The Dalles Daily Chronicle, ! SMILES. OFFICIAL PAPEK OF DALLES CITY. AND VXCO COCNTT. "I roROOT to sond you over my new book of poems. I" "How thouplit ! ful of others' comfort you always are, j Mr. Scribbler. " "Witt don't you strike the man across i the street for a quarter?" Raprps "I've Wen waitin' two hours to see if he 6 month. . 0 7 won l come over im .tj w "Mil Longt.u.r is dolni: n wonder D" 6 month. so ful amount of pood amonp the juwr o overworked peonle." "In what way? srUSCRIPTION KATES. BY MAIL rOSTAOS ?RSrAID,IN ADVaKCS. Weekly. I -rear ...JIM per " Addre- all coramunicatlou to THE CKKON CCLE," The lUlles. Orvcon. I'd.I.dnicr. omc: Horn General Dollvcrj- Window Mocer Order Snnday vi l). .? a. m. to p. m. s a. m. to p. ta. &. n. to 10a. m. "He preaches sermons lone enouph for them to pet a pooc refreshing sleep erery time." i "That wa an awful mistake Mndpe matlc at the Twipps' reception." "What was it?" "She sat and talked for ' twerttr minutes to a cluster of chris THE LIKE A TIIIKF IK THE JNiGffT, column ol the eholcit aerlculturnl mul liter Consumption comes. A slight cold, . Xt'unJ' H,"f"liv c,"t,uI1'',", w,lh ,lnc with your system in the scrofulous condition that's caused bv impure NATIONAL IX CHARACTER, anthemums thinkinp it was one of the blood, is enough to fasten it upon mi ttoiH with farming ami fartncr u intertst. guests." Inter Ocean. vou. That is the time when necicet bnw.i. vmctionl lim. .t I ami cieisy arc nuioi danger. EMPLOYS THE HEST W KITEkS IX j Consumption is Lung -Scrofula. rnp COI'NTKY Au. is lost save honor Francis I. i You can prevent it, and vou can . , . ..,... . , . . .. - . . - nun cti'ii tin L .lint mil ill ill I.., i-.iiiiiiiiic. idi a -t Oldest Agricultural Paper in America, ! i J iCSTABUBHCO 1010.1 j XjL. VjJ"X di-LV-L To all cash enhsiTihers of Tin: Citnosici.u i paving one vear in advance. I TV V "1 T""a 1 1 The American Farmer "Masquerade Ball will bo Ktvon nt Armory Hnll by Jackson Engine Co., No. i T)or?day uenir;$, Jar), i, 1894. 1729 llutv York Avenue, WASHINGTON. D. The AMKiiu kS VAUMEn, which 1 now miter wti'Cr In the country I lie iiimhi It "Mli ynir, Is the pioneer farmers ii'cr 111 me country It 1 it InrRC elcht-iiw paper, mul cotitnltti W MEMORABLE SAYINGS. ctojts'o or xxiti tnin pjlap Eat . .9p in. ami 11:45 a. m. We-: o.SUiva. StATC lor Ooldcnilale T:S0n. ru. " " I'rtnevlKt .VJfa. m. DufuratidU aria -print 5:aia.m. ' j Leaving lor Lyir A Hartland 5:&i. tn. -Eicvn- -uudav 4 1 after i'avia. t Clirc It, ll VOU Haven t waited too tUo MlRtuMftmmcUr J:i-ry ileiurtuiunt of the Trf.w.tir Ti-."e.1aT ThurAv anJ Saturar. T vrn.r !!., in thp last ditch. William Irmrr with fir Pinna's firdil.n "M...1- frmiir. lmluw Is tll-oiisMtl In mi eiirnet. 1 f l - ll' . . .. . I .,... MH.r J' I Monday rt'olncsUar anil Friday. TUESDAY, PEC. 26. 1S9S Mt.tternich. of Oranpe. Ix Europe democracy is a falsehood. ical Discoverv. ii?.ir! wnr livilnc fn thi trr.41I.s4f tiritttt mill That is the most twnoflt to tht anncr am! hl lmll I . . ti i' 1 ... .1 . It nnixftirs im the Int inn! 1M1) n tttch innn'.h. , potent oioou-cleanser. Rtrcngtn re- nml t, furniihl nt ti.o prtcv u clnriir nnd ilivsh-linilflnr tlint k-!! wti ipm-. want of France is a Washington. ! n r.1 .i;. 50 ChXlS A 11.AK (Jhristmas is apam saieiy passeo ana ' juamartme. ; left. Let them all be admitted to the Union and the name United States will . have a true meaning, without the usual the next dancer to the risinc generation Imtietv is the greatest of', iudiscre will be creea peaches and the July j tious. liivarol. watermeilon. Ovr country, right or wrong. 1 Stephen Decatur. There are but three or four territories 1 Notiuso is certain but death and taxes. iranuiiu. The English are a nation of shop keepers. Napoleon. Straws ;hiiv.- which vrn-r the wind mental reservation. blows. .lohn Selden. A that runs away may fight The tvar department has dispatched an-1 again. Demosthenes. other war vessel to the seat of war Hon- i oluln. It seems as if there was quite a j J- Blaize, an extensive real es- tempest in a teapot and onr government tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowr., narrow- was making a phool of itseli bv running ! escaped one o: tne severest attacks 01 after a Kanaka woman. Oregon did so well at the world s fair, by all means it should be fittingly rep resented at the Midwinter exposition: and since 40.000 did such good work, the $20,000 left, which will be espended nearer home, should accomplish splen did results. The greatest bit of tomfoolery ever heard of is letting out 2Cnt Blum, the notorious character who has figured in the United States courts of late, on $17, 000 bonds. He proposes going to Wash ington, D. C, to interview the presi dent. Presumably the nest we will hear will be an appointment to some foreign station, as a reward for his ly ing, instead of going to the penitentiary for life, where he belongs. cvorv is is- ease that has to be reached through dvmiev TiiU nikc it thr i'iirn..-t the blood, like Consumption, for ' "Brh-uituriii iiir m tin- ...mury. Scrofula in all its forms, Weak FARMER LEGISLATION. Luucs. Bronchitis, Asthma, and all . ., . , - ,. . , i Purine tho cnmli:; er Shore ulll Ik. mi llu severe, lingering Coughs, it is the mon.c uumbor oi mititerM the uut vimi in- nnlf fiittt'mit. ffl mnnwlv If it tonnt to fHriner clcult with t onstreii mul the oniy ami. ariuta remttn. ti 'm Kxccutive iHirtmeni!' t whinston. it i UOCSll t benefit Or CUrc, VOU have ! hujhly imiirtant tluit the dinner Ih) kont ,.,.... l,.,. (promptly mid Inlly Infuruiwi iw towlint Nbclnc your mOIie oaCK. plamml ami itona ntlivtlin: tlifin nt thf Nntlnunl i CniiiUil. Thoy .ihould nil. thorefnre, tukv Tun Axr.uic is Faumki;. wlid'ti. boliifr mi UioRrmiiul. itlmr jxijT!- tur i-iiu- iisuii in run.sttuitly n Infnrnintlon tluit ttioy Htnl Tur CiiKONtci.r. Commlttoo of Arrangements: F. W. L. S1C1IU1E, 1,. KLINDT, A. HKrGINI.NE, PKED I.KMKE JOHN HLASEK. Reception Commlttoo. HARRY Cl.Ol'liH, GEO. MUNGER, W. H. BUTTS, OI.PH KELl.KR, COL. G. T. THOMPSON, HON. E. SCHl'T, TH1CO. F. SKUFERT, A. UFCHLER, IE. W. IHIIEjLjILVE &c CO., The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca- ' has letter fttullltle than nnv tithe tarrh Remedy know that their medi- I VhWffi? u cmc ncrfectlv and pennatientiv cures Brnit mijmmt ot vnitunie ! 1 , 1 . inn Kt In nonthor nn-t. (Catarrh. Jo prove it to y;", thev I tur as rnur.i make this offer your Catarrh, no matter what your case is, they'll pay you $500 in cash. If thev can't cure ! wii iwentoms ytar lor n .. v - DI AIXUS IN Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Pcrfmcry, Etc. Puro Wlnos nntl LlqviorH for Mndlclnnl Purposon. CompounclInK Physlclnno ProBcrlptloni n Spoclnlty. So. 105 Second Street, The Dullcx, Oregon. OppoMU' t'liltitnhln CiitHly Knctiiry The Si. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Ulaize hud occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was lnahie to set warm, anu in- old, popular and reliable house t side ot an hour after his return he was lias been entirelv refurnished, and every rtinv.tan.Hi or.., iviso nf nnoii- room has been repajrered and reutuite i f . -vt T'l,.:-.. .n and newiv carieted throui'iru'.. The mourn or lung fever. Mr. Lla-.ze sent to hQn CQl;t&im 7u r0OU)S auld BUj,nliH the nearest drug store and got a bottle j wjtu vury modern convenience. Rate-. of Chamberlain's Couh Ilcniedy. of j reasonable. A irood restaurant attachec which he had often heard, and took a to rue house. Frer bur-to and fn.rn ah I,.. f 1 A T-I,, i.f. I s- ."-ii- lliiillit:. ui i .i i viu. ui; .i - .in -i- iect was wonderful and in a short time We hope that the present session of congress will deal vigorously with the problem oi foreign immigration. There are too many anarchists, dynamiters and cranks in the country, who compelled to leave their own home, flee to America as a less restricted field for their atroci ties. We are satisfied with our schools, our churches and our courts, and do not he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. i;ia:j re-'-ds his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blukviey it Hoitithton. Ask your dealer :tove Polish. ior Mexican silver r.tmkleu". Armcu ""hItm. The irest salve in the world for . ti--. bruiiei, sores, ulcers, salt rheun.. :.---t sorer, tetter, chapped hunds, chi'i-imnr, corns, and all skin eruptions. hh1 (Hsi tively cures piles, or no pay iinir-d It is guaranteed to cive perfect -tisM- tiou. or mney refunded. C. W. KNOWI.ES- Proo. John Pashek, ie Merchant lailoi rn 76 Court Street, liext door to Wasco Bun Office. f-Ha Juit received the tntiyit itylw ir. Suitings for Gentlemen, l mi !. large a.sortment of Furiirn '! Amifr lm ( . iin-. wnifu ne cn nnu.i Miner lo th o t iit tnvuf hln.. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. " SHERIFF SALE7 wr Imrr. For snin tiv s,nit' it fvin- desire a change to the chaotic conditions ers.v t :.n . i.l,-. ' assassins by nature but, cowards at heart. Democrats in congress expect a nega tive benefit to take place by placing wool on the free list. Texas will go democratic anyway, Oregon is too Htronglv republican to hope for a change, while the larger manufacturing states ' 3 !... V...t;.... .-ill V... o.-. r.l,...C..,l .l.n I wicj ut;iic V c .lii 1tj cu jiiua-m ab tliu prospectof getting cheaper raw material that they will force the tide toward the democratic camp. Hut the force off eventfe have proven their logic faulty, for i SUX'per EottI not only is written above Oregon's door "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here," but th manufacturers of many leading eastern etates have adopted resolutions urging congress to still retain the present tariff on wool, coal, iron and other raw materials. Kt4" m'S rati I rjSa As one of the reaulte of the McKiniey j tariff a big establishment for the manu facture of fine cutlery will be erected by Tiffany & Co., of New York, at Forest Hill, New Jersey. It will I.e completed next spring and will give employment to 350 hands. The manager of Tiffany 5c Co., in speaking of the project to manufacture cutlery eaid. "Heretafore we have been compelled to accept such oods us the foreign manufacturers were content to 'ive us, but under the pres ent protective tariff we will try to make articles more suitable for use in this country." This one factory will give support to more than 1,500 people. The money which will be expended for the products of the establishment will be kept in the United States instead of being sent to Europe. i tu- of on cx-rutlon snfl nt nf le i- , snttl cut nf the Circuit Court u( tl.- stall- of Ore- son for Wnrco ( ountv. on the J7n. il.v of No Tt-nil.T. l-'.. upon n jmlRmt-iit niii!- nd rr. (tereil in said court on the 14th U of November, 1-L'i, In un notion then nntl theretofore j-.MiditJK in wilil court, wherein II. Y 3leKlro wv plain tit) and II ' . Coo wbji dfifendnnt. ;.J tomoill rn'tl anil rtelivertil. commanflmc me to levy UI": tiit; mil c-tlAto bi.'lijllill ti Mild rtefoiHlan: mid 'h-rt't iiv attnfheil in said urtii.n. to nul la!, the Mil:, of and Inter ! or id um ini the ivh ilay of Juiif. Iv;. at t n Krwit. - i nnutn, unil th further jiim tif Ji"nmttor iic fts in nld iiction.and ?4 rmin. ami hik the tu of anil uin satil writ. I did 1- vy IT i: vtill on .Monday. Mir "tltli ituy of .liuionr , l.'tlil, nt the lif-nrof joelrc in the afternoon of ilf.j Ht the front iloor of the i;omit eonit hotiM; lr Pai'tn city. Wa-cn County. Ornro:.. m-11 at pubUf ucti-.ii to the hicheKt h.drt-r fo' euh in hand n'! of ttio foilowinj: doJ-rlUd rl uiUti-tut,-:, unil ievitil ui-m us the prui;rt' of tutd defendant. II C Cw, to-wlt lrt of the Iioiiiition tiiil f!lnlm of H C iv-, lri wiioi'S -J.'). ro. !! mul So. ii' Towmhlji ' Nortt . Ibtlice 10 Kant of the W Illantte Jlerl ilat.. fi'iitnlninir xboilt HI nere of lr.d. tijether with tht Ii-nemeiiu. herlit.'imeiiti ai.d npimrt'.-ni.r-s thereunto IxjlnusitiK or Ii. nn ii-i.t-tnltiltiit iriciuiSltiK, and Intended to n oliide the water plant, water rfsht, ca.sciueuta, fniuchle-i nnd firivlU-ffes, nml the water Hi rvsenroir nnd conduit iil in cotivcylnc water from nld pretnlx.-s to the town of Ihxxl Jlnur, In Wamo sWLiS RtinlOfi 1 WoiibiJir to the above-nnrnul H ( i nitu- luro vw i au.;r . ' Thuiviiitiiv U mamru t" tne liorin . iiie o: me rurn iroic ot Uel to cure v u. yrics ujcu. juvcto' This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. New York Weekly Tribune -AND DaiiesweeRiyGnronicie ONLY $1.75. Ol- ro'irh, Zi' Bri".,,sijrr Throut. (.'roup , n,-. .r . l nuopliij t;ontj And A.s..-.ui '- I -nsumj.ioi. it b is rif rirai; a.-ci?Pd..iouA3n'IsTir ieitiallutliBrh fall -.;; vr 1 1 trs y v .? Uict. in tirrie hdW by Drusnr.'Ux no c. c- nra.t.'-e. For I.aine lici crCr;yau3Cmi.H'.- f j.AATKiu Sew. For aal ir Hulpa Klnaraly r IroX I the I'nion l'acific Itnllrortil t.omH") section X. Township 3 .North, Ilaujce lu hm- of the Wll- Ilow'a TUIa! We offer one hundred Dollars Jieward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation muue by their firm. West A Truux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wulding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Meting directly upon the blood and muc ous mrace of the system. J'rice 75c. per bot(l.. Sold by all Druggist. Tes timonials iree. Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 35c., 60c. and 11.00. Sold by finipes & Kinersly, druggists. Hot clam broth at J, 0. Mack's every day at 4 o'clock. VI60R "MEN EAiltr. Quickly, FaraiiMirtlr RMisfVt. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' cd all th train of rl'i froracariycrrurior latr cxcua, rrtulu of oTemork, ilckneai, wofTT.etc. Fullttrectfl:, (Jinelopnot ami toon Slrn to arary organ aial cxrttnn of Iho UAi. SixnpU.caturalnxtuoda. ImmcdlaMimprutemrat teas. VatlareimpoatSbl. tJU) roferenM. Iioa. explanation and rcxXa Bollul iMakd) free ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. M. T. Rheunat!sm9 KMfMy OMnfiiaintSy K, Ca urn nc i a - QP SAMKrt EUiMB IS. With KIftrHliaj(Mtlo Lataa I'attaU I Baa 1 nil i ttrl rtrtumatua. Ulnar, tin LAIZW Ijrnx. IrtmlAjro. a-lillna i I 111 iicatit, etc, Taw alatine 1MM coauiut i m Mil I Will rare vtttoot aacrUdaa aB latMi BBM lliiur fmn orrr-tuaUcuof hrain aarra foraMi aaaaaaaior lili. cmu. drrrcwa obwj. ataaataapaBi, uuigvvr. WHUI.IIWII, ft! J iJ , niw hhh WHWMIM, iiuruKi, iqmiaaro. m niina aji raaiaia ruapiainM Mniiki WM I a ..... I . . iiM M on r.iniu nihil . 1. .1 . 1 jiiiiii.1,.. 11 ii. 11.11. ....i..M nu-ii mi iii;ici. old two trarta above ineiitlotinl foi-iprulni; all nf the lurid embraced in the puliation Itiid Claim of wild 11 f. (.', which has not h-rctofor-ten o!d toother parties. Aio Jou ".Cnnd7 In ruction A. and lot C and " in t-n-tnn: II In the Waticnmn Addition to the town of Hol i:tver, and all of tai'l rent enUtu lying and beini; In Waico County, Oregon, or o much thereof may be uecejunry to atlfy jtuld mrns of iiionvv a.s above mentioned. luted thin i3rd day of December, li T. A WAKI). d-Jw6t fiheriflof W.iui,.o.,Or SHERIFF SALE. Iiy virtue of un execution and ord'ir of sale iMuedotuof the Circuit Court of the Ktte of OreKoti for Whuco County, ujoi. a decree and Judgment made, rendered nnd enteriil by tiild Court on the Mb day of November, Wts, In favor of plnlntlfl', In n atllt wherein A I). lioiton wtvt plalutllT, una Frutilc I), olllc-iiileand llhodu tillie-iple, W. K. Hunt and W If Ilutler were defendiinu, nnd to me dlrecUtl arid delivered, crirnmandlng me to levy upon and ell nil the land mentioned nnd de:rlbed In wild writ, nnd hereinafter de;rlbtil, I did, on the tin dnrof Pfember, M'i, duly levy upon, and will soil Ht public auction, to the tilglitnt bidder, forcutli hi hand, on Slondar, tb Mtli Uy Jununry, 1HIM, at 2 o'clock in tho afteniixin of mild day, at the front door of the County Courthouse. In palle City, In Wbjco County, Orexoii, all of the lundx nnd premium dewalbttl In ald writ and hutcin drtcribed a follow)), to-wlt, The northwest numtcr of Section fourteen 11 IJ In Townihlp two I'J Kouth, of IUhko fuurteini 111 Kmt of the V llliimettu Jleriillan, In Vnc-o eounty, Orexou. or hi mneh tln reof a jhall be iiniclent to Jiutlify tlieaum of f'l.Ol, with In tereat thereon nt the rate of ten per tent, ixrr annum itif. November llth, WM. ICO.i.0 Httor nejr'H feci, nnd $(JJ cut in tald milt, toKetlicr with coat of tnid writ, mid ':ciuliiir u of inle. T A VAHI, HherlfTof Wanco County, Orwui. Dateil at Palltsi city, Or,. Jw I, pj, d4w5 Administratrix Notice. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Timber l-iind, Art June 3, liT.n.) t". h orncr. The PiUlea, Or..( Nov h, IMA ( No'.lev is hereby K'v'11 fiat In eompllHnuf with the provisions of the Mr! nf cousresn of June 2, 17., entitled An ui't for the sale of tltn btr laudu in the stuten nf ( allforula, JieRin, Nevada mid MuxhiiiKtiili 1erritor," ! (.'. Stl'VIIOHOll, Of Klnssley, county of Wmco, tnti of Orcein, hn.i till ilny tiled in thu olllce !il rworu alMtu- ment ior tne purcharu ol the M:i nt NV, of fcectlon. No. Z;, in Township No s b , rnji' No 13 K. W M., unil will oiler proof tonhow thut thu laud nought nioro valunhlu for IU timber or alone than fur ns;rlctilturnl purpoMsn, nnd to titiilillJh hU rlnlm to mild hind Uifore the KeKHp.-r nnd ltefiver of this olticentThe pitllea. Or., on the l.Uh day of Jniiimrv, la. He immii tvt wltiiev deorite ilIji-l. J ;.t i:nl.-. U:on Kotideuu ami Uifii)tte UitvU, mI of Kliigxlfy, Or Any and all t-.-monn clalmiiiK adverel the above-du-erlbvd bindi arc reiuiteil to tile "their cLilms In thttolhceou or U.'fure suld lith day of January, l-.'ii wIO JORN W l-KWIri, IleKHter. NOTICE FOP. l'UHLICATION. Ijhu orrica, The Imllii. Or.. Nov. 9, l'U3 I Wotictj l hereby rjivan that the following named vrttler ban tiled notice of hi luteution to mnS.'e final iinof In niipixirt of hi clulm and that ald pnxif will te maile before tho rnjUivr unit reeeiver at The iMllei, OrT.'on, on V ulneaduy, Ueteuit'jr H'Jtl. vl llnwltt Kliic, llnrneibntd Appllcntton No. a-js, for the NU nf ai:ltund K1, olriVt rec 10, 1p lih. It 11 llimt. He names the followlm; wltliesea to prove till routlnuoiK residence upon and cultivation of mid land.vU H Vr. VlIi, of Tha Dallei, Or., Charlea Kaiton, James Katton and I'aul Umeroth of Neueiie, Or. Joa W I.awii, KvKlitvr. SHERIFFS SALE. lly virtue of an ciectttlon nnd order of ile Imied out of tne Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for Wanco Couutr, uixjn n decree and judgment made, rendered and entered by tald Court ou the 13th day of November, In'Xt, In favor of plaintiff, In a lult wherein Walter llrevze wan plaintiff utid Alfred Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy were defendant, and tome directed nnd delivered, commanding me to levy iiou and Mil the land mentioned mid dc-M.-rlbd In alil writ, and hereinafter decrild, I did, ou the HU day of Iec!uib;r, duly levy upon, and will will at public auction, to the hlgheat bidder, for cji1i In hand, on Monday, tlia Mtli day af Jaauary, IMU, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of aald day, nt the front door of thu County Courthouu.- in Hallea City In Wnco County, Oretfoti, nil of thu landa and premltea described In ald writ, nnd herein feicrlbed aa follow, to-wlt All of block ten (10) in what l known an thu Military KeenMtlnn Addition to iMllea City, Wruco County, Oregon, and according to the mnA and plutt of laid city mid addition thereto, or o much thereof ax ahall bo aiifTlcIeut to nt Ufy thekitin of l-in with lutereit thereon nt Ihoratuof ten ir cent. pr nnnum liic No vemlur 13th, ftO.CO Httorney'a fcea, utid tUAb cotta In mid tlllt, together with cmIk of tald writ and accruing coaUof tale. T. A. WAKD, Hberlft of Wtuco County, Oreg"n. Dated at Halle City, Or., Pee 4, Wfi, iIhJSwS i Execator's Notice to Creditors. HCTU ?? L COST, at W. E Garretson's Store. reflucefl from $45 to p. $40, reduced to $28. 35, reduced to 25- 5, reduced to Jo- Gold Watches worth Gold Watches worth old Watches worth American Coin Silver Watches retail to $13. Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6. The above is a sample of tho Imrgainn to Ik had for a few days. A. R. Thompson, AHSIGNbB. H. H. CHMPB5LL Succouoor to LESLIE BUTLER, NT HI eotmtnutly ki'p on hand a complatu Hue (if GROCERIES, CROCKERY, , .,Hll.liu ...rrnV HIE BEST GOODS AT L0YVETT PRICES. - SQUARE DEALING ru Having pun .Mr. Hutlor't entlru alwik, I ahull endenior to malliliiln the tho lioil.e, whlcli hiiK lell Call and see me, next door to Postofflce. lunauir fettiir aaar or mm IttrtmiL ai.Baa.aa. anii wlilcuroollof ta atana 4taaM or bo par. ttou. z--uiU hat Un tutmlttr tala ajrttliai Tuttanoa atur all other msollaa tllas.aa4 wa alia uioimU vt tecUtnacJaai la law aaaintaiT "III- wit. Our frmttmX lama Mill KimMM. tl , nitfr. uoa wr ulltnd mmk awn, rut alUall klu. UUm llawwfcUMaakafliiaiaiBlaaaia I Wrs ael(tfrllliu'J faaspclc;.wal.'l..Ut:,fca 8ANOHN EtEOTRIO CQ. Nolle i hereby given that tho Couiite Court I of thuHtiituol Oregon for Woico coiitilv hia this day duly appointed the mtdeulgiiul uilmluliirn- irix oi inu eaiaio or nr. t.. uiuehiirt, do ceuel.iiid thut iihe him duly rtiiilltieil u auch ndinlnUtriitilx All K-riona are theicforu leiiilred to preieut their chilitu Hgalimt mild mtiitc, with the jiroper vouchera theu-for. ti the lindemleued nt her realdciicu In linllex l lly, In ulil county nnd ahiU, within ki.x moutlia from the date heieof UMII.V JIKI.I.K i'.IKKHAUT, AiliiilnWtiatrix. Dated thU lit day ot jHtciuU-r, ItW. Itv- Noth.-o U hereby rtlvuu that the Comity Court of thu rllatv of Oregon for Wmk.o County lim duly uptx)lutd the tiuderalgniil thu executor of the laat will and teauiineut of (ieorge K. Ituirn. de.eued, Alt ta)rfiii havliiK clnltna agalunt the eatauwif aula deceaei are hereby teoulrid to trecnl them, with the proper vnuvheni. within nix month from the ilateol thla notice, to wild executor Ht hla place of realdeuce, nmr Killl.'i Cltv. In mill l.dlllltv. or at ttiM nit!.i. ,,i Vt, II, Wllwin, In tuld iMllt Cilv. JJaUdtbU lt day of November, Ml, iilw OllOloeiBt, XaAtOMt. Ota4jjPata Holiday The public is invited to examine our goods before puvohusinit elsewhere. BrVxK tlui lowuat, nntl uru Kruatly reduced. OloBitip, out the ontlr- 6tM ol ToyB huh lioimiuy utioim ! wn BeooBil Bt.. Tka Dallen. Or. I- O. Wlo!