The Dalles Daily -Chronicle. OFFICIAL. PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BY KAIL, rOSTASB FBBFAID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year. 1 " 6 months. 0 75 ' - 8 " 0 50 ally, 1 year. 6 00 - 6 months. , 8 00 per " 0 SO Address ail communication to " THE CHRON KILE." The Dalles, Oregon. Post-Offlce. omcE HOURS General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order " 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday ti D. " ,...9 a. m. to 10 a. in. CLOSING OF MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m. " " West. 9 p.m. and 6:80 p.m. Stage for Goldendale 7:S0 a. m, " " Prinevlllo 6:30 a. m. ' "Dufuraud Warm Springs. .-.5:30 a.m. " fLeaying for Lyle & Hartland.. 5:30 a.m. " " " tAntelope 5:30 a.m. Except Bnnday. Trl-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday. . t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. 3-r - JAN. Of. 1894 In Paraguay, a gentleman must kiss every lady he is introduced to. If this Tale was introduced into this country introductions would be quite numerous. The Pendleton Tribune announces five eclip8es thia year three of the moon, one of the sun, and one of the Wilson bill. The latter will be total, and visi ble in North America and England. The McKinley . law may be open to criticism in some respects, but the fact remains, as Mr. Burrows says, that it "never closed a mill in the United States, shut op a mine, stopped a wheel, blew out a furnace- fire, or drove a single workman into the streets." The Omaha Stockman is more hopeful than any newspaper we have recently seen. It says : The financial future is clear. Prosperity is ahead, and all that is necessary to one who desires to "real ize" on the future is to "strike while the iron is hot." Buy wheat; buy stocks; buy wildcats or dogs no matter what you buy, someone will want it at a higher price during the coming year. It eeems to be the opinion of Mr. Wilson and bis associates that the sac cess of their party was achieved upon a promise of free wool, and they are con sequently showing every indication of a determination to sacrifice all other fea tures of the present bill, if it becomes necessary, to the single issue of free wool. It has developed, moreover, that the clause providing for 40 per cent, ad valorem duty on goods is decidedly un popular among many democratic con gressmen, and that if the bill is defeated in the 'senate they will seek to reduce the duty still further. Of the 11,272 immigrants who arrived at the port of New York in December, 4,477 are put down as having "no occu pation," and 2,455, or nearly 22 per cent., could neither read nor write. The average sum of money brought by these was less than $15 per head. One third of them are Italians, with an average of $12. There were nearly 1,500 Russians, with an average capital of $12. The average in the case of Bo hemians was $7.35, and 112 Portuguese had only $934 in all. These are very small sums to stand between newly ar rived immigrants and utter destitution in a country where so many persons are out of work and the resources of chari table organizations are overtaxed. A lectnrer at a meeting of an English Agricultural Workers' Union gave the figures in detail which shows how an agricultural laborer supported his family of self, wife and five children on his. wages of 11 shillings ($2.75) per week. The weekly purchases consisted of six gallons of bread, half a gallon of fiour, half a pound of tea, a pound and a balf of bacon , one pound of butter and cheese, three pounds of sugar, with oil. coal, soda ' and six cents' worth of tobacco. Nothing was allowed in the estimate for shoes or clothing, and except at Whit suntide they never had any fresh meat The position of this family was that of thousands of other workmen throughout England. ' A hopeful editor advances the theory that the hot winds which sometimes prove so disastrous to the ripening wheat crop in the Dakotas will, in a few years, be a thing of the past. Not that they are legislated out of existence by some future Kansas legislature, but they are expected to cease from natural causes. " These hot air. currents - start . from the arid regions of New Mexico and Western Kansas and move north, becoming cooler as they move along, but still hot enough to do a great deal of damage when they reach Dakota. As . the intermediate area is converted from prairie sod into cultivated fields, these winds will cool more rapidly and be : harmless by the time they have crossed Nebraska. The cultivated soil and "the growing green crops will give off more moisture than the dry grass of the prai . rie, and the cooling process will be .rapid. Irrigation ot the arid plains and the cultivation of even small areas will have a favorable effect on the climate and the next generation of Northwest ern farmers will be able to live in peace and comfort with wheat at $1 per bush el and forty bushels to the acre. . The theory is plausible and the experience of the past . favors it ; but it will not help mortgages now overdue. . Warner's butter at Maier & Benton's .grocery store. . Slavery In Slam. Slavery has been abolished in name in Siam, bat it can never be abolished in fact, for the slaves have no means of supporting themselves outside their masters' houses. Every member of the Siamese upper classes can fetter his servants or throw them into , prison without any kind of trial or permis sion beinff necessary. One morning 1 went to call upon one of the ablest and most enlightened of the ministers, a man who has been to Europe, and who once actually got into serious, trouble for trying to inaugurate a sort of woman's rights movement in Siam, says a writer in the Contemporary Review. I made my way by mistake into a part of his grounds where visit-; ors were not expected, and I found a slave fastened down to the ground in an ingenions kind of .pillory, in which he could not move hand or foot, while another slave tortured him with severe strokes of a bamboo, rod at the - word of a member of the family in order to force him to confess to-some micdeed. - A Nevr Cereal. A traveler in the Himalayan moun tain region has discovered that the na tives of that country cultivate a grain hitherto unknown in civilized agricul tural operations, which has something the look of wheat but has very much longer ears, and which has a peculiar inward curve. The shiny, brown grain, .unlike wheat, is, on the other, hand, much smaller than wheat grains should be for so larg-o an car. Hut the inter est is that a cereal of this character should yield such heavy crops in so high an altitude, where the seasons are necessarily short and the temperature low. The natives call the grain kow- nee. ' KrauMfc's Oeadaclse Capsules. A remedy used with unvarying success as a cure for Headaches oi ol' kinds. The results have been so universale cood thnt it is no longer an experiment. It has been used for HcadHChe resulting from Dissipation, in Period ical Sick Headnclie, in Headaches caused by severe labor mental or physical, or by exposure to the sun, and in all cases with the most ernti- tying results. e nave, alter a Jiorough invest tigalion, hnd no hesitancy in taking the npeucy lor this etleetive remedy, and conscientiously rixuiuiucuu lb hjuut pttiruus. Respectfully, Sold by Blokely & Houghton. ' An Rtrreeoble Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. 25c.. 60c., and SI. 00 per package. Samples free. VY&h The Favorite TOOTH POTOSS Mv for the Tooth and Breath, 25c For sale by Snipe A Kineraly. Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, -NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, - and ell the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and Sortion of the body, lmple. natural methods. Xmmedlatelmprovement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and p roots mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. alheumatlsm, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. glc. With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY Latest Patents. let Improvements t Will cure without medicine all Wcakaw resulting from over-tnxattou of brain nerve forces: excesses or ind is eretlon, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints, lame bock, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints, general ill health, etc. This electric Beit contains WoBderful In proremcnts over alt others. Current ia Instantly felt by wearer or wo forfeit $4,000.00, and will cure all of the above diseases or no pay. Thou ends have been enred by this marvelous invention after all other remedies failed, and we Rive hundred of testimonials in this and every other state. - Oar Powerial Impnnd ELECTRIC 8T8FEN903T, the greatest boon ever offered weak men, FREE with sit Del.. Healtk ana Vigorous Strand GUARANTKEDia SO ta SKida- Send for Illus'd Pamphlet, mailed, sealed, free . SANDEN ELECTRIO CO.,' Bo. ITS Kirmt Stt-eeS, JOKXrAJJ OJBLK. Ore ox a WienAn tKe caxxse q PrdVeeflrYort Are you willing to work for the cause of Protection in placing reliable infor mation in the hands of your acquain tances? - -, ; If you are, you should be identified with the american Protective tariff league. . 133 W. 23d St.. New York. Cut this nod cm out and send it to theXcaguo, staling your position, and Rive a helping hand. ALL TfiE NEWS TWICE A WEEK....... YOTJ THINK, YOU WILL CONCLUDE THAT WE ARE AT PRESENT OFFER ING A RARE BAR GAIN IN READING MATTER. $1.50 A YEAR FOR YOUR HOME PAPER. .ALL THE NEWS TWICE A WEEK..... fCHE&S Jig 50. FO.-? ft CASE IT WILL NOT CURc. fc D3. SA!.DHS ELECTRIC BELT A FOOT-HOLD for Consumption is . what you are offer ing, if your blood Ois impure. Con sumption is simply scrofulous cond i 1 1 f i I tion with a flight 1 V cough - or cold, is V A all that it needs But just as it depends upon the blood for its origin, so it depends upon the blood for its Tl. lyV remedy for Scrof- o . ila in every form, the most effective blood-cleanser, flesh-ouilder, and strength - restorer that's known' to medical science, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. For Consumption in all ita earlier stages, and for Weak Lungs, Asthma, Severe - Coughs, and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung affec tions, that is the only remedy so unfailing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you havo yaur money back." For a perfect and permanent cure of Catarrh, take Doctor Sage's Catarrh ' Remedy. : Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head. Costs only 50 cents. FOR 1894. The Best Literature, The Newest Knowledge, and Fully Illustrated. 15 Cents a Copy. . Only $1.50 a Veair. '- Some of the features are: The Edge of the Fature. The Alarvels of Science and Achievement, presented in a popular way. Famous People. Their life-stories told by word and pictures the materials being; in all cases obtained from sources intimately connected with me suojecis. Trme NarriratiVes of Adventure,. Daring ana naramooa. Leopard bunting in Northern Africa, Lion nun'me; in Algeria, Tiger hunting in In dia, Elephant hunting in Africa, and ad . ventures in the Upper Himalayas. Gfeat Institutions: The longest railroad in the -world. The Hudson Bay Company. The Bank of Eng- lanu. ine easiness 01 me greatest mer chant ($100,000,000 a year). Human Documents! Portraits of famous people from childhood to the present day. Shoirt Stories. . . And by the best writers obtainable. Rotable Serials. By f?obeit Iiouis Stevenson and William Dean Hocuells. Among the contributors for the year are: Pvofessov Dramuond, Elizabeth Staar-t Phelps, Hvehdeaeon pavvsv, Bret Hofte, -" fiudyapd Kipling, Oetave Thsntt, ' Andverxi bang, W. D. fiocuells, Gilbert Parker, Jp. H. Stoekton, tloel Chandler Harris, " Conan Doyle, f?. It. Stevenson. Chavles R. Dana, Archibald Forbes, and many others. IS CHJ4TS H COPY. - $1.50 A VEHP.. . Remit by draft, money order or registered letter. S. S. JVIeCIiUH, Liimited, 743 & 745 BroadWay, N. Y. City. The Dalles Chroniele, Twak, and JlIeGlatre's JHagazine, S whole year for 12.25. . Adress. 1 - CHRONICLE PUB. CO., ; THE DALLES, OR. Guardian's Notice. Notice is herebv elven that the nudei-siem? has been appointed by the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, guardian of the person and estate of Lars Careen. All persons having claims against said Lars Larsen are notified to present the same with the proper Touchers to the undersigned, at the office of Hays, Huntington St Wilson, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Dalles City, this 6th day of Jan., 1894. J10w6ptl W.T.WISEMAN. The Dalles My Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OP 2000 &EADEES. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable r.ews. And they read every line that is in the paper That Is what makes the Chronicle an Invaluable advertising medium. The newspaper that - goes to the family firesides is the one that the advertisers of today patronize 1 when they desire to reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, a trade of a family of two thousand Is worth asking for through these - columns, espcially so at our very -vxivx : I 1 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the -State of Oregon for - (4V vvuuhy ui nwco. J.D. Parish. :) . . - . Plaintiff, vs. Matilda Parish, ... Defendant. To Matilda Parish Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, You ere hereby required to appear and answer the Com plaint filed again t you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served within this county ; or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; or if served upon you by publication, then yon are required to appear and answer said Com plaint on the first day of the next term of said Court, after six weeks publication of this Sum mons, to-wit: on Monday, the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1894, and if you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply, to the Court for the lOllef prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: for the dissolution of the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and lor nis costs ana aibDursemenvs herein. You will further take notice that this Sum mons Is served upon you by publication by order oi uiv nuumaum t . xj. ciau&aaw, joage OI bm 1(1 court, sat a oraer Dcing aatea uecem bcr zi, m)3. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON, . d23wtd " Attorneys for Plaintiff. jJYOO NEED ANY JOB i-KlWTlNO, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE, GIVE THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY. YOTJ WILL GET THE BEST, AND THE BEST 13 GOOD enough for any : body: use lots of printer's ink and BE PROSPEROUS, v SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and entered bvsaid Court on the 24th day of November. 1893, in favor of plaintiff, in a suit wherein The Amer ican Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited, a corporation, was plaintiff, and George F. Ar nold, Kizzie A. Arnold and O. D. Taylor were defendants, and to me directed wnd delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell all the lands mentioned and described in said writ, and hereinafter described, I did on the 8th day of January, 1894, duly levy upon, and will sell at Eublio auction to the highest bidder, for cash in and, on Saturday, the lOth day of February, 1894, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dsy, at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands and premises described in said wiit, and herein utcriuu as iouows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section one (1), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section two (-) in Township one (1) South, of Range twelve (12) East, of the Willamette Meridian, contain in one hundred and twenty 120) acres of land, all of said premises situated, lying ami being in Wasco County, State of Oregon, Or so much thereof is shall be sufficient to sat isfy the sum of 1334.54, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum since Novem ber 24th, 1S93, tSO.OO attorney's fees, and 21.65 costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs of sale. , . - T. A. Ward, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, January 11th, 1891. janl3w5t SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Wasco. Maximilian Vogt and Philipine Chapman, Plaintiffs, vs. Augustus Bunnell and John R. Foster and David Robertson, partners do ng busi ness as Foster & Robertson, and Mrs. D. E. Price, Defendants. J To Augustus Bunnell and Mrs. D. E. Price, of the above-named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon ; Yon and each of you are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein against you in the above entitled cause and Court on or before the fiist day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, next follow ing the final publication of this summons, to wit: on or before Monday, the 12th day of Feb ruary, 18U3, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to-wit; For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed marie and executed by the de fendant, Augustus Bunnell, to the above named plaintiffs on the 19th day of October, 1888, upon the following descril ed real estate, situated in Wasco county, Oregcn, to-wit: The south half of those certain lots eouimonly known as the Bickel lots in Trevitfs Addition to Dalles City on the road from said city to the U. 8. Garrison as formerly traveled, and being the same prop erty conveyed by Griflith E. Williams and wife to said Augustus Bunnell by deed duly recorded at page 853 Book "E" of Deed Records for Wasco countv. Oreeon. and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit; Commencing on tne east line oi urjerry street at a point on said line 170 feet southerly from the touth jine of Fourth street at a point on said south line where the same is intersected by said east line of Lib erty street ; thence southerly and along said east line of Liberty street 60 feet: thence easterlv and at right angles with said first line 104 feet; thence northerly aud parallel with said east lino of Liberty street 60 feet; thence westerly to the place of beginning, said premises being in block D" of Trevitfs Addition to Dalles City; and that said premises be sold under such foreclos ure decree in the manner provided by law and according to the practice of this Court; that from the proceeds of such sale the plaintiffs have and receive the sum of 11,000.00 and inter est thereon since October 19th. 1888. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, less payments made upon saia notes as iouows: ssu.uu paid juarcn 10th,'-1890: f 120.00 paid February 2oth, 1891, L0.00 paid December 21st, 1891; $83.86 paid - January 2d, 1892, and 1 16.64 paid October 7th, 1892; and the further sum of f 100.00 ass reasonable su-ii for attorneys' lees in this suit to foreclose said mortgaee and collect said note. and the further sum ot 113.75 insurance prem ium upon tne Dniiaings upon saia premises paid bv these plaintiffs, and 4.0t) taxes uton said premises whieh have been paid by plaintiffs, to gether with all costs and disbursements made and expended in this suit, and that if any de ficiency shall remain after all of the proceeds properly applicable thereto shall have been ap plied in payments of plaintiffs' demands as aforesaid, that plaintiffs have a judgment over against the defendant, Augustus Bunnell, for any such deficiency; and that upon such fore closure sale all of the right, title, interest and claim of said defendants and each and all of them, and all other persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them or either of them, in and to said mortgaged premises and every part thereof, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of redemption ; that plaintiffs be al lowed to bid at said foreclosure sale and become the purchasers thereof at their option, and that upon such sale the purchaser be let into the im mediate possession thereof, "and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem eq uitable ana just. This summons is served upon you, the said Augustus Bunnell and Mrs. D. E. Price, by pub lication thereof, bv order of Honorable w. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon for Wasco County, which order was duly made and entered et Chambers on the 27th day of December, 1893. DUFUR & MENEFEE, d30w7t Attorneys for plaintiffs. lost. 1 Bay Horse, four white legs and white face, branded on right shoulder - Weight, 850 lbs: 1 Bay Horse, small star in forehead, branded on left Bhonlder with J C over T. Weight, 850 or 900 lbs. Finder'will be rewarded. . j4d4w JOHN LOWE, Kingsley Or . A Grand Will be East End Hose Co. No. 3, : AT THE ARMORY, ' Toi7day Ixuijii?, pebruary 5, 1894. Music by Birgfed's Orchestra. ' Committee of Arrangements. H. L. KUCK (Chairman). W. H. LOCHHEAD (Sec'yV B. WILSON, K. E. SALTMAESHE (Treaa), C.B.ADAMS. Reception Committee. M. SIIOREN, ' . F. KRAMER, Floor Managers. H. J. MAIER. B. E. WILLIAMS, A. C. WYNDHAM, J. S. FISH.. A, V. FARGHEK, JOS. J. P. McINERNY, IE. W. HELM & CO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, (Ms, Brushes, Perfumery, Etc., . -. : ; Pure Wlnes-and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. . t Compounding Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. - No. 105 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.. ' -' ' -Opposite Columbia Candy Factory. ' . - - ' - . . Mev7 York Weekly -AND- Da nesweenii 41- Wasco County, ONLY . The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and ia a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. . It is the supply city for on extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. - The Largest "Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of Bheep, the wool "from which finds market here. . The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. ' The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. ' The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley, find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. - , ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the' coast and its money is scattered over and iS.beijig used to develop more farming country than is tributary to-any- other city in Eastern Oregon. . . Its situation is uxsurpisaed. Its climate delightful Its pos sibilities incalculable -: - J ts resources unlimited. And on these -torner stones she st-ttKbiJ John Pashek, The Merknt Tailor, - 7S Couvt Stfeet, Next door to Wasoo Sun. Offioe. Has lust received the latest styles in . Suitings for Gentlemen, and has a large assortment of Foreign and Amer ican Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. v - Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Times makes It all the more necessarv to advertise. That is what the most progressive of our business men think, and these same bus iness men are the most prosperous at all times. If yon wish to reach all the reople in this neigh borhood yon can't do better than talk to them tnrougn tne columns oi tee iuilt i;hkosicls., It haa more than double the circulation of an v other paper, and advertising in it pays big : BaJ given by the - F. W. L. SKIBBE, L. S. DAVIS. A. BUCHLER, J. HARPER, WORSLEY, F. EPP. Oregon, YOUR ATTEJiTIOfl Is called to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glaaj, lime, Planar, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. -Carries the Finest X.tM mt Picture indulfliiigs, ... To be found in the City. 72 CClashington Street Tribune itSiile Sl.T5.tS-