The najies Daily Chronicle. camera may lio said to have done what ltalott onco Raul a profit painter eau do who uiaJcoh a portrait rewal the j secrets that the slttor all his life eon Kntcrwl nt the l'ow:tl(v nt Tuu Dalles, Orvcon. coaled. as iitcond-ela8 mnttcr. THK DAI.I.KS OKIJOO.N Itutlixftilld'ii CIuvit Itotort. vounp plobe-trntter, lienvittfr FACE OK THE CKANK. rwonty Portraits of Monomaniacs Photogrnphod Into One. WHAT WE EAT. Thk world's crop of elnnamon Is 10, 000 tons. Ovv.n 'J.000 tons of KiiailHuro annually eaten in l'aris. r uan'C'k raises and eats 5, oco tons of radishes. Lam year the Italians exported -ISO, 000,000 downs of offpst. Thk world's oat erop everv year ox eeeds 15,000,000 tons. Ont beet-supar crop last Norcron unit Tea of the ?or Ilntch In n Coin)HJtr Out liiitii I'Irturc Sluilj of till- Hpoclcs An liiti'rcsl ltiT ('oiiil)lnatioti. When isoreross attempted to loosen Uncle Kusscll Sage's purse strings with dynamite a couple of years ago, as usually happens after such an event, other cranks with manias more or less violent sprang up on every side. The j Ifew York World selected ten of the most notable specimens of this erop, j and with the aid of a camera made them into a composite picture which exhibited some startling results. Immediately following the assassin ation o Mayor Harrison another tidal wavi ni the same sort struck New A vouncr trlobo-trotter, bearing an illustrious French name, wa holding forth during a dinner in the faubourg St. Germain at I'arls about the lovuli ness of the island of Tahiti, and de scribing in glowing colors the ntarvel- "ZU , ,v WH, tlu. nbi,ct 1 S.000,000.000 pounds. of learning whether the young traveler had restricted his observations to the fair sex, as one might have been tempted to believe from the tenor of his remarks, one of the Uarons Koths ehild who was present ventured to in quire if he had remarked anything else worthy of note in connection with the island Resenting the baron's inquiry, he replied: "Yes. what struck me much was that there were no .lews and no pigs to be seen there." "Is that so'.'" exclaimed the baron, in no wise dis concerted. "Then let you and me go there together; weshall make our for tune." overy year year was York, and to that remarkable photo- : pneumonia while in the northern pat -raph ton moiv rans:, of the last o Iowl (,m.j rm!Ut blij!,.m, S.1V hatei have beenauued, mnkmgof it an i,, o 1 , . , ' 'urv-date" composite picture o t fcatimlay Keviow. Mr. Rlnixo ha tw :itv cranks. It will make an intcr c uv; htudy for physiognomists. of thw.- unfortunates are pitia ble objects. '!!" are poor, shabby, and .v.n p;.i.i:;c, ami ordinarily i-ass for what the doctors call idi. i : .lie cases, and what we know as hr.:-.v- liut tin-;,- are likely t j past ver; aui.:'.;ly from melancholia to acute mar.iu under the r.timulus of exciting causes. Henry Trunk, who do&ired to kill the Cuban consul and carried about with him an apple which he in sisted 2u had chipped off the moon, pro.ntsan irtcrestiug case of 'delu si: n ' in itself of no particular peril un til it '.tecomc. focused upon an act oi riolcccc That he was influenced by ;he event in Chicago was instant"1;, ihown when he was arrested by the voluntary information that he had been selected to kill Mayor Harrison. Inn the other fellow g.t ahead of hini. T'nder proper treatmei.v in an asylum this man wouid have been tractable enough, and the treatment would have been mainly "f.;icious by removing the causes of irritation. The other case oi Keilly, who called on Superintendent Kvraer. and wanted Mr. J. I lllaize, an extensive real es tatedealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow- 1.. . 1 t I . A -f j i. u5L-ieiiuuu ui me severest aiiacKS oi irt vs d occasion to drive several miles damn; the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was limbic to get warm, anil in side of an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Jllaiz? sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cous:h Keniedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. Tie says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure ae simply wonderful. For sale by Dlakeley & Houghton. I'or a sore throat there is nothing better than a tlannel bandate dampened with (Jhamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very severe cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. lnr. world raises and eats everv year au.000,000 tons of rye. Tut: restaurants of I'arls sold in 1801 lb. 000 dozen frogs' legs. Tin: English cat every year 05,000 tons of American apples. Paisis killed last year U.biW old horses for roasts and soup. 1 Tins country's crop of beans is esti mated at 70,000.000 bushels. Ovi:n 10,000,000 trees have been planted in Switzerland in seven years in the effort to "reforest" the country. J$ktwi:i:.v Paris and Herlin mail mat ter is now transmitted in thirty-live minutes by the pneumatic process, which is found most advantageous. I,it Orlio During the provalunco of the grlppo the past seasons It was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's Now Discovery, not only hud a Hpeedy recovery, but escaped lul of thu troublesome aftur cllVcts of the nialndy. This remedy pchiiib to have a peculiar power In olleeting rapid euros not only in eases of la grippe, hut in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured eases of asthma and liny fovor of long standihg. Try It and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Kree trial bottle. a1 Snipes & kincrsly's drug store. Siittliuiii'lit IU'iUcli'il. During my absence, all who have un settled accounts with the undersigned are expected to call and settle with Mr. Geo. Kratiss, who has my books and accounts. An early settlement will greatly oblige. Yours truly, Lksi.ii: li'Ti,i:i!. H'OOII, WOOD, WOOIl. Heat grades of oak, llr, and Hlab cord , wood, at lowest market rates at .los. T. 1 Peters & (;o. (Ollice second and .leller son streets.) YOIJfi flTTEliTIOH Is oallod to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in GU and I'.uild Unti, Plaiw?, Content Vtiitorlnl o si' &lmU. Wasco wareHDose Co., ;nrrli t!o IKImwt l.luo of- Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Rcosonblc. Picture mem w nininnc 72 ? Jl U 1 1 A AS ftj V To bu foutul In the City. LUaahington Stfcct. From TETOM. or IHTFRJ-'J. - i it i. Points Hnckli'iiM Arlnrn Sulvi. The best salve in the worid for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevoi sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures pites, or no pay required It is guaranteed to nivo perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 125 cents per lox. For sale ty .Snipes Si Kin-ersly l.ouk Ovi'r Viiur Ontinty AVurrinitH. All county warrants reuistercd prior' to January Kith, ISOO. will ho imui iiresented at inv ollice, corner of Third , and Washington streets. Interest ceases on mid after this date. 1 W.m. Miciiim.i., Treasurer Wasco Cotiniv. i October 121st. 1MKS. tf Ma UK OOOIi.h- thk i,i,i,i:h. lilt t WHBSTBIt'S! I INTERNATIONAL .tiri.uu-lt: A i7rnm AVm?. u RRILROHD If Hit' Hue to litku Hot elaiii broth at .1. O. lav at ! o'clock Mack's everv j TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. i tt I tin; tiliitiiR Cur Itnuic. it raii ThrmiRn iiHtllmkit '1 rnliih every Uay Iti tlm yunr to The Dal es Hurcr in.-, r 5 "futt.'ir. r. " i t Ti'ii jour, me- hi rnvUlnc, , ,,. r IU.T('::-'- i.un.i g liinin ili!,i J, UXIIl'lllltli. Mlmnlil ov.-n tliU f Dlfttntmiv. li ni,, 4! hwcranll iiipmiiuM X eiiiiciiriilm; iIh hi,. 5 mill i in!. ? A IJUrnrv in Itsrlf. I: alM.Mivi,. i Hid nrtmi iliMfirml liirnnimtlon rmireniliiK ciiiluriil Kirniiin, furtn enm'iriilii Urn ccuimrlw, I'ltlfH, town, nuil liiitiirsil fca. turcH of tlio I'lulm: linrtli'lihilfi rnnenriilim iioti'd tlitcitloiiit iiurxiiin nuil iiluren; traiiv i J Lit Urn nf furuUrn (jiiotatluni, wunln, ami tlio irij- 5 L it z? eimiinriiltiir tlu 5 L"" t..rj,H.j.lii.-, 2 kn-rr-r llimnlmliiii. f, rit-- ijirniilnir tl! wi , pruvuriii ; cii;., inc., inc. XJut lUUl UllU UlllUULJU j teMlimul imui, nail Miir-t'itumtiir t Knltl I'll Aiuiiuikurlhn, y7X NO CHANtiK OF CAUK.) j i f. S i 1 5 1 VjlsQ. FO" A CSE IT VVIL HOT CUHE. A Daily and Weekly Chronicle. Cimuopil nl Dlnliic Cnm uiimiriminiit. l'till mini Urmvlns Itnom HltOK'isof lutcst ci(iil'ini.'ill TOUIIIST SLKKI'INfi CAUS Ilwl llmtr.m bp counriifUHl, unit In wlilnb Hccniiinnxliitloii un Imlh I'ri'v nuil KiiiiiUUkI (or tiolitern of First mill Kccoii(l-u!niNTtvkntii,niiit ELIOT DAY COACHES l'lihUthnrn. &prlii(illrttt,M(tJut. WnSTEFCS ICTEHJiUlOSALl 5 CJ?llnnolliujrclifniM,linli. 2 Kmiitilr utmiiuiit uuciriit Z niuiiMi. crr"inlfof(rreiiriHiimi, A roiitlnnmf, lltiv, riiniirrtliiK with nil Hint iillimllns illrt-ct i ml miliitc.-rui'tcil avrrlcu The Dalles Daily Chfonicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 READEEB. TWENTY CKAKKS IX O.VK. J100,00), with the interest of S2t,000 all ' in pennies, comes under the same head of delusion, with the t;ympioms of acute mania more clearly marked. The faces of thoae men at first hiht are to-' tally unlike. Frank is a inr.n of emo tional temperament, tall, hlcnder and rather tfood looking, with curly hair 1 anit a rather pleasing expression. Keilly ii also .slender, but hi.s face is haggard, melancholy and careworn. . IIi.s clothes were neglected and hu hair matted. Hut in both men there wa observable the mental stress in the fixed faze, the wriukliny of the brow, attendant, upon any effort to , Hold the mind to a sequence, and the : tealthy drop of the head. They both I m-ed their handr, in a peculiar manner, j the litters workinfrautomntically, and they both started at times as if some iliUbive sounds had put them on '.heir j (ruard An alienist who saw both men -aid that Prank would, if he lived, be-1 L-orr.e an imbecile, and Ileilly vonid at ! the fel.itfhteat provocation commit an j unreasonable act of violence. The policemen ure yettin;,' to tae piitter o; u eranirs eye that fore boding basilisk pleam in the iris. Hreilha', the Swede, who claimed that he owned the Wilson steamship line arid wanted 87.",00U on account, pre Mjrved the tnnnt amiable manner until Policeman Uoms had him wiihin a tonc'is throw of the Vorkvllle police court. Then the mania overtook him. In an instant he was converted into a madman, lot out a wild yell and started on a desperate run. When finally captured he was a ravin,',' maniac, and fought with the irrational desperation of a iiend. If .you take the profile of Henry Prank and that of Urellha; and put them together you will notice the same Hue- in the receding foreheads. .Mnnroliu Andrews, who demanded O,l0u from IMwin Gould, has not, from appearances and from ac counts of him, reached the de velopment of ticutc mania. This ap 7ears to bo u case of puro and simple melancholia and can only excite pity bo far us it hits ono. Jhit even hero there was obsorvablo in the pathos of this man and tho sullen desperation of TJiomns Urndloy, who shot -Superintendent Mathes in thu postal telegraph Minding, some lurk hi; resembluuceu of oyocnductlon. That expression can bo heal described an that of a hunted ani nml Thoy nro all pursued. Home fliontof thoir misfortunes keopsstop with them and uvuutually tukes pos fioseion of them. Thoy H wear, at ttmen, tho Htminod look of having fltytslt too louj,' with thoir own miseries. The artist lias groujed these points l ngreemcnt in the variour, cranks in one pompcMsitti face. In this feut tho An axreoable Lasatlve and NEKVi: TUNIC. Sold by Drus?nt3or sent by mall 5c. iOc., atiu Sl.Go jxt fMctoye. Samples free WC& y-TA'i The Furorlic TCC72 KT7TE3 Kor salo by Sntt-' ,V Kmorily. Rheumatism;; Lumbago, Sciatica7 Kidney kmp!aints5 Lame Back, &c. D3 SABDEH'S ELEQTiBiC BELT 1C Lalcit l'tcnti! Jlctt ItnDrovtDitnti 1 TTII1 CTre without mnJleln all Wliiti rmUInz t rem over-umtiQ.1 of train Tim a forcrji exnweiorlcdu. crttlon. as chtous deblll. elwplmaes, lanirJor, ri.t'jnutiun, UMncr, llrtr and tu4der coapljJnti. Iimetert:. lumbago, ecUthM, all ft mail complalnu iKiieral 111 btalclj, etc. Tku (Itttrio licit conUlui imUrl InpmirnriU cmx all othn. Cnmrnt Vi lattai)U7fOtby wearer or vre forfeit Ji.COJ.OO. and -rfillcjru allot the aixjro iHkoajh or no par. TIiou. :ndi liave Un care.1 by thin lOArrelooa Inventlcn afttr all oUr remedies failed, acd we kItu buolvl of totlmoalaU tn this ana ererr other I late. Oar foerfal lpr..M EUCTMC SVsrrxsoCT tho pritet boon aver offered weak men. tKKK with all IImIUi aoa f-lre.tUi fil'lIU rKXIl In C lg iiuda-s bead for Illiu'U I'ampblet. moljeil.eealed, Irt'o CANOBN ELECTRIC CO., 60. 17SVratNtrut,J'OUX2ajrW OHl- Administratrix Notice. Notice Ik hereby given tlint the County Court oi the State of Oregon fur Wmco county Im.s this iliiy duly upioliititl the ii!iileriiK-l ailininlslru trix of the estate of Iir W. K. Kllichnrt. de ceaml, mill that he ha iluly quallllerl as mich ailmliiistratilx. All ktkoiis are therefore reitilreil to iirekcnt their cliiluis aifnlnut kaiil esitnte, with the proixr vouchern theiefor, to the umlertixued at her renlilencc In liullex City, in rniil county ami itau, within nix months from thu date hereof. KMH.V I1KU.K HINKIIAHT. Ailmlnlatrtttrix. Kated tills at day of December, Ib'JS. 4tw XX. O. nVTiolsori;, M. Honywill, ARTICLES OF GOOD VALUE AND DURABLE, SUITED FOR NEW-YEAR GIFTS, AT M. Honywill's THE CHIiOMICLK was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Cintoxicu-: is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The 'Wkkklv Oiihoxiclf, on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions., etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlae Xill.o.3, Oregon. l'lilltimn Blwper rvrctviitlnn ran U neeim-il in advance Jtirounh imy intent of the roml. iHnUUun !iu!r. 10 llnuln Amerlcn. KiiKliind milt Kuroix: ciin l e imrelmieil at m ticket oltleo ul tttu eomTuiy uoiireriiliiit trnliik, rolltco and other ilvtnlU fiirnlaluHl ratwi, time ol on Full liiforior.t'.na iiliplloittloti to W. C. ALLAWAY. AKuilt I). 1'. W A. Nav. Co., Itexutittor ollice, Tin. JitilHf., Or., or A. I). CIIAIII.TON, Ac't. (iciicmI VntfauKur At., I'ortlaiiri. Jau i They rout The Chninlclu to bij the latent ami j mint rellnblo i mv, Anil they reml t-very line that in in tin1 iiiKr. That in whut imikiv the Chmiiliile mi liivnliiiilili- advert! Iiir metllum. Thu iiuwiiiiiii'r that . mi to tho fimillr 0reldii 1 the ono i&t- that the iidvorthcni of today ntroilli) ' when they dunlro In rineh tlio in-ople. M'hrii they waul your trade their aiiuoiiiiremciitx will ns (iiiiiul In tlio Jinjr lunik over Diircolnmna mid olmervi) tho verirlca tlon of the truth of till aawrtlon. ItenieinU'r, . a tradiiof a family ot two thiiiiiiiiul . u worth inking for thrnuch thene eolumna, mjKdnlly ao nt tmr vcrj ' D B When the Train stops at THE HALU3, get oil' on the South Side AT THE HEW COLiUjVlBlfl HOTELt. This large and ixpulir Ilonw ih ei the irinclal hotel liiiiif, and la prepared to furnlsli the JleM Ai'iiiinuiilatlMiiii of any Houw in the city, and at the low rate of Ji.oo per Day. - pirst Qass ffleals, 25 Cei?ts. Ollice for all HIhk I.Iih IkhvIiii; TIik KiiIIkh fur nil iioiiilM In KuNturn ri);iiii unit Kuaturii AVitHlihi;tiii, 11 lliU llotwl. Corner of Front and I.'nioii Ht. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly tlio Fluent Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc, etc. COP.. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to tho Clisi-Onl Side 0! m Mm k Garnets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are sailing those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIOHELBAOH BRICK, UNION ST, NNELL, !ipe UK, Tin Repairs am Hoofiog MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on 'J'hird Street, next door west of Young ct Kuhs' BlaelcBmith Shop. r REE ! TREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... oLif e-S ie Crayo n. o Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itseli THE DALLLES, OK. Job JOB FIRST CLKSS pi IT'1" CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE