1 i. A SUCCESSFUL DANCE. A. Few Incident That Didn't Disturb' the Fiddler. ' The party was given at a farm bouse, and about thirty couples were present, raid ths Tnlprln TUiirlo T trM y,a - farmer when I first arrived that I should depend upon him to give me at . least five minutes' notice before any shooting; began, and he replied: . ' "I'll do it. I shall be watchin out, and I think I can give yo' plenty of time to pet out of range." - "There will be shooting-, of course?" ! "Oh, certainly. The boys would feel .t that -t they ; had slighted me if there wasn't a row." "What do the women folks do when the shooting begins?" """ ' ' "Sit right down on the floor till it's ajl over. Don't be a bit oneasy.- I'll give ye plenty of warnin'." Ihere was only one fiddler, and he 'was also the caller, says the Detroit frff Ti"fRR. TTia cfllla Tny.ll m. n r. first, but no one else appeared to mind it as he drawled: "Bight and left on the head, and Bill Taylor don't want to drop that revolver on the floor! Balance four and half , promenade, and J im Henderson has a knife in his boot-leg! Ladies change, ' and Luke Williams is aching- to pick a fnoa vxrttK ' TVm TlaKaal - All lilliniii partners, and when the shootin' begins please remember that the fiddler never t takes sides!" We had been dancing- about an hour, and everybody seemed to be thoroughly good-natured and at peace with all mankind, when the farmer beckoned to me and whispered: "I said I'd give yo' five minutes' warn in', but I'm two minutes behind time! Break for the barn!" I broke, but was not over thirty feet ffrom the 'door when the shooting- be gan. It lasted about five minutes, and X cautiously returned to the house to hear the fiddler-calling- in the same old monotonous, voicet ' "Take partners for Virginia reel, and don't make sich a fuss over three men wounded! First lady and gent for ward and back,- and Bill Taylor has gone after a doctor! . Forward . again and sasha, and: somebody attend to that gal in hysterics! Swing with the right now with the left, and if this isn't the most successful dance of the season, then you folks - needn't pay me a cent!" . - - , " ' UNCLE BOB'S LESSON. Bow an Tld 'Negro Taught the Emperor" . ,; SIter-ln-L.air a Pntat on Etiquette. t Mma;. Betsey Patterson .Bonaparte, the sister-in-law of an emperor, was bora in Baltimore, and after living many years abroad returned to her na tive land, where she passed the last jyears of her life." She was a woman of great beauty, but of an ungovernable rtemper. A writer in the Boston Trans cript tells how her sense of : humor - once enabled her . to accept a reproof jrraeiouslv. ' ... i . One of- the old' lady's crack stories in her latter-'davs was of a lesson in eti- .quette given her by the black butler of her host. At breakfast she motioned j i i i . . i , i . : HAJ il 1 III lliWi'ltlJ 111 111 uci uuij, viau- ' "ing a second cup of tea. Uncle Bob, incfAnrl sir-ncr t.V s-ir lr Vile mic stress at 'the head of the table, put it down witn a great, uourisn on ine side board. - V "But.I wanted another cup of tea," said ftlrae- Bonaparte.' "Did you, , raum?" blandly asked Uncle Bob. "You see. mum.' vou nut your spoon in de saucer, an' dat means you doan' want no mo' tea. When you . wants some mo' tea.de c'rect way is to - put Ue spoon in de cup 4ike dis heah," "c'rect" method of procedure. . . The family, were on thorns, expect ing an outbreak -from the sister-in-law of an emperor, although there is no doubt that 'a black butler in his own - bailiwick could face an 'emperor him . self: but Betsey was only amused, and 'laughed heartily. After fif tv vears of money cettincr t and moncy.-saving- she realized in the latter part of her life how futile it all '' was, and exclaimed, grimly: ."Once I had everything ...but money! ' Now I have nothing but money." Punishment of Sacrileee. -. ' ' In years gone by Ireland had a sa '.xjred oak dedicated to St.. -Columbian, one of the peculiarities of the tree be ing that whoever carried a small bit of . the wood or bark in . his mouth- would heyer meet with a violent death, it be ling especially efficacious in saving Christian martyrs from the block. . It was known throughout the British isles ' as the holy xak of Kenmare. After the lapse of many centuries this sacred oak was uprooted by a . storm, after which it was said to be guarded by angels to keep heretics from gather ing the wood for fuel. At last a wicked tannerV "barked" one of its largest limbs and tanned some leather, which he made into shoes for himself, imagin ing- that such relics would bring him wealth and power. lie wore them but once however, but that one time was enough to make him an incurable leper. Ten days loss of time on account of sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any thing buf. pleasant for a man of a family to contemplate, whether he ia a laborer, , mechanic, merchant or publisher. ' Jas. O. Jones, publisher' of the. Leader, Mexia, Texas, was Eick in bed for ten days with the grip during its prevalence a year or two ago. Later in the season ; be had a second attack. He says : "In the latter case J used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with considerable suc cess, I think, only being in bed a little over two days. . The second attack I am satisfied wduld have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of the remedy." It should be borne' in mind that the grip is much the same as a very severe cold and requires precisely the same treat ment. When you wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually give this remedy a trial. : 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. '- Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf A DISTURBANCE isn't -what ' you want, if your stomach . and bowels are irregular. That's about all you I J, I get, tnougn, witn tne lJLI I OI"dinary pill. It may wjA I relieve voir for the mo ment, but you're usually in a worse state after ward than before. ' - - This is just where Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do most good. They act in o n on cr o n rl natural i1 . j way, very different from I III tne "u.e o-fashioned I II pills. They're not only I pleasanter, but there's no reaction aiterwara, and . their help lasts. One little sugar-coated V jfeuet: lor a gentle lax- ative or corrective UU1CC . 11 M vabUOA U 1 V Constipation, Indiges tion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and Bil ious Headaches, are promptly relieved - and .tirfd. LyJ J They're the smallest, the easiest to take -and l the cJi.e.nneM nill Von paii buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. . ' You pay only for the good you get. It won't do to experiment with Catarrh. There's the constant dan ger of driving it to the-lungs. You can have a perfect and permanent cure with .Dr. Sage's Remedy. F El v Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, V NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evils from early errors or later exoesses, Ue result, of overwork, sickness, worrv.eto. Full strength, development and tons given to very organ and portion of the body. . Simple, natnralmethods. Immediate Improvement Been. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. . Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N..Y. ?heumat!smy Lumbago, Sciatica . Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c 03. SAXDEK'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetio SUSFEMSORY , )Latet I'Rtenta t llemt Improvement S Will ciira without medicine all TTeAkaeM resulting from over-tuxntioki of brain nerve forces t excesses or tndis. ere t ion, a3 nervous deblliSyv eleeplesnnssa, lanpiior, rheumatism, kidney, liver apd bladder complaints, lameiMxk. lumbago, sciotlcn, all female compitiints, sreiieml ill health, etc. This electric Belt contains tVondcrfal Im iiruTcmcnta over all others. Current ia jnntantiy felt oy wearer or wo forfeit $5,000.00. and vriii ctuoailof the atxve diseases or no pay. Thoa i.nds li&ve been enred by this marvelous invention after all ochnr remedies failed, and we (five huntir'adjj of testiinoninlsiu this and every other state. Oar Powerfal faproTrd ELECTRIC 6USPE5S0RT. thn CTP-tfef-t boon aver offered weak men, FREE with all 11 -IM. HeatUi and Vlfrorous Strencth GUARANTEKDlm 60 ta OOUa Send for Illus'd Pamphlet, moiled, sealed. Cre SANDEM ELECTRK3 CO., &'o. Klrtit Street. JOJXVau?a'X OltE. Removed to corner Third and Washington . streets, Portlund, Or. - ... TA?STED Pushing Canvassers o( good ad T T dress. Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly; Permanent position. BUOWN BROS. CO., JSurs-rymen, Portland, Oregon. . j-4 lOwdawp . - . . . . ' ; EepuMcan Cpnnty CiTGntiOB. . A' Republican Convention for the County of Wasco, State of Oregon, is called to meet In Dalles City, In said county, on Wednesday, April 4th, 1893. at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of nominating: candidates for the following county offices: One County Commissioner, eounty Cierk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, County Assessor, County School Superintendent, County Coroner and County Surveyor; and also precinct officers for the several precincts, and eight dele gates to the State Convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before such convention. The convention will consist of 67 delegates chosen by the several precincts, and the several precincts of the county will be entitled 10 representation in said convention as iouows: Bigelow East Dalits. Trevltt 6 West Dalles - 5 Falls ..A West Hood Klver '. 4 Eight Mile 2 Deschutes ". 2 Dufur .,.4 Tygh 2 Oak Grove . . . , .... 2 6 Mosier. 2 East Hood River S Baldwin 2 Columbia. ......... 2 Kansene 3 Kinpsley .......3 Wamic 3 Bake Oven . 2 Anteiove. 4 The same being one delegate at laree from each precinct and one delegate for every 25 votes, and one for every fraction over one-half of 25 votes cast for the Republican Legislative ticket at the election in June, 1892. Primaries to elect the delegates in each of the Feveral precincts will be held on March 28, 1894. In East Dalles Precinct the polls will be located at the Wasco Warehouse, and Frank Langhlin, F. Crelghton and D; H. Roberts will act as judges at said election; in Bigelow Precinct the polls will be located at the office of Wm. Miehell, and Chas. Cooper, C. J. Crandall and Tom Jolea will act as judges at said election ; in Trevltt fiecinct the polls will be located at the County Court room in said precinct, and J. S. Fish, C. E. Bay ard and C. U Phillips will act as judges of said election; in West Dalles Precinct the polls will be located at the City Mills, and J. W. Marduls, T. A. Hudson and A. A. Urquhart will act as judges at said election. The polls - in each of inid four precincts will be kept open from 12 o'elock M. to 7 o'clock P. M. for the reception of votes ; the polls In each of the other precincts in the county will be located at the usual place at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., and will be conduct ed in the usual manner ior holding primary elections. B. S. HUNTINGTON, Chairman Republican County Committee. ' JUDD 8. FISH, Secretary Republican County Committee. feb'24-td "YOD NEED ANY JOB . PRINTING, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE, GIVE . THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY. YOU WILL GET THE BEST, AND THE' BEST 13 GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S INK AND BE PROSPEROUS. FI RST aft I" rl El m it 0 I CAN BE HAD AT THE CH R O N I C LE O FFI C E Reasonfjibly Raiaoas Rates. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., ( Feb. 17, 1894. j Notice is hereby given that the -following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, April 14th, 1894, viz: r. ' Martin 31. Waterman , Hd. No. 3733. for the W NWJ4, 8Ei NWW, ad NE4 SW4, Bee 27, Tp 1 N, R 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; - R. Gilbert, The Dalles, Or. ; Albert Allen, Boyd, Or.; H. Gilpin, A. M. Allen, The DaUes, Or. feb24 - JOHN-W. LEWIS, Register. . . : : . , ' ' " - ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Feb. 15, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before- the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, April 7, 1894, viz: Marie C. Painter, Hd. No. 2547, for the NE, Sec 32, Tp 1 S, R 13 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and' cultivation of said land, viz: W. H. H. Dufur, W. T. Vanderpool, John No lan and O. P. Balch, all of Dufur, Or. John W. Lewis, Register. : NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .' .' Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Jan. 23, 1894. Notice is herebv riven that the followincr- "named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his chum, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on -March 6, 1894. viz: K. I. Pitcher, Homestead No. 2553, for the SEJ-i of Sec. 20, Tp. 4 S.,R. 13 E. . . . V - He names the-followih2- witnesses to Tirove .his continuous residence upon and cultivation VI SBlUilUUU, ,u: , , - ., C. V. Woodruli; C. L. Morris, J. E. Wing and C. E. Hayward, all of Tvgh Vallev, Or. : j27m3 ' JOHN "W. LEWIS, Register. LOST. 1 Hay Horse, four white legs nnd. white face, branded oh right shoulder f? -. AVeight, 850 lbs. IBay Horse, small star in forehead, branded on left Bhoulder with J C over T. Weight, 850 or 90 lbs. Finder will be rewarded. 4dlw - JOHN LOWE, Kingsley Or. -ESTRAY JSTOTICE. Taken up, at my place on Three Mile Creek, one brindle steer, about four years old; mark crop and slit in each ear; two slits on brisket: branded large N on left side. Also one red and white spotted cow, about four years old: mark, a hole in each ear; they have been torn out or slit ted out; branded Z B on left hip. The steer has been with my cattle going on two years ; thcow going on four months. R. G. BROOKS. . The Dalles, Or., Feb. 5, 1894. .. feb24-2tw Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ent business conducted for Moderate Fees.---Oub Omcc is Opposite O. S . patent office i and we can secure patent in less time than those i remote from Washington. - u Send model, drawing or ohoto..with descrio- Ition. - We advise.. if natentable or not. free of charge. -viur lee not aye tin mient i securea. t a piutmi i-r. "How to Obtain Patents." with (cost of same in the .U.S. and foreign countries sent free. , Address, , . ' . , c.A.snov&co. Opp. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. COPYRIGHTS. CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to M UN N dc CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience tn the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogno of mtxn leal and sdentlfio books sent tree. Patents taken through Mann ft Co. recerre) . special notice In the Scientl fic A merienn, and thus are brought widely before the public with--out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, lasned weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by fax the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. - Building Edition, monthly, 2 JO a year. Single copies, tia cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latest destcros and secure contracts. Address . MUKN & CO, New Yobs, 3 til Bboaswat. CLKSS Rl 11 "it. ' ' Ijf 7 its "The Reriator Line- Tie Daflev Portland' an J AstBria Navigation Co., - v THROUGH " Freiout aita passeixoBr Uae Through Tri-Weekly " (undayB ex cepted) between The Dallea.and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., - . . -. ... . ' , ; ; - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the ' Cascade Locks with Steamer . Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City" leaves Portland (Yamhill st. doek) at 6 a..m.,v ' : - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday V connecting with Steamef Regulator for The Dalle!. " . ' PASSEJfGEK KATES. One way, Round trip. . . . .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, Thill: be brought ? through, -Quit fl out delay at Cascades. Shipments, for '. Portland received at any. time ' day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address,;. ,. ; : ' . ; , ' ' w. c. aLlawaV,' . General Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, . C - 1 ' General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON The Dalles Daily Chrpniele. j HAS A FAMILY OF a 2000 EE AD EES. 'T They read The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable .news. And they read every line that is in the paper." That la what makes the Chronicle ' an invaluable advertising medium. The newspaper that . . . goes to the family firesides Is .the one r- that the advertisers of today .patronize :fi 'When they desire to reach, the people. , When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper. Look overt)ur colnmns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, . . a trade of a family of two thousand Jj- la worth asking, for through these "jEr columns, espcially so at our vary 'Tv C.P. STEPHENS, . ' PBALBR IN CLQTHING Boots, Shoes, Hats, Eto. Etc., .: Etc., Kto. Second St., The Dalles. " Win the Train stops at THE DALLES, gel tff en (te &uih Side ' ." ' ' . ' j ...... TTHi." '. ' ., . ' : TIE W COmjMBMKHOTHIi Tbl! lsrre Rnd popular House does the priricipal hotel bUFiness, . . - . ' . y Tinii is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House In the city, and at the low rate of . V . " ' . . $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Ideals; 25 Cepts. . ; '. Office for all Stage Lines learlnr T he Dalles for all " ' V" points in Kastern Oregon and Jbaateru Vaabinirtoti, -,. In this Hotel. - , ' ' Corner of Front and Union Sts. THE, CHRONICLE was established for, the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles: J and the surrounding country, and the " satisfying .V.'t ; efifect of its mission is everywhere apDarent. It 1 now; leads all Other- publications an Wa man, r-Gilliam'j large paxt'df Crck Grant counties, as rwell "as Klickitat and other re-.' ' ) - gions north of The Dalles,-hence it is the best . . : " medium' for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve- ' - ., . ning in the week Sundays excepted '-at ' $6.00, per :.v: annum' . The; Weekly' Chronicle on Fridays of ( eachweek at $1, 50 . per annum, p i : ' I ri. vi! ; For advertising rates, subscriptions, . etc7i address "',''' TH ECH RON I CLE 14 There is a tide in the affairs '.,-V ' leads on to 'Tfiepoet unquestionably '. ' -' . n V..'anT.'"'i- r t AT CRAN PALL . Who are selling these ; goods PAULJ KRE FT'iGQW'-" .. ' DEALERS US :' --'--f-v ? - -V . PAINTS, OI LS: AND -GLASS And the Most .Complete and the ' aDflT Practical Painters and Paper Hangers.' None' but the best brands. of the' Sherwin-Williams and J. W. MasuTy's Painta nsed in All aor work, nd none bnl the most skilled workmen employed.,, Agents ior' Masury' Liquid Paints., .No chemical combination or soap mixture. A. first claas article in all colore. '' AU orders promptly attended to. '' j ... T s s . : ; ? w .. 'JPaiatSaeo' corner Third , 'THE CELiEBRSTBD V , ' AUGUSBUCHL : 1 r . -This ' well-known Brewery is now; turning -out the iest: Beer "rind " Porte aat of the .Cascades.,' The latest appliances for the manttfacture-of good healtb . ful Beer have "been Introduoedj and. on. v' ;tb -firit-cliiiia article will be pJaeed ba -be market;:'', . ?. .'.1 U .;- r S .' - '' ' '- ,.'. . New g " . " ; the dalLes, Oregon. . 4 ; ' .; -. s i n in birr & fi s h , p r p ps Ticket and Baggage Office of the T7. P. R. R. Companyj and office of the Western ; : . -f ' h . Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. ' . ' . Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Variiables. : LARGEST ; AND : FINEST :: HOTEL : IN : OREGON. .. -l -DEAIISIX -' . .... " and Musical Instr-oments. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. ronicoe D PUB LIS HjJNGO:, of ' men: which, taken ai its flood " -', fortune" - : ,.-. v : had reference to the - :; ; - . -V 1 -:- '-v--fti?; !K ' IE BLR GET'S,! out at; greatly-red uced rates.,: j J Latest Patterns nd Deaigna in 'sip'