.--.v.,.r.Tr.t!ww VOL. JWUta. . Ji t esjc amies siP ci) VJl. THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ruhlMit-rt Dully, iinday Kir-eptod. II v tHK CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. mtnut :Wind and VtHHhtllgtou Street, Tho Dalle, Oregon 1898. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TilAN.-Al'T A OKNKItALJSANKlNU 11031NKSS -I nfill, of Nulicrltliin LjBotitb.by carrier iunltwr je (X) . AO . 5 rum TAiti.i:s. KuIIiomiI. Ill fllirt AllRllot fi, 1S33. ,o ..nil"'" 10.ft5 l :. Depart K:00 l: St. wi:T ItOONll. o.i..if;ivi-K3 :iy a. st. Depart 3:ii a. m. iacai.. rr' T'lrtlniid nt 1 v. si. Depart (or I'ortlnnd nt 8 v. si. fo loai Irclshl that curry piinMinser leave fur tlio tl nt MUU a. si.t mid oiii; for the at! nt i , A. it. he fur liU TAtiKM .Mi'Vlllf, Un. liakc Ovun, leave daily Mitchell, Canyon City, Icnvc for Aiteiopc, uily r li a si far 'jlur, KiiikkIi-v, VVivmlf, Wuplnithi, Warm ori'iKi nd Tygh Valley. Icnvc rtiillj, except i:.Jh ii' 0 a. K. - ii .dendulc, Wah , ivuvc every dy of the iti' ul ept riutljny lit 7 A. M Oirv lor ill I line nt the L'mntlllit Houe. 11 (I lilllJlEIJ. ATTOIIXEV-AT-I.AW OfllCU II. ( ourt street, The Unite, Orecim. letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. lyonis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President - - Vice-President, -Cashier, - - - NO. 7. "She Looketh Well to the ways of her household." Yes, Solomon is right; that's what the good housekeeper everywhere does, But her ways are not always old ways. In fact she has dis carded many unsatisfactory old ways. ' For instance, to-day she is using Rio Janeiro Captured by the Insurgents, p. December 4th. Lobeiigulu lied. ! Plunder Rhodes announces that the na tives are daily yielding guns and asse gais in large numbers and the Matabeles are submissively settling in the email kraals. NEWS NOTEi 7j. F. Moody Chaulks Hilton M. A. Moody ' General Hanking Business Transacted. i t ui rrr. ruANt; jit.NtrtE. r F' 11. A MENKKKK ATTOBNKYh - AT U uo -Itnotno I.' and . over l'ot jr" Iti.lidlin;, Entrance ou Washington street lav little, Oregon. . , LKNXKTT. ATTORNEY AT-LAW. OI A. hce lu Schituuo i building, uji talr. Tlie jik-, Orccon. t, r. xa y. h. m.mcmtinotox. h. . wzlui. WAYS. HUNTINGTON & WILsON Arroc .11 kkth-aT-law -Olllces, Kreiich'i. lilnek over nntNutluiiRl Hank. ' a Diiutn. uri-Rou. tl' II WIIiOS Tl Erencu ATTOKSK T-AT-LA W K(K)m i Co.'k liitnk bullillue, second I Ui- liHlien.OreKOU. J.' 5ITHEUI.ANI), I.. f. M. . 1". T. M. C. I'll lrluu mill Mir- i i ...ui El'llll. lUKIlllli .1 IIIIU I, l.IIIIIIIIIlll U1VK Enileure 1 n r.n. 'llupriibury'h, w ent end of r-vooiid nS. KaUEIJlAN (IIOM J:0!-ATIIIC A irill hUKIIKU. V.nil uurvtiw -lror ulKlit, city or country. 1 uaimuii u1ik:k. 1'KYhlCIAK promiitly, OHice o. 'Muua wtl DH O. I). JU A N K I'HYHICIAS A.SII HCR UKiiif. OUicc. room 5 utid C llhnpmiiu k KenIdeiJW o. L. corner Oourt itud ')Ur:h utreetii, . nd diKir from the corner. Mfcce boar U to 12 A. it., - t" a i.urt T to 1'. M. I'l AI.L Uestict. i.ibi Kiven for the I. HiliUeii(i extmctlon of tvetb. Alho tijth tiiiwt.it itluisluum jilnte. Roonin tilgu of .t, mlilvii Totitb, Becond otreet. "Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOKK. SAN FKANC1SC0, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on fnvoreble at all accessible points. terms J. d. ftCHK.'.'CK, I'reMdeut. J M l'ATTEI'.IO.V, CaKhier. first Rational Bank. 'HE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Scuknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liehe. H. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmiin & wagon shod the New Shortening, instead of lard: And this is in itself a rea son why "she looketh well " in another sense, for she eats no lard to cause poor digestion a::J a worse complexion. Cottolene i3 mucli better than lard for all cooking pur poses, as every one who has tried it declares. Have you tried it? For sale everywhere. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Cenu'mc made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK, BOSTON. "The Regulator Line" ALSO A HATTLK IX THE INTERIOR Eighting lktwccn Italian Troops and Dervishes-Fight With King Lobengtila. Pkunamiilto, Dec. 22. The startling I rumors have t cached here from various sources, which lend an air of credulity to them, to the effect that the insurgent fleet at Rio Janeiro, after two days' desultory fighting, made a determined ' attack in force and captured the city. It I is added President Peixoto has resigned in favor of Admiral de Mello, and that Peixoto is a prisoner.gThoiiRh this is a I general rumor, it is right to add that the I people of Pernambuco do not credit it. A correspondent was unable to obtain a , reply to messages sent south, and mes I sages from the Associated Press corres- pondent at Rio are apparently inter rupted, lending color to the belief that something extraordinary has happened. A battle between the rebels and the government forces is reported as fought yesterday in the interior. Fifty govern ment troops are said to have been killed. ANOTIIEK ACCOUNT OF THE I1ATTLE. Buenos Ayees, Dec. 22. A severe en gagement between Brazilian insurgents and government troops is reported to have taken place Itajahy, north of Des terro. It is said that 400 were killed and a large number wounded. The govern ment is said to have captured the rebel , warship Madero. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. sociirriiift. V AM O LODGE, NO. IS, A. K. & A 11 M. Meetd brut and third Monday of each month at 7 i General Blacksmithiug and Work done promptly, and all work ! Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lien's old Stand, rul.LKS KOYAL AttCll CIIAl'TEH NO. fi. U Meet tn Munonlc Hull the third Wtxtueodiiy .'tch month at T J'. M. MODE UN WOODMEN OK Til E WOULD. .11 A!t. Hood Camii No. 6U.Metiti.Tuei.diiy even bVOeaoh week In Fruteritlty Hall, ut7:3U I', in. OOLl'MBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. K. Meet L every Friday evening at ?:: o clock, in K. o! 1' ball, corner tiet'ond nud Court utrcctx. ifi.'ournlliK brother are welcome. E. I LOUOll, Hec'y. U. A. 11IM.NN. 0- NO NEWS AT WASHINGTON. Washington, Dec. 22. The govern ment has received no advices indicating the capture of Rio Janeiro, though it has been believed for some time that Peixoto is losing ground, and is liable to serious le verses at any time. Officials are inclined to think that if decisive re sults were reached Captain Picking would have been heard from. At the Brazilian legation the report is doubted, but the ordinary daily message lias not been received, and apparently something has occurred to delav it. To Kidnap llnliy Itutli. AiiiLENi:, Kan., Dec. 21. Letters writ ten by one R. F. Rock and dated Topeka have been tound here. They outline a scheme for kidnaping Ruth Cleveland next month. Five people are named as implicated in the deal. At first it was thought to be a fake, but developments show it is probably the scheme of a crank who had been hanging around the city recently, but who lias gone' East. TWO WOMEN INVOLVED. The police are reticent about the mat ter, but it is known two women are in volved in the plot. The date for abduc tion was set for some time in Januarv. NEWS OF THE STATE. THROUGH PKlENDrfllir LODGE, NO. I)., I even , K. of I'. Meet ltv Mondav evening at 7:30 o'clock, lu rchauno' bulldlni;, corner of Court and Second r.rwjt. Sojourning incuibem ure cordially In. riled. W. B. Ckam. J) W.Vauhk. K. of K. and R. 'JL- fadEMULY NO. iKX, K. OK U-Mect hi K. A of 1 hall the econd and luurtb edue Iatk of each month at 7:80 ji. m. U'OMKN'H OHKISTUN TE.Ml'KKENCK UNION will meet every Krlday afternoon it 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are Invited. HAI1.MON LODGi: No.fi0t,I.O..T.-i:eKUlur weekly meettiiKii Krlday at b r. M., a' fraternity Hall. All ore tuvltett. L. C I'll KIDMAN, O. T. K. U. KI.ECK, he TEM1M.E 1X)D0E NO. S, A. O. U. V . MeeW In Fraternity Hull, over helium, n Kocoud Uwit, ThuriKlay evuultiKH at "VM. ..,.,. II. IIANhbN, W 8 Myrim, Fltmncler. MJkV. IA8. NE8MITII J'OriT, No. SI, U. A. K. Meet )(every baturday at T.'M v. x., in the h. of 1'. 10.- foitrtb Thuriidiiy each w. i;i:aiy, ITeii. House Moving! k MKItll'AN 11A1LWAY t'NION, NO. i MeuU econd mid ptli in K. of T. hall. 11 Jom:h, Sec y. K. Meet every buuduy aftcrnoou In Hull. buudav R OK . tuts IV. Ol J . fllAA.su VKitEIN Meet every y eveiilnit III the K. ofl'. 1IiU. U Or L, V. DIV1HION, No. lC7-Muetln P K. of 1'. Hull the brut and third Wedueit ?Ti'f eimh month, at 7:Wt v. H. THK VIIIIKUIIKN. jilT. i'KTERH OHUUfll -Kcv. Kiither Hiio.nh-i-' onaitT t'aator. Liw Miihh every Sunday at Jj'- High Miw nt I0;ao a. . Vfir at CT, I'AULH OHtTKCH -I'nloii btreet, opiKttdte Htth, Uov.KlID.HutCillliiKi'Ctor. Hervlce JJ'fyhunday at 11 x. u. and 7.:i0 r. st. titinday "wiol'js A, Ml EvunliiK I'raytirou rrlday at LMltHT UAITI8T OUUllOII-Kev. 0. T. TAY . bois, 1'antor, Morning ervltv every Hub r!" nt tbu awtrtumy at 11 a. m. biibbath -noo immedlatulv after morning Mirvice. I')eriiitjt)tii(f Friday evuiilng at I'aator'H renl Vyf' u"llM' "orvlceH In the court hoiibo lit (JONGUKOATIONAL CHUC1I-Kuv. W. 0. y OiJiijia, I'aator. HervJci-a overy Kuiiday at 1 1 JL'.;, m 7 ". M. Suiiday bohcKil after morning "'Vict-. Htraiigoracontlally Invited. KeaU free. 8nr.H Hervlcea every Hiindny moriilngiit 1 Jgn'lay Kflboot at livjo o'efook r m. Ej J. Whimleh, iiahtor. ny moruliiKiit 11 n. in. LtioV.7 0,"" at vivat o ciooa r m. iwortn Th. i "l ":1U t'rnyer meeting every iufiiV,; ovotiltiK t 7:80 o'clock. A cordial In' to ii ' citeudetl by both .utor and i.'ople QHttlHTlAN UHUKOII-Kkv.I' II Mcdi'rixY ij, "lr. Frcachlnglii the OhrlHtliin I'litucli are A, ',u.f " Jl "I I5'AN0ELIUAL iSii-A. Horn, uSi -om l p,m A COrdlM' wolw,mo and 7 iO )i, in, All LUTHKltAN'K'lntli ktr..t. Andrew Velarde JS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honsu moving outfit in eastern uregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles J. F. FORD, Evaielist, 01 De Molne, lown, write under date oi March 23, mi- H. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 jiounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well tleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your H. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from nie. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yourn, Mil & Mits. J. F. Fouu. If you wluli to feci freh and cheerful, and ready for tlio Spring' work, cleuuiiu your ytem with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking twooi three doe each week. Hold under r. positive guarantee. (iO cents per bottle by nil druggUt. Frelgni anfl Psssenger Line Through Tri-Weekly 'Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and' Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at U a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. l'AHSENGKll KATEH, One way Round trip. ,.f2.00 . tf.lX) I'anlc in a Courtroom. .M:w loitK, uec. . mere was a panic in Judge Steckler's court, situated in the building on the corner of Second avenue and First street, this morning. There were some 1,500 people in attend -' ance on some petty civil cases. When about half of them were disposed of, a I rumbling sound was heard, and with a ; cry that the building was collapsing a ruth was made for the doors. For a time the courtroom was the scene of the i wildest excitement' People fought with ; one another in their efforts to reach the , street. Before half the crowd had got I out the Hour sank some tnree lect, which added to the excitement. This was followed by a bulging of the walls All L'ot out in fnfetv, however. The buildiiiL' has been condemned several times. C. F. STEPHENS, Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, oill be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 '. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, B W. C. ALLAWAY, Oeuorul A Kent. F. LAUGHLIN, (ii'iieral Managfr. THE DALLES, OREGON D1JAI.KK IN DRY GOODS ( LOTHING tSooU, Hliooii, Hut, Ktc. FanciJ (joodg, (lotion?, Etc. Ktc. Etc. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE CREAM. Candies and Nuts StoSpecialtiesj Flnost Peanut Roaster In The Dalleu' Ttvo ruii.T for tlm Trice of One. The St. Louis Gi.ohk-Dk.mocicat Semi- Weekly Tuesday and Friday Eight Pages each issue Sixteen Pages every week only one doli.au a ykak, is unquestionably the biggest, best and cheapest national news journal published in the United States. Strictly Republi can in politics, it still nvi:s all the news, and gives it at least three days earlier than it can bo had from any weekly paper published anywhere. Th farmer, merchant or professional man who desires to keep promptly and thor oughly posted, but has not the time to read a lame dailv miner, will find it in- dispensible. Remember the price, only one dollak a YEAit. Sample copies free. Address, Oloue Piiintinu Co., Sr. Louik, Mo. Victory tor tlio Itulluii. Rome, Dec. 22. Moccnai, minister of war in the chamber of deputies, today announced the victory of the Italian troops over tho Dervishes between ICas sala Agordat in northeastern Africa. The Dervishes threatened to attack Agordat at night. The battlo took place yesterday. Tho Dervishes numbered 10,000 and were completely routed, leav ing several hundred dead. Sixty Hags and a mitrailleuse ;wero captured by the Italians. The mitralllouso was made in England. Tho Italian loss was two officers killed and two wounded. Second St., The Dalles. 2 3 8 2d Street A I'lglit With J.obeiiKUllt. Cai'E Town, Dec. 22. Natives who ar rived at Buluwayo report that Captain Wilson and 35 men, who were thought to liuvo been massacred after falling in- I mi PO At right lde to a Matabele ambush, defeated King J. rULLU wr.K,tauranL'' Lobengula's force, beyond the Shangani Game Warden McGuire and his dep uty at Albany are making it tropical for the violators of the game law? in that vicinity, and tho former has secured evidence against quite a number of other violators in Yamhill, Benton and Marion counties, and is determined to put a stop to killing birds and game out of season. Mr. Botefuhr makes a good Eecond to Mayor Mason's gift of a carload of flour by contributing a carload (400 bushels) of potatoes, to be distributed at the same time and place that the flour is to be dis tributed. There is an additional dona tion of 1,000 loaves of bread by the Ore gon German Baking Company, to be dis tributed at the same time, and another 1,000 loaves by the Pacific Bakery Com pany donated to the city board of charities. The unsatisfactory result of Mrs Williams' last fast, which lias left her in a precariou' condition, and the fatal ending of the fast of Mrs. Wells, do not Eeem to have dissuaded the faithcurist and a surprisingly large number of per sons are now going through the wilder ness. The associates of Mrs. Williams will not confirm the rumor that she verv much dissatisfied with the results of her 40 davs' abstinence from food though they admit she has made no im portant revelations since coming out of the "wilderness," and that the condition of her health is serious. DEFINITIONS OF TITLES. Tin: praetor was a magistrate elect ed for tiie purpose of administering justice when the consuls were absent from Home. There were two praetors, one for the city and one for places at a distance. iMi'Er.AToit was originally a title of honor bestowed 'on a victorious yen eral. After the downfall of the repub nc it Lccaine me title ot the supreme ruler, and had the sense of our word emperor. Tin: only genuine sheikh is the gov ernor of Medina, ins office is said to date from the time of the Prophet. It is now generally applied as an hon orary title to the head man of an Arab village. Tin: title grand duke was of medi eval origin, being first found in Mos cow in the eleventh century. It trav eled to southern Europe in 15(10, when i'ius V. bestowed it on Cosmo de Medici. Landoiiavi: is the only one of tlio old Teutonic titles that survives. It was invented in lliiO by Luuis of 'J'hur ingiu, to distinguish himself from the crowd of th-afs who filled the (ifrmau courts. A mono ancient and medieval sov ereigns the universal custom was to give a list of the various countries over which the monarch ruled, or was .supposed to rule, und the relation ho bore to eaclL It .Should Itu in Kvtiry Hiiui.ii .1. 11. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- hurg, Pa., says hu will not be without Dr. King's Now Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had ilouo her no good, Robert Burlier, of Cookspoil, Pa., claims Dr. King's Now Discovery lias done him inoio good than anything ho ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin- ersly's. Largo bottles, SOc. and $1.00. Mitchell of Oregon is interesting him self in a revival of tlioTorroy bankruptcy bill, and is quite panguino of success, notwithstanding the defeat of tho hill in the house. Tho Hon. Hugh MeCurdy, grand master of tho If nights Templar of tho United States, was married at Charlotte, Mich., Thursday afternoon to Miss Linnia J. Goodrich. .loliu Roth, a laboring man, was held up Thursday evening in one of the most populous thoroughfares in St. Paul by a woman and robbed of ij.'l". Roth had $200 with him, which the woman over looked, lie says she was very cool, of medium build, and that two' women followed her. Commodore Stanton, detached from the command of the South Atlantic squadron for saluting Admiral Mello in the harbor of Rio, hasjbeen restored to duty and assigned to tho command of the North Atlantic tquadron. This is regarded as perhaps tlio choicest station of the command. A bottle has been found'nt sea near Almoira.on the Mediteranean, with this message inside : "Owing to the storm tho steamer Carolina, belonging to Bil boa, foundered off Boquetas. All hands, with the exception of myself, were lost. I alone am left and am awaiting the hour of my death." Tho message was simply signed "Captain." The govern ment has sont a gunboat to search for traces of such a wreck off Boquetas. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffico at The Dalles un called for, Saturday, Dec. ,23d, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised: Mr Chas Crazt, M F Heavy, Mrs Hellen C Da- Mrs A B Jones, vis (3), James Minihone, Mr N Frakes, J W Osborne, Mr Antonio Fouster, Mr Iliran Reed, Mr John W Gullin- Mr Henrv Kodman, ger, W L Spicor. Mr Robert Hayes, Mr Joseph Stourin, Mr (ieo Hansen, Bill Yannostian, Prod Taylor. M. T. Nolan, P. M. Tho Great Euiilih rtoincdr. rr.!;'!.1.- und i.-rr.-.Kaently cares t il Coras of SScrvous ireabnaa, i mhilarj. Sperm atorrhea, Imro'.ncu and all effects of Abuse or Excesses. Ecca prescribed over 85 yearsln thousands of cases; J est medlcina lnown. Ask. drnsglst fcr WooJ's Pbojohodlnej if bo offers tor.it worthless medk'Ino In place of tills, Ioavo hid dishonest store, Incloso prlco la letter, and tro will send by return mall. Price, ouo package, 81; Bli, S?. 0ncc11lplcc.se, alxvitllcnre. Pamph let In plala scaled envelope, 2 cent! postage. Address Tlio Wood Clio in lent Co., 131 'Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich. Sold in Tho Dalles by JUiikeley it Huugtou. It will pay you to call at the Columbia Candy Factory and get prices on Christ mas candies and ornaments, llovt'H Till! Wo oiler one hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O. We tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and flnanciallv able to carry out any obligation made by their linn. West it Traux. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Winding. Kiiinan tV Marvin, hole- salo Druggists, Totetlo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and muc ous hiirfuce of Hie svstt'in. i'rlco oc. ter bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. Tes timonials free. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. If. Dal- ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan., called at the labaratory of Chamberlain ik Co., Des Moines, to show them his six-year-old hoy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of it very severo at tack of croup. Mr. Daltou is certain that it taved his hoy's life and is enthu siastic in his praise of tho Remedy. For sale by Blakoley it Houghton. Before purchasing your Christmas undies and Chiistmas tree ornaments it will pay vou to examine goods and get prices at ('umplmll Bros. Karl's Clover lloot, tno new blood purifier, gives freshness anil clearness to the complexion nud cures constipation. 2re.,fi0i!, mid $1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE