The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 11, 1894, Image 4

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    The dalles Daily Chronicle. ,
Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
That of Emperor William of Ger
many. It Is Palatial in Its Appointments and
Armed as Thoroughly as If In.
, tended for a War
ship. The Hohenzollern is a magnificent
vessel, and looks more like a cruiser
than a yacht. It is built of steel,
painted white, and propelled by twin
scrSws, connected with a double set of
engines. Its average speed is nineteen
knots an hour, and this can be in
creased to over twenty knots an hour.
The Hohenzollern has two wheels, one
at the stern, the other near the bow,
the latter worked by steam, the former
. by man-power, both being painted
white and gold, with nickel spokes.
The yacht, says London Queen, is
armed with eight quick-firing Krupp
guns and with its graceful outlines sits
high in the water. It has three masts
and two funnels, painted yellow, the
glided imperial German crown on the
prow and the Hohenzollern coat of
arms in black and Silver, surrounded
by a laurel wreath, on the stern. The
deck is covered with linoleum and over
a large part there is an awning, where
in fine weather the - emperor has
. luncheon and tea parties. In the fore
part of the vessel is a bridge reserved
for the emperor. It is approached by
a mahogany stairway and has mahog
any railings.
The emperor's apartments on the
middle deck amidships are on the port
side, those of the empress and her chil
dren on the s.tarboard side. Wair!x:ot
ing, doors and staircases, as well as
other fittings and furniture, are of very
light-colored, almost white, naple
wood; the ceilings white, picked out
with gold; the rococo chimneys of
nickel, and the walls covered with cre
tonne, varying yi pattern in Ihss vari
ous apartments. The lofty and spa
cious cliniUrf clooajan the middle deck
is twecty-five-feot broad by seventy
five feet long, but by an ingenious ar
rangement of portieres can be made of
any siz-j the ezipirer pleases.
It is ivjaol ,tirj3 in gray and white,
and; like t'lo whole of the vessel,
lighted by electricity and warmed by
steam pipa;. On the center table
stands tho Qa?c;n's cup, won by the Me
teor at the recent" royal yacht squad
ron regatta at Cowes, and on another
table the County Down cup, won by
the Meteor at the royal Ulster rcg-atta
in 1S02. Above this saloon is the prom
enade deck, with the smoking-room
:.ut one end and the emperor's bridge
ori the ether. The smoking-room is
vct.T comfortable, furnished and lined
wit!: porcelain plaques, on which illus
trations of German battles by sea and
land are painted.
On the tipper deck is one of the em
peror's working-rooms, furnished with
a telephone. Hanging on the wall is
the lo? book and on a shelf are some
nautical books. Another work-room
';nd a conference-room are on the mid
dle decJt; their walls being decorated
with wter-color sketches and photo
graphs of the queen, the empress of
Germany, and her children.
The saloon intended for family gath
erings is decorated in blue and silver
and fitted with furniture of maple and
a fireplace of marble and nickel. The
emprcso' bedroom contains a bedstead
of nickel, with a counterpane of red
silk and hangings of gray satin.. Ad
joining the emperor's room aft are the
apartments and the mess-room
of the imperial suite, while the offi
cers' mess-room and cabins, fitted no
. . with oak furniture, are situated for
ward. The kitchens oa the deck be
low are splendidly fitted up. The Ho
henzollern is 110 meters long, with 14,
meters beam, its tonnage 2,400, dis
placement 4,200 tons, and horse power
A stingy man is never contented.
Where hard work kills one man,
worry uses up a dozen.
If happiness is your main object in
life don't try too hard to get rich.
. A xie always has a dagger in its
' hand, no matter how well meaning it
may look.
Generally when a man feels the
need of economy he thinks it ought to
begin with his wife. '
The man who lives ,with his head in
' the clouds will generally be found
standing with his foot on somebody's
The most stubborn Skin and Scalp
Diseases, the worst forms of Scrofula, all
blood-taints and poisons of every name
and nature, are utterly rooted out by JJr,
Pierce's Golded Medical Discovery. For
every disease caused by a torpid liver or
impure blood, it is the only remedy so
certain and effective that it can be guar
anteed. If it faila to benefit or cure, you
have vour money back.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Erysip
elas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands,
Tumors and Swellings and every kindred
ailment, are completely and permanently
cured by it.
About a year ago I took a violent at
tack of la grippe. I coughed day and
' night for about b'ix weeks ; my wife then
suggested, that I try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy . At first I could see no
, difference, but still kept trying, it, and
soon found that it was what I needed
If I got no relief 'froni one dose I took
another, and it was only a few days nn
til I was free from, the cough. I think
people in general "ought to know the
value of this remedy, and I take pleas
ure in acknowledging the" benefit I have
, received from it. Madison Mustard
Otway, Ohio. Fifty-cent bottles for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
IB.-W. IHIEIDIEva: &c CO.,
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,
. Fine Toilet Soaps, (Ms, Briislies, Perfumery, Etc. .
Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.
Compounding Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty,
No. 105 Seoend Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
. Opposite Columbia Candy Factory . .. ,
11 There is a tide in the affairs
leads on
The poet unquestionably
Who are selling those goods
Cli$ii-0M Sale il s
FDiiel Carpets
! FREE!!
With every
Ivife-Sige Crayon. o
Call at the Gallery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itself. .
of men, which, taken at its fiooa
to fortzme." : '
had reference to the
out at greatly-reduced rates.
Land of
Tha Settirip; Sutn
Is still a mysterious and unexplored country to many a resident
of the cyclone-ridden East and the barren Rocky-mountain region,
"but -who. though, possessed of a desire to see the great Empire of the
Pacific, has up till - now failed . to muster the necessary energy to
make the trip. It seems to them like a great journey, that along the
way still linger the pitfalls and dangers of border days. But this
Empire has made gigantic strides since 1849. It is not now alone
the land of gold and glorious sunsets, but a stretch of country given
to mellow fruitfulness, comprising all products from the luscious fig
and orange of the tropics to the mammoth red apples of colder climes.
Wasco :
County, Oregon.
There is still thousands of acres of Government land left in "Wasco
county, capable of raising apples, peaches, grapes, prunes, and small
fruits. Three hundred dollars clear money has been made from an
acre of prunes, and $1,000 an acre from the humble strawberry. It
will pay those who imagine that Uncle Sam's domain is exhausted,
to make a trip to the "golden west" and see for themselves all that
is to be known. There is no excuse for putting off this trip till a
later time An attraction is presented which of itself will pay for
the trip. This is the x ' ' . N .
Midwinter Fair.
After taking in the Sunset City, visit Wasco County. Indian Summer
is still in her glory the thermometer still ranges in the 50's up till
this writing, January 2d, and our citizens will endeavor to make
your stay pleasant and profitable.
dozen Cabinet
one .
Pips wilt, tiii Bepaiis M Roaring
- J. mwMm-mmmm ,
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss
Blacksmith ejhop.
When the Train stops at THE
This large and popular House docs the principal hotel bus luesF",
and ia prepared lo furnish the Best Accommodations of any. '
House in the city, and at the low rate of
$i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass iTeals, 25 Cei)ts.
Office for all Stage Jjlnes leaving The Dalles for all
points In Kastern Oregon and Kastern Washington,
In this Hotel. . i .
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
(7 v
1. Reasonably
DALLES, get off on the South Side . '
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
1 fa
Rainoas Rates.
In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon,
for Wasco County.
Louis KUnger,
- Plaintiff,
A. Mowery, Joshua Mowery, Isaac fowery,
David Mowery, Mnria Bradv, Cnthertne
Williams, R. r. Gibons and L. Yauder
pool, Defendants.
To Maria Brady and Catheilne Williams, of the
above named defendants: ,
In tils name of the State of Oregon: Yuu and
each of you are hereby required io appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiS' filed against
you in the above entitled Court and caute, on or
before the first day of ths next regular term of '
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco county, next following the iinnl publics-!
tion of this Fummons, to-wit: on or before Mon
day, the 12th day of February.. 18'J4; and if you
fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof
T.n Tiiiinir m si tt i v in nit i.nurt Tor nR re
lief praved for in his complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of foreclosure of that certain
mortgage deed mnde and executed by Conrad
Mowery topluintiff, on the 0th day of June, 188S,
upon the southwest quarter of Section Twenty
six, in Township One South, of Range Fourteen
East, of the Willamette Meridian, in Wasco
county, Oregon, and for a decree that said press- .
ises be sold according to law;, that from the p
eeeds of such sale toe plulntifT bo allowed to
have and receive the sum of -400.00 and interest
on said sum at the rate of eignt per cent per
annum since March -27tb, 1SU1, now due and
owing upon the promissory note secured by
said mortuage and herein sued upon; also the
further sum of IflO.CO as a reasonable attorneys"
fee for Instituting this suit to foreclose said,
monsKire ana coueci sum noie, wguiuvrMiui
ulaiiitirTs eosta and disbursements made and
! expended in said suit including accruing costs
judgment over against the defendant A. Mowery,
for any deficiency remaining after all of the pro
ceeds of such sale shall have been applied in
payment of saio teveral sums: that upon such
foreclosure sale all of the right, tit le interest and
rtluim rf viti u n n .in f ft t it 1 .11 11 1 1 1 1 vniir PJVIK).
fendants, and all persons claiming by through
prt thereof be forever barred and foreclosed of
all equity of redemption. .That plaintiff be
allowed to bid at such foreclosure sale, at his
option and that Immediately upon such sale the
purchases be let into the possession of said
TMrmises and everv nart thereof, and for such
other and further relief as to the court may
seem equitable and just. .
This summons is served upon you by publics-,
tion thereof in The Dalles Weekly chronicle for
six consecutive weeks, by order of Hon. W..L. .
Bradshaw, judge or the arjove en tinea ourt,
which.order was duly made at chambers on the
28th day of December, 1S93.
. 7tw Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
- the County of Wasco. ,
J. D. Parish," 1 .
. . flainun,
. vs. ,
Matilda Parish.
. . - , . Defendant.
To Matilda Parishr Defendant: : . ,
In the name, of the State of Oregon You are
hereby required to appear and answer the Com
plaint filed againt you in the above entitled suit
within ten days from the date of the service of
this summons upon you, if served within this
county; or if served within any other county of
this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you;
or if served upon you by publication, then you
are required to appear and answer said Com-
glaint on the first-day of the next term of said
ourt, after six weeks' publication of this Sum
mons, to-wit: on Monday, the 12th day of Feb
ruary, 1S94, and if you fail to appear and answer.
the piaiutm will apply to tne joun ior me
iolief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: for
the dissolution of the marriage contract now
existing between plaintiff and defendant, and
for-iis costs and disbursements herein.
You will further ,take notice that this Sum
mons is served upon you by publication by order
Of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said
Court, said order being dated December 21, lb93.
d23wtd I i Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Bv virtue of an execution and order of sale is
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County, on the 27th day of lo-'
vember, ISO:?, upon a judgment made and ren
dered In said court on the liith dav of November
1893, in an action then and Heretofore pending
in said court, wherein H. F. McKlroy was plain
tiff and H. C. Coe was defendant, and to me di
rected and delivered, commanding me to levy
upon the real estate belonging to said defendant
and theretofore attached in said action, to sat
isfy the sura of $2.2dG and interest on said sum
since the 15th day of June, 1893, at tn per cent,
per annum, and the further sum of 1250.00 attor
ney's fees in Baid action, and ?26.99 costs, and
also the co-ts of and upon said writ, I did ltvy
upon and will on
Monday, th 29tri day of J anuary, 1804,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of saiq
day, at the front door of the county couit hous
in Dalles Citv. Wasco Countv. Oreeon. sell at
Eublie auction to the highest bidder for cash in
and all of the following described real estate
taken and levied upon as the property of said
defendant, H. C. Coe, to-wit:
Part of the Donation Land Claim of H. C. Coe,
in sections 25, 26. So and 86, in Township 3
North, Range 10 Bast of the Willamette Meri
dian, containing about SO acres of land, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and appurte
nauces thereunto belonging or in any wise apper
taining, including, and intended to include the
water plant, water rights, casements, franchises
and privileges, and the water pipes, reservoirs
and conduits used in conveying water from said
8 remises to the town of Hood River, in Wasco
ountv, Oregon. Also that certain tract of land
belonging to the above-named H. C. Cos, situ
ated on the north -side of the railroad track of
the Union Pacific Railroad Company, in Section
26, Township 3 North, Range 10 JSast of the Wil
lamette Meridian, containing about 25 acres,
said two tracts above mentioned comprising all
of the land embraced in the Donation Hand
Claim of said H C. Coe,' which has not heretofore
been sold to other parties. Also lots 5, 6 and 7
in Section A, and lots 6 and 7 in Section B in the
Waucoma Addition to the town of Hood River,
and all of said real estate lying and being in
Wasco County, Oregon, or so much thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy Bald sums 'of money
am tiHmro Tin otiHiiti rtH
Dated this 23rd day of December, 1893.'
. . T. A. WARD.
d23wCt Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex
ecution issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe
State of Oregon for Wasco County, in1 a suit
therein pending wherein W. A. Miller is plain
tiff and JS. P. Reynolds is defendant, to me di
rected, and commanding me to sell the Teal
property hereinafter described, to satisfy the
sum of 290.00 and interest thereon at the rate
of eight per cent per annum from September 22,
1893, ana the sum of 2,400.00 and "interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the 20th day of March, 1893, and the further
sura of 300.00 attorneys fees, and the further
sum of 22.00 costs, adjudged to the plaintiff and
against the defendant in said suit, I will on tbe
- ' the 3rd day of February, 1804,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. at the frontdoor
oi me uouniy u)un xiouse in uaues tJity, Ore
gon, sell at public sale to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, ail of tbe following described real
property, to-wit: The south half of the south
west quarter, the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter, and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 1
North, Range 13 last, W. M., containing 160
acres, and the north half of the1 northeast quar
ter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter and the southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section S3, Township 1 North, Range
13 East, W. M., containing 160 acres, to Batisfy
said sums and accruing costs.
T. A. Ward,
d30wtd Sheriff of Wasco County. .
' - .. ' Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
tti h L-( fiii jil nroof in support - of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
February 10, 1894, viz.:
Jacob D. Roberta,
Homestead No. 2516, for the SH of
NE54, and N of SEJi, and 8WJ of SEJ, of Sec.
l,Tp.2 S., R. 12 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land. viz. :
R. E. Morrison, M. C. Painter, J. N. Patterson
and C. H. Stoughton. all of Dufur, Or.
d8j5w6 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.