The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKKIUIAli l'Al'KU OK DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. sunscunTioN katks. by hail, rovrAou rnnrAin, is auvanck. Weekly, 1 year JM " 6 months o is 3 0 CO Dallv. 1 venr C 00 " B months per 3 CO 0 SO Address all communication to " THE CHUO.V ICLE," The Dalles, OtCRon. A POPULAR LEGISLATOR. Mr. McCroary, CoiiRraaamnn rrom the KtRhtli Kentucky District. Hon. .Tnmos H. McCrenry, the author of the bill o.vtunillnp the time before the Geary Chinese luw is to po into ef fect, represents the Eighth district of Kentucky in the nutionnl house of rep resentntives. He is u resident of the pretty town of Hiehmond, Ivy., and im mensely popular with the people of the lUue CJrass state, lie was born In Madison county. Ky., July S, 1SI1S; re ceived a classical education, and grad uated at the riffe of eighteen at Center collepe, Danville. Afterward he studied I'unt-Otnev. orncK Houns General Delivery Window S s. m. to T i. m Money Orvier Banday U . .S a. tn. to 4 ji. fa. .9 a. m. to 10a. m. CLOStNQ OF MAILS trains goliiK 3Cast 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " West 9 p. ca. and 5:3u p. m. Stage for Goldendale 7:S0a. m. " Prtnevillc " '"Dufuraiid Warm Springs ..A:30a. m. ' tLeavliiR (or Lvle A: Hartlaud..5:S0a. m. " " " jAntelope 5:S0 a. m. Except Suudav. Trl-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and tnturduy. 1 Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY, - DEC. 30, 1S93 PROGRESS OF WOOL GKOYING. From 1SS7 to 1SJ3 the number of sheep in the United States increased about 2,500,000, or less than 0 per cent. As the number of sheep in the mountain states and territories increased over :S,5CO,000, it is evident that in all the states where population is in any sense close, and where agriculture is a leading industry, there was a decrease of 1,000, 000 in the number of sheep. For exam ple, in New Englaud there was a decrease of 26o,130, and the Pacific coast a de crease of nearly 2,000,000. There was a decrease in every middle state except Pennsylvania, where there was an in crease large enough to make an increase for the group. In the south there was an increase of nearly 500,000 sheep, but of this nearly 400,000 occurred in Kentucky, where sheepare raised rather for mutton than wool ; and in Texas, which raises eheep for wool only, there was a decrease. In the west, including Colorado, which is strictly a mountain state, the increased number of sheep was only 315,165. There were decreases in Ohio, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. Even in Mexico there was a decrease of nearly 1,300,000. and there was a small decrease in Ariz ona. Only the enormous increase in the Dakotas, Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming enabled this group of states and the United States as a whole to show an increase in the number of sheep. ! The enormous increase of wool growing in Australia is due in part to favorable conditions of climate, says the Journal of of Commerce, but as much of this island continent is semi-tropical and in other portions the rainfall is so slight that ar tesian wells are being sunk as a defense against the droughts which have been disastrous in five years out of the last thirty-five, these conditions are not so rosy as are sometimes represented. Pop ulation has grown slowly, agriculture has, therefore, expanded slowly, and vast tracts of land have been left without value except as they were utilized for sheep pasturage. But in parts of Vic tona that were recently given up to sheep pasturage the ground has grown too valuable for such primitive uses, and the sheep has given place to the plow The Australian, too, is complaining of the game fall of prices from which the American wool grower suffers, and he is attempting to offset that by freezing his mutton and sending it to England. The growth of civilization and agriculture is inimical to eheep raising in Australia, as it Is in the United States. The golden age of wool raising in Victoria and New South Wales is past, as it ia past here, and the Australian can make wool pay only by the best business management, and by getting eomething for his mutton. In Victoria land is classified as first if it will support two or more sheep per acre; second if it will carry one and a half sheep; third if it will carry one sheep, and (fourth if it will carry less than one sheep to tne acre. Tnis gives an idea of the amount of land required to support several million sheep, and explains why the sheep pastures of our older states, including Ohio, are steadily shrinking. The average value of farm lands in Ohio in 1800 was $22.76 per acre; and if this was, as stated, only -10 per cent, of the real value, the farm lands of Ohio are worth 150.90 an acre. It is impossible to maintain wool at a price that will make sheep raising on such land as that a leading industry. Sheep rais ing as an incidental feature of farming will always pay, but where markets are near at hand it will pay the farmer to keep mutton sheep yieldingonly medium wool rather tban fine wool sheep of little value for mutton. Wool growing as an independent industry can only be carried on in the mountain regions and in the southwest, where population is sparse and land is cheap. 04 IIOX. JAMKS 11. Jl'cr.KAl'.V, KKNTUCKV. law in the Cumberland university ol Tenuessee. and began practice at Itich- inoiul m IjsVJ. In lSiW he entered the confederate army, and was lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh Kentucky cav alry at the close of the war. In ISiW, 1S71 and 1S7: he was elected a member of the Kentucky house of rcprescnta tives, .serving for two terms us speaker of the house. He was nominated us democratic candidate for governor in May, 1S70, and was elected, serving as chief executive of the state until So.j tember, 1S70 He was elected to the Forty-ninth congress, and has ever since represented the Eighth Kentucky district in the lower house. Advertised L.ettur. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofiice at The Dalles un called for, Saturday, Dec. 30th, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Eoffifc Hunt Kuck, Mrs Minnie Cameron, Mr D Corcoran, Jeremiah Cutter, Mr Cieo Dnneueron, John Gehrincer, Chas J A J Hedges & Co Jones, V A Kennery, John Prendergast will hung is the news from Chicago. The verdict is in accord Knee with the desire of the American people. Anything less would have been n invitation to other murderous cranks to assassinate men high in public life. They want to be heroes, but do not like to he martyrs, and so the hanging of Fraadergaft will be an object lesson to tbeni which Is very necessary. mmSBBBBBBSSBBS It years measure wisdom Gladstone, who aelsbratod bis 8-itb birthday yesier stay, NMt be the wisest man living. In irwth he has ho peer at the present day. A A Tvnplilpr A n?m T v:m . Mr .In tin Moore, Mrs A S Moody, Mr D L Niclioiion, Austin Itobin. Win McKenzie, C E Scott, M .1 West, Mr John Package. Blossom, J M M. T. Nolan. P. M COMPOi.'KD. A recent discover- tir r.a old phrs.''. 2m. Sueet"f ' u iisrit monthly bit tt.ouaU cf Ladici. Is tbo only perfectly safoand reliable medlclca (iU- ccvercd. Brsvaro cf unprincipled drurslfa tvto oScr Inferior medicines la f'-im cf iiis- lor Cook's Cotton Hoot Compound, talte ju ubj trMt, cr lneloso $1 and 0 cents la prntag"; la letter and rro will scad, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed partlralars li plala cnvi-lopc, to Lullet only, 2 ttamps. Aiidrcii Pan. Ml V Com party. No. Sruter Iiloci. IMlroit. JIIco. Sold in The Dalles bv Blakelcy & Uuiitoa hex unit Salary. There are reported to be 185 male teachers in the public schools of llos ton and 1,:!72 women. The average salary of the men per month is S-40.00, and the average salary per month of the women is ST0.20. " IIow'n Thli! We offer one hundred Dollars lieward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'n Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their li nn. West k Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc ous Eurfaco of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes timonials free. Oucmi) hunters and other collectors have so ravaged Sarawak that Hnjah Urookc has prohibited the collection of natural history heciinenb. Many specimens of the fauna and flora of his country were in danger of becom ing extinct. h When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan., called at the labaratory of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough liemedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain that it saved his boy's life and is enthu siastic in his praise of the Remedy, For sale by Blakoley & Houghton. Warner's butter at Maler & Uenton's grocery store. NOTICE. To All Whom It Hay Concern. iiy virtue oi an order ot the common council of Dalles City, made aud en tered on the 12th day of December, 18WI, notice is hereby ufven that said eltv council Ib about to proceed and order and construct a sewer of 8-nch terra cotta pipe on Lincoln street, commenc ing at the intersection of Lincoln and Fourth street, on the south side of Fourth street, and continuing thence northerly along the center of said Lin coln street to low water mark of Mill creek, and that the cost for said sewer will be assessed against the property di rectly benefited thereby, as bv the charter provided, uateu tmsKUth rtayol December, 18U3, Douo.i,as 8. Dui'uit, dl-U Kecordcr of Dalits City. TIIK TWO KINDS OF WOMEN need Dr. Piorco'a Favorite Prescrip tion those who want to he nuute strong, anil tlioso wiio want to be maclo well. It builds up, invigor ates, regulates, and euros. It's for young girls just entering womanhood reached the life tor women who liavo critical " chanae of for women expecting to he coma mothers ; for mothers who arc nursing and exhausted ; for every woman who is run - down, delicate, or overworked. For all tiie disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of women, ' Favorite Prescription " is the only remedy so unfailing that it can be yuur anteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, tlio money will be returned. There's nothing likely to bo "just as good." Dress Talii7 Cutting ami Fitting, Bj Jdrs. JflcGaifey, Vr 1?tAI(1ptlfM TPIMMlflv V:llttPli ' bv Mr. Leslie iiutlcr. Oldest Agricultural Paper In America. (COTABLIOHCD 1010.) To all cash subscribers of TiiuCiiuonici.k paying one year in advance. The American Farmer, 1729 Now York Avouuo, WASHINGTON, D. C. Tut: Amkiiican I'aihii:ii, which Ik how enter : ItiK !ti"n lti ".Mil er, it the pioneer dinner' In the rountry. I It is h Inrjrv cltihl-iviKe Mur, unit rotttuliift Ad , column ol the iiKrleitltiirnl mul liter i nrr matter, itlontlfully emlielllshetl with line IIIUHtriiIloti, It Ih NATIONAL IN CHARACTER, mul ilenb with funning mul farmer' Intertvtt-i on liroml, vriieticiil llue. it EMPLOYS TIIE BEST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, mul everything Unit npiMW In Its enlunuiK Is nt the hluhe.stehiiriicler Kvery ileuirtment of the dinners liuMm-ss Is iIIs.chsi-iI In mi eiirnest, linietlenl wny, IooLIiik to the rirntltiiiul henetlt to the dinner mul his fmullv. It iippenrs on the 1st mul 15th of each luiinth, mui is mniisiuti m me um price oi 50 CENTS A YEAR In mlvmire. This iiutkes It the cliiiitpt-st iiirrleiiltiirnl pupm In the rountry. FARMER LEGISLATION'. DuriiiK the routine voir there will he mi I in tiK'tiM' uiimler of iumIUtm of the most vttut In teiest to dinners ilenlt with hv mul the Kxreiltlvo leuirtuieiits nt Wushlnntiiii. It Is hhlhly iuisirtmit Unit the fiirniers ho kept promptly mul fully luformril ns to what Is helm; jilmiiusl mul itiino iitleotliiK them nt the Nullounl rniltul. They xtiiniM nil, therefore, dike Tut: A mkuican I'AitMKit, willed, beliic on thoKrouiul, has U'tter frtvllltles thiiii iiny other piiivrs fur petting this Information, mul ilvotes Itself In this ilutv. They will tlml In it eonsdiutly u irreut iiiiioimt of vnliiiihle liifornuitlou thut they emi net In no oilier paper. Tun .UtKitiCAK Kaiimhii mul Tin: CimoNirLK will he sentoiie year lor ll.7.'. I A Grand Masquerade Ball will bo Riven nt Armory Hull by Jackson Engine Co., No. l, Topday uerjiity Jap. i, 1894. Commlttoo of Arrangements: A. II I'UliMiM',, R V. I.. SK1HBE. Ali ICIJNDT, PRRn it.'ub TOIIN KLAfJKK. HA Hit Y OI.OUOII, L. I'AYHTTK, JOHN CHATK, CKO.T. THOMPSON, Rocoption Commlttoo. GEO. MUNGKR, OIIAS. FRANK, Floor Managers. fiEO. A. LIEBE. EMIL SGHl'TZ, A. lU'OHLEH, W. II. BUTTS O. C WYNIWAM. John Pashek, le Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Struct, Next door to 7a3co Sun Office. Just rectilveii the l.itet ?tie.s in Suitings for Gentlemen, m.rt h s:i l.-irp assortment of Kurtlsn mul Amer lo.i cL.tus, which he can iluiih To Onler for th th i: favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. This Is the Season Of the Year Oihen Judicious Advertising Pays. IE. W. HELM &o OO., - DKM.KUH IS Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brashes, Perfumery, Etc, Puru Wlnou nrul Llquorii for Motllolnnl Purpouoii. CompountllnK PhyHlolnnu' ProHorlptloriB n Speolnlty. So. 1 0r S.'cond Htri'i't, Tlit DhIIpk, Oregon. (itw)lto Colnnihlii Ciindy 1'notnry. New York Weekly Trihw j AND Dalles WeeKiy enronict? 1 I Times mni" It nil the mop L iiecciwiry to mlertlf. Tlmt ! I III L iieceiMtry to mlertlc. I I w whnt the mint irogrttYi: ol our J bunInciH men think, ml tliec amc bu Iiii?.h men iiru the moit rim-iATini t iili times. If you wish to reach all thr reople In thii lielKh borhrxl you uim t ilo hitter ttwii talk to them thrnush thuenltiniim of the Daily Chkuniclk. It has mure thiiii ilouble the cirnilatinii ol any other tii!er, nnil ailvcrtisiiii: In It irnys bl. Administrator's Sale. Whereas, the Honorable County fourt of the State ol Orexmi, for Vaco county, on thofith iiny of Nnvcinbcr. lbVl, iluly mailo an onler ill rwti'is me, the nnilersIniHil, the iluly nppolnt anil actliik' nilmiuiitrator of the estate of William A. Allen, ilei eanil, toi-ell the lamUanil jiremUes lKilonslnir to tahl estate am! hereimifter ile-erllx-d, at public auction, to the hli;heit hlililer, for cash In hand Now, there fore, in pursuance of mid order ami authority, I will, 011 the lltli iiny of Jmiunry, 1H1U, nt the hour of tivo o'clock in the afternoon of wild day, at the front door of the County Court home in Dalles City, Woco county, Oivxon, evil nt public miction to the hfuliett bidder foreaih in hand, the lauilN ami rircuiiftcx UdouKliiK to mill estate, and particularly iUci11ai1 as fol lcivn, to-wlt; The Miutheait qunrtcr and the uortheau injur ter of the toiltlnvent quarter of n-ctlon ', in to'.vuthiT 1 north, of ranxe 13 eimt, of the Wil lamette Meridian, in Wmk-o county, OrtKim, coridilnlriKiWi (:rcs, more or les-s of land, to gether with nil and iui,'Ular the imiirovemeutx thereon. Kald sale will be made mink-ct toaii iirovnl anil coiillrmntlon of the nald County Court. JMteil at Dalles City, Wasco county, Or., this 20th day of November, 1V.M. (iKOItCl:' A., :UVp Adm'r eslnto of Wm. A. Allen, dve'd. SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of un execution and order of wile W ueiioutof thQ Circuit Court of the Htntoof Ore KOti for Waco Comity, on the S7th day of No. vein her, li'.t). Uon 11 JudKmeut made 11ml reii ilenit in nam court on the liith day of Nnvember, WJl, in an action then and theretofore eridlUK in mid court, wherein If, K ilcKlroy vas pluln tilt' and If. O. Coo was defendant, ami to moil 1 recttd ami delivered, commandim,' me to levy Uon the real ettate belouKillK to mid defendant and theretofore attached In mild action, to nul lify the Mim of f '.'.ZVi ami Intercut on wild mm Inco the 15th day of June, ivj'j, at Un fmr cent. Ier annum, and the further mini of liVJ.U) attor ney's fees In mild action, and IAW vihU, mid nl no the coats of and iijri said writ, 1 did lvy upon and will 011 Monday, the iiutli dy of ,ununry, 1HU4, at the hour of 'o'clock In the afternoon of kald day. t the front door of the county court Iioumi In jMllea City, Wanco County, Oretrou, ell at public auction to the lilKhtut b.dder for cah In hand all of the fnllowlui,' dewrlbed rtial etnlu taken and levied uoti as the property of wild defendant, II. 0. Coe, to-wlt l'art of the Donation lyunl Claim of 11. C. Coe, In nefltions '), . V and i, In Townihlii :i North, lUnKe 10 hut of the Wlllnmettu Meri dian, coiilalniiiK about til acres of land, together with the teneineuu, liereilitameiits ami appurte iiaucti thea-unto beloiiKini; or In any wlneapiier talnliiK, Including, ami InicwHil lolncludo the water punt, vater rlKht,caemenU, frauchlios ami prlvllexe, aud the water ie, reervolr anrlcouilulU ued lu conveying water from wild premises to the town of Hood Hlver, In Wac Comitv, Ort-Kon. AUo that certain tract of land beloiiKiNK to the above-named II. C. Coa.iltu aUil 011 thu north ulifu of the rail road track of the Union I'aclilo Itallroail Company, In Hwtion M, Towmhlii ii North, Hanjfo 10 Kant of thu Wil lamette ilerldlun, containing about ill acres, nflld two tracts above menllouwl comprliltiK a of the land embracl in the Donation Eaud Ualm of said II c. Cw, which lm not Iwrctolorv been mid toother parties. AUo lota 0.0 and 7 In HctIou A, and loU and 7 In bwtlon 11 In tlio Waiicomn Aildltlon III Dm lnwn f 11,,(1 Klver. and all of said real t-stalu lylni; and IsJlnif l WuCO CoUntV. Onimn. (ir un mnnli lli,.r.-.lf MS may be neceary toiatlnffsald minu ot womry us above mentionw . Dated thlsiOrd day of DecemUr, la. T W WARD. lhTtit Hhvtlltof Wumo Co,, Qt NOTICE KOU l'UIJLICATION. Timber IjiiiiI, Act June a, 1ST!. I'. 8. I.ANIi Opfick, The Dalle, lr., Nov. fc, inm. I Notice is hereby jjiven that in coinplhiuc( with the priivloloiiN of the act of coiiKn-vs of June 3, 1S, eutltlol "An act for tin- wile of tim ber lauds In the states of California, On-Kou, NcvHilu and vi nshluitlou Territory,' Neul C Ht vnuson, Of KiiiKiley, county of Wun;o, state of Orexoii, has this day Hint lu this olllre his sworn stiitn ment for the purchase of the NKU ill NW;, of Ki-ctlon. No. -J, In Township No. a K , riiiiKe No l.'l K. W. M and will oiler proof to ilnnv that the laud couirht is more valuable for Its timber or tonc than ( purieif, and to cslthlisli hi claim to mid laud before the Ilexlslcr and Ids-elver of this ulllcentlhe Dalles, Or,, on the 1.1th day of January, ,v.. Ho unmes as wltueM'es (ieorxe JIi;U-mi1, Jus !:r Knley, U-on Hondctu and Jjifnyettc Dnvls, all of Kimrak-y, Or. Any aud all r-.-rmri). cljilinliik' iidvenely the ntive-decrlUil lands are reqiieslnl to Ille their claims lu thlsollieeon or Iwlore tald lith day of Jniiuary, 1VJI. WW JOHN W. !.i:wiH, lt.-Kl,i;r, SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an oxc-tltlou anil onler of aln ismusi ouioi ine circuit runri oi the Hlato ol Oregon for Wafco Comity, upon a decree and juuxmeni mtue, reuiiereu anil eniereii ny taxi Court on tin- lllh day of November, ls'l, lu favor of nlnlntlir. lu u milt wherein A. D. lloltou was plalutllf, ami Frank 1). lilllesiile mid Ithodu (illlesple, W i:. Hunt and W II. Ilutler were itcfeiKlants, and to me directed and deliveml eommaudliK mu to levy iitsiu and sell all the laiiux meniioiuii nun ucscnixii in mm win, ami hereinafter de;rll"l, 1 did, on the llhdayol GNLY- $1.75. DwemU-r, Ml, duly levy iisin, mul will sell ut niioiic auciiou, to me niKuesi uiiiuer, loreasu in nami,ou Monday, tlio Htli ily .lunimry, 1HDI, at J o'clock In thu afternoon of tnlil day, at the front door of thu County Coiirtlioii'o lu Dalles City, In Wanco County, OrcKii, all ol the lands in uiu ivrn nun Herein iltscrilKil as follows, to-wlt. The aorthwest oiinrtcr of Section fourteen (II) in 'towiiinip two rzi nouiu, oi nange louriveu II) Knit of the Willamette Meridian, In Waxyi eounty, OreKon. or so much thereof us shall i) siimcirni to aaiisir mo sum oi i.ji.di, wiin. in terest thereon ut the raUj of ten tier rent. 'K'r aillinm since Novemlwr llth, IMKl; IW.nosdiir ney'sfees, aiidlll.KI cints In said suit, tof'ther wlthrostsof said writ, and ai-cruliiK cmts of ale. T. A, WAKI', Hherlfl of Wasco County, (JtcKon, Dated at Dalles city, Or., Dec. 1, 1WJ, ihj.'iw,'. SHERIFFS SALE. lly virtue of an ojwution and'order of sale Issued out of thu Circuit Court)' thu HUte of Ornfon (or Waaco County, ti decree and Judgment made, rendered and filtered by said Court on the lath day of jSvembur, iwtj, in favor of plaintiff, In u u wherein Waller Hreeio was plaintiff aud iftred Kennedy and Carolina Kennedy weru deiiilants, and to mu directed and delivered, v""'dliiK me hi levy upon and Mil the Inn mentioned and de scribed In ld writ, an liereliiafter descrltied, I did, on the 4th day(' December, 181B, duly levy upon, aud will t inihllc miction, to thu hlfWt bidder, lor c7 1" lnd, on Monday, tlio Hp day of Jaury, IHU4, at 2 o'clock, lu thwf.'twrnrxin of said day, at thu frontdoor ol to'-ii'y Coiirthoiio In Dalles City In Wiuc-o canity. OreKon, all of the lauds and prcmlsv dfw;rlbed in wild writ, and herein ueschbed aa (lows, to-wlt All of bloc (-' II") In what Is known as thu Military lf-rvatIoii Addition to Dalles city, Wasco CoulVi Oretfou, mid ucconlliiK to thu maps and r't of said city and addition thereto, orsomuo therwif as shall bo surliclcnt to sat !' the otW77.a'i with Interest thereon nt llierMtu' ten tier cent, per Hiiuum since No vmb':'tl'i mi, 110.00 uttoruey's fees, and a.Vlil ju ""Id suit, together with costs of lata tjTit and acorulng coat of aale. 7 u -....AiWAKI), ted at Uttlles City, Or,, Dec, 4, wA dHjsirS Jeweler's Goods TXT RCTU ? L COST, at W. E. Garretson's Store. Lafe' Solid Gold Watcto reioceil froi $45 lo ft Gold Watches worth $40, reduced to $28. Gold Watches worth Gold Watches worth 0 .) 0 s reduced to 25. reduced to i8 American Coin Silver Watches reduced lo $13. Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6. Tho abovo is a Hiimplo of tlio bargains to bo had for a luw days. A. R. Thompson, ASSIGNKB. ' H. H. CA3VTPBBL-L. Suooostlor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly keep w hiind u complutti llim of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, iihviiik purchased iir. Ilulhtr's entlro alock, I slmll eiidenvor In inalnt'dn tun r- a thu llOIlM). which him Ixuni: - I BEST (JOOI)S AT LOWm' PRICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVER' Call and see me, next door to PogtoffloQ' Oholoevt, Xjttet. 01xezoflit. Holiday Present. SiW9Pvumti; Uuilry, Wteh, Hooks, Toy. Tto piMio is Invited to examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. nr l' r lew tho lowet, and are greatly reduod. Cloning koUt tlio tlre Stoe rf 'I'nui a nil linlilflav urvidH at Coat. W . "J V, I M " - - Setoid It,, Tk Dftllei, Or. X. O. lTJ.OlK.4