1 Thf? Dalies Daily Chronicle. Ente-el Ht tlu I'oitnt'Jw nt Tuc Unite, Orvvoti, no fcccouU-cln? matter. Tin: n.i.i.i:s Hrlplit Cliut About tho tlrral Inwoitor' Lovely tlfipinri'I. Edison, tho grout inventor, has an idonl homo ut Orange. N. .1.. and a chnrmiap wife to preMiieovor it. Mrs. Edison before Iter nnvrriatro wan Miss Nina Miller, .laughter of I.ewN Miller, the millionaire inventor and lending light in the Chautauqua movement, Edison met her in Huston, where she was studying music, some time in l!fcv. Ho fell desperately in love, and within six months they were engaged to bo married. The vtodding took place in February, 1SM. Mr. EiliMin is tall and stately anil has brown eyes and warm, dark hair auc' a elear olive.com- T 1 JiV . Ml!.. THOMAS A. M10.. plesson. She is perfectly proportioned and very graceful and altogether a charming womtta. The Edison home. Glenraont. is in Llewellyn Park, a suburb of Orange, and oue of ihv prettiest places in the Oranrro mourtr.-ns. being situated on the eastern ..lope of Eagle ilosk. whence can m obtained one of the most Iniautiful and extensive views to . be had in the neighborhood of Nov York. The observatory at Coney Is land, twenty miles away, can be dis cerned Irani there on a clear day. and chartninir jrHmpvjs of tho intervening country Olenmont itself is luxurious and beautiful. Its furnishings and decorations are in the best of taste, and Edison has o comfortable, big library in which a bi-kvrorm might dream away his existence in contented peace and i.'.I n'-.-s. ISdi 0 has tltu io: that kind of ,i ... ureaic.a, li'wovr. Uis p oviiiCd is rather to make dreams prajt leal, and to that end he spendp most of ins time in his Ir.b-jratoryaaa workshops a group of red brick buildin- about live min utes' war irum th house. They say that "On. Edison lia-often t.; down to .av laboratory t.j rerain-' !ur1m.v band that it is meul time, for he get so absorbed in hi. experiments that he quite lorgets the necessity of e&tinc FATHER WITH THE ELECTRICIANS, i Tm: contract for the elect Heal ills-1 play at the California midwi-ter fair lias been awarded to tho Western Uloc-, trie company. Titnr.K is said to be absolutely no foundation for the rumor that the (iouornl Electric and the Westing house companies were, nhont to con solidate. Tur entire system of tracks in the Pennsylvania Railroad company's new station on Urond street. Philadelphia, in to he operated by nn electric system of switching and fticnaliug. j Tin: development of gas and gano- j line engines in this country 1ms ln'on no great and h practical that many believe it Is only a question of time when they will supersede steam en-J pines for the generation of the electric current. j As electric locomotive which gen-' ORIGIN OF PROPER NAMES. I.a Orli. During tho prevalence, ol tho grippe the punt HoiiHoiiH it wad a noticeable fact that those who tlepunilod upon Dr. King'a New Discovery, not only hud a Bpeody recovery, hut escaped nil of tho troublesome, after ollVets of tho inaludv. ! eratcs its own electricity from a steam ; h.ls discontinued the kissing o boiler ia the latest French novelty iu iHble in the admin iatrat ion of electric traction. The test of this lo- j cinrh. in .xnlninb.o- t comoUve on its first trial is said to Uiat eiYect, saya: "Holding up the riglx have boon satisfactory, but no mfor- hand ,K thl mort. 0OJ1.,ojt.llt fo:.lu Ooi.ioitTi.Y, Lightfoot, Hnrufoot and Uoefoot were nicknames having ullti iou to speed. Ciiook, Crump, Cramp and Crimp are but changes rung on an old nickname for u cripple. iJr.lin. iHimiurtPi ouiiuui .-Mill, iui , iiu l . . I. , ,. variations of Alexander, a favorite1 lM ro',,0,,-v B(:.um8 to pwiilmr, name in .'"otland. I lM,wur olleotnig rapid curen not only Wiskman was once a conjurer, hence ' 1 cases of la grippe, hut in nil ilim'UHCN tho family names of Vio, Wisely, of throat, chest and Iuiich, and litis oitrutl Wiseman and Wlsman. I canes of iisthmu and lutv fovcr of Ioiir ' Junior in Glr wkvkn was uic original oi nieven- atamlihp. Try it and he convinced. U son. Mcpuons. .neouBon, minson, Stimson and Stimpson. Town formerly tucnut a farm, honee the Totiner. Tcxv.iers, Townseuds. Si'ttleiinoit iiciiii'ti'i. Tones, Tunes and Tuns. - - Isaac was the original of Isaacs.; During my absence, all who have uii- Isaacson, Hicks, llickson, Iliggs, IHgg-, settled accounts with the undersigned 1 uro expected to call and settle with Mr. , . t , lien. Krauss, who has my hooks niol vi iuiiiiui superior conn ....... .. ....-i.. t,.ni . , 1,1 1.VMI 1 1 .ill ,111 I r-i; b t mill vtl laths ' rLllt'.v "hlige. Yoiira truly, l.imi.u: Iit ri.Kii. YOUR flTTEHTIOH la oallod to tho fact that Hugh Glenn, i won't disappoint. Free trial bottle.') ni Snipes A: Kinersly's drug store. iMill Ihlild. .ii'.i, i'in';to; Coinout ooriiil of t,L ..indf. 'urrl( th.i t'lm- l.iie.i of- Pioiure HBfllflDOS, sou, Higgins and Higginson GnoitoiA's mation is given as to the cost of operat ing it will To be found In the City. 72 CUoshington Street. Wasco Wareiws Co., Receives Goods on Stor ago, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rotes Reasonble. ma hi; uiiou. W. "W. Oo. TIIK IIAI.l.l'S. , Mr. J. P. lllaiae, tin extensive real es tntedealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest nttueks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says tho Saturday Review. Mr. Utilise had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so tiioroughly chilled that ho was unable to siot warm, and in side ol nn hour after his return he was threatened with a severe cuieof pneu-1 ursly mouiR or In ne lever. Mr. LSItuzs sent to the neiueet drug 'lore and put a bottle of Chamberlain's Conuh Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Bktize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by lilakclcy ec Houghton. NOTICE. Then the kissitu; of the book is a very nasty thing. I have heard of persons catching disease in that wav " wottn. woon. woon. Host grades of oak, fir, and nlnb cord wood, at lowest market rates at .Ins. T. Peters A: Co. (Otlico Second and .loiter Mn streets.) From TERM Ifl fib or INTEiMOf Points I.imiU Ovi'i- Viuir Oiiiinly Wiirrnntt. All cotintv warrants reuistered nrior I to .lanuary KUh, 1SU0, will lie paid if i J presented at my olhco, corner ol lliirit Jlntorcst Ituckli'it'i. Arliicu Mittvit. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, ctmppeii nanus, omihinins, :mil Wiishiiigtou streets corns, and all skin nruptioiiB, and posi- eeaaos on and after this i ditto. tivelv cures piles, or no pav required . .V.' 'ir'":l'1'' . " . , , . , . .. , 1 rcapuror asco Countv. It is guaranteed to trive perfect satisfuc- October Ul-t, 180:5. tf tiou. or nionev refunded. Price 25 cent? For sale oy Snipes it Kin- Hot clam bn.th at .1. O. Mack s every il.iv at 4 o'clnefc iMfll'illQPii MO i in i s .i ii i r 1U1LUUIU x u Ifi per hox. RKILROMD It. tlic line to tnte n r - Jlllu!fw: nE "iJIU. '-'(.'. 'Tew vr..i . Id I' ln , i llorr. L'!--' 1 timri1 ilun UXMtllllL. . i-AirifcR Or ALL. EGGS SlndboiJ's r.Oileil Xlor .".lav One novo Uiid TJil HulHter. A large specimen of tin- egg of the fabled roe of the ' Arabian lights." or repyornis, as tin- extinct gigantic bird of Madagascar i.-, -clled. ha-, iiecu m enred bv .1 Vrtn 'or. of Tamctava and PrtoSf i '?;maro. "iv . 'ho ha.- brought .no curiosity to Loudon. Ii Wttb di--cver'jd ly some natives about twenty miles to the southward of ii. Augus tine'b bay, on the wiuthwest coast of Madagascar. It was iloating on the calm va within twenty yards of the beach, and is supposed to have been warned away with the foreshore, which consists of sand hillfe. aftei a hurricane in the early part of the year. The childlike longshoremen of the antipodes, opining tliat the egg had a value, showed the unuhual piece of tlotsaru aViout with a view of wile, and H thus came into the hands of Mr. Proctor. The egg, which is whitey brown in color and unbroken, if. a fine To Al! Whom It Mnv Conoerii- l)y virtue of an order of the common couucil ol Dalles Cltv. made and on tered on the 12th dav of December. 1S0I5 notice is hereby given that said citv council is about to proceed and orde and construct n sewer m S-nich terrn cotta pipe on Lincoln street, commcne inp at the inteisection of Lincoln and iourth street, on the south side o I-ourth street, and continuing thence northerly along the center of said Lin coln street to low water mark of Mill creek, and that the cot for said sower will be as?eHed airainst the propertv di rectlv benefited therebv, as bv the charter provided. Dated this 2(Hh day of Decemtwr, 1 SO." Do COLAS S. IJfPL'K, dl4t Recorder of Dalles Citv. Daily and W eekly ,? JiVDSybtidv $ Hlinillil ovu tl.U Dlctl'iiinn l; hi, ' XWIHlttlll i!l(Mli, J eiilii-onilii (lit' tir, f olllnj., i),, S liuiii'lutlini, (,:,u I'D ALL POINTS EAST AND SOilTll.li i-Vi - ---- - i inn nriKM itiuiriui miofionnnii i . m S i'lnlltittf. lur4(ilitf f'li'tw 'ii?nt riiimt t(... f couiitrhH. oItltH, Irwin. (n imtutul ffa. ttlI)Ul.Mj '1 ruins every iliiy In tliujuur to 5 ,.,., )lf 1, ,,lmtiitlotm, vunU, am) , f ? I'ruviTlw ; I'll., olr., elf. (Si, riKT kJ rtTiCr.Hn i Thin W'nrk in luviihuiblcUAha vSl UHll UninRnn ? liimIiiilil.iiil to tti tenrlM-r. Hchntar.iiro. ; ' w r u.ua uitu wt.iwuu i r icenidiiai mail. Him nr iit'iim.iinr t .Si In) All lltmksdlci t yl no fiuNtiu or (' A its. j I 5 ' u JnniiH)til of Iltnlnr ('nn. iinxttrtuunMl. I'tiii I t ..-j.!!.i!,Ji.ir'i...- AVTIK SHERIFF'S SALE. boob ok uoc. m:.v. osTnic'ii A.vn nooHi: cojii'.vni:i). apecimen, JiM 5 i by t!b inches, and un even higher value is placed upon it tlian upon tae egg of the great auk, wliich lived within tin memory of mun. The lirobdingnaginu proportion.-, of the egg are better doiuonstrated by com pardon with the eggs of the ostrich and crocodile. An ostrich's egg is aliout seventeen inches by fifteen inches, and tho contents of six hiich nrt only equal to one egg of the tupyornib. The measurements of the egg.-. -A tho crocodile lire normally nine inches by tti.v and oiio-liulf inches, it would require the contents of hlx teen .nd one half oinu'h eggii to equal the contents of thi great egg. or 118 eggb of tho homely fowl, or .'iO.OOO of the humming bird. Tho last egg of tho Kind disposed of in Loudon hold Sot 10u, though cracked. For a soro throat tlioro is nothing hotter than n flannel bniulofeo dampened with Chuinhcrlalii'H 1'nln Jhilin. It will nearly ulwuyH effect a euro in one night's time, Thin remedy Is nlso u fa vorito for rheumatism nnd has cured very euvure cuses. BO cent botllea for ealo by JMnkoIoy & Houghton. j'eHuutal Ohoapor than nuywhero else at tho allfprnia winehouse. My virme o( -tv cxeeutin. (.mi onli'r 1 1 tale biiutil out uf t;i- cir'-'jl: 'iurt Die SluU-uf Uron ior v. usi" roiinty. ujio:. i (ifcree iinil juflgnK'at m.l.', leiuIcrKO ii::d f i.ti-rtil bv aiii Court un thi'ialda) of November 1-'.'!. in'lavri oi me piaimitr, in a ult tiien ana tn-Totoiore pci:rtlus, v.lii.'itii; K. II. I'ufur, derxe Wntfeiiu aua f raujc iieuerw. imruierf uoioc imsinetf unflcr the lirni name aim style ; fulur. Wt .ib JlriiefM. ww plituitiftr, mid Dnvld rabai:i, Ktta Graham mid The lal! l.tinrt-r-inp I oniny. n ci)riornt!on. were ilefeiirlanu. anil to mo dlrwteil nnu ileliverut, eornmnmliiit; aie to levy iijioii nnd ell the luii'l meritiutiul In said writ, nnd hereinafter dt-oribxl, I did on tin; 2d day oi Utt-emtwr, U03. dulv li--v tip'in hwI will Kill at public miction, ti. the hlsbe.-t bidder, for cash in )umd, oii .lliindiiy, the ad ilny uf Tiimiiiry. 1H!H, nt l' o'cloct in the uttcrnuon of uld day, nt the tront door of tho county court hou-e lu IMUe City, Wasco County, Oregon, a!! of the lnd urui jiriiinLses decrlt'.d In said writ, nnd herein oartifiilnrly described as follow, ti wit All tnnt tiortion of land situated In the KWU of the BKU of fwc. Ki. To. 'J K.. J :i K.. V JI.. in Watco county. fireKon. Lurlnnitn; nt the i-outhv.est corner of the .-iW4 of the HK( of uld Sec. S3, thence east twenty chains to quarter corner: thence nortli to toutheast corner of Lot y in mid .-ec. '-ii. thence wet to nmtlnveM cor ner of mid It 9. thence ontii V jiluce of Ix. si nlriK eontttlnlni! ;ii T IO hchk. nave und except all thot-jorcels and jxjrtlonn therefrom, theretofore i.oncyiiI bv ald iJavid Orahnm to the followlnc named person To II. J. ilnler and J. I. Ik-iiton, by deed IjearinK dHtebeeem bjr 1, lNsb. which detd i duly record td ntHKoS5 of Hook Itecord of beeils of Waco comity, Oregon, and bv dteil bearing date February '."J, lsSj, which dtefl I alio duly recorded at Mit;e ll'J .ftuld JJooU "f , to the North I'ucltic Trunk Jfanufacturlns (ompany, by deed Ixsuri nc date February 1, J'W, which deed l fliily recordtil at pae ;;" of aid Hook "I" ; to William Uutts by deed bearing date Julr 10. IrW. which deed in j duly recordtd at jio ..TJ of knld Hook "1"'; to J. V. Johiifon by deed bearing date July 17, W). I which ileeil Is duly recorded at jai;e -10!) of said 1 book : and to J. Harder and (. W. ltolaud by deed lxairlns date January 10, which necil 1 duly recorded at page 1T7 of Jiook "(J" of j aid deed records for taid county, all of which I ilwl ato hereby referred ax a sirt of thin de icriimou liixen aim levieu upon an me jirop;riy of the mid Ktta Graham, or m much thereof ax shall be JuiHIclent to satisfy tho bum of!U!3.10 with Interest on i-ald turn from tho -Jd day of November, lfcKi, at the rate of ten ir cent. icr annum, and tViM nttorney s fees, and the fur ther um of 11.75 coiLi of aid Hilt, toether wllli accruing C04t and oxpeiibo!) ol tale, and if any eurplus remaliiH alter tho atUfactlou of nid iuiiui above Bictitloned, uch mirplus to b applied in Kitltfactlon of tho judgment of the defendant The flulltn I.unilwtiii'-' Company a)Mlnt tho defeudanta, David and Ktta Graham, aecordlliK to tuld judgment and decree herein lefore mentioned. bated nt iMllea City, Or., bee. lb, 1.VJ3. T. A. WAItl), danvAt Hheriirof Wasco County. Oregon. Chronic e I 'J'HE CHE0MC(LE v.-a.s o.tabli.hod for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Tnland Empire. The Daily Chkoxiclu is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at SG.00 per annum. The "Wekklv Ciikonjclk on Fridays of each week at 1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlie Xallosi, Oregon. Cnmpokcd of Iilulni: Can, iiiiMmwints!. I'ui man lJnnvlni; Kiomtilccicriinf Intwt eiiutpmcut , TOURIST SLEEPING CMS ! !)crt that ran be constructed, nun In which i nccomni.tdiitloim u;o both Free nnd PimiNlied for holduriiof Flrnt and Mcoml clnAATIckutit.iiiid , IKTneutTXK.U.1 j tir I'" nut miyruraiiimmii. TitprinVSnV I wni.lil. ieiirfiiUiiraiK.i.-iit UICIlU.VitT I 2 ,illtiutu. V J :r ...... y i mm day coaches : The i A continuous line, foiiIitotliiB with nil llnw nttordiiiK direct and uninterrupted ervlre I'ulliimn Hliep.T roeivntloni rnn U- Kicurol In advance through any njjctit of the road. THROUGH TIGKETS hiiK'tiiud mid Ktirnix! can In To nml from all ixiluUIn Amurlrii. ucliiud and Iltirnix! can In ourchKard at nv ticket oltlcu of the coinitiy Full IliforrSBUou rnucuruliu; rnun, time ol trnlii, ronton end other dcbillx fiirnlnhei! m nppllfiitlon to VV. C. ALLAWAY, Co., Krculatnr oMIrc. Th AKOIlt Ii. J. A A. f.'n IllllUn, ut., or A. !. CHAlU.T0r;. A'l. (iuneral l'n.ienKer Airu, I'ortlauil, Thc rrad The Chwnlclr to Rtii the latent nml liioit Tullnblc i cwn Ami they rend every Hue that I In the paper That In what iimkiv the Chronicle itu liivnliitililo ndvcrtl-liiK medium Tho newnpitprr that . rimh to the family llroMdrn U the one ttmt the ndvertlxcn of tmliiy imtroulzc ' when they deidro to rwioh the people. When they want your trade their auiiouuremeutK will be lotiud lu the paper UKtk over our coluiuioi mid oliierve the verllloa lion of the truth of thin iimc rtlim. Kcinemlicr, ii t ritifi. I if I, f !,,,,( ll Jlf ttt'l, i lllll, k, tit In worlli niklnc for through then' V T iheapldtrtisirj s. R I J N N jPlge M, Tin Repairs and Boolii ELL NOTICE l-Oi: PUBLICATION. L'. b. ly,l Okkick, The Dalles, Or.,( Iwmlx;r 'j. WSi. i I.'otleo lit hereby Klveu that tho following namul pettier haa filed notice of hlx liileutiou to mala Iliml roof lu iiiipifirtof hli chilm.nnd thattald pnxif will bo mado ljoforo tho reulnter nnd receiver of the l. H. IjiihI olllco at The lMlIen, Or., on January 'JI, Ib'Jl, viz: luiiiux IlurllliKUliiOi Homestead No. -ICJ2, for lil'M BWJ, J.'U HKXi '.'A, Sec. 31, Tp. i H. 1. 12 i; W. 31. and HKU HVM. Ho iiiiijiea tho following vrltnckcs to prove lil continuous ruddeucc uioii and cultivutlon of mm janu, vi. V. Kdmouiiton. J. O. Iludton and J. 1'rout. of Wamlc, Or., and K. N. Chandler, The Uulle, Or dL'J-JI JOHN W. I.I:V1K, Itealiter. Administrator's Notice. Notice U hereby kIvch tliut tho uiuiurnl'fiinl hail liecn duly apiioluteil by tho liouorablo County Court of Wiuco county, Orcxon, Ad mlnUtriitor of tho cutato of John Ik'lat, Into of WuK.o county, und uutv deceuul. All ttorkoiiN havltib' eluliim aualimt aid wlato will iiretent them, duly verlhed, to mo ut tho otlico ol tho Columbia 1'ackiiiK Compiiny, ut tho corner of Third and WualiliiKton Mrcutx, lu Ihilleit City, Whmo count, Oieuou, within nix uioutliM from thoihitoof this notice. Hated at Dalles City, Or., Dec. a, lfJ. Ji. C. l'HIKMAH, ri dC,'y Adm'r wtuto of John Jielut, dec il. When tiie Train slop al THE DALLES, get oil' on (lie South Side AT THE fiEW COLtUjVlBlfl HOTELi. ..oo.. Thii lurKOaud tiopular lfi.ii.i- d the principal hotel liomneat. mid Is jirejitred to furinli the Dent AeeomiiiHlattouit of any IIoiim." In the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass T)eals, 25 Ce.rt8. Otlico for nil StllU'ii I,loe li-nvlnu' T Dlillen for nil polnlM in KuKtnrn Oregon anil Kuxtern AVitHliliiKton. In thin llntol. MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shoj on Third Street, next door west of Young it Kuss HlaclcKinith Shop. Free i Corner of 1-ront and I'ulon Htii T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Clothier and Tailor. .... Dcciikilly tliu FinoHt Lino of . . . . Gents' KtirnisLiing Goods, T-ntnks and Valises, etc., etc, COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. TIIE DALLES, OH. "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune," Tho poot unquestionably had reference to tho r n 1 n Foriitee k Camets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro selling those goods out at greatly-red ucod rates. MICIIELUAOH BRICK, UNION ST. With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sie Orayon. Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itsell THE DALLLEK, OK. J0B FIRST CLASS jOi NT'" HT'Hfi CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE