The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KK OF DALLKS CITY. A.VI) WAJCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BY MAIL, rOSTAOE rilKPAtD, IS ADVANCK. Wecklv. 1 venr. . ... . ... 1 N 6 month'. " 3 " . Dally, 1 year. " 6 months. JH.T " Address all communication to ' THE CHRON ICLE," The Pallet., Orefton. 0 7ft 0 ffl f. CO a IX) 0 M l'ltot-omrp. orncc hocks General Delivery Window . .S n. m. to 7 ji. m. Mocey Order " . . .8 a. m, to 4 p. m. Sunday it I). 9 a. m. to 10a. in. CLOSINO Or MAILS trains polnp Kast . ,9 p.m. and 11 :4ft a. m. ' " Wnt p. ta. and 5:S)p. m. etajre for Goldcndale. .... .7:S0 a. ni. ' ' Prlncvlllo 5:; a. m. " "DuturaiidWarmSprlnes .6:80 H.m. " tLcoTlng for Lvlo A Hartlaud .5:30 a.m. " " " 1 Antelope 6:30 a. m. Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I " Monday Wednesday and Friday ERIDAY, - DEC. 'Jit, 1S93 The democratic party is confronted with a condition that bears hard on its theory. To increase revenue and de crease taxes at the same time is some thing of a feat. Editor Stead, London editor of the Review of Reviews, will not be safe in Chicago any more. At a meeting of the Woman's club, organized to relieve the needy, he gave them some opinions that were more forcible than elegant. If he had not so thoroughly dazed them they would have cowhided him right there, but before they had recovered their self possession he had sloped. The Salem Democrat bears rather hard on the governor's ancestry, as will be seen from the following: "The youth who fired the Ephesian dome, just to see the old thing burn, must have been the founder of the Pennoyer family. His penchant for deviltry for its own sake could not have been accumulated in one generation. Heredity must bear some of the responsibility, though there is no doubt it has been thoroughly cultivated." The governor's letter to the president lias aroused general indignation through out the state, not necessarily against the man, for a dishonest motive has never yet been attributed to Sylvester Pen noyer, but against the false impression which the gentleman unwittingly makes that one-third of the people of Oregon are poverty-stricken. This letter will have great weight, coming from the source it does, and its evil effects will be hard to counterbalance by many such efforts as has been made by the Salem "board of trade. A small per cent of the populous cities of the state may be in actual want, but few complaints have "been heard from the rural districts, and none east of the Cuscades. It there had been such destitution as exists in San Francisco and Chicago there would have been small excuse even then for the publication throughout the east of Gov. Pennoyer's letter. But no such suffer ing exists, nor one-tenth of it. The damage will be hard to counteract now, for the East, already jealous of the Bteady hegira westward, will not take nearly the pains to contradict the re port that they were to enlarge upon the Btate of affairs suggested by the remarks of the governor of Oregon. Says the Union Republican : The de cisive defeat of the "Wilson bill would open every American factory within thirty days. The news that congrese had struck out the enacting clause of that measure of folly and destruction would kindle every furnace fire, populate every deserted mine, and Eet every idle loom in motion before a single month had passed. It would give work at American wages to every man who wants work. It would arouse all our great productive industries to magnificent activity. It would put good food and plenty of it on the workingman's table. It would put good clothes and plenty of them on the backs of the working man's family. It would bring cheer und warmth and comfort into a hundred thousand homes where these are strang ers today. It would stamp out pauper ism ; it would preserve a multitude of households from disruption ; It would rescue a vast army of men, women and children from the certainty of misery and degradation ; It would be a message of gladness whose electric influence -would reach every corner of the contin ent and inspire every heart with new energy and new hope. Huw'l TbU! We offer one hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cutmot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last ID years, and believe him perfectly1 honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Warning, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio. Hall's tJstarrb Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surface of the system. Price 75c. par bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes timonials free, Bklloh'fl Vitalixer is what you need for dyapapaia, torpid liver, yellow skin or Jckkoey traablc. It is guaranteed to Sve yoa Mtlafaction. Frlro 74c Sold t teipM k KlDMrily, draggiata. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Kd :Mays went to Portland yes terday. Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur is in the I city today. j . Mr. C.J. Contsworth took a trip to i Portland this morning. j Mr. John McCrum of Portland is the guest of Mr. Win Curtis. B. F. Luughlin and W. l.ortl wont to . the Cascades this morning. M. S. Jameson took the earlv morning train for Portland, where ho will remain. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lucky left on the morning boat for a short stay in Port land. Miss Myrtle Micholl was a passenger j on the afternoon train for a short visit in Portland. Mrs. Dunn removed to Hood Rlvor this morning, where she will perma nently reside. Mrs. Annie Oliver, nee Sylvester, de parted for her home in Portland on the afternoon train today. Misses Ursula and Nona Ruch and Annette Miehell left on the boat this morning for a few days' stay in Portland. Mr. E. V. Littluiield, who has beon visiting Judge und Mrs. Rrudshuw ior the past few days, returned to his home in McMinnville by steamer Regulator this morning. Mr. RnssT. Chamberlain, government agent for the registration of Chinese, is in town today. He will be here again on the Sth, when all Chinese who wish to do so are expected to register. Miss Gertrude Meyer returned to Port land this afternoon, where she will finish this term of her school and then go to New York where she will enter the Rellevtte hospital school for nurses. Mr. T. J. Hannah of Linn county is in The Dalles today en route to Grass Valley, where some relatives reside. Mr. Hannah says that in his section of the country no one is out of employment and no onesufl'ering for food. He thinks he would know it if such was the case, for he has been running a large flour mill there for many years, and no one has vet asked him for flour. - Year' Entertiilnineut. Do not forget the New Year's enter tainment and supper at the M. E. church on Saturday evening, Dec. 150th. The ladies will have on sale aprons, mittens and iron holders, so bring your poeketbooks. Supper will be served from 3 till S o'clock for '2b cents and also after the entertainment to those wishing it. The following program will be given : Selection Mandolin and Guitar Club. Recitation "The Dutchman's Sere nade," A. Burnett. Song "Annie Laurie," Ladies Quar tette. Reading. Solo "The Song That Reached Mv Heart," Mrs. M. R. Fremh. Recitation "Genevra," Mis? Mstrtiu. Duet Sonata in D, Mrs. Collin- and Miss A. Storv. Talk on the World's Fair Mr-. K. M. Wilson. Song "What the Choir Sang Alxitn the Bonnet," Margaret Kinersly and Maude Clarke. Recitation "She Wanted to Learn Elocution," Miss Russell. Solo "Augus McDonald,'- Miss Moore. Admission to the entertainment '1 els. the profits to go towards the pastor's salarv. mm A 1,0 KG PR O CESSION of diseases start from a torpid liver and impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures ev ery ouo of them. It prevents them, too. Tako it, as you ought, when you fool the first symptoms (lan guor, loss of appetite, dullucss, de pression) and you'll save yourself from something serious. In building up needed flesh and strength, and to purify and enrich the blood, nothing can equal the " Discovery." It invigorates the liver and kidneys, promotes all the bodily functions, and brings back health and vigor. For Dyspepsia, "Liver Complaint," Biliousness, and all Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Dis eases, it is the only remedy that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the moncv is refunded. A kinging noise in the oars, head ache, deaf ne--, oven viak; obstruction ol n o s o , d i s -charge!) fall ing into thrust Iff '."I Kmwmp toms of inrrn. i nerv . a medicino that will euro i, i, u matter how bad your case or of how lone: standing. That's Dr. THE Oldest Agricultural Paper in America. (ESTABLISHED IBtO.l To all cash sulwrlbers of Tin: Ciiuqkici.k paying one year in advance. The American Farmer, 1729 Now York Avouuo, WASHINGTON, D. C. Tun A vkuican r.otvKi!, which Ih now enter ttiK upon Its 7 t 1 1 year, Ih tint pioneer limner's paier in tlio oiunitrv It Is a IniKi' clKhtpiiRO mit'r, and contains W column in tin' clmlt't'.it agricultural mill liter nry mutter, plentifully embellished with llnu illustrations. It Ih NATIONAL IX CHAIIACTEK, ii ml deals with fiirmliit: mul dinner's Interests, on tinmil, practical lines, it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, nnil everything Unit appear tu Its rolumiiH In of the hlKhestclniracler. I cry ili'uirtini'iit of the dinner! Iiuj-Iih.- Is divuis.ed In nil, nriii'tlcnl way, IimiMiik to the greatest irtlt nnil InMieiit to the dinner nnil his (mnlly. It appears on the 1st unit l.tth ol each mouth, ii i ul furnished ut tin lou price ol 50 CENTS A YEAR III lutviiiuv. This niHki'it It tin- cheapest agricultural impel- In the country. FARMER LEGISLATION. iuirtuc the coming yeiir there will lie mi t tit -niene number of iimttor of the most vltnl In terest lo tanners ilenlt with hv Congress unci the llxrcutlvc Iiopiirtments nt Washington. It In highly iuiMirtiint Unit the tanners he kept promptly mul fully lufuruuil ns to wluit In bulng jilutineil mul ilntie ittleetlui; them nt the National Capital. The) should nil, therefore, take Tin: American Ka'umki:, which, being on the ground, tins tetter facilities tluiii any other paimr for getting this liiformiithm. and ib-voles Itself to this duty. They will lltul In It constantly n great iiiniiuiit "f vnhiiilik' lufonuiitlou Unit they cim Ret in noother nipcr Tnr AMElitrt.s Kju:mi:k unit TitK Cllliosici.K will he sent one yeiir fur f 1 " , A Grand Masquerade Ball will bo Rlvon nt Armory Hnll by Jackson Engine Co., No. l ,T)oi?day uctii, Jai. i, 1894. Commlttoo of Arrangements: F. V. L. SK11M5E, AL KMKDT, FRED Www A. HUGININK, '.JOHN 1U.ASKU. MKE' IlATJllY CLOUG1I, L. I'AYKTTK, JOHN CRATK. GKO. T. TIIOMl'SON, Recoptlon Commlttoo. GKO. MUNGKK, CIIAS. FRANK, Floor Managers. GKO. A. L1KHK, KMIL SCHUTZ, A. 1UTCHLKU, W. II. IJUTTS, G. C. VYN1)IIAM. ADOl.1'11 KKU.EU T. F. SKUFBHT, ' DB. W. HELM &c CO., ir.Ai.i:i:s is oagc s Catarrh Rcinudy. Dress fT3(r) Cutting and Fitting. b7 Hrs. JWeGuffey, At liesiduncc recuntly vacated bv .Mr. Luslie Itutlor. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor 76 Court Street, Nest door to Wasco Sun Office. 3?Ilii just received tho latest .style in Suitings for Gentlemen, ntirl h dirge assortment of Fori Iitn nnil Amer leu cloths, which ho Ciili tlnlah To (inler for. tln.M- that (uvur him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. I.eautlful Sentiment. Clapp & Co.'s weekly market letter cometimee contains gotnethiiig be-ides the jingle of money and the echoes from Wall street. Here is some beautiful word painting taken from the report of December L'L'd : The scale of magnitude is dimininhed at Yule tide. Every giff. is of equal eize measured by the spirit which created it. The prattle of a child equals the wiedoin of a sage. The Fire island Hash, the goddess of liberty torch, and the wax candle, are only lights of love. The par liament of man, the continental congress and the baby's dream, matters of equal moment. Creative, electric and legisla tive power only exist to draw sleds. The Nicaragua canal, the New York and St. Petersburg!! railway and tarifl' re form can be laid by for a child's rattle. About the household cradle the national wisdom lays its gifts, and over the Amer ican Christmas tree there hangs a Btar of hope and deBtiny. Cnuae of Jinril Timet,. A farmer down in San Joaquin county, Cal., thinks the cause of the hard times is because most people buy more than they produce. He says: "We let our timber rot and buy fencing; we throw away our ashes and grease and buy soap ; we give away our hides and buy rope; we raise dogs and buy hogs ; we let our manure go to waste and buy guano; we grow weeds and buy vegeta bles and brooms; we catch five-cent fish with a $4 rod ; we build vchool houses and send our children oh" to he educated and, lastly we send our boys out with a HO gun and a $10 dog to hunt for ten cent birds." When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan., called at the labaratory of Chamberlain & Co., Dee Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain that it saved hie boy's life and la enthu siastic in his praise of the Remedy. For Bale by Ulakeloy ii Houghton. IJUmarck is reported to be suffering lrotn hlsold complaint of neuralgia in the arm. His condition is complicated by indigestion. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. DT T I L Times mukes it nil the more I I L. liece-iMiry to inlvertie That in -J what the most jirogre'sive of our liuslneas men think, ami these mini' bus iness men are the niOMt iiro.sjM.'rous at all times. If you wish to reueh all the reople !ti till nelsh borhoixl you en n't (lo hotter than talk t" them throush tho columns of the Daily chuosiclk. It has more than ilouble the ciieulnthm ol any other jM!r, and iidvertlsitiK In it iw hie Administrator's Sale. Whereui., the Honorable County ' ourt of the State ot Oregon, for Wuseo county, on the nth day of November. Is93, duly made in. order ill nrtluK rue, the undersigned, the duly aiiHiIut ed, fiuiilltlisl and actltiK admluistrntor of the estate of William A. Allen, dewiv-d, t tin lauds and i renin's huioilKiUK to nald estate and hereinafter, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash lit hand. Nim , there fore, in tnirstuiuceo! naid order and nuthorlty, I w ill, on tho (Itli day of Junuiiry, lHlil, at the hour of two o'clock, in the afteruium of said day, at the front door of the Count) Court tintiM! in Dulles City, Wuwo i:ount . OreKon, sell at nubile unction to the hlchest bidder for cash in hand, the lands anil iiremises IjIoiicIuk to nid estate, and particularly dtscrllied iih fol lows, to-wlt. The Kiuthrast quarter and the northeast iiuar ter of the houthuest iiiarter of nftlnn.'j.j. In towimbsp 1 north, of ratiKe 11! east, of the Wil lamette Meridian, in 'bco count), Oregon, contnlnluK 'Ml ncres, more or ks oi land, to. Kether Vilth all and .slnuulur the iiniirnvcmciiiK thereon. Hald ialu will be iinide suhiis-t t-uip-lirovnl mid confirmation of the t.iid County Court. Dated ut D.illoi City, Wiikcii county. Or., thin atli day of ;'ovemtx;r, lsW. (iKOlttiK A. l.IKlli;. 5tdfj:i Adm'r vxtiitu of Win. A. Allen, dee'd, SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of an execution and order of mile in-mii-d out of the Circuit Court of the ritato of Ore (on for Which County, on tho .Tib day of iso veuilHrr, IMS, iimiu n JudKmeut iimde and reu ilered in said court on the tilth day of .November, lh'.i!, In an action then and theretofore jm.-iii11iik In mid court, wherein If. K. McKlruy wax pUln till and II. C Cou was defeiidHiit, and to mo di rected and delivered, cumuuiudluK me to levy upon tho real estate tKiloiiRiriK to mild defetidatit mid theretofore uttuched in mid action, to sat isfy the sum of l.'iV, and Inli.-rest on salil sum since the 15th day of June, iw::, at tn f-r cent. Ier annum, mid the further sum of tivi.oo attor ney's fn-H in said action, and f:t,M eosts, mid also the coUof and ii)ii suld writ, I did levy Usni und will on 91 on liny, the aOtli Uny of funuury, 1HU4, ut the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said duy, at the front door of the county court house in bulk City, Wwico Coutiiy, Oreoii, tell nt public miction to the hlnhet bidder for cush In hand all of the following described real estate taken mid levied upon iih the property of said defendant, 11. C. Cue, to-wlt- I'art of the Donation IjiiiiI Claim of II, C. Coe, In sei.-tlons 'i'. 'id, 'J! mid :, in Townslilp :i North, ItHtiKu 10 Kant of the Willamette Meri dian, contiilnlliK about H) acres of land, together with the tenements, hereditaments mid appurtc--nnncvi tliereiiiitobelonKlnK drill any wUeupiier taluiiiK, IncludlnK, and Inujuilul tolnolude the water ilant, water rlnhtu, (MucmeuU, franchises and tirlvtlt-Kex, and tho.wmer pipes, reservoirs mid conduit uiwl In eonvevlne water from uld premises to the town of HihsI Itlver, In Wiucn Countv, Oregon, Alto that certain tract of land IjclouglnK to the iibovo-iinuitnl II. ( , Co?, situ-uU-d mi the north side of the railroad track of the Union 1'ucillc Ha 1 1 road Coiopuny, in Hectlou M, Towimhlp il North, Ituugo HI Kant of the Wil lamette Meridian, containing about acres, said two tractJi above mentioned ciiiiprlslng all of the land embraced In the Donation fjind Claim of wild II C. Cue, which has not heretofore been void to other parties. Also lota ft, Hand 7 in Hevtioii A, mid lots 0 and 7 In ht-ctlon 11 in the Wuucnnm Addition to the town of Hood Itlver, und uli of suld real estste tying und la-lug ill Wasco County, Oregon, or no much thereof us may bo ucecstary tosutlsfy ald hums of money us above mentlnntd. Dated thiiZIrd day of Decemlier, lfc'J:l. T. A. WAUl). d21rtlit Hherill of Waseo Co., Or. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Pcriiiiiicry, Elc, Puro WImus and Unworn for Modlclnnl Purposow. CornpoiincllnR PhyHlclnrtK' Proncrlptlons n Specialty. No, 105 Second Street, The Dulles, Oregon. Opsltu ( iiluuibla Caluly l'lK-tory New York Weekly Tribune AND- Danes Weekly cnronicie I NOTICE I-OK PUBLICATION. lTlml.-r Umd, Act June :i, lh7H. C. H Danii OrriCK, The Haiku, r., Nov. h. lsua. 1 Notice Is hereby given that tu i-onipllauee with the prosous of the net of congress of June 3, n,n, eutltleil "An act for the sale of tim ber lauds in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada und Wiixhington Territory," ul !. KtrvniiNiiii, Of Klnusley, county of Waseo, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this olhee his sworn state ment for the purchase of the NKJ, of NV4, of Kectlon. No. -I, ill Township No. a K , range No Hi K W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or stout; than for agricultural puriMes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Uegister and Hecelvcr of this olllce at The Dalles, Or., on the 1,'ith day of January, 1(-'.I. He liiuncH as witnesses (ieorge McLcmI, Jus )s.-r Kush-y, I-i-on Itondeau and lifayette Davis, all of Klngsh-y, Or. Any and all iK.-roua claiming adversely the abovu-duM.-rlbed lands arc rciiestcd to llle their claims In thisolllcu on or ls.-lore said lath day of January, IsJl. wio JOHN W. I.KW1H, Uegister. SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of an execution and order of rale issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Ori-gon for Wiwco County, uion n dt-creu mid Judgment made, reudereil mid entered by said Court on the l.'ltti day of November, Ih'l, In favor of plalntlll', in a tult wherein Walter llrecc was plalntlll and Alfrul Keuui-dy und Caroline Kennedy were defendants, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy Ukjii and sell the lands mentioned and de scribed in said writ, and hereinafter described, 1 did, on the till day of December, Ihi, duly levy upon, und will sell ut nubile auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In liulid, on Mouduy, tlif Hth duy of . I miliary , I HIM, at'.! o'clock, In the afternoon of suld day, at the front door of the County Courthouse In Dulh-a City In Wasco County, Oregon, nil of tho lauds anil premises described in said writ, mid herein described ax follows, to-wlt All of block ten 1UJ In what Is known as the Military Keservutioii Addition to Dallea City, Waseo County, Oregon, and according to the maps unit pluU of said city and addition thereto, or so much thereof as shall Isj sulllclcut to sat isfy the sum of WTIM, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten er cent, er annum since No vember l:ith, 1a', tlO.UO uttoruey'N fees, and cosls in said suit, together with costs of said writ and accruing costaof sale. T. A. WAltD, Hherllt of Waseo County, Oregon. Datwl ut Dalles City, Or., Dec I, ibtr.l. dSJ.'iHr,', SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of an execution und older of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for Wasco County, iihhi a decree und Judgment mude, rendered and entered ,y suld Court on the llth day of November, In favor of pliilutlir, lu ii suit wherein A. D. lloltou miih plalntlll', mul Kritn V. D. iillleside mid Ithoda (illksple, W. K. Hunt find W. If. llutler were defendants, and to me directed mid delivered, (MiiiimandiiiK me to levy upon and sell nil the minis mentioned uuii uescrincu in sum writ, mid I did. on the Ith duvof December, IhW, duly levy upon, mid will sell ut limine auction, to tne nil in nanii, on Ighest bidder, for cash Moudity, tho Htli Uny Jtmuury, IHII4, ut 2 o'clock lu the afternoon of suld duy, at the front door of the County Courthouse lu Dulles City, in Waseo County, Oregon, nil of the lands iuiiI premises described in suld writ mul herein described us follows, to-wlt, The northwest iiuurter of rk-otlou fourteen 11 in Townslilp two Nl Kouth, of itmigu fourteen j JI Kant of the Willamette Meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, or so much thereof iih shall bu sulllclent to satisfy the sum of M1.0I, with In lerest thereon ut the rate of ten tier cent, tier annum since November llth, 1H0.1; IfiO.OOutior ney's feen, und lll.ts.'l costs lu said suit, together with costs of said writ, and ucorulng costs of '1'. A. WAHD, . Hherill of Wnsco County, Oregon, J)utd at Dalles City, Or,, Dec. 4, ltW, dHj.-jwi ONLY- $1.75. Jeweler's Goods 75 t ACTU ? L COST, at W. E G-arretson's Store. Lato' Solid Gold Watches refloced frn $45 to $30, Gold Watches worth $40, reduced to $28. Gold Watches worth 5, reduced to 25. Gold Watches worth 25, reduced to i8 American Coin Silver Watches rcflncetl to $13. Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6. Tho above i8 a sample of the bargains-; to Ik had for a few days. A. K. Thompson, AKS1GNEK. H. H. CA7VSPBBLJL-, SuocuuBor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly keep on hand n complete line of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Having purcluucd Mr. llutler's entire stock, I shall t-iideavor to maintain the repid"""" the house, which him betu HEST GOODS AT L0WETT PRICES. - SOUAKE DEALING TO EVEKY On Call and see me, next door t Postoffloe. Holiday Present. SilvitauP, Uuilty, Wteh, ttooks, Toy. Bfcc' The fjuhllo is invited to examine our good before purchasing elsewhere, ITrlctfH thu lowet, and are ixroutly roduoed. Olowng out tl iUri BU of Toy Hiid holdduy goodn at Cot. fooid It., The DlUi, Or. I- O. WTiolfc!01