The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. ABO WABCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. ' t mail, ro8iA mriD, xw advafck. Weekly, 1 year ..... ....... ..J 1 " 6 months. ....... ;.. 0 75 8 " 0 60 Dally, 1 year. , 6 00 " 6 months. 8 00 per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. - Fott-OIBee. General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Yfnntnr Hwla. S. m.lnin. TT1 Mnnfiv Order Sunday U D. .".".".'. .9 a. m. to 10 a. m. CLOSING OF MAILS trains going East.. ....9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " West 9 p.m. and 6:30 p. m. Stage for Ooldendale 7:80 a. m. . " Prinevillo 6:80 a.m. , "Duiuraud Warm Springs. . .6:30 a. in. " Leaving for Lyle A Hartland. .6:30a.m. " " J Antelope 5:80 a.m. Except Sunday. tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, i . " - Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, - JAN. 17, 1894 The governor of Florida is determined not to let the Mitchell-Corbett fight take place in bis state. The governor shows the right kind of pluck. Embarrassment, foiled villainy, love unsatisfied, real deviliehness, fear, anx iety, remorse and despair are depicted with the habit of biting the finger nails. The highest liver iu New York will be the janitor of the Manhattan building in New street, when that edifice is finished. Fancy ecraping the sky at a height of nineteen stories I , . In Marion county the court did not appoint a single populist as a judge or clerk of election, and hence they are mad, and ' propose to take the matter into the courts. The Astorian Bays, with the approach -of the June elections comes speculation as to who the nominee of the republican party for governor will be, and in that connection Judge O. N. Denny has been spoken of as a gentleman who would re flect honor on the state. The board of supervisors of San Diego, Cal., have forwarded to congress a peti tion to make immediate appropriations for the purpose of surveying and build ing highways in the several states in the union, and so giving employment to those who during this winter are in great need. The chairman of the supervisors, Arthur G. Nason, requests the supervis ors and commissioners throughout the United States to follow the example of the San Diego board. The supreme court of Oregon has just decided a case ti hich will probably re sult in the death of many vicious dogs It was the case of Cameron vs . O'Brien, an action to recover damages from the owner of a dog which barked and fright tened the plaintiff's horse. The plain tiff was thrown and injured, and brought suit for $1,500 damages. The jury gave him a verdict for that amount, and the owner of the dog appealed to the su preme court. The supreme court con firmed the verdict, and says in strong words that the owners of barking and vicious dogs are responsible for all dam ages caused by such dogs, and that the ownerskeep them at their own peril. - Vermont is a prohibition state, and the drug clerks there are extremely con scientious. . Seven tramps went into a drugstore in that state and bought a pint of alcohol. "This must not be used internally," warned the clerk. "I have put poison in it which will not interfere with its external use, but which will make trouble for the man rash enough to swallow it." The tramps went ferth upon the highway, canvassed the drug gist's warning, and decided that they would take their chances on anything killing them which could be compounded in a Vermont drugstore. There is where they missed it. Four are dead, one is missing, and at last reports the remain ing two were not expected to survive. There are moments when it doesn't pay to dispute the superior learning of your adviser. An Underground Canal. The cities of Worsley and St. Helens, North England, are sixteen miles apart, yet they are connected by the most wonderful canal in the world. A tnnnel has been cut through the great "vein of coal which underlies the whole oi. Lancashire, and this, filled with water from the drainage trenches of that great system of mines, makes a remarkable underground ; canal in which the water is constantly five feet deep. This canal is provided with a regular system of coal boats, which are constantly moving thousands of tons of the bituminous fuel between the two cities. Oldest Cannon In the World. ; The oldest cannon in the world is among the relics at Constantinople. The persistent cough which usually follows an attack of the grip can be per manently cured by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. W. A. McGuire, of McKay, Ohio, says : "La . Grippe left me with a severe cough. After using sev eral different. medicines without relief, I tried Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, which effected a permanent cure. I have also found it to be without an equal for children when ' troubled with ' colds or croup.' Fifty-cent' bottles for sale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. . Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. NAMING THE STATES. Vermont is French (verd mont), sig nifying green mountain. . .Virginia got its name from Queen Elizabeth, the "virgin queen." Delaware derives . .its name from Thomas West, Lord de la Ware. Maryland was named in honor of Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I. Massachusetts is an Indian word signifying' "country ' about the great Mils." The real name of Connecticut is Quon-eh-ta-but. It is a Mohican word and means "long river." ' New Hampshire: takes its name from Hampshire, England. New Hampshire was originally called Laconia. Rhode Island gets its name because of its fancied resemblance to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean. New York was so named as a compli ment to the duke ' of York, whose brother, Charles II., granted him that territory. New Jersey was named for Sir George Carteret, who was at that time governor of the island of Jersey in the British channel. ' Maine takes its name from the prov ince of Main in France, and was so called as a compliment to the queen of Charles I., who was its owner. Starboard and Fort. The term starboard or port, when ap plied to the wheel of the ship, is a con undrum to a landsman which he has difficulty in getting through his head. How the turning of the wheel which acts on the rudder brings about the de sired result of starboard and port can be illustrated by reference to a China man. A starboard wheel throws the stern of a vessel to starboard, chang ing the course of the bow to port and vice versa. So with the Chinaman when he turns his head to the left, which is port, his pigtail swings to the right, which is starboard. Opposite re sults are obtained when he turns his head the other way. - Baeklen'i Arlnca Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin ersly. " Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the com plexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Cures Cotisho, Hoarsen ess, Sore Throat. Croup promptly; relieves Whooping Cough end Aslhrua. fVr Consumption it has no rival; hes cured UioTisands wiereall others failed; will cure iron it taken In time. Sold by Druggists on atriiRrantee. For Lame Back or Chest, use SHILOH'S PjLASTKB. 25cts. HI L H'SlkCATARR H a7e you Catarrh ? This remed v is irusxan. teed to cure you. Price 50 cti. Injector troa. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. .WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, 1 - and all tbe train of evllt from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate improvement seen. Failure fmnosslble. 2,000 references. Buvlc, explanation and proofs ERIE MEDICAL CO. . BUFFALO. H. V. Rheumatism, . Lumbago, Sciatica, . Kidney Complaints, Lame BacK, ac D.1. SAEDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Majsnetlo 8U5FENSORY latest fnteili I isest laiDrovements i Will care without medicine all WiakwMs resulting from over-taxation of brain nerve forces t excossoa or Indis creuoa, aa nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kiduev. linv avnrl hisddar eomnlainta. lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints, general ill health, etc. This electric Belt contains n'onderfal Ian nrarn aula ramp ml aUml Pnii eiit la instantlyfelt by -wearer or we forfeit IS, 000,00, and . will care all of the above diseaea or no pa. Thou cands have been cured by this marvelous invention after all other remedies failed, and we give hundreds V. Mauuivuwii IB U1IB BU1U fSWVTJ OUWT BTBTO. wr nwomi imprwrea nuEvriuc suspensobt. ids Hb 1T t Street, JrOttXaAJh'J OAK. -YOC NEED ANY JOB - te"k""how mttch or how little, ' give the chronicle job department your patronage and be HAPPY. YOU WILL get thebe8t,and thiTbest lS g66d enough for any body, use lots of printer's ink and tlLoOper VI60EiFiEI " "i "rr : M.iiMtJIII il-nii ? ' I I nn 02T THE OUTSIDE that is the best place to keep the huge, old-fashioned pill. Just aa soon as you get it inside, it begine to trouble you. W hat s the use ol suffering with it, when you can fet more help from Dr. Pierce'e 'leasant Pellets? These tiny, suerar-coated granules do you permanent good. They act mildly and naturally, and there's no reaction afterward. . Constipation, Indigestion, .Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stom ach, and -bowels are prevented, relieved, and - permanently cured. They're, the smallest, the easiest to take, . and the cheapest - for they're guaranteed to give satis faction or your, money is re turned. You tav onlv for the good you get. Nothing else urged Dy tne dealer, though they may be better for him to sell, can be " just as good" for yon to buy. " Magazine . FOR 1894. The Best Literature, The Newest Knowledge, and Fully Illustrated. 15 Cents a Copy. Only $1.50 a Year. Some of the features are: ' The Edge of the putuire. Tne .Marvels of Science and Achievement, presented in a popular way. Famous People. . Their life-stories told by word and pictures the materials being in all cases obtained from sources intimately connected with the subjects. True fiatTiratives or Aa venture, Daring and Hardihood. - Leopard hunting in Northern Africa, Lion huu'ing in Algeria, Tiger hunting in In dia, Elephant hunting in Africa, and ad- . ventures in the Upper Himalayas. Great Institutions. Tne longest railroad In the world. The Hudson Bay Company. The Bank of Eng land. The business of the greatest mer chant ($100,000,000 a year). Human Documents. Portraits of famous people from childhood , to the present day. Shoirt Stories. And by the best writers obtainable. Rotable Serials. . y Robert Iiools Stevenson and -William Dean Hocuells. Among the con ttibu tors for the year are: Professon Dvammond, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, ' Hrehdeaeon parrar, Bret Hefte, fjudyafd Kipling, . Octave Thanet, Andrew Iiang, W. D. Hocuells, Gilbert Parker, p. P.. Stoekton, Toel Chandler Hafvis! Conan Doyle, P.. I. Stevenson. Charles R. Dana, Archibald Forbes, and many others. 15 CET4TS A COPV. - $l.SO A YEAR,. Remit by draft, money order or registered letter. S. S. JVIeCIiURH, Iiimited, 743 & 745 Broadway, N. Y. City. - The Dalles Chronicle, Tcek ' . -1 1 . and ' . jueClafe's Jdagazine, a whole year for $2.25. ' Adress, CHRONICLE PUB. CO., . . THE DALLES. OR. The Dalles Daily Gteoniele. HAS A FAMILY OP -Ai rP 2000 EEADEES. F They read The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable i-ews. And they read every line that is in the paper. That is what makes the Chronicle an invaluable advertising medium, The newspaper that . , goes to the family firesides is the-one that the advertisers of today patronize when they desire to reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, j. a trade of a family of two thousand . is worth asking for through these 5 l columns, espclally so at our -very ' 5l?eap durtisit7$ Ifats. Guardian's Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that the underslirned has been appointed by the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, guardian ol the person and estate of Lars Larsen. All persons having claims agninst said Lars Larsen are notified to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the office oi mays, nunungion ct nusou, wltnin six months from the date hereof. Datei at Dalles City, this 6th day of Jan., 18S4. jiuwopn . v. 1. WIS1SMAJN. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL 41 (imM ciuuior. liucccsecr rjt,ie "VaaUrlCecd." Tea years spent In revisinp, 100 ed itors c'2v;-cd4ind more than $300,000 expended. . - Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an swers all questions concerning the his tory, spelling, pro nunciation, - and meaning of words. A Library in Itself . is also gives the often desired information concerning eminent persons; facts concerning the countries, cities, towns, and natural fea tures of the globe ; particulars concerning noted fictitious persons and places ; trans lation of foreign quotations, words, and proverbs ; etc., etc., etc. This Work: is In valuable in the household, and to tbe teacher, scholar, pro fessional man, and self -educator. , Sold by All Bookaellers. G. C. Merrlam Co. "Tr . ; I INTERNATIONAL I t3?tiendforfreo prospectus. - ALL THE NEWS TWICE A WEEK : ' YOTT THINK, YOTJ WILL, CONCLUDE THAT WE ARE AT PRESENT OFFER ING A RARE BAR GAIN IN READING MATTER. $1.60 A YEAR FOR YOUR HOME PAPER. : ALL THE NEWS TWICE A WEEK...... SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and Order of sale issued out of tne circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered and entered by said Court on the 24th day of November, 1893, in favor of plaintiff, in a suit wherein The Amer ican Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited, a corporation, was plaintiff, and Geortre F. Ar- nold, Kizzie A. Arnold and O. D.Taylor were aeienaanis, ana to me uirectea una aeuverea, commanding me to levy upon and sell all the lands mentioned and described in said writ, and hereinafter described. I did on the 8th dav of January, 1894, duly levy npon, and will sell at EuDiic auction to tne nignest Diaaer, lor casn in and,.on Saturday, -. - . the 10th day of February, 1894,' at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, allot the lands and premises described in said wiit, and herein described as tollows, to-wit: xne soutneost quarrer oi tne soutnwest quar ter, and the southwest Quarter of the southwest Quarter of Section one (1), andtbe southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section two (2), in xownsnip one ii) boutn, ot itange twelve Lilt! 1 lllLl.Ktl Lti m tTltl 1 HI1 . CM J 11 1 J, 1 Ti ll! one hundred and twenty '120) acres of land, all of said premises situated, lying and being in Wasco County, State of Oregon, -Or so much thereof is shall be sufficient to sat isfy the sum of $384.54, with interest thereon at tne rate ot iu per cent, per annum since Novem ber 24th, 1893, $50.00. attorney's fees, and 21.65 costs in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costs of sale. 1 . A. WARD, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, January 11th, 1894. janl3wot SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon - xor tne county ox v asco. Maximilian Yogt and Philiplne Chapman, Plain tiits, vs. Augustus Bunnell and John R. Foster and uavia Konerison, partners ao ng dusi ness as Foster & Robertson, and Sirs. D. E. Price, Defendants. To Augustus Bunnell and Mrs. D. E. Price, of tne a Dove-named aeienaanis: In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby notified aud required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein against you in the above entitled cause and Court on or before- the first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, next follow ing the final publication of this summons, to wit: on or before Monday, the 12th day of Feb ruary. 1893. and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plain tin" will apply to the Court for tne reiiet prayea lor in ineir complaint, to-wit ; For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage deed made and executed by the de fendant, Augustus Bunnell, to the above named plaintiffs on the 19th day of -October, 1888, upon tbe following described real estate, situated in Wasco county, Oregon, to-wlt: The south half of thoie certain lots commonly known as the Kicnei lots in xrevitt s Aatuuon to uaiies city on tbe road irom said city to the U. S. Garrison as formerlv traveled, and beine the samo nron- erty conveyed by Griffith E. Williams and wife to said Augustas Bunnell by deed duly recorded at page 8o3 Book "E" of Deed Records for Wasco county, uregon, ana particularly oounaea ana described as follows, to-wit: Commencing on the east line of Liberty street at a point on said line 170 feet southerly from the i-outh line of Fourth street at a point on said south line where tbe same is intersected by said east line of Lib erty street; thence southerly and along said east line of Liberty street 00 feet; thence easterly and at right angles with said first line 104 feet; thence northerly and parallel with said east line of Liberty street 60 feet; thence westerly to the place of beginning, said premises being in block 'D ' of Trevitt s Addition to Dalles City; and that said premises be sold under such foreclos ure decree in the manner provided by law and according to the practice of this Court; that from the proceeds of such sale the plaintiffs have and receive the sum of (1,000.00 and inter est thereon since October 19th, 1888, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, less payments made upon said notes as follows : $80.00 paid March luto, is9u; fizu.uu paiu reDruary zam, iyi, $20.00 paid December 21st, 1891; $83.36 paid January 2d, 1892, and $16.64 paid October 7th, 1892; and the further sum of $100.00 as a reasonable sum for attorneys' lees In this Buit to foreclose said mortgage and collect said note, and the further sum of $13.75 insurance prem ium upon tbe buildings upon said premises paid by these plaintiffs, and $4-00 taxes upon said premises which have been paid by plaintiffs, to gether with all costs and disbursements made and expended in this suit, and that if any de ficiency shall remain after all of the proceeds properly applicable thereto shall have been ap plied in payments of plaintiffs' demands as aforesaid, that plaintiffs have a judgment over against the defendant, Augustus Bunnell, for any such deficiency ; and that upon such fore closure sale all of the right, title, interest and claim of said defendants and each and all of them, and all other persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them or either of them, in and to said mortgaged premises and every part thereof, be forever barred and foreclosed from the equity of redemption; that plain tiffs be al lowed to bid at said foreclosure sale and become the purchasers thereof at their option, and that upon such sale the purchaser be let into the im mediate possession thereof, and for such other and further relief aa to the Court may seem eq uitable and just. - This summons is served upon you, the said Augustus Bunnell and Mrs. D. E. Price, by pub lication thereof, by order of Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, which order was duly made and entered at Chambers on the 27th day of December. 1893. DUFUR & MENEFEE, d30w7t . Attorneys lor plaintiffs. LOST. 1 Bay Horse, four white legs and white face, branded on right shoulder Weight, 850 lbs. 1 Bay Horse, small star in forehead, branded on leftfcuoulder with J C over T. Weight, 850 or 900 lbs. Finder will be rewarded. : . j4d4w JOHN LOWE, Kingsley Or. i ... . A Grand Will be East End Hose Co. No. 3, ( AT THE Toiday u?9ii7, Music by Birgfeld's Orchestra. Committee of H. L. KUCK (Chairman), ,- R. E. SALTMARSHE, B.WILSON. U.U.ADAMS, - Reception Committee. M. SHOREN, F. KRAMER, R. E. WILLIAMS, A. C. WYHDHAM, Floor Managers. H. J. MAIER. J. S. FISH, A. W. l'AEuUR, JOS. J. P. McINERNY, Mew York i AND WNLY Wasco Coxmty, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the kead of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros-' perous city. . - ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. ' The : Largest "Wool. Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. . , . V'.. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year . filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest citv of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she' stands. - John Pashek, - 79 Coort Stet, Hext door to Wasoo Son Office. ' 9Has just received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and has a large assortment of Foreign and Amer ican Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. . J ' ' Cleaning and Impairing a Specialty. nukL.i I J business : Times makes it all the more necessary to advertise. That is what the most progressive of onr men think, ana these same ous- inma men Rre the most nrosnerons at all times. If you wish to reach all the reople in this neigh borhood you can't do better than talk to them through the columns of the Dailt Chboniclb. It has more than double the circulation oi any other paper, and advertising in it pays big . The Merlicant Tailor, given by the ARMORY, February 5, 1894. Arrangements. W. H. LOCHHEAD (Sec'y). F. W. L. SKIBBE, L. S. DAVIS. A. BTJCHLER, J. HARPER, F. EPP. WORSLEY, Weekly Tribune $1.75. Oregon,' YOUR UTTEJITIOII Is oalled to the fact that Dealer in GIa3, lime, Planer, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie the Finest Lin of Picture , To be foandin the City. 72 CCtashington Street Hugh Glenn putts, V r