)t Walk VOL. VII. ke Dalles Daily Chronicle, IMitllliiMt Dully, Sunday Kxrcptcd, nv fIK CUKONICLK PUBLISHING CO. TFTl T A T T Airtr .-. . ivjo, uitJUyUJX, WJDJNJiSUAY, 27, 1893. FRENCH & CO., NO. ) The lrni f Subscription I S Btotith, hy carrlur .t&oo 50 . 6 BANKERS. TKANHACT A (JKNKRAI.ISA.NKINO IIDSINKSH he TIMK TAIII.KS. Itwlln.Mil., .neltcrt Angina r., mxi, r.AhT liiiVNl.. , , ,n:'- 10'M l M, Depart i;:(W I'. it. WKKT I1OCM1. S(tHittvi'3.39 A. M. Depart 8:11 A. X. LOCAL. l.,r,!MU tllltlll nt 1 I'. (. n Depart fur l'nrthitid M n v. it. roirvai freight that carry j""u"CiiKjrh leave jt tor the wwt Ht h:(W a. m., aud one lor the f s 11 a. v. merlUu, vtn. Hake Oven, leave dally IK l! A X . for Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave a;:ttbA X. fl'u!ur, Kinsley, Wsmio, Waplnltla, Warm end rygn vaney, leave uauy, except tivl . t o a. . Furuoiilendulo, Wiuh., leave every day of tbo t cxrept fiumlay at 1 A. u. OSrw fur ull line nt tliu Craatllla 11 nunc. ECOTTOLENEI DID NOT FIND HELLO Letters of Credit issued available In Eastern States. Sight Exchange ami Telegraphic Transfers Hold on New York, Chiraco. St. Louis, ban 1-ranciPco, Portland Oregon,, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or-. egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on lav-' orable terms. THE DALLES ! National Bank,i Of DALLES CITY, OH. j What la It President - Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Chahi.es Hilton I M. A. Moody ! The Nictlicroy's Late Cruise Frnitless. General Banking Business Transacted. rnoKKs.MON'Ai.. In 1 ATTOBKr.vAT-i.Aw uaieo II . ( ourl titled. The pallet,, Oregon. j, t nrrrr. i-rank signers. r t K. . HtOU JMTOuItAVf " AT1 D nw-IIoom ami , over I'ot JZrv Dunning, r.uirance uu uumiiiikiuu ont-vi lie luile, Oregon. . tin Hi tichiiuiio building, up talr. Of The Mm Oregon. I r MV1. U.h.lIlSTJNOlO.V. II. . WIU0H. KAY-,. 11 t'KTIN'GTON A WILSON ATTOK .U riKYi at-law -Ottlce, French' block over First National Dunk. ' " Hallos. Oregon. tr H WIIAOK-ATTOU-VCY-AT-LAW-Koonii H French i Co.' bank uuliuiiig, becoaa iser.. The Dnlleii, Ori'Kou. St THKltl.AKD, l I, f M P T M fV 11 C V. aw ()., flijoliluii mill hur- c 1. luxim ;i una i;nuiiniii mm-fc. SmUIciiic Mr. TliuruburyV, wtntenU of strand r.Ml K. KSHKLMAN (lloM XOrATlllC; rilYdlCIAh uiU hl!i:oi.0.v. call KHhweriti vnnajni. uuice rn. .w D liyor nlKht, cttr or country. u;iinai) blocs. mill wti n 0 D. DO A N E 1-lfYHlCIAJt AND HCK- on. Oinm. room una u i.iinpaiau i-ii llMldeiico fe. L. orner Court iuui iwrth tTv,'U. ncl door Iriua the uorui-r. 1 Otcv hourn 'J to W A. ; .' t. 6 utid T to j 1'. .M. (riven lor tho t: uu llouvd aluminum iilutc. lKaira. higu 01 tioldeu Tooth, Second Street. t t i,r. 7.1. Iii:nti't (,nh 1. !.lulna citrnctlou of teeth. AIo . teeth WOCIKTIKf. UT AtiCO LODOK, NO. 15, A. K. & A. M.-Meut U Or: and third Monday of each mouth at 7 Sight Exchangee Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FKANC1SCO. CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR Collection!) made on favoreble terme at all accewcible points. , a. &CKCNCK, l're.ldeut. J. M. rATTEKSON, Cathler, First Rational Bank. rHE DALLES, - OREGON i General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly !.,...! .1 't 11. rcumivu uu uiij ui 1'uiiecuou. Sight and Telegraphic Excliange sold on ew 1 ork, ban iraucisco and Portland. DIRHCTOKS, D. P. TlIOMl'SO.V. J.vo. H. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams. Gko. A. Likiik. II. M. ISeall. -It is the new shortening P .takinfr the place of lard -op cooking butter, or .both. Costs less, 'RoesZg "farther, and is easily S5 .digested by anyone. - AT ALL GROCERS. & Refuse All Substitutes, Zj WILL WAIT FOR THE REBEL SHU Both hides Claim Their Onponcnts Ar Nearly Whippcd-King Lohcngula Subjugated. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmnn & wagon snoD CALLUS HOYAL AUCH CIIA1TEK NO. C- U Meet In Mawmlc Hall the third WeUueadsy iw:h month at 7 1'. M. OK THE WOULD. Mt. HiKXl CiiiunNo.M.MiiothTuehdayeven ! Sri! each week In Fraternity Hall, at 7:au i. in MODKltN WOODMEN nOU'MItIA LODOE, NO. 6, l.O.O. K. McoU j twy Friday evenliiK at 7 :: o'clock, 111 k. V hall, corner becond und Court treet. w ooniiiB hrotner are weiuimie. H. ftouoii, Scc'y. llA. 11IU.S.N. G PKIENDSKI!" LODOE, NO. it., K. of l-f leet f every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in JciAtino'k hulldliiB. corner of Court and Hecoua KfteU. bolaurilttlK ineinoerH are uoruiauj iu !cd. W. B. Cham. U, W.VaUhK, K. of It. aud S. C. C. A RKMHI.Y N l. 4Cr7. K A. of 1'. hall the nvciind and fourth Wwlnea OK U Meet In K. I Ui of inch mouth ut 7;:w p. m (MEN'S CIIK1HTIAN TEMl'EKENCE UNION will meet every Friday af ternoon t'.i o'clock at the rendliiK room. Allare lnvltea. IJAKMON LODOi: No.BOl.I.O.O.T.-lU'Suliir wiu'klv fitterulty Hall. All are Invited. Friday ut b l m., It. ('. I'MXK, Be a' W.-MoeU u Becond A MEKICAN 'V Miclh M-couil und meeting ClIRIHMAN, C. T. TEMI'LE 1ODOE NO. 8, A. O. U. 1 JL iu Fraternity Hall, over Keller, rw!i, xiiurway evening bi ..,...v. JJ' H Mybs, Fiimnclor. M. W. IAH. NEBM1TH I'OHT, No. IT.', 0. A. It. Meet "every Saturday at 7:ao r. m in mo k. 01 r. UAII.WAY I'NION, NO. 10. oud und fourth ThurMtiiy each ath in K. of P hull. J w kkaiiy. J 11. Jonkh, Becy. i jkb, BOK L. K. Meet every Hunday aftciuoon In the K. of P. Hall. fiEHANU VEHE1N Meet every bllliday iijiVeiiliiK Di theK. ofP. Hall. BW I,, K.DIVIBION" No. 107-.Meetlli , K.of P, Uall the flrt mid third Wwlnea- ijjauin inimtn. at 7:ao r. w. TilK OUUltVIIKH. CT. 'ETER8 CHUKCII Key. Father Uronii y OktNT Pnator. Low Ma every Sunday at High Man at 10:20 a.m. Vcviivr at STl.J!AUl8 0HUKC1I Union Btreet, opposite !f Hlth. nov.KllD.ButclltloKector. Service JW Hunday t 11 a. m. and 7:0 v. M. Sunday J"olUU5 A. m. KvenliiB Prayer cm Friday ut P'lWT 1IA1T1HT CIIUKOU-Uev. 0. D.'tay. 1... 1'antor. MoriiliiL' ervlues every Sab- C." ,w' tho wmdoiny ut 11 a, i. Hubbntli r-'iwi Iminwlliitelv aftiir muriilmr hiirvlce. llJnjoetlng Friday tvculiiK at I'antor' ria,l r.JL ",ou ervlue Iu the court Iioumj at fJONOltEOATlON-AL CHUltCH-Uev. W. 0. t w V,U,'T,I, Paator. Borvlce every huiuliiy at 11 lirVL""!! r- ' Sunday Beliool after mornlnn 'ii. StraiiRuriconllailr luviiui. Huau Dee. M. ? CHUKCH- Kcv. j". WiiiBLKii, Mitor. un?H SvXlccf very BiiudaynioriiliiKut M m. fin? t?h2&i !ao &!5 !- .. K'ortl. ivlUFM ovenlnB nt 7:80 o'clock. A cord Uiii'' ox,"'ao W oo'" Iitor ami ihxij.Io 1 C,i51?2,JAS pKcil-JtBv.p.ii.Mcaum ! Hh .'fuelling In the OhrlHtlaii chine lrtBifiiK.ft 11 a, iu. and 7 :0 )., 1.1, A! KVGl!,iCAL LUTH"KHAN-NinthTrcer, lUldvV:-A Hwn'J'or. Bervloe at 11:80 a.m. my ouj s,iW ",m A oorami weioorao evorv a curaiiti ui' Y reh Ml General Blacksmith ing und Work done promptly, and all work-Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Liege's old StaQfl. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to tio any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 18I.TheDallos Made only by 1 Mr N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. 1444444444444 "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Fortlanfl ani AUoria Navigation Co. Pkunamiiuco, Dec. 20. The Brazilian dynamite cruiser iNictheroy, which put to sea yesterday for the purpose, it was said, of engaging in battle with the rebel warships Rcpublica and Aquidaban which it was reported had gone to the island of lernando de Noronha to im press the convicts there into the rebel service, returned here this morning, re porting that she had been unable to find the rebel ships. It is now said the Nictheroy will await the coming of the rebel ships here, and will fight them in these waters. Both sides claim their opponents are driven to the last extrem ity and must soon give in. People would be relieved by decisive action bv either party. Both parties continue to circu late rumors. The government party declare tho foreign governments are sup porting Mello's cause with money and that he is being furnished monev in the interests of monarchy; but that as soon as the United States gets a strong naval iorcchere that will be stopped, because they must compel a strict observance of the Monroe doctrine; that if this is done the collapse of the rebellion is only question of a short time. On the other hand, tho rebels claim they are not seek ing to establish a monarchy, but to over throw the dictatorship of Peisoto, and if the United States extends sympathy to him it will be against the popular move ment in Brazil. They argue that they ought to be allowed to light it out with Peisoto, and that if allowed to do so they will soon restore peace to the country. KluE Lobengula Subjugated. C.U'E Town, Dec. 26. Commissioner Rhodes has arrived at Palapye, and an nounces that the Matabeles are entirely subjugated, and that King Lobengula does not intend to return to Buluwayo. AN INDIAN MOUIKK'S PATE. THROUGH S. B. J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Of De Motne, Iowa, write under date 01 March a, 1SW: Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arrivim: home last week, I found all well aud anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 88 jiounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed uu. S. B. Couch Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your K. B. Cough Cure has cured and ketit awav all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mk. & Mils. J. r. roiiD. If you wlh to feci fruh and cheerf ul.and ready for tho Spring' work, cleaiifcc your ytem with tho Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three dobe each week. Bold under a positive guarantee. 60 cent ncr bottle by all druggUt. C. P. STEPHENS, DUALliK IN DRY GOODS Clothing hoou, Hhoe, Hat, Klc. Reigii afumssengerLi Throuih Tri-Wceklv (Siindnvs ex cepted) between The Iialles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. 111., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, eonnectiiij; at tho Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles Citv. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at (i a. 111., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PAHSKNUKIC K.ITKN. One way Round trip t'2.00 3.00 Freight Rates reatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, loill be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received nt anv tune uav or nigm. Riiipinenis lor way landings must be delivered before p. m. J.ive siock snipmenis soucieu. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oenerul Agent. , F. LAUGHLIIM, General Mauuger. THE DALLES, OREGON Fancy jood$, Jofcion Klc. Ktc, Ktv. Second St., The Dalles. H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts "i-S: 'Specialties JO It A COO, UKJAICH ANI) HWKKT IJltINK Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dalles J.FOLCO . 2 38 3d Street At right side Mr. Obarr' rettaurant. j ISurned to Dculli nil Account (if 11 .11 o , jave Tradition. : Los Angeles, Dec. 20. A horrible I story of wild law aud superstition of the Mojave Indians is told by J. f . Saun ders, who arrived today from Needles, a town on the Colorada river, on the At lantic and Pacific railway. He had heard the details just before he boarded the train, and they seem to be corrobo rated by an account given in a local paper, the "Kye," which he brought with him. The Mojave Indian reserva tion is located about half a mile from that place, and the aborigines are virtu ally their own masters, having their own laws and superstitions. It appears irom Mr. Saunders' account mat on Tuesday last a triple murder was com mitted under the nlea of tradition. One of the prettiest squaws of the tribe, known as "Loneta," was married, ac cording to the savage lites, about a year ago. She was a comely girl only 18 years old, and had picked up some edu cation. Her husband was one of the braves and appeared to bo very fond of her. Sunday last she gave birth to twins, and as a result a grand powwow is called for. According to Mojave tra dition, a squaw who has twins is a witch, and tho consort of evil spirits. Tho penalty has always been death for tho babes and mother. Ixmeta'a hus band was so fond of her, however, that ho made a strong plea for her and the babies, but it was of no avail. Tho medicine man held that the custom must bo observed, and tho two little ones were brought forward and brained with a club. Loneia was kept for a more tr ing ordeal. Kveiy 0110 of her personal belongings were gathered and put iu her "shack," and she was ordered inside. Sho bid her husband farewell and went in. Tho entrance was closed, and straw ami brush piled about the frail structure! and fired, and in two hours nothing but a few embers re mained to tell the tragic story, Officers of Needles learned tho facts too lato to interfere, and tho poor squaw, with hor rible torture, passed to tho happy hunt ing grounds, where her ill-starred off spring had preceded her. Protection from JMiiluilu. The preventative is tho far-famed Southern remedy, Simons Liver Regula tor, a purely vegetable tonic, cathartic and alterative. It acts moie promptly than calomej or qniiijno. Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. Knten liy CiiimllinU. London-, Dec. 20. An officer of the British gunboat Boomerang, writing from Sydney, N. S. W., gives an account of the punishment inflicted on Pentecost island cannibals. Thev murdered four members of the crew of tho American schooner Don Henry last September, and also murdered a portion of tho crew of a French vessel. Tho Boomerang and the trench warship Schord' landed a de tachment of marines, defeated the can nibals in several cngagaments and burned their villages. Tho French and British commanders also captured those directly implicated in the murder. They were all sentenced to imprison ment for life at the French convict set tlement at Noumea. At Pentecost isl and alone over thirty white men were massacred and robbed. Largo quanti ties of human remaino were found, indi eating beyond a doubt that the cannibals had other victims. NEWS NOTES. ine cruiser jNew orK nas ueon or- uereci to mo Janeiro to reinlorce our fleet. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad has been placed in the hands of receivers. The friends. of tho Taylor street M. E. church, of Portland, supplied S00 people with Christmas dinners. The U. S. jury found Dunbar, Mulkev and Bannon guiltv of smuggling and could not agree in the case against Jas Lotan and Seid Back, for conspiracy after being out 20 hours. The robbers who held up the Mobile & Ohio train at Forest Lawn Saturday night secured 40 packages. The amount contained in them is unknown, but must be a considerable Eum. Aeronaut Killips made a ballon ascen at Havana, during the performance at a circus. When GO feet up be fell from the trapeze. He was unconscious when picked up, and died an hour afterward Hosts of Jews are being expelled from Kiefl. Expulsions from St. Petersburg continue, but upon a milder scale Jews in the interior arc being provided with tickets to the frontier by the gov ernment for speedier riddance As Governor Waito's call for an extra ession of the legislature is dated Dec cember 25, a legal holiday, its validity s questioned, and the courts will proba bly be asked to pass on it. The Repub lican calls Governor Waite "a fool" for calling the legislature together, and asks that body to adjourn immeadiately after sembling. Oovernor .Mitchell ol Florida says mpbatically tiiat Corbett and Mitchell hall not fight in Jacksonville or in any place within the state and he will resort to the use of the state troops if necessary Of course the friends of the pugilists will Hlili,lti I'riiuen. S. A. Clarke, who is in tho city today. informs us that tho entire Riddle prune crop, W. 0. Winston's of Civil Bend, and part of tho Boseburg evapo rator output will bo shipped by him to Win. L. Allen & Co. of New York City. The entire amount will bo about ten car loads, 2.")0,000 pounds, and live carloadH havobeen already shipped from Riddle. Mr. Clarke says that this (inn, which is tho largest commission house in tho United States, will control at least one half of the ent'ro Italian prune crop of tho northwest coast, and they propose to push them to the top notch in the mar ket. Ho is advancing about 81000 a carload on tho confciirnii'ents. and be lieves that the growers will realize from seven to eight cents a pound. Roseburg Beview. A Knthcr Fishy Story. Last week, while Jas. Ferren of Briggs creek, Josephine county, was hunting, his dogs started a cougar, which ran so close to him that, dislikiim to use the only charge his gun contained, he picked up a stone and hurled it at tho cougar as it was passing. Tho missile struck the animal on the head and stunned it for a time sufficient to allow him to cut its throat. This is all the more remarkable from the fact that Mr. Ferren is over eighty years of age and a couger is a pretty hard-headed animal. wood's x-iiosx'iioxsirirja. Tho Great Enclhh IXemodr. Promptly and pcnnanently 'cures nil forms of Xcrvous IWcakncas.EmUatons, Spernv otorrhea, Jmpotencu and aU effects 0 Abuse or Excesses. Eecn prescribed over S5 rears In thousands of cases; Before ani After. wxtimoanau J 'est medicine knoun. Ask druggist for Wool's) Phoiphodlnet If ho offers sorat worthless modlclno In placo of this, lcavo his dlsboncst store, lncloso prlco In letter, and wo will send by return malL Prlco, ono package, 81; six, S3. One will pteasc, six will cure. Pamph let In plalu scaled envelope, S cents postage. Addrcs3 Tho Wood Chemical Co., JC1 Woodward avenue, Detroit: Mich. Sold iu The Dalles by Ulakcley Ilougton. How' ThiM We offer one hundred Dollars lieward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY it CO.. I'um s. Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have know n F. J. Chenev for the last 15 vein s, and believe him perfectly honorable i . nil business transactions and finauciailv able to carry out any obligation miidi by their firm. West it Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Waldnic, Kinnan it Marvin, n hole- salo Druggists, Totedo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Lure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and muc ous surface of tho svstem. 1'rice 10c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes timonials free. I'lre at Wooriburu, Oregon. An explosion in tho store of Bruco Bros., at Woodburn, last Sunday even- resist the power, as they construe it, of ing, started a fl0,000 fire, which baflled tho eflorts of the firemen until tho en- e governor, lhe governor is hrm and will stand lus ground, winch is right. tiro block burned. opposito tho depot was WOOD! pino and WOOD! WOOD! Best grades oak, fir, wood. Office 133 Second street. orders promptly attended to. tf iMAIF.lt iV liKNTO.V 1 II GlUHS. That's tho way Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets come. And it's more import ant than you think. It keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike the or dinary pills in cheap wooden, or paste board boxes. They'ro put up in a better way, and they act in a better way, than tho huge, old-fashioned pills. No griping, no vio lence, no reaction afterward that some times leaves you worse than before. In that way, they cure permanently. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and lxnvels, are prevented, relieved and cured. They'ro tiny, sugar-coated granules, ersly. compound of refined and concentrated doses, oulv 'Joe. Children lovo it. vegetable extracts the smallest in sizo, jj., gnj.)t,3 Kinerslv tiuk iiiiciucr rrt wniru ntii 1 nil nnntunQt tiii i - you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money Is re turned, You pay only for tho ijuod you get. There's nothing likely to bo "js us good." Strength und Health. slab All Karl's Clover Hoot, tiio new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion aud cures constipation. L'oc, oue. ami si.uw. sold nv snipes cc Kinersly, druggists. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin- Pocket, size contains twenty-live .-; I Hilldrtm lnvn it. Pnlil If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. I' "la grippe" has left you weak and weir";, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you aroalllicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Hitters, One trial will convinco you that this is the remedy you need. Largo bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. All wo ask for holiday presents are hard-time prices. Do not fail to call at E. Jacobs-en & Co.'s if you need holiday ooils, Carving sets and Boger's triple plated table cutlery at Muier & Benton's hard ware storo. Special reduction on lamps, glassware and crockery for the holidays at H. II. Campbell's. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cab, says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ia tliu first medicine I have over found that would do 1110 any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly. Warner's butter at Muier & Ilonton's grocery store. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURB 3 if 1 i