The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'Al'KK OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. suHsoKirrio.v rates, bt mail, rosTAcic niKi-Ain, is adva sen Weekly, 1 yenr. ... " c tuonths. " 3 " . . Dally, 1 year. ' C months, per " . . Address nil communication to "THE ICLE." The Dulles, Orcson. IllRlilnnit Otmirv Jtcrtlnc. I 1 n . . . . . ... 0 75! . . 0 f 0 C W 3 CO I 0 10 I CHROX-! ri)Ht-oittcf . orncE tiovro General Delivery Window : a. m. to T ;. m. Moc?r Order " . .t- a. m. to -t p. ra. Sunday U t, ' 9 iv. m. to 10 a. in. CLOSING Or MAILS train r going Knst .9 j. tn. and IX n. m. ' " West 9 j. io. and 6:JM p. m. (jtARu lor Gntdendale . 7:3) n.m. " lTinevlllfc 6:30 . m. " "Dulurnii(lRrmSprlnr . .5:30 a. m. " Lcavlns for Lyle .t 5 :S0 a. m. " " " J Antelope 5:30 n.rn. Except Sunday. tTrl-weoklv. Tuesdav Thum'.ay and Saturday. 1 " ' Monday v.lueluy and Friday. THURSDAY, - PEC. 2S. 1S93 It is claimed that the business depres sion or the past summer has cost the mill operatives of Lowell alone some half million dollars, owing to shutdowns. Three routes for a cable line to the Sandwich Islands have been purveyed, and each is said to be practicable. With & cable to Honolulu a good start is made to lav it entirelv acrosss the Pacific. A lady of Cincinnati who is a nurse among the lepers of India, has herself contracted the loathsome disease, but in stead of repining over the matter, she asked that $50 of her email salary be withdrawn and given to the flood suffer ers of the south. Surely a noble hearted woman. Highland Grange, No. L'OO, met at their hall in regular session on the fourth Saturday, and was called to order by WorthyMaster A. T. Hennette. There being a quorum, the usual order of business was proceeded with. Under the head of unfinished business J a committee was appointed to procure I a deed for the lot our hall stands on, j which was done, and under the head of ' new business a motion was made and , 1 earried to purchase an adjoining lot to ! I build sheds on and for other purposes, etc. lho money was promptly sub scribed and the lot paid for. The com mittee, reported a second lot purchased according to instructions and wns dis charged. The grange then proceeded to elect otlicers for the ensuing year, which re sulted as follows; A. T- Hennette, wor thy master; C. Fraley, worthy overseer; E. Hensen, worthy lecturer: John Marx, worthy chaplain; M. McLeod, ! worthv secretary; C. Green, worthy treasurer; C. lUttlur, worthy steward; A. Smith, worthv assistant steward; j John Kussel, worthy gate keeper; Sister Fralev, worthv Flora; Sister Mars, ; worthy Pomona; Sister Kenada, worth Ceres ; Sister Putler, ladv assistant , After election remarks were made by j several brothers and sisters for the good j of the order. The meeting then ad journed for dinner, which our worthy i sisters know how to serve and the broth j ers know how to enjoy. I A motion was unanimously carried to Ft? 1 . n A DISTUllliAKCE ... . , l4 T!'!: , , isn't wlmt vou want, Oldest Agricultural Paper In America. if your stomach ami Icstablioheo inio.l bowels are irregular. To all cash subHcribersof TiicCiiiioniui.k That's about all vou paying ouu year In advance. cot, thoucrh, with tho onlinarv nil!. It mav relieve vou for the m inent, but you're usually in a worse state nfter wanl than before. This is just whore Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do most good. They net in an easy and natural way, very 'different from the huge, old-fashioned i The American Farmer, 1729 New York Avonuo, WASHINGTON. D. C. Tin: Aukiutan l'.u:ti:ii, which femur eutcr Iiik uiMUi lt!i "M year, fe the pioneer iurmer'N jmiH-r in the country. It 1 ii hirw cight-imgo paper, ami contain CA rolumlii of tin choicest iicriculttiriit mid liter ary matter, plentifully cmhcllfettcd Kith line Illustration-, lti.s A Grand Masquerade Ball 'w- wlll bo irivon at Armory Hnll by Jackson Engine Co., No. l, (TOT)day uer)ii)$, Jap. i, 1894. pills. -They're not only pleasanter, but there's 1 no reaction afterward, . and their help lastr.. One little sugar-coated Pellet for a gentle lax ative or corrective three for a cathartic.. Constipation, Indices- ! tion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and Uil- iotts Headaches are , promptly relieved and , cured. They're the smallest, i NAT I OX Ah IN CHARACTER, funncr'n Intentd nml deals with ftirniliii? unci on uniiui, pr;i3ticui lino, it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, nml everything Unit i)piciir- In Its coIuuiuh Is of the hluhctehiinieter. V.wty iluuirttiit'iit of the fanners lumliiiMH Is iIImhiimsI In mi earnest, practical way, IooV'Iiir to thcKrcntcst protlt nml bcncilt to the farmer nml life family It itpiHMirs on the 1st utnl l.'itti of each month, nml Is fimifehctt nt the low price of 5 CENTS A YEAR In nilvmice. Till, tiutlin It tlit oliimtiat iiKrit'tilturiil pinptir In tin' ciiuntry. FARMER LEGISLATION. tho easiest to take and the ca'dfhxt pill vou can ' buv, for they're guaranteed to give send a copy of the proceedings to Tin: Ciikonicle for publication, and then ad journed until the second Saturday iii January, 1S04. E. Hensen, secretary pro tutu. When on a visit to Iowa. Mr. K. Dal ton of Luray, Kussell county, Kan., called nt the labaratory of Chamberlain cc Co., Des .Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whose life had been . . . . . . i .1 i... m. t. . t. t very cliaotic, rendering tneir presence saveo oy ouamoeriain s voupn nemeuy, imperative to protect American interests, it bavin? cured him of a very severe at and in no wav intimidated the queen or tack of croup. Mr. Dalton is certain Rev. Mr. Emmerson, who has lived in Hawaii for over forty years, says that the provisional government are men of high standing and that at the time the troops were landed the conditions were her following. that it stved his bov's life and is enthu- mmmm a ! sialic in ins praise of the l.emedy. The Wichita, (Kan.; Eagle thus diag- j sale by Blakeley ifc Houghton. noses the best known woman politician j of Kansas: 'Mrs. Lease's glory is in her irridescent zigzag, her gyrated scintiliza tion, rather tln.n in her unbifurcated habiliments. It is the dazzle of the tin expected skyward scoot and the dead thud of the subsequent backward flop that at once fascinate and paralyze her devotees." For ahiioh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes v Kin- Pocket size contains twentv-xlve ers;v doses, only 2.jc. Child fcy Snipes Kinersly. en love it. Sold All we ask for hard-time prices. holiday presents are Do not fail to call ut The tariff question predominates even the Hawaiian imbroglio. A re-imposi tion of the doty on sugar, amounting to ! three-quarters of a cent, is one of the re- j visions of the Wilson tariff bill which ! may yet be made. The opposition to an increased whiskv tax is so great and the difficulties surrounding such increase so ' numerous, that it is not likely any part of the deficit caused by the reduction in rates will be met from that source. Some of the members of the ways and means committee believe that, with a email duty on sugar, the increased cot ! to the consumer would be very slight, while the revenues resulting therefrom would be considerable. Such a move ment would be very gratifying to t'ie Louisiana delegation, and to the delega tions from other states where the beet HUgar industry is rapidly developing. I E. Jacobsen ifc Co.'s if you need holiday goods. Carving sets and Itogur'g trip'e plated table cutlery at Maier cc Benton'- hard ware store. Special reduction on lamps ulnivim' and crockery for the holiday at II. ii Campbell's." Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. I HO ! satisfaction, or your money is re turned. I You pay only for the good you get- It won't do to experiment with Catarrh. There's the constant dan ger of driving it to the lungs. You can have a perfect and permanent cure with Dr. Sage's Keinftly. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any L"od." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kiiiers-ly. During the coming 'e:ir there will ! mi Im tiien.c mtuiler of nmttcin of the mint vital In turret to fiirmersi dealt with bv CnnercAi ami ttio Kxrentlve IiepurtmentK ut UiithliiKton. It In highly itnportaiit that the dinner In- kept promptly ami fully Informetl a' to what Ik U'Iiik j)la:uuil nml ilonu iillii'tlnc them nt I lie National 'apltnl. The) Khmilit nil. therefore, taWy Tin: AtiKKtcA.N Kaiimri:. vhlrh,leinK on tlieuronnil, lui letter facilities than any otiier pnrer lor l ceiime nil', iiiiorinaiion. nun oevoies nen in thl- iluty. They will llml in it cimitantly n : Ktetit amount of viihiHtile Information that they I can iret In m other iiai'r- Titr. A.VKUIL.IS Kaumku nml Tint Cii:oniclk will be ien tone year for Jl ". V. W. 1,. SKI HUE. A. HUGININE, Commlttoo of Arrangements: A I. K LI NOT. JOHN ItLASKR Roooption Commlttoo. PRKI) LKMKr. IIARRV Ol.OUGH, L. PAYETTE, JOHN CRATE. CiEO. T. THOMPSON, GEO. M UNO ICR, CIIAS. FRANK, Floor Managers. GEO. A. I.I ERE, EMU. SCIMITZ, A. UrOHLER, W. H. IJUTTS, G. 0. WYNDHAM. AD0LPI1 T. F. I-iMl KEI.LKK . SKUFKRT, ' Administrator's Sale. Whereto, the Honorable County t our: of the 3tiiteul OrvKOti, for Wnco county, . r-. thetith liny of November, lCO, duly untile an ontenli' rvotloK me, the umicrMciut'l. the ilul poliit tii. iuulltlel nml netln iiilminfttnitnr of the t-late of Wlillnm A. Allen, tlwetitwi. t' ell the la:ul am' pxeini-e bu'ioimlui; t Mtiil v-ta:e Hint hereinafter described, at putilie nuetlor;. to the hishest bidder, for cuah in baml. there fore, in pursuance of snld order and nuthority, I will, on tlie litli ilny of ,Iuiiii:iry, HtHi. at the hour of two o'cloci: in the afternoon of aidday,at the front door of theCounu court hoUf iu Jj.illes City, Wti'Di) county . ireann. ell at tiublir nii'-tlon to the hishewr onlder for vain in hand, the Innilk nnd j)reml!'t belonging to aid t"tnte. nml i-nrtleulnrly d-.ecrlbwl a fol ic ws. to-wit. The jntitheijst itic:ter ami the imrtbcMt otinr ter of the Klthwest quarter of cti'in as. In townshsp 1 north, of ranire 13 cot, of the Wil lamette Meridian, in Waeo county, Oickim, eonainiriir'Jiu i-c:M, moru or W?i nt bind, to gether with nil and insular the ,raprovement th-;reon raid stile will bo mnde KilbjePt t np pr vj:1 and eonllmiatlon of the &aid County O.uri Im;.i! ..: TMlIe- City, Wnsco county, or., thl.i Jit', d n or Novajnber, lStil. (iKOltt.K A MKHK. )f('v! Adrn'rvftateof Wm. A Allen, deo'd The Pacific Farmer says ; Hon. Binger Hermann has written Secretary Sargent to know something about the prune statistics of this state and how the growers feel about the proposed reduction ot the tariff on prunes, so that he will know how to act when the bill comes up for consideration. He has no authentic Htatistics of the industry and it is a hard job to get any. Although Mr. Sargent has Rent out in connection with the weather bureau thousands of slips, the growers appear to give little thought of their own welfare and they utterly ignore them. Only one place, and that the progressive Newberg.has responded so satisfactory figuree can be made. This place has at least 1,500 acres in fruit. This is a subject that demands immediate uttention and every fruit grower should send iu without delay all the information obtainable. From the slowness displayed by the large majority of the growers we are led to believe that they do not care if their business is ruined or not. I f Ml - ft Mi lt)TM Sects, Kct3., osu "'!t$it SUjrirjL!u;M(i. Curf-j f!or.i II Cri.ii!) i rum;, r u .!-.-, sore iiitoa:. .VJ WJiocping- CuiiIi i l.on. it bps no rival: hascuracl ii.ou.mjiHT.-.n.ri:iU ouicr-. railed; wiiicv ib viirif tn-c mtiras t-Oiil by Drusrslsto on nvnarenteo. ?'or Letcc Ilack or Lhes:, SHERIFF'S SALE. ll m tu.-of nn eiecution ai.d on!"r of Hle ! mi out 'if th Circuit Court of thr state of ore Kon for Uaco C'ountv, on the ff7;ti day of No vemixrr, 1 :, upon n judgment made and ren dertd in ald court on the Pith dy of Novemler, i 16'.H. In nn action then utnl then-tutor' l-flndliis I tr, w..f, n.x.r .Iwirnl.. If V S f V 1 I- ... -.. .-i o.i,-. iif ... . . ,,it"; no. JJllllII till nnd II. ( foe win defend int. urn! to di re et(i nml delivereii, coinmai.iiini.' :ne to levy u: ii the real fstatc bulonciiiK t- ald defendant mid th'-ret'f-jre ntuphtil in md uttoii, to mi ls the .itmi of t'J.iV. nnd inter- on Mid mmi siii'- the loth day of June, iw, at t n ir cunt. jk- annum, mill the further surn of tiVi.uiattor-ne- fem in said notion, nnd t&.vj i-ixt, and u'- the c fU of and Uin ld writ. I did I vy uj- it and will on MiiliiliiJ - tlir Ulltli iluy of .Inillr.lry, lllil l, lit i lie hour of J o'cloci: ill th-afternw)!! of said day, nt the front di'or of the county court houi-e in Iialiea Uty, Wutco Count;-. Oron. j-cll at pubil'' auction to the hifcheit b.dde- for caih in hand nil of the following rvnl until tu tniien nnd levieii upon us tin.- property at a-iiil defeudaiit. H. C. Cna, tinrlt l'art of the Donation l.-irid Claim nf 11. c. Ci, In tectloiiH Si. jfi. ?S nml 36. In lovrnihlp :i Korth. ltiKf 10 Knst of the ill.inielte Jlerl dlan. foiitalnlni; ntxiiit 0 ncre of 1-rnd. tocctlier ; ivith the tenementii. liernlitami-nt" ami nppurte ' nnncu thereunto ljlouKini;irin un wltuniiir- taiuin, iiieludliiK.Hiid inieudni to.i.ciiide the This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. IE. W. HELM Sc CO., is Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brashes, Pcrfiiiiicry, Etc. Pure Wlnus arui Llquoni for Mncllolnnl Puriioiicm. CompouncllriK' Phynlolnnn' ProBcrlptlonH n Specialty. So. 1 05 .Second Htrwt, The Oalli, Oregon, ()pXHiite ( iiiuuibia Candy raetory New York Weekly Tribune -AND- Dalles weeMo Oilraiii fiEtMBDY. lirivc y- j i teal to crire vou. :r i .' 'inn rc-ra In uarur-luMU.rfrro for at liy .Snipe & Kmomly. ? lX.rU . tuiniii". iiieliidini!. mid iniemlnl to mo I'l.AhXI-lU S0ct3. ! water plant, water rlsht,c.iciiieiiu, irnrichliieii ana privniKei, ami incwnier (.ijis. reiervolrn nml conduit nil In convoyim; vtnivr from inld prernixi to the town of llod liiver, in Wh:k ( ountv, Oregon. Alio that certain tract of luml b-Jlonirlns; to the iiljove-naraed If C. Cor, itu nted on the north utile of the rniiriMd track of the I'nlori l'uciflc Hull road ( umjmm, in Kwtlon Jti, Township ;f Nortli, HnriK'- lu K't of Hie Wll Inmetto Meridian, couUilnlm.' aU.iit i acrw, nld two tracts above meilllotii-)) rumprltliiK nil of the land embraced In th- Innatioii Iiml Claim of mid II C Cw, whiel. Du not liercloori' been fold toother partft-. Aio jot ;,, r, ami 7 in h'ction A, nml loti ii mid 7 in .-.M-tlon i in the Wnticoma Addition to the town of Hix'd Illver, and nil of mid real einte lylnf and beitit; in Wuco County, OreKon, or to much thereof im may be mcetmry to tntlufy uiid mm of money n nUive meiltloncil. iMted thlx 'J:Jrd day of lJecemU'r, l.u;i. T. A. WAItU. ilJJfntit Hherlli of Wutoo Co., Or. V IGOR f y TAK.t r-ir.oi i-LMOE. MICHIOA.V is fin.t in copper, salt und lumber, second lit iron, third in aheep, fifth in hops, tdxth in wheut. j Illinois is first in corn, oats, pork, distilled liquors und raihvayt,; second in coal, wheut and hogs; third in cattle. Camfounia stands first in gold and irrupes; seconu in sueep aim wool; in hops, third; in wheat, fifth; in silver, eighth. Iowa is first in hogs, second in corn, hay and oats, third in horses and mules, fifth in railways, seventh in wheut and coal. Ohio is first in sheep and wool, sec ond in petroleum and steel, fourth in wheat, sheep, coul and liquors, fifth in cows, hay and tobacco. Pennsylvania is first in ryo, iron, Hteel, petroleum and coal, second in buckwheat and potatoes, fourth in oats, fifth in silk and wool, sixth in suit and copper. New Yohk io flrat in manufactures, printing, hops, hay, potatoes, buck Wheat and cows, second in salt, lifj hots aud railways, third in iron and te), fourth in sheep. Eftllr, Quickly, Pcrmsmnlly Kec'.ored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUBKn'JG, DEBILITY, ' and all the train of rrt'j (romearly errors or later excettea, U reiulK u! overwork, Hie lemma, worrr.ctc. FulUtreuztb. dfiTelopment and tone glren lo over? oruan and jiortlon of tun bodr. Hlinpl. natural iniitlio'll. IinniKllatHlimiroirefncT.I n. yllur lmpo'llle. 2fUt reference, lilr, explanation and (aalleU (aealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, ti. V. Rheumatism. Lumbago, Set!caf Kidnvy Oemplalnts, it"): D3. SAMKM1! ELUMIfi IELT Wtth llMtro-MuLTMitio MSORY. tMt ntnur scat ihiimiiu i Will cure niuuxit rwlifliMi all WMkaaa raaultliur from pTrMfuallfrn nt brain tirva inrMii oaaaaaor luduh eretloa, aa bttouj dabultr. lanmmm, laniribr, rbruiHaUun. kldoer, l)rr aad Uaaav eonplalnu, LuoeUck, lumbago, aetata, all fwiJa aoaapiafau mural 111 UallE; etc. TlUt Metric IMt codUIji w teIl.trfMU orar all tAhmrt. Cnmul la lunlly ftltW wtutr or n forfaU .e, aid will euro all of the aoore iHjaaaai or do pay. Thou. louija bare Una eurt4 br Ut marralona InTrnUoii afirr all oliu-r rrmrdlM (aflaA, and 0T tiiuulrcdi vi iHiimooiaia ut inia ana avarr -tnir auie. UKTIUC Our rrarrlal Bit rateb HVIMOITc tbfl bill.. liwIU au Mnnm XwMta gUaliiiKTttl) l 0 1 iHiaars Ukw lor Illtu'd Viaj&ll. ucJIul.imJtaJ, I ro KANQKN CLCOTRIO CO., No. 17ttJVlratt.truet,i"0i:'XXJJ.i: OiZlU SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of nil excciillou mid order of ule Iul out of the Circuit Court of the Ktite of Oreaon for Wmco County, uixm n dn;reti nnd judgment made, rc-ndereil nnd entered by mid Court on the llth dny of NovemU.'r. )';. jn fnvorof iilniutitl', in u suit wherein A. I), lioltoii NOTICE FOK PUHLICATION. ITimb.'r IjuiiI, Ant June 3, ls7s.) V. H Land OrriCK, Tiie Dnllon, tir., Nov. h, 1)580. ( .Notice 1 hereby Klven thnt Iu eoiniillnnce with the iirovi.fnu.H of the net of rtmgri's of June 3, IrtTfl, e-ntltleil "An net fur the ile of tiin Ixjr In ml-, lu the atnt'T of ( nllfurnlu, Oregon, Nuvaila mid Wa.ihlujjtoii Territory," Ni!ul C. Hli'vi'iinou, Of Kinsiloy, county of Waii, stnte of Orvttmi, hux thlt day Hied In thin olhre hl Hworn Unte ment for the jiurclinru of the Nl'.U of NWJ,J, of Kvctlon. No. Zi, in Totru.iliii No. 5 fi , rmiKii No la K. W. J!., nnd will otter inoof toHhnw thnt the bind nought in more valuable for IU tlrnlj-.T or stone thnn for ncriculturnl iunHc, und to lyitittillfli liH claim to mild bind before the Hwister nml llecelver of thin ollleeiit The IMlIes, Dr.. on the 1Mb day of Jiinuarv, imu. Ho rinmei iu wltueeiea- (leorj-'c JicU-od, Jun ior Knil-jy, Lei m Uoudeaii nml Uifnyette Iluvh, nil of Kiucnlev, Or. Any nnd nil iH;roii cliiirninx ndverni'ly the InmU lire reuented to file their clalini lu thliolllcu on or b.'fore mild l.Mh dnyof January, l-'JI, wIU JOHK W. J.KWIH, lii-Klnter. NOTICE FOR l'UIJLICATION. mux iilalntlir, nnd h'riink 1) iilllniilu and Ithodn uiiieniue. i. r.. mini nun w n. iiutler uen defendaiiU, and to me directed mid delivered cornrnundliiK me to levy upon mid noil nil the land mentioned Mini dercrlbed in tnld writ, und hereinafter dew.-rlbed, I did, on Hie Ith day of lef.-euiber, WXi, duly levy uiiu, mid will null at nubile- ntictlon, to the hlKliest bidder, forcu-ili iu band, on Monduy, the Htli day .luiinnry, 1HU4, nt 2o'cUck in the afternoon nf mid day, nt the front dixir of tho Comity ('ourtlioiim In Dallen City, In Wanco County, Ureiton, nil of the lands and jirernlne in mid writ nnd herein dcwIUil um folloivn, lo-wit, The northwfjt iiunrtcr of Stftlou fourto.-n mi In Towmhlp twohl Houtli, of Ibinxe fourtc'ii IU) Kut of thu WJllmnelte Jiefldlmi, In wuilty, OreKon, or no much thereof n ahull be iilllelent to mtiafy thciiiin of t'', with in teres t thereon nt (ho rate of ten per cent. iKr annum ineo Novemlxjr llth, wA KAWiutior ney'd feeM, mid I (IK! coiU lu ald milt, togelher with anU of xilil writ, und aecruliiK conta of lf. T. A, W AKD, Hherltl of Wiuco County, Orc-xoii. Dated nt Dalles City, Or,, l'c. , drtj.'iwi Administratrix Notice. Notice la hereby Blven thnt the County Court of tho Hhitoof Oh-koii for Wntco county ha thlx day duly npiiointed thu umiemiKiitil iidmluUtrn trlx of the eaUUs of j)r. W, K, liliichiut, iliv ceuM-il, tuil thutuheliuM duly (juulllltil an micli ttilminltrutllx. All ekoiiH are thereforu required to iirtnunt their clnlinn tiKnlunt Mild entate, with tho proper voueliem theiefor, to tho unrienilKiied at her ivnUlwmln lmWvMv,U mid county anil utiitt, within six moutliH from the date hereof. KMII.V HR1.1.K KINKIIAKT, . . , , . . . AdmlnUtriitrlx. Uated thin Jit day of Du.vmber, UU 4tw I.MU Orricr., The Ditllen. Or.,( Nov. y, ln'J3. I Notice l hereby Riven thnt the following named ttler lia flleil uoticof hi Intention to inaVe llnal inxif in NiipHrt of hl claim aud thnt iiild proof wilt Ui mnde U'fore thu n-i!lit..-r und rifceiver at The Ibilltn, (irejiun, on Wedliedny, Ui-ccmbvre;, -j, viz iiowitt iciiit:, Appllentlou No. 2i", for the NUof HK1', mid I'M of HW!,4 rw. ID, Tp. '.' r'. K 1 1 lie names the followliit; wltneoooH to tirovo Mix coiitliiiiou.i rcifdeiicu iioii mid ciiltivntlou of siiiii mini, viz: II. W. Wells, of The iMllen, Or., Chnrlex Hiutou, Jiime Kuntoii nnd I'niil I.imeroth of Niiiiw-iie, Or. JoiiK W. I.kwih, UeKlntcr. SHERIFF'S SALE. liy virtue of mi execution mid order of ale lisiKi! out of tlie Circuit Court of tho Hlutii of Orison for Wiuco County, tipun u decreo mid JudKrneiit rnwie, rendered ami entered by nld Court on the lllth day of Novemlx.-r, Jfeucj, In favor of philntlir, lu n Milt wherein Walter wax plnlnllll mid Alfred Kennedy and Caroline Kenneily were defendmiM, and to mo direcUd nnd delivered, commiiiidlriK mo to levy upon mid tell thu Inmlx mentioned and du Mirlljed In nid writ, mid hereliuifier rtt-Mcrltxil, I did, on thu Ith dny of Dcccmlx.-r, In'I, duly levy upon, mid will ell at nubile miction, to tho hlifheit bidder, for caah in liand.oii Momluy, tlif Htli iluy of JuoiiHry, IH04, nt 2 o'clock, Iii thuifteriioon of mild day, nt the frontdoor of tho County Courtliiiime In liallex City in Wiuco County, OreKon, all of the laudn and prcmUeK lu tnld writ, mid herein Described ax follow, to-wit All of block ten (ID) iu what in known an thu Military ltencrvatlou Addition to Dallen City, Wu.eo (.'utility, OreKon. and accordliiK to tho maps ami plait of mud city mid addition thereto, or ao much thereof an Hhull Ixj miltlelent to mit ify thoMim of 1377.3.1, witti luUrrcitl tliereou at the rate of ten mt cent, )er nullum niticu No vember l.'ltli, Ih'XU Itu.uo attorney' feu, mid 1rj.lS eoitn Iii wild milt, toKetlier with cimu of mid writ aud uccrilllik cotnof mile, T. A. WAKI), Hherlli of Va:o County, Oreuou, Dnlnl ut Diillen City, Or., Dec, I, m;s. iIkjaitA Executor's Notice to Creditors. Nutlco I hereby kIvvii that tho County Court of thu Htate of OriKnu for Wiuco County Iiuh duly npiM-iinted tho unilemlKiied tho executor of tho limt will and teataiiieut of (ieorae V, Iteorn, det-euuil. All lWMiiw IirvIiik oIhiiiim KKiilnut tho oatato of aald ilecetmil mo hereby reotilrwl to iireaeiit them, with tho iiroiarr vouuherK, within alx iiioiHIih from lho dale of thin notice, to mid executor at hla place of residence, near Dalle City, In ald county, or ut tho oil co of W, II, WIIkoii, ill anlil IIiiIIm City. . , . . Vv'HA):u W'VJ'K. KxocuUir. JJitcdtUli Ut day of November, U'J'J. 6tw Jeweler's Goods 7? t ACTUAL COST, at W. E. Garretson's Store. Gold Gold Gold Watches Watches Watches rth wo worth worth reflncefl fin $45 lo $1 $40, reduced to $28. J5, reduced to 25. 25, reduced to i American Coin Silver Watches reduced to $13. Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and 4 Chains Tho abovo in a wimple of the burulns to be had for a few days. A. R. Thompson, H. H. C77VPBBL.I-. SuocoHBor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will coimtuutly keep 011 bund a complnto Hue of GROCERIES, - CROCKERY, IIiivIiik Mr. Ilutlor'a ontirii (dock. 1 nhiill I'lideiivor to maintain the M'"1 01 thu lioiuo, which Iiiin bcu t n,.p BEST (iOOI)S AT LOWBTr I'KICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVEKY ONt Call and see me, next door t Postoffloe. Obolooiit, Tjtmtomt, Holiday Silvtuite. duilitv. Wtehe. Books, Toy Etc 0 ' ' The fjublio is invited to examine our good before purchas'mg elsewhere. . . . . .. i am ii.n on Ire fit JPTJ'rlcfH tuo lowoHt, Hnu uro uruuuy reuueuu. uiumiub m ---- of Toyn nnd holddity KoodH at Gout. Seoond Bt., The DftUei, Or. I- O. WlolK.ol0,