my J V The allies Dy chronicle. Entered at the Poetomce at Tab Dalle. Oregon as second-class matter. IHK DALLES OBEOON THE CONGO RAILROAD. Native African Han at Lut Consented to Rlp Baild It. Maj. Thys, who is in charge of build ing the CongD railroad, sent a letter home to Brussels, ar.hort time ago, that excited much surprise. He said that the Cong-o natives themselves had at last beffun to show much interest in the iron highway that is building through their villages, and many of them are now employed in the work. During1 the two years since the build inpr of the road began the enterprise has not been able until now to com mand the services of the Congo natives. They were glad to engage in the car rier service, but drew the line at dig ging on the railroad. The company was compelled to import all its rail road labor from Zanzibar and ports along the Gulf of Guinea, and this was both inconvenient and xpensij-e. J COSGO TRACK LA VERS. V-arty this year quite a large party of rnese lalmrers were tilcen to the Vo hnd put to work on the railroad. JotAy are the Congo natives now "TfTAwiff for wages on the road, but, Maj. Thys writes, many of them who art not in the service daily visit the scer.e of track laying and work for hours, apparently for the fua of it. . ir picture is taken from a photo pxtph sent to Europn by Capt. Weyns, f bowing a number of these natives en TagTcd in laying track. They are in ii i charsre of a white sucrintcndent. Mai. Thys says they are as easily taught her? to Co gxnxl work on a railroad as I any til ccr men he has ever had in his service. They have not grown weary cf the -r new work, and the prospects are that the Congo railroad labor prob- lera is solved. If this experiment sue cce-ls, Mic company will haveovercome "one of its greatest difficulties. The railroad is now approaching the more populous districts of the lower Congo, the company hopes to draw its .-forking force from these villages in stead of importing labor from the Gtinf a coast- Tlirngs have evidently cioveC on the Congo since Stanley la " k to1. in vain, to induce these same natives help him carry his first loads of s-aryl'-es op the river, when he was on hit. way to the Stanley Pool to found his first station. JVOVCi-TItS Cr TH2 HOUR. KiurGirr Pkxikeo AST.fter a sleep nf hrti tmis' lnra.t inn. rvi'cnl 1 V shook o2 lior drowsiness, in the Central hos pital at Indianapolis. The jaw of a woman became par alyzed while she was talking through a telephone at Dover, Del-, the other lay. An attempt to force open her jaw resulted in its fracture. A IIaxtford barber has a piano in 1 tus back room. lor the entertainment I his patrons while they await their J terns in the operating chairs. Since A this innovation his Datrocaire has fall en off. He can't understand it. A bukd pugilist in Portsmouth, O., named Adam Eck, is desirous of match ing himself in a contest with any other blind pugilist in the state. Every blind man in the country would will ingly pay fifty dollars to be able to see the Sght. - ' To isdcvs people of small means to -mpty their financial stockings, Detroit has issued bonds in as small denomica- . - . J , 1 rwr fire being' taken up rapidly, and thus the hoarded dollars are returning- to the usual channels of trade. While boring a well near Turner, Ore., recently, a fir tree is claimed to J have been struck at a distance of thir ty-four feet under ground. The tree, it is said, measured two feet through. and the heart was sound. Twenty four feet further down, it is stated. more vegetable matter was struck. Strength mm Health. If you are not feeling strong and bcalthv, try Electric Bitten. II "la grippe" haa left you weak and weaT7f nse Electric Bitters. This remedy acta iirectly u liver, stomach and kidneys. gently aiding thoee organs to perform their functions. If yon are afflicted with ti k headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief ty taking Electric 1 kilters. One trial will convince you j thai this is theremedyyou need. Large Ivitt-e only 50c at Snipes & Kinersly's lrn t.ore. I HMklea'i Aran smlve. f The best calve in the world for cuts, truies, cores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever , eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, rn, aai all 6tin eruptions, and posi Xtivrly cures piles, or no pay required. is gcaranteed to give pertect eauslac- ti ?n. or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale oy Snipes A Kin- ers.y. 6c CO., : .- DEALERS pi : .- ; Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, :. Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brnsnes, Perfiiicry, Etc. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Compounding Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. - No: 105 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. ,' Oppo&Ite Columbia Candy Factory. . "Tiere is a tide in the ixffairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" ? , . - , The poet unquestionably had reference to the Cl5-0ll Mfi ii at CRAN DALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, The :. ' 'v; ' Land of The Setting Sun Wasco County, Qregori. California MicKvinter JPair. FREE! FREE!! - With every Photographs, o Ivife-Stee Call at the Gallery and see sample's.- My work speaks for itself. 5?. & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. : - - UNION ST. Is still a mysterious and unexplored country to many a resident of J;he cyclone-ridden East and j the "barren Rocky-mountain region, but who, though possessed of. a desire' to see the great Empire of the Pacific, has up till now failed to muster the necessary energy to make the trip. It seems to them like a great joutney, that along the way still linger the pitfalls and dangers of border.: days. But this Empire has made gigantic strides since 1849. It : is not now alone the land of gold and glorious sunsets; but a stretch of country given tomellow fruitfulhes, comprising all products from the luscious fig and orange of the tropics to the mammoth red apples of colder climes There is still thousands of acres of Government land left in Wasco county, capable of raising apples, peaches, grapes, prunes, and small fruits. Three hundred dollars clear money has been made from an acre of prunes, and $1,000 an acre from the humble strawberry. It will pay those who imagine that Uncle Sam's domain is exhausted, to make a trip to the "golden west" and see for themselves all that is to be known. There is no excuse for 'putting off this trip till a later time. An attraction is presented which of itself will pay for the trip. This is the . f After taking the Sunset City, visit Wasco County. Indian Summer is still in her glory, the thermometer still ranges in the 50's up till this writing, January 2d, and our citizens will endeauor to make you stay pleasant and profitable. ' dozen Cabinet one . 4 .. . Crayon. o THE DAXIXES, OK. Pipe Woil Tiii Repairs aiur noofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Shop on Third Street, next'door west of Young & Kuss Blacksmith Shop. When the Train stops at' THE DALLES, get off on the South Side , . AT 7HC ...... 1 - flEW COlJtUjVlBlFl HOTEIi. This large and popular House d. es the principal botel buH"nes?, ' . and Is prepared to, furnish the Best Accommodations of any House In the city, and at the low rate of,..: , ' $1.00 per Day. - pirst gass Teals, 25 Cerpts. 1 Office for all Stage Ilnea leaving The ralle for all points In Kastern Oreron and Kastern Wasnlngrton, In tbla Hotel. . Corner of Front and Union Sis. FIRST CD 0 0 1 0 CAN BE M liii Mo C H R O N I CLE O FF I C E Reasonably Raiooas Rates. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. CLHSS 0 IV-JL 1 fill HAD AT THE ' YOUR ATTEUTI0J1 1 . ; Is called to tha fact that gh Glenn, Dealer in GU ; . Llxiie, FiaKJ, Cement V 4 ' .. A ' ' " 1 '. and BnlHkji Material cf ail Lrinds. - - - 1 ' ' . '--('. .Cafrft tis Klnext Ltoo of Picture pioulDgs, To be foaod in the City. 72 fXlashington Street. From TERfSIN AIi op IHTER10H Points , the- ' ; ' '' RKILROKD - la the line to take TO ILL POINTS EiST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runB Throngh vestibnled Trains every day in the year to $1 panl and dhicago (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pali man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment. " TOURIST SLEEPINS CARS Best that can' be constructed, and 1n which accommodations are both Free and Furnished lor holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and I 1 ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous Use, connecting with all lines affording direct and uninterrupted serrice. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS- England and Europe can be To and from" ail points in America, - purchased at any ticket omoe of the company Full Information concerning rates, time ot trains, routes and other details furnished on application to . ' .- . . ; W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. A. Nar. Co., Regulator office, Th Dalles, Or., or j A. D. CHARLTON, Aas't. General Passenger Agt.. Portland. Ogn. wasco warehouse Go., - Receives Goods on Stor- , age, and Forwards same to their destination. ;7 ; Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Ra tes Reasonble. mark goods ' THE DALLEg, OR WniiSTItR'S . INTERNA TIONAL W?jI)ICTIONAR Y AbremstothtTimet. successor cj ino . "Unabridgea. Tea years spent in revising, 100 ed itors ei!.,!3'and more than $330,000 expended. - Everybody should own Vthis Dictionarv. It an- M ewers all questions concerning lue cudr tory, spelling, pro uuuuiiiiiou. . i ma zneanine ox words. A IAbraryln Itself.' it also gives the often desired information concerning eminent 'persons; facts concerning' the countries, cities, towns, and natural fea tures of the globe ; particulars concerning noted fictitious persons and places : trans lation of foreign quotatroas. words, aad proverbs etc, etc., etc. , ' This Work is Invaluable in the household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro-, t essional man, and self -educator ' . ' Sold byAU Booksellers. ' G. & C. Me-rriatn Co. editions, tysend for free proepectns. The Dalles GhroniGle. : ; i .- r i, . j' : HAS A' FAMILY OT -W. ' r . 2000 eeadees; ; ' ' - ; . They read The 'Chronicle' to get the latest and most reliable news. And they read every line ' that is la the paper. That is what makes the Chronicle an invaluable advertising medium. The newspaper that goes, to the family firesides Is the one Jj- that the advertisers of today patronize ' when, they desire to " reach the people. When they want your trade ; their announcements will be found In the paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, r in worth axfcin for through these &V- . columns, espcially so at our