and seneral 111 health. the effects of abates, excesses, worry oreZDOBnm. will find relief and ornmcn Icare in oar marvelous invention, which rAanirM hut atrial to nir.r I the most skeptic!. In ignorance of ef- fects yon may have unduly drained Z. your system of nerve force and vital it s "?S?I which la electricitv and thru lthL$y lf TOU replace into your system the JJLY"- elements thus drained, which are re quired for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause and health, strenirth and vlffor will follow at once. This ia our plan and treatment, and w fimarantee a cure or refund monsv.- UME BACK AND RHEUMATISM v Portland Oregon, September 9S, 1BB& Dr. A . T. Sanaen. Dear 81r : Years of exposurs and hard work, oombutea witn the strain coming rrom tn jar of an engine, gave me a severe ease of lame back. rrom wnicn i sunerea xor seven years, x was o oaa that I could not bend my back. W as all doubled up with it. I bought one of roar belts. It helped me inside of two days, and I continued to wt sr 1 it io 'or four . months, being perfectly cured. That was two years PS I ao,and l am as welt to-day as 1 ever was in my iiie. know your belt well, and I knew lots of people who have been eared by it. Many othets need it, and if they would try it they would find it the same as I did the best remedy in the wo'-ld. I m located here permanently, and wi ' 1 be glad to talk wh sn one who wants to lnqn're abon i. . BOBEBT BUBBEI. Engineer Hotel Portland.- X08TV1TALITV1AND STRENGTH. Ev-rett, Vah, June 18, 1603. Dr. A. T. Sonde" DeuFfiir:- Since wearing your b It I have been greatly benefited. 1 feel my old en- ersy fast returning; and after a month's use of the belt I find myself twice as v goroos as before. My memory is now nearly perfect, -and each day shows for the better.-. Iff! much stronger tha before using the belt. Yours tiuly HBY bOHULXZ, ELECTRIC BELT andxaenlarjrs shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money "The Replator Line" ... . ",..... i . . . Tie Dalles,-Portlani aii Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freignt ana Passenger Line Xnrongn Tri-weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. . Steamer Regulator -leaves The Dalies at 7 a.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles . City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday connecting with Steamer Regulator for me xiaties. PAS8ENOKK HATES. One way Sound trip. . , .f2.00 .. 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through,- with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p.m. Live stock shipments solifcted. Uall on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY. General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, -General Manager.' : THE DALLES, OREGON The Dalles Daily Clifoiiiele. HAS A FAMILY OP 2000 EEADEES. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and meat reliable news. And they read every line that is In' the paper.. That is what makes the Chronicle an invaluable advertising medium. The newspaper that ( . goes to the family firesides Is the one SH- that the advertisers of today patronize. when they desire to reach, the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be fonnd In the paper. Look over onr columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, - is worth asking for throusrh these SHr columns, etpcially so at onr C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN DRY-GOODS (Clothing Boots, Stioes, Hats, Kt. - ' Etc., Etc., Etc. Second St., The Dalles. When the Train steps at THE f4EW COIiUjVlBlfl HOTEli. , This Innre and popular House dces.the principal hotel business, i - ,- ... v. a.-uit is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any - ' ' House in the city, and at the low rate of r ' ' $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qlass Teals; 25 Cerpts. Office for all Stage Lines leaving The Dalles for all -points In Eastern Oregon, sad Gatteru Washington. In this Hotel. . ' Corner of Front and Union Sts. lai and Weekly ihroeiiclen THE CHROMICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles ; ; and the surrounding' country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and " . Grant counties, as well as Klickitat, and other ; re- , gions - north of ,The ". Dalles, hence it is the best . . medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of . each week at $1. "50 per annum. A ; For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE Tlae 3Det3JLes, Oregon. ''There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its JiooA ' .. . leads on to fortune" . , The poet unquestionably had reference to the "' Civ -Oil Sale at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MTCKKT.TIA.CH BRICK. PAUL KR -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns nd Designs in . "75T XjXj ' IE JBl.i E5 DEt3L - " IPTTractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of ths Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masiiry liquid Paints. No chemical combination or Boap mixture. A. first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. -w Faint Shor ooxuer .Third auu WaBhingtou Jita 'J'he Dalles ' 0roo THE CELEBRTH-ED eOLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER. PropV. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Porte east of the Cascades. The lateet appliances for the manufacture of good health tul Beer have, heen introduced, and on.? the first-class article will be p'acect on he mark".. . . . . ' ' . i - - - ' ' . New - Umatilla - House, . V : THE DALLES, OREGON. ' SINNOTT & FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. E. R. Company, and office of the Western tTnion Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. . . ., Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of al Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. , : DEAEEB IN ' '' BOOKS. JEMEL RY, 3a HTC H V - and Musical Instruments. . - DALLES, get off cn Jhc South Side 7 AT THC T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. PUBLISHING CO., I m BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - - UNION ST.- EFT & CO;,