4 EST. life. 5 . ft Thfi naiies Daily Chronicle. Hlitmed nt tho I'oktoniro in Thu Dulles. Orison. in Hwoiul-dliiBK mutter. I'm: n,t.!, i, us OltlJIKIN AUTHOR (W 'AnltfMOA." Ho Tolls How Ho Onnto to Wrlto tho Pnruoua Hymn. 'It .Stterem Hnrprlnul Him Ilr. Niiiiiiiel . Fniui'lK Nniltli mill III Ituav l.ltv A i Mnn of Vury llroml (Milium. Dr. Stinntol Fnvnuis Smith, tin; au thor of one of thu most hiMpirliiR' na tional liyinnti in I lit world, "My Coun try, 'Tin of Tliuo." tohi a llot'ton re porter who vislti'd him recently on the ocennion of hl.H ei'hty-llfth birthday how the fiuuouit hymn name to he writ tun. In William C. Wnodliritljro, a friunil of Dr. Smith's, who hud boon vlsltinfr Oermauy and the (!erinan Ktiliooln, hronplit home with him a lot of fJunnun nitwit. hooks. Mr. Wotul hrirtjre K!lV1' tin- hoolts to Lowell Ma son, thou the conservator of all c'm:-i:li nitwit In Hoston, and Mr. Mason heinjf unable to road (ierman turned them nvur to Dr. Smith and said h -would like to have a poetical translation of Anything Dr. Smith saw in the hook and liked. "Turninir over the leaven of the books one gloomy day in 1-Vbru-ury, I'iJia," said Dr. Smith. I came imrosf the air (Joil Save the Kinj;.' I lilted thu music. I glanced at the tier Mfiu words at the foot of the page. Under the Inspiration of the moment 1 want t; work :iud in half an Imnr 'America' was the result. It was writ ton ou n scrap of paper I picked up front Mic table, and tiie hymn of to day is substantially as it was written that day." Dr. Smith still has the original draft . of the poem lie has been ut-jred mans times to rive it up. They would liki to have it in Washington for preserva tion, and it would, of course, Ik prized ntnl safely eared for in Uoston, he hi has thus far declined to part vii1 i Dr Smith made a copy of i i..r ! Lothrop & Co.. the IinMon n io'e li r aufi jthlB eop was iu their t liib:t at the world's fair The pajic- ,m w I. tel. Uie poem was tirijriually written i v I low with tttfe. but the wrltiii;: t pe rfectly legible. The paper: iilmut x PERSONAL MENTION. Tiir.v wiy Kipling frets not 1m;h than live hundred dollars for eaoh ballad he writes. On.v. Van At.n.v, father of our Italian minister, is desurihetl a;i "one of the wannest-hearted, blufVest and alto gether dollhtfiil Amerieaitft of ii (fun oration ntfo." Mihmi:h Hmnt M. K"i:inhto. and Car rle I. Ilodson, who ttrrlved in Iloston a few dnys titfo, an newspaper women who sfient the summer riding tlu-otifrh the liritish Isles on bicycles. Ilu.vnv Rmiiiwk, of Loudoun count Vi is the richest member of the Virginia senate. He is a lirother-In-law of Capt. Charles (1. Ayres, IT. S. A., now In ohartfc of the reeruitinjf ollleeat Lyneh-hurfi-. 10. N. 1 1 run a tin, of iMiddletown, Conn., has the llnest collection of liv ing birds In New lhte;laiid. It Includes species from almost every country iu the world and is worth thousuntis of dollars. Mr. .1, P. Maize, an oxlenmvu real oh taiedealer iu Woh MoIiioh, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the Hovorcjt attaokH of pneumonia while iu tiie northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, cityH the .Saturday Review. Mr. illitizo hud occasion to drive Hoveral mileo dunne the tilorm and was so thoroughly chilled t hut lie was unable to get warm, and in side o! an hour after his return he watt threatened with a severe ctiHiwif nnoti- numia or lung fever. Mr. Illaize sent to the nearcHt drug store tuid got a bottle of Chamberlain's Condi liemodv. of which he ittttl often heard, and took a number of large denes. lie says the ef fect was wonderful and In a hiiort time he was breathing quite eiiHily. lie kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Dob Moines. Mr. Hlaie regards his cure as aitnplv j wonderful, Kor tale by Hlakeley A Houghton. Ask vour dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver W&r t&&t ft i i Sit' j , I I Ourn. don, i'n, 2io t i-insJro Tlnont, 'jrnei'"vnrn',it.' ; ft tv. ir i'ioii t.cii nnd AMiJiinii. T 1 1 .in;in: tl-.r ui.ifit rival: litinciiiren ilitntsJiii'tSH' i tenll o-.u" a tullivii v.-lll emia c if t u rn m ttr.i . Roi.' bj- Driirrctst ?i iii-.r.,f . . ((. l,i.tv.o iJiufc cr Uhfst, u;o W):' ,u'" -:' y -iiU. r vu. K 5 L,Ci H'S ATA R R H In rv ion ' ii'af.'ii i J "i ttOl t:- cure 'U. l'r.Ce . i Jli:;jt.il lum 111!. SA1II IU, I. HltTII invites loiijf by three inches wide, and tana only three erasures In the pap On the back urn some stniy lines, the rrnnntit.s of some trtinsltition fr.mi a Ouruiau work. When it became "the national hymn" is not known. It was never adopted : such formally anil olllcially by the government, but it seemt, to have been adopted by the people, and for more than sixty years in school and church, and in nearly every patriotic jfather intf, the sinking' of "My Country. Th. of Thee," has aroused the people in patriotism as no other hymn has been able to do. It matters not whether the hymn has been "oflleially" sanctioned by the gov eminent, say the Hostou Traveller It has been taken to the hearts of the peoplethey love it for its sentiment and for its melody and they will eon tlnue, as loiif,- as time shul! endure to Ktntf the poetic prayer of their own patriotic hymn: I.onif may our l.tnu be bright, Willi freedom's holy lli;lit, Protect in by tliy ndclit, Ureitt (iuil our IcIiik. Dr. Hmith was bom in Uoston, Oeto ber 21, "180S. He entered Harvard at the no of seventeen and with his coin pauions formed what was afterwards known as the famous class of "':.".)." It vus famous because of thu fact that so many of its members became promt iicnt in the various walks of public life. Among' "the boys" who became "famous men" may be mentioned 01 her Wendell Holmes; the late .Midges iJenjaiuln It. Curtis, of the I'niled Ktates supremo court, and (Jcorgo T. niffeluw, chief justice of Massachu setts; William H. dimming, nephew of the celebrated W. h. Chunuliur and father-in-law of Kdwln Arnold, the poet; Itev. .linnet. lYcontnn Clarke; Judye Ward, of Mulom; Chandler. Hob bins; lieujamiii I'teree, the utitrouo mer; riamuel May, the reformer; Ooorifo W Phillips, brotherof Wendell Phillijm; H. I). Kohior and others. Amom; his college friends were Charles Kumtmr, ';!(); lohu Hotltroj) Motley and Wendell Phillips, ':it. Joslah (iulncy tvtts president ditrinif the lttfit.yeur Mr. Hmith spent at Harvard. "America" is tint the only hymn Dr. Smith has written. The hymubooksof nil Christian denominations contain many of Ins productions. "Thu Psalm ist." a hook used by the llaptistn for 'thirty yours, contains nearly thirty of his compositions. His bust missionary hymn, "The Morning Hltfht Is llreak ltir " hua been traufilatcd Into iniiny lanirHegf"' Curving nets and Koger'n triple plated tttlilo cutlery at Muler & Hen ton's land ware ttore. l-'ur mil" lj' Kiilptix Ar llnmrHly, "ihoumaiisrn, Lumbago, ScintfeSr, Kidnoy Compla?ntsy Lame Buck &c. ELEttunan belt With Electro Mucnetlo SUBPEN&ORY. Luteal 1'ult'iitn I llrat IninriivrnipnlH ! Will nirit without mnllclwi all au. irmltliiK (mm nYrtttintlnii if Srnln iirrvn fim-rat nst'wmiirlinlit. errtloii, m li"tiolu ili'lillt'.y, Uilrninivi, luiiniiur, . l..f ('... ,11., HMIIirj, ...CI ,tU VIMUtiCT U.JIIII'.Ullll., I.iiik'ItcU, luniUiuu. iclatlm. all frmaln I'limnuiliitii K'tirrnl III licultli, cla, Ihb flc-rttlo Iklt cmiliilm JrNI InpruiruraU over all llllieni. (.Ilirrllt 11 liiMnntly (ultliy wcorer or wi forfeit tS,00O.0O, anil will chid all nf ttiu iiIkivu iIIkhmwi ur liu m;r. Tliim. "in luin l.i ctirnl hy llim marrelnui (iiTrntlini allnr all utlir irniMlim ftilnt. unil wo iitvo Luuillnia ut If illMii)m.il In thin milt itt cry oilier tinli'. Our lo-tn.il Iniminl KUieflllc HVhlT.IHnUY, tlin i.rv4l..C luii rvr oftirml tl nirn, Ml Kit ntlkall ll.lll. Ilnlll, o.l )l(ruaMlraaaUlll'AIUATl:lllliiUlllu IWdA- uml fiM'lllin'il I'auiplilet, liialldl.iuilitl, (nu ANDliN CLBOTRIO QO Ho. 17U Viral Ntroiil, I'OltTtAfia OiiV. Administratrix Notice. Notice Ih Imroliy Riven tlmt tlio County Court of tlio Htuto of Ori-uoa for 'ui:o county Iiiih UiIh nay tuny iiiiioinicii ino iiiiiinrtiietii'ii iiiliimilHtne trlx of tlio i-fltuttt of Dr. W. K. Itliiuliurt, (Id ci'iimtl, 'inil tlmt Hliu Iiiih duly (iiialllkil iin nueli ncl in 1 n 1m trut I Ix . All i(tin(iiiH urn tliuruforu rciiluriMi to jiri'M.'iil tiioir iiIiiIiiin nnnliin Kiilil entiilc, with tlio iro!r vouchum then-fur, to the uniiuritiKiivii in ih.t rvHiiii..i:u in uniicK city. In nun county nun Ntat(, ivituia mix moiitiiN fro tliniliiUi Imreof. KMII.V lll'.I.I.K KINKIIAKT, AdinliilHtiiitrlx. Ilutoil tlllH 1st llity of I)K'i;mln.T, lh'J.I. Itw M. Honywill. ARTICLES OF GOOD VALUE AND DURABLE, SUITED FOR NEW-YEAR GIFTS, AT M. Honywill's THROUGH STRANGE LANDS. Mum, lUn, widow of Dr. John Hue, the Arctic explorer, has presented her late husband's collection of Arctic mid other curiosities to the University of Edinburgh. Tin: second medalist of the Itoyal Geographical society this yuar (M. .Me lons, the African explorer being the first) was TVh Woodland Rookhlll, an American diplomatist, who hud uuide himself famous hy his explorations in western China and northeastern Thibet. Mfi. I)i;i'i:w'n lOnropean run is to be one of four or five weeks. He will go directly to Paris, thence to Koine and Naples, and after a short tlino spent along the Italian Klvicra, he will pro ceed to London, and thence home, lie will he accompanied only by one of his secretaries. Con. (iii.nntt, the brotherof Klchard Watson Glider, the poet, has been in strange lands, slept on ice does, traversed Greenland's icy mountains, ami yet to-day he Is as healthy looking as tlio rich banker who litis' remained at home and slept under lamb's wool and iu steam heated houses. lliiiil.liur A rlni'it mil i. The lieat tmlve ill tiie world for cuts, hruiflUB, t'oies, ulcers, cult rheum, fever Korea, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all nkin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or n" pay required It is guaranteed to giv perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price ". cente per box. For sale nv Snipey fc Kin- ersly Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. I, (irlftpr. During thu prevalence of tlio grippe the punt HcnHotiH it was n notlccnblo fact that tlione who depended upon Dr. King's Now Discovery, not only hnd a speedy recovery, hut eccnped nil of the troublesome after effects of the malady. This remedy hcoiiih to have a peculiar power In eflecting rapid etircH not only in cases of la grippe, but iu all diseases of throat, chest and huig,siid has cured ciihoh of iifithma and hay fever of long staiidlhg. Try it and he convinced. It won't disappoint, l'ree trial bottles at Snipes oi Kinersly's drug flore. He) tlemi'iil l('tiiftlfil. During my ahfenco, all who have un settled accounts willi tlio undersigned urn expected to cull and nettle with Mr. Geo. KruiiHP, who has my books an. I accounts). An early settlement wbl, greatly oblige. Yours truly, I,i:hi,ii; Hi'ti,i:i:. wood, wood, wood. Ilest erades of oak, llr, and slab cord wood, ut lowest market rates at .low. T. Peters A Co. (Oflice .Second and .lell'er sou streets.) I, null Over Vour Ooiinly Wiii tiiiitH. All county warrant.H reuihtered prior to .lanuiiiy Kith, J f00, will lie paid if presented at my oflice, corner of Third iiml Washington street". Interest ceiiHuM on unit ii f tor this date. Wm. Miciii:i.i., Tieifiirer Watco Count v. October '.'lM, IMI.".. 'tf YOOK flTTE)4TI05 U 'called to the foot that Hagb Glenn, Denier in tt): and Ihiildl,' i.tnio, J'lncwi'. Ocrnent V,nWrM of ul) Filnd. tlHirlf I'lO Klin.t Mnrj of ! Picture PiODS To De found In thu City. 72 CUashington Street. From TERWINflli or INTERIOR Points litta Pacin u Hot clam broth da at -I o'clock ut .1. (J. Mack's everv mm LlJ?lBP 1 El V 11 HEKbnICtC lU'EnWWW 111 V U lBaBlfl To i i?;n a ci in: i'ou RHEUMATISrAI, LUWJBACO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LEVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACEv, c. Hit. KAN HEN'S El.r.fJTUUJHKI.T wim r.ifTi-ir jti npiif'i ir r-iiifx; mirr will euro wit limit iiirilli'lnii nil of tlni alioviitroiiliHM. Tln hIici ntiflor Irom Nrrviium Debility, i.iiMNi'ft. irrniiitt, i.uni iTiiiiinorui, N t W n I M I. . Mil. Sll.Kllll.llbNi.ll.. LJi'iior .Miitiinrv. nil I'eitiiile Vimi iMuino), uiHicrnrriii in nriiiin, tliuottiuiuiof uhunvM, uxcvumim. nnrrv oriixpiiBarii.vrllltliiilrnllufutid iinuurl euro In our iiinrrulojn invciitMn. wlncli ri'ijulrrn but. atrial to ciinvinc'i tint limnt nki'iillcul. luluiiiiruiicnnt f. Iijctn you iiiiit Imvo utiluly Crnlra'J yuurrr'tuiiiiitiiorviifiirccaiiil vitullt wufcli Ih elrrtrlcllj nna thui cuumitl yourtvuuliicsiorlucl.iit tone. If you ri'l'lHC-o Into your pyiitem tlic (jlt'inculn tliUH drulnml, wtilcli utu nt. itilnid tor rlBtirouniitrilii;lli, you vlll riimimi Hid musii mid ln-nlUi,Lrenu-tli iiiul vlv'nr "111 lullun at imun. Tlilf Ix our I'lun unit triiutninuu anil c trunriinti'it il euro or rtifuntl luimvr Clnr 'JflO iiriB- bonk "THItKE CI.AHKKHOF MEN," rlmulu t r.-mt .y evury jouiib, mlililli'.iiBixl iiml iili) mnn, noiit mxilml, fruo. Dr. Hnmlrii'n t.lertrlo Jlelt In no itsimrlincia nn wn liuvo runtorml lliouattiutnto riiliunl lirnltli unit vluor. ullrr all ntht-r Irriitmun'.n JaIIi1. im enn liu plnmn hy limitlruilK of cuKcntliroiik'tiout ttilniiii(lotlii.'rHtiitiii.nliii hciiiIH uluitlr tcaiiry. midlrutu ruuai ut ntium nu Iiuyu ntrutig luttoro boarlne tuitlinouy to tliuir rucovvry utter uilui,- cur Kelt. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! f CUT OA I DERILITV CURED bun rrnciirii, Ci.l., Aui!utll. 1CX. l)r, A. T. Hnnilnii. ll'nr tilr i llclorn 1 inwl mir liull I ti.ik tnmlilxl wltli lift vlunr, rltut u.iuKiima, imhI nlmiKt u roml"tn linf imwnr. 1 Hiiulil unt tip vrltii t. tirr tlrnil Imilllut. Iilit4 uchtllll. )la. t vine., tmtnir iinir t.nll X liiv li.ii! ii nmv liuo oi Jlf , 1 lintrrtilfiy I tn liatKirllinii 1 l.nru turliiii yituM .aat. I linrutti i'."u'l liuiiiiutiiicn iii imr iioaimimi. vou ci.ii luo-li-li tln ntuHmiiut.fil-o hum iitlmr vrrltrnr rut) on Ir-ily ynura. it. A. IIO Lb, 'JiuuiiVJXutl.Ut. RHEUMATISM AND LAMHNEBS CURED. . , IDrilttiiit, jipm, Ainl U lvi Dr. A T. Hatntoii. llfjjrHtri-i, .luBuityju Uiit '-i . .n.uku iiuii furrlinaiBilm, fruui vdiW Ii 1 Milt"rBit '.it iwv,.riil yi I'orilin t aut nix months ! hml nut V.itir bolt huH ti)nrf..t mhln r.!i..A8t rnrf r't Iiaaflli Ir. tlio tro tii".l 1 Iiiwiiunl It. J emi huIk r.,minrtiilil, iiml fiul liko u now mini I'oa'rallr. M. I.. Ui allhH, I'Miirlotor tntHrnsVjUl! liotol. NERVOUS PEP't-ITY-l OKO OF VIQOr!. , . Vn'imn Wml .. Ci-toW SI, 1AC Or.A.T Piin'!iin,l)(irHli t-1 liaviili ra ulajtluur i:Uctric Iml' tiirj-iiiofiil noniiuin.itlilllt. ti..'l tiwlie fmil iMittnr thuii I liiiv.. fnr fivf knaru. X UskW iialuuu Sa vluor ualll, un nm ftrotiK liinvcrrimrt. nun:, tJii. Vuiiiu uratiuull AO I.riTKA. LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. !"iirllmiil Oionon. Hfit.mlnr 'X. 1B32. T)r. A.T Hcnilei. I)tr hlr - VnnrptitiuiKMiurHiiiiil linril wutk. riimliiU'-il ultli whn c'.ruln t-uiiilui; f nun tlin lur otitn i.iiHIIki. itftvii n.ia ntrtrti t-unimt lump buck. Irnni vrlitcli 1 HtOli-ri'it tui ivnit tmrK, I un u bud llml I ioiiUI not Ixuil my back. Wnnull dnulilt.it u; Willi U 1 Imiuut uli" ot yuur tiiillK. H li)tti inn In- lil iiftn.i !), in. (I I lumtlr ui' I in ur It for tour luoulhiu lifliid iinrtmt'j i .ne1 'J Iml vttm twu mar u o. una 1 ntu it ! Hi io.- I p i r km i liiiuw jour lirll Vfll. iii.il 1 lrii tr lo'Kor . W1IN 111 hit II f. 1 i'k tif i. . tiln tthrt lilivn bnt.ii lliffit liy IL r.lflif litli..". ii'.ihI 11,1111(1 II tlify wnulil try It llio) wnuiil tln-1 ! Ui' minnuiii I old tlir li rrmnlyin Ui 'lii I mi iw-jtutl Iibio iicriiinnciitlr.unu l li" olud ejtiUi vti;U utuouii ttba waxitu to ln'iii million I . llOI'KUT ll"UULLr.i.Ktn.rnoH,lI,crtiUfl1 I.08T VITAUTV AND STRPNCTH. J-fTfll, 1U(1, tlUtttl iB, 1'1V- THE DR. SANDEW ELECTRIC BELT' lBrtcnrnplirtoimlvuiilobiittury.randoliituabiiltKii nn to bo nuiilly worn rluriiu: -fritrl: or ntrMt.pnd It n mirrnnt Ittocurouliy ot tlio uliovii Wfuknuaaon, mill uimilurKO iiliriinKeo limlm. or e-irt. ur iUotiPV uItoh mMitlilUK, tir.iloiiHiHl currouln ntituli urn timtuiitly toll liirouKlioul nil vruuc imrta. or we lorlfli tiOilllie. 11 li.vimi Improved l.lnctrlr nupiiiiiary, tlni:nmtnnt Imon dvit tlf mi wont intiti.una Kelunilml. 'I'lmy iirouriuluil u ntronKtli to niiicl nil mapuinir nimknimii In yoitni.', nililillu-uiiuaurolt! n:uii. nun win euro tlio worst cuacniu two or tutuo uiouttin. AiIuidub Jor lull iiiiuriuaiiuii. - 6ANDEN ELECTRIC CO. ill Fif it St., PORTUHD, 0!(50H. When Hie Train slops a( THE DALLES, gel oil' on the South Side AT Till fiBW COIiUpBlfi HOTEL. .oo. Tlilh lnrt:i' iiml iioimlnr lloiihe ilrnw tlio principal hotel liiihlucni,, iii'I'iimi ui iiiriiihii tiie nent wi iioiiiiiiotiiitioiiH in liny iiml Ih IlliUPo ii thu city, iiml ut thu low rule ot . $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cer?ts. Otllee fur nil Nlii-i I.Iihik leiivluif Tito Knlleit fur nil ioIiiIm In KiikIitii Ori'Kon mill IIiihIi-iii Miihlilnirton. Ill UiU Hotel. Corner ot I'roiit mid t'nlou hln T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Clothier and Tailor. Gents' DtHililiiilly llio FintiHt Lino ot Ptarnishirig Goods, Trunks and Valises etc., etc, (JOK. SECOND ANJ) WA8HINUT0N, THE DALLKS, OK. u There is a tidejn the affairs oj men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune" Tho poot unquestionably had rofoionoo to the Clos Wot Sale ii p- Fiite & Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro selling those goods out at greatly-reduoad rates. MIOHELUAOH DKIOK, UNION ST. RHILROHD wasoo Warenouse Co Reoeivoa Qtmr e... ago, and For -. olor theiVdoStinaondSISamoto Receives ConsienmBnts For Sale on nn.i... Rates Rcasonble. MAltK (iOOIH . "W". -w. oo. wnnsTHR'n 1 TNTnRNA'lfr r. ftirrf. f "rim! r.,. , Ten ,nr In rr3 l-ttj... ., Itouc ' mure Mit CXll)llCl' Is Die lino to tnkii TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It I tlic IHiiInc '"nr Itouti:. It runs Ttirniicti ciitlliuli'il '1 mliih every luy In tlic- ypur to paul and Chicago I N0 CHANliK OK CAKH. OoiniKi(l of ninlne Cam lniMirjuo-'.ttl. I'nll mnn lirmvlnc Ho'imhlii'ticrnof Jiitestiv)iiliment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Kent tlmt emi tie cotiHriK.'toil, mid In wlileli iiirom.niiiliitlonii iao both Kni mid rurnUhwl foi lioiilerhot I'lrf-t hthI Ket-oinl-tliiwi Tlokcth, wid ELEGANT DAY COACHES A Lihrm ,rj) livar. hotly flmiiiil r,., j, ti;i4 Dirtloimi it .v,. MWH ftH fjHiKti,,.., i-'OLCtrnlPj; t lie hi-, tor, hjidlln, puv liilii('fatlo:i. kinl . liir,fnr.,! vi.rds. 1. tlio nftrii ilrafrpil InfnrtuMir... I'llltlll'tlt. Tpr)n: ta'c . "',nH S i-oiiiitrles. nltlM, Ur,V. ami n.it'i'ir'il fo'U i U",cVi ViT'"1'"' lr'fi'Iars lonceniln- lalion nf forolpi ijuomlons, wonU. ami 3 Jirovrili.i; etc., etc., cn ' Z Tin's Work in In vnlnnMn i S lioiiwoliolil.aiiil to tlio tr.-irlicr.ficholat.tiii. J fi'&slonal niati, and wlfH-ilncalor. Sold All Iloksdhrs. C. C- C. Merrinm C, J'tililtelicr, Sirri i'jJhltl,Mii$.i CTTrIo not l!iyrlir.ip.b't. k'mt'lilc rriufnu ul nudrnt I ,.r' ... . ,. . r t . inv j1. . .11,... v A ontliitioiiH Hue, connt'Ctlin; Wi nil lint-, nl'iirttltie dlri-ot unil iitiltiterrtiptod hervloe I'u'lranti hlwjr n-Mjivntlnni. ohii tie t.vcunii In ndvuti'ic tlirotiKh liny nccnt of tiie rcind. THROUGH TICKETS joints In Amtrlci, KiiKluinl una Kurjjie r:i tn; tmrchnMst nt nij ticket iitlleo of the coinimiiy rnn.11. time ol mi foncertitnc 1 trutiiH, route roJ ottier detulib furtilhtnl 1'ull lnlcirmr.tlon n jijilltrntimi to W. C. ALLAWAY, ARetit II. 1'. A A. Nnv. Co., l'.ifruliitor o!Uc, Th IinlU. Or., or A. I). C'HAHLTOIf, Ah't. ticticrnl 1'iai.eiiqer Ast., I'ortlnuJ. -sn The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF vW 2000 HEADERS. i" Uiey reid Tiie Ctiroalele tn pet the Iiitest nrnl most tellnble i cw. Ami they read every lino tlint It. in the jmiK-'r. Thiit Is whnt makes tie Chronicle im Invaluable ndvertl-itiK medium. The newniiijier that . noes to the family firesides id the one 5- that tho udvcrtlsc.-k of today jiatroulzc when they desire to reach the jieoplc. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in thenar. lok over our coltimtis and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this insertion. Itcinraber, .. r n r .nii. ,,f ... , . iiuuttin u ji.ii,. 1.1. ,.,i iijuueuiiu . S- is worth nskliiK for through thoe 'iL I column. (Mitelnllv ro nt ni-r wrr I D. BUNNELL Miicp Muiktlnt.' xour l lfl Pit dill I TV. .t T (l,.n.ln Tl... r if Il It I l.r.v. I i.ni.i K l.iV'CliUJ. 1 lnol 111 1 Hill till UCJf Ct ruturniiui. u l nf'.rr. mo-ilk' iimi ut ) Imlt J tlml iiuuit tn n ii n rw n Iwforo. Mr iiKim'ir; m nuw no.-njr -ttf.. nii'l iw lir l.u for llm liolt. r I 1 1 1 l.iicU Dir.ii.ut ; Ij't'C uii!iik tlio imit. Vou tin ir, iu:mv btHt 'UA sipe Wort, Tin Repair s ail lofiffl MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Younp it Kuss' J31acksniith Shop. 1H REE ! JrREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o LifeSie Crayon Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itseli THE l)AU.l.l'i OK. Job job FIRST CLRSS P R PR NT'" NtIB CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE