The Dalles My Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAl'EK OF DAU.Ks CITY. AND WA5CO COl'STY. IDAHO'S CONGRESSMAN. sUBSCRIPTIOX RATKS. bt mail rortJior. rr.KrAjn.JN adyanci:. W1t, l year J " 6 month " s OfO Daily, lvcnr n moninv. ... . . o w jvr " Addroc ali communication to tCLE," The Dalle, Orwron. OSS THE CHRO.V-' nrler Outline of WlltU Sweet's Itpinark nbU Career. Idaho's sole rt'prt'MMitntSve iu the lower hoif-e of conprvss. Willis Sweet, of Moscow. Ulaho. wasliorn nt Alburph Sprinj:. Vt . .limitary 1, was educate! it) the common sehools and attended the Nebraska state universi ty three years: learned the printer's trade at Lincoln, Neb ; located at WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27. 1S93 EFFECT OF FllEE WOOL. A mass meeting of wool prowers was . held recently at Antelope, tj answer a set of qnestious relating to the effect of taking off the tariff on woo!, prepared by Justice, Bateman A- Co. of Philadelphia. ' Fifteen questions were answered in de- tail, of which the following is a recapitn- f lation from the columns of the Ilersid : In reality, the Rocky mountains region is better adapted for the sheep and wool growing industry than any other, there fore it is extensively engaged in. The duty of lie. per pound on foreign wools teas the cause of us being able to com pete with loreign and natural stock raising countries. The expense of rais ing wool in this country is so much greater, transportation by land being so much more costly than that by water. Labor is so much higher and so much more of it is required here, while in Aus tralia sheep are turned loose in large bands of 10,000 to 100,000 head on land rented by the owner at a small cost and which need little or no attendance what ever except at shearing time. We in the Hocky mountain region and in this district, where we can run only 1 ,500 to 2,000 head in a flock and require on an average of one man to each 400 or ."P0 herd of sheeD to attend to their wants all the year 'round, cannot compete with such natural stock-raising countries. Such close attention to our fiocks in this region is necessary to ward off the constant attacks of the numerous wild animals which infest this part of the country and continually prey upon our flocks, and while we have to prepare for three months' winter at a great expense, the sheep in Australia can roam at free will and fatten on the rich natuaal grass which clothes the pasture lands of that country in the winter time. In conclusion, we wish to impress upon the minds of our honorable repre sentatives the fact that this is a vast territory of rough and monntainons country that is utterly unfit for any business except sheep ruising. There are favored spots where hay am be raised, also the agricultural products which are sold to the sheepmen, where- j as if the sheep industry is destroyed, there would be no market for such pro ducts and large sections would be prac tically abandoned. Furthermore, even at former prices for wool, wool growing alone wonld be unprofitable, but com bined with our mutton Eale? the busi ness had heretofore been satisfactory. We have spent years in improving our breeds, and under the fostering care of protection we have so improved our wool increasing the weight and improv ing the fleeces that last year we were selling our wool for much less than we could have done ten years ago, and at the same time were paying our herders 45 per month more than we have paid in 1S93. Now we have the satisfaction of Eeeing our well-bred ewes driven off to the slaughter pens and our busiuess ruined. After disposing of their sheep, two prominent sheepmen left this section the first of this month, their destination be ing South Africa. If they find condi tions in that country favorable for wooi growing quite a number of sheepmen in this immediate vicinity will sell out in the spring and emigrate. Whatever may be said to the contrary, sheepmen in the west will be forced out of business, and if it becomes generally known that in foreign countries stock men can secure profitable localities it will have the effect of sending many good, enterprising citizens and much capital out of the country. Trusting you will use your best efforts to prevent the destruction of the great wool growing industry of this country, we are Yours very respectfully. Here are attached the signatures of nearly all the sheep owners in this country with the number of ebeep owned by each man set opposite his respective name, Oldest Agricultural Paper in America, j A t.nyA To all cash subscribers of Tun Cmioxici.K ! pitying one year in advance. I TV Vf" "1 T 1 1 The American Farmer . Masquerade Ball 1729 Now York Avenue," WASHINGTON, D. C. Tiik Awi:i:ir.tN l'Ai:n:r., which l now filter- i In? mum lt TSth yenr, Is the jilonwr farmer' I Hiiriu the country. . It 1 Inrce elKlit l'HRe jaiw?r, nml contains Sfi I column of the riinlct'st nsrrlrnltural and liter ary mutter. ilentlfully embellished with line IllustrnUoin. It l , will bo Rlvon nt Armory Hall by Jackson Engine Co., No. i Workday vei)io$,Jap. i, 1894. NATIONAL IN 1IOX. WILMS WEKT. IDAHO. in September. usi. Moscow. Idaho. where he engacred in the practice of law: was appointed United States at torney for Idaho in May. was tip poiateu associate justice of the supreme court of Idaho November O.V lsMt. which position he hold until the ad mission of Idaho into the union; was elected to the unexpired term of the Fifty-first eonpress and re elected to the Fifty-second aud Fifty third congresses as a republican. Mr. Sweet is one of the youngest members of the house. He is immensely pop ular with representatives of both par ties. Heing a hard worker and doop'j interested in the subject, he took a lively part in the discussion of the sil ver question and was counted among the leaders of the anti-repealers. The Geiiry Chinese bill was another meas ure which gave him an opportunity to make his name popular in the far west. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan., called at the labaratory of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, to show them his sis-year-old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough I'emedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dalton is certain that it saved hi- boy's life and is enthu siastic in his praise of the Remedy. For sale bv Blafcelev i liouzhton. SOUETITIXQ TO liEMEMHEH, if you're a weak or ailing woman : that there's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can be guaranteed. It's Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. In Imiklmg up overworked, feeble, delicate wo men, or in any " female complaint " or weakness, if it ever fails to bene fit or cure, you have your money back. It's an invigorating, restora tive tonic, a soothing and strength ening nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for woman's ills and ail ments. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. In all the chronic weaknesses and disorders that afflict women, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. Xothinsr else can be as cheap. With this, you pay only for the good you get. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON This old, popular and reliable house 1 has been entirely refurnished, and every , room lias been repapered and repainte j and newly carpeted throughout. The i house contains '170 rooms and .ssuppliec j with every modern convenience. Hates ! reasonable. A eood restaurant attached i to the house. Fror bus to and frum ah j trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Proo. I John Pashek, Tie Merehant Tailor,! 76 Court Street, 1 Next door to "Wasco Sun Otnce. CHARACTER, farmer Interests ! ' Hint deals with (iiniiliic utnl on broad, practical lines, it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, nml everything that iipnenn In It eolumiiM Ik of the hlirhettrliiirnctvr livery lcui:tment of the Inrmers huMiun I riirunit In mi earnest, lirarticnl wny, looking to the greatest prutlt nntl lenellt to the dinner mill his dimity. It tipixiirs on the ltnnil l'ith of euch month, nml 1 furnished nt the low nrlee of 50 CENTS A YEAR In iiilvuniv ThU iimkt It the rlienpeitt net Irtil turiil pujifr In the country. FARMER LEGISLATION. Purine the ronilng yenr ttiere will Ix tin lm. mcne number of mutters of the iimt vital In terest to tanners ilenlt with hv c onert9 nml the Kxeeuttve lemrtiuent at IViuhlhKtnn. It ! highly tnijHirtnnt that the dinner ! kept , promptly and fully Informed iu to what Is being planned and done alleetlng them nt the National C'upltal. The) should all, therefore, take THE i AJiiiiii.ix Fakmei:. which, Iwing on the ground, I hn better fuellltles than ttnj other paper for getting this Information, ana devote Itself to this duty They will find In it constantly a I great amount of valtiutile Information that they I can get In no either imir. The Aui:i:i an FAitMKn and The CiritoMCLE i will !e sent one year for 11 "S F. W. 1,. S Kill HE. A. IIUG1NINK, Committoo of Arrangements: AI KLIKDT, JOHN HLASKK FRED IIAKUY CLOUGII, L. PAYETTE, JOHN CRATE. GEO. T. THOMPSON, Rocoptlon Committoo. GEO. MUNGEU, C1IAS. FRANK, Floor Managers. GEO. A. El ERE, KM IE SCUUTZ, A. lU'CHLER, "W. 11. 1UJTT.S. O. C. WYNDIIAM. ADOI.PH KEI.LEIi T. F. SEUFERT, lias just received the Intuit slvle in Sittings for Gentlemen, a large as-iortment of Foreign mid tnir. . .r . which he can ni.tah To order t. ut fuvor blm. for Ancnyiob.e Ltratlve aad .NEHVL Ttl.N 1C. ?old ly DrusiiTB or sent by mail lc. Ujc , and SI 0U it packasc. Bampicc free The Favorite mrSZ2 3r the Tec to and lireath. Sc. For ! y Snlp A- Kinrly. vibor " nm The record of college foot ball shows that one more man ie needed to com plete the equipment of a team. It needs a chaplain. AH men in danger of death ure entitled to the benefit of clergy. Eiuilj. Quick);, Peraanentl; Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' asd all the train c' rl!i tronirarlrerruiKor Inter ezctiei, lUn mulu or oTerxiorE, flctnc n, worry, etc FullntrenKtb, dsrelopmcot and lens jrtren to erery OTgan acd nortlon of the Ixidr. htm pl. natural metho). lrnnnrdUtelmprf)Tein'tit iud. Fnllure Irapoilole. 2UJ refcrencr.i. explanation and proota ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H. Y. heumatismf Lumbago. Sciatica f Kidney OomprGints, Lame Back, ,c D!). SAM DEN'S ELEfiWIC IELT With Eleetro-MaKnettc SUSFENSORY. UKil TaltnUI Uut ImpravnieiiU 1 trinctire without all nmii malUmr from orer-tAi<oa at train Hire form i ejetwm or lodi. emim, a ottou ltllt.y. lrplttea, lanirubr, TitunnUtm. kUtixr, Uwer and btaddv complaint, U&Kuick", i-jmbab, KiatW, all ttmtif rompiainu iff imil III tiealih. ttc. TUa flwtry: IVIt cuctalot mmUrtl Ijifrr,tMU OTCT All Cnrrnt U irutaatlr fltlr rer or we forfet; fj,0a.lrt. aad will euro all of th aLorft iIIjmih or bo tar. Thou. rilj fiATts U;n enrc4 br tltnarrtJotia nTrniion af tur all otbtr ivrowlle (ailad. and we give huwlrtdi ot tcftlraonlalain tilla and timrr iAlitr slater. vur romu imtnt aucniv lltrriwil tha vmttett Uiu er-r otttrtA wwk mri, ntCE aalaall k-lu. ttoatu a4 tlfinaa Mwi CtaaUWKtU liWH The official treasury figures nhow that the receipts are running ut the rate of $2(1,000,000 a month or 1312,000,000 a year, and expenditures at the rate of 132,000,000 a month or (384,000,000 a year. These figures indicate a deficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 180-1, of $72,000,000. rUUKt-SBUBG, I'o., Jan, 'SI, Wi. ila'J. J.Km, Hhurpubun,'. J'a., Dzxu Hiv.l have uaed KrouiM'ii Ileuduclie Cap u lea iur aorac time und wunt to tentlfy to their vulue. 1 tried varioua well recommended medicine, but ot no relief until I uml tliene, nil nnw would not be without tbcm for ten time their coat. . Your nwpecuuuy Hold bj Halite 4c Klbcruly, JH1CK, Da Mexican SUver Btove Polish. tMaarS bend furlllua'a fampU7t,mauvl,Mkl,(xt ANDBN KLKOTHIO CO., Administrator's Sale. Wbereoa, the Honorable County Court of the HUiteoMJrejoii, for U'aco county, on tneCth uay oi .xivtiiiiA-r, t'v.i, tiuiy niaiiu tin oruerui-rw.-tlnx me, the urideralh'tie), the duly ui-olnt-ed, quulifled and uctini; adtnlnltriit'ir of the estate of Wllllnm A. Allen, deceuttd, totejl the Iu tills and iremleii U'HjiikIhk to wild eaUite and hereinafter dencrltied, ut public auction, to the hlflient bidder, for canh lu band. How, there fore, in jMirnuuiice of taid order aud authority, I will, on the (ItU day of January, 1HV4, at the hour of two o'clock iu the afternoon of tald dny, at the front door of the County Court houae in Jmllea City, Waaco county, Oretron, ell at nubile auction to the hlgbeat bidder for cash in hand, the land und iireniiaex Ijelonglng to aid catatc, and particularly deacribed an fol lews i towltj The imutheuit quarter and the quar ter of the touthweat quarter of aectlou ', In townilmp 1 north, of ruiiKe 13 cait, of the Wl. lumette ilerldlau, in Watco county, Oregon, contulnliiK 'M) acred, more or lean of land, to gether with all und Mnyulur the Improvement thereon. Huld ule will be made lUblect ton tirovul and couiinnution of the said County Court. Dated at Dalle Citr. Waaco countr. Or., thin 23th day of November, ih'Xi. GKOHCE A. LtKIIK. j fitdOja Adm'r estuto of Wm, A. Allen, dve'd. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. , SHERIFlFs" SALE. j li . . v..- of nn execution rind .inii r ( nle i- I sued ut ' the '.lrrnlt Court th .-tate nf Ore- Kir.. I-it V n-ei' Countv, on the S:i da of j venilx-r. if;, ujiou r. judgment mal- and ren dered ir. aid f'urton the ltith d November, i lMri, ir. an uctlnn then and tberetm r p;ndmB m aia emir;, wnereiu ji. r jirr.irn) uua plain tiff and II ( fiv was defend in: and tm)'dl rected and delivered, commandiiis: r: e to levy ujin the ren: estate t-elonsiup t- md defendant and th.-ret'ifore atuehed in aid artlm.. in wit i. the of f2."Vi ond lntert -i. aid tutu nitiw the ISth day of June, lMK:. nt t ti p-r cent, annum, and the further autn .ontto; ne'v k fee in said iiction, and Jj. -.hii. and ulv the eo-ti of and ujjn nuid ri Ididi vy ujjn and will on .Monday, tlir H til day of .January. IHfll, ut the hour of 2 o'clock in Hie afternoon of mild dav. nt the front door of the county coutt Iioum--lu'lMllea t ity. Suieo Counry. Mregmi. tell ut publif auction to the highest b.dili-r fur ni In band all of the following decribul real eatnle taken and levied ujion a the pfop.Tt of aitid defendunt. II C. Crie. to-wlt 1'nrt of the Donation Ijind f'llti. of II (. iu peutionn IVi. Si und V, m Towunhip ;i North. Itnge 10 Kt of the Willamette Merl dinn, containing about M) acre of iHrnl, together with the lenementu, hereditutnentf and appurte nance thereunto Udonging or In a! wleapr taluiug. Including, and intendl tc include the water plant, water rlghti, caenn-tit. Irunchlnei' and privileges, nnd the water re:rvor and conduit ued in couveying atf from ntlil premincK to the town of Ifood I!liir,ii w.i:o ( 'lutitv, Oregon. Alo that cerhiln tract of land belonging to the ubove-nntned If t ,, altu ated on the north side of the railroad track of the I nion l'ucllic ltnllrond ompon . in nectlon a,, 'iownnhip a North, liunge 10 K-t .,f the Wil lamette Meridian, couUiinlng ub-.ut i', ncre-,, ald fwo tracts alxtve mentioned coi.iprning all of the laud embraced in the Donation IjuhI Claim of uid II C Coe, which b not heretofore b-n old toother purlieu. Aim lot c and " in ntctlou A, nnd lot Ound 7 in fcecti.m n in the Vt'uiieomu Addition to the town of Ho-dlilver, aud all of ald reul ex tutu lying und being In Wueo County, Oregon, or to much thereof n may U necea.-ytoutiafyiaIditurni' of money a above mention!. Dated thUZird day of Decemfr, -r, T A WAi'.D. dilwfit riheriirnf Watc., Co., Or. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. NOTICE 011 I'UHLICATION. (Timber IjiikI. Act June 3, lbn.) I", a I.ak urncr.. The Dalles, Or.. Nov. s. ItUB. t Notice in hereby given that In compliance wnn trie provisions i: tue act oi itmgreen ol June 3, IhTh, entltltsl "An net for the utile of tim ber hinds in the ahtliK of ( ullfornin, Otis;un, Nevada and W'unhlngion Territory," -Nt-ul .'. StrtniiNoii, Of Kingnley, county of Wimco, state of Oregon, ha till day tiled In this otli"e his sworn state ment for the purchase of the NKU, of NW'.;, of Section. No. IK, In Township No. Z ! , range No III K. W. H., and will oiler prtxif to show that the land sought is more valuable for tin timber or atone thin for agricultural ptirposva, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Ueglster nnd Keceivvr of this olllceatThe Iiulk-s, or., on the 1.1th day of January, li!i. He names as wltnese (ietirge Mcleod, Jns r Knsley, U-on itondeuu nnd lifayette Davis, all of Kiligalcy, Or Any nnd nil i.toiu claiming adversely the lands are retjuested to Hie their claims In this office on or before tuid Ij'.ii day of January. Ml. wlu JOHK W. LKU'IH, Keglster. TOTJCK FOR 1'UHI.ICATIOX. SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of au execution and order of sale iituedoutuf the Circuit Court of the Kbitu of Oregon for W'utco County, upon u decree and Judgment made, rendered nnd entered by sold Court on the 1 1 th day of November, ls'J. In favor of plulutllf, in u suit wherein A D. Iloiton wax planum, ano 1-rnilK i), uiueitiie and I'.htsiu defendants, und to me directed and didivcrnl Olllesnle, W. K. Hunt and V If jiutler were commanding me to levy uisni and sell ull tho lunds mentioned unu descrliR-d in said writ, and hereinafter dencrllAd, I did, on the 1th tiny of December, ls'J, duly levy uou. and will sell ut public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash lu baud, on Monday, the Hlh day Junuury, IH4, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of taid duy, ut the front door of the County Courthouse fu Dulles City, iu Wain County, Oregon, ull of the lands una premise described in uld writ mid hurt-In described as follows, to-wlt: The northwest nuarter of Setttiou fntirti-i-ri Hit in Township two i Houlh, of itange fourteen j 1 1 llainette Jlcrfdtun, lu Watco eotiuty, Oregon, or no much thereof as shall be umciem to satisiy tne turn i terest thereon at the rute of ten the sum of t'i'd.oi, with In IU ruw; oi leu kt cent, tsir piliiuui .uvcujMcr iiui, ir-.j, uj,isi allot1 riey'a fees, und IH.Ki coata in Mild suit, together wllb costs of said writ, und accrnluir costs of ale. T. A. WAKU, HherlfT of Wasco County, Oregon, Dated ut Dalle City, Or., Dec. I, WjS. dijw.', Adminietratriz Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the Countv Court of the H lute of Oregon for Wasco county lias this day duly appointed the undersigned administra trix of the estate of Dr. W. E, Hlnehurt. do. ceased, nnd that she has duly qunlllled as such udminlstratilx. All lairsons are therefore required to present their clulmn against said estate, with the proper vouchers thuiefor, to the undersigned at her residence lu Dulles city, in mid county and stau, within tlx months frum the date- hereof. KMII.Y JIRM.E lilNKHAUT, , , . , Admlnlstfutrlx. Dated thl 1t day of December, Wrs. 4tw I.AXK OrncE, The Dalles. Or.. Nov. U, M3. Notice is hereby given that the following nnmetl settler has tiled uotlreof his Intention to make llnal iroof lu supjxirt of his claim and that said pnxif will l; made lo-fore the register olid receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on Wednesday, Decernlr'.T, 1W3. vU iicwitt ning, Home-itoiil Aptillcutlou No. 1r:ll. for the Nk of Hi:1 and V.4 of rW twc. 10. 1 p. K. II. 1 1 Kast. He names the following wiiuccs to prove his continuous residence Ujii and cultlvutloii of said lunil.vl 11. W. Wells, of The Dalles. Or., Charles Kiistou, JumcN Kattou utnl 1'aul l.lmeroth of Nanne, Or. Jobv W. I.kwib, Ueglster. SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of an execution aud order of fule Itsuul out of the Circuit Court of the htutc of Oregon for Wasco Comity, tion u decree und Judgment made, rendered aud entered by tuld Court on the 13th day of November, lt-'l, lu favor of plulntlir, lu u tult wherein Walter llreee wus plalutlir and Alfred Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy were defendants, aud to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy u)oi! und sell the hinds mentioned and de crlted iu said writ, and hereinafter described, I did, on the Itli day of December, WJ3, duly levy Umjii, und will sell at nubile auction, to the highest bidder, for cash lu hand, on Monday, tlia Mth day of January, I HIM, at 'i o'clock, lu the afternoon of iu(il duy, at Ike front door of the County Courthotiso ill Dalles City lu Whscu County, Oregon, ull of the lauds and premise described In said writ, nnd herein described us follows, to-wlt All of block ten 10) iu whut Is known u the Military Ueserviitiou Addition to Dulles City, Wasco County, Oregon, and according to the mii and plats of said city und addition thereto, or so much thereof s shall be sufllcieiit to sat isfy the sum of IJ77,'i, with Interest thereon nt Ihuratuof ten jer cent, per uniium since No vember l:itli, Ih'M, ItO.OO attorney's fee, and ff.lS costs in said suit, together with costs of suld writ and accruing costs of sule. T. A. WAKD, Hhorlll of Wasco County, Oregon, Duted at Dalles City, Or., Dec. i, M.t. (ixJ,'wS Exeoator's Hotlee to Cridltors. Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of tho Htato of Oregon for Wasco County has duly appointed the uudcrnlgued tliu executor of the lust will and teituineut of Ui-orse y. limits, deceuttl. All iersons having claims avuliist the estate of said dweuel are hereby required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six mouths from the dale of this notice, to suld executor at Ills place of residence, near !iJ,!V.5.7.t5r ttouuty, or at th onice of W, H, Wilson, III suld Dalles City. r. ...u. . M1U1IAKI, DOl.K. Kxwiufctr. DaUaltUU 1st duy of November, im 6tw ZE3. W. HELM &c CO. - DKA1.K1LS IN Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brnshcs, Pcrfnmery, Etc. Puro Wlnos and Liquors for Mecllclnnl Purnoson. - Compounding Physicians' Proocrlptlonn a Specialty. So. IO.'i Sfcontl Street, The Iiitllos, Oregon. OpsHIte ( olumbla C utidy I'lictory New York Weekly at AND DaiiesweeKiy enroniele .Vi NTT 7X T HCTU 1 COST. at W. E. G-arretson's Store. Gold Gold old Watches Watches Watches worth worth worth retell fn $45 to $30. $40, reduced to $2$. 35, reduced to 25. 25, reduced to 1 AmcricaM Coin Silver Watches reduced to $13. 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains Genuine reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6 The above is a sample or the bargain to he had for a few days. A. R. Thompson, ABSICM& H. H. CHMPB5LL Succouuor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly ktuti on bund a oom)Iotu Hue of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, . ...... nl llnvliiK inircliuswl Mr, llutlur's uiitlru stuck, I shall fndtuvor to malntalu lb nl1" tliu lions;, which bus botn .... BEST GOODS AT 10WKTT PRICES. - SQUAKE DEALING TO KVEKV ORt Call and see me, next door f Postoffloe. Holiday Presonte. Silvvuiaret Uujlry, Watehes, Book, Toy. Tli4 fjuMlc is invited to examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere trVrlc tho lowoift, d(1 ure greatly redue!. CloBing out the wtlr ol Toys unu noiuuuy gooua hi uubv. geooad St., The Dallei, Or,