VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1894. NO. 20. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. Pnhllshed Dally, Sunday Excepted. BY ; THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. ' Oorner Second and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. . Terms of Subscription for Year. 6 00 Per month, by carrier 50 Single copy. S TIME TABLES. Kali roads. In effect August 6, 1893. BAST BOUND. No. Arrive 10:65 P. K. Departs 11:00 P. K. WEST BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 3:39 a. M. Departs 3:44 A. H. LOCAL. Arrives from Portland at 1 P. M. Departs lor .Portland at 3 P. u. Two local freights that carry passengers leave one lor the west at 8:00 a. m., and one for the ast at 5:30 A. M. STACKS. For Frluevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave dally at 6 a. M. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave .ally at 6 A. M. For Duf ur, Klngsley, Wamic, Waplnitia, Warm springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily, except Sunday, at 6 A. M. For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the eek except Sunday at 7 a. M. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. PROFESSIONAL. HH. RIDDELL Attornby-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. B. B. DUrUB. FRANK MKNBFKB. DUFUR, - MENEFEE ATTOBNBYS - AT law Rooms 42 and 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA.Wr- Ot- flee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. T. t. MAYS. S. S.HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB-NEY8-AT-LAW Offices, French's block over First National Bank. Vh'j Dalles. Oregon. WH. WILSON Attobnby-at-law Rooms . French b Co.'s bank building, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. D C. M.; F. T. M. C. ; M. C. P. and S. O., Physician and Sut geon. Rooms 3 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second street. .Chapman block wtf DR. O. D. D O A N E PHYSICIAN AND 8UB esoN. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence: 8. E. corner Court and Fourth streets, second door from the corner. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. DSiDDALL Dbntist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. SOCIETIES. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. Ss A. M. Meets nrsb iiiii uuuuy ui cbuu uu . DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesday ol each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7:30 p. m. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock, In K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. Clough, Sec'y. H. A. Bill s,N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. E. Jacobsen, D. W.Vausb, K. of R. and 8. C. C. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF Meets In K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:30 p. m. . WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. HARMON LODGE No. 501, 1. 0. G. T. Regular weekly meetings Friday at 8 P. M., af Fraternity Hall. All are invited. L. C. Chbibman, C. T. R. C. Fleck, Be f-fTEMPLK LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets JL in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, an Second street. Thursday evenings at 7 : SO. H. HANSEN, W. B Mybbs, Financier. M. W. TAB. NE8MITH POST, No. 82, G. A. R. Meets tt every Saturday at 7 :su p. M., in the . of r. Halt MERICAN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 40. X V Meets second ana lourtn Anursaays eacn month in K. of P. hall. . J. W. Rbady, W. H. Jones, Sec'y. Pres. B OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon In tne . oi tr. au. GE8ANG VEREIN Meets every evening tn the K. of P. Hall. Sunday B. ml T D IMlTTQTrtM UTrt , CT7 Maa. 4 ol f. Hall the nrst ana tnira weanes- day of each month, at 7:30 p. M. THE CHURCHES. CT. PETERS CHURCH Rev. Father BBOH8- O 8EB8T Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday -at 7 A. K. High Mass at 10:80 A. K. Vespers at r. m. ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Suteliffe Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 a. k. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday Bchool9:45 A. u. Evening Prayer on Friday at 4 .OU FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay lob, Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11. a. m. Sabbath School Immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence, u nion Bcrviuea iu me court nouse at P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev W. C KJ Curtis. Pastor. Services evervKundav at 11 a. if. and 7 P. U Sunday School after morning rviL-c. ofcrmiKcni uuiuimijr mviupu. Beats xree. ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whislbk, pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 11 a. m. RnndRV Sithnnl at. nVlnnlr V w 1?nnm.th League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every iuunua;rtnuDK:w o cioca. a coraiai in vitation is extended by both pastor and people CHRISTIAN fiHTIRrB-Rn.P. H. McRnmv KJ Pastor. Preaching in the Christian church i each Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All are oorqiaiiy invited E ANGELICAL LUTHERAN Ninth street, Rev. A. Horn, pastor. Services at 11:80 a.m. Sunday-school at 2:30 p.m. A cordial welcome THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OB. President - '- - - - Z. F. Moody Vice-President. - - Charles Hilton Cas bier, - - - - - M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, BAN JJKAJNU1SUU, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENE RAX BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Traneferssoldon New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. 8. BCHENCK, J. M. Patterson, Cashier. President. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted .Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on aew lork, Kan Francisco and ort - land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. JBeall. W. H. YOUNG, BiaGKsmitn & wapon snop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TMrft Street op. Liebe's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles J. 1 FORD, Evaieiist, Of Dea Moines, Iowa, writes under date oi . March 23, 1893: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Qentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. -- S. B.. Cough Cure has done its work well. : Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Mrs. J. F. Ford. , If yon wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three doses each week. Bold under a positive guarantee. 50 cents per bottle by-all druggists. C. T. STEPHENS, DEALER IN DRY - GOODS Clothing ' Boots, Shoes, Hats, Bto. FanciJ oodg. J-Otiong, Etc.,' Bto., Etc. - . ' Second St., The Dalles. "As old as thehills'W never excell ed. " Tried and proven " ia the verdict o f millions. S immo ns Liver Regu lator ia the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure.- A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid Th an Pills neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. , "IhaveusedyourSlmmonsLiverReeu lator and can conscienciously Bay It is the king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest in itself. (iEo. W. Jack son, Tacoma, Washington. 3-EVRT PACKAGE'S Sas the Z Stamp ta red on wrapper. TUr Dally Evening Chronicle is recognized I II C as essentially the home paper for the Dalles City folks' IjSyr This is not a bad reputation. Some fl LI1V1 2,000 of our best oitizens watch the columns of this T") Ft T" T" daily for the spiciest local news. It 1 Ml tK succeeds in gleaning the field, and hence grows in popularity and importance. Take it awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium offers. "The Regulator Line" Tte Balles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freipnt ana Passenger Liae Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locke with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock at 6 a. m., . Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PASSJENGKK RATK8. Oneway..... Round trip.. .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates really Reduce ; All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings ' must be delivered before 5 p.m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W; C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, witnin six months from the date of this notice. November 11, 1893. v Clara Z. Undeehill. Executrix of the Estate of James Under Better WORLD'S FAIR BLAZE Several Millions of Valnalile ExMMts aM Eniluings Burned. FRANCE THE GREATEST SUFFERER Smugglers' Ring Unearthed in San FranciscoForeign and Domestic ' News. Chicago, Jan. 9. The damage to the manufactures building by last night's fire is mostly confined to the south half of the roof and to the exhibits yet unre moved beneath that portion. A space of 500 feet on the east side and 350 feet on the west side of the roof is completely burned away. Beneath this portion were the French, Belgian and Russian exhibits, and they suffered the most. It is impossible, as yet, to estimate the loss on the exhibits, as they are all boxed and will have to be unpacked before it can be known - what damage is done by water to the textiles and by breakage to ceramics and other fragile exhibits in the work of hasty removal. The heaviest loss, however, is in the French eeetion, whose exhibits were originally worth $1,500,000. Among the losses in that section are bronze statues of war, Sevres china exhibits, Gobelin tapestry ex hibits, Mosaic and inlaid furniture ex hibits, Dore bronze vases, costume ex hibits and French publishers' exhibits. The loss on the burned buildings is total, as the insurance had expired. The manufactures building cost (1,700,000, the music hall $200,000, the Casino $200,000 and the peristyle $150,000. These figures, however, cannot be taken in estimating the value of the destroyed buildings, "as they 'were practically worthless, the cost of demolition and re moving in case of all, except tht manu factures building, being equal to if not greater than the salable value, and the value of thevmanufactures building was chiefly confined to the great steel arches, which, with the exception of one men tioned, are still intact. It was about 3 o'clock this morning before the fire was thoroughly under control, and firemen continued on duty many hours longer, turning streams upon the smoking or glowing timbers here and there to guard against the possibility of a renewed out break. MOKE SMUGGLING. A Big RJng in San Francisco Has Been Unearthed. San Francisco, Jan. 9. Customs authorities here, assisted by special treasury agents, have unearthed a gi gantic smuggling ring employing at least three vessels in its nefarious practices. George Wichman, a prominent candy dealer of thTscity, and Louis Greenwald, of Victoria, are in the 'county jail, charged with smuggling 1,500 pounds of opium and 13 Chinese ashore on the northern coast in September last. . Their arrest was due to a confession made by a man named Miller, who was taken into custody Sunday night. Warrants have also been issued for L. W. McLean, for merly a custom-house interpreter, and George Thomas, a photographer. Other warrants will be taken out during the next few days against prominent busi ness men and officials connected with the customs service. 'An attempt was made last night to seize the sloop Em erald, one of the vessels which landed the contrabands, but she escaped to sea, although chased by' revenue steamers. The ring has been operating here for a series of years, and highly sensational disclosures are promised when the cases are brought to trial. ; . The collector of the port and a number of custom officers, all fully . armed, pa trolled the bay all night on the tug Mollie watching for the Emerald. About 9:30 this morning she was found off. Hunter's point and confiscated. The sloop was deserted and dismantled, and not a thing of value remained on her. The most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseasesthe worst forms of Scrofula, all blood-taints and poisons of every name and nature, are utterly rooted out by ur. Pierce's Golded Medical Diecovery. For every disease caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, it is the only remedy so certain and effective that it can be guar anteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you nave vour money back. Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Erysip elas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Tumors and Swellings and every kindred ailment, are completely and permanently cured by it. Whenever Ton See a friend Suffering with dyspepsia, sick headache, bilious ness or an kindred disease, advise him to procure a bottle of Simmons Liver Regulator. It never fails to relieve and cure. ' ' ' Peanntst Cheaper than anywhere else at the NEWS NOTES. The war between Nicaragua and Hon duras . threatens to assume formidable proportions. A dispatch frojn Rio Janeiro says Peixoto has resigned. The Brazilian minister at Washington does not be lieve the report. The London Church Missionary .Soci ety has . received a telegram from Lago, West Africa, announcing the death of the famous Niger missionary, Bishop Hall,' and wife. Dispatches from Kassala confirm the accounts, oi a battle between Italian troops and dervishes. It is stated the latter left 4,000 dead upon the field; that their leader, Hamand Ali, and all bis emirs were killed. A band of sixty-two Chinese were brought to San Francisco from Texas en route for China, and placed on the steamer Gaelic which sailed yesterday afternoon for Hong Kong. The band was captured while attempting to cross the border line from Mexico. Private advices from Tallahassee last night are to the effect that Governor Mitchell acknowledged to an intimate friend that he cannot possibly prevent the Corbett-Mitcbell fight from taking place in Jacksonville, and it is conceded all around that the governor is only playing a big game of bluff for the pur pose of stopping the sale ot tickets. He is out for the scalp of the Duval Athletic Club and; would like, to make it lose money so as to discourage the holding of other fights in Florida. " Attempt to Dope Corbett. Jacksonville, Jan. 9. About mid night last night some unknown person attempted' to enter Corbett's room at Mayport. The champion was aroused by a noise at his window, and springing from bis bed found that some person had broken open the blinds, and was attempt ing to open the window saBh. Corbett seized a pistol and rushed to the door, when he saw a person in the act of leav ing the house about 10 yards from him. Corbett fired several times, but does not think any of the shots took effect. It is believed the person was trying to enter Corbett's room to do him some injury to prevent his being ready to meet Mitchell. Hereafter Corbett's trainers will, take turns in watching the champion whil he sleeps. ' BOOKS AND WRITERS. Maek Twain looks old. His fuzzy hair is almost white and he stoops more than ever. - But he can crack a joke with his usual vim. Whejt Daniel Defoe wrote "Robin son Crusoe" he was fifty-eiffht years old. had failed of success repeatedly, and apparently had made but little of his life." - Francis Pakkmajt, the dead histori an, was a nephew of Dr. George Park man, whose murder by Prof. Webster in 1849 is still perhaps the most cele brated of American crimes. "Fbom Hradqtjaktebs" is Lieut. James A. Frye's latest addition to the literary world. Lieut. Frye is a Bos ton man and bears to the national gmard about the same relation Capt. King does to the army. FOR THE LABORERS. The United States cotton - crop in 1892 was 9,038,707 bales. GBMANf prohibits the employment of union men on government works. Jut manufacturing1 occupations the average life of soapboilers is the high est, and that of grindstone-makers the lowest, ... v. i . . ... . , . 7 Bbeedees of she$p in the south of England have had several years of de clining values, terminating last year in disastrous losses, .consequent upon the absence of feed, owing to the bleak winter and unfavorable spring'. WOOD, WOOD, TTo6l. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second an4 Jeffer son streets.) . '' - J Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will please pav up at once, as we need monev to pay our bills. . J.H. Cboss. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every dav at 4 o'clock. - Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Leave vour orders for chicken tamalas 10 cts. each, at the Columbia Packing Co. Highest of all in Leavening Power. r Latest U. S. Gov't Report. u J2? THE STUDY. : ' - - Miss Habbttjele Hallmark is a Geor pia young woman who is said to be do ing good literary work in the east. Prof. Goldwdt Smith intends to leave for England in a few days to spend the winter. He will return to Canada and devote the' rest of his life to literary work lonpr postponed. . -' Mb. Gladstone has just written an article for the Youth's Companion, the Boston weekly for boys and girls, which contains, four thousand words, every word in his own handwriting. W. D. HowELi8 is said to have enough literary work mapped' out ' and con tracted for for. the next year to assure him, with the royalties on his published books, an income of thirty thousand dollars. Jci.es Vebne, the famous author, is said to have earned more money by " his pen than any other living author. He has taken up his abode in plain . apartments in the old cathedral town of. Amiens. -'"". Will Aixek Dbumgoole, who has been for eight years clerk of the Ten nessee senate, recently lost his job be cause he would write dialect stories which "riled", the mountaineers. THE DAY'S-PROGRESS. A Liverpool hotel has put in some penny-in-the-slot gas fires. . This sys tem is applied :to the gas supply, so that a fire . in the grate can be turned on when needed. A process for the production of a new . material called "lactite," or "milk ivory," has been invented, skim milk being the substance from which it is made. . , , The French are making barrels' from paper pulp and the Germans are mak- -ing stockings of it which keep the feet warm and dry. Probably they do not wash, but should be burned after use. : Over fifty kinds of bark are now used in the manufacture of paper. Even banana skins, pea vines, cocoa nut fiber, hay, straw, water weeds, leaves, shavings, corn husks- and hop plants are used for the same purpose. An instrument has been invented for sounding the depths of the sea with out uginjj a lead line. A sinker is dropped containing- a cartridge which explodes on touching the bottom. The report -is registered in a microphone apparatus and the depth reckoned by the time at which the explosion oc curred. Emperor W Uliam'a Hard Head. In conferring upon Mgr. delia Volpe, the grand master of the household of the pope, the grand cross of the Order of the Crown Emperor William has ' shown a remarkable spirit' of forgive ness. On the occasion of the kaiser's. first visit to the pope his majesty let his helmet tumble to the - ground. Mgr. della Volpe immediately stooped to pick it up.' Unfortunately Emperor . William bent down for the same pur- pose, and the head of the monarch and that of the prtlate came into violent collision, end the gravity of all present was put to a severe test. It required the utmost presence of mind on the part of the monsignor to restrain him self from applying his hands to his' damaged pate, and since then he has not hesitated to proclaim Emperor Wil liam as being- the most hard-headed monarch in Christendom. Settlement Requested. , - During my absence, who have un settled accounts with i- undersigned are expected to call 'and si-. with Mr. Geo. Krauss, . who-' has my .nks and accounts. An. early betileu-ent will greatly oblige. Yours truly, Leslie Butleb. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. . It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction.- Prie 74c Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. .' ' ' NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern:1 - By virtue of an order of the common council of Dalles City, made and en tered on the 12th day of December, 1893, notice is hereby given that said city ' council is about to ' proceed and order and construct a sewer of 8-inch terra . cotta pipe on Lincoln street, commenc ing at the intersection of - Lincoln and ' Fourth street, on the south side ' of . Fourth street, and. continuing thence northerly along the center of eaid Lin coln street to low f water mark of Mill , creek, and that the cost for said sewer -will be assessed against the property di rectly benefited thereby, as by the charter provided. Dated this 26th day of December, 1893. -Douglas S. Dufur, dl4t ' Recorder of Dalles City. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. .'? b:-- &m & umri' Ja ; s-.r?;.-j. u. f i IE t a o every one. bill, deceased. California winehouae. - ' v.'