VOL. VII. )t Walk mm l)rottkk THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1893. the Dalles Daily Chronicle. I'nIiIli-liH Dllv. Huuday Kxeei'ti'd. II v tH j.; (JHRONJCLK PUBLISHING CO. NO. 11 rnriu nf HiiliRrlitliiu rf Ye' .itimith.by carrier iinle ;lv .10 00 80 6 riMi: tami.ks. I(ullrnul, In eileet AitKUxt fi, l.w.i. KakT ItOCNli. in .. .un"" I0--'1 ' M- Heparin II :0U r. si. WKhT IIOUHli. an. i. Arrive R'.iTJ A. M. Depute, H: 1 1 a. si. MICA I.. irritn- ir"in l'nrtliiiiil nt 1 r. si. Heparin Inr l'ortlitnil t il r. m. to Incut frelBhtn Unit carry piiMioiiKcrit leave t lor tli" wcot nt 8:00 a. m., uml one (or the J: il I) . A. M. staii:. f Ifliievllle, vlu. Ilukc uvuu, leave dully lit A for AiitolniK). Mitchell, Canyon City. leave illy at i; a. M. fo: imliir, KtliKluy. Wnmlc, Waplnltfn, Warm -riiiBH mid Ti-Kli Valley, leave dully, except I tri'l") , III b A. 91. IVurtioidendalii, Vah., leave every day of the xl except Humluy ut 7 a. m. I oacin lor all UlieM at the Utniitlllii House. 11, ritOI'KHMONAI.. II niDDKl.U ATTOi:SKY-AT-Uw-omeo i;ort ritreol, The imllcn, OrcKou. law-Hoouis und , over l'oht U-tv lluildliiK, Kntriiuec mi W nnliliiRlon Htreot IlelMlk", Oregon. . ... ..,........... n. , t -v nr. . net in Kubanim'. ImlldliiK, "p utalrii. The CKllis. OrcKou. A l.t MAYK. B.B.IIDKTINOTOX. It. M. WIIOB. AYri. .iUNTLNCITON A VVIlON-A-min. ket.at-i.aw OiUcin. rreueh'i. block over first National Hank,. 1 " Hulles. On-con. M l . fr..,i.ih A; flll.'H ball JUlldlllK. faeCOllfl itrrei. l'he Dallcii, Oregon. 61 TIir.IU.ANI. M. .. CM.. T. T.M. ('.: j. una ri. II , S'iiyirinii ami I SI Til .1 t f ri'iin. KoniiiH il una i. i.iiuiiiiiui i"" SfiUlciieo.Mm. Thoriibury'n, west cud ol ricond itwt .. 1tL K m K I.M A N (IlDM.KOI'ATHIU) i iiVhu-tAn Lfix riUUOEO.v. CnllH inmwered iiromvuy. aver iilRht, city or eountry. OUlcu t o. tinu :t'inimiiii block. wtI All U. 1). llOAK K-1HVSICIAK AM HUB- U ijkon. Otllio; rooink 6 mid C Clinpmuii Jiwk. Uekldeiic: ri. E. eorner f.ourt mid Diirtli ntrt'titit. nectiiul door from the winter. 'Him Uimr U to Vi A. M i to 6 nnd T to i 1 . SI. DMllDAI.l. HBHTIHT. (ink Kiveii lot lliu . l.nlnUnii extriictimi of U-oth. Alm teeth utoii llowed nltimlnuiii pliite. itoomk; biuu oi it lioUlen Tooth, Hecolid Street. w HOUIKTIKH. AHCO I.OIKIE, NO. IS, A. 1 & A. M. Meet; llrnt unit third Monduy of wieh mouth nt 7 Al.l.Kti HOVAI. AKCll UUAITKK NO. fi. I m.h.ih In MuHimlo Hull the third edticMluy rmcli niolith nt 7 I'. M. ODKliN WOOIJMKN 01" TIIK OKLU.- wch week In r rnterulty Hull, iit7:.i0 . in. 1)' NY t&IOlMUlt flOU'MllIA LOHtiK. NO. 6, I. O. O. K.-Meeta v every rriuny numac """i i ....il .......... c..,.,,i.;i nt.il Cniirt Ktructs. fol'iiirnliiK brotherk ure weleomo. H. Cl.oi.-an, Hec'y. . A. Him-h.N. 0. F UKNIlBlIIl' 1-OlKiK.NO. ., K.ol '--: 1 ..u.oiiiur nt 7:10) o clock. Ill i... 11,11. ... ,uiniriif Court und hueond itrtjutk, Holuurnlntc inemberH ure cordially lu iltcd. W.H. Uiusi. fi J). W.Vauhb, K. of It. uml 8. pLCe 1 kji'M m.v mm i; 11K !.. MevtH 111 K. il of J', hull the kecoud unit fourth Wwluew 1tii of euuli month ut 7::w i. lit. . WoMKN'H (JIIKIHTIa'n TKMl'KKKSOK M UNION will meet every Krldny iilternoon K8o'o(K:k ut the rendliiB room. AJJtfvJvit!: HAU.MON LOlltlK No.Ml.f O.O.T.-KeKUlur weekly iiieutliiKH Krldiiy ut h r. St., 11' 'fraternity Hull. All lire Invited. H ClIUIHStAW, C. T. UJMKjSo rUMl'I.K LoDUE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meet; I In Kruternlty Hull, over Keltern, en hueond iwt, Thurkduy uvenillBllat,:li,1, ,, . v.a Jl. ri Mykhh, Klimncler. M. W. .TAB. NKHM1TH l'OHT, No. 'Si, 0. A. K. McctH " .every Hnturduy ut 7:IiU r. St., In the K. of i'. il Kit It AN ItAlLV 'V lleelH itcennd 11111 LWAV UNION, NO, 10. ,1 .A,.( f..nrrlt M'hurHiliiVM I'lU'h lli III K. of I', hull. J. W. KltAiiv, Jl; II. JllNKH, Keil'y. , 1 rt'H! Boy u K. Meet every bunduy iifternoon lu the K. of 1. Hull. v" 1. 1 . . . . ..... K. . 1 . . 1 lyUANU VJSBlsiN aieet every oununj Jdeveiiinj in tho K. of 1. Hull. B0K l,K. DIV1HI0N, No. 107-Meetn In ,K. of J. Hull tho llmt and third Wednwi atftMmli month, at 7:11(1 f. St. T11K VlllIKUIIKH. ST- "KTKK8 OHUKCH Hev. Kuther 1IB0N8 OMMkT l,..u... I ,iiu hfttku ..t'.tri' Hlllillill ut l,t' "IbU Mum ut lOiUUA. s. 'ww ut RT''AU1,H OlTuKOH Union Htroet, opponlte UUV, fillU, BUIU1II1U itvuiur. Duniuwn fljuoluna X. m. KvenliiK I'rayer on Friday lit pUWT IIAI'TIHT OlfuTtOU-llov. (). 7).rAY Lnu 1......... , i... u.ti. Uih u.wi. .iiwriiiiiK nurviiit-'n IcKLm"1.1110 wMMlomjr ut 11 a. sit bublmth hi' Iminwllatoly alter mornlnu nervine. il- UrSZ "J,1"11'"' rrlday ovoiiIiik nt I'imtor'k tea r.ll. "u"- korvlcea lu the court Iiuiiku at QWljllKUATlONAJ. OIlTlUOH-IUiv. W. V. " lj II ItTI U l..uS. U., ..1 . ii....... .. . I I y " . iwwr. Durviven uver)' nilllilliy ill il r!LAn,17 . Mi Bunduy Hcliool uller moriiliiK niratijonoonllally Invited. Heit free. K. IIIMIUlll , ttr 111. r." -.vvji vuv lit iiiniticii, oiuiiur. L u"!lutf every Sunday morulimiit 11 a. in. UjSjy Hu''ool at 12120 o'dUxik ! Mi Epworth U?r...Bt' 0!a9 I'tuyer meetliiK every . M i1:.',"1,ly evenlnir nt TtltO n'ulonk. A iiorillnl In la?i,"" In extended by bath niiktor mid iooule C'lSLSJ'AN UHUKOH-UISV.I'. U. McUlil fKY eh K.' .' fliliilit Hie OhrlHtlim cluueli Ki'IOAL I,ufllKUAN-NlutTi Ttreot, nu&Z L, ft" Horu, paitor. Hervioe at ll;30u,m. r2 t 3:90 p.m A cordial welcome r wmu. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACT A OKNKItAMIANKINO UUSlNKriri LeturH of Credit leaned availulilo in lie EiiHtern Stntoe. Sight Exchanco and Telegraphic TranfiferfiBoltlon Now York, Chicago, St. ljouis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle WiihIi., and variona points in Or egon and Wanhlngton. Collections made at all points on fnv. orable tenna. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Vice-President, -Cashier, - - - Z. F. Moody ClIAKI.HK IIlLTO.V M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on fnvoreble terms at nil accessible points. What is it? A substitute for lard? Upsetting the customs, hab its, and prejudices of cen turies? Yes, all this and more. Cottolene is a nnu cooking product it is bet ter than lard or butter for cooking, so say such noted housekeepers as Marlon Norland, Catharine Owen, Cnricllne Tcrhune Harrlcfe, Emma P. Ewinrj, Mrs.S.T. Rarer" Mrs. F. A. Benson, Amy Earnes, Margaret Winter, and many others; it is healthier so says every thoughtful physician; and it is cheaper as every house keeper knows when she finds that one-half the quan tity answers every purpose. ISTEAD'S BAD BREAK Tlw Women of Chicago arj After Him M Hot, I0TT0U J A. BCHENCK, I'rchidciit. J. M. I'ATTKr.SOK, Ciiihlcr. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. ORECON A General Banking Business transacted Dejiosits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. UIKKOTOKS. D. I1. Thompson. .Jno. S. Scuknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gno. A. Limits. II. M. BliAl.L. W. H. YOUNG, Bl aeKsmitl & wagon, shop is the purest clarified cot tonseed oil mixed with pure beef fat. It is thetocook ing material ever devised for frying anything and everything easily digested and highly nutritious. Iieware of imitations. At,: your grocer for the genuine Cottclene. Made by Pi. K. FAIRBANKS. CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NCW YORK, BOSTON "The Regulator.Line" INSULTED THEM AT A MEETING The Dalles, Portland anfl Astoria Navigation Co. General Bhicksmithing and Work done promptly, and all wort; Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality jig Tbirfl Street, opp. Lielie's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any ami all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable ligures. J las the largest honso moving outlit in Eastern Oregon. Add ress P.O.Box 1 8 1 ,Tho Dalles THROUGH J. F. FORD, ist, 01 Den .Molnen, Iowu. writes under date ol March 'J3, l!l)3: S. B. Mud. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. GYitlfmi'ii ; On arriving homo last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, i - 1 1 ii si it 11 u ( It A iiwilV to US DOUIUIH. 16 now well, strong and vigorous, and well Iloslied up. f. Js. oi;ii vuiu hud ii! w V...H Until nf the children like ii v,.r k it f!nni'h Cure has cured and kopt away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetinge lor an. wisning you prunpuiii; , u a r 1... f. M.. T ti lw.ill jouru, iu. . lutio. u. . ' 1 f vnti wlnh to feel f renh and cheerful, and ready for tho BnrliiB'H work, eleiinse your hystem with the Headache and Liver Cure, by tukltiK two or three dotes each week. Bold under it jionltlve guarantee. 00 ccutH per bottle by till ilrmtgihU. freioni and Psssenper Line Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port hind. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., Monduy.--, Weduetdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Iocks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'AHSKNtJKll KATES, One way Round trip. ..f-'.OO .. 3.00 Freight Rates reatly Reduce d. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for wa'v landings niUBt bo delivered before 5 j)'. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ifiierul Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIIM, tlt'iieriil Muuager. C. P. STEPHENS, THE DALLES, OREGON DUALUR IN DRY GOODS & CLOTHING ltuot. riliutiat Hat, Ktc. Ftinog Ijoodji, ftartf , Kto Klc, Klc. Seoond St., The Dalles. iiARTIC. SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. i: ..J U..t at wn.iie.iaie OdNUIBb dllU nUlb ".notation.. .Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles to n A coo, OII1AKH ANI HWKKT DKINK 2d Street J.FOLCO At right Hide Mr. Otuirr' reittauriuit. Now They Want Him Driven From the City He Slunk Off After a Pariing Shot. Chicago, Dec. 2S. Editor Stead today threw a bombshell into the Women's Club that is likely to blow him to pieces before the matter is over. All the women's club? of Chicago united today at a meeting at Auditorium recital hall to consider plans for aiding women and children. The hall was crowded with many of the wealthiest and most promi nent ladies in the city. Editor Stead was introduced, and in part here is what he said : "Sitting side by side with those active workers Jare some of the most disrep utable people in Chicago. Who are the most disreputable women in Chicago?" The women were staring at him in amazement by this time. "The most disreputable women in Chicago," he said, "are those who have been dowered by society and providence 'with all tho gifts and opportunities ; who have wealth and who have leisure, and who have all the talents and who live self-indulgent lives. These women who have great opportunities only to neglect them, and who have great means only to squander them upon themselves are more disrep utable in the eyes of God and man than the worst woman on Fourth avenue." The women were too astonished to speak at this onslaught. They sat, their faces crimson and indignation on every countenance, but Stead went on. "If those present should go down into the depths and come face to face with the actual facts of human life, they would find at this moment the economic diffi culty that is staring them in the face at every turn. Only yesterday I met a poor girl who is willing and anxious to leave the life she is leading. Yet, when . it is proposed to remove her there is at once the difficulty of a debt of $00 which she owes. So it is all around the chap ter. None are in such danger of losing their souls as those who are wrapt up in their own selfish comfort and forget the necessities of the brothers and sisters of the Lord." After firing this parting shot Stead quietly stole from the meeting, leaving the ladies dazed and paralyzed for a few minutes. When they recovered their self-possession, they proceeded to rend Brother Stead limb from limb for his insulting audacity. Indignant adresses were made by Miss May Knout, Mrs. W. L. Chalmers, Mrs. John Wilkinson, Miss Ada Sweet, 'Miss Jane Adams, Mrs. F. W. Parker, Mrs. Wilmarth and others. Mr.-i. Chalmers struck the keynote. Sheeaid: "There was nothing to war rant his insulting talk. What induced him to speak as he did I cannot even guess, unless ho wished to give a parting shaft to 'the women who have refused to socially recognize him. He had no sooner finished his offensive remarks than he slunk out of the hall like a miserable coward. I think tho husband of every woman at the meeting today must feel that his wife has been directly insulted. Tho women's club at its next meeting should adopt resolutions ex pressive of the contempt in which they hold this man. Ho is unfit to appear before Chicago women, and tho respect ful people of the community should unite in securing his departuie from the city." III Cilllbl-. That's tho wav Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets conio. 'Audit's more import ant than you think. It keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike tho or dinary pills in cheap wooden, or paste board boxes. They're put up in a better way, and they uct in a better way, than tho hugo, old-fashioned pills. No griping, no vio lence, no reaction afterward that somo times leaves you worse than belore. In that way, thov euro jterniunentju. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, indigestion, Bilious Attacks, und all derangements of tho liver, stomach and Iwwels, are- prevented, relieved and cured. , . They'ro tiny, sugar-coated granules, compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts the smallest In sizo, tho easiest to take, and the cheapen pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. You pay only for tho jood you There's nothing likely to bo "just n ,joad." Captain Sweeney, U. S. A San Diego, Gal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is tho first medicine I have over found that would do mo any good." Price CO ets. Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly. Tbo Mexicau Stiver Stove Polish. Tli ci InmirRnntK Wliliict. Rio Janehio, Dec. 28. Tho Brazilian foreign minister, acting for President Peixolo, authorizes tho following: Tho insurgent cruiser Almiranto Ta niandaro was worsted today in an en gagement with tho government forts at Nlcthoroy. A heavy fire was main tained by tho combatants, which finally resulted in beating off the warship, which was seriously damaged. The marksmanship of the government run ners Bhowed considerable improvement, and comparatively few of their shots went wild. The government has received advices confirming the report of the loss at Atajahv of tho insurgent steamer Mete oro in tho recent fight with the govern ment forces. Tho insurgents besieging Bago in the Etato of Rio Grande do Sul assumed active operations against that place and suffered a severe repulse. Their loss in killed and wounded and prisoners was GOO. They arc under command of Gen eral Tavarre. The Unemployed of London. London, Dec. 28. A deputation of unemployed workmen waited upon Gladstone today and asked that the gov ernment provide work for tho unem ployed by building light railways in London. Gladstone said the govern ment sympathized with the men in their distress, but the government could not go beyond its usual powers. To a cer tain extent he Bhared in the desire for government ownership of the railroads, but it was a question which could not be decided without mature consideration. Yellow i'evor In Itio. Buenos Ayhes, Dec. 28. News is re ceived from Rio Janeiro that yellow fever has been added to the horrors of war, and that five deaths have already occurred. The authorities are taking every precaution to prevent a spread of the disease, but are greatly hampered by the condition of tho city in conse quence of war. It is of the most viru lent form, accompanied by black vomit. NEWS NOTES. Mr. Hadley is continued as receiver of the Oregon Pacific. Mrs. Lease has been removed as a member of tho state board of charities. Chris Evans, the notorious train rob ber, has escaped from jail at Fresno, Calif. Count William Bismarck, a second son of Prince Bismarck, and governor of Hanover, has received a letter threaten ing to blow up his house. The place is iuarded by detectives. Mitchell has been arrested in Jackson ville, Fla., to prevent him from fighting. Ho was committed for trial. Ho at once applied for a writ of habeas corpus. Corbett is not vet arrested. A letter from Geo. Colgato, tho unfor- tuuato cook of theCarlin party, lias been found, under dato of Nov. 27th, which said he is alive and well, that his feet are better, and to come and get him. There seems little doubt of tho cor rectness of tho reports that tho com mands of Captains Wilson and Tearrow were cut to pieces by tho followers of King Lobengula, though no oflieial news to that effect has yet been received. Strength and lleultli. If you aro not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and wear';, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding thoso organs to perform their functions. If you are afllicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent telief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the romedy you need. Largo bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. SKAlil'SHUlio, I'll,, Jan. 27, isa.'. Ma .1, J. Km, Klinriisburt;, l'ii JIkaii ,SlH-I have uted Kraiuu'si Hemliicho OniMiles for homo tiinu und want to testify to their valiiu. I tried various well recommended medicines, but Bit no relief until I ued thei-e, and now would not be without them for ten times their cost. Yours resiieclfull.v l!J(.WILUs T. SKIHiWlCK. Hold by .Snipes it IClhersly, Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough nnd Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes k Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twonty-fivo doses, only 25c, Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly. A CHAUACTKItlHTIC I.KTTKIt. Oovflriior Wnltf, of Oolorntlo, on the Ouentlon of Proriinlty. Denveii, Dec. 2S. Governor Wnito yesterday wrote a letter to Richard Col lins, of this city, in reply to ono sucgest ing that profanity did not well become his excellency's station. Mr. CollinB had reference to the governor's recent statement beforo a business men's con vention that he was in favor of keeping up tho fight for free coinage of silver at a ratio of lGto 1 "until hell freezes over." Tho governor's reply is as follows: "Profanity is to bo condemned, and doubtless is, as a rule, in bad taste, though thero may bo cases when it is excusable. Tho word 'hell' 13 not nec essarily profano. It is not considered allowable in polito society and has been excluded, I am informed, from the modern version of tho scriptures, but it hardly comes within the prohibition of tho theologue. Christ himself was so outraged by tho deeds of the usurers and extortioners of his day who don't do servo to be mentioned, for iniquity and blasphemy of all that is holy was com mon with that class in those days that even lie, the most gentle and meek of all creation, was provoked to say to them, 'O ye generation of serpents, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?' It grieves mo to learn that you aro troubled on ac count of what you consider my profanity. Permit me to ask if your sleep is dis turbed any on account of the servant girls and industrious poor who have lost their little all by depositing it in the savings bank of this city, or those who have been sold out of all they possess by chattel mortgage fiends, or the starving poor of Denver who almost daily seek refuge in suicide? Or aro these matters of no little importance that they vex not your righteous soul? "We read in the scriptures of those who are clean outwardly, like an arctic sepulchre, but within aro full with all manner of rottenness and dead men's bones." Anici'lciiii SnllorH I'Treit Upon. New Youic, Dec. 2S. The steamship Clyde, from Turks island, brings tiews of the firing on and gerioni wounding of two American seamen ! lo'iglna to the American schooner IKmivv Cros!1;- by tho San Domingo soldiery, u i'c t no men were trying to effect a lainl'.nu' :ii a small boat at the Port of Old Azua . .1 Decem ber 11. The boat was sent ashore by the Echooner with a crew of live for tho purpose of ascertaining their locality. The troops fired twico on the boat, and it returned to the suhoouer, which set sail for the port of Azua, where the facts wero forwarded to tho United States consul at San Domingo City. Tho de tails ol tho shooting havo been forwarded to Washington. It is believed the American sailors were mistaken for a band of conspirators against the govern ment. wood's ixiosriioxirfJ3. Tho Great English Remedy. lTomptly ncd pcrniauonuy cures all forma of Kervous Weakne3$,Emtntons, Sperm atorrhea, Impotency atul all effects 0 Abuse or Excesses. Veen prescribed over 35 .vonmln thousandaof casofl: lieforcaniljur. medl..n, knom. druggist for Wood I'hoiDhodlriei It ho offer some worthless medlclna la placo of this, leave hU dishonest store, Inclose prleo lu letter, and wo will send by return mall, l'rlce, ono jiaefcago. JliBlx,85. OneictUpieasc.iUioiHeure. rauiuu 'le In plala bcalcd cm dope, 2 ceuU postajn. Address Tho Wood Uliemioni vo jm Woodward avenue, Detroit llloa, Sold In The Hallos by lllnkeley A Houston. WOOD! WOO l! WOODI Bust grades oak, fir, pine and slab wood. Olfiei) Kill Second street. All orders promptly attended to. It .ti.ui.u iv ji!.au. notiui:. To All Whom It May Concern. By virtue of an order of tho common council of Dalles City, made and en tered on the 12th day of December, ISMS, notice is lierony given unit, eum OUUCll IS tlUOIlt 10 proceed mm ouiui .1 n.l unnu ivm.i 11 Kiuvni' ot h.inch terra cotta pipe on Lincoln street, commune at tlie intersection m Lincoln and v.. ...il. uti.f nn Hin south SUlO Ot lllll III pn-wv, .... -- - uir.mi mill I'mitmiiiiiL' thence JV.MII III UU-."., -o ,, , northerly along tho center of said Lin ..,0., ui..,.,it in line wntnr mark of Mill creek, and that the cost for said sower 111 ho assessed against tuu prupeuy m- :ctlv lieneliteu tnerony, ua uy win mrterprovidml. Pitted tills -"III ttayui iueuiuuvi , i,m DoUObAB S. DlTfUlt, til it Recorder of Dalles City. w tec cl Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking ABSOLUTES PURE jr. " msm& S i j. te b to .1 i