The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 27, 1893, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kiitritn) n tho 1'nntomront Thp DUoi, Oregon,
Clubbing List.
ItOKiilar Our
jiflcn price
Chronicle and V V, Tnlnnr, . . . S2.W Jt.T5
fbromtlf and American Farmer, . . . fc!.00 Sl.iS
Chroiirlf aid Hrfliirf'i Uapatine $2.25
Cktciiiflf aid (leimopolilm Haririif,. . . 1.00 US,
1'hrcnirle J Prairie firmer, (bir.icn $2.50 12.00
Cbrciiirlf and (i4f.lifmir)t,v-)$t.liiii .1.(11) 2.0
Lornl Ailvnrtlflnc.
10 (Vm- lino for flrat liicnlnn, iinil 6 Cent
KT line tor eiicli MihMcquont Inxertlon,
Special rntCH for lonir tlmo notice.
All Ioch. notice rwlvitl IkUt tlinn i o'cloclc
rlll Mppcnr the followltic day.
DF.C. 27, 1803
TUr. Daily and YrekUj Chronicle may
ht found nn mlr nl I. C. Xickrhrn' ftore.
splry NcwHrU Srrirr.l from it It.
Irlr' Not Hook.
tlif' t(iKcs. Iloplnc, HuvIiik unci
Tlic luindNof llnpcarc empty, anil the linitrt of
HurliiK In mul,
I or tliu Joy we take, In tho tnkiriK dle, unit tlic
Inv U'm Iinil U li. MtwiLi
n, niucii la the iK.iti.r tin. I...
I1- joy e linvccli.KHl nnif hint?
the Ixitter tiio Joy unknown, or
nn mm iiimt
John lloylc O'lUllly.
Tlic di 1 r(.ur iH nently none. Prepare
vour resolutions forlSl)4.
The Inland Star brought f 1 10, about n
third of whnt the engine inside of her is
Tho state nsyjum board will meet next
Monday, and tho location of the asylum
will then probably hs announced.
Messrs. John Blaser and F. n l,.
Skibbo are selling tickets today ir the
firemen's brill. They are going very
There nre thoso who wieh there would
come n genuine freeze and thus dispose
of the great quantity of soft mud on the
Ilrazilian rebels and government forces
each claim their opfioncntB are nearly j
whipped. Perhaps they are like the j
Kilkennv cats. I
The Stutts Co. will entertain the
1'ortlund public this evening with "A
Celebrated Case," opening Cordray'e
theater for the season.
Christmas it snowed on Tygh Hidge
the whole day, and yesterday there was
six inches of snow there. The ground is
covered all the way to 8-Mile.
Mrs. M. A. Paulson, a medical electri
cian, will give Ja free private lecture to
Indies nt tho court house on Thursday
at 12 p. in. All are cordially Invited.
Dan Maloncy'fl horse was sold lodnv
at BhcrlfTfl sale, to satisfy an execution
brought by Prims ,t Nitschke. The
valuable anlninl brought only sfSO.
Marriage licenses have been granted
to Henry Peterson and Katie Wiolwrg,
John W. Ayres and Alinira Hoot, and
Poster Winslow and Kflle K. Thompson.
The Inland Star was sold yesterday to
Mr. H. S. Huntington in nursuanco of a
writ of execution. Captain Kennedy,
the designer and builder of the boat, oh-
jected, but the clainifl oi tho unfortunato
owner were not heeded.
McGInnis It seems to trie that there
are fewer marriages than ever before.
I wonder what is tho cause of it?
Smith If voting ladies would learn to
stick a pin in their apron strings so that
it wouldn't scratch a fellow's wrists
there would bo more marriages. Texas
lion. K. P. Mays roturned Mondav
evening from Fossil, whore he has been
engaged in prosccnting the caso against
the cattle thieves there. The Dalles
Chronicle. Partly correct. He prose
cuted part of them and defended the
other part served God and Mammon,
as it were. Fossil Journal.
The ladies of the ?ood Intent Societv
are going to a great deal of trouble in
preparing their New Year's entertain
ment for Saturday evening, Dec. 30th.
Hot chicken pie supper will be served
from 5 till S p. m. for f0 cents, includ
ing a ticket to the entertainment. Sup
per will also be served after tho program
to those who wish it.
Tho grand masquerade ball to be given
next Monday evening by Jackson Kn
gine Co. will be the dancing event of
the season. Tho annual balls given by
this company have always been success
ful and are always well attended. Jack
son Hose Co. comprises many of the
oldest and best citizens of the town, who
have been members of the company ever
since they were young men.
The public auction sale of the Frank
Yogt stock will be resumed at 7 o'clock
this evening, llargains at private sale
will Iks oll'ered tomorrow and Fridav and
on Saturday during the entire day and !
evening u public sale will be held at
which it is hoped the stock will be en
tirely disposed of. The necessity of
closing out this stock as rapidly as jossi
ble is forcing prices down so that every
sale is a bargain.
Ueul Kit ate.
D. J.and Mary E. Holmes to W. H.
Holmes, ne4' sec 10, township 5 south,
range 13 east; $1,000.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Tho line ItrcomtiiciKletl ly thn Mate
Ho aril of Agriculture.
Mr. Ktnil Schanno linn furnished ua
with Pullctin No. 8 of the Oregon State
Hoard of Horticulture containing valua
ble detailed Information on all hubjects
which tho fruit-grower should know. A
number of these books will shortly bo
bo sent to Tun CmtoxicLi: for distribu
tion, and anyone needing a copy may
obtain it upon application at this ollico.
Its imjKirtanco may be realized by ono of
its opening statements, as follows:
In submitting this bulletin to the fruit
growers of Oregon, the members of tho
state board of horticulture earnestly
hope it will awaken an interest in
matters that hitherto have been neglected
by many who are engaged in fruitgrow
ing, and that it will cause those intend
ing to engnge in tho business to mako n
careful study of the subject before Eotting
out a tree. They feel that many mis
takes arc being made, and the result will
bo many failures in the orchard busi
ness, thus causing a severe blow to the
great prospective fruit industry in
The following formula for a winter
spray is recommended by the board and
should be applied now:
Lime, nnslacked, 30 lbs.
Sulphur, powdered, 20 lbs.
Salt, stock, 15 lbs.
Water GOgals.
Place 10 pounds of lime and 20 pounds
of sulphur in a boiler with 20 gallons of
water, and boil over a brisk fire for two
hours, until the sulphur is thoroughly
dissolved. It will then be amber colored.
Next, place 20 pounds of lime in a cask
and pour water enough over it to thor
oughly slack it. Add the salt. When
dissolved add to the lime and sulphur
and boil half an hour longer. Add
enough water to make COgallons. Apply
T!ie Fall Term .lUfct ClosedNew Fea.
lure of the Institution., Dec. 23, 1893.
To The Chronicle -The
fall term of the University of Ore-
j gon closed yesterday. Notwithstanding
l the hard times, it has proved one of the
1 most successful. The attendance fully
' equals that of last year at this time.
! Since Dr. Chapman arrived the courses
; of study have been thoroughly revised.
The system of credits which has proved
so successful in Eastern schools is in full
operation. The effort to mould all
minds to precisely the same pattern has
been definitely abandoned, and a large
choice of electives is offered to those who
wish to take up specialties in engineer
ing, tho languages, or any of tho sciences
Tho laboratory courses in both physics
and chemistry have been so extended as
to offer just the advantages needed by
the high school students of Oregon.
The gymnasium, also, which has so long
been lull lo t tie desultory use of the stu
dents, has tit last secured the competent
instructor, Mr. J. H. Wotherbeo of
Salem. Now the studious atmosphere
of the university will be happily supple
mented by physical culture. The now
dormitory is now under full patron igo
by students, who are moving in to Eccuro
the reduced rates of $2.50 u week. Tho
young men and women who come from
nbioitd are there put under the whole
some discipline.
During the past few months these and
many other changes have been going on,
which upon tho arrival of tho new presi
dent, met with obstacles unseen by the
public. Prof. Johnson still retains the
chair of Latin in the university, and Dr.
Chapman finds in the aged ex-prcsident
ono of his ablest and most faithful co
workers. Resides having done some
successful work in university extension,
the president has succeeded in arranging
a course of popular lectures, which is
ono of the features that add so much to
an educational center. Among the rep
resentative persons whom wo find
among these lectures are: Lydell
Baker of Portland, son of tho famous
Col. Edward Paker, Mrs. E. M. Wilson
of The Dalles, Hon. L. L. McArthur and
Judge Pellingcr of Portland, and several
others from different parts of tho state.
While the university of Oregon ofl'ers
such advantages to the young people of
the state, let thoso in such towns as
Dufur and Hood Kiver, who have no
academic school, turn their attention
this way, and a place will be given them.
Mrs. Nancy Blakeney is visiting her
sons in this city.
Mr. E. Littlefield of Lafayette is the
guest of his sister, Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw.
Mr. E. M. Cooper of Billings, Mont., a
son of D. J. Cooper, arrived in The Dalles
Saturday evening.
At the residence of J. T. Lucas, Dec.
25th, 1S93, Mr. Levi K. Hilleary and
Mary A. Turner, both of Klickitat, Elder
J. W. Jenkins officiating.
Dufur, Or., Dec. 22, 1S93, to tho wife
of W. J. Davidson, a daughter.
In this city, Dec. 25th, to tho wife of
J. K. McCoiinell, a daughter.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 7-lc Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
ayi 6101(1
Just flnhM from Hew Ton
. . . FS0H $3.50 UPWARDS
inn &
mm 4 m
109 IMS
At Kemarkably Low Prices.
Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50.
t rr s wm rT9
. J.I.ft.7-. X'UJii abouuiai fiiN i ur
W' Winter Dry Goods,
As we ate torced to SELL FOU CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the verv lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to
examine our coods and prices before purchasing.
XX. Herbrin
M. Honywill.
Gtents' SbOPSf)
Childrens' S
"Samaatlia at the World's Fair, "
Awl be up to the time-.
Pants, j
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
Locul AKont, The Dallas, Or.
A Large
of Men's
of the newest shapes made
epecially for The Dalles.
Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufilers,
Neckwear, Gloves. Umbrellas, etc.
Suitable for Christmas Presents.
Every article marked in plain flgurcs,
Business Change.
The undersigned has bought
tho Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pay all bills owing by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, 1893.
130 Main St., The Uulle. Or.
Hkppy New Yehr
To Everybody.
Christmas is over. We are glad we did what we could
to make it a holiday worth remembering. It is not for us
to say aught of our success. Let the HUNDREDS who
thronged our store and carried thence the many bundles
that gladdened so many homes and hearts ; let the people
to whom every dollar means a hundred hard-earned cents ;
let ail to whom we were a Santa Claus in deed and truth
let these say whether or not we succeeded.
Now Por Next Year
.. IIP