The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1893, Image 4

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The folks Daily Chronicle.
Literary Note.
RntGTVxlHt the r-torticv t 7ut Hullo. Orwnui
f cfiraJ-ck tnnstet
Gus Nonti of the Portland eollejre is , The second edition of the December '
home for Christinas. , world's fair Cosmoj olitnn brings the to-
Mr. 1 Ainsworth if confined to his i tal up totheextrnordinary Ugureof 400,-!
home by illness. j CKX) copies, an unprecedented result in
Mr. H. . Wilson is con ti tied to his j the history of magazines. Four hundred
home b illness. thonsmul conies L1K tons liiiiutv.fonr
Misses Gertrude and Kessiu French ' million pages enough to till LD0 wagons
! are home from Portland for the holidays. with 2,000 iound each in a single line,
The slide which occurred Saturday j . rti" "tSftZttl-' '"1 ,0M on,ar'llhls W0U!J h f fik' ?J
morning below MoMor was quite te ln f' , " , Sons niore than urn, to and a half
cir. . rnh Ptinmt. ..Inri.m it nf 11 . ftinei nri 01 c-umuierMi e, iuUfc. u,v.-. uwk man ...wu,
Hi MohI.t Slide.
000 readers, scattered throughout every
town ami vilhitre in the United States.
' if , I , Wi!I Crosscn, who has lieen attending TJie course of The Cosmoiwlitan for the
entire1' hohdavf L ,sivurilv' 13 homc for t,,e j past twelve months may be compared to
' . v. . ,,r .. ... .n ; .. ,..i. .,u . . . v .
that of a rolling snowball ;
more sub-
feet long by ton deep. The freicht train cjVi
which ran into it was traveling at the
r: of about teu milles pur hour
had !ea going a; tun speed the en
train unr.Ml hiivp fnllnun! t Ii rttirin,. mi., hi ... - ,.
int. -he ditch. Asit was. the locomotive land .ttd t SStc th, tv ! orc money .pent in buy-
almost a total wreck and four freight . elation. , tlio best articles and beat .llustra-
ra were wrecked. The balance of the Gertie Baldwin is home from Mount ' tio"s, ,n the w.?d ; bt'ttor '""stations
tra;n kept the track, and were not in- Angel college to spend the holidays with 1,d l-'tl-'r articles mean more subscrib-
Encineer Whinnle inmnoH lo- nw inouier wia surer, era, nun so uie two inings are acting
Hired. Encineer Whinnle inmnoH lo- "turner iuiu simw. era, nuu so w.e io u.uiga are
' ' ' ' - ... . 1 ,, r.
fnre iiie train met thf nlMtrnettnn u-liilf. Jiay Losan, a Student " the Kishon ' eiii,vuit u4uii c.ich o.ner unlit U
r5w,, T inni-irt nnri r-..w Academy, is visiting his father, Dr. i seems probable that the day is not far
staid with the engiue, the tender of
which doubled and shut like a knife, all Frank French, a student in Portland
. , , .... I niversitv, is siMjndmc hohdav week
rolling to the bottom of a oO-foat em- ; at 1)is Mome j,, The Dalles.
har.kraenr. By some miracle thev es- ,r. . , .
, , . , , , ' . Miss Gertrude Merer came up from
esped unhurt, some of the otherwise ' Portland Saturday to 'spend the holidays
eaipry oos cars coniamett a nnmcer ot i with ner aunt, Jlrs. atorrs.
tramps wno were seaicu m tne cars, ana j Slr
when the remainder of the train was Anna Sylvester, are visiting Mrs
polled back into Mosier they broke the ' Oliver's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'W. E
distant when the magazine publisher
will be able to give so excellent an nrti
cle that it will claim the attention of
everv intellicent reader in the couutrv.
Klpctric Itlttnm.
1 Ins remwlv is 1 torn mine n u-iOl
. p .. (
known and so jopular ns to need no .
special mention, All who use Electric '
Hitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist mid it
Is guaranteed to do all Unit is claimed. '
Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of I
the liver and kidneys, will remove '
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
ntVections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well ns cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of hcndiicho, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Hit
tors. Entire satisfaction mmrantoed, or
money refunded. Price 30c and $1 per
Ivttle at Snipes A Kinersly's.
I. mil; Over Vniir County AVurr-un
A'.l count v warrants registered
to January HUh, 1510, will be paid if
presented at my ollice, corner of Third
and Washington streets. Interest j
ceases on and after thi" date.
Wm. Micittn.1.,
Treasurer Wasco Countv.
Octolwr '-"1st, IS13. 'tf
mm attehtioh wasco warenoise do.,
la called to the faot that
Hugh Glenn,
Denier In Gh
ami Huild.
- 'rrl.
irtaterlal of r.
t lin-l I. In uf- j
i Receives Groods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
jFor Salo on Commission.
Rates FJcQsonblc.
M A It K UOOIlrf
'77-. "VET. Co.
tiik i)ai.t,i:s. on
-Ct tllMlll'llt i:i-(Ul'll'lI.
To bit foand in the City.
72 UiaGhington Street.
' V
journey to ,
Portland en foot. As manv men as it i Mr. C. E. McEwan of North Yakima,
For a sore throat there is nothing
! better than a flannel b:iuhiLC damnQiied
and Mrs. Emery Oliver nee Miss ' .:, fMw,ik,,i.:'c i,: i.,,, i,
will nciirly always ellect a cure in one
night's time. This remedy is also a fa
vorite for rheumatism and has cured
verv severe cases. 50 cent bottles for
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
wo. vr,jct.iu -n annm -... 1 asti,, wlio was called to this citv on
enjoyed at the"slide all day and night. ! SnKffictodS? f molher-cnIIed i Sale b BInklk! "eton.
An acvommooatioa train left The Dalles ' , Xl XI , . ,
. - c. j , - , , Mr. and Mrs. Howard rairfowl. who
et ,v o clock Saturday, which made a , have leen SKxtdins Christmas with
transfer of passengers and Sunday morn- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Schenck, returned to
iag ".he track was again in readiness for i their Portland home today.
the passage of trains. The loss to the, Mr. A. G. Johnson. formerly a resident
railroad company will be in the! bis city but now of w'est of the
neiei:borhood of .23,000. Th wreckinir p.01"1,''3'"! - is.hl tbecity amonc old-time
.. , . , , friends. He is en route to Idaho to visit
"urK "l ",e 01 me i his daughter and son.
aeeident, and arrangements were made ! ,r , -., , . ;
to hois, the wrecked engine at noon to- JSSfJ? ,Md
During my absence, nil who have Un
settled accounts with the undersigned
are expected to call and settle with Mr.
nc). Krauss, who has my lwoks and
accomiM. An early settlement will
greatly oblige. Yours truly, Ht Ti.i:n.
wiKin, wooxt. woon. !
Het grades of oak, lir, and slab cord
wood, a' lowest market rates at .los. 1
IV'ers it Cm. Ollice Swiiml and Jelror
soii siret-ts.
'I UUli .
' 1
teiiPiiciN 9
01 !!
"J'l I
Is tlf Hue Ii lake
Ton -VUM
iii rfNi.i.
liuirr li .ou,iiiiu
Htmtllil (. ii iiJk .
-'?' zfi 'iHrun.lns tlmJii,
( $ lorj-. nr.iln:. ,r(
hc tiuiirlation. ant
i on
!? s train
Pierce MavE
A l'lrc-riElitln Io
. will attend the meeting
1 teachers' association.
there she
the state
Jim Flahertv of Mosier has
Mrs. II. A. Davidson, wife of Dr. Chas.
a UOIT tw i Tl!.lrr .i.nfiwcftF ri Ti.ll ' V, , .
which fear is an unknown quantity. It I Indiana state university, is "the guest of
is not renowned for its puguacitr, , Irs. W. 5. Myers. Mrs. Davidson ii
though of the bull dog persuasion, but ' 3UthoJ J- the well known Reference
. " tt ... History of the United states.
the same natural enmitv against fire that L ir?" Xalhan Cooper, a former Dalles
, . . . ... . boy but now a stockman of Montana, is
a cat has against water, except that Tirr. j v:sitin hJa parfintSi iIr. aad Mr. D.' j.
Che dog) will fight it heroically. If a j Cooper. He sjwaks of Montana as being
piece ot burninc paper is dropped he a splendid countrv, but that the j?ople
will assail it with teeth and paws with :'re .fe,eli.n 50"re,.v ihe effects of the
great vim, and a bum in the mouth ! "Ver
makes him oulv the madder. He will i;oj:n.
jint out a clear every time the burning ( In The Dalies. Dec. 25th. to the wife
Daily and Weekly
It I the l!nlite ( r Ilmite. It run Tliroucti
HM'r ull illirauiinn 5
I'liiirun.lns Hinlj (
asm i
t!ic fiftcn (linirt'd liitonnatiim 'mrcirnln I
rmliiritt jhthoiik, (ac: nuicernluc tl;o i
cmntriii. rltlin, tnwtit, nmt natural hi $
ttirt'K r tdr cli' . iartlctiluw i-otiri-nilue 5
imti'il tlPtltl'iux ivtnn ami litacc, tta.
latioii t torrlRii ijtioiatltniH. vord, and
irt'vt'rl . tc, nr., ctr j
Tina work mJiivniunhlvmihr
f J J liniifoltolil.niul to thr trarlirr. xclmlar. jini- i
GtJ, FIktiT Kn-I nU-mKrvM i fcwiloiial JIUU1, mill K'lf-lMlllcator 2
pc. Paul and unicaaoj w,.
J i $ C, ,t- C. Mcrrlntu Cu.
l.vo c;HANi.i: ok t ai: i snrZZtZ L)S55. 1 i
11 1 l.SlLK.VUl'JftAi.l
butt is thrown awav. and will not cease 01 rl-'d Phelps, a daughter.
attaching it untti it quits smoking. The ; In this city, Dec. 25th, to the wife of
last Fourth of July the fireworks were j Fred Bronson, a daughter.
entirely spoiled by Tim. He fought the
?in wheels, chased the sky rockets, and
would pick up whole bunches of fire
crackers in his mouth, holding them
there until they quit exploding. Flah
erty Co. tiie Tim as a iiight watchman
in the store against incendiaries.
Initiation Social.
Saturday evening the members of the
Methodist Snndav school had a dona
tion social. Each member brought
tometbing to give to the jioor. Some
brought flour, others jwtatoes, and still
others brought other eatables and cloth
ing. It is a most appropriate thing to
instil in the minds of little children
that it is "more blessed to give than to
receive," and Christmas will be happier
to them in thus showing unselfishness
than it would be if they were possessed
with the idea that Christmas was an
institution out of which as many things
were to be received n Tmei!i1 r.nA on.
tirely neglect the factor of giving. The j ce?' 10 Bee.bis an,.U-v he 5s
supplies given by the school were placed '
in the hands of a committee of distribu
tion consisting of Mrs. D. M. French,
Mrs. Bills, Mrs. Wilierton, Mrs. Fowler,
Misses Ursula Iiuch and Xell Michel!.
A Cartl.
Mr. Ebitok: I would like to thank
the people of The Dalles who have been
so kind to me and my family in our sick
ness and for hindly assistance to us.
We came here etrangers ; knew no one
escept two families that came from the
game town that I came from, therefore
did not expect anyone to take an interest
in our welfare, hut I was surprised to
see the people come in and offer to help
in any way they could. I am a poor
man. Have to earn our living by work
ing, but ask God to reward all for their
kindness and sympathy to my family.
Jamkb A. Iiitow.v,
The Dalles, Or., Dec. 25, 1693.
l'rotectlon from SlalarJu.
The preventative in the far-famed
Southern remedy, Simons Liver Regula
tor, a purely vegetable tonic, cathartic
and alterative. It acta more promptly
than calomel or quinine.
11 Nhuuld Ho In Every Jloute
J. I Wilson, o71 Clay St., Sharps-
hurt;, ga.VB ',e w ill not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for conturap
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy
sicians had done her no good. Robert
Barber, of Cookuport, Pa., claima Dr.
KiJis'e New Discovery has done him
moro good than unytuing lie ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Knipea Jc Kin
urely'e. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00.
Carving sets and Roger's triple plated
table cutlery at Maicr & Benton's hard
ware store.
Mrs. W. H. Whipple of Dufur, ased
40 years, died the evening of Dec. 25th.
She leaves a husband and family of five
Weather v.-arm with some rain.
The grippe is the prcailiag ailment
at present. Some cases are quite serious
as the writer has cause to know.
The prospects for Santa Ciaus are
limited, since the people of Mitchell do
not intend to prepare a Christmas tree
for his accommodation.
Mr. Mulverhill, of Summit Prairie,
was in town one day this week and re
ports weather not cold and but little
snow in that place.
James Harrison passed through town
yesterday on his way home, on Beaver
creek, from Dufur where he has been to
be treated for cancer. The treatment
was unsuccessful and without hope, es-
oing home.
Preparations are being made to solemn
ize the nuptials of Gorden Showen and
Miss Linville on Christmas eve. Miss
Linvilie came from Portland a few
months since to teach the Shoe Fly
school, but finding that tedious, she de
clines a second termnf thedistrict school
for a permanent school of one scholar.
December the 8th Mrs. Straub, wife of
Emile Straub, died at her home at Tub
Springs. She left an infant son but a
few hours old. 3Ir. Straub came here
some years Eince with her, uncle, John
Fapianna. She has grown from child
hood to womanhood at that place and
among her Email circle of friends she
was sincerely admired for her real worth.
All grieve for her as a valued neighbor
and a kind friend that has passed be
yond their reach. To repeat the words
of a dear friend, "Wo miss her eo much."
E. V. E.
Mitchell, Or., Dec. 21, 1893.
Cnmixwol ! limine (': tinnirimxMi! 1'ul,
Ilw: ttmt can be rnnMrtu'tcf!, mid In w&lcii
neruintavOatlnu aiv both Prw and Kiiniiluil
! fur holder ol lrt and Kiwid-dai Ticket, uttd
i A (-oiitiitiimi Hue, cmim-cllug with nil llr.c
allurdiutr direct hiuI imlnti;rnntiil ncrvtcu
5 CP"!" ,in5 Ixirrtwapiiholik '
2 kftirliK icpnnuuf nuacnt
THE CHEOMCLE was established for the ox
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding countrv, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the inland Empire.
The Daily Chronicle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $t-00 per
annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
"j!?lac ID cellos, Oregon.
I'li'lmita tflwjr ivciviitlmm cnii Lu wurwl
In iidvttnre thniucli ouy nsuul of tin- roud.
TUDflllPU TIPICTO To mid lnmi u I
limUUUK tlUiALIO lointln Amlc.v
KiiKlnud nnd :ctiiu can lie purcliiued at out
ticket ottlci' ot Uipcozn)!?
Ku!l luforttrtton coiicuniliu rntc. time ol
tniino, routcE and other (IciuiU tnntliilinl oc
niipllCRtton lo
Aiient D !'. J.- A. Nr. Co., I'.CRulator oBlcc. Tli
liatlvn. Or., or
a. i). chaulto::,
A"t. Gcncriit l'iucnccr Act.. hort!afl. Jen
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
They mid The fhronli-li- tn rc till' latest unit
in out n.'llnlilr Jew And they rut rvrry line
thnt 1 In thi iir That I whnt iniilin the
t'hmnlcU mi lnvnltinlili- ndvcrtl Ihk medium
The ncwimjcr thnt kih-j to tlic Jnmlly
llnrslilea is tlu one thnt thd ndvertheni
of Uxlny jNitrouIro i when tlicy lU-slre to
reneh the h-o)i1c. Whi-n thry wnnt ynur trrnlo
thvir iiimoiiiiccnii'iit will he found In the imjr
1kjS: over our rolunnu nnd ob.crve thv verillcn
tlon of the truth of thia nMrtIoti. llememlwr,
. utniduof it family of two thotmmd .
I worth ihUiie for throuch these
' I'olumnt. iMoclnllr o ut om T3rr
IPipe Wmt
, I in Bepis 31)1 Sooli
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, eet off on the South Side
A- Tt
ThU lurc and ttipuUr Houx'di.oi thu iriticl(n! hotel huslnatt,
mm i iir)Orti i
House In the city
shop on Third Street, next door west of Young ct Kuss'
Blacksmith Shop.
to (urrii.ih the liux'. Accommwlatluiu of nny
nnu at ine low rate 01 ...
A rewnt Aiuxrttrj by en eld
pbjtlclan. Succcufully uietl
thlu by iMutamU of
LaxXUt. li tho only perfectly
Mfoecd reliable medldoo dl
cOTtred. Eev.-aro of unprincipled drusi'lati who
ciler icierlor kciUcIdcs In plzco ot thli. Ailc for
Cook's Cotton noot Compound, take no rutif
lute, or lnclcuo 81 ocd C cenu la postage In letter
and wo will iced, fealoi, iy return mall. Full icalul
parti ciliar la plain envelope, to ladle4 only, "
jtici-J. Addrua fuaf. Lily Com pony.
Xo. S SUler Blocf. Kctrclt. Mich.
Sold In The-Dalle by Ulakeley & Houston.
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cepts.
Olllc." for nil Stajti- I.Iiipm li'uvlnc Tim Diillc for ull
ImiIiiU in JCaxtcrn (Ircjou nnd Kan tern Wunliliictoii,
III thl Hotel.
Corner of front and I'nfon St
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Clothier and Tailor.
Decidedly the Finest Line of
Gents' Goods,
Trttnks and Valises, etc., etc.
With every dozen Cabinet
Photographs, one ....
oJLifeSi;e CrayonJ
Call at the Gallery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itself
u There is a tide in Jhe ajfairs of vien which, taken at its flooa
leads on lo fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
fiiMM-auntc, Vat Jan. 27, Is'.',
CajiuJt tor some time ami wont to teitlfi to
inwllcluw, but ifot no relief until J ul thtac,
lino mm' tvntilif not 1. tvlttiiti timtn fr
Hues their cot.
oiu rwiJtctfully
,. , ,. , , ClIAItUaT. fil3IVriCE.
Bjld by riiiisa & Kihc-nly.
Special reduction on lamna. clABMuaro
ana crockery for tho holidays at II. II.
Clisii-fliil Sale n m--mMlw
& Garnets
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
j0B I-- 1Mb