The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 24, 1894, Image 4

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all the peculiar troubles that
beset ; a woman. .The only
, . gicarantccd remedy for them
is . Dr.- Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. For women suffer
ing from any chronic " female
complaint " or weakness ; for
women who are run-down and
y overworked ; for women ' ex
pecting to become mothers;
ana ior motners who are
nursing and exhausted ; at the
change from girlhood to wo
manhood ; and later, at the
critical " change of life ' - it
is a medicine that safely and
certainly builds up, strength
ens, regulates, and cures.'
"If it doesn't, if it. even fails
to benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
TVhat you are" sure of, if yoa 'use
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, is either
a perfect and permanent cure for
your Catarrh, no matter how bad
your ease may be, or $500 in cash.
The proprietors of the medicine
promise to pay you
they can't cure you.
the money, if
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of evils
Irom early errors or later
excesses, tbe results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Full strength,
development and tono
given to every organ and
tortlon of the . body.
Imple. natural methods.
Been. Failure impossible.
2, (mo references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
Thn Trick by Which a Moneyless Scamp
Swindled a Washington Keatacrateor.
An unprincipled . scamp recently
played a game upon a Washing-ton
restaurateur that for originality and
effectiveness has. -ot been matched in
any of r.'.c ame-honored stories of
Beau Hickman or any other, "eaters
of dinners, you foot the bills." lie was
a well-dressed, g-entlernanly-appear-injr
person Lany-ot'her would not have
secured much -attention in the cafe
which he. worked and he ordered 'a
dinner that proclaimed him an epicure.
ii a scounarei. jj.e commenced.,- says
tne ost, by tipping the waiter lib
erally, which alone would proclaim
him one accustomed to secure the besi
of attention; and as for wines, he
would have none but the best vintages,
wmca an picKea witn tae taste ol a
connoisseur. The dinner was prepared
to the kmor s taste and arueared to
please him until the last course. At
'that.pomt he uttered an exclamation
of horror, and beckoned frantically to
the waiter. 'That functionary not be
ing sufficient to vent his wrath upon,
he summoned the head waiter, and
eventually the proprietor. Then he
pointed . out the cause of troubje a
dead fly in the dessert. Words could
not express his well-feigned disgust,.
or the regret of the proprietor at this
unfortunate occurrence. The cook was
called up and ' "roasted" more effect
ually than he ever did his meat's, and.
the restaurateur offered every amend m
his power.' But the guest professed to
be almost overcome' with nausea, and
could not eat any more he had proba
bly had all he wanted.- Of course the
proprietor could not think of charging
for such- on unfortunate meal, and
was only too thankful that the matter
should escape the attention of the
other guests. But when the disgusted
guest had gone a bystander, who. had
watched the occurrence, remarked to
the proprietor: "Why, didn't you see
him put that fly in the dessert?" And
the subsequent conversation was unfit
for publication.
. !: r
KIDNEY," LiVEaird BLAbOER "-'"
imptamrtTSi dyspepsia, lame-sack,
Rheumatism, ,
Lumbago, Sciatica,
... -; Kidney Corn plaints,
Lsme Back, &c
With F.lprro-IvTa
i,otet l'fltcmfI Jiet intprovcmentf I
"Win earn wtthout rnttllclne all Weakness resulting' from
ovor-tiOtatiOii tf brain nerve forces j execpses or indis
' cretion, nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor,
- rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints,
larnebiu-k. IiunMjo, sciatica, all female complaints,
aenenil HI h.ilth, ire. HiiB electric Belt contc'.na
VeatiprTttS Irauroveaicnt? over all others. Current ia
- instantly felt, oy wearer or wo forfeit 33,000.00. and
viltcuiOuJL'jf the aiKjrt' ; s scs or no pay. Tlici.
tuvvo eeii cnri by tiiis m&rveioua invention
.fttfr-ftll U-rr i'nientos fajlwi. and v-o fjivo ituuiiitdj
, of testii:mt.iula in thisatid every other 8tnto.
Our V.ertsl Iir.proTM ELKCrKJC BIJSPENSOaT. tlio
tfiTi'-iL'.a: b-sin --Vfi olferPd weak men, FHCK nil h al
t H UrUh and iRoron Strength GUAK.INTEEX) In 60 ta
UHUas is end for IMusM Fomphlet, mailed , ualed, free
Kemoved to corner Third and Washington
streets, Porthuid, Or.
TANTEI) Pushing Canvassers of
T T dress.
crood ad-
Liberal salary and expenses paid
weekly;- rermunent position. UKOnA iJliOa.
30., Nurs rrymen, Portland, Oregon.
j4 lOwduwp
Eepullican Coirntj ConTentioa.
A Republican Convention for the County of
Wasco, State of Orepron. is called to meet In
Dalles City, in said county, on Wednesday, April
4 th, 1893. at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of
nominating candidates for tbe following county
offices: One County Commissioner, .County
-Cierk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, County
Assessor, Count v Suhool Superintendent, County
Coroner and County Surveyor; and also precinct
'- officers for the several precincts, and eight dele
gates to the State Convention, and to transact
such other business as may properly come befow
: such con vention. The convention will consist
of 67 delegates ehown by the several precincts,
: and the several precincts of the county will be
entitled to representation in said conveution as
iBigelow ...6
East Dalies. . .
, Kast Hood Kiver. .
Hansene -. .: .
Trevitt 6
...6 est Dalles ... ....5
,.v.2 Flls i.. 4
...3 West HoodJsiver 4
...2 Eight Mile... ....2
....2 Deschutes 2
....3 Dufur.... .4
...S Tygh : 2
..3 Oak Grove 2
Bake Oven 2 Antelope 4
' The same being one delegate at large from each
precinct and one delegate for every 26 votes, and
one for every fraction over one-half of 25 votes
cast for the Republican legislative ticket at the
election in June, lS'M) -
Primaries to elect the delegates In each of the
neveral precincts will be held on March 28, 1894.
In East Dalles Precinct tbe polls will be located
at the Wasco Warehouse, and Frank Laughlin,
K. Crelghton and D. H. Roberts will act as judges
at mid election ; in Bigelow Precinct the polls
will be located at the otUce of Win. Michell, and
Chas. Cooper, C. J. Grandall and Tom Joles will
act as Judges at said election ; In Trevitt Piecinct
tbe polls will be located at the County Court
room In said precinct, and J. S. Fish, C. E. Bay
ard and C. b. Phillips will act as judges of said
lection : in West Dalles Precinct the polls will
be located at the City Mills, and J. W. Marquis,
T. A. Hudson and A. A. 'Jrquhart will act as
.judges at said election. The polls in each of
aid four precincts will be kept open from 12
-o'clock M. to 7 o'clock P. H. for the reception of
votes; tbe polls In each of the other precincts in
the county will be located at the usual place at
the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., and will be conduct
ed in the usual manner for holding primary
eltctlons.. . . B. 8. HUNTINGTON,
- Chairman Republican County Committee. '
Secretary Republican County Committee.
The Effect of a Galo Over tbe Great Salt
A correspondent of the Youth's Com
panion recently witnessed a most con
vincing- proof of the .weight of. salt
laden waters of the Great Salt lake.
A strong1 g-ale of "wind was blowing1
over the lake and driving- its" surface
into low. white-capped ridg'es, while
alonp the shore the foam lay like flat
banks of new-fallen snow. If it had
passed across a lake of fresh water of
equal extent that wind would unques
tionably have produced such an agita
tion of its surface that navigation in
small boats would have- been difficult
if not highly perilous.
But the water's of the Great Salt
lake, althoug-h driven into ridges as
just remarked, showed a curious re
sistance to the win,d and the waves,
rising- to.only a slisrht elevation, moved
.along- with an appearance of letharfrv
that the eye could not but nojtice.
Yet there was an immense momen
tum stored ud in those low, .heavy,
slow-moving waves. Venturing into
the water at a point where the depth
did not exceed four feet the observer
found that it was" impossible to stand
against them. Their slieer weight
swept him resistlessly alongv
The curious buoyance of the water,
containing-twehty-t wo per cent, of
salt in solution, increased the- helpless
ness of the bather. He was not sub
merged, as sometimes occurs in the
Atlantic breakers, but was: lifted, and
carried like a cork. '
It would probably have been-impossible
to dive' through an oncoming
wave after "the manner practiced by
bathers along the Atlantic coast. In
the Great Salt lake people are not
drowned through sinking, but stran
gled while still afloat. - The bitter
water may enter, the air passages with
fatal effect, but the body continues to
float until it reaches the shore or is
picked up.
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he is a laborer,
mechanic, merchant or publisher .Jas.
O. Jones, . publisher of the Leader,
Mexia, Texas, was eick" in bed for ten
days with the grip during its prevalence
a year or two ago.-. Later in the season
he had a second attack. He says: "In
the latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with cohsidersible suc
cess, I think, only being in bed a little
over two days. The second attack I am
satisfied would have been equally as bad
as the first but for the use of the remedy."
It should be borne in mind that the grip
is much the same as a very severe cold
and requires , precisely the same treat
ment. When you wish to cure a cold
quickly and effectually give this remedy
a trial. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, l '
' ter how much or
. how little, give
the chronicle job
department your
patronage "and be
Chappy, you will
get the best, and
the best is good
enough for ;any
- body. use lots of
printer's ink .and
be prosperous.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,) '
Lucas County. J
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City-of Toledo, county and state afore
Bftid, and that said Arm will pay the sum
of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh - that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. . Frank J. Cheney-.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1880. A. V. Gleason,
seal. ' ' ' " Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the; ey b tern." Send for
testimonials, free. -
. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
' Sold by druggists, 75c. ' . .
. . ' ' Winter Fuel. ' .
' We still have a large supply of Hard
Wood,' including Oak, Ash, Maple and
Crab Apple, all dry and -suitable for
familv nse to be sold' cheap.
Febuary, 18?4.
- . Jos. T. Peters & Co.
vw -r' .s,4
wit r.ieclro Mnticuc Sii' pt;-,
Bory will euro without n.-etiicine
--1.-- --i--. --'f?r
"iyAfiffri &'V suffer from Ktrrvuns UvMiM?, and ffencrnl 1E3 Ennfca.
tho effects of abuso. e.xcossics, wurry
or exposure, will And roliei! a n A iv -u: i
core- in oar marvelous nir-i'Hih.-which
requires but a trial to i:tu?fu$
the most skeptical.'iT'.itVt-
r nave untio j'aceo
nerve force arii? vnulii.
electricitv and ha
Von trnAqii rvi lun'r.'.t " jm. .
If you replace tjito your eyu-.r; tie
elements uius drained, wTiicii lira i-o-quired
for vigorousstrentrth, you wi'I
remove the cause and health, streuat a
and vigor will follow at once. Thle
is our plan and treatment., end w
mrnrnnrAA A. iiipa rir rofnnil mittiKv
fnnlr 'THlllC'R rT,SSF.OW MEW. should be read br everv -vouhd-.
WltJfo 3 'S ' 4 the most akepti
Wpk3'------' V fecta you may
aerir yr -. -:J ; your system ozt
? -which ia e!
i-V?ol , 4P.tzJ& caused yourwa
W.'-'idW x? you "Place
luiaa eacea an
rs we have restored t hnn rati rl m t.r rohnirfc hMlth ftnd "viorrtr After all other trejitment.t Run ha'
shown by hundreds of cases throughout this and other States,who would jjladly testify, and from man?
cx wnuzn we have strong letters fearing testimony to their recovery after using our I5cl
. Portland Oreffou; September 26, TSffL
Tr. A. T. Sanden. Dear Sir s Years of exposure ond
hard work, combined with the strain oominp from thxt
jar of an engine, gave me a severs caeo of lsme LdcIc,
from which I suffered for seven, years. I was o bad
that I ooold not bend my back. W aA all doubled un
with it, bought one of your bolra. It 1 el-j d
inside of cw j days, and I continued to w r it for f. ur
months, being perfectly cured. . Thtrt wi stwo
u-;o, and I am as well to-day as Xevor wnv n ray ZUe. t '
know your belt well, and I knrw loiso p pio rb. j
iiove been cured by it. Mny otbe s v.tA it- .nJ it
they would try it they would find it tho .Tne J did
the best remedy in the wor ld. i m ocj:u1 hsw
permnnently, and wl'I be gl&d tofcl!i tl iik. ov iw
. ban Francisco, Cai., August 14, 1S92,
Dr. A , T. Pan den. Dear Sir : Before! used yoar belt
x was iivuni-u wim loss viiror, tiuu woa&ness, ana
nlioflt a complete loss of Dower. I would cret no with
ry tired, foelins, bones achincr, etc.: since using
your bsis ih vj had a new lease of lif u X now enjoy
it to bei'-cr th".n ibavs for ten years past. I have the
tiuot o- a i. donee in your treatment. You can pub-
iiso, in-s RtawiTucur, aiso naveotners write or call on
no. TmJyVoura. 13-A. B0W1CN, 26 and 28 Turk St.
. . . Jfor. land, Oregon, April IS 1L2.
Jr. A. T. Sanden. Bear Sir I got one f yonrbelw
ttwo ws.-kn oro ior rheumatism, from which 1 nufiei&d
tor sovfrr.. I yaarn. I'or the past; six months I had r ot
Meon:-i sow rg. XoarDeitnaapIncedmeln almost
perfect hi-al' h in the two woeka I have asud it. 1 can
waih c :m orVibly. and fael like a now man renaraily.
M. HCiGilEii, Proprietor International Hasei.
- Xacoraa W aan O.tcUir 21, 1S-93.
Tr. A- T Fennen,.I;-Gijr Sir : i knvvt b fa r.piar jour
EIctrio belt ior B-'Dflml ntrmnx i.pjI lit.v. rA rn-i.i
foji bel.;r than I htve tor riveyoKra. J liat;air-td
yorsratosaXj, CLA!
T): A. T. Rami TVnr ftir ii.n'w..rin
b it I have boen creatly bentited. 1 feol m? n'leti--
rtry fa t retarnitu;; aud ufttru n'tith'i;i roj; tr.-t
tjen x rina myanif yrte as v tzomua as c-k.w.
laamory io now i-ie-vvi;
Tyr xcjbi ?ftt-7r.
ly i rvjt. taca .
Bsori!pl?teKWff c t -.t. rar ? l.-itr 3 ,d sr in i, sitl7 worn ?n'!T!tr 77'-vs or KL?csc.r,lf
lvaH 1 mKiunov, fcr ixtteH cnanrt -ari.icA arc- lnV.i: r 'f-i (.ifostrlKav kJJ w.k i-aiss, v?rtirtii
v-t,u'.'i. it ttsM I sriTf! f :r: :, hwvi cMrr, xtxt arjatc txutn sa -nyna sk au'-a a
v.irnmit .iirarcir.j ct .i -.;! vw'-.n v - s. -n.i I-fn.:arkx iiKbi,.r V.rrtf, or Tifonni
Jicl'Jj.w... ihy trf- i'.,i-l 1:; c: nt;p v. .,vvj:: E'nvf miu !-. Tmm . nc1'j:1i-ji);e4orojc
!3 7.?? k"".'S"Hi!'. .: :wkl J-, -l.-V; 1fSl
lteraoved to Corner of Third and TVashlncton Streets, Portland. Or.
U. 8. Lakd Office, The Danes. Or.,
." ' ' Feb. 17. 1894. t
Notice is hereby given that the foJlowing
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be niado before the Itejrfster
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, April 14th, 1894, viz: '
Martin Sr. Waterman,
Hd. No. 3733. for the Si NW 8EJ4 NWJi. aad
NEJi SX14t See 27, Tp lK, R HE.
He names the following witnesses to prove-his
continuous residence- upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
K. Gilbert, The Dalles, Or.; Albert Allen, BoydV
Ot.; H. Gilpin, A. M. Allen, The Dalles, Or.
feb24 JOHN W. IJiWIS, Register.
Assignee's Sale. ,
Thestoek of gnods froin the store of W. E. Gar
retsen. Jeweler, will be offered for sale at auctiou
on Saturday, March 8, 191. t 10 o'clock A. M.
This stock include- ooe chronometer, gold and
rilver watches, docks, chains, charms, pins,
glasses, etc. A rare opportnnitv for dealers iu
these goods to replenish their stoeit.
feb24-tw. A, R. THOMPSON, Assignee.
Land OfficiU The Dalles'. Or.,
Feb. 15, 1WM. j
Notice is hereby given that the fol'owing
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
moke final proof in support of bi claim and that
said proof will be rands before- the rerister and
receiver , at The Dalles,. Oreaora; on Weduesdav.
April 7, 1894, viz: .
Mark. C. Painter.
Hd. No. 2547. for the NE'X. See 32:Td1S. R 13 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz:
W. H. H. Dufnr, W. T. Vanderpool, John No
lan and O. P. Balcb, all bi Dufur, or.
' , John W. Lewis, Register.
Lakd Office, The Dalles, Or., J
Jon. 23, 1KW. j
Notice is hereby piven that the followiuR
named settler has filed notiee of his intention to
make final proof, in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be nnide before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, yr- on Match 0,
1S94, viz: -
II. 1. Iltcker,
Homestead No. 2553, for the &EJ of Sec. 26, Tp. 4
8..R.1SE. - -
He names the following witnesses to'prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
C. V. Woodruff.. C. L. Jlorris, J.-E. Wing and
C. B. Hayward, ali'of Tvgh Vallev. Or.
j27m3 . JOHN W. LE.WI3, Register. ,
' .- LOST. r;:- . '.:
1 Bay Horse, four white legs and white face,
branded on right shoulder ( Weight, SjO lbs.
. 1 Bay Horse, small star in forehead, branded
on lef t shoulder with J C over T. : -Weight, 850 or
90 lbs. . Fiuder wiU be rewarded.
4dlw . JOHN LOWE, Kingsley Or.
Taken nn. Btmynlace on Three Mrlo Creek.
.one bi indie steer, about four years old; mark
crop ana slit in each ear: two slits on brisket;
branded large N" on left side. Also one red and
white spotted eow, atk ut four years old; mark, a
noie in eaen ear; tney nave been torn out or siit
ted out; branded Z B ou left hip. Tbe steer has
been-with m v cattle zoinson two vears'; th cow
going on four months. R. i. UROOKS.
inuauea,ur r elx &, ISU4. ieb24-2tw.
JCareats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
SentbusinesscondocUidforMMcitATe Fees. -
Our Omee is oppasrrr U. S. P.TtNT Office
and we can secure patent in less time than those
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawine or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, ii ratentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ,
A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent iree. .aaress, ..
Opp. Patent Office, Washington, d. C.
ibMv Lfiii. ii muu mnrvrvs it
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
nlUNN fc CO.. who have had nearly fifty years'
experience In the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of wihnn
Ical and scien title books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn ft Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work In the
world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, tlso a year. Single
copies, i5 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, wtth plana, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MUNtt CO, Nsw YouK. a til Broadway.
"The Regulator Line"
Dales, Portland an! Mmi
Navigation Co.
Freignt ana Pssssnser Lina
Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Daltes, and Port
land. Steamer Regulator ' leaves The
Dalles st 7 a.m., - ; ;j
Mondays, Wednesdays-and Fridays,' - -connecting
at the Cascade Locks with
Steamer Dalles- City. Steamer Dalles
City leares Portland (Yam-bill st. dock)
at 6 a. ra.,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ,
connecting with Steamer Begulator' for
The Dalles. - .
One way
Round trip.
, 3.00
Freight flates Greatly Reduced.
AIL freight, except car lots,
will be brought ' through, with
out delay at Cascades.
' Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p.m.- live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address, . ' - '
w. c.
Oeneral Agent.
General Masiger.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele
.2000 EEADEES.
They read The Chronicle to get the latest and
most sellable i:ews. And they read every li-na
that Is in the paper: ' That is what makes the
Chronicle an invaluable advertising" medisun.
The- newspaper that . goes to the family
firesides is the one that the advertisers
of today patronize when they desire to
reaeh the people. ' When they want your trade
their announcements will be found in the paper.
Look over our columns and observe the verifica
tion of the truth of this assertion. Bemember,
. . uoue ui a uuui ui two uiuuimuu .
S- is worth asking for throudh tkese
columns, exscially so at our vwry
Boots, Shoes, Bats, Etc . "
Fanci Qoodg, potion
Etc., Etc. ,
Second St., The Dalles.
.. . When ik Train stops at THE DALLES, gel elf on the Smith Side .
"'fiEW; COLtlJ W Bifi l40TELi.:
, Thi lsrrc and popnisr House dees the principal ho'el buines, -''
Is urciiared 10 furnish the Best AccMiiimodatioiis of anv -
Hous! in the city, and at the low raU; cf ...
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass fsals,. 25 Cerjts.
Office for all Stafre Lines leaTinar The Italles for all ' .
' points in Kastern Oregon and Eastern Wasliineton.
In thla.Mntel. .
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex
press purpose of . faithfully representing The Dalles
' and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission, is everywhere' apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sherman-,
Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
. gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best ...
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
: The Daily. CHEokiCLE is published every eve-
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per :
' annum.' ; The "Weekly Chronicle on" Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum. . ; ' . .
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address . .
Tlie. Dalles, Oregon.
' 'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
; leads on to fortune" - " '
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Cliif-01 Si ii I "
Mflf:' limit
Vho are sslllni these goods out ' at . greatly-reduced rates.
, MTPH 1 'i CH . BRICK, . . IJXIOX ST. .
, . ,, hjxd. tbe Most Coin pie to and tbe Latest .Patterns wd.Designa in .
- ' SVPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bat tbe best brands of tb
Sherwin-WilliamB and J. W. Masory's Paints used in all aur work, and none bat
tbe most skilled workmen employed. . Agents for M&surv - liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first elads article in all colors. All
erders promptly attended to. . -
w , Faint Shoo oornor Third anu Wmmngvun ats..'J'he Dalles Orea-p
"' This well-known Brewery' is now -turning -oii't, tbe best Beer and Pprtc
east of the .Cascades. 'The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
fal Beer have been introduced, and. on. v tw fifsi-claB article will be p aced on
b uiarbt .' 1 ' -- ' . ' . : ' " ' ' ' ' ' '-- '.--
New - Umatilla
Ticket and Baggage Office of the TJ. P. E. E. Company, and office of tbe Western!
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.. , "f
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
and Musical Instruments.