The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. VII.
NO. 43.
The Dalles paily Chronicle.
Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. :-
Oorner Second .and Washington Btreets, The
Dalles, Oregon. , -
- Terfua of Subscription
rsr Year...
Per month, by carrier. .
Single copy
.16 00
In effect August 6, 1893. '
Wo. 2. Arrive 10:55 r. X. .Departs 11:00 r X.
So. 1, Arrives 3:39 . K. Departs 8: a. JC.
Arrives from Portland at 1 p. if . .
Departs for Portland at 2 p. M.
Two local freights that carry passengers leave
one for the wett at 8:00 . m., and one for the
east at 5:30 A. K.
for rTiuevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
at 6 A. M.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
a ally at Ci.ii.
For Duf ur, Kingsley, Wamic, Waplnltia, Warm
Springs s-d-Tygh Valley, leave daily, except
Sunday, at 6 a. m .
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
reek except Sunday at 7 A x.
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
H. RIDDEIir Attobkby-at-Law Office
Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
m. b. Duron rH mnfb.
DO FUR, MEN-FEE Attobnbys - AT
tAW Rooms 42 and 48, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
V nee In Sohanno's building, up stairs. . The
Dalles, Oregon.
rnt yb-at-law Offices, French's block over
First National Bank. Th t Dalles. Oregon. . . -
French & Co.'s bank building, Second
Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
J SUTHERLAND,-M. D C M.; F. T. M. C. ;
. M. C P. and S. O., Vhyslclan and 8ai
. , ., .. . .'V..... .... MmV
Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second
YJ and Bubgbon. uaiis answers vruuipuj.
day or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and
-.Chapman block. ... .wtf
I J r- ' nffir rnrnna K find 6 Chanman
Block. Residence: S. E. oorner .Court and
Fourth streets, second door from the corner.
Office hours 9 "to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 ta 8 P. M.
DblDDALL Dentibt. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
first and tnlru io ay oi eaun muuut hi t
U Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
of each montn at i r. m.
rtTTTT wz-irkTYivfTr-w on -TTTTC W O T? 1 Tl
lVl Mt. Hood CampNo. 59, Meets Tuesday even-.
tng OI eacn wee in r Tater ilv xi , p. 1
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K.
01 Sr. nail, comer peuuii u vvila. .uw.
uoiourning Drotners re wbiuuiuo.
H. Clouoh, Sec y. H. A. BrI,N. G
TT'RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
. every muouay uvqiuuk 1 v ww. ,
Sen anno' b building, corner ot Court and Second
streets, sojourning memoei- are wnuj -
v lte . - A . " 11 ' 1 1
D. W.VAtJSB, K. of R. and S. , C. O.
a RHF.MRI.Y NO. 4827. K. OF T Meets In K
J. of P. hail the second and fourth Wednes-
dava of each month at 7 : 80 p. m.
V Y UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at s o'cioc at toe reaaing room, ah are wviieu.
HARMON LODGE No. 601, 1. 0. G. T. Regular
Weekly meetings Friday at 8 P. M., a'
rraternity tiaii, ah are invited.
I C. Chbisman, C. T. R. C. Fleck, Be
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets
X in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, an Second
street, Thursday evenings at i :su.
W. 8 Mybbs, Financier. M. W.
TAB. NE8MITH POST, No. 82, G. A. R. Meets
el every Saturday at 7:80 r. x., in the K. of P
X . Meets second and fourth Thursdays each
month InK. of P. ha J. w. kiidy,
W. H. Johbs, Beo'y. Pres.
OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in
the K. of P. uau.
evening in the K. of P. Hall.
T OF L. F. DIVISION. No.167 Meets in
X. K, of P. Hall the first and., third Wednes-,
u"i giwja montn. at 7:au p. m.
ST.'xETER8 CHURCH ReT. Father' Bbohs
ecKST Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
7 A. M. High Mass at 10:80 A. M. Vespers at
r. k.
ST. PAULS CHURCH Uni6n 8 tree t, opposite
Fifth. Rev. EUD.SntcUOe Rector. Services
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30-p. M. . Sunday
puiiuuiv.w jl m. xiveimiR; irrayer on -riaay at
J? lob, Pastor. Morning serviess very Bab
bath at the academy at 11 a. k. '"Sabbath
School immediately after morning services.
rrayer nwuug rnuay e-emug at rascor S resl-
aence. u nion services in we court House at
x u ....
J Cubtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7 P. x. Sunday School after morning
grytyre. otraunere uoiuiaiiy mviteu. seats rree.
Ur E. CHURCH Rev. J. Wrislbb. sutnr.
- J.TJ. Services every Sunday morning at 11 a. m.
Bunday School at 12:20 o'clock P Jt. Enworth
League at 6:80 P. M. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. A cordial in
T itation is extended by both pastor and people
W All.
pastor. Preaching In the Christian church
each Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. " All
are ooroially invited
Rev. A. Horn, pastor. Services at 11:30 a-m.
Sunday-school at 2:30 p.m A cordial welcome
o every one.
j4atiottal(;& Bank,
President - -
Z. F. Moody
Charles Hilton
M. A. Moody
Cashier, . - ; -
General Banking Business Transacted.
;'. ..Sight Exchanges Sold on
" and .PORTLAND, CJ.
rvllW.inni on favortt'hlft terms
at all accessible points.
J. M. Pattebson,
first pational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collectidn.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Hew York, ban -rancisco and Port
land. -
P. Thompson.- . . . J no. S. Schenck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbk.
H. M. Ba.
Letters of Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and - Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Lotus, ban rrancisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points inXDr-
egon and Washington. .
Uoiiections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
J. F: FORD, Evangelist,
Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ot
March 23, 1893:
S. B. Med. Mfg. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home last week. I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who" had wasted away to 33 pounds, iE
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
nestled up. . B. tJougn uure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B, Cough Cure has- cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
tor all. wisning you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mb. & Mes. J. F. Fokd.
If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready
for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two ot
three doses each week.
Bold under a positive guarantee.
50 cents per bottle by all druggists.
i i i . i . r w r II . n M
I I w . V : J t I I 1 II M I I
Ui) U rvl
for Infants and. Children.
THIRTY ye-jps obeer-vation of Cn-toria, -rlth Che patron-ge'ef
miillorui of persons, permit pa to apealrTof it without gnesslng?
. It is maqnestjona-lr the
he "world Has ever known.
gves them healtH. It will nam their li-remJ' In it Mothers lia-ra
ething which is atisolntely
kild's medicine.
" Castoria destroys ydrmB.,y '
Castoria allay reverisJiess.' ' ,
, Cs toria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. -,
. Castoria enres Piarrhoaa and "Wind Colic
' . Cairtoria relieves Teething nbles.
' Castoria c res Cotlpationsud Ta tnlency. !
Castoria neutralises the effects of carbonic aold gas or poi-onona a V
Castoria does not contain morphine, oplnn i, or other narcotic property. 1
Castoria assimilates the food,reglate the stomach and towels.
giving healthy and natural sleep, f .
Castoria is pnt op in one-si-e "bottles only. It is not sold in ihn k. .
Pon't allow any ono to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise
that it js"jnst as good" and "will answer every pnrpose."
- - . " See that yon get C - A - S - T - O
' " ' The fao -simile ; ,
' . " signat-re cf
ChsSdren Cry for
V We always
fry our ii?
r Our Meat, Fish, Oysters,
Saratoga Chips, Eggs,
. Doughnuts, Vegetables, etc.
Like most other people,
our folks formerly used lard
for all such purposes. When,
it disagreed with any of the
family (which it often did,)
we said it was " too rich."
We finally tried
and not one of us has had
an attack of "richness"
since. We further found
that, unlike lard, .Cottolene
had , no unpleasant c odor
when cooking, and lastly
Mother's favorite and con
servative cooking authority
came out and, gave it a big
recommendation " which
clinched the matter. Sq
that's why we always fry
ours in Cottolene. . ,
. Sold by all grocers.
. ST. LOUIS and .:
W. II. young;
BiacKstniiti & Wapon Sfiop
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, ana an work
Guaranteed. :
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tbiri Street oe'jL'Lielie's old Stand.
w Moving!
Andrew Velarde
' .. IS prepared to do any and all
- kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest horise moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles
st remedy for Infanta ajad Children
It is -LarmlessTy Cldl-ren like itTlt
safe and praotieally perfect aa m
- R - I - A.
Pitcher's Castoria.
n 1
The - House
Passes M
Riot in Russia Participated in by
5,000 WorkmenThey Were
Finally Defeated.
Washington, Feb. 7: The indications
at the opening of the house were a dem
ocratic quorum would be. secured to pass
the McCreary resolution condemning
Minister Stevens, approving the course
of Cleveland, and declaring against an
nexation or the assumption of a protec
torate over Hawaii. 1
Reed renewed filibustering by making
the point ot order that an adjournment
last-light did not vacate the proceedings
under the call of the house to enforce at
tendance, and that the-only -thing in
order was the report of the sergeant-at-
arms; or if the chair held all proceed
ings terminated by adjournment, it also
vacated the order revoking the leave of
absence. '' - r, 'I .'
The -speaker- overruled, the point of
order, holding all the proceedings under
the call; terminated with adjournment,
, .- J . '
and that, the? order re
absence executed .itself,
sThe rollws -then called on the pas
sage of the "McUreary resolution. . The
republicans refrained from .voting and
the democrats failed to muster a quo
rum, this vote standing 174 to 3.
ispringer made the point oi order that,
as there' were. four vacant seats, 177: in
stead of 179 should constitute a quorum.
After some debate the point of order
was sustained and the resolution was
declared passed.
Those who voted in the negative were :
Daniel of New York and Adams of Penn
sylvania, both republicans, and Cum'
mings of New York, democrat. After
some sharp sparring between Reed and
the speaker on points of order, it was
by unanimous consent decided to have
another roll call, and the speaker with
drew further decision. When it be
came apparent on the second roll call
the democrats would have a quorum,
the republicans voted against the reso
lution. It passed, 177 .to 75.
Pitched Battle
In Which
Many Were
fEsn, Russia, ieb. 7. A riot oc
curred at a large iron works at Nizhnee
Taghilsk, in the Ural mountains, par
ticipated in by 5,000 workmen, on ac
count of low wages and a nihilistic prop
aganda. The local authorities were un
able to cope with the disturbance, and a
large force of troops. wasen to the
scene. A pitched battne ensued, in
which many rioters were killed and a
number - of soldiers shot or stoned to
death. The troops were finally repulsed
and forced to fortify themselves-while
reinforcements were seat for. When
these arrived the attack was renewed,
and the rioters were finally driven off
after killing many more. It is said that
the nihilists are urging a propaganda in
many parts of the empire, and the gov
ernment is compelled to take energetic
measures to suppress it. ,
Not Likely to Be a Strike. '
Milwaukee, Feb. 7. Eugene Debs,
president of the American Bail way
Union, a new railway . labor organiza
tion, stronger on the Union Pacific than
on any other system, left last night tor
Omaha, where a conference of officers of
the order will be held in regard to the
Union Pacific new wage schedule. Debs
says there will probably be a convention
at Ogden of delegates from . different
points on the system., - He does not look
for a strike on the Union Pacific or
Northern Pacific, chiefly because so
many men are out of work. -. He places
the number of . idle firemen, who belong
to the Brotherhood, at 3,000. This
would indicate more than 5,000 out of
work, including non-Brotherhood fire
men. -
Specimen Cases.
S. H. Clifford. New Uassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away; and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him..
1 Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.
had a running sore on his leg of . eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata-
waba, O., had five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him , en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. J
Gladstone's Resignation Certain.
Chicago, . Feb. : 7.-r-A,. private cable
gram received in Chicago from London
today contains an ; absolute assurance
that the. rumored' resignation of Glad
stone as premier of England will soon
be an accomplished fact. W. T. Stead,
editor of the English Review of Reviews,
was seen at the rooms of the Commerce
Club, and was asked if he believed that
Gladstone- would resign in the immedi
ate future. He replied: "I not only
believe it, but I am perfectly certain of
it. As to the time and season ho man
knoweth, not even Gladstone himself.
He has many things to think of on that
point. The position of international
politics and of his own party are factors
which . do not- leave him free to act on
considerations of hie own convenience,
but I don't expect to find him in office
when I return, which .'will be before
April. On landing in Liverpool I should
be greatly eurprised if Gladstone were
still prime minister." .-.'
- Tragic End of the Alardi Gras. '
New Orleans, Feb. 7. In an out-ly
ing district of this city at 6 o'clock last
evening the Mardi Gras sport of a party
of merry-makers in costume was brought
to a tragic ending by the killing of one
man and the wounding of. four others.
At the corner of Independence and
Morales streets a masked party in cos
tume encountered, several , young men
and a row ensued. Leone Copping, a
young' man of 19 years, dressed to per-
Boe, probably fatally injuring Mike Boe,
mortally wounded his brother William
Copping, and slightly wounded Valentine
Cramer. '.'Leone Copping was arrested
and charged with murder.
. Improvement at The Dalles.
Washington, Feb. 7. Both senators
of Oregon and Representative Ellis had
a conference today about The Dalles im
provement. Representative Hermann
says that the house will not agree to
anything, except what the engineers
recommend, and Senator Dolph. says
that the senate will not consent to a
portage road. '
. Selections to He Made This Week.
Washington, Feb. 7. It is claimed
by the Oregon democrats here that all
selections for land offices now filled by
republicans will be agreed upon this
week, and that the appointments will be
made as fast as the vacancies occur.
The gold reserve exceeds $117,000,000.
Several earthquake shocks have been
felt in California during the last few
days. ; '
The repeal of the federal election bill
passed the senate last night by a vote of
39 aves to 28 noes.
- A heavy snow storm prevailed, yesterr
day throughout the central and southern
portion of New Mexico. The depth is
reported as two and three feet.
The United States representatives
have refused De Gama's application to
be granted belligerent rights. The atti
tude of the English representatives is
keenly watched. '
The Massachusetts legislature has
taken. the. football , game , under its con
sideration, and Representative Buckner,
of Cambridge, has presented a petition
andjsill for the suppression of It. '
England is very nervous over the sud
den decline in silver values, which' has
reached the lowest notch, 29, 13-16d per
ounce. The London Daily,, News . says
the silver and rupee markets are thrown
in a state of consternation. . The Lon
don Times regards the situation - as very
serious, as it attracts the pained atten
tion of many interests.
Boy.T. Lewis, republican, was,-elected
mayor of Dulath Tuesday by a majority
of 2,880 in a total vote of . about 10,000.
The republicans elected sixteen . alder-,
men, which is a clean sweep. . The fight
was made 'a party one, with the position
of Mayor Baldwin on the tariff question,
as an issue. - The present city adminis
tration is democratic. . . " .
For the Miseries of Dyspepsia,
And they include almost every un pleas
ant feeling that belongs to physical dis
ie, this potent"- medicine, Simmons
liver Regulator, is a certain and speedy
cure. ' '' ' r :
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
duBt. .. - -
Highest of all in Leavening
Conspired With Her Loier
to Harder
Her Husband.
Denver, Feb. 7. Mrs. Carr, wife of
Harry -L. Carr, the attorney who was
murdered at his home Sunday night by
supposed busglare, - was arrested ' this
afternoon, charged with complicity in
the crime. ' Bessie Sherwood, Jim -Tra-
cey, a gambler, and.Ted Dolaon, friends
of Mrs. Carr, were also taken into cus
tody. The theory upon which the ar
rests were made is that these people en
tered into a conspiracy to make away
with Carr for the purpose of securing ..
possession of -bis life insurance, said to
amount to $20,000. Mrs. Carr stoutly
maintains her husband was killed , by
burglars.- Carr was one of thefmoet
prominent lawyers in the city, but his
life has been very rapid and checkered. .
He came here from Baltimore several
years ago,: where Jie left a wife and two
children, and obtained a divorce here.
His second wife committed suicide in
this city a year and a half ago on ac
count of domestic troubles. Six months
later he met Mies Jennie Black, who
had ..recently arrived from Buffalo, N
Y., in a Market-street bagnio, and be
coming infatuated, married her January
3, 1893. Since her marriage it is well
known Mrs. Carr has been leading a
dual life, . making the rooms of her.
friend, Miss Sherwood, a rendezvous,
where she met Tracey and Dolson.
Wamle .Amusements.
Waicic, Or., Feb. 5, 1894.' '
The Wamic Literary Society nill ad
journ at 11 :30 p. m., Friday, Feb.I6t.
until September next. This, society is -conducted
under auspices of the graded
schooland . is a very worthy adjunct to
that institution. For this last evening
has been selected and arranged, with a
view . to pleasurable entertainment, a
farce comedy-drama and afterwards the
Ethiopian minstrels with grimy faces,
will cater to the gods of mirth. Ushers,
trained in the art of courtesy, will meet
you at the door and smile a real UBher'a
smile and say,-"Seats all-free, follow
me. please." The hall has a seating
capacity for 800. F. C.
Wrinkles and hollow cheeks, and dull,
sunken eyes, don't always mean that
a woman's old. Half r'uw time, they
only ehow that she's overworked or suf
fering. To such women, to every
woman who is tired or afflicted, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription safely and
certainly brings back health " and
strength. It's a legitimate medicine
that corrects and cures; ft tonic that in
vigorates and builds up; a nervine that
soothes ard strengthens. For all the
derangements, irregularities and weak
nesses peculiar to women, it is the only
guaranteed remedy. If it doesn't benefit
or cure, you have your money back.
It won't do to experiment with Ca
tarrh. -There's the constant danger of
driving it to the lungs. You can have a
perfect and permanent cart with ur.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes a K.mersly.
Ask your dealer
for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
wood's iiospiomi
The Great EaeUsh Remedy..
Promptly and permAnenuy
cores H forms of Vomt
Vcte ofAbvae or Emote
Been prescribed over 85
earsln thousands of cm iu it
V- V t MdotM known. At
druggist for Wood's Phosphodlnel If he Iters
some worthless medicine In plsoe of this, lesre Us
dishonest store, , Inclose price in letter, ana
wswillsend by return mall. Price, one psckage.
$1; lx,8S- One plraxtt, tin rUl iro. Pamph
let In plain sealed envelope, 8 cents postage.
.Address The W-ood Chemical Co.,
131 Woodw-rd avenue. Detroit Mich.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes' fc Kinersly.
. l . .
""Inter fuel.
We still have a large supply of Hard
Wood, including Oak, Ash, Maple and
Crab Apple, all dry and suitable for
family use to be sold cheap.
January, 1894. "
Jos. T. Pbtees & Co. .
i 850. OO Reward. ...
: I will pay $50.00 for the apprehension
find conviction of the parties who entered
my place of business on the night of the
13th inst. and robbed toe by force of
arms. ' ' :
jan30dlw , JKex wnsos.
Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
fa f f jws