The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1893, Image 2

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    Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wreklr. 1 rear. .. JIM
Thins look hilly for Lily.
"Good morning, have you been in-
dieted?" is the way prominent Portland
men preet each other.
e months. .
Dally. 1 year.
6 months. .
AJ(trcsaUconstaunI:Jonto"THE CHP.ON- ld a a thief
1CLE." The lallcs. Orcson.
p jo The Union Pacific receivers- cost the
6 i'-1 . railroad JW.000 per month. There is no
o jo doubt that a receiver is pretty nearly as
Minister Willis can probably count
upon being well taken care of ior the
nest three years if he will only keep
mum about those verbal instructions.
j Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
1 !CSTBLI8MC0 1B1B.1
To all cash subscriluTs of Tin: Cimo.sin.K
; pitying one year in advance.
The American Farmer,
1729 Nf w York Avenue,
Gsnenu Iellvcry Window a. rx to 7 p. ns.
Mouev OnJer ? a. a. to P-a-
SmdAy n, " 9 a. a. to 10a. 22.
tralu (tola? East .9 p. a. asa n:a a. ai. -r? j , t
West . 9 m. tsi 5:S0p. m. democrats and populists would ow n the granules mat ou
s-tacc for Goldcndale ? , , .. . . i riirlUv
.. .r rr.. a.i. enm n ,r mr Blivtinn tint mnp n-uuH.
xTiueviiii, .-..'. ....v ..... . . ... .. ., - - ------
- tritvte?HtlSSd. l&ZSi Mhs oi dt-mocracy at Washington
" u jAatfinpe 5.S)a.zs. have so chanced the aspect of jmlitical
tTrieluvTuesdav Thurlar and Ssrurdsj-- affairs that the prophets are now sorry
i " 'Monday Wednesday aad Iday. thej. spoke. Voters of Oregon have had
about almost enough of political experl-
TllK A vniirA Fakmkr, which l now enter
lliu upon It T.ith enr, l the pioneer tanner'!,
paiicr hi the couiitT.
1 l it lu.i.n i.inii ,.nu.. nml nniitiihii
POiyTS, column of the eholit-t iiprli'ulturnl h:h! liter-
. . f v.. T v;...,, " matter, plentifully eiubellliheU with line
out of many, when; Dr. 1 im'o s , uiuctrutiotis. it i
Pellets arc better than other julw : ... .,.,..
I lU.Wir I A v II S lnl I l
1. ThevVe the smallest, ami eas
. "t urn! iIimiIv tt'lth (n?Milmr tind furnirr1 iiti?it
Last spring it was predicted that the ; est lo take nuic, sugar-co.iitu ,m brtWili ,,.,l(..lcill um.. ,t
t.i . : trrannii Liiai uvurv ciiiui i;r..;
2. They're perfectly easy in nit COL MM,
their action no griping, 110 (lis- mid everything Hint appears In It column l tit
A Grand
Masquerade Ball
will bo erlven At Armory Hnll by
Jackson Engine Co., No l
Tor?day uerir;$, Jar), i, 1894.
DEC. iS. 1S93
3. Their effect last
the hichitrlHirnettr. Every ileiwrtment of the
The popular belief that the Indians Viewed from a .Mary Ellen Lease
are a doomed race and are rapidly dis- standpoint, public life drags women
appearing, is not sustained by the re- down instead of women purifying and
port of the sectary ot the interior. He uhinc better public Hie. Whatever
says they not decreasing in number, un eIse ,nav about the Lease wo
fHrmr IiujIihms 1 dlwnwtl in nil earnest
There's IIO nmctlcal wy. liHiling to the crvHtext prnllt unit
reaction afterwards. Ihev reculate jt npinnr n the i-t nml iMhoUtnh month,
or cleanse the tvstcm accorth'ns; to " ' 'urni-he.! t the u. price of
size of dose.
4. Thev're
tlic cheapest, foi
they're guaranteed to give satis
faction, or your money is returned.
You pay only for the good you get.
5. Put up in glass are always
in ndTunre Thl mke It the rlirapmt
acrlcultural 1'apet In Ihr eouutry.
tnirlnc the romlnj: yeur there will be uu im i
- ..I ,V..i ........ ..I..., I a. '
lull.'. lUiitiV. tim..v
F. W
Commlttoo of Arranyomonts
Reception Committee.
E. W.
HHEjIi2vT & CO.
- DKAl.KK?! IN -
ter ol the im-t vital in 1 1 . . TiT-J: I I
the contrary, "tribal wars and wars with nma, uobody will claim that she is more ! fresh Si lYlCUlCintJb ClflU OneiTlICalS.
getion, ifilious f'Jfi FiUf5 187, EtC,
fe.r. ',, , . , ,, , tilamietl und done atlertliu: them ut the .NntloiiHl ' ' ' ' "
Bilious Headaches, and all derange- inpital. They hould nil. therelnre. take Tut! pure Wines and Liquors Tor Medlclnnl Purposes.
ments of the liver, stomach and CompoundlnB Physicians' Proscriptions a Spec.alty.
the whites having ceased, they are in- refined, more womanly or more truthful I
creasing rather than decreasing.
Christmas comes bat once a year may
elicit the response in the minds oi many
that they are glad oi it, but they will
never be willing to iorego its annual oc
currence ior the once. It is the day of
all days to the children, and in contem
plating their enjoyment older folks ior
the time renew their own youth
ior he." rxmtact with politics.
Eoast IJeet Saxhwiciiks. Chop rare
roast beef verv fine. Season it with
pepper and salt, a very little mustard, j
and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. ;
Itnowy bread and cres is a popular j
sandwich with teple who like that
To pumrent vegetable. The bread should be
these also it has a deeper significance j liberally buttered, and only uie waker-1
than the mere attributes of cift civine 1 cress leaves used. It is pood served
and receiving. It commemorates the wnh Tavr oysters,
birth of the most richteous, merciful 1 -UNT?CtTACTiT,n
, , . . , . , . , spoonfuls of chopped hard-toiled eces
and charitable Being the world has ever , aUow a tcap0i ot chopiH;d
known in sacred or proiane history. d .abiesnoonf ul of chopped cucum-
The veriest humanitarian can find noth- j x.r pickle. Mix to a smooth paste with j vantage'
ing to say against the savior ot the i mayonnaise dressing,
world during his corporeal life. The in-j .-aljion .SA:awicuEs. Free cold or
fidel will readilv concede that he was j canned salmon from all particles of
tho most nerfecrman in the historv of ! kin and bone, and shred it finely with
CIJ . . , .1 ,i.v.
It cures Catarrh in the Head
perfectly and permanently
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
4 (.iKXTp make J.V.U) a rtay. t'irott Kitchen
J V utenil ever Invented, llelail-.1. i- J to 6
jokl in everv hou, Sample, imUcv iii1. 0e
etnu. JlcMakin and Co., Cincinnati, iihio
tm duty iney wiw una in it eonimniiy n
crvat Hinount i f valuutiie informnllon that they
ean pet In no other t nin'f.
Tnr. Avciarjis f.ini:n and Tine CmtostrLr.
will be sentone year lnr 11
No. 10f) Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
Oiiww.lte ( olnmtiln randy Fnrtory
T'E WANTVOt" TO WOItK KOK ' -. thu
iubsuik to j:r. rti: week.
Parties preferred who ran furnish n r. re and
travel through the country, a team, ttn.ueh. 1
not newtnry. A few vacancies In town. and
cities, snare hours may be ued t- pxnl au-
!lth and Main Sta., I:irhnn:.a Va.
the world. The Jews will say, as
.Pontius mate, "i nnu no tauii. m kai i ., catsun. and mix to a paste with
hi divinity. , it:r.ter
The St. Charles Hotel,
Mr. J. P. Biaize. an extensive reai er- old, popular and rehab. t i.ou.-t
has Ken entirely refurnished, nna t-very
room has? been repaperud and rrnainte
and newlv carpeted throui'h"ut. The
man." though denvins:
But nothing good can come from iuv
' 1 l.vl- i.. I !.. To ...vr,.. V 1-1, , ..I 1!.
The civilization of the Nineteenth cen-1 " 4 tc -'. uuuc .ws.uu . u..n
1 -fnl iivintin"l - 1 "e 1 Severest lUtaCSS 01 j I'UCi.t wuunj tuuiraremr. in..
pneumonia while in the northern part i D a puu reawuraui a.uiwiw.
. . . ... , ' i to the hous. Frer bus to and ironi ah
ot lows aurinc a receni iiuzr.ari., savs
tury, with all its wonderiul invention
and refinement, is dne to the noble life
work oi Jesus Christ and the spread oi
the leaven then sown to over half the
world. When this religion becomes
universal we may hope ior the restora
tion oi a new Aidenn, which will have
no boundary but the ever receding hori
zon, the millentum so long hoped ior;
the era of peace on earth and good will
to men.
'c i trams.
The report of the minority members
oi the ways and means committee deals
vigorously with the tariff bill. It is said
to be principally the work of Mr. P.eed.
"The most surprising thing aboct this
bill," says the report, '"is the act that
this proposition is to raise the revenues
of 1S93, which wereonly $2,000,000 above
expenses. This fact and the fact that
by this bill the larger part of the burden
oi taxation is transferred irom foreigners
and brought to our own citizens should
always be kept in mind. Had the ma
jority of the committee followed the tin
compromisine declaration oi its party
and abolished protection. uivinK us
tariff ior revenue only, our task in com-
menting upon the results of theconimit
tee'e efforts would have been much more
simple. So far, however, have the com
mitteemen departed from the demands
of their national convention, that we are
much tempted to borrow a phrase from
their own platform and designate the
bill ae a "cowardly makeshift," were it
not that the results are already too eeri
ous ior mere epithets. The committee
ias presented another tinkering tariff
bill, the like of which have disturbed
business to aiany times in the last
thirty years. Had the bill been for rev
enue only, the people of the country
might have teen at a glance whether)
they desired one policy or the other, and
the question might have been eettled
once for all and the country attained j
that repose and stability on which our ,
prosperity so much depends."
the saturdav Heview. Mr. Blaise had
occasion to drive several miles during
the storm and was so thoroughly chilled
that he wu- enable to cet warm, hi ! in
side ot an hoar after his return '
threatened with a severe case of j.nen
monia or lung fever. Mr. Illa'z ciit to
the nearest drug store and uo; a '-utile
of Chatiilerlain'e Coniih Keii::y, ,f
which he had often heard, and tx.k
nnmoer ot large doses. He savs the ef-!
... , . i C'Ha? juit receive! the latent ! ie ir.
icct was wonderiul and m a short time I . r .,
he was breathing quite easily. He kept ! ZHttttllgS Jor UCKllemetl,
n tifctii" tif mw'ir-ino and thf nrrt oml h" n iazc Jrtrnent of Enrmrr. and Amer
" 'aK.n me.icine anu next j ima rl.n!) wnlcn he caIl fc T,, ()uUt toT
day he was uble to come to Des Moines, j thoe that favor htm.
.ur. nsrarus curt- as suiipiy , RiMninn anrf Opns5rnr a Ctwfelrv
bv Biakeiev : , 5 ! 3 r - i
C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
John Pashek,
le Merchant Tailoi
76 Court Street,
Kert door to Wasco Sun OSce.
Is the
Of the Year
New York Weekly Tribune
DaiiesWeeKiu cnronicie
ONLY- $1.75.
For s;
las'D Ornct, The lllrt, Or..
l.. :, l'idB. )
Notice i hereby stven that the following
I mined icttter ha tiled notice of hi- Intention to
ir.r.t t.iml proof iu nupport of hU
i ennrn and that ld proof will t- mails Ijefore
. the rtsi.fier and re-iv;r at The Iinllw, Or., on
itbrnury H . 1VI, viz.
' Jarol, IJ. Itnlirrt.
' II urv.-stend S'o. 2T10, for the SE' of
' iV 4, and S', of r)EJ4. iind KW'4 o! E!.4, of tx.
1 Tj. ri.. I! 12 K.
He nnmea the tiillowtnir wi:ne - to prove nl
contlliuoiib rexuiencc iiu:t. and mlttviitlun ot,
mid innd, viz
it t Moirinon, M. C I'dinter. .' N. fattcrou
utid I' htoushtoti. nil of luifijf. Ut
d wc JOHN W LtWl.-i. I'ecuter.
AnasrciiiSls Laratlve tuti NEHVII TONIC.
Sold by Dru.-jr,-! or eat by mail. Sc., 60c.,
ked Sl.CC rr imcXhz. Saipic free
fTimb'.T Liind, Act Jane 3, liut.)
V. s Orricr., The Dallen, Or., I
Nov. e, lsML (
Notle l hereby Riven that In eomiiltanee
with the iroviin of the net of eiincrws of
June 3, In': untitled "An ciel fur the ilenf tlm
f!t lundt in the shite nf ' iilj.'iirnlti, Oregon.
Nevada und Wnahltisrton lorrllurj-,"
ficul C. Hi i ,'Uailll,
Of Kingiley, county of Wnneo, mute of Oregon,
lun thU day tiUd In this oCirv hl fworn n.ite
rnent for the nurchiwe of the NEW ol JW:.
of aiUlun. No. SJ, in Townnhlp No. 3 r , riinee I
No 13 E. . J! . nnd will otler proof to uliow
thnt the land Miusht ir more valuable fur it
timb-rr or ti'iie thnn lor nitriciil turiil puriHwes,
nud to eiUblUh ht claim to tuld litud before
the Iti-inter and Kwniver of till ofllec at The
Dulles. Ur , on the l.'ith dnj- of Janimrv, l-W
He names itneM.n (leorire Jlclxxl, Jni
-er Kiinlej", Ijisjh Knndeuu Knd tafuyetle liavU,
ull of KillKriley, Or
Any and l! t?riMm claiming ndverly the
above-de,crlld litnd me reUeted to llle their
elulms iu thin olhcc ou or U fort- told litti duj of
Januur-v, l-.l(
vflU JOH5 W. I.KWIrf, Kecl.ter.
ITA TLT0 Tl Favorite TXtt ,
B.V IS. V Jor"eT(U4cdIl:otii.l6a,
For la by tolp. Kiiarly.
VlfiOR of MEN
To Urace Up
The Byatem after "La Grippe," jmeu-1
monia, fevers, and other prostrating1
acute diseases; to build np needed flesh I
mnA atvuitrt(t anil ie vuatnrit Ixvn 1 f Vi ti r4 I
vigor when you feel "run-down" and
naed-un. the best thing in the world is
Doctor Pierce'h Golden Medical Discov
ery. It promotes all the bodily functions,
rouses every organ into healthful action,
purifies and enriches the blood, and
through it cleanses, repairs, and invig
orates the entire eyetem.
For the inoet stubborn Bcroiuloue,
Kkin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Biliousness and kindred ailments, the
'Discovery1 ' ie the only remedy tliat'e ,
guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, i
yo have your money back. ;
Can you think of anything more con
vincing than the promise that is made
by the proprietors of Dr. Kage's Catarrh
Remedy? It is this : "Ii we can't cure
yourCaUrrh, we'll pay you f,r00 in cash."
Muekles'a Arluca Naive.
The bett aalve is the world ior cute,
i, area, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei
i, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
se, and all ikin eruptions, and posi
tively oaree piles, or no pay required
Kit aaaraateed to give perfect natiiifac-
. 'or iarrr trelanded. Price 25 cents
r'twx. For tale oy Snipes & Kin-
i Mm wj
EmIIj, Quickly,
Ptraar.antl; RattsaaJ.
aad aU tfc of la
troa early errurf or Uii;
eiRua. Ui rraulu of
overwork, dekcett,
worrr.eic. yulUtrength,
davclopment cod iuo
glree to aar7 oran acd
portion of the UAl.
Im media uilmproT.rnont
fcrflc yallurnlrnpoadU.
2JV) nttnof. lAk,
ezplaiiatlon and prura
nailed (aeaicdj rr.
BUFFALO, n. y.
lly virtue of an ciecutlon nnd ordr of
irauedoutot the Circuit four", of tae hute of
Orctton. for the County of Wr... to mf dlrwUed
commandintr me to make tale ! the .'und in the
nuld writ, de-cribed W-wit Tboe pieces and
parcel ot laud in Waco ( ounty. state of (re
Kon. itnown and diTiben u.s tbf utb half of
tection eight (f , mill the miutti half of vx-tlon
nine VJ and the eat half and th
uarter und the east half af th ti'.rtljWCTt fjunr
ler and the nutbwest quarter of the northwest
quarun of action ten '10) und the north half of
the northwest quarter and the muttieuii quarter
of the northet Quarter of wtlon ntP.-en ilSi.
nil in Township one l north of I'.nnst fouruuu
U euttof the Willamette merldiau. to make
i and pur the um of nionev, in .aid court adjudg
ed lo tAi pnm in me piainun m .ma action, in
which action The fcollcltor Uan and Trut
omixtny were plaintiS' and Jimn hooth, Mar
tha hi. booth, Kverett K. Hall. J ', McClure.
rnrnn II MCCIure, 1) U Alter. Kalph P.OKera, Ju
Ha X Itosterj, Uri Kxnbody, J M Taylor and J
K Kdtrardu were defenaanu, to-wi: thenum of
ta.W with intereit thereon frornJiiiy 1. Wri.
at the rate of ill par cent per annum and S'JW.U)
attorney fees iu ald action anil nti and dl
burrc enU therein tazed1 hnvvtbu day levied
upon the land aforeiutld and on
Saturday the 23rd day of Daceiabar 1 H3,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. rn. la front of the
court houc door, iu the City of The lMlleH, la
taid Couuty and Bute. I will tell tald land at
publle auction, to the highest bidder therefor
T A. Wabu,
hherltr of Waac County, Hutc of Orveon.
. uovzitd
Lumbago. Sekstfoif
Kidney complaints,
is. tmtvt ELEtoif KLT
With Sleetro Maaytlo IMPIMUHY.
Win tun wttaoat aMdkla ail Wtaiaaa lapiHIni f met
cnrruatioQ of braia aara (sraaai aaaaaaaacirUdu
cnUno, aa Drrw 6Ulr.T. alaiaaaMaa. laaauor,
rbramatuai. kldixr. Urar aailMMUar aoaipUiau.
1" tc. lanUaca. arrlllfaa, all fiantl aoaapialaU
twfii toimaiiai ortr 11 nlaaj ttma Ii
luxtaiitlr f.liW nr or va fertait l,aa,a. n)
will cur alloc tka uxm diaaaaaa or so iavr- Taau.
unit bava ln carwj by taia atmlni inimiun
r. h
aiur all MW rnolMa (ajivi. aa4 va min fcuadJtda
ot UfUtaauUm to laia aa4 tnmrf mftmt atiiM.
rrrSiai: boos r ettttmi w
Va. S7i a-'Uat iu-tiet, J'Uil'iXiiiJ C."
a r ffrad k jat, noil aUkall
art TlaiVia mtmmJSmVSlntl fm N
a torlUut'J faapLlat, tutiUtl .v.lmi, U$
ljib Ornca, The Dulle. Or.,i
Nov. 'j, iv,i. (
Hotlce 1 hereby Klvn that the folloirinr
named tetlter hn tiled notice of hi Intention to
make Until proof in aupport of hi. clultn und thut
tuld proof will be made before thu reUter iind
receiver at The litilk-n, Oregon, on ednemhiy,
Icerabur IT. WJZ, viz
Hewitt ItliiK,
Homestead Applicntlim ho. 'ii, for the Ni nf
al'. and i:U of riWi4 r.t 10, 1 p. ' ti K H Knat.
He name the followlnt; wltnexeM to prove hla
continuum realtluiicv upon and cultlrutlou of
tald laud, viz-
II. W. Wellt, of Tba Dallen, Or., CharU-a
Kanton, Jatuea tuatim and i'uul limerotb of
Nuuk'jiie, Or.
Joary I jwi, KeeUtur.
lly virtue of an execution nud order of anle
luuedoulof the Circuit Court of the htatc of
Oret;ou for Waaco Couutr, upon a decree and
judKmeut made, rendered and entered by auld
Court ou the 13th day of November, iM, in
favor of plaintiff, iu a tuit wherein Walter
iirveze waa plaintiff aud Alfred Kennedy and
(,'uroline Kennedy were defendant, aud tome
directed and dullvertd, coumaudliiK h' levy
upon and ll the landa mentioned and de
scribeil In tald writ, aud hereinafter described,
1 did, ou the 4th day of December, duly
levy upon, and will aell at public auctlou, to the
highest bidder, for caah In hand, ou
Mouday.tua at lb day f January , IHU4,
i Knllea
at 2 o clock, In the afternoon of aald day, lit the
, trout door of the Couuty Courthouae In
order City in Waaco Couuty, Oregon, nil of the lamia
and premlaea deacrlbed iu aald writ, aud herein
eacribed an lollowa, to wlt
All of block ten (10) in what la known aa the
Military Ueaenation Addition to Dallea City,
Waacu Couuty, Oregon, and according to the
inup and plau of aald city aud addition thereto,
or ao much thereof aa ahull bu nilfllclnut to ant
ily the aiiui of J.f7T!.'(, ulth Interval thereon at
Iheratuof ten per t-eut. per annum alucu No
vember lath. Ift'JCS, H0.00 attorney' (tea, and coata In auld ault, together with coata of
aald writ and accruing coat of anle.
Huerlfl of Waaco County, Oreuon.
Dateil at llnllea City, Or,, Dec 4, lhW. ilJiw.'.
Exeeator's (iotlee to Crsditors.
Notice It hereby given thai the Couuty Court
at W. E. &arretson's Store.
Laiies' Solid Gold Watches reflncefl from $45 to &,
reduced to
reduced to
Gold Watches worth $40,
Gold Watches worth 5,
old Watches worth 15,
reduced to 18.
America! Coin Silver Watches reduced to $13.
Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains
reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6.
The abovo is a sample of thn bargain to ha
had for a few flay.s.
A. R. Thompson,
Ky virtue of an execution aud
of idle iaaued out ol the Circuit Court
of the atate ot Oregon for the couuty
of Waaco, to mt directed, commanding
uie to malic aaleof the laud in aald wrlt.deacrlb'
1 to vrlt, thoacpiecea nnd jmrcela of laud in
Waaco Couuty, Kute of Oregon, known aud de
acribl a all of aectlou three 31, and thu aotith
half of the aoutheaat quarter of aectlon four (tj,
aud the aouth half of aectlon five (i; and thu
north half of aectlon eight Oj, all iu Towuahlp
one (I), north of lunge fourteen (14 eaat of the
Willamette meridian, to make and pay the ittm
of money, in tuld Court adjudged, to U paid V
the iilaititlf! In laid action, la which action The
hollcltont Loan aud Trual CompmiT were plain
tiff and Jamea liootfa, Martha 11 Booth, Kverett
fc. Hall. J i leClurc, ruruh H McClure. V O.
Alter, lialpb Itogera, Julia N Itren, Uri Km
body, J. M. Taylor aud J. V Kilwariia were do
feudanu, to-wit, theaumof Aio with inter
eat thereon fro July 1, )'-. at thu rate of alx
aaa rwar aaraii1ri mnei 'aUl (Ik .v.. I I..
aaidacUonandCMUMddlaburmeuU therein . 'j' ,th htate of Oregon for Wco Counti h ,
ted. I have thia day lev ltd upon the land ' 'AM,r "M'nteil the underalgnwl the exwutor of
Succanor to LESLIE BUTLER.
Will eouatnntly kaop ou hand a complete Hue of
. ..i.ilnll 01
Hiivlng purchal Mr. Ilutliir a untlro abKik, 1 ahatl endenwir to mnlutalli the tl
thu hoiine, which Ima ben
. Call and see me, next door to Fostofflce.
Olioloeat. XAteat, Olxoaa
Holiday Present.
silviuipe, Ueuialpy, Wtch, ook, Toy,
the luat will und teatauient of Cmtmv V li.r.
(leceul. All peraona havili(r claim attalnal i
thoeauttcof aald deceuted ere hereby tcquln-d I
i V"""1 ini inu inoper voucnera.
above deacrlbed and on
ftatard) tbS3a ar of 1-lvraiiiliar, ia3,
at me nour ot iu a. m., in unutoi thci-ourt to preaent uieui, wun uio proiwi
houae door, In too city of Thu U Ilea In axld I within alx month from tho date of ttila notice,
vuuhi anu .wiki t wit, avii aaiu imiiu ill puuuc ' " aiim iiai-uuiui ni inn pinec oj reaiueilCr, near
auction, to the hlsbeat bidder thetcfor Dalle t.'ity, lu anid county, or at thu otllce of
T A WAn. W,1I, WIoii,inaiiIdl).lkCltv.
riht-rilTof Wiuco county, Btute of Orefun. ' U;ilAi;i, DOVl.K, Kzvcutor
rsiiTA'td Ualedthli lat dujr of llovembvr, WM. 6tw
The fjublio is invited to examine our goods before
purchasing elsewhere.
trnTl'tlim the lowest, and aro uroatly reducoU. Ulomng oui
of Toys and noiuatiy boouh at -.jbi.
lecoad it.. Tke Dalles. Or, X. O. WTlo!