The Dalles Daily Chr oniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. . AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ' BY KAIL, PO STAGS PREPAID, IN ADVANCB. . Weekly, 1 year. I 1 50 6 months.. 0 75 " 8 " Daily, 1 year " 6 months per " . 060 . 6 00 . 8 00 . 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. . Post-office. - ' OPTICS . HOCKS Qeneral Delivery Window. 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. " Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday a n, " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. CLOSIHQ OP If AILS . " trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " West 9 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a.m. " " Prineville 5:30 a.m. "Dufurand Warm Springs. ..-6:30 a. m. " Leaving for Lyle & Hartland.. 5:80 a.m. " Antelope 6:30 a. m. Except Sunday. I Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. "WEDNESDAY, - - - JAN. 24, 1894 1; ALL HIS CRY IS SOUP. ' There is a vein of humor in the exist ence of the soup house, brought on within a year out of unbounded pros perity, and this is how the editor of the New York Recorder works it: Frayer and soup are a curious com bination. But they go together at present. Congress is crowded with petitions, while the country is consoled with soup. Page after page of the Congressional Eecord is occupied with petitions, prayers and protests. Column after column of the daily papers In every industrial city is filled with stories of soup. "The right of petition is free. Any body can pray to. congress without charge. Soup is also being made free though -out the country. Willie Wilson's bill is casting the shadow of its free list far in front of it. Free prayers, free soup and free loaves are already with us, even before we get free wool and iron and the other free things vouchsafed to us by Willie Wil son's bill. This always was a land of freedom, and just now it is full of free things that were never so free before. Especially soup I I think this administration will be re ferred to in history -as the Free Prayer and Soup Administration. Congress never had so many prayers poured into its ears and on to its files as at the present session. The Record is mainly made up of reading matter like this : "By Mr. Ryan: "Petition of over 1,100 residents and employes in Yonk ers, N. Y., agoinst reduction of duty on fur felt hats. "By Mr. Abbott: Petition of Kos. Berry and 376 other citizens of Bosque county, Tex., protesting against the re duction of the tariff on wool. "By Mr. Aldrich : Protest of O. Ol son and others, employes of Kohn Bros. & Co., wholesale clothing merchants of Chicago, against the passage of the Wil son tariff bill." The freeman's right to pray congress is thus being freely exercised. The freeman's need of free soup is also being largely, in fact almost universally, recognized. Verily, it is the most prayerful and soupy time known in this country with in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. The efficacy of prayer when it is ad- - dressed to a democratic congress is de cidedly doubtful. Free raw materials and free soup are probably predestined to go hand in hand Tinder this administration at .any rate until the control of congress is taken away from it. There has been nothing, in fact, but soup on the bill of tare since Mr. Cleve land became the national caterer. Soup in Hawaii sable soup. Soup financially yellow (gold-standard) soup. Soup in the silver states mines closed. Soup in the treasury Carlisle crying for "relief." Soup in the railroad world ladled out by receivers. Soup in the bankruptcy courts fail ures unprecedented. ,t Soup in the mills and factories less work, less wages, or none at all. Soup funds in all the cities, and sweet charity the only business in the land - (bar the sheriffs) that is not depressed. . Thus does Willie Wilson stand at" the tariff tureen and flood the country with " Boup, while the country floods him in return with prayers for mercy. The people will have to wait till next November. If they vote then as they are praying now, Willie Wilson's tariff tureen will be removed and the demo cratic deluge of soup will be over. ; Andrew Jackson wrote in 1824: - "It is time that we should become a little more Americanized, and, instead of feeding the paupers and laborers of England, feed our own.". Apply that sentiment now and kill the Wilson bill. 'Gsntlkmen: Please send Krause's Headache Capsules as follows: Two boxes to Flora Beay, Havanna, N. Dak. Two boxes to Lillie Wilcox, Brookland, N. Dak, I have always been great ufl'erer from headache and your capsules are the only thing that relieves me." Yours very truly, Tiara Seat, ' " - . Havanna, N. Dak. ' Sold by Blake y fc Houghton. - Peanuts! Cheaper than anywhere else at the California winehouse. REFUSED A THRONE. The Heir Presumptive of Austria Thrown Over for a Vouni Lieutenant. Some time ago, says Vienna Letter in the London News, it was believed that' the heir presumptive to the Aus trian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdi nand, would marry his Bavarian cous in's daughter? Princess Elizabeth. It is now heard that the idea existed, and was much favored by the emperor, but the young1 princess frustrated - th'ese plans. - .. More than a year ago she began to look approvingly upon a handsome younpf lieutenant, Baron S . . The younjr officer began by riding past her windows a couple of times a day, then he obtained a room with windows facing Prince Leopold's palace. In the winter, at court balls, the lieutenant danced of teher than any other with the princess, and in the spring lawn tennis brought them more together still. All at once the young: officer was transferred to a regiment stationed -in Alsace; and this seemed the tame end of a romantic story. But in the sum mer, when Princess Elizabeth staid with her emperor grandpa at Ischl, she is 'supposed to have used her .time so well that the emperor promised to make the baron a prince, to give him some landed property, and to allow the happy couple to marry if their love was proof against time. r The princess is nineteen, pretty, per fectly natural, and very sweet-tempered. That 'she should have preferred a union with the man she loves to the certainty of an imperial throne will not alienate the sympathies of those who know her and love her for her natural grace. About a year ago I took a violent at tack of la grippe. I coughed day and night for about six weeks ; my wife then suggested that I try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. At first I could see no difference, but still .kept trying it, and soon found that it was what I needed. If I got no relief from one dose I took another, and it was only a few days un til I was free from the cough. I think people in general ought to know the value of this remedy, and I take pleas ure in acknowledging the benefits have received from it. Madron Mdstaed, Otway, Ohio. Fifty-cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no duEt. Warner's butter at Maier & Benton's grocery store. ' Cures CoufrTis, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Croupproraptly: relieves Whooping Cough and Asthnio. Ft Consumption Jt has no rival; has oured thousands w;iere all others failed; will curb Ton if taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a auarp.ntoe. For Lame Back: or Chest, use SHILOH'S 1-LASTKru 25 eta. HJLO H'mCATARR H REMEDY, Iftve vou Ca.ta.rrh ? This reruedv is Jimmn. teed to cure you. Trice 50 cts. Injector raa For sale by Snipes & Kinersiy. Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evils from early erro rs or 1 ate r excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and fortlon of tne body, lmplo, natural methods. Immediate improvement seen. Failure tmoossiblo. 2,000 references. Bok. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. Rheumatism; Lumbago. Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c. D.I. SASBEN'S ELEGT3ID BELT With Electro-Magnetic 81T5FENSORY jLtat-ess jrateaia i itei imprTemenia Win cure without medicine all Wmuomm resulting from over-taxation of brain nerve forces t excesses or indis cretion, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints, general ill health, etc. This electric Belt contains WoaderftU fmpnmmenU over all others. Current is Instantly felt by -wearer or we forfeit ai.OOQ.oq, and will cure alt of the above diseases or no pay Thou cands have been cured by this marvelous invention after all other remedies failed, and we give bandied Of testimonials in this and every other state. vur rewwnu iaprea buhthw BUarKllsUKT. xnq fcWlT&Klrat Street, JOXCXIKJtt OOE. "HYO0 KEED ANY JOB FEINTING, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE, GIVE , THE CHRONICLE JOB ' DEPARTMENT YOUR. PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY. YOU WILL GET THE BEST, AND : THE BE8T 13 GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S IXK AND . BE PROSPEROUS. ' eoctsSWSfHll 3f $1X0 per BomeT'Nj-jjrs.W'Vy if Sr. I rather, too much for you the ordinary, bulky pill. Too big to take, and too much disturbance for your poor system. The smallest, easiest to take, and best, are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They leave out all the disturbance, but yet do you more good. Their help lasts. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved; and . permanently cured. They're guarafUeed to give satisfac tion, or your money is returned. A " COLD IN THE HEAD " is quickly cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So f is Catarrhal Headache, f and every trouble' that fe I is caused by Catarrh. JU So Cat.arrn itself. $500 m cash for any case which they cannot cure. Sold by all druggists. Magazine FOR 1894. The Best Literature, The Newest Knowledge, and Fully Illustrated. 15 Cents a Copy. Only $1.50 a Yeai. Some of the features are: Tne Edge of the Future. The Marvels of Science and Achievement, presented in a popular way.- patnous .People. Their life-stories told by word and pictures the materials being in all cases obtained from sources intimately connected -with the subjects. Tirue Jlaifiratives of Adventure, Daring and Hardihood. Leopard hunting in Northern Africa, Lion hun'ing In Algeria, Tiger hunting in In dia, Elephant hunting in Africa, and ad ventures in the Upper Himalayas. . Great Institutions. The longest railroad in the -world. The Hudson Bay Company. The Bank of Eng land. The business of the greatest mer chant (1100,000,000 a year). Human Documents. Portraits of famous people from childhood to the present day. - Short Stories. And by the best writers obtainable. Rotable Serials. By Robeft Iiouis Stevenson and William Dean Jlouuells. Among the contributors for the year are: Professor; Dpummond, Elizabeth Staavt Phelps, . - Svehdeason pai'i'ai', - Bret fiote, ".'"' Iudyavd Kipling, Oetave Thanot, Hndnecu Liang, Mt. n. Hocuells, . Gilbert Parka, p. 1?. Stockton, - Joel Chandler fiords, " ; Conso Doyle, -H- Li. Stevenson. ' . . Charles A. Dana, . Archibald Forbes, v and many others. 15 CET1TS A COPY. $l.SO A YEHf?. Remit by draft, money order or : , registered letter. S. S. JVIeCliUHH, Iiimited, 743 & 745 Broadway, N. Y. City. The Dalles Chronicle, Twak, and JdeClwe's flIagazine, a whole year for f2.25. Adrees, CHRONICLE PUB. CO., THE DALLES, OR. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 EEADEES. They read The Chronicle, to get the latest and most reliable i.ews. And they read every line that Is in the paper. That is what makes the Chronicle an Invaluable advertising medium. The newspaper that goes to the family firesides Is the one S- that the advertisers of today patronize when, they desire to reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifies, tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, . , uia vi A mini i J v ww U1UIUHU1U . i - Is worth asking for through these columns, espcially so at our 5heap jf.dvrti5ir) 5ats. Guardian's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, guardian of the person and estate of Lars Larsen. All persons having claims against said Lars Larsen are notified to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the office of iinys. Huntington & Wilson, within - six months from the date hereof. Dated at Dulles Citv. thiK fifh nf Tnn iqw 'JlOwSptl W.T.WISEMAN. " WEBSTER'S . I INTERNA TIQ17AI, 1 Sa&3 DICTIONARY Qivni Btlatoter. . "InaZiTKZCctl.-' Tea year speci In reviinp, loo ed itorsci::"C'l,an;l more than f 300,000 expended. . Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an swers all questions conceruins the his tory spelling, pro nunciation, and meaninz of words. A Library in Itself., it also gives the often desired information concerning eminent persons; facts concerning the countries, cities, towns, and natural fea tures of the globe ; particulars concerning noted fictitious persons and places ; trans lation of foreign quotations, words, and proverbs jetc, etc., etc. This work is la valuable in tho household, and to the teacher, soholar, pro fessional man, and self-educator. Sold by All Booksellers. G. & C. Iferriaxn Co. JitHistters, Springfield, Mass. "WEBSTER'S DJTERNSnONAL J BTaloreprrnt ot aSSeut DICriGNAtQf euiuom. . Stixid fort recprovpectug. ...ALL THE NEWS TWICE A WEEK. P SBEW YOU THINK, YOU WILL, CONCLUDE THAT WE ARE AT PRESENT OFFER ING A RARE BAR GAIN IN READING MATTER. $1.50 A YEAR FOR YOUR HOME PAPER. .ALL THE NEWS TWICE A WEEK..; SHERIFF'S SALE. " By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the "Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and entered by said Court on the 24th day of November, 1893, in favor of plaintiff, in a suit wherein The Amer ican Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited, a corporation, was plaintiff, and George F. Ar nold, Kizzie A. Arnold and O. D. Tavlor were defendants, and to me directed end delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell all the lands mentioned and described in said writ, and hereinafter described, I did on the 8th day of January, 1894, duly levy npon, and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on Saturday, the loth day of February, 1894, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said dsy, at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands and premises described in said writ, and herein described as follows, to-witv The southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section one (1), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section two (2), in Township one (1) South, of Range twelve (12) East, of the Willamette Meridian, contain in one hundred and twenty '120) acres of land, all of said premises situated, lying and being in Wasco County, State of Oregon, Or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to sat isfy the sum of $384.54. with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum since Novem ber 24th, 1893, $50.00 attorney's fee, and $21.65 costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs of sale. T. A. Ward, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.-. Dated at Dalles City, January 11th, 1894. janl3w5t. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon . . for the county of Wasco. Maximilian Vogt and Philipine Chapman, Plain tiffs, vs. Augustus Bunnell and John R. Foster and ) iaviu xiooerison, partners ao ng dusi-. ness as Foster fc Robertson, and Airs. D. E. Price, , Defendants. To Augustus Bunnell and Mrs. D. E. Price, of the above-named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon; You and each of you are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs tiled herein against you in the above entitled cause and Court on or before the first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, next follow ing the final publication of this -summons, to wit: on or before Monday, the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1893, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In their complaint, to-wit; For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed made and executed by the de fendant, Augustus Bunnell, to the above named plaintiffs on the 19th day of October, 1888, upon the following described real estate, situated in Wasco county, Oregon, to-wlt: The south half of those certain lots commonly known as the Bickel lots in Trevitfs Addition to Dalles City on the road from said city to the IT. B. Garrison as formerly traveled, and being the same prop erty conveyed by Griffith E. Williams and wife to said Augustus Bunnell by deed duly recorded at page 853 Book "E" of Deed Records for Wasco county, Oregon, and particularly bounded and descrioed as follows, to-wit; Commencing on the east line of Liberty street at a point on said line 170 feet southerly from the fcouth line of Fourth street at a point on said south line where the same is intersected by said east line of Lib erty street; thence southerly and along said east line of Liberty street 60 feet; thence easterly and at right angles with said first line 104 feet; thence northerly and parallel with said east line of Liberty street GO feet; thence westerly to the plnce of beginning, said premises being in block 'D" of Trevitfs Addition to Dalles City; and that said premises be sold under such foreclos ure decree in the manner provided by law and according to the practice of this Court; that from the proceeds of such sale the plaintiffs have and receive the sum of $1,000.00 and Inter est thereon since October 19th, 1888, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, less payments made npon said notes as follows: $80.00 paid March 10th, 1890; $120.00 paid February 25th, 1891, t'JO.OO paid December 21st, 1891; $83.86 paid January 2d, 1892, and $16.64 paid October 7th, 1892; and the further sum of $100.00 as a reasonable sum for attorneys' lees in this suit to foreclose said mortgage and collect Bald note, and the fnrther sum of $13.75 Insurance prem ium upon the buildings upon said premises paid by these plaintiffs, and $4.00 taxes npon said premises which have been paid by plaintiffs, to gether with all costs and disbursements made and expended in this suit, and that if any de ficiency shall remain after all of the proceeds properly applicable thereto shall have been ap plied In payments of plaintiffs' demands as aforesaid, that plaintiffs have a judgment over against the defendant, Augustus Bunnell, for any such deficiency; and that upon such fore closure sale all of the right, title, interest and claim of said defendants and each and all of them, and all other persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them or either of them, in and to said mortgaged premises and every part thereof, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of redemption ; that plaintiffs be al lowed to bid at said foreclosure sale and become the purchasers thereof at their option, and that upon snch sale the purchaser be let into the im mediate possession thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem eq uitable and just. ' This summons Is served npon yon, the said Augustus Bunnell and Mrs. D. E. Price, by pub lication thereof, by order of Honorable w. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, which order was duly made and entered at Chambers on the 27th day of December, 1893. DUFUR & MENEFEE, d30w7t Attorneys for plaintiffs. . LOST. " 1 Bay Horse, four white legs and white face, branded on right shoulder " Weight, 850 lbs. 1 Bay Horse, small star In forehead, branded on left shoulder with J C over T. Weight, 850 or 900 lbs. Finder will be rewarded. ' j4diw JOHN LOWE, Kingsley Or. A Grand . , . Will" be given by the East End Hose Co. No. 3; - AT THE ARMORY, S - Toi7day pip, February 5, 1894. Music by Birgfeld's Orchestra. Committee of Arrangements. - H. L. KUCK. (Chairman). R. E. SALTMARSHE, - B. WILSON, -;. C. B. ADAMS, W. H. LOUHHEAD (Sec'yl. Z55"1' Reception Committee. M. SHOREN, " F. KRAMER, ; Floor Managers. H. J. MAIER. R. E. WILLIAMS, A. C. WYNDHAM, J. S. FISH, A, W. FARGHER,- JOS. J. P. McINERNY, Hew Yorii&ek I AND LY Wasco County, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. - " ' ITS TERRITORY. v It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. - The Largest Wool Market. . The rich . grazing country along the. eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from . which finds market here. ': - - ' The Dalles is the largest, original .wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. : The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, . yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the , warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. - - - . ' ITS WEALTH. ' It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful Its pos sibilities incalculable.- Its resources unlimited. And on these ;orner stones she stands. ' John Pashek, The Merhcant Tailor, 7S Count Stvt, -Hext door to Wasoo Sun Offioe. Has Jnjjt received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and hs a large assortment of Foreign and Amer ican Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. . Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Times makes it all the more necessarr to advertise. That is what the most. Tjroirresslve of our hnfriness men think, and these same bus iness men are the most prosperous at all times. If you wish to reach all the reople in this neigh borhood you can't do better than talk to them through the columns of the Daily Chboniclk. It has more than double the circulation ol any other paper, and advertising In it pays big B;ul F. W. L. SKIBBE, L. S. DAVIS. A. BTJCHLER, J. HARPER, WORSLEY, F. EPP. $1.75.1 Oregon, YOUR ATTEJlTIOIl Is oalled to the faot that Dealer in Glass, lime, Planar, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie tha Finest Line mf Picture To be found in the City.' 72 CUasfaingtoo Street Hap Glenn .V i