.11 1 jl rtf Thft dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the I'ostoGice nt The Dalle, Orepon, r eeond-clH mutter AGRICULTURE IN EUROPE. Ix France asparagus must lmvo two qualities size and flavor. The soil must possess a double property; it must be lipht and rich. The richness THE DALMZS m:i:no by manures, but the purely poojrraphical BOKX ACJiUSS n-lE Si-IA, Massachusetts Governor-Eloct a Native American. Not tint lie T. .vrrtbelDs. ns True to the Stars mid Stripes its Tliondi He IVerr a T.tuenl Dcsceudnnt of tlie "Ptlcrliu I'atlior. Hon. Frederic T. Orwnhalpe, por-ernor-elect of the commonwealth of Massachusetts was Itorn in 1542. at Clitheroe. a small mnimfaciitrincr town in Lancashire. Enjr.. about thirty miles uorth of Manchester. His faihe-. n skille.l workman. nUhomfrh burdened with the support of a family of seven children, had the intelligence and fore sight to realise the advantage of pjv iug to these younp member of hir. family r. trainmp and etiueation calcu lated to improve their condition in life, Jsrtly or. this account and part- f the be'.l t pr.wpecta of :,.. til-.' filler -'"'ji-el of th ft England .n he foun.l employment T hi- residence ia the city of The new troveruor of Massa- can be obtained lipht quality is a question. Tin: violet crops in the south of Prance pave only a moderate yield this season, not quite sufficient to supply the local manufacturers. Por several years the violet plants have suffered "from a blight thnt has injured the flowerinp. ErFORTs are beinp made to have a sanitarium established, as a landinp place for foreign animals subject to slaughter, near Newcastle. England, in order that cattle and sheep from Canada and America may lie imported there direct. Kosk plantations, started two years apo in the neighborhood of Leipsic. Germany, pave such brilliant results that they arc beinp extended. They kept well during the last long and se vere winter, and their condition this season has left nothing to be desired. An IrUli Hull at the Door, That was a real Irish conclusion of the man. who, a trifle under the "in fluence," was attracted by the lights and tntislt! of n ftttiev hull nml mnnnmul to slip in past the ticclicrcnt doorkeon-' King's New Discovery, not ers. Up he went into the ballroom, I Hpecdy recovery, but escaped and planting himself against the wall fairly purred with delight at the loveliness around him music, dancing, "fair women and brave men." all going merry as a married belle. In a little while, feeling that he was hardly re ciprocating for such a wealth of unex pected pleasure, ho pratieed out into the middle of the floor during a brief ; won't disappoint. Free trial tattles : nil In the festivities, and, losing up 1 Snipes & kiriersly's drug store. his hat to the chandelier, gave a loud, ! ' " estatic "W-h-o-o-p!" and then, feelinp ; Settlement iteiiueMe.l. happy in having done the graceful thing, he toddled back to his former During my absence, nil who hnve im position. Instantly the indignant 1 settled accounts with the undersigned "bouncing committee" rushed at him are expected to call and settle with Mi. and. clutching him by all available uoo. Krntiss, who has mv books and points, started to throw him out The ; nccounts,. An larh. settlement ui!l manifest injustice of tins crueltv roused ' , , ,. ... ' , everv eombntive fiber in M AtT..,1,l P"'. oblige. Oltrg truly, I. flrlpp. During tlio prevalence of tlio grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable, fact that those who dettended upon Dr. only hud a all of the troublesome after effects of the maladv. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured eases of asthma and hay fever of long standilu:. Trv it and he convinced. It YOUR ATTEflTIOH Is called to tho faot that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Oh and Pull.l. Currl .210 Fi.jjsr ' Cement erial of fit kinds. Wasco WiKKNse Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Co f InrM :. 'tot i iPtt plMDJS, Rates Reasonble. W ly W'.-av.M ec.il. rme when th his tn. . States, ti an.? to'k .; Loweil Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es tate dealer in Dos Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part ! r. (rreenhalge, j of Iowa during a recent blizzard, savs i ;kc ten was m 'or the United tady, and firmly bracing himself for best resistance as only a drunken man can. he growled out: "Y're goin' to throw rile out'.' Well." firmly and de liberately, "J didn't come here and I'm not goiu' away." Washington Post chnsett- .m.-sI his early life under coc..:. r. is.i.lar to those of most New Lnc s.n- !hvs of rood mental at-tainmo:.:- bat of limited means. He pas..; through the grammar - hool jf L i graduated with honor from its i:pi- school, and in 1S59 entered H&rrar ' college. Tliree years later the Jen. . .f his father forced him to abnnu c ill studies at Cambridge and liad means of earning his li--.n lie taught school for awl...', -orved an apprenticeship in :. cur ting-room, and for some sis ;:i V- was connected with the corn. v..,- department of the United Stat-.-. --':ay in the tniiitarv- depart ment North Carolina. luring the period between 1SS2. when he left col lege, and 1S65. when he was admitted to the Middlesex bar, such leisure time as he had at his disposal was occupied J. Sort. j2 tiie Saturday Review. Mr. Rlais; had occasion to drive several mile? during the storm and was so tborouirhly chilled that he was inable to got warm, and in side ot an hour after his return ho was threatened with a severe case of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. I5lair.y sent to the nearest drng store and cot a bottle of Chamberlain'.- Cough Remedy, of which he had often hea'd, and took & number of large doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to eome to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize recards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blakeiev & Houghton. j NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern: Iy virtue of an order of the common j council oi unites uty, mace and en- i tered on the 12th day of December. ISfi.l, , notice is hereby given that said citv i council is about to proceed and order aud construct a sewer of i-mch terra eotta pipe on .Lincoln street, comment- ins at the intersection of Lincoln and Fourth street, on the south side of Fourth strc-et, and continuing thence northerl v alon the center of said Lin coin street to low water mark of Mill crees, ana unit tlie cos: tor sates sewer will be assessed against the property di rectly benented thereby, as by ttie charter provided. Dated this 'Gth day of December, 1S93. Dofi.tAs s. Drrrt:. d!4t Recorder of Dalle- Citv. ItueklenN Arnica snt e. The liest salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refnnded. Price 25 cents per tat. For sale tw ?nipes olc Kin-ers.lv Lkmlii: Hrnxn. woon, woiui, woon. liest grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at .los. T. Peters A Co. (Oflico Second and Jeffer son streets. 1 I, (ml. Over Viiur (Nullity Wai iiuiK. All county warrants registered prior to January UUh, 1 SPO, will be paid if presented at my oflice, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. W'u. Micnm.i., Treasure- Wasco Count v. D.tober 21ft. ISilS. 'tf Hut clam liruth at J. O. Mack's every 1 iv at 4 o'clock To lis found In the City. 72 Cdnshington Street. From TERM IN r I.WiOn Points 1 1: h Mai Piil RWILROHD M.tllK (iOOJi. . W- Oo. TIIK IM t.l.KK, (lit fi1t VtVVlWliV!lVI VWVWVl'vj 5 jwdAv. DICTIO' ami bueutr 1. tho It no in tnkt P J 2T.E3ErjC T. GREnSXIAtSE, GOVEn.VOr. ELECT OF MJLSSiClIUSETTS. with the study of tlie law, and his ad ialttr.r.c2 zo the prof iSKsion under these circum-tanees indicated on his part es Cfeptior.al antitTtde :tnd intelUsrencr His personal inclinations led him to tarn to political life, and from ISO?, when elected a membe.- of the common conncil of Lowell, up to tl e present he has been for the greater part of the time the holder of various public offices. These included, by a natural progression, the school committee, the mayoralty of Lowell, membership in the legislature, the city solicitorship untl membership in the United States houst- A representatives. In addition, and in spite of his political activity. Mr Greenhalge lias zealously followed his profession, and in for himself a well-deserved though possibly circumscribed reputation, his law practice britiging in to him a good income. As a political orator Mr. Greenhalge holds a high rank a fact brought into prominence during his service in the Kifty-first congress. when, as a member of the committee SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue 1 an exeu:iuu cud order of wile i-ued out of the Circuit ivmr: of the uteof Oregon for Waco county, ujxiii a deree and .'iidtnr'en: made. Tendered and entered by Mid ' mirtor. the M day of November lw. in'iavyr of the ploiiitiC. in i uit then and theretofore l-.'iidlnc. wherein .11. lmfur. iicirve Wattlny nd Fran Menofet. purtner tlnim; btuinos under the linn ntLie un;l nty'" m lmfur. Wat viu & Mwiefer.. were jilaintifK nnd IiaiU (i.-ubat:. Etta orahozu and The tialle I.um er in? CorupcTiy, n corjjinitioij. were dtieudunU. aud ti nie directed one delivered, coa:niandiiie me to levy ujon and !! the land' nieutioned in mid writ, nnd hereinafter de-cribrd, 1 did on the 2d day of December, l'JC. duly ley ujKin ud will eI3 nt uublic auction, to the iilj;het bidder, for ciish in hfind, on .llnmliiy, the aad day of January, 1H0-1, nt 2 o'flnefc in the of temin of 'ld day. at the tront doir of the eountv court hou-e th liille Citv. Wc-eo County, O'reKon. al! of the land. and premises described in aid writ, nnd herein jMirtfculurly de-criljed n followii to-nit All thnt riortion of land situated in the SV of the SK'-4 of Sc. 33, Tt. S.. '.. V.i E.. W M., in Wnoo county. Orecon, b"i;itmlnc ut the j Muttnvejt corner of the sW;4 of the SE(-4 of Bald I iec. S3, thence ent twenty ehulni to jjunrter ! corner thence north to southeast corner of lit I ! In siid ?ec. Si. thence wet to southwest eor- lousiy louowea nertif said Lot 0: thence south to jihice of be this has made Kbiulng containing in T-Jiw acres, save nnd exceiu uiJ lyof: imri-eis nnu ijriiuuH iiiereirom. theretofore inveyed bv said David Graham to the following named wrons To II. J. Mnler mid J. I', llenton, by deed liearinc date Decem ber is l'v-'j. which deed is duly recorded nt iaw s, of llfok "1," Iltcords of Deeils of Waiifo comity, Orejro-i, uud br deed bearinc date Kebniary 'Si, which deed 1 ubo duly recorded nt tce 1 fj of said Hoot y" to the Norfh I'uelllc Trunk ilanufacturinc Cotntmnv. by deed bearinc date February 1, 1'j0, which deed U duly recorded nt jage 135 of said Uook "F": to William Iiutts. bv unon to 1 aixa "'" Juiy iw, wnicn oeeu is 1 t 1 I iiuii iixiiutu n, jiiii; ui ui oiou inpt i hi uvuuii ui mo i j, v, . Johnson hv dL-tfl toiriiiL' date July IT. IfcWi. ol elections, he vas called nrf'Kfnt to the house, on republican associates, a number of lm-1 which deil U duly recorded ut t-ate va o.' salii ' ,. ,.i..,.,ir.r, ..,cc .i c,.,. I!&ofc ,(1 nnd to ' Jiareer and 0. W. Iiolund portant contested election eases,aser- l)V dt1 ljeurlns date January 10, ifeyi, which ice that he performed with a readiness j need is duly recorded ct imce 177 of ltook "Q" of '.n4iinitinni ivliifh ivnn fnr lii-n ?it W deed records for said county, all of which and eloquence wnicn on lor mm at , deed ure lterel. rt.furr(1i a u jmn ,ti tblsde the time a national recognition, ros- ! scrintion token nnd levied ujxjn as the property sessed of a pleasing voice, a reudy com mand of idiomatic Knglish and highl developed power of imagination, Mr. Greenhclge is a speaker whose popu larity i-. readily acknowledged even by those r i opposing political convictions. These aptitudes are at times soinewhut trentnerous, in that they have led him now and again to make statements which a less impulsive and ready poli tician would have refrained from mult- ( ing. However, this very lire and in-1 tecsity of mind h. the characteristic. tliut ha gaiuod for him so large a de gree of popularity among the repub licans of his state, and he has perhaps no more than others the defects of his virtue Mr. Greenhalge was married :n !-7j t.j Isabella Nesmith, whose fa ther had formerly been a lieutenant governor of Massachusetts. He has ' three children, a daughter and two sons, one of the latter now a stu dent ut Andover, Mass. Mr. Green-1 imige mUII lives ut Lowell, and bus ' been identified there with u number of bocial. literary and charitable under taking For a sore throat there is nothing better than a Annuel handafee dampened with (Jhumberlain'B I'r.in Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy ia also a fa 'oritu for rheumatism and Iiuh cured very s:overe tiafttfl. 50 cent bottles for sale by XSJukeley & Houghton. of the wild Etta Graham, or so much thereof in shall U: sullicient to satisfy the sum of tEK.ll) with interest on said sum from the .-'a day of November, lfc93, tit the rate of Uin per cent. ter imiiuin, aud JI0.0O uttonie.Vs fees, uud the fur ther sum oi m.75 costs of said suit, together with uccruiii!; costs aud exicrisc8 of sale, and If any aurplus reinalim after the satisfaction of saiu sums aoovc meuuoueu, sucn surplus to oe The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHRONICLE was o.-tablislied for the ox press purpose of faithfully representing The .Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. it now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and .Grant counties, as well a? Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the inland Empire. The Daily Ci-n:oxirLE is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chkoxicle on Fridays of each week at SI. 50 p.-r annum. TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It Is the IMnlnr; Car f.nute. It runs Thronpb : 'etltmkd l ruins every day in the yuar to pi paid and Chicago I (NO CHANG K OK CAKS I Comixised of Mnluc Cars unsurpassed, l'ull j rnnti Drawing Koom blccpcrs at latest equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CAILS j Hest thnt ran U' constructed, aud In which accommodations we Isotli Fnr and Kurnlshed ! lor holders oi Klrst and Second-class Tickets, tnd j ELEGANT DAY COACHES i "I'tlSbr i. Ten year in r-vl, liii ltore i- more ll.ui. fOi,iM ex ciiiliii , l'H I livcrybutlv s rlinulil u ii Uj, f lUtl(.n.-irj. It an. Mvcrsnu qncMiniH J t'oueertilnir tlie ul- 5 tor-. i-f-lUitK, J iiniH'iation, and tnriiii'nir of v.ords A Library in Itself. ltr.i)Rivei S the often ilolred luforuiatlon (H-iicrrnln ? eminent jicnwmit; fnct eornvrnlns thn 5 countrlpn, cities, tows. nnd natural fca 5 tureM of the ploUi, pnrlH'umrs eoncrrnliti; ? noted llrtltlous perxoni and ilucc , trans. 5 latloii of foreipu ijiioutlons, words, ami protrrtH, etc., ete., elr J Tliis Work is In vnhinhlc in th,, hotiseholiUnuil to the teacher, scholar, pr r icasionai man, ami wii-etuic-iinr J .Wif tin All UmAu-Urr. 5 O. .1- r. Merrlum Co. t l"itlAithm. 5 C7T"lio not )ttr!iMiilinlft. ' 5 Kraplne reKiiiu ot aiirlriit J CJr-.scndfurfrmiiri'iTtu. ii picrmwj I A continuous line, conuecttuc with all lines 1 aUordlns direct aud uutntomipled service l'ullmnu fleii-cr re':vntiou cm t secun-rt In ndruuee throunb any urciU of the road, THROUGH T1DKETS Euclaiid and Etirope can I ticket otllce of tht comjuiiiy To imC inm all jioitiu In AmerlcH, jiurcine(i ui btiT Full InloncaUsn conceniln; trains, route lzxA other de application to 'talil rates, time oi s furnished on The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 KEADEKS. 1 They rend The Chronicle t.i pel the latest imil ! most reliable ' cws And they mal every line I that is in the pu)er That is what runkex the Chronicle an Invaluable ndvcrtMiic mctllura The newsimjicr that triies to the family firesides Is the one ig- that Ui advertisers of Usiay putronlre ' when they desire to reach tho iieople. When they want your trade their unnouncemeuts will lie Ion ml In the pacr Uxifc over our columns and observe the verlflc' tlon of the truth of this assertion. Itemembcr, is worth nsklnc for through these For advertising ratvi subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., W. C. ALLAWAY, ARuut I). J'. A- A. Nav. Co., Kcpilator office, Ta Dalles, ur., or - . . . . a. d. charlto:;, Qbeap AduprtisiRO 5?itps. Ass1!, General l'ansontrer Act., Fortlaud. Jsu 1 N " I D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tia Repairs m Qooii MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kust Blacksmith Shop. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get oil' on the South Side T THE flEW COLUMBIA HOTEL. This large nnd popular Jlnuw d'es the principal hotel business. ircmred to iurinsi. tne next AccomiuiidutlouH ot any and lx House in the city, and at the low rate o! $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Ideals, 25 Certs. Olllee for nil Stoce Line. Icuvlnc The IlHllex for ull iolnt In Kiistern Oregon anil Kusterii tt'unliliiKton, In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Hts NICHOLAS, Propr. upnlled in satisfaction of the judgment of the I acieuuaui jne jaues i.uinijernii; uoinjiuuy 1 iii,'oliibt the defendants, David and Ettn Oraiiam, uecordinn to mid judgment and decree herein neiore rneniioneu Dec. lfe. Vi'M T. A. WAlill. Sherill of Wntco Couuty. Oregon. Dated ut Dulles City. Or. tttuivSt NOTICE FOIC J'UULICATJON. I', fi. Lash Okfici:, The Dulle. Or., I(eceinter U, ItsM. Notice Is hereby bIvcu that the followlnc numed settler has filed notice of his intention to innko liuul pr(f in support of hit claim, and that said proof will Ik- raudu lx.-fore the reitlxtcr aud receiver of the I', fa'. Jjind ollice ut The Dulles:, Or., on Juuuury lk.yi, i Juiiien llurlliiKUiuo, Homestead No. -1011', lor KEW HWJi, KY., und HK'i KEJi. fiec. 31, Tp. -1 k. 11 12 K W. M. He names the following wltuesseH to iirovu his coiitlutiouH residence ujoti uud cultivation of said liind, viz. : 1. I'.dinoniUoii, J. G. Hudson und J. l'rout, of Wnrnle, Or., and K. ii. Chandler. Tho Dalles, Or avjya joii.n v. i.i:vih, itesister. Parcliitse ticket for photo of agent, he will call hut once, D. C. Hkliicik. Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby uhen tliut the uiiderslijued has: Uen duly upiIuted by the llouurublu County Court of Wusco county, Oregon, Ad lnlulHtrutor of the estate of John lielat, lute of Wnsco county, und now deccused. All irtirsoiit IjuvIuk cIhIius iiKidnst said cstute will present them, duly verilltd, to inu ut thu othce of thu Columbia I'aekliiK Cointuny, ut the corner of Third und Washington streets, In Dulles City, Wtuoo county, Oieon, within six moiitha from tho dute of thin notice. Dated ut Dulles City, Or., Dec. a, lt03. E. . I'll I KM AN, .It dfij3 Adm'r estule of John iselut, dec d. T. T. Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Fineet Lino of Gents' KtirnishLing Goods, Trunks and Palises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. rREE! r REE ! ! With, every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... 3 Li fe-Sie Crayon. jo Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself THE DALI.LKP, OK. u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Clmif-Oiit Salt ii p- Furniture & Carjms at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ratet). MICHELBACH BRICK, - UNION ST. FIRST CLHSS JOB PR Pi aiQ NT'"" Mt"mb CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE