11 Jpje umlc& flip v . "' ' " "' 1 1 " - - v Chronicle vol. vn; The Dalles Wly Ctotiek. publUhwl bully, Hunrtuy Kxraptcd. V MK CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO unmet iwcnnrf uud WMhtngton Htreuw, Tho I'uiim, orBgoti THE DALLKS, OUKGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1893. NO. 12 TtiriUK of Hutucrlptlon rot Year ,. .......... f 6 22 For month, by ourrlor,,, , SO dlnRlo copy ' TIMK TAKX.VK. ItHllriiNd. Ill ellcot AUfrtwtG, 1B9U. It AM 110HNI1. na . .wrivi io:M r. m. bepuru 11;00 r. M WKKT HOUND, no. i, Arrtvut3:30 a. m. Depart 8:11 a. m i au a I,. Afiivi-M front I'ortlimtl utl r. (. . , . bepurtH for I'ortlund ut I) p. m Two locai freight that curry pwwonRcrH leave ... mnn a u iKiil urn, lor tin JO'- in t-J 1,7 nvH, o.w mi mi, - - HI iriHJ A, M. HTAdKH, cur I'rinevllle, via. Hake Oven, Iciivu dally an a.m. Kor AiuoloiMj, MltohDlt, Canyon City, lenvo jany hi u a. m. Kor biltur, Kliilo', W'uuilo, wupnmia, Hrm MirlMKn mid Tygb Valley, lcuvu dully, except iwuauy, in a. n, Koraoldciwlitlo.M'aitliy leave every day ol tlio celt except Hitnday t a. . Otllroii tor ull lilies at the umutnin uouo. HKOVKHNIONAl.. IL. K. UHbEM ATTOlitr.V-AT-bAW Otllco Court Htreet, Tlio bullcM, Oregon. I II. DUrUll. FRANK Kr.tiKTKK. rvlIFUK, us MENKKEE - Attoukkyh - at I) i.AwlKiiom i mid -13, over rout Ufflco lliiUUlug, Entrance on WaHhlnBtou Street Tliu Dalle, Oregon. ()l The 4 HENNETT, ATTORN E Y-AT-'IiA iV. . npiilnHahauuo'ftbuUdlliB.un HtulM. Itollw, Oregon. t r. MAYS. 1. .HUKTIHOTON. It. h. WIMOII. l AYS, HUNTINGTON J: WIlJJON-ATTon. Al NBYft-AT-LAW OtUccK, Fxcnch'n block over Kirst Natlonul Bank. balleti. Oregon. t- II. WIIJION ATTOKNICY-AT-I.AW-lUOinH . Frouob & Co.'m bank buildliii:, Hecond meet, l'be UallcA, Oregon. T HUTIIEIU-ANl). it. I).. C. SI.; l.T. SI. C. J. Si. V. 1 imd H. ()., I'liyMluInn ami Hut citmt. llomiiH 3 mid I, Cliiiiimuti blooL. llcslileiice Mrs. Thuniliury'ii, west end ol Second .Htel . --. U Kiid HUBOKOK.-Ciillit iniHwerwJ lirouiptlj . dayoriilglit.nlty oreoutitry. OHlto Mi. nmu '(Jlmpmitu block. w" Dlt. O. 1). DOA.NK WIYHIC1AW AJI okok. onlco; rooniH 6 and 6 Cliimmai; Block. UcHldancu: ti. E. curnur Court mid Fourth mreoU, nctt md door Iroiii the corner. Office hnitrs K to 12 A, SI., it to B mid 7 to s V. M. DnUIDAM. Dkktibt. Out. given lor the . piiliilenH oxtructlon of tooth. Altio teeth oi on flowed ulumlnum plate. Uoomm rilgn ol Uio Oolden Tooth, Hecoud Htrivt. HOUIKTlKn. T AHCO J.ODUE, NO. K- A. F. & A. M.-SleetR V UrHt and third Monday of eiich mouth at . f. M. D""VI.I,K8 UOYA1, AUUil OHAl'TEIt NO. fi. Sleutnlli MiikoiiIc Hull the third Wednesday ol each mouth at 7 1'. SI. MODEUN WOODMEN OF THE WOKI-D.-M ll.MHl Cnmv No. 69. Mcothl Hcm ;j-even-lUKOteuch week In Fraternity Hall, at , :.W y. nu c JUV"?.Ar"l::j:.r;. v i...k. m k. nvurv rriiiuv civuiiih - : of i'. luill, comer tieeond imd Court nireet. ) ournliig brother ure weiemuu. .. U. cwuaii, Heo'yj A. 1im.h,n.. 71UKNUSIH1' LODOE, NO. 0., K. ol l'.-" r overy Monday evening at 7:.) ; 1 iicbnno'B building, corner ol Court and Hecond treotii. Boouriilug memberH aru cordlauj m lted. W . H. tiiAMi 1). W'.Vapmc, K. ot It. and H. . C. (-. ABHEM1I1.Y NO. 4US7, K.'oV l- l ' oil, ball thonecoud aud lourth Wednew davw ut each month ut7;M) p. in. WOMEN'H CIIUIHTIAN TEMI'EKENOE UNION Mflllmit every Friday alternoon t 8 o'clock ut the reading room. Allure Invited. RAKSION LOUUK No.601.I.b."o.T.-egular uiiuiklv mcatliiKH Friday ut H l'. tl.. a' Krntemtty Anil. Att arc luvlted. b. C. CllBIBMAN, C. T. It. C. FI.KCK, ho TEMFI.E LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. MuoU lit Fraternity Hull, over KellerN, uu Hecond meet, TlmnUay cvouIubh ut 7:j. UAN(JEN W. h Mvbhii. Vlnanolor. 11 W. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A OENKRALBANKINO BtJHINKHH Lettem of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, St. Lonifl, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terma. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - -Vice-President, Casbier, - - - Z. F. Moody CirAnucH Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOItK, SAN FKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable tonne at all accesRible points. J. H. hCHKNRK, rrcMdcnt. .1. SI. l'ATTKKSO.V, Ciihhler. First Rational Bank. CHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A Gunoral Banking Business tnitiHucled i;ejioBitH receivea, subject to bigni Draft or Check. Collections made and jiroceeds promptly remitted on any ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New iork, ban Francisco ami Portland. DIRKCTOKS. D. P. Thompson. .Ino. K. Schknck. Ed. M. Wiluams, Gko. A Liehe. II. M. Beau.. W. H. YOUNG, BiaGKsmiin i wason shod General Blacks mi thing mid Work done promptly, anil iul won: Uuimtntued. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tiiird Street opp. Liebc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at ruttBonablo figures. Has tho largest house moving outfit in Eustern Oregon. Add ress P.O. Box 1 8 1 ,The Dalles "Aa olrl as thohills".mcl never oxecll crl. "Tried and proven " i.s the verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Rogu- Pf"rP,oxiy Liver O Of atul Kijncy medicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act jrv 9 7 7 ing directly JL t&fiO and Ki(i. neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Tlio King of LlrcrSIeillcinn. "1 h.'ivo used yrmrSliiimons Liver Upru latorimd can eoiiHfilmiclously wty it Is tho king ol'ull liver iiicdlcineK, I consider It n Irii'dlclne chost In Itielf. (Ji:o. V. JACK SON, Tiiconiu, Wiuihluglon. J-i:T.r.Y I'ACICAOE-u BdH tlio Z St.iirip 1-n red on wrapper. Than TT Ixiily Evening tlC Jtt.l.ittltrnllf flw. lu.ii.r, i n- r. K,. Dalies City folks' linwr This Is not a had rciiututlon. Soiiinrl Ulvl 2.0-O (if our best nltiiens watch the columns of thin nnnm dully for the spiciest local new. It V i ILK KIlrTOi'lIu f,t frl.tnttlflC tltn nml lir.tw... nr..... Ill ipuhirlt,v and importance. Take It awhile, Liu uuu i; ii rtiinu Ol lis jiiuiuium onerfc. "Tie Regulator Line" Dalles, Portal and Astoria Navigation Co. I AH. NE8M1TII POST, No. Hi, U. A. 11. Sleet J every Uaturduy ut 7:30 . m., In the k. of 1'. Hull. ' AMKIUOAN HAIl.W'AV UNION, NO. 10. i. Meetit Necoud mid fourth J'burjduyH each mouth In K. ot 1'. hull. J. W. Kkadv, W. II, Jdwkh, Hec'y. . l'fVB! O OF Ii. MeotR ovory Buuduy afternoon In XJ. the K. of F. Uull. GKHANO VEHEIN Meota ovory Huuduy - "v"'g " " K. ot 1'. Hall. BOF h, F. DIVISION, No. W7-MeoT In K. of 1'. Hull tho flmt and third W'lueH- THK CHUKC1IKH. ST. i'ETEHB OUUKOH -Kov. Father lliiONt . ohkht I'untor, Low Musk uvury Huuduy At High Miutk ut 10180 A. . VesporHiit ST. l'AULH UHUKOH -Union Htreet, opjonlto . Fifth, ltov. Ell U.Hu toll tie Hector. BurvlceH Jy Hundajr at U A. M. nml 7:80 v. M. Huuduy ioolt:46 A. m, EvonliiK Prayer on FrKluy at IjMKBT IIAPI'IBT OHUBOH-Huv. O. I. TI'V ton, I'Aator. Morning orvliii-H every Huh gh at tho ooudoiny ut 11 a, i, Huhlmth ooiiool ImmodluUily nftor lnornlm,' Hiirvlee. iiyer meotliuf Friday ovciiIiik at j'lmtor'o icnl uoiice. Uulon orvleo In tlio court house at OONG KKO ATIONAIi OllUlU!ll-llov. W. 0. y UuuTm, PMtor. BorvloeM every Huiulay at 11 ; . and 7 p. it, Huuduy Hohool after mornliu: rvlce. HtruugewoordUlly luvitwl. Hoata tree. Ill E, CHUROH-Kov. J. W'Hihi.kh, pimtor, , a, ,7, uYiwiovryBuuuBy iionuimni n a. 111. rtHy HoUool at 18iao o'olwk r . Epwortb t i owe r, m. rryer meuniiK ovory ocii llSvr"'. ovBuina ui7:ou ooiook, a uuraim m to uuV? VXtoiwd by both pantor and people OHKSUM0KUBUIWUivTp. II. MCtlUFFK uali iTSXl' rrwwniUKin tno unriNiiau iiuurei rJS'L'SW'Bay at 11 a. m. uud 7:80 p. in. All lUTItM IOAL LUTHKHAN Ninth Ntreot, 8iw p.ra a Rprqmi wiuoouig J. f . FORD, Evangelist, Oi lies Slolneu, Iowa, wrltcB under date nl March '.'3, 181)3: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oreon. On arriving home ust week, 1 found all well and anxiously nwiutuifi. Our llttlo girl, olfiht and one-lmlf years old, who lmil I vasted away .to 8S ouiu1m now well, mroiie "f'1,d, fleshed up. S. 1. u11CuV,hIi,. Hkf, .. i ' .ii i,ii. r.f il.it iiliililmn like US WOrK Weil, uuni ui - -- , it. Your S. si. Cough Cure bus cured and kept avy nil hoarseness from me. So Kive it to every one, with greeting for nil. Winking you prosperity, we are yours, Wit. & Mas. J. 1. l'o"' IfyouwiKh to feel fresh and cheerful.and ready nr tho Hprlug'H work, uleiuiho your system with the Hendiieho and I.Ivor Cure, by taking two or three dosen each week. Hold under a positive guarantee, 50 ceuU per bottle by nil drufcglHth. THROUGH Freigfii mn pbhsbdjci Line ThrouL'h Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) Txjtween Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., Mondavi-, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at i a. m., Tuesdnye, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'AHSKNGKK KATKH. One way Round trip ..$2.00 ,, 3.00 Freight Rates reatly Reduce d. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. KhinmiuWH fnr TVirt.lnnil received at any time day or night. Shipments for If J lllllll I AJ kU 14 V I' V VA I w waw v 5 p. n. Livo stock shipments sollcted. W. CALLAWAY, GuikhhI A(,rnt. B. F. LAUGH LIN, Ovuural Munugur, C. F. STEPHENS, thedali.es, OREGON DICALKK IN DRY GOODS Clothing tloolii, Hllium. Ht, KtO. Fancjl Qoodff, fbtionpt, Ktc, Ktc, Kto. SeoondSt., The Dalles. ARTICpMv SODA WATER AND TOE 0REAM. Candies and Nuts FlnoBt Peanut Roaster In The tlloa J.FOLCO PRENDERGAST GUILTY Mayor Harrison's Assassin Sentjnced to Death, MRS. LEASE ANSWERS LEWELLING She Has Written a Caustic Letter to the Kansas Governor Other News Happenings. Chicago, Dec, 29. Attorney Trude, in the Prendergast case, resumed his closing argumcat for the prosecution this morning. In the course of his re marks bo had occasion to refer to Henry George, the great single-tax advocate, whom he characterized as a migratory pestilential paranoiac." Judge Brentano began his charce to the jury at 1 p. in. The verdict of the jury in the Pren dergast case is guilty, with a sentence of death. .Mrs. Lease Answers Itnck. ioi'EKA, iJec. L"J. .Mrs. Lease sent Governor Lewelling the following letter this afternoon anent her removal from the board of trustees of state charitable institutions : "Disclaiming any intention of ques tioning your authoritv, the wisdom of your acts or the integrity of your pur poses, I beg leave to remind you that you have, as chief executive of this state, tried and sentenced me without accord ing me that which the law of the land accords the vilest criminal the right of defense. Were I an ernplove of vours, your right to perpetrate this act of in justice might depend upon your inclina tion. As it is, I recognize the fact that am an employe of the state, accounta ble as such to the people of the state for my oflicial record, and for them as well as myself I demand a statement and in vestigation of the charges preferred against me, that I may have an oppor tunity to concede the manifest justice of your decree, or defend myself from the imputation of hireling politicians." HonsEvrmrrBn the mayoi:. An Angry woman Jjaslu-i the ( Ity's Chler Executive. Kkcan.vba. Mich.. Dec. 29. Mavor P. M. Peterson of this city, was horse whipped on the principal business street Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. V. Sidde. The scene was witnessed by scores of people. After be hud received a few lashes, Peterson drew a icvolver on his sailant, but this only seemed to give the infuriated woman renewed vigor, for Ehe shouted : "You dare not shoot, you coward." As each word escaped her lips the lash was applied. Peterson has been in the furniture business here for over 12 years, was elected county treasurer in 18SS, and is now president of the Scandinavian society of this city. Mrs. Seide is secretary of the local branch of the W. C. T. U. Her hus band, who was an eye-witness of the horsewhipping proceedings, is a clerk in a well-known dry goods house in Ksca nabn. The allair has created great ex citement. Peterson has a wife and sev eral children. He has had Seide and his wife arrested on a charge of assault and batterv. Mrs. Seide claims to have a letter from Peterson of a damaging character. The caso will bo beard in tho justice court on Tuesday. Madeline l'ollnril's .Mother. Lkxington, Ky., Dec. 29. In un inter view with the mother of Madeline Pol lard, the girl who is suing Representa tive Breckinridge for breach of promise, she exhibited a letter from her 6on, who is in Washington, in which ho said the case would never come to trial. Mrs. Pollard says she has not seen Madeline for seven years, and that hhe wrote to her when tho scandal came out never to even think of her as her mother again. Mrs. Pollard has relented since thon, and bus recently written her daugthor in a milder way. In Ulufcs. That's tho wav Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets come. 'And it's more import ant than you think. It keeps them alwnva fresh and reliable, unlike tho or dinary pills in cheap wooden, or paste board boxes. ... , They're put up i v better way, and thev (((( in a better way, than the huge, old-fashioned pills. No griping, no vio lenco, no miction uftorwurd that some timea leaves you worse than before. J n that way, thev euro permanently, hick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of tho liver, stomach and buwels, are prevented, rolioved and Tbev'ro tiny, sugar-coated granules, compound of refined and concentnuwi vegetable extracts tho smallest in size. I.IIIMS KVAX1 J-.-SCTATK. The Notorious Itnlihcr 1 Mailing for tlio .Mountnlnn. FitusNo, Cal., Dec. 29. The escape of Chris Evans from the Fresno county jail last night is still the sensation of the hour. Sheriff Scott, who was in the south assisting In running down the Roscoe robbers, was telegraphed about the escape, when he started for home. arriving here at 2:40 this morning. A report comes from Sanger that Evans was seen early this morning going up the King's river Lumbering company flume and heading for his old quarters at Sampson fiat. While it is believed to bo Evans' destination, the rumor is dis credited. No arrests have yet been made. A thick fog prevails, which is favorable to the fleeing criminals Marshal Morgan is resting easy. His wounds are not thought to be dangerous A report has been received at the sher iff's office that the cart in which Evans and Morrell escaped from Fresno has come into Sanger without occupants This, if true, indicates beyond a doubt that the men shaped their course for the Sierra Nevadas. The direct road from here to the mountains passes within a mile of Sanger on the north. The men probablv drove opposite Sanger, and then turned the horse loose and pro ceeded on foot. Sanger is 15 miles from Fresno, and six from the foot of the mountains. orncEus think they have him. Sheriff Scott and posse, who went to Sanger on a special train, are calling for more deputies, and the rumor that the bandit is surrounded in King's river bottom seems well founded. Sheriff's officers here seem to think Evans will be in custody before night. A girl named Lee, a sister of the youug man who had been seen riding around with Morrell, the waiter who held up the jailer, has been arrested as an accomplice in the Evans jail deliverv. Officers aro after the brother. The reticence of the offi cials makes it difficult to obtain minute details about the arrests of suspects. It is understood, however, that in addition to the arrest of the Lee girl, two boys named Hutchinson are in custody. One of these, Jimmy, is the head of the house where the whole plan of escape was con coded, and is a brother-in-law to the Lee girl. He lives on Q street, five blocks from the courthouse. 2 38 3d Street At rlgnWe Mm. ObVr'i rontaunuL ih huh Hut to niKf. ami uiu wit'' . you can buv, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. You pay only for tho good on Tlielr Kelutloiift .Strained, Rome, Dec. 29. A high personage of the Vatican, in an interview today, said: 'The relations between the pope and the czar are at this moment very much strained. In July last the pope wrote the czar an autograph letter, in which he complained of tho persecutions of Roman Catholics in Poland. It was written in a very sharp way. Leo XIII declared to the czar thai if tlio persecu tions did not cease he would bo com pelled to protest solemnly in tho face of Europo against the Intolerance of tho czar, tho czar became irignicneu, ami has iust sent to Rouio the Catholic Bishop of Tiraspol, a persona grata at St. Petersburg, to speak a good word to the pope aud dissuade him from putting the project into execution." Tin to TouriHti Lost lliuir Lives. Vienna, Dec. 29. Three tourists lost their lives is attempting to ascend tho higher of the two peaks of Gross Glock 'ner. Dr. Kohn's body has been recover ed, but that of his companions, believed to have been named Pick and Dr, Pas sau, were not'fouildi (iludstonc'ii lllrthday. London, Dee. 29. Gladstone is 81 years old today. Ho is in excollent health. Telegrams, messages and cards of congratulaions aro pouring in on him from all parts. Tho queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, and prominent mem bers of both English political parties have tendered congratulations. Old-Milii-Afriild-oM bo-Voters. Si'iuxm-nai), III., Dec. 29. When asked his opinion of tlio Prendergast verdict, Governor Altgeld said : "I know nothing about tho case ex cept what I liavo read in tho newspapers, and, therefore, cannot give any opinion in regard to the vordict." WOOD! WOOD) Best grades oak, fir, WOOD) blue and slab wood. Ollico 1!W Second street. All oiders promptly attended to. tf Maieii & Benton THE CHURCHES. The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school follows this service. There will bo no evening service. If the weather is cold or inclement the service will be held in tno prayer room, as the furnace is not completed. MothodiBt Episcopal church Sermon morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. J. Whisler. Sunday school after morn ing service; Junior League at 5 p.m.; Epwortb Leagtio at 0:.'SO p. m.; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. All ore cordially wel comed. Programme of services at Christian church Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock; subject, "Prejudice Its cause and effects." Sermon also at 7 :30 p. m. ; subject, "The world wrong Eide up and must be turned upside down." Special solo by Miss Moore. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening at 7:30 o'clock p. m. A hearty welcome is extended to all by the church and pastor, P. H. McGuflev. The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets. Sunday ser vices as usual. At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. worship, and u sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis. Topic of morning sermon, Unconscious service; of the evening sermon, The judgment of eternity. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Meeting of tho Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Topic, The close of the year. What God has done. What He will do, (Ps. iiv-ll-IS; Pa. lxxiii-23-24. All persons not worship ping elsewhere are cordially invited. An Kgsny. Essay on "Breath," by a schoolboy who has attended a course of lectures in physiology: 'Breath is made of air. We breathe with our lungs, our lights, our livers. and our kidneys. If it wasn't for our breath we should dio when wo slept. Our breath keeps the life agoing thro tho nose, when we up siMfep. Boys that stay in a room nil day should not breathe. They should wtit. till they get outdoors. Bovs in a room n tike carbon- cide. Carbouicide is mon poisonous than mad dogs. A heap of soldiers was in a black hole in India and carbonicido got in that black hole and killed every one more morning, uirls kill tlio breatu with corsets that squeeze tho diagram. Girls can't run and holler like boys be cause their diagram is squeezed too much. If I was a girl, I'd rather boa boy so I can run and holler and have a good big diagram. Teachers' Institute. SUAiir.Miur.o, Pa., Jan. ST, Mb J. J. Kkii., bharp-iMiri;, l'a., Dcaii .Sin I have used Krmise's Headache Capsules for mimio tliuo and want to testify to their value. 1 tried various well recommended medicines, but Kot no relief until I used these, and now would not he without them for ten times their cost. ours respectfully UlfARLCST. KEDCIWICK. Hold by Hulpes & Klhersly. Strength uud Health. If you aro not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and woa'7, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding thoso organs to perform their functions. If you areudlicted with sick hcadaeho, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. Ono trial will convmco you that this is tho remedy you need. Large bottles only BOc. at Snipes & Kiuersly's drug store. Karl's Clover Root, tho new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cures constipation. i ... i . i i i n..t- .. P. 2oc, otic, anil i.uu. om ny niiipes Kinersly, druggists. Special reduction on lamps, glasswaro and crockory for the holidays at 11. 11. Campbell's. I'eilliutiil Cheaper than anywhere elso at tho California winehouso. Use Mexican Silver Stove JL'olish. Shiloh's euro, tho Groat Cough and Croup Curo, is for salo by Snipos & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-llvo loses, only 25c. Children love it. fcom by Snipes & Kinersly. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. KThoio's nothing likely to bo "juet as jood," RoYsA Baking Powder ABSOLUTE!!? PURE 8 b ;o K