The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1893, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kit'owl tho I'oMolBee t Tho Dktlet, Oregon,
n mvnnd-clMiii mutter.
Clubbing List.
fhronitU i X, Y. Triktr
fhrcnirlf ail Antrim Fintitr,
fkinnifle aid IcClurt'i liraiite
Ctroaifle ni Ctunopolitii luuiit
flrtmflt 1 Pnirie Faratr, fkiraco . .
fbrcniflt tti filobf'PfinnfNt,i-w)Sl,I.paii
Itewilnr Our
juloc jirlco
. J2.W
. ?2.M
. .W
. tt.00
Lorbl ArtvnrtUlnc.
10 f.uiii" lino for first tiixcrilon, nnd 6 Ont
tr Kmc for enoh MitiivU;nt Insertion,
Si'i-clnl tntm for Ions time notice,
All lncn; notice received Inter ttmn 3 oYlock
will pear the following dny.
DKC. '-'.I, 1893
The Daily nnd Weekly Chronicle nmy
be found on tale at I. V. Nickel' tore.
X'1U Oarnnri'il frnm
portrr'n Notti Hook.
After the coup 1 over,
After old Dole r undone,
There will lie hcnw of pol,
l'urcliiiei with Mignr mon;
c'le timid will never full me,
Willis will ere me throiiRh,
1 Mmll lie wenrliiK nij crownlet,
Alter tlii' ennti.
N. Y. Trltmiie.
winter, A llttlo cold weather is needed
(or purifying purposes. Our rlltnato is
as near perfection as can well bo made.
If conditions nro favorable tho fruit
yield next year in Wasco county will bo
fully a third Kroatcr t),an t10 vcnr
Thero was nn immento crowd at Pease
& .Mays Christmas treo sale today. Old
Santa Clans kept his word and "was on
hand as promised.
Prune raieers of this state claim to bo
closing sales a little above 7 cents, while
California papers say recently that the
prune crop of that state is selling for.')
Don't miss the opportunity of sub
scribing to tho Weekly Ciikoxicle nnd
avail yourself of a choice of clubbing
with popular papers nnd magazines.
See Clubbing list.
Klr Freight No 31 I'rer.liltntcl Down
nn Kinlmnkmcnt.
Extra freight No 21 was wrecked early
this morning two anil a half miles below
Mosier by running into a land slldo.
Tho first reports that arrived stated that
no one was injured, all hands saving
themselves by jumping. The engine
was thrown down a 50 foot embankment,
followed by several cars, and others were
twisted and broken and lying in various
positions on both sides of tho track.
This train left The Dalles about 4 o'clock
this morning, following the early morn
ing passenger west-bound. The passen
ger went over in safety, undoubtedly
saving the lives of all the passengers on
Iward Tho freight engine which went
down is No. 533, of which Chas. Whipple
was engineer and Peter Lienhart. lire-
Mr. H. Glenn has sold to parties in man. The slide occurred at one of tho
Seattle a portion of the machinery winch i most dangerous places on tho road, there
was In the defunct shoe factory in what j being a steep wall of rock on one side
was called North Dalles. He is pack-! and the river a few feet below. A wreck
ing and shipping it today. j ing train went down this morning as
Sensible southern Oregon farmers are j oon n'ter receipt of the news as possible,
storing their big red apples away to
meet the demand sure to be created later j MAKERS OF NEWSPAPERS,
on by the Midwinter fair. It pays to Lonn IHwravkx was the corrcspon
look ahead and provide for the future. dent of the London Telegraph during
, ' the trouble between England and
rhe land oflieo in this city is receiving, Abyssinia, and also in the Franco
numerous letters of inquiry about this I Prussian war. ....
A Wrry Christmas.
'I he ys are tho shortest of the vear.
I country, its resources, climntc etc.
, almost every day. Our real estate
i de tiers ought to make themselves known
through an immigration or intelligence
1 i bureau, which nhnnlil h nrimniyrwl of
Cln.ri Chester was placed under 2C0 once, as there never was as much of an
tionda to appear before the grand jury j inquiry about this section of country as
.v.. ..,.,. ,nuiiiB. now y persons in the east who
Many txtnutiful Christmas trees have 1 seeking homes in the far west.
been hauled into the city, which will
make glad the hearts of the children.
The next issue of The Chisonici.i: will
be upon Tuesday evening, as Christmas
will be observed in the time-', nored
Tho public schools will close for the
customary two weeks' Christmas holi-
The M. E. Sunday school are to have a
donation social in their Sunday school
room this evening, December 23d. Each
member is exacted to bring something
that will be placed in the hands of a
committee and by them given to the1
needy. All are asked to make the
children's effort a success by helping the
Matthias Mull, who went to India
forty-odd years ago to superintend a
printing press establishment and re
mained thero until his recent death,
was the founder of the Times of India.
EniTon MrCLrni:. of the Philadelphia
Times, continues to make a slight im
provement. While he was still dan
gerously ill his condition encourages
more hope than has been felt for some
weeks past.
Mn. Geohok W. Chjlijs Dp.kxkl, the
new publisher of the Philadelphia
Ledger, is but twenty-five years of age.
He is a son of the late A. J. Drexel,
who was long Mr. Childs' associate in
the ownership of the paper.
Annual Session.
days. The next school day will be Jan-1 children to contributions of vegetables,
nary Sth.
The assignee sale of the Vogt drv
The state teachers' association meets
flour, rice, groceries, meats, clothing or this year on December 20th, and will be
anything that can be used to make life in session three days. Heretofore the
goods today is meeting with good success, endurable and comfortable. The com-, meeting? have been held in the summer
We are informed that there will be three ; niittee for receiving and distributing are ! time, but owing to the absence of so
sale dav6 next week. j Mesdamcs Willerton, Fowler, D. M. I many teachers at the world's fair this
French, Kills, Miss Ursula Kueh and 1 'ear ll waa decided to postpone tho
Nellie Michell. ' meeting until December. The fare to
; teachers has been reduced to one and
Everybody is looking for bargains, j one-fifth fare and the hotels will also
and at E. Jaeobsen & Co.'s you can find ! extend cut rates.
them. All prices of holiday goods reduced.
There vill lie a Christmas concert at
the M. E. church tomorrow evening, to
which all are invited. Everything will
Imj of the most sucred character.
King Frost has killed many of out
door annuals, but grass and native
plants still look fresh and green, and
chrysanthemums make leauteous the
festal Christinas time. The hill sides
ure robed in green, and when the sun
shines it seems like spring time. Of
course we will have four to six weeks of
All we ask for holiday presents are
! hard-time prices. Do not fail to call at
Campbell Bros., of the Columbia
Candy factory, are showing the finest
line of candies and Christmas ornaments
ever brought to The Dalles, and prices to
suit the times.
E. Jacobsen & Co.'s if you need holiday
Carving sets and Roger's triple plated
table cutlery at Maier & Benton's hard
ware store.
It Is believed that the fly can make
hlx hundred strokes n second with its
Tin: vanity of the sparrow is r,o great
that it will gnze into a mirror by the
hour if not disturbed.
A kwaum of Hies will make their ap
pearance at tt oar window and easily
lceop pace with u train, even though It
be rushing across the country forty
miles an hour.
A rt.ocK of geese is used by Dr. Mc
Hridc, of Orange, Vn., as a team. In
winter they are attached to an Ice
boat and draw him over the ice tit a
speed of a mile in forty-eight seconds.
Tiik condor soars higher than any
other known species of bird, spend
ing nine-tenths of its life floating
above the rariflcd atmosphere at a
height of over three miles above the
level of the sea.
Tin: Hritish cuckoo and the Amer
ican crow blackbird were, never known
to build nest;? as other birds do. They
content themselves with depositing
their eggs in the nests of others, usu
ally choosing that of some smaller
representative of the feathered tribe.
ClirlHiiiRi Dinner.
The following bill of faro will be ob
served for Christmas at the Umatilla
House :
Oyster Soup. Turtle Soup.
Celery en Branch.
Filet of Salmon. Tannason.
Boiled Potatoes.
Pigs Feet. Mixed Pickles. Cold Slaw.
New Beets. Chow Chow.
Oyster Patties.
Boiled Queen Ham, Champagne Sauce.
Ox Tongue, Mint Sauce.
Leg of Mutton, Caper Sauce.
Chicken Fricassee.
Pigs Head with Sauer Kraut.
Veal Cutlets, Cream Sauce.
Beef a la Mode, Wine Sauce.
Lobster Salad.
Prime Roast Beef.
Roast Shoulder of Mutton.
Young Turkey Stuffed, Cranberry Sauce.
Roast Pig with Apple Sauce.
Baked Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Mashed
Sugar Corn, Stewed Tomatoes.
English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce.
Fruit Pudding, Cream Sauce.
Pumpkin Pie, Mince Pie,
Pineapple Pie.
Fruit Cake, Cocoanut Slices, Jelly Roll,
Lady Fingers, Christmas Frosted Cake,
Cup Cakes, Small Assorted Cakes.
Bents Water Crackers, Domestic Cheese,
Special reduction on lamps, glassware
and crockery for the holidays at H. H.
Just prrivea from New YorR
jog & Furnislring Ms
At Remarkably Iiw Prices.
Splendid CUncMlh Overcoats $5.50.
' Winter Dry Goods,
As we are iorced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
founil the verv lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to
examine our goods and prices before purchasing.
M. Honywill.
"Samantha at the Wort's Mr,"
And be up to the times.
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
liciil ARCiit, The Uallis, Or.
A Large
of Men's
of the newest shapes made
epecially for The Dalles.
Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
Neckwear, Glovea, Umbrellas, etc.
Suitable for Christmas Presents.
Every article marked in plain figures.
Business Change.
The undersigned has bought
the Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pav all bills owing by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, 1893.
130 Main St., Tho Unllef). Or
A Letter from Santa Claus:
SANTA-CLAUSVILLE, Dec. 18, 1893.
The Dalles, Ore.
Gentl emen:
I have your of the 10th inst. asking if it would be possible for
me to visit The Dalles this Chris traas-time . I have had most excellent
reports of the behavior during the past year of the children in your
City, and have finally decided to pay you visit. Shall endeavor to
reach your store, where I intend to make my Headquarters while in The
Dalles, by half-past two Saturday afternoon. It is possible that, owing
to the bad condition of the roads, for we cannot travel nearly as fast
as if the ground were covered with snow, and also because I have had the
misfortune to lose two of my pet Reindeers, Comet and Vixen, I may be a
little late. I am disappointed in not being able to have a present for
all that I may meet while in your city, but I will send on some Candy
and Pop Corn for the children, and a more useful present for their
mothers. You may say to all the children of The Dalles, who have been
good boys and girls for the past year, that I will be in your store
Saturday afternoon and evening, to shake hands with them and wish them