3 The dalles Daily Chronicle.' Entered at the Pos'toffice at Tne Dalles, Oregon as seobnd-elass matter. fHG DALLES OBKGOS IN ROBES AND ROYAL STATE. J3ow the Supreme Court JndgM Pass t from One Uoom to Another. Another innovation has made its ap- while, according- to the Washington Post, to make a trip to the building1 in st. hpforR twelve o'clock everv dav to witness it. The room in which the supreme court justices adorn them selves with their flowing' silk robes is just across the hall from the chamber in which the court meets. Ilitherto a few moments before noon the door -of the attirinfj-room would open and forthwith would emerge the solemn iustices. On one side of the corridor which by the way, Is the main passage way through the capitol-4-would stand a court official and another man would be stationed on the opposite side. Be tween this guard the justices would walk and a moment later would disap ' pear behind the heavy door of the en trance to the private corridor to the bench. But this simple and modest method has been relegated to the past. It is different now. When the jus tices are now ready to leave their at tiring apartment four court messen gers appear. They bear two pieces of plush-covered rope. A man stands on each side of the two doors, and across the corridor they stretch their plush covered barrier. Through the avenue thus formed the the black-gowned jus tices walk, the brilliant plush cover ing gleaming like a streak of fire against their somber robes. If the justices are a little slow the crowd must possess its soul in patience. Not until the last black gown has disap ivnrpd n.r th nliiKh-onvered rones taken down and the ordinary course of travel allowed to resume. GIVEN WITHOUT NAMES. A woman in Tanner, W. Va., gave' birth to her twenty-ninth child a few days ago. Ah Italian committed suicide at Santa Kosa, Cal., recently because ho .had no education. The happiest negro in ' Wisconsin dwells in Madison. lie parades the streets, exhibiting a bullfrog with three eyes one in the center of its head. A FABMEft at Stanberry, Mo., has enough simple faith in mankind to ad vertise in the local newspaper for the recovery of a ten-gallon keg of black berry brandy, which he lost out of iis wagon on the highway. . An Omaha policeman has been sus pended for neglect of duty, .but never was policeman, probably, ever before suspended for neglect under such circumstances. As he pleads, he entered a church, and, becoming inter ested in the services, remained too long. . .RAILROAD RATTLE. "Owing to the recent coal strike in England the Great Eastern railway is fitting up twenty-five locomotives with a liquid fuel apparatus to burn crude oil or tar. A contract has been entered into by an American corporation for the build ing of a railway through the Jordan vallev alone the Sea of CJalilee to Damascus. Thk speed of the fastest railway train is only a little more than one- half the velocity of the golden eagle's flight, the bird having been known to make one hundred and forty miles per hour. A man who is in a situation to speak from the card says that the Pennsyl vania Railroad company burns over twelve thousand tons f coal a day between Pittsburgh and Jersey City, at a cost considerably over forty thou sand dollars. This is for making steam only, and does not include the coal used for heating, running, pumping engines, elevators, air compressors and electric light generators, or for the many tugs and ferryboats employed by this line. Face and Figure Show it if you're a healthy woman. They'll have a beauty of their own, no matter what your features. Perfect health, with ita clear skin, rosy cheeks and. bright eyes, is enough to make any woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faithfully Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. That regulates and promotes all. the proper functions of womanhood, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, , dispels -aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health, flesh and strength. For periodical pains, prolapsus and other displacements, bearing-down sen sations, and "female complaints" gen erally, it. is so effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or care, yon have your money back. Is anything that isn't sold in this way likely to be "just as good?" A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine'' for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys, ilt will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive materia from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes & . Kinersly. Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. . XTee Mexica Silver Stove Polish. MIDWINTER FAIR. Calxfobnia Midwinter Lstezlwa-1 tionai Exposition. -Department , of Publicity and Promotion. - J Weekly Circular Letter No. 9. . The semi-official opening of the Cali fornia Midwinter International Exposi tion took place on the 1st ot January, according to the original announcement. Owing to the delay caused in shipping foreign exhibits from Chicago, .it was understood, of course, that everything would not be in readiness on that date, ' but the buildings were completed, a great many of the concessional features were in full operation, and the Exposi tion was Eractically started on the road to success. he day could not have been more beautiful if it had been made to order. Eastern people visiting California for the first "time went into ecstacies over a New Years Day so much like the grand est April day in other parts of the world. There were flowers blooming on every hand, and the deep green foliage formed a striking background for the gala day costumes of the thousands of ladies who thronged Golden Gate Park . until the Bun went down. Early on this beautiful midwinter morning flags were hoisted on each and every flagstaff on the build ings and in and about the Exposition grounds; there were concerts during the 'day by the great Midwinter Fair band, and thousands of people availed them selves of the opportunity to view the buildings and to witness the special at tractions which were offered. Among the concessions which opened up on New Year's Day were the Santa Barbara sea lion exhibit, Boone's wild animal arena, the Ostrich farm, Heidel berg castle, the Vienna Prater, the Col orado gold mine, the Japanese Garden, the Scenic Hallway, and a great many others. The Santa Barbara sea lions will evidently prove to be one of the great drawing cards of the Exposition. This is one of the entirely new features one that was not seen at Chicago. . Those who witnessed the performance in the wild animal arena, and who had seen the eimiliar performance on the Midway Plaisance in Chicago, say that Boone's show rivals Hagenbeck's in every particular, and eurp assess it in many. The scenic railway did a remarkable business ; the crowds in fact being greater than could be easily accommodated. The Ostrich farm was also well patron ized, while Heidelberg and "Vienna were full of visitors all day long. These con cessionaires, as well as others not speci fied in this connection, are very well sat isfied with their start, and feel confident that when the Exposition gets in run ning order, their dearest hopes in the line of money making will be realized. Notwithstanding the fact that there were no special attractions of a general nature provided for this semi-official opening day, there were about 10,000 people who paid for admission to the grounds. The price of admission is only 25 cents as yet, the CO cent rate will not be established until the official ceremon ial opening. The date when the open ing ceremonies will take place has not yet been definitely fixed. . It will prob ably be about the 15th or 20th of this month. It will depend largely upon the rapidity with which exhibits arrive and are installed." All the buildings are ready, and a great many exhibits are now being arranged, but it will be fully the middle of the month before every thing will be in readiness. When the grand day of ceremonial opening comes, there will be an elaborate program of exercises, in which all the state, municipal and federal officials of of the Pacific Coast will participate.' The merchants and residents of San Francisco are making extensive prepara tions to decorate their stores and resi dences and the Exposition will have the grandest " send off " ever accorded to any enterprise in this part of the world. There have been received by the chief of the Department of Publicity and Pro motion a great many queries in regard to editorial courtesies which are to be extended during the Exposition. Some of the querists seem to fancy that the Exposition will, in some way, arrange for railway transportation for visiting editors. This, however, is not the case.. The Exposition management has nothing to do with transportation, but every ed itorial visitor to Ban Francisco, upon presentation of credentials to the Depart ment of Publicity and Promotion, will be provided with a pass to the Exposi tion during the term of his stay in San Francisco. Visiting editors may rest assured, therefore., that they will be taken care of in this regard, and that aay other courtesy which it is possible for the Exposition management to ex tend to them will be gladly accorded. Monday,, the 11th of June, is the day that has been set apart as "Hawaiian Day," and that occasion will be taken advantage of for the making of a special effort in the way of a general entertain ment in which the Hawaiian concession aires will play the part of hosts. A part of the program will consist of a parade by the entire foreign contingent, headed try the Hawaiian national band of forty pifecee, which was formally the Royal band of Honelulu. Among other fea tures of the day will be a horse race with female riders, sitting astride, as is the native custom. There will also be native' field sports, including fencing, spear throwing and hoola dancing. On Waikiki lagoon, within the Hawaiian Tillage enclosure, there will be . a com- tirehensite exhibition of aquatic sports. The event of the day, however; will be a luau, or native feast, to which the offic ials of the fair, the municipal officers, the press, and others will be invited. Quests will sit on jriats and eat from a table a fool and a half from the ground. Boast pig and baked dog, cooked in ti leaves-, broiled devil fish, and . a large number of other Tnflinn fish also cooked in leaves, native fruits and, of course, "poi" with every course, will be some of the items of the .menu. . . It will require about a week of prepartion to properly get up a luau, and cooks and provisions are to be specially imported from- the Hawaiian Islands for this event. - When the Tram stops at JHE DALLES, get off on the South Side r AT THE EW COIiUMBIfl HOTELi. This large and copulur House dees the principal hotel business, t 4 ' mid is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any . Houss in the city, and ut the low rate of : $1.00 per Day. pirst Qass Teals, 25 Ceipts; Office for all Stage Lines leavinr The Illes for all points In Kastern Oregon and .Eastern Washington, In this Motel. Corner of Front and Union Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. HAVE YOU TRIED DI1US5 AIID FAILED . . . TO FIND A CURB FOB RHEUMATISM,' LUMDACO, SCIATICA. KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER I COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, Wc. DB. SANDinrS EI1ECTH.IO BEI.T with Electro Masrnetic Suspen. - sory will cure without medicine TJb. allot the abore troubles. Those who suffer from Nervous Oebility, Losses. Drains, J.oM manhood. 1 -Nervousness, Kleeplcsantia, plaints, and general III health. tne enects ot anuses, excesses, worry or exposure, will And relief and prom pf cure in oar marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical. In ignorance of ef facts voa mar have trndulv drained yourgvatemoinerveforceandvitallts which Is electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. II yon replace into your system tne , elements thus drained, which are re. quired for vigorous s transit a, you will remove the cause and health, strenirt n and vigor will follow at once. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a cure or refund money. r AAA .atri ButAlr "TIIHEK CLAsbES OF TYTF.N. snouia DO reaa or wwrjr ,SHBK, S"ddlil2ire" and loYd ftnanient sealedffreeTTJrf SsTnden'. Electric Belt is no experiment wehavestored thousands to robust health and vieor, after all other ; treatments falledjascanbe hownby hundreds of cases throuKhout thisandother8tates.who would gladly testify, andfrom many of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our .Belts' WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAM CURE YOU! iLAMl; DAwK AI.U KntulfiAi iam - Portland Oregon, September 3B, 1893. Tftr A T Ranfien. Itanr Rip VnAraof exDOnars ana hard work, combined with the strain coming from th . jar of an engine, gare me a acTcra case o. uw from which I Buffered for seven rears. . I was coal that I ooald not bend my back. Was all doabled op witn it. 1 oongnt one or yoar oeix. as neii u inside of two days, and I con tinned to wear it for roar months, being perfectly cared. That was two .Tears ago, and I am as wel I to-day as I ever was in my life, i I CSDHsSHDEI'S ELECTRIC BELTjp Dr. A. T. Ssndm. Dear Sir : Before I used jour belt ... tmnhlaA with Inafc vionr. vital woaknem. and almost a oomplete loss of power. I would tree up with a very tired feeling, bones sohing, eto.Since nalns life better than I have for te years past. I have the utmost eonfidenos in your treatment. You can pno lint, this Ktatement. also have others write or call on ma. Truly yours, B. A. BO WEN. 26 and 28 Turk St. RHEUMATISM WMESS CUD. Dr. A- T. Sanden. Dear Birr I not one of your belts .HoWai onM tVw. rhanmatism. f Tfm TahlC ll I Rnfferett for several years. For the past six months I had not Deen aoieco wore, iout oeii. utv pinww mo m uu'" perfect health in the two weeks I have used it. X can walk comfortably, and feel like a new man generally. NERVOUS DEBIUITY-UPSS OF V.COR. Tr. A.T Randen. Dear Sir r I have been osing your Electric belt for general nervous debility, and to-dav feel better than i have for five years. I have gained in vigor daily, and am rtronin jrp?-r ,,.W,U 4 L lUUIwvlttMlt.lUtl l fU. J-11-i.a-..a. a. THE CHROMIQLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying . effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It . now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, large part of Crook, Morrow 'and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., "TTlxo Dalles, Oregon. H.H. CRMPBE Successor to LESLIE BUTLER. Will constantly keep on hand a complete Hue of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Having purchased Mr. Butler's entire stock. I shall endeavor to maintain the reputation of the house, which has been: BEST GOODS AT L0WETT PRICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVERY ONE Call and see me, next door to PostofB.ee. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in fVPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. .None but the beet brands of thi Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Haa dry's Paints used in all aur work, and none bat t, mnnt. nlHlled workmen emnloved. Aeents for Masurv Lianid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A. first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. w Faint Shot) oorner Third u,ua W aslungioi. jbttt.rhe Dalles 0reoa .Familiar Faces in a . New Place O. EX BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. EX BARNETT Jtye leal Instate, bai?, luraee COIjIjECTIOIT. ACEITCY. 3V 1 1 O - - - - Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, r Abstract of Title furnished, will hnd" it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contest t before the Umtep states Land Omce. 85 Washington St. THE D AXLES, OB. THE CELEBRHTED COLJ MB I A BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portci east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the first-class article will be p'aced co he market. . - DEAEEK IN - ... BOOKS, JEMELRY, 3fl7?TCHES and Musical Instruments. : . Icnnw mnr halt Mil. and T knnw lata of DeoDlewbo have been cared by it. Many others need it, and if they would try it they would find it the same ae 1 did the best remedy in the world. I am located here permanently, and will be glad to talk with anonewho wonts to inquire about ir. . - . ROBERT B DRREL. Engineer Hotel Portland. ' 'LOST VITALITAND STRENGTH. Eire.rtt. Wash. Jane 1R. 1892. Dr. A. T. Sander, Dear fiir-Rince wearing your x xeei my oia e belt I find myself twice as vigorous as before. hnlfc I ham hnnn areatly benefited. erry at returning; and after a month's use of the belt l una myseii twice as vigorous as oarore. m memory is now nearly perfect, and each day show for the better. using the belt. Yours truly. HBMiT bCSGLXZ, THE "DR.SANDEH-ELECTRIC BELT ve warrant it to care any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money Kefnnded. They are (rraded in strenirtb to meet all stages of weakness in youmr, ralddle-gedorolC men, and will ours the worst esses in two or three mouths. Address lor lull Information. SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 472 First St.. PORTLAND. QREGQ9 D. BU Pipe WorR, Tin Repairs aqfl Bopfing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. ' "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Clsii-flil Si il at CRANDALL BURGET'S, Who are selHnK those goods out at Rreatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH . BRICK, UXIOX ,.ST. FIRST CLKSS 0 n 11 fn. P Era CAN BE HAD AT THE CH RON 1 CLE O FFICE Heasonably Hainoas Hates. Free Freeh ; With, every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one - . s . . . . Call at the Gallery, and see , samples. My work speaks for itseli. . . THE DALIXES, OR,