The iMes Daily Chroniels. Entered at the I'ostoiflce at Tue Dalle, Oregon om Becond-clasi matter. THIS DALLSS OREGON OUTSTRIPPING THE WIND. An Illustration of Uow a Yacht May Ac. conipllsH Tliis Feat. iuvery yacntsman Knows mat a snip can sail faster tlian the yi-ind: that is to say, if the wind is blowing ten knots an hour, a ship may be making twelve or fifteen knots an hour. Now, it is obvious that if the ship is sailing' straight before the wind it cannot, at the utmost, travel faster than the wind itself is blowing as a matter of fact, it will travel much more slowly. If, on the other hand, the ship is sail ins at an ancle with the wind, it seems at first sight that the wind must act with less effect than before, but as a matter of fact the ship not only sails more quickly than before, but more quickly than the . wind it self is blowing. Let us consider the difficulty in the light of the following experiment: Place a ball at one side of the billiard table, and with the cue, not held in the ordinary manner, but lengthwise from end ' to end of the ta ble, shove the ball across the cloth. The cue here represents the wind, and the ball the ship sailing directly before it; the ball of course travels at the same rate as the cue. Now, suppose a groove in which the ball may roll be cut diagonally across the table from one corner pocket to the other. If the ball be now placad at. one end of the groove and the cue held horizontally, parallel witli the long sides and moved f orward across the width of the table as before, the ball will travel along the groove (and along the cue) diag onally across the table in the same time as the cue takes to move across the width of the table. This is the case of the ship sailing at an angle with the direction of the wind. The groove is considerably longer than the width of the table, more than double as long, in fact. The ball, therefore, travels much faster than the cue which impels it, since it covers more than double the distance in the same time. It is in preci -ely the same manner that a tacking ship is enabled to sail .faster than the wind. A PEACEFUL NIGHT. How a SqueaniUh Tonrlst Was Deceived on a Steamer. "Some people," said an old sea cap tain the other day to London Tid-Bits, "are afraid of sea sickness and hesi tate to travel by water because of this fear. A friend of mine came on board the steamer Plymouth the other even ing in a very happy frame of mind. 'He had been troubled for a long time when off Southampton by a feeling of ' nausea, but now he was positive that rtf yi n fl -frmnfl a. wmr t r : 1 if. Vnr going to bed as soon as he came on aboard and remaining there until lie ar rived at his destination. "On this occasion lie bade me a hur ried good night, climbed into his berth and in a few minutes was fast asleep. He slept like a top until seven o'clock the next morning, with never a qualm of mal de mer to disturb his slumbers. He arose delighted, satisfied that he bad- at last found a remedy for the dis order which had caused him so much misery. He went down into the din ing-room and ate a hearty meal, though somewhat surprised that so few passengers were stirring. Going on deck with a satisfied look on his face and a toothpick in his mouth, he met me. " 'Say, old man, lie exclaimed, 'that sleeping racket of mine worked like a charm. Never had a touch of it all night.' - "I smiled. ' 'What are you grinning for?' lie asked, in surprise. has been tied to her dock all night. ane nas not movea a foot. There was something the matter with her ma chinery and we had to transfer the passengers. No one suspected that a man would go to bed at six o'clock, and so you were overlooked in the trans fer." Face and Figure fchow it it you're a healthy woman. lneyii nave a beauty ol their own, no matter what your features. Perfect health, with Ha clear skin, rosy cheeks and bright eyes, is enouah to make any woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faithfully Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription. That regulates and promotes all the proper tuncuons ot womannoou, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, dispels acnes ana painsy orings retresmng sleep, .ana restores neaitn, nesn ana strength For periodical pains, prolapsus and otner displacements, bearing-down sen' cations, and "female complaints" gen orally, it is so effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't , benefit or care, you have your money back. Is anything that isn't sold in this way -liiseiy to De "just as gooav ' ' A Leader ' 'Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant it is recognized as. the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach liver or kidneys. It will cure Bick head acheindigestion, constipation ana drive tualeria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, "I have been troubled with liver com' plaint, kidney disease and bad blood for -a long time. I' have used Simmons Liver Regulator, and it has done me more good than all the medicines' I ever 'took. . ' ;' . "Geo. H. Pratt, TJ. 8. Dep'y Col., 21 THE GREYHOUND. Doffi Caed for the Chase by English Sovereigns and Nobles. Greyhounds have existed in very much, the same form as we find them to-day for. more than three thousand years, as we find them pictured on Egyptian monuments of that remote period. The name probably came from their general color in England when King Canute decreed that none but princes and nobles should keep them. The color now, in either smooth or rough coated greyhounds, is very-sel- dom grey, but more often fawn, red, brindled (either red and black mixed or fawn and blue), or black. ' The smooth coated dog is known as the English greyhound, and the rough Coated as the Scotch deerhound. In conformation they are very much the same. They are the fastest run ners ol any ol tne canine race, un level ground they can go as fast as a race horse,, and over hilly ground they can unquestionably beat even the fleet- footed -thoroughbred. Formerly the English dog was used in chasing the red and fallow deer, and it is related that on one occasion Queen Elizabeth witnessed the pulling down of sixteen bucks. The dogs of that day must haTC been stronger th'an those now found in England. When the master of the royal buckhounds now has a meet in the royal forests of England it is a sorry sight, for the deer are themselves more than half domesticated, and do not know how to get away. The greyhound is used, however, in coursing hares, and it is one of the na tional sports of Great Britain. In Texas and some other parts of America where jack rabbits abound grey hounds are kept to chase them. The English greyhound ' is a beautiful, graceful and aristocratic looking dog but the Scotch deerhound is more dig nified in appearance. These dogs ar trained to hunt game by the eye alone. They have good noses, however, and if permitted to do so wiil also hunt by scent. THE VANISHING MOOSE. Departure of New York's Uame for Farts Unknown. A deer, when started by a hunter or driven by hounds, usually returns in a few days to the same hill or mountain side" where he was first found; but a moose, says Madison Grant in the Century, when once thoroughly alarmed, will start on a long, swinging walk, and, taking with him his entire family, leave for good. It is one of the greatest difficulties and there are many in still-hunting this animal, to avoid getting him under way, for then the hunter may as well break camp and try other fields, since not a moose will be found within miles. They scent a moccasin track or the smoke of a fire at an incredible distance. A fresh trail may be found one day and arrangements made to follow it at day break on the morrow. During the night the moose, returning to his old haunts, detect3 the danger-signs, and all the hunters find m the morning is a trail six or eight hours old leading for parts unknown in an almost perfectly straight .line. The moose is at that moment, perhaps, twenty miles off and still going. Although moose cannot be driven to water by hounds like a deer, but will turn savagely to bay,, still they will not remain in a locality where dogs are running; so that when the white hunt ers became numerous in the North woods, and especially when they intro duced hounding; the moose simply left the country and passed either east ward to Maine or . northward to Canada. It is a well-authenticated but little known fact that they practically left in one season. They were numerous in the Adirondacks, especially in Brown's tract a large district in what is now the southwestern part of the wilderness until the period between 1850 and 1855 (probably near the latter year), when they suddenly disap peared. Before this several had been killed yearly. Scattered ones were shot later, but 1855 marked their exit from the annals of New York game. Years later, four or five were brought back to Saranac, but would not stay. Tku lioman Consol. The most honorable office in the Ro man republic was that of consul. There were always two elected every year, one each from the patricians and plebeians. The onsul must be at least forty-three years old and must have held the office of quaestor, aedile praetor. The consuls were the heads of the republic, discharging all public functions, such as receiving ambassa dors or assembling the senate. Their insignia were those of a king except a crown. They were always attended each by twelve lictors or servants, bearing the - boxes or bundles of rods with an ax in the center. The lie tors, however, proceeded only one at a time, the lictors of the other following him. The year was named after them, and any laws passed at their recom mendation also went by their names. They commanded the armies of the re public, and when both, were with the same army they commanded on alter nate days. Under the emperors the of fice became an empty honor, though surrounded with much greater state. Sympathetic Sounds. A stringed instrument suspended in a favorable position near a pianoforte will sound when tones corresponding to the open strings are produced on the pianoforte. Ihe volume of the answer ing tone will depend upon atmospheric conditions, the quality and color of the persuading tone and the sensitive ness of the responding material. There is a familiar anecdote told of a famous tenor, who by singing- ' the tone that was consonant with that of a wine glass, could make the glass shiver so violently that it would fall to pieces. It is because of the . tonal sympathy that the cause of a harsh, rattling tone that may suddenly appear in a piano forte is detected with difficulty. Though it may appear to be in the in strument, ft is often far away and may come from a loose globe or pendant on a chandelier. Even a key in the door has been known to be the guilty cause When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side. --- AT flEW CQlitfJVlBlA HOTEL. . -'.".- Tbls large Rnd popular House does the principal hotel butlnes, ..- . and Ih prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of. any House In the city, and at the low rate of . - . ' - $i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cepts. Office for all Stage Lines leaving; The Dalles for all points in Kat-teru Oregon and Eastern Washington, in this Hotel. - Corner of Front and Union Sis. THE CHROMICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now, leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher - man, Gilliam, a large part of Groot, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re . gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best -medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at 6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE The Dalles, Oregon. H.H.CKMPBELL., Successor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly keep on hand a complete Hue of GROCERIES, Having purchased Mr. Butler's entire Btock, I shall endeavor to maintain the reputation of the house, which haB been : BEST GOODS AT L0WETT PRICES. Call and, see me, next door to Postofflce. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, .-OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the-La test Patterns and Designs in "717" Ij Xj j-ESIFS... j& Practical Painters and Paper the most skilled workmen employed. - orders promptly attended to. - w - Paint Shot) coiner Third .1 Familiar Faces O. EX- BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J)e Ieal Estate, COLLECTION; ACEKCY. -Iff Parties having Property they wish Abstract of Title furnished, will find "We shall make a specialty of the - before the Unitep . 85 Washington St. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer hare been introduced, and ony he market. 1 DEAEEB IN BQOKS, JEWELRY, iflfKTCH , and Musical Instruments. THE T. T. NICHOLAS, . Propr. PUBLISHING CO., CROCKERY, SQUARE DEALING TO EVERY ONE Hangers. None bu t the beet brands of th Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. - No and Washington Sts., The Dalles Oreo-ot in a ' New Place. J. E. BARN ETT Ipap, IuraQee, XT ZiIO. to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent or it to their advantage to call on us. prosecution of Claims and Contests States Land Office. THE DALLES, OR. BREWERY, turning ont the best Beer and Portei the first-class article will be placed on HAVE YOU TQED DRUBS JO FAILED TO FIXD A CURB IfOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA. KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK,c. M$03.$AK3EK,S ELECTRIS BELT On 20 page book "THREE CT.A8SESOF MEN" should be read by every younci middle-aged and old man, sent sealed, freeTDr. Banden't Electric Belt is no experiment as we nave restorea moasanus iw ruuuai ium mju vikui-, aiier an wwiw M """"r LTX.3. shown by hundreds of cases throughout this and other States, who would gladly testify, and iroxa many of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt WE HAVE CURED THE3E-WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL DEBILITY CURED, 1 Knn rnrivn. CftL. Ailimst 14.1832. Ir. A. T. Sanrlen, lear Sir ; Before I used your belt waa tmnhlitrl with nn.t iriffor. vital W0abne9. and almost a complete loss of power. I would get up with very itrea xeeung, oones acmuK, eta$Bio uvuuk uir hall: T hvn had a ba UaM nf lif . Inowenjoy fsk har.trthBn T ham fnptan VPHrflnAtlt. I h&TB thft utmost confidence in your treatment. You can Pub- iiHU tms statement. aio nave otners write or can on ie. Xruiy your, u. a. uu w Just, a ana no urn ow RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. Tr A T flan rl at TWr fiirT snt. nnn nf votir belts two weeks ago for rheumatism, from which 1 suffered i or several rears, x or we post; ut muui,ui a unu been able to work- Your belt has placed me in almost perfect health in the two weeks I have ussd iu 1 can walk comfortably .and feel like a new man cenerally. ru. t iiLiiiita, proprietor uateroouonai naiw. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS OF VIGOR. Tnmmtt. Vah1i October 24. 1HCG. Tr- A.T Pflnrlnn.TkAnr Kir 1 havA been nslns Your lwr.TH n Hnlfc fnp mnnntl finrmn dnbilitT. and to i liv feel better than I ha to for five years. I have gained in vigor daily, and am strong in everrpftrt. THE DR. SAPJDEfJ la a eomnlete galvanic battery, made into abelt bo as to be easily worn during work or atreat, and K ........ ...W4nn n.vlnn.Kwt Mnnun.a vki.h .'.1 ln.iun.lw . t.nwinuhfinfc Jill WAftk DIlrtlL nP.A fnrfUlE 85000. Itbaaan Improved Electric Saapensory, the (jreatest boon ever given weakineQ.and we warrant tfc to cure any 01 idbrootq wouDesa8,aQa weaiarm suruu&cu mimn, vi mcv tnum-. Refunded. They are eraded In strenRtb to meet all stages of weakness In ynunz, middle-aged or oltS mn, and will core the worst cases in two or three months. Address lor full Information. SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St.. PORTLAND, 0BEGQH BUIS3ISSELL., Pips WorR, Tiii Repairs anfl MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next Blacksmith to nop. 'T"iere is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRICK, - - UNION ST. FIRST i fo) i 0 en CAN BE n n uiniu Heasonably With every Pliotograplis, PI M Free Life-Sie Cra.yora.Jx Call at the Gallery and see samples. My -work speaks for itself. . . . . . . DR. 8ANDEJCS ElECTRIC BEM with Electro Macnetic Snnpes. firv Will card wlrltaot mefilclne irVTi-. all of the above troubles. Those wbo suffer from Nervous Debility juosscb, uraiDSi Aosc iuaDiiuon NervonneB8, sleeplessness, iroor memory, mi rcmajf v-om- . the effect of abuses, excesses, worry or exposure, will find relief and prompt cure In oar marvelous Invention, which reauires bat a trial to convince the most skeptical. Ininoranceof ef fect yon mar have unduly drained yonr system of nerve force and vital it 9 which is electricity and thus caused yonr weakness or lock of force. ax you replace into your system me elements thus drained, which are re quired for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause and health, strength; and vigor will follow at once. This is our plan and treatment, and we snaninfee a cure or refund money. - LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. v - Portland Oregon, September 28, TSffL Tt A . T flanrlen. I)ir filr YnAn of BXDCMar ana ' bard work, combined with the strain oomins from tho jar of an enaine, gave me a BeTnre case of lame baotc. from which I suffered for seven years. I was ro bad tnat X ooald not bend mj back. Was all donoiea Dp with it. I booght one of yonr belts. It helped me inside of two days, and I continued to wear it for four mouths, being perfectly cured. That was two years a so, and I am as wel t to-day as I ever was in my life. X know your belt well, and I know lots of people who have) been cured by it. Many others need it, and if they would try it they would find it the same as I did the best remedy in the world. X am located hers permanently, and will be elad to talk with anyone who wants to inquire about. I'. . KOBEIiT B D RREI. Engineer Hotel Portland, LOST VITAUTXAND 7 R Hp T H - Everett, Wash, June 18, 1892. Dr. A. T. Sandei, Dear Sir Rince wearing your b?lt I have been greatly benefited. I feel my old en ergy fat returniag; and after a month's u se of the , belt I find myself twice as vigorous as before. My -memory is now nearly perfect, and each day shows for the better. X f el moch stronger than before using the belt. Tours truly. HENii7 bCHUIVXA ELECTRIC BELT UNDER PRESSURE. door west of Young & Kuss' of men which, taken at its flood CLKSS fa5 JL HAD AT THE l. Cm r r i w t- tainoas Rates. I! dozen CaTDinet one - . . . liOOilflQ ri) If nn 111 : Free THE DALIXES, OK. Dis't, Ga.