llC!J'i' ' ltJCrtraiidotarajkaw 3 It 4 4 lA EIC0iitclc Vol.. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, MUNDA-T, DECEMBER 26, 1893. NO. 8. the Dalles Daily Chronicle. itiyi Pally, MitnUy Kvoepted uv Hy i iiKo.s'icLB purlishing co. . ,i -.iiii'i ""'I Wadiltii:uii street, The lurino 'if .Suirrltliin . ... If, 00 . 50 ,. 6 TIME TA II !,!.. (inllriimU. ill t'HK't AllKUM f., Dt'J.1. ntl liOUNti. ..... III .V. I u Il,.iinrl. ll-fyifv v I H. . " "- - -fciT IMUNIl, J..,fti.J 39 x. v Depart 3:11 a. u. IJOCXU i.mti' " Portland m 1 v. a, lifpntta for I'ortlnrid fct 3 r. il. f.ul.rti frclsati. tiiHt curry piif-ciiKcrit lenve jtf ior IW ' at fl0 a. St., ami out- lor the Mi (r a A. x. TAGK. .;. vln. liukp Ovou, leave daily Tor .Utiloiw, Mitchell, Cmijon City, leave yl.IT ! ' A S fj:):. ur. KiuckU-y, Winnie, Waptnltia, Warm .EK ''''" Valley, leave ilully, eiecpt i ..,! li A. M. .u uoulondale, Wash., leuve every day of the .,vi. mr nil line at tlie Umatilla Houm:. rltOI'I'.SIIONAI. II a IUllULL ATTO&NEY-AT-I.AW UBICC !l . I .iurt street, Tliu Dallin, Ort'Bon. 1. DCICt. niANC MKSEfEK. KCK, A JXtMirr-r. attoi;si.v- Ai . 4 --Upmi and , over l"ot t t iJUnc. Entrance mi i.k:uhkiou nruei t.. ai, Orceon. , .ir.NNKri,ATTORNEY-AT-LA".v. qi- ., -,ih n acliRMtio bulWlug, up Haiti.. Tee orevou. t KAVh. U.B.IICfTINOTOS. H. . lTO-MMC WAn. HUNTINGTON A: mivk -Otlices. rrench'n block over hru Narlonal llr.nk. Dallck. OrcKon. w 11 WILbON-Attowet-at-law Hoonj I . rrencli A Co.' bank bulluluc, second jrret, iheDallet.Orceon. T sitih:ulani. I. V.. ir. il. t. i -". . fj. M t f. nnd si. II.. rhlrlan nuil Mir r,m. IUkhjw 3 arid i, Chapman block. Ectldcucc Mrs. Thorubury'k, west cud ot reeond r.tvtt ... rfc. KM1EUMAN (IloMJioi-ATIItC) I'"VHIcUfi U nd umlEO.-i.-Cttll Btikwered tiromU), jitoriiiKlit.etty orcouutry. OSlce No.dCima Ciijiujuti block. w" FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKA.VrtACT A UEXKltAUlANKINU DCf 1KK8B he I Loltor- of Credit isoned nvailnble in Kaetorn Statoo. Sifht Exclianiro and Telegraphic TranfsforeBoldon Kow York.ChicaRO, St. loais, San Franc'iBco, Tortland Oregon, Seattle Wash., nnd varlouE points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable, terms. 7"S 3H THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. A. Moody Better. General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorehle terms at all accessible points. J. s. SCHENCK, I'redldcnt. J. M I'ATTEIISON, Cashier. First Rational Bank. " 1S OKI .13 tho hills" and never excell ed. "Tried nnd proven" is the verdict o f millions. S i m m o n s Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Tho King of Liver Medicine!). " 1 lmve umhI your Simmons I.ivcrRecu lator and can con.iclcnclously say It Is the 1:1m: of all liver medicines, I consider It a medicine client In itself. Giuj. W. JACK--ON, Tueomu, WiLsblnston. 3-EVKltY I'ACKAGE-Sa ilas tlie 7. Stamp Hi red on wrapper. THE WARSHIP MOHICAN Ordcral lo Than Pills eo to lie Islands. Sandwich IS LOOKED UPON AS SUGRESTIVB Capt. Picking of the Charleston Cen sured -A Draft Ordered by Pcixoto. Sax Fiia.ncisco,Dcc.24. It was learned here today that the United States man-of-war Mohican is to be dispatched to Honolulu Wednesday. Sailing orders have already been received and there is unusual activity at Mare telr.nd prepar ing the cruiser for sea. Tho vessel has been ordered to take a deckload of coal in addition to tlie usual supply, and it is evident an effort will be made to force the Mohican's old engines to make time. Coal heavers at Mate island are to have no Christmas holiday, so positive is the order to equip the Mohican for sea with out loss of time. Inasmuch as the steam ship Australia sailed for Honolulu yes terday and could have carried all the necessary advices to Minister Willis, the inference is there must be some urgent reason for strengthening the United States naval loree at Honolulu. HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on clay ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ew lork, ban rrancisco and Portland. THE DIRECTOKH. I). 1'. TUOMI'BON. J.NO. S. SCHENCK. En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beall. i J. D. IIOA.S E-IHVhICtAK AND fUK L) uon. omce. room 5 nnd C Chapman u iu-idcuce. ri. E. corner Court mid ......1m ,nd door from the corner. bourn 9 to 12 A. il.. .Mo 5 nd 7 JO 4 1". M. 1 ifliAU.-Hr.stWT.-ii' Bven lor ine I'. i.ulnlt extraction of teeth. Also iceiu ju flowwl nlumluum jilntc. nooun: oin m t Colden Tooth, becond htreet. W. H. YOUNG, ltrazll News. New Yobk, Dec. 24. The Heiald nrinta t.Vin frillnwinw frnm ATnntovidpn ! oltlzens watch the columns of this n n r LTD I . . t- i i. didly for the spiciest local newf. it t LK Captain Picking's refusal to give Amen- Daily EvenlriK Chronicle Is recognized us et-sentiiillv the home iiaiier for thi Dalles i lty folks,' UnXXTT Thli not a bad reputation. Some r I IJ JVl r, 2.CK.0 of our best (ucceedi. In cleani:i!: the field, and hence prows in pnpuinrny ana importance, mve It awhile, you Mho don't, try tome of Its premium oilers. "Tlie Reffulator Line" siacKsmiii & W308H Slop Tie Dalles, Portland ana" Astoria !";! Navigation Co. ' AsCO IJOVQK, N"0. 15, A. K. .V A. M.-Meet tlrt ana thtra .Mouauy oi eiicu iuuuiu . DALIES I'.OYAL. AllUll UltAJ'iliit iju. Meet In MwKinlc Hall the third Wednesday rfench liiimui at 7 l . it. M 0DEU.N WOODMEN OK THE WOULD. ill, UIHH1 .UUIII.IU. iTJ. ..m in , . each week In r ruterulty Hull, ut 7 a p. in. 5ol each weei rOU'MlilA LODGE, NO. S, 1. O. O. t-- i every Krldny erenluc at 7:30 o clock, In K. W.miraliiK brothern are welcome. tt.tTOcatl, bec'y. u. a. uiuur,.-... every jii'muuj ,..., ... . ...t i ....... i.f f',,rf i,irl Kmitl KUIIU f UUl.Ul.t, 1.W...V ... v,w.... ..- -- 0.-t. Bolourultig meniberit are cordially lu ri!. W . S. C'KAM. I), W.Vauke, K. of k. ana b. u. t.. t...n .., i.. ,(!! Hud fourth nediiei, JAT ot eucu liioiun ai " UTOMEN'fa CHK1HTIAN ir.sirt.nie.itvt. W .in ,.r,.rr KrlilHV afternoon US o'clock at the reading rooiu. All are luWtca. UMON LtJDOl". No.W)l,I.O,O.T,-KeKular rrmeriitty Hall. Allarulnvltejl. ' L tlllUlhMAN. C. T. K. I'- r LKCK, be TEMJ'LE IX3D0E NO. 8, A. O. O. W.-Mcet I ... i.'.u,..r,,Hv Hull. nciT KillLTh. li heeoUU lUctt, Thumday evenlUK ut 7::w. W, 8 Mycmi, Financier. M. W. AH, NKBMITH I'OBT, No. Xi, U. A. B.-Meew y evurv faaturday ut 7:30 r. u., In the k. of 1 . Kill. ' AMEKHAN KA1I.WAY VNijJJ., f.U. W. il MeeU kecoiid and loiirth 'J hun-days each mtth lu K of T. hail. . lKAI1',y, J II Joneh, bee y. . ' y , BOV L. . Meetn every hunday altctnooaln the K. of I'. Hall. GEHANO VEKEIN Meeln every Bundu) evfiilm; Ui the K. of 1. Hall. ROV L, K. DIVISION, No. 107-Meet .In iv, ui r iiaii iiiv .....m aJo!eacli month, at T.'M r. M. T1IK CIIUllCIIICH. ST. fKTKRH CIIOnOH Uev. Kather HlioiJti , okiit l'antor. Low Mum every hutiduy at JJ.M. Ulgli Maim ut 10:30 a, m, Vciksth ut CT. I'AULH UIIUKC'H Ulilou Street, opKilto P Mfth, Kov.KUD.HutclltluKector. r-ervlceii jTJ'y Hundar at 11 a. m. uud 7::i0 r. x. Sunday KhbolDju A. tf. Evening 1'rnyer on rrlday at tflHMT UAl-riaT CHUi'.CH-Kev. O. I). Tay i., 1'iulor. Mornlne Hurvleen every Hub JSJ" at tlie ucudeiuy at 11 A. M. Hubbath "ciiool linmedlaUily after morning nervlcefc. i'er tneutlng Frlcluy oveiiliiK t l'astor retd Union dorvlce lu the court houfceut flONdltKOATJONAL CHUHCH Kev. W. C. y Cuhtih, l'mtor. HcrvlccH every Huudoy ut II L.., aua 7 Sunday School after morning ""leu. HtraiiKem cordially Invltetl, Beatu free. f K. CHUKCH-Kov. J. VViiihlkb, pastor. Hi, ""fviceii every Sunday moruliiKut 11 u, in, Widay School at iL'i'JO o'efock v H. Epworth iKUe t C:U0 v, u. J'rayer ineutliiK every i, "'"Iwy ovmiltiK at 7:80 o'clock. A cordial lif lonll " vxUtndod by both jrnntor uud iojle QHKIbTIAN OIIUUCH-ltitvTl', II. McUtm:Y tii,i, rruaeiiiuK ju vnu L.iirmiiau i:iiurcu feWi,dUllrIUIUKl ANOELIOAL LUTHKRAN-Nruth utrcet", uiidT''' uni, wwtor, Service ut 11:80 a, in. 0 "very one. General BlackEinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third StreGt. opp. LiBte:s old Staufl. THROUGH House Moving! Ffeigut eaa pssssnger Line Through Ti i-Weekly Sundays ex cepted! between The l)nl!es and Port- a 1 T T 1 1 land. Steamer Regulator leaves the inure w v eiarue Dane8 at 7 a. ,., Mondays, Wednesdays and rridays, IS prepared to do any and nil kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has tlie largest lionso moving outfit in Kastorn Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDa!les J. F. FORD, ist, Of Des Moluct, lowa, writes under date oi March 23, S. li. Med. Mko. Co., i Dufur, Oregon. Oenuemen : On arriving Dome last weeic, 11 .1 1.. !:. 1 found till well and anxiously awaiting. Utir little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. li. Cough Curo has done its work well. Doth of tho children like It. Your S. B. Cough Curo has cured and kept away nil hoarseness from me. So give It to every one, witli greetinge for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Mits. J. I. 1-okd. IfyouwMito feel uud cheerful, and ready for the BpriiiK'H work, cleanse your nynteiu with the Headache and Liver Cure, by takluK two or three dose each week. Sold under a positive guarantee. W ceutu per bottle by ull druKgUts. C. F. STEPHENS, D ISA. LICK IN DRY GOODS Plothing eonnectinz at the Cascade Ix)cke with Steamer Dalles Citv. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at ti a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'ASHKNCKlt ISATKJi. One way . . . . Round trip. .?2.00 . U.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All. freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. m. Live Btock shipments solicteu. Call on or address, B. F, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON H Itooti, iSlioen, Hutu, iCtc. Fancy ud, kion, i:tc. Kle. Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. ARTIC factory SODA WATER AND I0E OREAM. Candies and Nuts Vir rvii Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles J.FOLCO 2 3 8 2d Street At right bide Mrs. uburr't icttuuruut. i can vessels in Kio uarbor all tlie pro- tection they desired from rebel fire j while landing cargoes is asserted by ag j grieved shipmasters to be a virtual I recognition of the insurgents as belliger J ents, and their views are evidently shared by the American merchants in I the city. These persons say Captain i Picking's reports of the situation to Sec- . retarv of Navy Herbert have been so T vague as to be absolutely misleading, and they declare that a firm Etand taken now by the American naval officers would be of material aid in bringing about a satisfactory ending to tho revo lution. I'eixuto'a Orders. New York, Des. 24. A Herald dis patch from Dania says the report has j reached there that the government forces I available for actual service, having been j allowed to suffer serious depletions from ' one cause and another, Peisoto has now determined to raise the strength of tlie National Guard at once to a high stand ard in several provinces. Accordingly lie has issued an order that drafts shall immediately be made for slightly more than 12,000 men in each af the following provinces: Parahibuna, Sao Paulo, Parahaiba and Pernambuco. iNEWS NOTES. General John W. Sprague of Tacomn, Wash., died Sunday last. He was born at White Creek, New York, April 4th, 1S17. Gen. Sprague was a brave soldier and withal one of God's noblemen. The Salvation Army of San Francisco on Christmas day fed 8,000 hungry men and women at a former dive, changed to an army station. They also gave away 1,000 baskets of food of the value of $2.50 each and sheltered over 300 homeless. They had accumulated a fund of J 8.000. The crank, Joseph Donjau, who lias sent threatening letters to tho executive and Vice President Stevenson and others, has been caught, From a conversation with him ho evidently is one of tho anarchists and socialist imports, as he is from Seiesia, Austria and is 20 years of age. The iJmueli Asylum. Tlie board appointed to examine tho sites for tho branch asylum in Kastern Oregon has completed its labors, finish ing up with The Dalles Wednesday. What their report will ho cannot of course bo told, but wo feel that an hon- t one will bo in favor of The Dalles. Tho Dalles lias tho most equable climate of any point in Kastern Oregon. It lias tho finest site in the state. It lias in abundance of water under suffi cient pressure to nfiord perfect protec tion against fire. Fuel 1.1 cheaper man ... I 1 !.... at any of tno otner places, aim bjhiiik comes earlier than anywhere in tho state. Resides these advantages, it is tho nearest uud most convenient place for the class of patients that will bo tent to it; for tho intention is not to supply it place for tho insano of Kastein Oregon, but for thoso of tho western portion ot tho state. The cliango oi cli mate is tho thing desired, and Tho Dalles bus every advantago in furnish ing tho proper climate at tho smallest expenditure for transportation. Tlie interest of tho unfortunate ones, as well as the interest of tho state demand tho location of tho branch asylum at The Dalles. Hood River Glacier. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our licKiilnr Coricspondoiit. Washington, Dec. 22, 1893. n : .ilor Hoar's arraignment of Mr. Cleveland for his unconstitutional as sumption of authority in dealing with Hawaii, as admitted in his special nies eago to congress, wa" terrible, but strictly in aacordance with facts. The memory of his burning words, as well as those used by Representative Routolle, of Maine, in a speech in tho house, will linger long with Mr. Cleveland, who has already expressed himself to a friend as being sick of tlie whole business. Ho will be sicker than Hint before congress gets through with it, as the democrats have not shown any great desire to either shield or defend him. The following ex tract from Mr. Hoar's speech is both true and pertinent: "If Mr. Willis went out instructed to reinstate tho old gov ernment, absolutely or upon conditions, could little Hawaii help herself, if the American people had been behind the act? No, Mr. President, this adminis tration has been hurried into this trans action, not by any sense of justice to Hawaii, not by any desire to vindicate the national honor, but for the sake of making what has turned out to be a weak, impotent attack on its prede cessor. The great name nnd fame of Benjamin Harrison are a source of envy and discontent in eome bosoms." Secretary Herbert has got into hot water by adopting the royal methods of Mr. Cleveland. Not long ago there was a vacancy at the naval academy, which should have properly been filled from tho fifth congressional district of S. C. Representative Strait, who represents that district in the house, wrote to Sec retary Herbert concerning the vacancy but received no reply. When ho came to the extra session ho called at the navy department and was coolly in formed that Secretary Herbert had filled the vacancy by appointing a youth of his own state, Alabama. Mr. Strait has in troduced a resolution in the house call ing upon Secretary Herbert for his authority for making the appointment. One would suppose from the frequency of the slaps in the faco which the admin istration gives the democratic senators that it had no need of their support. The latest slap was tho nomination of Wayne MacVeagh, of Pennsylvania, to be ambassador to Italy. Tho demo cratic senators smile and try to pretend that they like it, but it is plain to all that they do not. There was no diffi culty about tlie confirmation of Mr. Mac Veagh's nomination by tho senate. Ho is thoroughly competent to creditably fill the position and if Mr. Cleveland preferred to give one of tho highest honors at his disposal to a renegrade re publican rather than to a democrat, re publican senators had no objection, so tlie nomination was promptly confirmed. The adoption of tho following amend ment to the urgency deficiency bill in the house by a vote of 123 to 40 was a practical reprimand of Mr. Clevoland and Hoke Smith, for their wholesale sus pension of pensioners: "That any pen sion heretofore or that may hereafter bo ranted to any applicant therefor under anv law ot me uniteu estates auinoriz- ing tho granting of any payment of pen sions or application adjudicated upon shall be deemed and held by all officers of tho United States to bo a vested right in the grantee to that extent that pay ment thereof ahull not bo withhold or suspended until after duo notice to tho grantee of less than thirty days, tho commissioner of pensions after hearing all tho evidence, shall decido to annul, vacate and modify or set aside tho deci sion upon which such pension was granted. Such notice to grantee must contain a full and true statement of any .'barges or allegations upon which such iecision granting Mich pension shall bo sought to be in uny manner disturbed or modified." The administration men aro alarmed by tho statement ofj Senator Murphy concerning tho Cleveland tarill bill. Thev know Hint if ho lives up to that statement "I will endeavor, so far as lies in my power, to see that no injustice s done to the interests of my native city and state" it menus another demo cratie vote against tho Cleveland tnrifT bill in the senate, where they have few votes to spare. Tho majority report in favor of tho Cleveland tnrili'bill is not calculated to mako any votc3 for that measure. It in not much of a Christmas present for tho democratic congressman to take homo to their unemployed constituents; its fine talk ubout future prosperity will not buy groceries or pay houso rent for those who liavo already been brought to want by tho prospects of that which it so highly lauds. Secretary Carlisle's long delayed an nual report was submitted to congress this week. Tho most noteworthy re commendation it contains is that ask ing congress for authority to issue $200, 000,000 in bonds. This is just what Senator Sherman said during the silver fight that tho administration would have to do sooner or later. Cab RECORD MAKERS. ,Tnn prcatest speed attained by sailing- ships, according to Mulhal, was by the James Raines, 4'K) miles in twenty-four hours, and Flying Cloud, 413. Tho Red Jacket ran !2,2bO miles in seven days, averaging 325 miles a da3 Tun appearance of a ladies' eight on the Thames has attracted considera ble attention. The craft in which they row is a light one, and tho members of the crew are all neatly attired in white, with ties and hatbands of Leander cerise. Tin: duchess of Fife (Princess Louise) has succeeded in maintaining her reputation as an expert angler. She has taken thirty salmon the past season, and on one day she landed as many as seven, which ranged from nine to fourteen pounds in weight. Recently tho Cunard steamer Lucania reduced the Cunard steamer Campania's eastward record by one hour and twenty-five minutes, and the Campania reduced the Lucania's west ward record by twenty minutes. The two records now stand: Eastward, Lucania, 5.13.IS0; westward, Campania, 5.KJ.2:!. FACTORY, MILL AND MINE. Tin: nveragv annual production of the precious metals in the world from 1S70 to ISi'O was: Gold, 8110,075,000; silver, 5112,000,000. At a Kansas City pricking house a few days ago, in elov.T. hours, 3,218 cattle were killed and prepared for the beef market, an average of about five a minute. Twenty years ago there were but two or three manufacturers of horse hide leather in this country. The con sumption of this leather is large and rapidly increasing. It is undoubtedly profitable to keep a cow. A census report shows that the average yield of milk per cow for the whole United States in ISOOwas 2.0S2 pounds, or 1,202 quarts. In 1S02 the bituminous coal mines of the United States employed 212,S0.'i persons. The average number of work ing days was 210. The grand total of employes of coal mines was 341,713. PERTAINING TO PLANTS. TiiEr.i: are carnivorous plants which capture and eat insects. A certain forest plant in .Tnpan grows to be about six feet high in three weeks. The most singular plant is the sensi tive plant. Some of this family are so delicate that the passing- of a cloud over the sun will cause their leaves to curl up. Fuancois Coss, who has been in specting the California vlnej-ards as it representative of the French govern ment, is taking back samples of what he regards as high grades of wines he found produced there. Purchase ticket for photo of agent, ho will call but once. 1). C. IlKitittx. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Oui ton of I.uiay, Russell county, Kan., called ut tho labaiatory of Chamberlain tk Co., Des Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whoso life hud been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. D.iltou is certain tlutt it saved his boy's life and is enthu siastic in his praisu of tlie Remedy. For sale by liliilcoloy it Houghton. All wo usk for holiday presents aro hard-time prices. Do not fail to call at K. .Iiicobfon & Co.'s if you need holiday goods, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTES PURE .38 it! ft if' 1 1 J tk