Thfi alles Daily Chronicle, i EuictviI h' the I'lwtofflcv at liic ltle, Orvson . ccoaiKUJ matter. OKKOON WILLIAM T. COLEMAN. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. W. H. Concdon of I'niatiila is hi town on a short trip. Mr. John Graham of Bigps is in the , city and we acknowledge a pleasant call. Mr. Malcolm Jameson went to Port land this morning to spend the holidays at home. I GATHERED ON THE RAIL. Tur. Krltish have .MW,POO.CHH) invested iu Pnited States railroads, A section of the Pacific railway in the Argentine Pepublic extends 211 miles without a curve. lirnus show that the total railroad mileage of the country on June SO. 198. was 1T1.5!3..VJ miles. In France railway companies arc fined bv the irovertiment where their Tbo Doath of the Dictator of Francisco's Vigilantes. San ! trains arc more than, ten minutes late. Mr. G. D. Snowdcn loft for Tacoma ' this morning, where he will sjtend i t. hrisimas with ins parents Mr. Win Cnrtiss returned home from Thkkk arc eight tunnels on the Forrest Grove last evening to be with his . Traaandie railway iu Chili and Ar parents dnrlns the holiday season. gentina, the total length of which is Mr. W. C. Allawav went to Portland nhlv n'ad KnplLsh miles, vesterdav to meet Miss Daisie, and thev T' transact the bnsine- of the rail will arrive on the boat this evening. f way there were required last year the services of SS.13G locomotives, ot winch S.MS were employed in pa.-songer serv ice. 1T..W9 iu fre'urht service and C.?!il . ...1. . .. 1 1... - Ji. U .fc. Ill . i. .V. cra.iun nuv.iici m- u? .uarv i-razier leu vestertiav Mr Coleman had been ailinc for morning for"Portlnud, and will attend tno&th. but his strength was so great j the meeting of the fctate teachers' asso that hi death was a surprise. It was j ciation. Prof. Gavin and Troy Shelley the collapse of his ;ower rather than . will also be in attendance. aar that carried him off. Mr. rmatilla Win Kctcbomn. Albtna; Coieman's public career elo-ed when p v Horton. W H Jones, Geo Thornton. he San Francisco from a howl- A Steen, D M Kcllv, Geo Hoofer, O E nnilln' mnK 1.1 1..- T.n, IT,-,.. I T TT I At r T O nev. sixteen vear azo. but ihouch a ' don, J McKnte. D P Ketchntnn, K T l,arl 01 'PP" : h.tic plain private citizen Coleman, in all I Sore, G Scoot, John Keenan. C Cambell, to stal,rt the Ui, have followed, has been K i- Lambeli, i'ortiana ; J I. Lake, .ion t ... rnj;r. Seall. Geo Seelev. Shoe Shone. Wash: tor a sore tiiroa; tnere is nomine What lie Hid to Maintain 1jw and Order on thf lclnc Count -111 Connection with Krarticy'o Kebelllotw ArrltHtloo. Mr. W. II . Williams of S-Mile called The recent death of William T. Cole-. on us today and gave us an addition to mar., of San Francisco, has caused pen-! our rapidly increasing subscription list. Tin: air brakes on railroads are be intr built with a view to their use on , ! trains of one hundred ear. The plant 1 on each train is bebop bnilt so that it : can be used in such a way us to brinp the speed down irora eiphty to thirty miles per hour within five second. I ureal hvi.t ii? n iv u-u, ,,1.1 uvu. Elrctrlr tllttrr. This remedy In Incoming so well known and so popular as to need no secial mention. All who use Klertric Hitters sing the sons of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it Is cuarnntced to do all that is churned. Klectric Hitters" will enre all discuses of the Hvur and kidm-vc, will remove pimples, loil, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure b)ooi. Will drive msdaria from the system and prevent as well ns cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, const i patioit and indigestion try F.lfs-tr:.1 li ters. Entire satisfaction eurnntt'e.l .r money reftindwi. Price oOc and f ! per tiottle at Snipes A- Kinersly's. I.imiU t)vt-r Vour County Wnrrunl All county warrants registered prior to January Kith, lSi0, will be paid if presented at my otlicu, corner of Thit-1 and Washington streets. Interet ceases 0:1 and after thN date. W!. MlCIIKI.l., Troasuror Wasco Count v. October 21st, ISfW. tf .Tttlrllll'lit r.rlUl't I'll. Youfi attejitiou 1 wasco Wareiiouse CO., Ib called to the faot that Bagh Glenn, Dealer in Gh and Huild Crrl, 1'iivtjs Cement Material of r.L idnds. f Klllft t.tno of Receives Groods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rq tcs Reasonble. PlSHlOlDQS,: thf vears tha: al! m)K thi foremost o! mans IIL- uam? wa; known wherever . r aat Conkelin. Biggs : M ' better than a flannel btindaue dampened the deeds of th.- preat virilance com- Sit Ira l T.isU1IJ?.- M. D -Miller. ! with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It .n were known He was the dic- j SeS GS. fS" VSirMw . -rfy ? cure hl tur.f the i-ujilaates hannp -ipo-! niv, G B Croft, Antelope; Miss E II 1 night's time. This remedy is also a fa lated for ab.vnute power Ivefore he 1 -r v. At,c i ii.,, ..,nC.,. t t. .1 ...a ,.1 Sim l,t,fii if Ir-t .. ..'ti . -r-i nop. a ?mun, wrass aney ; a "Ban, ! Vt!rr severe vt.. ck- cent bottle for La Grande; 1 J tvans. ?a:tle: m j ,, . . . . T. Prlp-- TlnnA Rivr- Vr,,,b f;ntn?1. I Sale l)V Blakeiev A IlOtlghtOII. would assume the responsibilities 0; the position He cave his whole time -vt the work of clearing the city of rim.r.'ils, and. thouph he has. teen ac "used '-f undue severity, the truth is hat any leniency shoivn to the prison ers wa due to his. K'rauasion.-.. If it lad cot been for his pleas David S. Terry would have lu.'en s.trunc on the very r.;pbt that he thrusts bowie-lrnife through thehoat of the committee's marshal. It was only through private tall; with Cilenan that one could get any fair idea of he- executive force and of his joxlieia miad. He had a crcat dis inclination to poe before the public, and it was only with extreme diiliculty that he was induced to write a per-f-onnl account of the work of the vicilatice committee for the Century rnacraziao, which formed the mo-: val- ual-lj featari- of their "Gold Hunter" series. If his conversations on this snbject could have been taken down in shorthand they would form a thrilling chapter of California history. Cole mrr. was the real power in this work s.ui he knew many secret that iiave nevr tKen :nalo public. Coieman had prepared a -.1 -luminous During my absence, all who have un settled accounts with the undersigned areerpectotl to call aud settle with Mr. Geo. Kriuiss, who has my books and accounts. An early settlement will trreatlv oblige. Yours truly. Bt'TLKU. i WOOD. UOOll. wood. j Hest erodes of oak, fir, and slab cord .-.!. at !ovet market rates at Jim. T. Picture To be found 111 the City. 72 CUashington Street. From TERIfllNflh or INTEMvlt Points IHK -MA UK OOOtKo- - "W . Oo. TIIH OAI.I.KS, OK ixritRXA tto::. 1 1, lira 1 RAILROAD In the lint- tti Uti Frank Gordon. Wapinitia ; G A Cam pbell, Wa'ia Walla; Mrs More. Mrs Brown, J B Sniefce!, Dnfer ; F Morris. Kingsley . G H Taylor. C Thomas., O E Lee, Citv ; C McFailow St Joseph, Mo ; C K Henton. Bake Oven : A Bunnell D Grant, G H Wilder, Centerxtlle ; THE CHURCHES. Use Mexican i.vur Move Polish. Peters A (.. - t; streets Cfllit' Seeond and Jeiler- the inside historv of statement of the vigilance, r' , ' (fit1'1 ms UlTE w;i.;,ijjl: t. coi.kma.v. this, lp nnh clear up disputed committee, ami 1 lished it would points. - Coleman's, work in suppre.sing Kear xierifitB was even more important than his, i&bors as head of the vigilance com raittee that hanged Can.-;.- and Cora. It wsa in July. 1ST7, that the anti-Chi The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets. Sunday ser vices as usual. At 11 a. m. and 7 .30 p. m. worship, and a sermon. Topic of morning sermon, Godliness profitable: of the evening sermon, 'Xo room in the Inn," a Christmas sermon. Sunday school after the morning service. Meeting of the Vouns People Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:15 p. m. A Clirstmas service ; What can we give to Chri3t? - Psalm rl-C-S : Matt. ii-llT- AH persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordiallv invited. The Dalies TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It Is tht lutitrc f'nr ll'iutc It run Thrmich VenllhukHl 1 rain cvury Any In the ywur to i " Cantor' Ten M&' In r-Uli, llunrir-v more ti.ti Everybody Nlinuld iij, ItlftloiiRn I- KHTfX till Clli: (imrvti;tnk Uu l.i. torj, si-t-ilui,,. j,r,fc imiH'im i.;. una tueitiil", ,.t v - rt tlir cf ten ilinfretl lnriniintln:i r.t"-rrulnt: J j eminent ihtwiu, lam omihtj t:.c tw J 2 Parifip rSTl I f r i i cximtile. rltlei. lev. n. nml lutiurai tnre of the clolie , jiartn-uiur" toncrnlnj; J iKitfd'im vriiui ami ili'r trati. i Utlnti i'T futcitvi ii;atiuiiH, uru. and f Jifi'Vctlrt. etc.. etc., etr J This Worlds Invaluable tut t linUMht1il. mill to the tt.aeher. frchithir ti-n. f r -J. , linUM'liold. ami tn the teoehe VX MHuT HH lKiTSrfrt i Iwslona! man. ami !-etr-Hliin pi uaul and unic&DO f g .w, 'I " . 5 C. .V- C. Mcrrium Co. The Baptist church, Iter. 0. D. Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow morning at li o'ciwk. j-anday school follows this service. There will be no evening service. If the weather is cold or inclement the sen-ice will be held in the prayer room, as the furnace is not completed. Procram of services at the Christian church The services of the day will be turned over to young people and chil dren. Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock; subject "Forgotten Vows." Sunday evening subject, "Christmas." P. H. McGaffe.v, pastor. Sbiloh's cur-, tbe Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipos & Kin- erciy. i'ocset s:ae contains twenty-jjve dosea, only 'Sjc. Children love it. ..old cy Sniies & Kfneraly. Purchase ticket for photo of agent, he will call but once. D. C. Hekkix. Daily and Weekly Chronicle. t Hot clam broth at J. day at 4 o'clock. O. Mack's every aete excitement, stirred up by near-1 Stove Polish xey. reached its climax. In that month it wat- evident that Kearney had so strong a tollowing that he was deter mined to attempt driving out the Chi nese and destroying the property of all who were instrumental in bringing them into the state. Leading citizens called on Coleman and asked him to organize a safety committee. In twenty-four hours he had five thousand men so well equipped that they cleaned out the sar:d-'ot mob in a pitched street battle and o terrorized Kearney that, although he had led his forces one night to the top of Nob hill, he did not .care to burn the houses of railroad millionaires a he had threatened. The secret of his weakness was that Cole man sent him word that he would be hantred within twelve hours of the time that he began this rioting- Nine years u'o Coleman, who was always a stanch democrat, was su' jresteti by the New York Sun for president. His name was re ceived with favor, but the plan .fell through localise financial distress cane upon Coleinun. largely through j the work of subordinated, and swept j away Jus lortune. Alter paying forty cents on ine uoiiur, to wiucn trie creu-1 ;KTbi- j gjj y0nr dewier for Jlerican Silver Notice. Notice is hereby jriven, that by order of the common council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 12th day of De cember, 1893, sealed bids will' be re ceived at the office of the undersigned until Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock p. m., December 22d, LSOIi, for the con struction of a sewer of terra cotta, to be h inches in diameter, on Lincoln Etreet in said city, commencing at the south line of the intersection of Lincoln and Fourth streets, in the center of gaid Lin coln street and thence continuing north erly along the center of eaid street to the terminus thereof, towit : Low water mark of Mill Creek. Said newer to be constructed in accordance with the planE and specifications thereof heretoiore made and prepared by C. J. Crandall, and which said plans and specifications may be seen at the office of said C. J. Crandall. No bid will be received unless the same is accompanied with a good and sufficient bond in the sum of 200, con ditioned that the bidder will accept the constructing of said sewer if the same shall be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is 1 nereoy reservea. Dated at JJalles City, Ur., Dec. 13, THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding eountrv, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man. Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re irions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chhonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chkoxicle on Fridays of each week at 1.50 per annum. SO CHANGE Or CAILS.) Coraio! of Plulnjr Curs uiiRunwijil. '"all cuia DrawtriK ilnotn ol;lcii uf lnU-at equtliment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS j Hot ttini ma tic coimtrurtix!, mid In wblet. uceaimmutlatlKii hjc txith free nnil KuniUliea (ur liuldc:(i KU! and bvci)iid-cliuTlcluU,iiud ELEGANT BAY COACHES fuhlithcr. kjtrtngflriit. Mum, CJ""Iki not Unjrrtirapiitiot" ? iotiiIiic rcintti uf ntictcnt 5 CX""!! f'Tlrtr priMTiuji. LSTEKXSKKU. A coiitiiiaonn ilnu, connccthie with nil Uue RSunllcf: illrwt nad uututcrrut'tul crrlco ruUnnn nltvjT rveivBtioiu cnu be curo lu sdvuticc tlirouch wijr nclit n( the rond. THROUGH TIGKETS )!iiuln Amt'rlcn. Knslnud imiU Kuni' can iurcticd nt Bi tictei oUlcv al tat coaifnur Kull InlonanUoa couccrnlUK ratv, time oi trnlna, inutL-r and other detail lurtilnhed oo Rpjiltcatlou in W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent I) 1. A A Nbv. Co.. Hcsrulntur oSlct, Th Unlit., Or., or A. 1. CHAKLTON, A't. GencTnl 1 uiji;i.r Agt.. i'urtlnud. Jtru i The Dalles Daily Chronicle, HAS A PAHILT OF , 2000 EEADEES. ! They rt&n The Chroulclf to pet tlic Intent mid j nuKt tcMnblc cws. Anil they rti"l every line 1 thnt I" In the jujer. That Is lmt mt the 1 Clirmilclc nn lnvahintilc uilvcrtl Ins mvdlam. Thu ttcwiiiK.T thnt pocti to th Jumllj- , Orvxliic In the one that the ndrcrtUor ol tixlay iatroiiUr 1 when they dtslrc to mtch the jpiil(!. Whfii they want your trnde thdr uuiiouiicctnenu 111 Ik: lonnd In tho jiaj-r lx)l: over our roltimin and ohcrvf tlic verlflca tlon ol the truth ol thin unnTtlon. tcmttibcr, n t-nit. uf h f,m(lrif f rn tlimiNnnH 1 worth lor through thw column:, cnjn-lHlly no at onr trj For advertising rate-. uh bsenptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlic Dalles, Oregon. When the Train stops al THE DALLES, set oil' on the South Side AT THE flEW COLUMBIA HOTEli. ThU large anil popular II nnd la titeiMiroi House lu the city 1 the iirinrina! hole! buniuen to lunmii tw ttwt Acconimodatloiu of uuy awl t t..e inw rate of D. BUNNELL, Till Repairs and Boofii MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Pipe woi Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young cfc Hues Blacksmith Shop. itors aretrd. lie hpont his remaining I years in wntlinfr the halance of the ' eixty per ceuu, and only last eurauier j completed this work, paying every i creditor dollar for dollar. Many ol . these men had really precipitated his failure by refusing' to prant him needed f time. 1BS3. DoBGLAh B. Dvevii, Hecorder of Dalles City. SHERIFF'S SALE. Iiv virtue of an execution nnd order of Dale. ! IasuhI out of the Circuit Court of the htate o! Ortsottf for the County of Wmco, to me cllrecttd cominandlns me to make mlu of the land in the ald writ to-wlt: tbewe plecta und iar- it Inrtfl 111 U'Ht'n I 'ountv. U1m1m tit (itwm olraugt that I'eoiilf Will Suffer with dull feelings and the bines when kI10w and deeriu.i i the vouthwint rjuurti.-r tliftf mn bf. ri nnrplv pured bv Eiinnlv . of ctlon four HI, and the north half of nettlon tliej can te so fiureij cureo oj eiiupij . Blne (J)i un(1 ,ll)rtUwwit ,,uaru.r of ivvxu,n takintr a few doses of Simmons Liver vm.n (171, in Townihip one m north of , r . i lumue louneeu i ii, tnt ot tn jxe'niator. I linnaa fourteen (1 II. euxt of the Willamette ik-rl t man. to rnaxc una pnr me turn ot money, in ' uld Court nJ)uiljl u u: puld to the jtluintl tr 1 n I fcaid action, in which action Tho hollcitor Umu Ji.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cepts. Orllci for nil 8tUK I.liu-i. IkmvIiic The llallnit for ull jiolntH In Kntrn OrfRun mill Kutteru WuRlilliRton, lu thin Hotel. Corner of J-'ront nnd Vnlon fit T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Clothier and Tailor. . . .Decidedly the Fineet Line of Gents' Ku.rnistiing Goods, Trunl's and Valises etc., etc, COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poot unquestionably had reference to the i' n mint n. and James Jlooth. Kverett K. Hall. J V. A Tliilril Eilltnr." . imd Trut Coinpuiiy were Dnrlnar ths tominif monthi. or the heuted iwxith. ilnrtha II llooth 1rlul lic who uretravellnt-or wnUjrntiUt ns MK lute. fcarah JI ilcflure. U. 0- Altr. Italpb n trip uwar from bnnienhould reud the following iiosjem, Julia N. ItoKcn, I'rl KrnUxly, J. M. lay letter from a brilliant aud well known editor and 0r and J. V. EdwanU were defendanU, to-wlt provide tuenutilm f;aln8t nttuckk of headache theaumof fUMbi with Inteteat thurcon, from nnddlzzlmtM: , 'July 1, lrW, nt the rate of fix i.-r cent Kir milium OBMttMEK I liau oeciuioii to ums tevpral IW jju.uj attorney a fee iu id antion and txav of Kraukc' Headache Cajwiulea while mmIii and dinhurnvmenU therein taxtd, J bute travellnir to Chicago to attend the National Uvin- thif day lerled ui-on the lund aforwald, nnd on ruiart.nwe. ioura rwpecuuji RaxnzK iM (unty mill gtute. I will ell laldland at Kd. Kenoro, I'a., Jtecurd. , jiuhllc auction to the bltfheit hlddur therefor, FoTnalebr BUkeWJIouboii, hreacriptlon T A. Wabb, ugm,176 8Mjn7(.,Tb?llle8.0r. Bberllf of Wiuco County, utate of Oregon. iioM by b'nlH KJAeriljr. 1 noVitd CliSi-uiilSioi r FniitiirB & CarpBis J 0 B rREE! rREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sie Crayon. o Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself THE DALLLEK, OH. Job FIRST CLASS PR PR NT'"" ,THi at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACil B1UOK, UNION BT. CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE