mt Dalle Ijtanick VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON. TI. I LUND AY. DKCKMKKK 2R. 1893. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. . .it,l(iiliil llatly, Sunday Ksrcpte.1. HY rlIj. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO imrwt ",t"1 "ni1 itiiKl"'i Street, The unlit:, urrKmi l.iriii. nf Hiili.rrliitlon rr Yrt Per mou',lr carrier . JG (K) . .. Ml ri. mi: taisi.ks. Ilulli IUll. Ill rllect AuruM (, l r.AnT bound. i,0 :rH'- 10 M V. .. 10iN 11.00 1 U U'EtT WIONI.. .i,4.f!vo3.39 A. M. Departs 3 II A. M l-OCAl.. iniu f 'tu I'urtlnml utl r. x. Departs rnr 1'ortlnml M 3 l M Ivoiuriu freight tlint curry pa'scnscM leave wc tnt the wot nt h:0U a. v., Mul one lor the ,l r . jh a. w. .iTAT.r.Jj. roi i'.tievlllc, vln. Hake Oven, leave dally it A M For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave stC at a. x. K t .ifur, Klngslcv, Wamlc, Wnpinltla, Warns ;n k& mil TjKh Valley, leave dally, except :.i-u , at c a. u t i. lendale. Wash., leave every day ot the nt i a ept wuimiiy nt 7 a. . Offlrj. lur all lines at the Umatilla House. II, ri;ori:sM(iNAi. ii ninnui.i. -ATroiiNKY-AT-iuw-oiacc ( ourt ntrcet, The Dalles, Oregon. t rr-a rr.ASCMtNKfcr.. f-xt l! ir a- M!VKVKE ATTOttSISYs - AT II , .v'-lummi 4i and . over I'ost 2ip' llnlldlnK, Kutrauce on Washington Street Jet I u.Icr, Oregon . i lIKNNKlT.AnOUNia' AT-I'.V. Of A. Urn lu ChMiUO bulldlhK, U Hairs, fhe D-fH, Oregon. r r av. n. a.jit'.NToTo.N. n.s. IIAYr1. HUNTINGTON V WILSON-ATTOb-.U ytv-AT-r.AW -Offices, French's Mock over fUrt National Hank . 1 Dalle. Oregon. W 11 wnjjON-ArroErKr-AT-i.AW-Koomj W . French A; Co.'s hank building, fcccoad itrixl, The Dalies, Oregon. 1 gi Tin.I'.I.M. " t M.. F.T M.C.. cimiii. KmiIiis J iitnl 4, Chapman block, tnui' nee Mrs. Thorubury'f, "est end ot .-econd It-Pi Dt KSHE1-MAN (llos,norATJiicj I'HVHCiAK ud (5t)or.os.-Cuii autwered j.romiitly. lirar niiri.t. Htr or country. OlUt-e No. s and Viajpinali block. w" Dtt O 1. DOANi: MIVMCtAS AKI CK ueox. OHiiO. riKJint 6 and C Chapman hk KcMdeucc. r1. K. comer Court and .'ourtn utrveu, no md dixir irow the eoruir. )BXm hour V to 12 A. M.. i to : and to 4 1 . .m. I i lU liAI.L DKNT18T. uw Civeu ior iijc 1. lunnlem. extraction of teeth. Also toetrj uti flowed aluminum jilate. lUnims. tilR" of Urn iiotdcn Tooth, Second titrect. NO. JO FRENCH & CO- BANKERS. I TRANSACT A (J KNKRAIj HANK 1 Nil MJKINKSH IetttTft of Credit ieiHiieil nvailnbUi in he Knstorn Stntoe. Sight Kxchnnco and Tclcgrnphic Trimsftiraeoldon Now York,C!iicaRo,St. ly)iiifl, San Francieco, Portland Oregon, Soattlo Waph., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all poinfp on fav orablo terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President Z. F. Moody Vice-Preuident, Chaklks Hilton Cashier, M. A. Moody Better the i General Banking Business Transacted. SOCIKTIKB. ASCO JOWK, NO. 15. A. F. & A. M. Meet; rut una intra Mouuay oi wt mum., nk , rAl.I.F.8 KOYAL AKCH ClIAl'TEK NO. 0. U Jleeu In -Munonle Hall the third Uodnewluy tiaeh month at 7 I. M. ODF.KN WOODMEN OF TUB wyiu.v.- Mt. HlXXl (. 'llttlIlMJ.l. luwun) ;v..- tm:h week lu 1 rutenilty Hall, at7: Ai 1'. m. ISfOl riOU'MUIA UJDGK, NO. 6, I. O. O. Mwli. L every Friday etenliiK at 7 Wo clock, lu K. of 1 hull, comer Beccud utid Uiurt treetn. SnJoaruiiiK tirotUcnr are elcoiuo. U. ( hofoii, bec'y. A. 1!iu.nN . (.. ni'.IENDBHll' LODOK.NO. 9.,K.ol J'.-Ml T every Monday evening nt 7: JO " clock, lu stLauno k hulldlUB, corner of Court and Becoud itrwta. HolouruliiK incmbera are cordially in ltd. W.a.C'UAM. J). W.VaUhjc, K. of K. arid B. A riBKMULY NO. WSJ, K. OF U-Meet lu K. iL oil, hall thekecond and lourth ednei liva of each mouth at7:;w . m. IVOMF.N'H CHKIBTIAN TKMl'EKENCK UNION will met every Friday alternoon itSo'clock at the rcadl!iKrwiin.AllBrelnvlU!d. HAKMON LODliE No.&01,I.O.G.T.-KeKUlar woekly meeting" Friday at b r. a' fraternity Hull. All itro luvltud. L t . CIIMUHAN, V.J It. C. Ft.KCK. j'U 1" 'KMl'LK 1XJDOK NO. , A. O. U. W. Meet lu Fraternity Hull, over Kcllcm, an Bocond meet, Tliumday evenlUK at 7:S. 41. llA11Dr..l W. H Myehk. Financier. ii.-.w' IAB. NKBM1TH I'OHT, No. (I. A. K. JleeU 0 every faaturduy ut 7:30 i M., In the K. of 1'. IUU. . AMi:niOAN lUlT.WAY UNION, NO. 10. A Mevta kccoud and fourth '1 )ilir(Iay c.ieh mimth InK.of 1'. hull. J. W.Heamy, V H. Jonkh, ft-vy. .,ri?l BOF U K.Mcut every buuday ulteruooo lu . the K. of 1'. Hall. Gi'SANU VKKKIN Mcvta every Bunda)' . evening In the K. of I. Hall. BOF Lr. HIVIBION, No. 1C7T-Mwtf,ln A K, of 1'. Hull the flret uud thlid Mulnea ay of each month, at 7:80 r. u. THK CIIUltCIIKH. RT. fF.TEK8 CHUKCH -Kev. Father Hkonh P ueeut I'ustor. Jw Mam every Hunduy at ii- High Mw,t) at 10:30A. M. Venpera at 1'AUJJJ CllUUCll Union Htreot, ojiiKjalto l3 iltit. Uvr. KM U.HufcllUu Hector, bervlieH ') Muuduynt 11. . and 7;sor. m. Hunduy woolv.ii A. m. JCveulug 1'rayerou Frlduy at tflKHT IJAI'TIHT (JHUKCH-Hev. 0. I, Tay . t0K' I'nntor, Morning ervlk every huh fff'1 t ttio ucademy at 11 a m. hablmtli S"00' Immediately afu-r morning mtvIcoi;. fjWr ini-etlug Friday evening at I'unUir'b renl j'ite. Unlou nvrvloe lu the court hou.e ut pONUUKOATIONAl. OHUKCH-Hev. W. tJ. y Cuiitis, Cantor. Bervlccii every Bunrtay at 11 . and 7 v. m. Bunduy Hchool uf ter morning 5'viee. BtrmigeniOordlKllj luvltixl. HeuU Irev. 11 K. OHUHOH-Uev. J. ",, ! oerylcoji every Buuduy morning ut 11 a. l uiictujr Bchool nt i'aw o'clock r m, Kj.wo KUe ut C:ao v. u. 1'raver meeting eve "UriHluV UVl'lllliU ul T.nrt . ',.!.. I- A r.,,r,tl.,1 I oi tended by both piutor uud iooile Wnihi.Eit, liuntor, . in, ctli t'orv "uriKiuy evening at 7:80 o'clock. A cordial In. QI1KIHT1AN OHUKCH-ltEV.r. if, McOUKKBY ich l''achlng lu the ChrUtliiu chuieh SSJSOrdlHllyJuvljj KQKUOAlKUTIJKIlAN-llntU atreot, uiidlV: ' Uaru jxwtor. Bervicwi at 11:80 tE"m at .W p.m A cordial welcome SiRht Exchangee Sold on NEW YOltK, SAN FltANClSCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. J H. bCHENCE, I'rcMdcnt J. M. l'.tTTEIlfO.V, Cashier. first Rational Bank. ;he dalles. - - OREGON A General Banking BiiEiness transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections mrulo and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on M'w lork, fcan rrancieeo ami ror:-land. DIKECTOKS. D. P. TjIOMI'dON. Jno. S. JrCHEKCK. Ed. M. Williajjk, Gno. A. Likuk. H. M. Bkall. As old a3 thohilLV'nnd never excell ed. "Tried and proven " id the verdict o f million.-?. S i m m ons Liver Recu lator is only Liver nnd Kidney medicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A m i 1 d laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Tlio Klnp of Liver Medicines. " I have tHeil yniirSiiiunous Liver Hcgu lator and run t'onsrlenelotisly Kny It Is the kins of nil liver medicines, 1 consider It a rnedlclno cliost In HsclC cii:o. W. Jack fcO.v, Tneoina, WiLShlnyton. j62-EAKItV rACICAGn-aa ilaa tlio Z Stamp in red uu wrupper. TUP Daily Evening Chronic..1 i recoeubed 1 II L. as eskcntliilly the home !iicr for the Dnllo City folkk lAIr This v not u bud riputntlon. Somen UJVl 11 2,(ki) of our aitirens wntcli the columm of this nnnm daily for the kjilclet local news. It 1 Ml L,K Micceeds in glctnine the field, nnd hence grows In popularity nnd iniortmice. Take it awhile, you who don't; trytoineof Its premium oilers. Pills W. H. YOUNG, 8 "ft Regulator Line" ITlie Dalies, Portland aid Astoria Biacisitl k mm Navigation Co. General Blacksmithing and Work don 1 promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality M Third Street, opu. Liebe's old Staud. sk House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any anil all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures, lias the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles J. F. FORD, Evaielisl, Of De Moines Iowa, writes uuder date ol March '.3, 18W: S. B. Mud. Mfh. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo hist week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to S8 ounds, it now well, strong and vigorous, and well lleHhed up. P. B. Cough Curo has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure bus cured and kept uway till hoarseuews from me. Bo give It to every one, with grecthige for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Wit. & Mas. J. F. Vouu. If you wUh to feel frekh uud cheerful, and ready for the Bprlng'H work, cleanse your nybtem with the Headuche and Liver Cure, by taking twooi three down each week. Bold uuder u ponltlve guurautee. 60 cents per bottle by nil druggibtk, C. F. STEPHENS, DJXAL1JK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing ItOUlH, nlio Httt'i Kid Fancy l)ood& ploiion, Ktc, Ktc. Ktc. Second St The Dalles. THROUGH Frei oiii soil P seep one Through Tri-Weekly 'Sundays ex ecpted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves Tho Dalles at 7 u. in., Monday?, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Ijcks with Steamer Dulles Citv. Steamer Dalles Citv leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at (1 a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'AHSKNfiKH It A TUN. One way Round trip. f2.00 3.00 Freight Rates reatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. .Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must lx delivered boforo & p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C ALLAWAY, (ienenil A;;mit. B. F. LAUGHLIN, UeiKiral .Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON TOE REBEL ADMIRAL Mystery as to the Whereabouts Hollo. A Kir. SGARE IX AX OPERA HOUSE Audience hmhtened by Anarchists ami the Place Hurriedly Emptied. I'KiiNAMiiuc-o, Due. 27. Tho greatest mystery surrounds the movements of the rebel admiral, Mello. Nothing has been seen of him since he sailed north on the .L'Uth, presumably to show fight to the new government cruisers Nicthe- roy and America. The Spanish warship Cristobal Colon, which arrived from Rio, reports that on Christmas eve there was a heavv en gagement between the rebel warships and the forts. Both side? are said to have etifTered severely. Later in the day there was great ex citement caused bv the news that Ad miral Mello had arrived at Bahia, and the men on board the Nictheroy began with alacrity to put things in readiness to meet the enemy. The rebel warships are reported coaling at Bahia, prepara tory to starting for I'ernambuco to cap ture or destroy the Nictheroy, after which, if successful, it will give tho America a drubbing. Mello is expected hero tomorrow. It is not expected ho will attack in broad daylight. It is not expected he will attack in broad day light. It is now said the Nictheroy will steam out to meet him. T H U ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND 1015 0EBAM. Candies and Nuts .Specialties i I l,ll'u ( ' Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho DalleH , directly upon the blood and imin- Ions surface of the system. Price Joe. At right Mac , ur bottle. N)ld ny tin uniggibiN. cn- tinioniulti free. A Theater Deserted. Madiiid, Dec. 27. A large audience gathered in the Royal opera house last night. While waiting for the perform ance a tumor began to circulate that anarchists were present and intended to onimita bomb outrage. In less time than it takes to tell it the whole audi ence Hurried in a semi-panic-stricken state from the house. The hurried and excited manner in which the people fled caused a report to circulate that the ex plosion had occurred. As the news spread the population of the whole city was intensely excited, and many flocked to the vicinity of the opera house, and ?oon the streets in that locality were congested. Finally it developed that the report was a canard and the people dispersed. Aiiawor to rennoyerS Letter. Sai-km, Or., Dec. 27. At a meeting of the board of tra'lc and citizens of Salem, held in the parlors of the Willam ette hotel, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : "Wiii:i:i:as, The governor of the state of Oregon has abused the official position conferred upon him by the people- by ad dressing the president of tho Uuited States a letter containing certain state ments injurious to tho commonwealth, and calculated to create an erroneous im pression in the minds of those not acquainted with tho facts, thereby de ferring tlioso who might contemplate en gaging in productive industries here; therefore, "Jlcxolved, That wo, the board of trade and business men of Salem, most em phatically deny tho asset Hons of tho gov ernor and brand Ids statements as false, and aver that, notwithstanding the pre vailing depression, there is no widsprcad destitution or actual want in Oregon, and that tho governor, in claiming that two-thirds of our people are without em ployment, while one-third aro without tho means of sustenance, was guilty of grots misrepresentation; and wo request our representatives in congress to pre sent these resolutions to tho president of tho United Stales, and to deny in both senato i-iul hoiiso the truth of the gov ernor's statements. While admitting that Oregon is suffering from tho pre vailing hard times, we confidently claim that there is less poverty hero in propor tion to tho population than in any other state in tho union, and tho prospects for tho future aro excellent." Bismarck is reported to bo bnU'eriug lrom his old complaint of neuralgia in tho arm. His condition is complicated by indigestion. llow'M Tilla! Wo oh'er one hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. .1. CHUNKY A CO., Props. To'edo, (). Wo tint undersigned, have known J;. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and beliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and flnai'clally able- to carry out any obligation made by their ""w'cfet Si Triiux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. , . Walding, Kinuan A Marvin, hole- sun) i' "hk.oio, ."tarrn t;uro is wkuii uueniuuy, Kl ticnt I ruin I Work. The Oregonmn thus reports Prof, Gavin's talk on "Results to bo Aimed At in School Instruction and Discipline. Ho said that the 'purpose to bo aimed nt in school instruction is the combination of the acquirement and culture of ideas so far as they are capable of being com binedwhich combination is the study and presentation of any given branch in its most orderly and logical manner. It should be tho aim so to instruct that tho learner's enthusiasm will bo aroueed and that he will do for himself all that ho can do, and will look to tho teacher for guidance and help only when ho has reached tho limit of his own powers t should bo the aim of the class discus' sion to cause the student to see tho sub' ject in the proper light nnd to correct wrong ideas that he may formed. When this is done, the drills, repetitions and reviews should aim to fix permanently in uie nnnu wnat tne student na pre viously acquired. On tho question of disciplino the speaker showed that it may bo necessary at times to allow dis ciplino in school to supersede the work of instruction. These cases are excep tional, and need tho teacher's utmost caution and good judgment. Signing tho Homestead Scale. PiTTsnuna, Pa., Dec. 27. The signing of the new scale at the Homestead Car negie steel works began today. It was not officially made public, but from what could be learned of it through men employed in the various departments the cuts in wages run from 10 to Go per cent and are among the heaviest ever known in the iron trade of this locality. It is likely to be accepted by the men. l'KSSOVEll'S LETTER. Oregon Itopulillcnns at Washington Having Trouble to Explain. Washington, Dec. 20. The Oregon republicans expressed regret that Pen- noyer has broken out again, especially as ins screed was printed under nead- ngs, "Poverty-Sticken Oregon," "A Pauper State," and similar disagreeable captions in the eastern papers. Senator Mitchell said : "While I agree with the governor on the question of free coinage, I know that Oregon people are in no worse condition than other sections of the country, which is duo to tne tnreateneu democratic tarifl' more than anything else. I am exceedingly sorry because of the im pression it leaves on tho minds of those who cannot know Pennoyer. Such things hurt the stato and can do no pos sible good. Tho democratic office-seekers who are here from Oregon were almost stampeded." "Is not this tho man you icople have been voting for and support ng for years?" asked a close friend of Cleveland of ono of them. This and similar questions they got iround as best they can. But any person convicted of being a Pennoyer man is doomed. 238 2d Street LMI I'll u.; nl,nr'.l J, rULuU 1 1 IkfV COMPOUND. A recent discovery by nn old physlcluu. Successful:! weil Monthly lu thousand! of Ladles. U tlio only perfectly fafoand rellablo mcdlelua dis covered. Bowaro or unprincipled drugsjists who ctfer Inferior medicines In jilaco of this. Asfc tot CooU'a Cotton Root Compound, take no nu&slf fu, or iuc!o3o $1 and 0 conta In postage In letter end v.-o will send, scaled, by return mall. KulUealod partloulurj In plain envelope, to ladles only, il ctnmpa. Addreti V o n i". I. II V C o m p n n V. Nn. a Tinner Block, Detroit. JlltfSi. ,old I'l The Dulles by lllakeley A: Hon ni. Strength anil Health. If you aro not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has loft you weak and won";, use Klectrie Blttors. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you arealllicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Klectrie Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Largo bottles only f0e. at Snipes it Kiuursly's drug store. KlUIU'Miritll, r.iJiin.'.'7, i!W. Mil J, .1, Kkii., Hhuip'-I'iirtf, I'".., , ,, , , I j: A It Hill I have umjiI Kiuiuu'ri lleiidiielio Cini'.Ule.s for Kiinu time mid want III testify Hi tlicir vtilnu. I tiled vailoiih well reeiimuieudiil medicine, but got no U'llef until I u-ed thew, uud now would not bu without them for leu times tlielrcoit. Yours respectfully I'll UII.UN T, HCIiliWICK. h'oldbylililpesit Klhersly. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. J. C. Lucky came down from Union last night. Prof. A. Beroy, one of tho survivors of Balaklava, of tho famous light brigade, is in tho city today, nnd made Tjik Ciikonicm: a pleasant call. IIDKN, In Tho Dalles, Dec. 28th, to the wife of Rev. Eli D. Sutcliffe, a son. Dec. 28th, at tho residenco of A. Y. Marsh, four miles west of Tfie Dalles, to the wifo of Michael Thornton, a son. Union Whist Club. For real enjoyment and good cheer the meetings of tho Union Whist Club certainly cannot be excelled. Every meeting seems to be more thoroughly enjoyed than any previous, and it would seem to those present last evening, when entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wilson, that a better time could not be had. As soon as tho usual number of games were played the floor was cleared and, accompanied by Mrs. J. T. Peters and Mrs. J. S. Fish at the piano, tho remaining hour was spent in dancing, when the club came the conclusion that from the manner in which one of their members managed the different dances, he must Jiave missed his calling, and should have been a dancing master, where ho , could have managed the floor instead of tli2 bench. Court May Set Aside tho Lease. On account of Judge Bellinger's order that the receivers of the Union Pacific file a statement of the receipts from and expenditures upon the property of tho Oregon Railway it Navigation Company railroad men are talking of the possibil ity that the court may set aside the lease of this property. Should the lease be set aside the Oregon Railway it Nav igation would, it is believed, go into the hands of a receiver at once, and would be operated under direction of the court. This railroad men claim would result in sweeping revision of rates, keeping onlv the local interests in view, and without regard, or with little icgard, for the thiough busbies?. LITTLE GEiwG. Tnnnn is a great dili'erence between having- to say something and having1 something1 to say. Dr. A. T. Pierson. Wn know not how much wo love the world, till wo find pain and diHicultj- in parting- witli its good tilings. Wilson. Wiikn one lias enough light to per ceive tnat one is mistaken, and too much vanity to own it, and instead of turning bael: one ffoes still deeper into one's errors, it is the progress and tho consolation of pride. Chateaubriand. When what you read elevates vour mind and inspires you with high and noble feelings, do not seek for any oth er rule by which to judge the compo sition; it is .food, made by the hand of an experienced workman. La Bruyere. Ill (HllSS. That's tho wav Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets come. And it's moro import ant than you think. It keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike tho or dinary pills in cheap wooden, or paste board boxes. riiev'ro put up in a better way, and thov c( in a better way, than the huge, old-fashioned pills. No griping, no vio lence, no reaction afterward that some times leaves you worse than oetoro. in that way, thev cure permanently. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa- on. Indiuestion, unions Attacks, ami all derangements of tho liver, stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and ured. Thev'ro tiny, nigupcoated granules, compound of iellned and concentrated veuetable extracts the smallest in size, the easiest to tak, and tho cheapest pill you can buv, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. You pay only for tho ijiuhI you got. There's nothing likely to bo "just ax yoatl," WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Best grades oak, fir, pine and slab wood. Olllco US;t Second stieet. All oidors piomptly .ittunded to. tf M.ui:i! it Buxton Karl's Clover Root, tne new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to thocoinplexlon and cures constipation. 250., r0c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes it Kiuersly, druggists. Warner's butter at Muier it Benton's grocery store. Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Damns Powder ABSOUUTEl PURE