The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1893, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
uturoil ii tlio roMofnro nt Tlio Dnllos, Oregon,
hm Kccond'Olium iQHttur.
Clubbing List.
rbmault mi V, V Tritanr, .
fironiflf and AmffiHa Farni'r,
fktojlflf and HrClotr'i liciiior,
f hroairle iti (Vimofolilai Hauiiaj
Cbf(oifl and I'nirie Farmer, ('birasri .
rbroM'lf sad (ilolf.iitNt,i-w)Sl.tii:i
lirKulnr Our
prlfo iirlco
.1 .1 At
. S2.II0 si.r.
. M.00
?i0 HM
.' L'.ihi
fiu'Kl Advitrtlr.lne.
10 Cciun lino for llrnt Iiivrilnii, mid 6 Cent
m'r lino tor firoh niit)'(tioi)t limiTtlon.
rfjMt'liil niU! for loin; Uinu tiotlcvn.
All Ukh notice rifolviHi Inter thnti 3 o'clock
111 mipcar the follou'ltiR diiy.
rmmlior of ears on freight trniriH and In
consequence the firemen shovel in oonl
protty lively on the steeper grades.
.lamo Hurley wouldn't Ko to jail Inst
evoniiiK mid the net ins marshal be
labored him over the hend with n Colt's
ehillalah, causing several scalp wounds,
which ur. iiollister sewed up soon after
wards. The Medford Mail nays that forty
people have arrived there recently to re
main. Fiffcn miles atuvc, at Ashland.
17.-havo arrived, but will not stay, if
they can succeed in boating trains over
the Slskivous.
DKC. L'O, 1893
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
he found on tale at . ( Nickehen's more.
Spicy NrMlnt Oitrntiri'il rroin
inirtor'it Not. I'.milc.
"Oh, I'll b trim nu the lnt, my lovi
lit-hum:, IjiU d!u-didn't mind;
Ilt didn't rt-lcr to the liciivoniy miw,
lint to tin; tlicatdcal kind.
sufllcient means for their support. This
is a chanpo with a vengeance. Good
lord, or good devil, help us get bad; to
tho times .of tho Harrison administra
tion, which seem now, to look back too,
ns a watering place in the desert.
The fanners in tlio vicinity of Tlio
Dalles do not seem to be discouraged by
this year's low price of wheat and are
preparing for a larger acreage than ever.
Extreme will in all llklihood be followed
by extreme, nnd the prico for the next
year's product may reach a higher figure
than for many years.
A Lawrence, Kan., milkman has de
trains were over-1 live red milk for twenty-seven rears.
burdened hauling wheat to market from I Ho still delivers to some people who first
the interior. This year us many farmers ! fok milk from him, und has worn out
as can do so arc holding it for a prospect- fivo wagons in the business. Chicaco
ive rise, and in consequence there is little j Saturday Made. Mr. M. Vanbibber of
increase in railroad trafllc. j this city goes one better than this, hav-
Seotion Foreman Ccdarson, whose j ing ,lo'iverl1 ""Ik daily for twenty-eight
headquarters are at Kowena, had his j years withoHt missing a day.
hand crushed last night by an iron rail.! I'rof. M. V. Rork was advertised to
The injury will bo attended to by Dr. I epi-ak Saturday evening at the court
Ilollister, who left on tho 2 o'clock j house, but ns Tin; Chhonicle reporter
train this afternoon for that point. I as so busy waiting for Christmas
Tho first soiree in the dancing school ' Iir(!Sents 1,e didn't get around to hear
series was given by Mr. C. I.. Thiliips wf,at the learned gentleman had to say.
Saturday evening "in Schanno's ball" 11 !s learnod tot5a.v thnt Mr. Itork failed
Some evening Mr. Phillips intends giv-, to connect w'lth the train at Pendleton
ing another one. which fact will b " iu not spcan saiuruay mgnt m
A year ago tho
gladly welcomed by our dancers,
Geo. Salinger planted ",700 prune trees
this fall. A party ventured to warn Mr,
S. that he was planting too many, but
,,nu . I he assured him that after the United
The Dalles.
Tlin Market.
Tcesday, Dec. 20 The Christmas
season has paralyzed the markets and
there is no change in quotations in any
A largo acreage of fruit trees have bsen
ian"d this year in various parts of the
con li'; .
The !tent dnmn wni
, - 1 - n i c, .... 14. . HILI 13
working o., u,o streets this afternoon j ' , ",rtmo u,tf the various lines. Supplies of produce
.uite Mi.ressfully. oreign marker. are ample for all demands and former
Work on the Cascade canal is ling I Iho lrv!no ';""ily on Chenoweth , quotations are steady. The wheat situa
ptifhed vigorously, notwithstanding the cret;k, uro 1,1 n n!ul WIl-v' TJlL-v nru:tion is unchanged. The movement is
inclement weather. I Rreall.v troubled by sickness, and being light as the demand for export is quite
Christmas festivities at Mosier wound .3T.J V . " ".i.i V.1 ' E,I,I,e('-
nisiiuu. iam .nr. anu .Mrs. irvine are
up with a grand ball, which did not
Dreak up till daybreak. j in nBlltiBf!,ptnrv ,, . That's the way Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
.Inn.i.M KiHnti ..,) a ..w.u v .. t 1 ' ' i 1 ellets come. Audit's more import
. ,. , , , . ,1 The Antelope vDem.) llernld com-1 a'it than vou think. It keeps them
Mosier, shipped a carload of fine apples . J "-, "e f"e'" l0' " always fresh and reliable, unlike the or-
I' . .. .... . dinarv mils in cheao wooden, or naste-
sarcastically says, "If Cleveland is sue-1 board boxes.
cessful in getting a free wool measure i They're put up in a better way, and
through congress, we will give vou all ' tie.v 'c' in a better way, than the" huge,
the local news vou want. There'll be no wl'lT,? t5)"9' 8rlipl!BVn0 Vi'
. . ... lence, no reaction afterward that some-
Bheep, nor sheeiimen in this country to ( times leaves you worse than before. In
write about." that way, they cure permanently. Sick
II 1 V. I.',f Tl , , W"
Mr. Kmil.. Spl.iirmo u!lll..nv nt, , "euuuci e, x uuus. neauacne, onsupa
at p. in. ah are cordially invited.
James I
last week to eastern markets.
The dancing school opens this evening
with a good charter membership and
will give a lion lion party Friduy next.
Mrs. M. A. Paulson, a medical electri
cian, will give n free private lecture to
ladies at tho court house on Thursday
I 1 1 on. Jnd eest on. Bilious Attacks, and
morrOWS boat for llootl JtlVer to look oil dprnni.mintq nf th livnr BtnmpnV,
Ilushce, Masonic grand . after the fruit interests in that section, i aud I nvels. are prevented, relieved and
lecturer, was killed at Pendleton Christ-i Mr. Schanno is omincntlv qualified to ! curr,ed-
mus day by falling from the icy platform i Ml the position as a member of the state i nJitiLi lln.r.!.ar0,atfr:nules;
board of horticulture as he takes a great ! vegetable extraetE the smallest in size,
interest in that branch of Oregon's in- , the easiest to takr, and the cheapest pill
(jQijtry. ; you can buy, for they're guaranteed to
give s.iuMiicuuii, or your moaev is re
letter to President Cleveland. In it be
sets forth that this Christmas is the
first in the history of Oregon that two
thirds of its jcople are out of employ
ment und more than one-third without
of a car while just entering the city
limits. He struck on his head.
The state teachers association is in
session at Portlund. I'rof. Gavin has a
very interesting paper for today's ses
sion, and there are several teachers from
Wasco county in attendance.
The latest move for economy on the
Union Ktcific system is increasing the
turned. 1 ou pay only lor tne good vou
There's nothing likelv to bi "just as
good." '
Warner'B butter at Maier & Benton's
Tim II nutl fill Oroiimnli'" nt tin, Sov
:ral t'lnrri of Win lili,
Midnight mass at the Catholic chinch
Chris-tmns evening was witnessed by it
large crowd. Many Protestants were in
the audience. The altar was a blaze of
light diffused by numberless candles,
while pictorial allegories and (liilcront
decorations added to tho beauty of the
scene. Promptly at the ushering in of
the day our Saviour was born the choir
began the beautiful chants and sung
them in an acceptable manner. The
mass at Christmas is one of tho most im
pressive in the calendar of Catholic fes
tivities. The CongregAtional church was beau
tifully decorated for the Christmas time.
The choir and chancel were entwined
witli evergreens, while boquets of fresh
flowers made a pretty contrast and
showed the mildness of our climate.
Mr. Curtis preached botli morning and
evening, but in the evening were the
Christmas services. Those who have
heard Mr. Curtis regularly spcalc in high
praise of his sermon Sunday evening.
It has never been the privilege of the
writer to hear a better one. The choir,
consisting of Mrs. Huntington, Miss
Schmidt, Dr. Doane, Dr. Botkin, Balfe
Johnson, Ed. G. Patterson, and Vino
Phelps sang a Christmas anthem in
their usual pleasing manner. Alto
gether the service was very pleasing.
Christmas was celebrated Sunday
morning at the Methodist church. Mr.
Whisler preached an interesting, in
structive and appropriate sermon, which
was listened to with marked attention.
The choir, consisting of Mrs. Bradsbaw,
Miss Hose Michell, Mrs. Boyer, Messrs.
Allaway, Parrot and MaGee, sang a
beautiful anthem. The church was
tastefully decorated. The concert in
the evening by the choir nnd Sunday
school was a complete success in every
way. Kecitations and singing, solos
and choruses, made up the program.
One piece was especially good. A class
of girls, trained by Miss Myrtle Michell,
sang a selection, the Misses Stone sing
ing the duet, Jsupported in tha chorus
by the rest of the class. Every one ex
pressed their pleasure at the success of
the entertainment.
VI 6I0H&
Just Arrived from new Toil
At Keinarkably liw Prices.
Sfltaiffi CMncMHa Overcoats $5.50.
Winter Dry Goods,
gjy As we are lorced to SELL FOR CASH in onler to avoid lawsuits (like
lie famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the very lowest in tho market. Wo invite our friends and customers to
examino our goods and pricseforejuirchasini:.
M. Honywill.
."San at tie World's Mr,"
, Ami be up to th; time.
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
D)cal ARiMit, Tlio DalUs, Or
Fire at Woixlliurn, Oregon.
An explosion in the store of Bmce
Bros., at Woodburn, last Sunday even
ing, started a $40,000 lire, which baflled
the eflbrtB of the firemen until the en
tire block opposite the depot was'
Everybody is looking for bargains,
and at E. Jacobsen & Co.'s you can find
All prices of holiday goods re-
Business Change
A Large
of Men's
of the newest shapes made
epecially for The Dalles.
Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
Neckwear, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc.
Suitable for Christmas Presents.
Every artiele narM in plain figures.
The undersigned has bought
the Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pay all bills owing by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, 1893.
130 Milin St.. Tlio Ilnllex, Or.
Hhppy New Year
To Everybody.
Christmas is over. We are glad we did what we could
to make it a holiday worth remembering'. It is not for us
to say aught of our success. Let the HUNDREDS who
thronged our store and carried thence the many bundles
that gladdened so many homes and hearts ; let the people
to whom every dollar means a hundred hard-earned cents ;
let all to whom we were a Santa Claus in deed and truth
let these say whether or not we succeeded.
Now For Next Year
1W i